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New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. 68. "Miss Edwards possesses the gift of humour indispensable to the making of a good novel...... A simple, straightforward story."-Pall Mall Gazette. The OLD HOUSE at SANDWICH. By Joseph Hatton, Author of 'Three Recruits,' &c. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. "It is impossible to miss the fascination of interest, of stirring change and novelty, of lifelike incident, of exciting adventure, in Mr. Joseph Hatton's singularly vivid novel." Daily Telegraph. THE ENGLISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS THE EARLIER HISTORY OF BOOKSELLING. FOR 1888. Containing a Complete List of all the Books published in Great Britain and Ireland in the Year 1888, with their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers' Names; also of the principal Boaks published in the United States of America, with the addition of an Index to Subjects. Royal 8vo. 58. By WILLIAM ROBERTS. Crown 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. "A gossiping volume..... Although comparatively little has been written about the history of bookselling, it is difficult to say much that is new upon the subject, since most of the material is available in a scattered form in various biographies, volumes of memoirs, and ana generally. But Mr. Roberts has worked industriously in the collection of this scattered information, and has strung it together with due regard to proportion and literary form. The EDLINGHAM BURGLARY; or, Circumstantial Every bookish man will find in the volume much to interest him."-St. James's Gazette. Evidence. By the Rev. J. J. M. PERRY, M.A. F.R.A.S., Vicar of St. Paul's, Alnwick "A complete and connected narrative of this extraordinary criminal romance in all its successive phases. The narrative, with its descriptive passages, its dialogues, and its running commentary, takes something of the form of a work of fiction."-Daily News. HALF A CENTURY of AUSTRALASIAN PROGRESS: [Next week. a Personal Retrospect. By WILLIAM WESTGARTH. Demy 8vo. cloth. Part I. Itinerary of the Tour-Part II. A Series of Articles on General Questions of Australasia, the Colonies, and the Empire. An EXPOSITION of the PRINCIPLES of PARTNER SHIP. By JAMES PARSONS, A.M., Member of the Philadelphia Bar, &c. Demy 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. Now ready, price ONE SHILLING, HARPER'S MAGAZINE. APRIL Number. Containing GABIONS OF ABBOTSFORD. Illustrated. (NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED.) TANGIER and MOROCCO. Illustrated. B. Constant. NORWAY and its PEOPLE, Illustrated. B. Björnson. &c. &c. Over 60 Illustrations. WHAT MUST I DO to GET WELL? and HOW CAN "This is a very clear and interesting exposition of the treatment proposed by Dr. Salisbury. TRAVEL-TIDE. By W. St. Clair Baddeley, Author of Tchay and Chianti: a Short Visit to Russia and Finland.' Small post 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. NATURALISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY for STUDENTS of the ART. By Dr. P. H. EMERSON, BA. MB (Cantab.), Author of 'Pictures of East Anglian Life,' 'Life and Landscape on the Norfolk Broads,' &c. 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With Notes and The ODYSSEY of HOMER. Book IX. With Introduction, BONNECHOSE. LAZARE HOCHE. With 4 Maps, Book VIII. Chaps. 1-90. With Notes, Introduction, L'ÉCOLE des FEMMES. Moliere. With Introduction GAI IULI CAESARIS de BELLO GALLICO. Com. SELECTIONS from MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS. 3s. II., III. With Maps and English Notes. 2s. BY A. SIDGWICK, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. M. TULLI CICERONIS ORATIO PHILIPPICA On STIMULUS. A Lecture delivered for the Teachers' Training Syndicate at Cambridge, May, 1882, New Edition. 18. SECUNDA. With Notes and Introduction. 3s. 6d. COMPLETE CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. London: C. J. CLAY & SONS, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, Ave Maria-lane. F. V. WHITE & CO.'S NOVELS AT ALL CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. I. LONG ODDS. By Hawley Smart, Author of The Outsider,' 'Cleverly Won, The Pride of the Paddock, &c. 3 vols. Since the production of 'The Great Tontine' Hawley Smart has not Invented such an ingenious plot as the one he has woven in Long Odds.' ....There is a great deal of humour in the character of old John Reamton.... The heroine, Lucy, has more individuality and spirit than is usual with heroines.... If what is wanted is a good story on a wet day, by a man who is thoroughly master of his subject, the public cannot do better than try Long Odds.'"-Saturday Review. "This story shows no diminution in Hawey Smart's power as a novelist. Long Odds, though in three volumes, oddiy enough never sems long; it is full of cash and sparkle, and thoroughly amusing from start to finish."-Punch "A dashing story, full of bright dialogue, bold characterization, and exciting incident is Hawley Smart's last novel, Long Odds...... With its rapid alternations of style and situation it cannot fail to find gratified readers, especially amongst the habitual devourers of fiction, who will find in Hawley Smart's racy pages the literary olives which are indispensable to the thorough enjoyment of even the best orthodox vintages in the bins of Messrs. Smith and Mudie.... Minor characters in the story are well drawn, and Long Odds must be written down as a particularly readable story, palpitating with actuality as our Parisian neighbours would say, from end to end."-Court Journal. "An excellent moral is pointed in Mrs. Henry Wylde's tale, 'Severed Ties,' while it has a pleasant flavour of old-fashioned romance.... The character of Leonora is an uncommon one, with much individuality.... Having introduced her personages, differing much as will be perceived from those of every-day romance, Mrs. Wylde proceeds to create a number of situations, some really strong, and all showing her to possess a considerable amount of dramatic instinct.... The author is a graphic word-painter. Thoroughly imbued with a sense of the many beauties of Venice, she renders her impressions in a fashion at once picturesque and vivid."-Morning Post. A DISTRACTING GUEST. By Mrs. ROBERT JOCELYN, Author of 100,000l, versus Ghosts, &c. 2 vols. "As a curious but pleasant story, remarkably well told, it must be said at once that 'A Distracting Guest is a very readable novel. There is neither complicated plot nor attempt at elaborate sketches of either character or country.... The distracting guest at this happy home of Havant is the cousin Gladys a strange but beautiful girl-round whom is wound a narrative of provoking incidents.... The reader is carried lighty and pleasantly to a happy termination of the numerous incidents that occasion wonder, and that are interwoven with considerable literary skill with the narrative.... The story is told with spirit, and will be read with pleasure."-Scotsman. VI. SPENCER BLACKETT'S LIST. NOW READY, at all Libraries, 2 vols. 218. A Study in Recent Evolution. By Mr. RANDOLPH, Author of 'One of Us,' ' Mostly Fools, &c. "To the Schoolgirl of the Period. "MADAM,-You are, I am informed, nowadays the sole THE TWO PILGRIMS. WHAT MEN LIVE BY. By COUNT LEO TOLSTOÏ. These little stories, issued in Russia as tracts for the people, possess all the grace, naïveté, and power which characterize the writings of Count Tolstoï, and while inculcating the ideas of love, humility, and charity, are perfect in their art-form as stories pure and simple. Adapted for Easter Presentation. HIDDEN in MY HEART. By Dora Russell, LATEST MONTHLY SHILLING VOLUMES. Author of Quite True,' &c. 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By James Stanley Little. Second SQUARE By CURTIS YORKE, Author of Hush,' &c. Paper cover, 1s; cloth, 1s. 6d. "It is a cleverly contrived story, written with an appropriate vigour of style and likely to interest all who take it up."-Scotsman Edition. "IT IS THYSELF." By Mark Andre RAFFALOVICH, Author of 'In Fancy Dress,' &c. Crown 8vo. black and yellow cover, 3s. 6d. ROMANTIC BALLADS and POEMS of PHANTASY. By WILLIAM SHARP. Second Edition. Parchment limp, 38. "Verse of this kind is so exceptional that one can only speak of it in terms of grateful appreciation. We shall naturally look for more of the same quality from the same source; but no fountain, however affluent, yields such streams every day." - Academy. DEATH'S DISGUISES, and Other SONNETS. By FRANK T. MARZIALS. Parchment limp, 3s. "Mr. Frank T. Marzials' charming and finely wrought little book of poems."-Scotsman. THE NOVOCASTRIAN SERIES. Square 8vo. One Shilling each. AGAINST the GRAIN. By Charles T. C. 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This day is published, A DREAMER of DREAMS, A Modern "Original and artistic....Comes very near to being a tremendous feat of fancy."-Athenæum. NEW BOOK BY THE AUTHOR OF MISS MOLLY.' ELIZABETH, and other Sketches. By the Author of Miss Molly, Delicia, Eugenie,' &c. Crown 8vo. 68. "A sketch which is very charming, but whose charm is of the delusive kind that baffles description in few words.... The figures are not less charming, and probably more impressive for moving in a background of curious interests. The book as a whole is, in an unassuming way, a prose legend of good women."-Scotsman. This day is published, NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION, The LIFE of PRINCIPAL TULLOCH, D.D., ST. ANDREWS By Mrs. OLIPHANT, Author of 'The Life of Edward Irving.' &c. With Portrait and Wood Engraving of Study at St. Mary's College. Post 8vo. 7s 6d. "Mrs Oliphant has drawn the Principal's portrait with a loving hand, but its fidelity will be acknowledged by all who knew him well. 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