BELVIDERE; Or, the WARNING MAIDEN. "A well written and really powerful story."-Newcastle Daily Chronicle. A NEW SOCIETY NOVEL Subscription, 108. 3d. for Six Months; 20s. 6d. for Twelve Months, including postage. The Sixth Series of NOTES AND QUERIES, complete in 12 vols. price 108. 6d. each Volume, conTWO DAUGHTERS OF ONE RACE. tains, in addition to a great variety of similar Notes and Replies, Articles of Interest on the following IN By C. H. DOUGLAS. A NEW BOOK OF TRAVEL OTHER [Just published. LANDS. By CAROLINE GEARRY, "A charming book of travels."-Morning Post. TWO NEW NOVELS AT ALL BOOKSTALLS. SAM SADDLEWORTH'S WILL. By M. SCOTT-TAYLOR, 1s. in pictorial cover (Second Edition). By EDITH HENDERSON. 18. DIGBY & LONG, Publishers, 18, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street, London. STANFORD'S TWO-SHILLING SERIES OF TOURIST'S GUIDES. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, with Maps and Plans. Berkshire. By E. WALFORD, M.A. The above Guides to North and South Devon in one vol. 38. 6d. English Lake District. By H. I. JENKINSON, F.R.G.S. Gloucestershire. By R. N. WORTH, F.G.S. London (Tourists' Guide Through). By the REV. W. J. LOFTIE, B.A., F.S.A. London (Round About). By the REV. W. J. Subjects: English, Irish, and Scottish History. The Plagues of 1605 and 1625-Wolves in England- Biography. Luis de Camoens - Thomas Bell-Cromwell-William Bibliography and Literary History. Shakspeariana-Chap-Book Notes-"Adeste Fideles"- Popular Antiquities and Folk-lore. Slavonic Mythology - Folk-lore of Leprosy - Lycan- Poetry, Ballads, and Drama. The Drama in Ireland-Tom Jones' on the French Popular and Proverbial Sayings. "To rule the roast"-"Licked into shape"-" Bosh". Miscellaneous. Christian Names-Election Colours-Buried Alive-0. K. Published by JOHN C. FRANCIS, 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C. SONGS of TWO WORLDS. Thirteenth Edition. 5s. SONGS of BRITAIN. Including 'A Song of Empire' and the 'Imperial Institute: an Ode.' Third Edition. 58. London: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH & Co. CHATTO & WINDUS'S NEWEST BOOKS. NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OF THE IRONMASTER.' DR. RAMEAU. By Georges Ohnet, Author of 'The Ironmaster,' &c. Translated by MRS. CASHEL HOEY. With 9 Illustrations by EMILE BAYARD. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 68. A NEW RUSSIAN ROMANCE. NIKANOR. Translated from the French of Henri Greville, Author of 'Dosia,' &c. With 8 Full-Page Illustrations. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6s. [Immediately. MR. SWINBURNE'S NEW VOLUME. HERBERT SEVERANCE: A New Novel. By M. FRENCH-SHELDON. Of all Libraries and Booksellers. POEMS and BALLADS. Third Series. By Algernon Charles LADIES' CLUB NOTE. The only Note Paper SWINBURNE. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 78. "It marks no declension in Mr. Swinburne's powers; the poetry is frequently of as high an order as anything he has written...... Will, we doubt not, be welcome to all lovers of English poetry." -Times. A NEW BOOK OF ADVENTURE, MR. STRANGER'S SEALED PACKET. By Hugh MacColl. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 5s. CHARLES GIBBON'S NEW STORIES. BLOOD-MONEY; and other Stories. By Charles Gibbon. 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth extra, 12s. Court or Heraldic Envelopes to match, 9d. per 100. THE GENTLEMAN'S NOTE.-A high-class Note Paper for Private and Professional Use. Has a special surface to suit all pens. THE GENTLEMAN'S NOTE.-See water-mark in each Sheet. CAN BE HAD OF ALL STATIONERS. Court or Heraldic Envelopes to match, 1s. per 100. ISOBATH" CONSTANT-LEVEL INKSTAND (Patented), constructed on a new principle offering unique advantages. Has a large Reservoir of Ink, secure from dust and evaporation, and a small Dipping-Well in which the Ink is always maintained at the same level. Made in a variety of useful and ornamental forms. Adapted for all climates. Sold by all Vendors of the "Swift" Writing Requisites. "SWIFT" RESERVOIR PENHOLDER (Patented). Hard Vulcanite throughout. Holds a large supply of Ink, secure from leakage, and ready for instant use. With NonCorrodible Iridium-pointed Pen, 2s. 6d.; with Gold Pen, Iridiumpointed, 58.; or best quality, 10s. 6d. Of all Stationers. "SWIFT" WIFT" STEEL PENS of every grade. GOLD PENS. Speciality: 6d. Iridium-Pointed Pens for the "Swift" Reservoir Penholder. Retail of all Stationers. "SWIFT BLUE-BLACK WRITING and COPY. ING INKS of guaranteed excellence, in convenient bottles, fitted with corkscrew. Prices 6d., 18., 28., and 3s. Lipped bottles for" Isovath," 6d. each. Of all Stationers. Sold Wholesale only by the Sole Manufacturers of the LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, AND ALL BRAIN WORKERS VITAL VAPOR! Cures Disease without Drugs. especially during work when solid food cannot be taken. It satisfies without loading the stomach, stimulates the system, and leaves none of the neurotic effects of tea and coffee. The perfect PURITY and delicacy of this Cocoa is testified to by Dr. HASSELL, The LANCET, The BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, HEALTH, &c., &c. MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. BY MATTHEW ARNOLD, D.C.L. LL.D. REPORTS on ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, 1852-1882. By Matthew Arnold, D.C.L. LL.D., one of H.M.'s Inspectors of Schools. Edited by the Right Hon. Sir FRANCIS SANDFORD, K.C.B. Crown 8vo. 78 6d. The SWISS CONFEDERATION. By Sir Francis Ottiwell Adams, K.C.M.G. C.B., late Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Bern, and C. D. CUNNINGHAM. With a Map. 8vo. 148. The World says:-"The main object of this new book is to give an account of the constitutional and political organization of Switzerland...... The book is so complete that it will suffice for all the needs of students of constitutions; there is much in it that will attract ordinary readers; and it is so full of new information that no visitors to Switzerland should be without it. We congratulate Sir F. O. Adams and Mr. Cunningham on the excellent use they have made of the special opportunities they have enjoyed." LIBRARY EDITION, UNIFORM WITH MR. BRYCE'S THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH.' The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. By James Bryce, M.P. D.C.L., Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Oxford. Eighth Edition. Library Edition. Demy 8vo. 148. The PLEASURES of LIFE. By Sir John Lubbock, F.R.S. D.C.L. LL.D. Part II. Globe 8vo. 3s. 6d. New and Cheaper Edition (Twenty-eighth Thousand) of Part I., sewed, 18.; cloth, 18. 6d. A NEW SELECTION OF THOMAS CARLYLE'S LETTERS. LETTERS of THOMAS CARLYLE, 1826-1836. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 2 vols. Uniform with the 'Early Letters of Thomas Carlyle, 1814-1826, Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle,' and Professor Charles Eliot Norton's Edition of 'Carlyle's Reminiscences.' Crown 8vo. 18s. The Academy says:-" What is even of greater consequence, these letters exhibit the reality, the almost daily pinch, of that struggle, in a manner and to an extent that have nowhere before been exhibited. Carlyle is here shown, as he has never yet been shown, acting both as the material and the moral mainstay of his family." An AUTHOR'S LOVE. 2 vols. extra crown 8vo. 128. Being the Unpublished Letters of Prosper Merimee's "Inconnue." SERMONS PREACHED in ST. THOMAS'S CATHE- DAYS and NIGHTS. Poems. By Arthur Symons. DRAL, BOMBAY. By the Right Rev. LOUIS GEORGE MYLNE, D.D., Bishop of Globe 8vo. 68. The LIGHT THAT LIGHTETH EVERY MAN: VENETIA VICTRIX; and other Poems. By Caroline FITZ GERALD. Extra fcap. 8vo. 38. 6d. FO'C'S'LE YARNS, including BETSY LEE, and other CHILDREN of the STATE. By Florence Davenport- A POETRY BOOK. Compiled by M. A. Woods, Head HILL. Edited by FANNY FOWKE. Second Edition, Revised and 8vo. 68. PROFIT SHARING BETWEEN EMPLOYER and FIRST and FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS: being a Treatise on Metaphysics. By JAMES M'COSH, D.D. LL D. Litt. D., Ex-President of The BACTERIA in ASIATIC CHOLERA. By E. Klein, M.D. F.R 8., Lecturer on General Anatomy and Physiology in the Medical School of The CHEMISTRY of PHOTOGRAPHY. By Raphael MELDOLA, F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the Technical College, Finsbury. PRINCIPLES of EMPIRICAL or INDUCTIVE LOGIC. BY F. MARION CRAWFORD. Mistress of the Clifton High School for Girls. Pott 8vo. In 3 vols. Vol. I., 2s. 6d.; The HOUSEHOLD HISTORY of the UNITED STATES TALES of the BIRDS. By W. Warde Fowler, M.Α., Sub-Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. The Guardian says:-"Mr. Fowler has produced a charming book, which none are too old and few too young to appreciate. He possesses the rare art of telling a story simply and unaffectedly; he is pathetic without laborious effort; he excels in suggesting the effect which he desires to produce...... The 'Tales of the Birds' would be an admirable present to any child, and if the grown-up donor read it first, the present would, in a peculiar degree, confer the double blessing which proverbially belongs to a gift." MACMILLAN'S BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG. -New Volumes. TWO LITTLE WAIFS. By Mrs. Molesworth, Author of Carrots,' 'The Cuckoo Clock,' &c. With Illustrations by Walter Crane, New and Cheaper Edition. Globe 8vo. 2s. 6d. CHRISTMAS-TREE LAND. By the Same Author. With Illustrations by Walter Crane. New and Cheaper Edition. Globe 8vo. 2s. 6d. NEW NOVELS. Author of 'With the Immortals,' 'Paul Patoff,' 'Mr. Isaacs,' 'Dr. Claudius,' BY JULIAN CORBETT. KOPHETUA the THIRTEENTH. By Julian CORBETT, Author of 'The Fall of Asgard,' 'For God and Gold,' &c. 2 vols. Glote 8vo. 128. Now ready, Vols. I., II., and III., with Portraits. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. each, Tae Nonconformist says:-" It is the best biography of Gordon that has yet appeared." The St. James's Gazette says:-"The incidents in Henry's life are clearly related, the account of the battle of Agincourt is masterly, and the style is eminently readable." LIVINGSTONE. By Mr. THOMAS HUGHES. The Spectator says:-"The volume is an excellent instance of miniature biography, for it gives us what we seek in such a book-a sketch of his deeds, but a picture of the man...... This excellent little book." LORD LAWRENCE. By Sir RICHARD TEMPLE. The Volumes to follow are: [In May. WELLINGTON. By Mr. GEORGE HOOPER. [In June. The STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK: a Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilized World. Revised after Official Returns. For the Year 1889. Edited by J. SCOTT KELTIE, Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. The Times says:-" Year by year 'The Statesman's Year-Book' grows in utility and size...... The hand of date, to make it as widely useful as possible, and, above all, to be accurate, is visible in almost every page." a laborious and careful editor, anxious to bring his work down to the latest MACMILLAN & CO. Bedford-street, London, W.C. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C. Printed by John C. FRANCIS, Athenæum Press, Took's-court. Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C.; and Published by the said John C. FRANCIS at 22, Took's-court, Oursitor-street, Chancery-tane, E.C. Agents for SCOTLAND, Messrs. Bell & Bradfute and Mr. John Menzies, Edinburgh.-Saturday, April 13, 1889, Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. No. 3208. SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1889. ROYAL INSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN, ADMISSION to the PAID STAFF of an established Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, W. JEAN PAUL RICHTER. Esq Ph.D. -Three Lectures on the Italian Renaissance Painters: their Associations, their Education, and their Employments (with Illustrations). On TUESDAYS, April 30, May 7, 14. Half-a-Guinea the Course. Professor E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A. LLD FR S-Four Lectures on Some Recent Biological Discoveries. On TUESDAYS, May 21, 28, June 4, 11. Half-a-Guinea. EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE, Esq. -Two Lectures on the Science of Animal Locomotion in its Relation to Design in Art (Illustrated by the Zoopraxiscope). On THURSDAYS, May 2, 9. Half-a-Guinea. Professor DEWAR, MA. F.R.S. M.R. I.-Five Experimental Lectures on Chemical Affinity. On THURSDAYS, May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13. Half-a-Guinea. JOSEPH BENNETT, Esq. -Four Lectures on the Origin and Development of Opera in England (with Musical Illustrations). On SATURDAYS, May 4, 11, 18, 25. Half-a-Guinea. Professor W. KNIGHT, LL D-Three Lectures on I. The Classification of the Sciences, Historical and Critical; II. Idealism and Experience, in Philosophy and Literature; III. Idealism and Experience, in Art and Life (the Tyndall Lectures). On SATURDAYS, June 1, 8, 15. Half-a-Guinea. Subscription (to Non-Members) to all the Courses during the Season, Two Guineas. Tickets issued daily. Members may purchase not less than Three Single Lecture Tickets, available for any Lecture, for Half-a-Guinea. The FRIDAY EVENING MEETINGS will be resumed on May 3rd, when Sir HENRY ROSCOE, M.P., will give a Discourse on Aluminium, at 9 PM Succeeding Discourses will probably be given by Professor DEWAR, Professor S P. THOMPSON, Rev S. J. PERRY, Professor MENDELEEF, Mr. A. GEIKIE, Mr. C. V. BOYS, and other gentlemen. To these Meetings Members and their Friends only are admitted. Persons desirous of becoming Members are requested to apply to the SECRETARY. When proposed they are immediately admitted to all the Lectures, to the Friday Evening Meetings, and to the Library and Reading Rooms; and their Families are admitted to the Lectures at a reduced charge. Payment: First Year, Ten Guineas; afterwards, Five Guineas a Year; or a Composition of Sixty Guineas. MUSICAL GUILD. Constituted by the ex Scholars and ex-Students of the Royal College of Music. FOUR CONCERTS of CHAMBER MUSIC, TOWN HALL, KENSINGTON. WEDNESDAY. May 22, 29, June 12, 19. Eighty M. Executants-Vocalists: Miss Anna Russell, Miss Sarah Berry, and Mr. Daniel Price. Pianoforte: Miss Marian Osborn. Miss Annie Fry, Miss Atalanta Heap, and Miss Maggie Moore. Violins: Mr Jasper Sutcliffe. Mr. Hadyn Hady Inwards, Mr. Waliace Sutcliffe, and Mr. Arthur Bent; Miss Winifred Holliday and Miss Z č Pyne Violas: Mr. Emil Kreuz and Mr. Alfred Hobday. Violoncellos: Mr. W. H. Squire and Mr. J. T Field. Horn: Mr. Joseph Smith. Accompanist: Mr. Frederic Sewell. - Stalls (serial), 11 18.; single stalls, 6s ; unreserved, 3s; admission, 18.; to be had of Mr. PERCY KEARNE, Hon. Sec, 9. Aynhoe-road. W.; STANLEY LUCAS & Co., New Bond-street; and Mr. WHITE, 27, High-street, Kensington. THE SOCIETY of APOTHECARIES of LONDON give notice that a Course of TWELVE LECTURES on BOTANY wiil be delivered by T. G. BAKER, FR.S FLS., at their Garden at Chelsea, on the SATURDAYS of May, June, and July next, at 3 Ρ.Μ. The Lectures will be open to all Medical Students and other Gentlemen being desirous to attend. Tickets of admission to be obtained of the Bedell. J. R. UPTON, Clerk to the Society. Apothecaries' Hall, 1889. A Course of Lectures on the above subject, having special reference to the requirements of Art Students, will be given at BEDFORD COLLEGE, LONDON (for LADIES), by the PROFESSOR of PHYSICS during Easter Term. beginning on THURSDAY, May 2nd. A Syllabus of the Lectures and further information on application to LUCY J. RUSSELL, Hon. Sec. 8 and 9, York place, Baker-street, W. MISS LOUISA DREWRY will give THREE LECTURE-READINGS from SHAKSPERE, at her own House, on Tuesday Afternoons, between the hours of Three and half-past Four. May 21st. JULIUS CESAR.' June 4th. 'The TAMING of the SHREW.' 143, King Henry's-road, South Hampstead, N.W. MR. W. SERGEANT LEE, M.A., will RECITE next THURSDAY EVENING at the CROYDON INSTITUTION. Terms and Vacant Dates for Public or Private Engagements on application.-7, Southampton-row, Russell-square. WANTED, for a MORNING PAPER (Con servative) in the North of England, a thoroughly competent LEADER-WRITER.-Address X. X, 7,457, Sell's Advertising Offices, London. LONDON LETTER. -- A practised resident Corre spondent is open to WRITE & LONDON LETTER to Country, Foreign. or Colonial Newspaper. Moderate terms. Address LEX, Box 6,024, Sell's Advertising Offices, London. AN EXPERIENCED JOURNALIST, brilliant and versatile, can contribute Leaders, Descriptive Articles, Reviews. Open to Editorship. Prompt, methodical, accurate. Inential Liberal connexion. Well known to M.P.s and the Party Managers-W., 13, Canterbury-road, Croydon. DIRECTOR REQUIRED (willing to invest 500l. in a share) to join two others in the active management of an established Magazine, with which is connected a Literary Property likely to produce a considerable return of profit. The position is suitable for an artist or author having some leisure, and besides Director's fees, offers the opportunity of remurerative literary or artistic employment, or both. -Address PROPRIETOR, 17, Lichfield-road, Kew. FOREIGN UNIVERSITY MAN (Swede), with a willing to take a share of the value of 100%. Specimens of work are invited. Published Works, MSS., or Drawings in pen and ink. The object of the arrangement is to constitute contributors part proprietors, and thus to increase their interest in the Magazine. -Address DIRECTOR, 1, St. Swithin's-lane, London, E.C. LIBRARY ASSISTANT WANTED immediately. Must be an expert Cataloguer and have a working knowledge of French and German. The engagement would be for six or twelve months, with a likelihood of a permanercy, to a satisfactory assistant. Preference given to those holding Certificate of Library Association. Applicants must state age, salary required, and give at least one professional reference. Address BETA, care of Messrs. Adams & Francis, 59, Fleet-street, E.C. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. LIBRARIANSHIP. - The Librarian of a large London Library is prepared to receive for a term of three years a well-educated YOUTH as PUPIL-ASSISTANT. Training in the best methods of Library work, and preparation for the Certificate of the Library Association. During the third year visits would be paid to the principal Libraries of the country, in order to gain an insight into the various methods in use. Premium Fifty Guineas. Arrangements could be made for board. -Address ALPHA, care of Messrs. Adams & Francis, 59, Fleet-street, E.C. FAMILY HISTORY and GENEALOGY. RESEARCHES by a GENEALOGIST of experience at the Public Record Office, British Museum, and elsewhere for the elucidation of all matters appertaining to Family and Parochial History, &c. Copies and Extracts of Deeds. Terms of service, which will be found very moderate, may be had on application.-Address GENEALOGIST, care of Hickling, Stationer, 3a, Museum-street, W.C. FARM PUPILS. GENTLEMEN are RECEIVED the FARMS of the AYLESBURY DAIRY COMPANY, Limited, Horsham. Sussex. 1,400 ncres, Arable and Pasture. 400 Head of Cattle. Dairy. For terms and particulars apply to the SECRETARY, Aylesbury Dairy Company, in London, St. Petersburgh-place, Bayswater; or Horsham, Sussex. GERMAN and HINDI. - The SOCIETY for the of the GOSPEL is destrous of RECOMMENDING strongly the Rev. O FLEX (a German Clergyman ordained by Bishop Milman of Calcutta), who is willing to undertake work in England as a TEACHER of GERMAN or HINDI. Speaks English perfectly.-Communications for Mr. FLEX should be addressed care of the S.P.G., 19, Delahay-street, Westminster, S. W. DRESDEN.-A Comfortable HOME for GIRLS and First-Class TUITION offered at moderate terms by an English and a Hanoverian Lady.-Address ANGLIA, Schnorrstrasse II., Dresden. EDUCATION. -KILVINTON DOVER.-Preparatory School for Sons of Gentlemen, conducted by the Misses WORSFOLD. Resident Masters (senior, MA. Oxon., First-Class Classics). Close to sea front. Sea bathing. Preparation for Public Schools and Cambridge Local. WESTMINSTER TION to fill up VACANCIES on the FOUNDATION and EXHIBITIONS will begin on JULY 2nd.-For particulars apply to the HEAD MASTER, Dean's-yard, Westminster. TREBOVIR HOUSE SCHOOL, 1, Trebovir-road, South Kensington, S.W. Principal, Mrs. W. R. COLE. A separate House adjoining for Resident Pupils. The NEXT TERM will commence THURSDAY, May 2nd. DRESDEN, 11, Walpurgisstrasse. - Miss HELD'S SUPERIOR HOME SCHOOL. Reference kindly permitted to Miss Holt, 10, Courthope Villas, Worple-road, Wimbledon, near London. ROYAL OYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in Sep September, 1889. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department. For particulars apply to the SECRETARY, at the College. LAUSANNE. - Miss ANDREAE offers comfortable HOME with Educational advantages, to YOUNG LADIES. Special care of delicate girls Highest references -Apply 8. Avenue de la Gare, Lausanne; or Beil House, Clapham Common, London. The CLASSES RECOMMENCE on MAY 1st, and are so arranged as to afford a convenient opportunity for Students to commence their Medical Course. Full information may be obtained from the Office of the College, Gower-street, W.C. MARCUS BECK, M.8. M.B., Dean. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Forthcoming knowledge of English, German, French, and Spanish, seeks ENGAGEMENT as SECRETARY, Correspondent, or other employment. References. Small salary.-P. O. 94, 54, New Oxford-street. Examination, ASSISTANT to the PROFESSOR of CHEMISTRY at the ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH (25-30), April 26th. man-square. The SUMMER TERM will commence THURSDAY, May 2nd. COLWYN BAY, N. WALES. FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL for GIRLS. The best Teaching, Home, and Training. Oxford Centre. Principal, Miss BARLOW, Coed Pella. NEXT TERM, MAY 6. Highest Medical and Parental references. BIOLOGY (UNIVERSITY of LONDON CURRI CULUM) -STUDENTS can enter at ANY TIME to the LECTURES and PRACTICAL CLASSES in preparation for the Prelim. Sci. Exam, and Intermed. Science Exam. under Professor LANKESTER and Mr. OLIVER, at University College, London. SPECIAL COURSES begin in the First Week of October, Last Week of January, Last Week of March, and First Week of May. Students desiring to join should communicate with Prof. LANKESTER, at the College, at least a week in advance of entry, or with the SECRETARY, University College, London. UNIVERSITY of DUBLIN. Notice is hereby given, That on WEDNESDAY, 15th May prox.. the Council will proceed to nominate a Person to fill the vacant PROFESSORSHIP af MORAL PHILOSOPHY. The salary is 100% per annum. The Professor will be required to Lecture in two terms of each Academic year. Further information can be obtained by communication with the Registrar of Trinity College. Applications, with such testimonials as candidates may wish to submit, should be sent to the undersigned on or before WEDNESDAY, 8th May prox. JAS. W. BARLOW, Secretary of Council. THE THE GIRTON GOVERNESS and SCHOOL AGENCY.-Madame AUBERT introduces English and Foreign Resident and Daily Governesses (Finishing, Junior, Nursery), Visiting Teachers. Companions, Lady Housekeepers, Interviews 11 to 4; Saturdays at 1.-MADAME AUBERT'S GOVERNESS LIST and LIST of SCHOOLS, &c., post free, 3d.-166, Regent-street, W. PUBLICATION of EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Messrs. RELFE BROTHERS arrange either to PURCHASE the COPYRIGHT of approved MSS, or make Payment by Royalty, or Publish on Mutual Terms with the Author. As their business lies exclusively with Colleges and Schools, they have unusual facilities for introducing (through their Travellers, &c.) Books to the direct notice of Principals, and so considerably reduce the cost of newspaper advertising. They will be pleased to give Estimates or any information respecting Educational Books -RELFE BROTHERS, 6, Charterhouse Buildings, Aldersgate, London, E.C. MEDICAL RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS (T. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, ST Paddington, W.-The SUMMER SESSION begins on May 1. TWO ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS of 501. each, in Classics and Mathematics, awarded by examination on April 26. Students entering in May are eligible to compete for the Science Scholarships in September. The Hospital has 231 Beds, and Eight Resident Appointments in it are open to Students without extra charge. The Residential Medical College is under the care of a Wardeu. HERBERT W. PAGE, M.C., Dean. ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, Hyde Park Corner, 8. W. The SUMMER SESSION will Commence on WEDNESDAY, May 1st. The Fees for Perpetual Students are 1251. on entrance or 1301. paid by instalments extending over three years. Dresserships, Clerkships, and all the House Appointments are awarded without extra fees, and the latter on the result of Competition. Scholarships and other Prizes of the value of 6701. are offered for Competition annually. The appointments of Obstetric Assistant, with a salary of 100% a year and board and lodging; Curator, 501; Medical and Surgical Registrars, 501. each, are awarded yearly upon the recommendation of the Medical ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS and EXHIBITIONS. An Examination will be held on SEPTEMBER 25th, 1889, and sueceeding DAYS for the awarding of the following: 1. A Scholarship of 651 for one year to the best Candidate in Chemistry and Physics who is under 25 years of age. 2. A Scholarship of 654. for one year to the best Candidate in Biology (Animal and Vegetable) and Physiology who is under 25 years of age. Candidates for these two Scholarships must not have entered to the Medical or Surgical Practice of any London Medical School. 3. A Scholarship of 130l, and the Preliminary Scientific Exhibition of 50l. each, tenable for one year, in Physics, Chemistry, Vegetable Biology, and Animal Biology. Candidates for these must be under 20 years of age, and must not have entered to the Medical or Surgical Practice at any Medical School. 4. Jeaffreson Exhibition of 211. for one year in Latin and Mathematics, with any two of the languages, Greek, French, and German. Candidates must not have entered at any Medical School. The successful Candidates in all cases will be required to enter to the full course at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in the October succeeding the Examination. For full particulars apply to the WARDEN of the College, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, E.C. TO AUTHORS, ACTORS, PUBLISHERS, and Others. MSS. carefully and correctly COPIED by TYPE-WRITER. Terms moderate, -Apply to Miss ADAMS, 29, Bonham-road, Brixton, S. W. AUTHORS' MS. PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Certificated Operators for Dictation. Shorthand Writers sent out, Articles COPIED for Press. -M188 M'LACHLAN, Type-Writing Office, Metropolitan School, 27, Chancery-lane. TYPE-WRITING. - MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPE-WRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate.-MISSES E. B. and I. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. TYPE-WRITER.-AUTHORS' MSS., Plays, Re views, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copies.-Address E. TIGAR, 27, Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hill, N. W. Established 1884. The GREAT MASTERS. Represented by choice Examples from the most celebrated Galleries of Europe. The NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Two Hundred and Seventy Paintings reproduced in Autotype; also, by the gracious permission of H.M. the Queen, Selections from the Royal Galleries of Windsor and Buckingham Palace. AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS of MODERN PAINTINGS from the Salon, the Luxembourg, and the Royal Academy. The GREAT BRITISH PORTRAITISTS (Reynolds, Lawrence, Gainsborough, Romney, Hoppner, Morland, &c.), from choice Proofs in the British Museum. The LIBER STUDIORUM. Facsimiled in Autotype from fine states lent by the Rev. Stopford Brooke, M.A. The ART of FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI. One hundred Examples, with Notes and Memoir, by Louis Fagan, Esq. The GOOD SHEPHERD; CHRIST and PETER. Autotypes of Two noble Drawings by Frederic Shields. ANCIENT ATHENS. Twenty-five large Autotypes from Negatives by W. J. Stillman, Esq., issued by authority of the Hellenic Society. Prospectus on application. The INDUSTRIAL ARTS of PEACE and WAR. Autotypes from the Cartoons for the Frescoes in South Kensington Museum by SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON, P.R.A. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, or any TO LECTURERS. - FOR SALE, AUSTRALIA: WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by M. R. THOMPSON, Studio, 41, George-street, Portman-square, W. рнотоGRAVURE. Reproductions of Paintings, Drawings, and Photographs, made by ANNAN & SWAN, 7, Devonshire-road, South Lambeth, London, 8. W. C. MITCHELL & and Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, de. Oard of Terms on application. 12 and 18, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, E.O. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHORS' VALUATOR, AGENT, and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of Publishing. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors. Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free.-la, Paternoster-row, B.C. SWIFT & CO., Music, Letterpress, and Litho graphic Printers, Newton-street, High Holborn, W.C. All kinds of Machining expeditiously done in the best style at moderate charges. NEWSPAPER, &C., PRINTING and PUBLISH. KING, SELL & RAILTON, LD., High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12, Gough-square, and 4, Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E.C., are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION, MINUTES of EVIDENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen. Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. MUDIE'S CLEARANCE LIST contains many Thousand Volumes of Standard and other Works withdrawn from circulation, and now offered for Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. BOOKS IN ALL VARIETIES OF BINDING, PROSPECTUSES AND LISTS OF BOOKS FOR SALE SENT POSTAGE FREE ON APPLICATION. MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY, LIMITED, 80 to 34, NEW OXFORD-STREET. 241, BROMPTON-ROAD, S. W., and 2, KING-STREET, CHEAPSIDE. CATALOGUE Catalogues. Just issued, ATALOGUE of GREEK and LATIN AUTHORS, chiefly Classical and Theological, offered for Sale at greatly reduced prices by DULAU & CO., 37, Soho-square, London, W. Sent on receipt of address. TH. BELIN, 29, Quai Voltaire, Paris, publie tous E les Mois un Catalogue de Livres Rares et Curieux envoi franco. & LLIS ELVEY, Dealers in Old and Rare Books. 29, NEW BOND-STREET, LONDON, W. SCIENTIFIC and NATURAL HISTORY BOOKS, Second-hand and New. Full discount prices. Catalogues (Microscopy-Micro-Natural History-Darwiniana, &c.) on application. Libraries Purchased, Books Bought and Exchanged. W. P. COLLINS, 157, Great Portland-street, Oxford-street, London, W. LEIGH HUNT. FOR SALE, the EXAMINER, to 7 (1810-16), containing Leigh Hunt's "Prison Articles." See Athenaum, March 23 and 30.-Offers invited by H. W. BALL, Bartonon-Humber, near Hull. S COINS. PINK & PAST and PRESENT.' Illustrated by 343 beautiful Views. Well-written Lecture in MS., and handy Index, with useful Notes.Address, in first instance, by letter, LECTURE, care of D. Gosden & Co, 17, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden, W.C. ELECTROS for ART and NEWS. THE INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTYPE COMPANY (For Art and News Illustration), 80, FLEET-STREET, LONDON, E.C., Offers Electros of the largest and most varied Collection of current Illustrations in the world. Editors and Publishers, unable to call and inspect them will oblige by writing for Proofs, stating the Size and Nature of the subjects required. Indexes of Portraits and Views, both English and Foreign. Sketch Portraits of Living Celebrities for rapid Newspaper work. Electros from the Illustrated London News, Graphic, and Art Journal supplied in twenty-four hours. Sole Agents for the Art Journal, Illustrirte Zeitung. Bazar Illustrirte, Frauenzeitung, Gartenlaube, Daheim, H. Schonlein's successors, &c. BRANCHES. Paris.-F. SCHLUTER, 27, Rue Guénégaud. Leipsic.-A. TWIETMEYER. INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTYPE COMPANY, TO SCIENTIFIC and LITERARY SOCIETIES. The ROYAL MEDICAL and CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY of LONDON having acquired the Premises at No. 20, Hanover-square (West side), is about to build a large LECTURE-ROOM and otherwise to adapt the Buildings to the requirements of a Scientific Society. The Building Committee are prepared to entertain applications for the permanent use of Rooms as Offices and Libraries and for the occasional or periodical use of the Lecture-Room for Meetings and Examinations. Applications should be addressed to Mr. J. Y. W. MACALISTER, 53, Berners-street, W. MEMORY.-" The last Lecture on Professor Loisette's system was delivered last night to over 300 people in the Clarendon Assembly Room. The interest of the members in the lectures has been unparalleled in the history of Oxford public lectures" (Oxford Review, March 1, 1889). - Opinions of Experts post free. Postal and Private Lessons at any time. FIRST LECTURE, April 23, at 3 P M., and at 8 P.M., at 37, NEW OXFORD-STREET, LONDON. Scientific Library of the late Dr. CHARLES DAVIDSON, of Hackney, &c. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, May 15, and Following Day, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, the SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY of the late Dr. CHARLES DAVIDSON (removed from Hackney), comprising Standard Modern Works chiefly in Medical Science; and other Collections. Catalogues in preparation. Library of the late Rev. LUKE TYERMAN (Author of the Life and Times of John Wesley'). MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON are preparing for SALE by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., the LIBRARY of the late Rev. LUKE TYERMAN (author of the Life and Times of John Wesley'), comprising a number of Standard Works in Modern Theology and General Literature. Catalogues in preparation. The Library and Remaining Publications of the late R. P. PULLAN, Esq. F.S. A. and F.R.I.B.A.; the Library of the late Rev. W. E. WALL, of Wheatfields, Worcestershire; a Portion of the Library of the late BICKFORD COHАМ, Esq., of Dunsland, Devon; Books from the Libraries of the late T. J. ARNOLD, Esq. F.S.A., and the late THOMAS JEFFERSON HOGG, Esq. (the Friend of Shelley), and other Properties. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE NUMISMATISTS, SON, 2, GRACECHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.С., The Oldest Coin Dealers in London. Fine and Rare Coins, Medals, &c., Bought or Exchanged. will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13. Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on THURSDAY, April 25, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, VALUABLE BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS, consisting of the Library and Remaining Publications of the late R. P. PULLAN, Esq. FSA. and F.R.I. B.A.-the Library of the late Rev. W. E WALL, of Wheatfields, Worcestershire-a Portion of the Library of the late BICKFORD COHAM, Esq. of Dunsland, Devon-Books from the Libraries of the late T. J. ARNOLD, Esq. F.S.A., and the late THOMAS JEFFERSON HOGG, Esq (the Friend of Shelley), and other Properties, the whole comprising Works in the various Branches of English and Foreign Literature. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had if by post, on receipt of four stamps. |