Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. TUESDAY NEXT (April 30), at 3 o'clock, JEAN PAUL RICHTER, Esq. Ph.D. First of Three Lectures on the Italian Renaissance Painters: their Associations, their Education, and their Employments (with Illustrations). Half-a-Guinea the Course. THURSDAY (May 2), at 3 o'clock, EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE, Esq. -First of Two Lectures on the Science of Animal Locomotion in its Relation to Design in Art (Illustrated by the Zoopraxiscope). Half-aGuinea. SATURDAY (May 4), at 3 o'clock, JOSEPH BENNETT, Esq -First of Four Lectures on the Origin and Development of Opera in England (with Musical Illustrations). Half-a-Guinea. Subscription to all the Courses during the Season, Two Guineas. WEDNESDAY (May 1), at half-past 1 o'clock. -Annual Meeting. FRIDAY (May 3), at 9 o'clock, Sir HENRY E. ROSCOE, M.P. D.C.L. F.R.S., On Aluminium.' A RISTOTELIAN SOCIETY, 22, Albemarle street, W. MONDAY, April 29, at 8 PM 'On some Curious Parallels between Chinese and Greek Thought,' Rev. Canon AUBREY L. MOORE, M.A. THE SHORTHAND SOCIETY. - MONTHLY MEETING, G, WEDNESDAY, May Ist. at 55, Chancery-lane, E.C., at 8 P M. Paper by T. S. MALONE, Script Phonography.' For admission apply to E. POCKNELL, Hon. Sec. 64, Imperial Bul'dings, Ludgate-circus, E C SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889. ACADEMY for the HIGHER DEVELOPMENT of PIANOFORTE PLAYING, 12, Hinde-street, Manchester-square, W. The next Students' Concert will take place in May. Two Pianoforte and One Harmony and Composition Lessons Weekly. Fee, Six Guineas per Term. The next Term begins MAY 8th. Entrance Day, May 6th, from 10 to 5. For Prospectus and all particulars address the DIRECTOR. ADMISSION to the PAID STAFF of an established popular MAGAZINE is OPEN to a good WRITER or ARTIST willing to take a share of the value of 1001. Specimens of work are invited. Published Works, MSS., or Drawings in pen and ink. The object of the arrangement is to constitute contributors part proprietors, and thus to increase their interest in the Magazine -Address DIRECTOR, 1, St. Swithin's-lane, London, E.C. WANTED, SMART WRITERS upon Art and Photography for a first-class Illustrated Scientific Journal. In first instance kindly oblige with name and address, and reference to Journals in which articles have appeared.-Address ART, Deacon's Advertising Offices, Leadenhall-street, E.C. A GENTLEMAN, who is fond of Literary Work, and who has for several years Contributed weekly a Special Article on various subjects to a Daily Provincial Newspaper, would be glad to WRITE SIMILAR ARTICLES for another Newspaper or other Periodical.-Address SCRIBO, Вох 126, Post Office, Manchester. DIRECTOR REQUIRED (willing to invest 5001. in a share) to join two others in the active management of an established Magazine, with which is connected a Literary Property likely to produce a considerable return of profit. The position is suitable for an artist or author having some leisure, and besides Director's fees, offers the opportunity of remunerative literary or artistic employment, or both.-Address PROPRIETOR, 17, Lichfield-road, Kew. TO TO NEWSPAPER EDITORS, SYNDICATES, and others.-TO BE SOLD, SERIAL RIGHT of SENSATIONAL STORY; over 31,000 words. Particulars and Proof on application to SAXON, care of Adams & Francis, Advertising Agents, 59, Fleet-street, E.C. ADVERTISER, having had several years' expe rience in the Restoration of Drawings. Engravings, &c, by Early and Modern Masters, desires an APPOINTMENT in the above capacity. Highest references given. (Would have no objection to go abroad.)ARTICUS, 7, Witherington-road, Highbury-gardens, N. ROYAL COLLEGE of SURGEONS of ENGLAND. LECTURERS UP ARTISTIC, LITERARY and The President, Vice-Presidents, and Council invite the Fellows and Members of the College to a CONVERSAZIONE to be held at the COLLEGE, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th JUNE NEXT, at 9 o'clock P.M. Fellows and Members desirous of being present are requested to apply to the Secretary for Cards of Invitation not later than Wednesday, the Sth of May next. The Cards of Invitation will admit either a Fellow or Member accompanied by a Lady, or a Fellow or Member alone, and in making application for the same Fellows ahd Members should state whether they wish to be furnished with a Double or Single Card. dom. Is equally serviceable to Members in all parts of the United KingOffers healthy competition in original work. A Guinea Prize is awarded in each section of about Twenty Members. Opportunity is afforded for Sale of Sketches. Criticisms and Instruction are given on each Sketch by Head Master of an Art School in connexion with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. There being a few Vacancies, any wishing to join should at once write to N. BACON, Esq, Hon. Secretary. Sketch Club, Clerkson-street, Mansfield. THE SOCIETY of APOTHECARIES of LONDON give notice that a Course of TWELVE LECTURES on BOTANY will be delivered by T. G. BAKER, FR.S. F.L.S., at their Garden at Chelsea, on the SATURDAYS of May, June, and July next, at 3 r.M. The Lectures will be open to all Medical Students and other Gentlemen being desirous to attend. Tickets of admission to be obtained of the Bedell. J. R. UPTON, Clerk to the Society. Apothecaries' Hall, 1889. LIGHT and COLOUR. A Course of Lectures on the above subject, having special reference to the requirements of Art Students, will be given at BEDFORD COLLEGE, LONDON (for LADIES), by the PROFESSOR of PHYSICS -during Easter Term, beginning on THURSDAY, May 2nd. A Syllabus of the Lectures and further information on application to LUCY J. RUSSELL, Hon. Sec. 8 and 9, York-place, Baker-street, W. 1 ONDON LETTER. -A practised resident Corre TAINERS of repute, who desire ENGAGEMENTS during the Session 1889-90, are requested to call upon or write (enclosing Prospectus) to the LECTURE and ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, 16, Bennett'shill, Birmingham. The Company act as agents between high-class Lecturers and the principal Literary and Scientific Societies and Institutions throughout Great Britain. Telegraphic address, "Lecturing, Birmingham." HENSELT PIANOFORTE METHOD. Miss BETTINA WALKER, Honorary Associate of the St. Cecilian Academy of Rome, and Diplomée Pupil of Henselt, St. Petersburg, GIVES LESSONS in the Method and Technique of the latter.-44, Gloucester-place, Portman-square, W. DRESDEN. A Comfortable HOME for GIRLS and First-Class TUITION offered at moderate terms by an English and a Hanoverian Lady.-Address ANGLIA, Schnorrstrasse II., Dresden. SEASIDE EDUCATION. - KILVINTON HOUSE, DOVER.-Preparatory School for Sons of Gentlemen, conducted by the Misses WORSFOLD. Resident Masters (senior, MA. Oxon., First-Class Classics). Close to sea front. Sea bathing. Preparation for Public Schools and Cambridge Local. TERM BEGINS MAY 9th. distinguished German Officer RECEIVE a limited number of LADIES as BOARDERS. Highest recommendations. Reference kindly permitted to Lady Story, Lancaster-Address Frau von FALCKENSTEIN, 7, Ledanstrasse, Dresden. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL. - An EXAMINATION for filling up about FOUR VACANCIES on the FOUNDATION will be held on MAY 1st. 1889-For information apply to the BURSAR, SC. Paul's School, West Kensington. WESTMINSTER VASCHOOL. ALEXΑΜΙΝΑ, TION to fill up VACANCIES on the FOUNDATION and EXHIBITIONS will begin on JULY 2nd.-For particulars apply to the HEAD MASTER, Dean's-yard, Westminster. ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, DOVER COLLEGE. Recent successes arena Trinity Hall, Cambridge; and other University distinctions. In last year 24 passed Army Preliminary in all subjects. Boarders are taken by the Head Master; by C. E. Sparke, M.A.; by E. Thornton Littlewood, M.A.-Apply to the Head Master, or the Honorary Secretary, E. W. KNOCKER, Esq. HOLIDAYS in NORMANDY. - Monsieur BARBIER, French Master, Glasgow Athenæum, Examiner to Intermediate Education Board for Ireland, takes, for the months of June, July, and August only, at his country residence in Normandy, a FEW GENTLEMEN desirous of improving their knowledge of French by a stay in France. Beautiful country; tennis ground; every comfort. Backward Candidates prepared for Special Examinations. Highest references. Particulars, M. BARBIER, Bath-street, Glasgow. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. OF MEDICINE. The CLASSES RECOMMENCE on MAY 1st, and are so arranged as to afford a convenient opportunity for Students to commence their Medical Course. Full information may be obtained from the Office of the College, Gower-street, W.C. MARCUS BECK, MS. M.B., Dean. NATURAL COINNON LADORAT man-street, Oxford-street, London, W. Director, Prof. J. F. BLAKE, M.A. FGS. For Students and Research Work in Biology and Geology. Special Courses for Preliminary Science and other Examinations. Specimens named and described. KING'S Under the Patronage of H.R.H. the PRINCESS of WALES. Lectures are given and Classes are held for Ladies at 13, Kensingtonsquare under the direction of the Council of King's College, London. The College REOPENS on MONDAY, May 6. The following special Courses of Lectures will be held during the › CULUM) -STUDENTS can enter at ANY TIME to the LECTURES and PRACTICAL CLASSES in preparation for the Prelim. Sci. Exam and Intermed. Science Exam. under Professor LANKESTER and Mr. OLIVER, at University College, London. SPECIAL COURSES begin in the First Week of October, Last Week of January, Last Week of March, and First Week of May. Students desiring to join should communicate with Prof. LANKESTER, at the College, at least a week in advance of entry, or with the SECRETARY, University College, London. spondent is open to WRITE & LONDON LETTER to Country, Foreign, or Colonial Newspaper. Moderate terms. Address LEX, Box 6,024, Sell's Advertising Offices, London. fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. HS.H. the Duke of Teck, the Duke of Wellington, Field-Marshal Sir Military Superintendent. Colonel W. W KNOLLYS, P.SC. F.R.G.S, late Garrison Instructor SUCCESSES, 1883. SANDHURST PRELIMINARY-F. C Chisholm, A. F. Dalzel, CD. SANDHURST FURTHER-C. D. Field, 7,673 marks; E. W. Greene, 7,316 marks; L T. Hay, 7 500 marks. MILITIA LITERARY-Lieutenant F. N. Jones, 4,661 marks (top score MILITARY COMPETITIVE-Lieutenant A. Phelps, 1,457 marks. SANDHURST PRELIMINARY-J. P. Grant, H Q. Costley. Gentlemen are received to prepare for Santhurst, Woolwich, Indian Civil Service, Militia (Qualifying and Competitive), &c. Small Classes, ensuring individual attention, and moderate terms For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY. THE MAY DAY CONVERSAZIONE and There can be now no question as to the certain success of the May Day Conversazione and Exhibition of the Richmond Athenæum and the Lower Thames Valley Branch of the Selborne Society. The chief problem that is likely to face the promoters on the Opening Day will be to make room for the many members and friends of the two societies who will be attracted to the Star and Garter Hotel on May Day, thanks to the generous programme provided. Up to the evening of Saturday, April 27th, the price of the tickets (inclusive of light refreshments from eight to twelve r.M. on May Day, and an elaborately-illustrated and finely-printed Catalogue of the Exhibits) will be 3s. 6d., but after that they will be raised to 5s. The only difference between the advantages of members and visitors will be that the former will get their Catalogues free by virtue of their membership. THE SPRIGHTLY MUSIC HOURS, in the rebuilt and newly decorated Pavilion Room, which will take place on May Day, from seven to eight, and nine to ten FM, are sure to source of prove a great attraction. The Vocalists will include Miss CLARA LEIGHTON (late of the Carl Rosa Opera Company), Miss MARION MCKENZIE, Mr. W. NICHOLL, and Mr. FRANKLIN CLIVE. CONDUCTOR-Mr. CHARLES HARGITT. At seven o'clock a Selection from Flotow's 'Marta, or Richmond Fair,' will be given; and at nine a Miscellaneous Programme. THE EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS will comprise (amongst many others) several fine examples of Mr. Henry Dawson's painting, including a magnificent "Arundel Castle" (36 in. by 24 in), lent by Mr. Charles Dawson, of Chiswick, and never before exhibited. There will also be about forty elaborate views of Richmond and its neighbourhood fifty years ago (many of them having been shown at the Royal Academy), the work of Messrs. Hilditch; some choice examples of Bristow, "the Windsor painter"; a fine colleetion of proof engravings, after Turner, of Richmond and its neighbourhood; and old prints of the same, lent by Mr. George Cave and others. Edmund Kean, of Richmond Theatre, will be represented by a few interesting memorials. There will be a collection of Richmond Tradesmen's Tokens, and Antiquities dug up at and near Richmond. AN INTERESTING FEATURE of the Exhibition will be a very ample and well-preserved collection of Birde, Fishes, Insects, &c., by Mr. M. H. Blamey and others, illustrating the Natural History of the Thames Valley. The valuable Antiquities relating to the Lower Thames Valley will be finely set forth in the wellknown and rare collection, the property of Mr. Thomas Layton, F.SA. Then there will be a very choice selection of illustrated books on Nature and Natural History (including Gould's magnificent works) lent by Messrs Sotheran & Co., Gould's Birds' alone being valued at, and insured for 1,000%. Local Topographical works and the Pamphlet Literature of the district will be pretty fully represented; and the Microscopy of local Nature and the Science of the neighbourhood will be in interesting evidence. We may add that visitors from Town will have the advantage of frequent return trains up to 11 24 (Waterloo), and 11 30 (District Railway). Members and visitors who would study economy should get their tickets before this (Saturday) evening, April 27th, for the reason above given. Tickets may be obtained of Mr. S. F. Higgins and Mr P. A Churchward, London and Provincial Bank, Richmond; Mr. F. Pacy, Free Library, Richmond; Rev. Percy Mylesand Mr. A. Belt (58, Madick-lane), Ealing; Mr. S. J. F. Newberry, 25, Wingate-road, Hammersmith; or of Mr. Edward King, Hon. Secretary, Richmond and Twickenham Times Office, Richmond, Surrey.-From Thames Valley Times. UNIVERSITY of OTAGO, DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND. CHAIR of ENGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE. This Chair having become vacant through the death of Professor Mainwaring Brown, the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BOARD of PROPERTY are prepared to receive and consider APPLICATIONS from CANDIDATES. The Salary will be 600l. per annum (which will commence to run from the date of embarkation), besides the Class Fees, which are 31. 38. for each Student per term of six months. The sum of 100l will be advanced for passage to Dunedin and other expenses. Intending Candidates in Great Britain must forward their Applications (stating age) and twelve printed copies of their Testimonials on or before 31st May, 1889, to the Subscriber, who will supply further information and forward Copies of tha University Calendar if desired. office with auy No religious test is required to hold University, which is entirety denomination. HUGH AULD, W.S. 21, Thistle-street, Edinburgh, 3rd April, 1889. CRYSTAL PALACE EDUCATIONAL INSTI TUTIONS. Prospectuses in the Library, next Byzantine Court, Crystal Palace. F. K J. SHENTON, FR Hist S., Superintendent Educational Department. OVERNESS and TUTORS' AGENCY.COMPANIONS, English and Foreign. Apply for particulars, Mrs. DossKTOR, The Library, Old Bedford House, Streatham, S.W. ST T. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, Students entering in May are eligible to compete for the Science Scholarships in September. The Hospital has 231 Beds, and Eight Resident Appointments in it are open to Students without extra charge. The Residential Medical College is under the care of a Warden. HERBERT W. PAGE, M C., Dean. ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, Hyde Park Corner, S. W. The SUMMER SESSION will Commence on WEDNESDAY, May 1st. The Fees for Perpetual Students are 1257. on entrance or 1301. paid by instalments extending over three years. Dresserships. Clerkships, and all the House Appointments are awarded without extra fees, and the latter on the result of Competition. Scholarships and other Prizes of the value of 6701. are offered for Competition annually. The appointments of Obstetric Assistant, with a salary of 1000 a year and board and lodging; Curator, 601; Medical and Surgical Registrars, 501, each, are awarded yearly upon the recommendation of the Medical School Committee. Prospectuses and fuller detalls may be obtained by application to THOMAS WHIPHAM, M.D., Dean. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL and COLLEGE. The SUMMER SESSION will begin on WEDNESDAY, May 1st, 1899. The Hospital comprises a service of 750 beds (including 75 for convalescents at Swanley). Students may reside in the College within the Hospital walls, subject to the collegiate regulations -For particulars apply, personally or by letter, to the WARDEN of the College, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, E. C. A Handbook forwarded on application. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL and PнотоGRAVURE. COLLEGE. ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS and EXHIBITIONS. An Examination will be held on SEPTEMBER 25th, 1889, and sueceeding DAYS for the awarding of the following: 1. A Scholarship of 651 for one year to the best Candidate in Chemistry and Physics who is under 25 years of age. 2. A Scholarship of 651. for one year to the best Candidate in Biology (Animal and Vegetable) and Physiology who is under 25 years of age. Candidates for these two Scholarships must not have entered to the Medical or Surgical Practice of any London Medical School. 3. A Scholarship of 150%, and the Preliminary Scientific Exhibition of 50l. each, tenable for one year, in Physics, Chemistry, Vegetable Biology, and Animal Biology. Candidates for these must be under 20 years of age, and must not have entered to the Medical or Surgical Practice at any Medical School. 4. Jeaffreson Exhibition of 211. for one year in Latin and Mathematics, with any two of the languages, Greek, French, and German. Candidates must not have entered at any Medical School. The successful Candidates in all cases will be required to enter to the full course at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in the October succeeding the Examination. For full particulars apply to the WARDEN of the College, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, E.C. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, ALBERT EMBANKMENT, LONDON, S.E. The SUMMER SESSION will COMMENCE on MAY 1st. Students entering in the summer are eligible to compete for the Science Scholarships of 125 Guineas and 601. awarded in October. There are numerous Prizes and Scholarships, and all Appointments are open to Students without extra charge. Special Classes for the Examinations of the University of London are held throughout the year. A register of approved lodgings and of private families receiving students to reside is kept in the Secretary's Office. Prospectus and all particulars may be obtained from the Medical Secretary, Mr. G. RENDLE. E. NETTLESHIP, Dean. TYPE-WRITING. -MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPE-WRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate,-M18818 E. B. and 1. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. TYPE-WRITING, in best style, at 1d. per folio. Shorthand Notes taken. References to Authors. - Miss GLADDING, 1, Loughborough-road, Brixton, 8.W. SHORTHAND and TYPE-WRITING.-English and Foreign MSS. Copied. French and German Translations made. Lectures and Sermons Reported. Highest testimonials from eminent physicians and scientific men. Miss LETHBRIDGE, 11, Oxford Circusavenue (opposite Great Portland-street). AUTHORS' MS. PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Certificated Operators for Dictation. Shorthand Writers sent out, Articles COPIED for Press. -M188 M'LACHLAN, Type-Writing Office, Metropolitan School, 27, Chancery-lane. C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Transfer of Newspaper Property, 12 and 13, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, B.C. MITCHELL & CO. are instructed to DISPOSE of the COPYRIGHT and PLANT of an important COLONIAL PAPER. Old established; large business; good returns. Principals only or their Solicitors treated with. C. MITCHELL & CO. are instructed to DISPOSE of the COPYRIGHT, PLANT, and GOODWILL of NEWSPAPER and JOBBING BUSINESS. Pleasant locality. North of England. Excellent reasons for disposal. Good income. Small capital only required. C. MITCHELL & CO. desire to inform their Correspondents that they should indicate Capital they desire to invest, Politics, and District. Special Terms to Subscribers for the whole Work. MILLET.-An Album of Copies of the Works of this Painter for inspection. For specimens, prices, and full particulars, apply to the MANAGER, AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY, 74, New Oxford-street, London, W.C. AUTO.GRAVURE. The AUTOTYPE PROCESS applied to Photographic Engraving on Copper. Portraits from Paintings by Pettie, R.A., Ouless, R.A., Holl, R.A.; Specimens of Copies of Drawings, Etchings, &c.; and Examples of Auto-gravure Reproduction of Photographs from Art Objects, from Life, and from Nature, can be seen at the AUTOTYPE GALLERY, Estimates and particulars on application. CMITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and ELL Dealer Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, &c. Card of Terms on application. 12 and 18, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, B.C. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHORS' VALUATOR, AGENT, and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of Publishing. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors, Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free.-la, Paternoster-row, E.C. PRESS CUTTING AGENCY, 359, STRAND. Periodicals, Magazines and Reviews of Newspaper Cuttings on all Subjects, Literary, Artistic, Political, from he Newspapers, the World, Statistics, Files searched, Special Information, and all Press Work; Translations and Reporting-KOMEIKE & CURTICE'S only address in England, 359, Strand, London, W.C. Telegraph, Romeike, London. Telephone 2662. SWIFT & CO., Music, Letterpress, and Litho graphic Printers, Newton-street, High Holborn, W.C. All kinds of Machining expeditiously done in the best style at moderate charges. NEWSPAPER, &c., PRINTING and PUBLISH KING, SELL & RAILTON, LD., High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12, Gough-square, and 4, Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E.C., are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION, MINUTES of EVIDENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen. Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, GRAPHS of many of the Pictures and Drawings of this Artist have been made by FREDERICK HOLLYER, and can now be obtained from him direct at 9, Pembroke-square, Kensington. Subjects and prices will be sent post free on application. SCIENTIFIC and NATURAL HISTORY BOOKS, Second-hand and New. Full discount prices. Catalogues (Microscopy-Micro-Natural History-Darwiniana, &c.) on application. Libraries Purchased, Books Bought and Exchanged. W. P. COLLINS, 157, Great Portland-street, Oxford-street, London, W. BROUGH (WM.) & SONS, URBOOKSELLERS, BIRMINGHAM. - WANTED to PURCHASE, Libraries and Parcels of Miscellaneous Books. High Prices given for Searce, Curious, Early-printed and Out-of-the-way Books First Editions - Sporting Books-Works illustrated by Cruikshank, Leech, Seymour, Rowlandson, &c.-Miscellaneous Catalogues post free on appication. TO BOOKSELLERS. WANTED, a few copies (in good condition) of The SHALONSKI FAMILY, a translation from the Russian. Pub. by Remington, 1882.-State lowest price to C. J. COOKE, 18, Little Russell-street, W.c. TO BOOKSELLERS and others. WANTED TO BUY: Freeman, Kentish Poets, 2 vols. Canterbury, 1821, uncut copy as issued-Byron, Works, quarto edition, 8 vols. in boards, uncut as issued-Walpole, Royal and Noble Authors, edition by Park, pub lished by Major, Large Paper, uncut copy as issued - Crowe and Cavalcaselle. History of Painting in Italy, 3 vols. first edition. on, original cloth-Early Fiemish Painters, first edition, original cloth. Only immaculate copies need be offered.-Address A. P., care of J. W Vickers, 5, Nicholas-lane, London, E.C. ! PASTEL PICTURES. - The TWO superb PASTEL PICTURES, by the celebrated MONTALBA, presented by Napoleon I. to the Empress Josephine, and purchased at the sale of her effects, have just been acquired by the advertiser. Noblemen and others have an opportunity of enriching their collections by the addition of these rare and exquisite works by communicating (firstly by letter) with PASTEL, 8, Colebooke-row, Islington. MEMORY.-" The last Lecture on Professor Loisette's system was delivered last night to over 300 people in the Clarendon Assembly Room. The interest of the members in the lectures has been unparalleled in the history of Oxford public lectures" (Oxford Review, March 1, 1889). - Opinions of Experts post free. Postal and Private Lessons at any time. FIRST LECTURE, Monday, 3 P M.; Tuesday, 8 г.м., at 37, NEW OXFORD-STREET, LONDON. A FREEHOLD HOUSE, with STUDIO and GARDEN, for SALE. Situation-on the southern crest of a hill commanding extensive views. Five minutes' walk from a G.N.R. Terminus, and half-an-hour from Town.-A. WEIR, Windmill Hill, Enfield. COINS. In Lunacy, by order of the Committee of the Estate of G. A. ROOKS, Esq.-Valuable Library of Topographical and Miscellaneous Books, and other Properties. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115, Chancery-lane, W.C., on TUESDAY, April 30, and Three Following Days, at 1 o'clock, valuable TOPO To be viewed, and Catalogués had. Scientific Library, Library Furniture, Drawings and Paintings, &c. &c., the Property of the late HENRY LEE, Esq. F.L.S., MESSES, PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on MONDAY, April 29, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, the SCIENTIFIC LIBRAR by the late HENRY LEE, Esq. F.L.S., &c, consisting chiefly of Books on Ichthyology and Ornithology; including Bloch's Fishes-Couch's Fishes-Cuvier, Poissons-Günther's Fishes in the British Museum- -Yarrell's Fishes and Birds-Rondelet, Poissons, 1558Bree's Birds-Cooke's Micrographia and British Fungi-Forbes and HanLey's British Mollusca-Jardine's Naturalist's Library-Morris's Birds and Nests, first edition-Johnstone and Croall's British Seaweeds-Hooker and Bauer's Genera Filicum-Sharpe's Alcedinida-Ray Society's Publications, 59 vols. &c.; also 25 Drawings of H. K. Browne ("Phiz"), and Two important Pictures by the same in oils-Framed Drawings by Asher, Corbould, E. Corbould, G. L. Hall, E. Landelis, J. C. Schetky, Fred. Williamson, J. Whichelo, &c. - Oil Paintings by W. Bromley, G. D. Callow, A. Coles, W. Duffield, W. Helmsley, J. F. Herring, W. Hughes, Thos. Roberts, A. J. Rolfe, A. H. Tourrier, &c.-Library Furniture in Italian walnut-wood, manufactured by Ridge, of Croydon, comprising 12 ft. Bookcase, Suite of Chairs and Couch, Centre Table, Whatnots, &c. -a beautiful Wedgwood Vase, &c. Catalogues on receipt of twestamps. Valuable Books in all Classes from several Private Libraries. MESSRS, PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, May 1, and Two Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of valuable STANDARD BOOKS in all the various Branches of Literature, gathered from several small Private Libraries, including First Editions of Dickens, Thackeray, Leigh Hunt, George Eliot, &c. - Books illustrated by Cruikshank, Leech, Browne, Doyle, &c.Etitions de Luxe, &c., amongst which may be mentioned Voltaire, Œuvres, 72 vols., Moreau's plates-Cervantes, Don Quichotte, Large Paper, with fine proof plates, Paris, 1798Cruikshank's Falstaff and Table Book, &c, original editions-Dickens's Oliver Twist, with the cancelled plate; Pickwick Papers, in the original numbers; The Village Coquettes, 1836, very rare-A'Beckett's Comic History of England in the original numbers-Canova's Works, 3 vols.Thackeray's Works, édition de luxe-Philosophical Transactions, 1877-83 -Palæographical Society's Publications-Sowerby's English FungiBell's Shakespeare, Large Paper-Prescott's Works, édition de luxeBoydell's Shakespeare Gallery-Plot's Staffordshire-Williams's Oxonia Depicta, 1732-Le Pautre, Œuvres d'Architecture - Doran's Their Majesties' Servants, by Lowe, Large Paper-Lowe's Ferns, &c.-Middleton's Works, by Bullen, Large Paper-Fielding's Works, édition de luxe -Allbone's Dictionary of Literature-Howard's Spirit of Shakespeare's Plays-Morris's British Birds, first edition--Scott's Novels, with plates by Cruikshank and others - Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, &c. - Keats's Endymion, first edition-Blair's Grave, with Blake's Plates-Alken's Symptoms-Turner's England and Wales, 1838, &c.. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Scientific Library of the late Dr. CHARLES DAVIDSON, of Hackney.-Portion of the Library of the late Rev. SYDNEY SMITH &c. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON are preparing MESSES. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE SALE by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square. W.C., the LIBRARY of the late Rev. LUKE TYERMAN (Author of the Life and Times of John Wesley'), comprising a number of Standard Works in Modern Theology and General Literature. An important Collection of French Autograph Letters and Historical Documents from Charles V. to the Consulate. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C, on WEDNESDAY, May 1, and Following Day, at 1 o'clock precisely, an important COLLECTION of FRENCH AUTOGRAPH LETTERS and HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, from Charles V. to the Consulate. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. A Portion of the Collection of valuable Bristol Porcelain of the late FRANCIS FRY, Esq. F.S.A., of Cotham, Bristol; and other Works of Art, the Property of a Private Gentleman. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on THURSDAY, May 2, at 1 o'clock precisely, TAPESTRIES, PAINTINGS, WOOD CARVINGS, and other Objects of Art, the Property of a Private GENTLEMAN, from Italy, and a PORTION of the COLLECTION of valuable BRISTOL PORCELAIN, of the late FRANCIS FRY, Esq F.S.A., of Cotham, Bristol, comprising many of the more important Pieces from the Sale of the celebrated "Edkins" Collection; also, another Property, including a curiously Carved Ivory and Wood Cabinet-a Set of Three Vases made at the Old British Pottery-Bow and Chelsea Figures-Salt-glaze Ware and English Pottery. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues (illustrated) may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, the Property of various Private Collectors, including an interesting Series of Letters addressed to Sir Richard Bulstrode, MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on FRIDAY, May 3, and Four Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, an important and very interesting COLLECTION of AUTOGRAPH LETTERS and HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, the Property of various Private Collectors, comprising Autograph Letters, &c., of Dukes of Monmouth and Marlborough, Sir W. Temple, 8. T. Coleridge, P. 5. Shelley, Wordsworth, Carlyle, Burke, Burns, Hume, Ruskin, Lamb, Locke, Mendelssohn, &c. a very interesting Series of Autograph Letters from Statesmen and others to Richard Bulstrode, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps. The Cromwell Museum formed by the Rev. J. DE KEWER WILLIAMS. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington1 o'clock precisely, the WILLIAMS, street, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, May 6, at CROMWELL MUSEUM of the Rev. J. DE KEWER comprising a remarkable Collection of Printed Books and TractsPortraits in Oil, and Engraved-Miniatures-Bronzes, including several valuable Statuettes-Coins and Medals-Carvings in Ivory-Cabinets, &c., the whole relating to Oliver Cromwell. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on THURSDAY, May 9, at 1 o'clock precisely, the important COLLECTION of ETCHINGS by REMBRANDT, the Property of JOHN WEBSTER, Esq., LL.D., late M.P. for Aberdeen, all in very choice states and condition. Also a few very fine and rare Specimens of the Works of George Cruikshank. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of two stamps. Portion of the Library of the late WILLIAM C. SMITH, Esq., of Shortgrove, Essex. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 18, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on FRIDAY, May 10, and Following Day, at 1 o'clock precisely, a PORTION of the LIBRARY of the late WILLIAM CHARLES SMITH, Esq., of Shortgrove, Essex, consisting of valuable Books of Prints and Galleries-important Works on Topography, History, Archæology, Bibliography, Natural History, Architecture, &c., including remarkably choice and complete Series of Dr. Dibdin's Works-the Chronicles of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, &c., in 30 vols., bound by Riviere-Du Sommerard, Les Arts au Moyen Age-Arts Somptuaires, 3 vols.-Alken's National Sports of Great Britain-Buck's Antiquities, 3 vols. -Claude's Liber Veritatis-Gailhabaud, L'Architecture du Ve au XVIIe siècle-Nichols's Literary Anecdotes and Illustrations-Abbotsford Edition of the Waverley Novels-StirlingMaxwell's Artists of Spain-Turner's Southern Coast-La Fontaine, Fables, illustrated by Oudry-Lodge's Portraits, 4 vols.-Large-Paper Copies of H. Shaw's Books on Costume, Ornament, &c. -Vernon Gallery, with artists' proofs, &c., mostly fine copies, bound by the most eminent English Binders-Portraits, Engravings, &c. May be viewed twe days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. The select and valuable Collection of English Coins and Medals, in Gold and Silver and Copper, formed by G. W. EGMONT BIEBER, Esq. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 18, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, May 13, and Seven Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the valuable and extensive STOCK of BOOKS of the late Mr. CHARLES HUTT, comprising a large Collection of Works in all Classes of Literature-First Editions of Dickens, Thackeray, Shelley, Coleridge, Lamb, Lever, Ainsworth, Browning, Byron, George Eliot, Hazlitt, L. Hunt, J. H. Jesse, Swinburne, and other Popular Authors-Books illustrated by G. Cruikshank, Phiz, Rowlandson, Blake, Bewick, Leech, Doyle, R. Seymour, &c. a series of the Works of Restif de la Bretonne, also of other French Writers, many with Illustrations by Eisen, Marillier, Moreau, Cochin, Lalauze, and others-Books printed for private circulation only-additionally Illustrated Works-Engrayings, Paintings, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of twelve stamps. Ninety-one Illuminated and other Manuscripts on vellum, being a Portion of the HAMILTON PALACE COLLECTION, till lately in the possession of the ROYAL MUSEUM of BERLIN, MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on THURSDAY, May 23, at 1 o'clock precisely (unless previously disposed of by private contract), NINETY-ONE MANUSCRIPTS on VELLUM from the LIBRARY of the late DUKE of HAMILTON, comprising Evangelia IV. Latine, written on purple vellum in uncial letters of gold by an Anglo-Saxon scribe for Archbishop Wilfrid of York (A D. 670-80), and subsequently presented to Henry VIII., it is said, by Leo X. when conferring on him the title of "Defender of the Faith"-Bestiarius by an English scribe, with interesting miniatures, given in 1187 by Philip, Canon of Lincoln, to the Church of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert at Radford-Evangelistarium Græce, a monument of the highest order of Byzantine art in the eleventh centuryEvangelia IV. Græca, Sæc. XII.-Bible Hystoriee en Francois par Pierre Comestor, with elegant miniatures-Josephi Antiquitates Judaicæ et de Bello Judaico, with exquisite miniatures-Bibbia Italiana, written in 1396, with fine miniatures-Augustin, Cité de Dieu, with magnificent paintings-Boccaccio, Illustres Malheureux, with exquisite miniatures -Chroniques de France, written for Charles VII-Antiphonale cum Notis Musicis-Mariani de Vulterra Carmina-Breviarium Romanum, with miniatures and coats of arms-Dante, Paradiso, in French, by F. Bergaigne, with miniatures-old French Romances and Poems-Missale written for Francis I., Duke of Bretagne, with miniatures-Officium Virginis, superbly decorated with miniatures by G. David for the wife of Charles V.-Diodore, par A. Macault, with exquisite miniatures by G. Tory for Francis L.-various copies of the Missale, Breviarium, Psalterium, Hore, and other Service Books, with magnificent illuminations-Anne de Bretagne, Commemoration de sa Mort, with 10 exquisite miniatures-Thomas von Zirclaria, Der Walsche Gust, with 116 curious miniatures-and Three Works of the famous calligrapher Nicolas Jarry, all exquisitely beautiful specimens of his unrivalled penmanship. May be viewed two days prier. Catalogues of this important Sale are now ready, price One Shilling each; Illustrated copies, Five Shillings. G. Clint, A.R.A. T. S. Cooper, R. A. H Garland J. F. Herring H. Jutsum J. Linnell J. Ricks W. D. Sadler A. Stark W. Weekes. Also Works of the Flemish, Dutch, French, and Early English Schools, and a number of interesting Historical and other Portraits. May be viewed, and Catalogues had. Pictures, Engravings, and Porcelain of the late HENRY LEE, Esq. MESSRS CHRISTIE MANSON & JOOPE WOODS respectrally kive notice that they wil SALE BY AUGAVA their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on WEDNESDAY, May 1, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executrix), PICTURES, ENGRAVINGS, and PORCELAIN of HENRY LEB, Esq., deceased, late of 13, Lower Grosvenor-place, comprising Pictures of the French and English Schools-a Pair of capital Examples of J. Breughel-a few Engravings after Rosa Bonheur, Sir E. Landseer, R.A., &c.-Old English, Dresden, Oriental, and other Porcelain-Venetian Glass-Clocks, &c. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. A Portion of the Collection of Porcelain of the late Rev. T. STANIFORTH. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, May 2, at 1 o'clock precisely, a PORTION of the CO COLLECTION of PORCELAIN of the Rev. T. STANIFORTH, deceased, late of Storrs, Windermere, comprising a large number of marked specimens of European Porcelain, many of which are described in Chaffers's 'Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain,' also Palissy Dishes from the Fountaine Collection, and Elizabethan Stoneware Jugs mounted with silver gilt. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. The Collection of Modern Pictures of Col. HOLDSWORTH, deceased. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, May 4, at 1 o'clock precisely, the COLLECTION of highly important MODERN PICTURES and WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS of Col. W. J. HOLDSWORTH, deceased, late of Halifax, Yorkshire, comprising Kelp Burners in the Shetlands and Market Morning, by J. C. Hook, R.A.-Abingdon, by Vicat Cole, R.A.-A Summer's Day, by P. Graham, R.A.-Sarah and Isaac, by F. Goodall, R.A.-Passing Clouds and Ne Touchez Pas, by R. Ansdell, R.A. Roxborough Downs and A Fine Morning in Early Spring, by B. W. Leader, A.R.A.-two capital Examples of P. Nasmyth-Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman, by Sir H. Raeburn, R.A.-and Works of E. W. Cooke, R.A. T. S. Cooper, R.A. F. Danby, A.R.A. L. Fildes, R A. The Drawings include Criccieith Castle, by J. M. W. Turner, R.A.Brough Castle, by David Cox Glen Lochy, by Copley Fielding Curiosity, by F. Walker, A.RA.-and Works of G. Barret, S. Prout, G. Cattermole, P. F. Poole, R.A., W. Hunt, &c. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. The Collection of Pictures of the late RICHARD PEACOCK, Esq. M.P. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSONELL & WOODS by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, May 15, and Following Day, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, the SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY of the late Dr. CHARLES DAVIDSON (removed from Hackney), comprising Standard Modern Works chiefly in Medical Science; and other Collections. Catalogues in preparation. will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington- May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had, price One respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, Mastiffs at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, May 4, at 1 o'clock, the COLLECTION of MODERN PICTURES and WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS of RICHARD PEACOCK, Esq., M.P., deceased, late of Gorton Hall, Lancashire, comprising: Alpine Ma reanimating a Traveller, by Sir E. Landseer, R.A.-The Ford, by T. Creswick, R.A. The Pet of the Bothie, by R. Ansdell, R.A-On the South Coast, by T. S. Cooper, R.A.-Lions ions Fighting, by Heywood Hardy -and Works of B. W. Cooke, R.A., F. Goodall, R.A.. P. F. Poole, R.A., J. C. Horsley, R.A., Sir J. Gilbert, R.A., H. O'Neil, A.RA., F. D. Hardy, 8. Carter, W. Wyld, &c.; also The Flight into Egypt, by J. Linnell-The Poet's Theme, by J. C. Horsley, R.A.-and Drawings by W. Hunt, B. Duncan. Birket Foster, F. Tayler, and B. G. Warren, the Property of a GENTLEMAN. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Important Modern Pictures, MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, May 4, at 1 o'clock, the following important MODERN PICTURES, from different Private Collections: The Pride of Seville, by J. Phillip, R.A.-News from Home, by T. Faed, R.A.-A Peacemaker, by Marcus Stone, R.A.-Between Hope and Fear, by L. Alma Tadema, R.A.Poverty and Wealth, by W. P. Frith, R.A.-Portrait of the Right Hon. John Bright, by W. W. Ouless, R.A. At the Bar, by F. Walker, A.R.A.-Mary Magdalen, by D. G. Rossetti-A Landscape, with Ewes and Lambs, by E. Verbeeckhoven-and Works of Rosa Bonheur, W. Maris, and J. De Nittis, &c. Also The Threat, by J. Pettie, R.A, and God Speed, by G. H. Boughton, A. R.A., sold by order of the Trustees of the estate of ISAAC M. MARSDEN, Esq., deceased. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Modern Engravings, the Property of the late JAMES LEES, Esq., and of GEORGE F. LEES, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on MONDAY, May 6, at 1 o'clock precisely, MODERN ENGRAVINGS, the Property of the late JAMES LEES, Esq., and of GEORGE F. LEES, Esq, of Mansfield, Notts, including a large number of choice Artists' Proofs after Sir B. Landseer, R.A., Sir F. Leighton, P.R.A., Sir J. E. Millais, R.A, Rosa Bonheur, &c.; also upwards of Forty Proofs after J. M. W. Turner, R.A., the Property of a GENTLEMAN, Choice Wines from the Cellars of the late General W. NASSAU LEES, the late Admiral A. DUNCOMBE, the late EDWARD CHARRINGTON, Esq., the late Mrs. M. Е. STEWARD, and others. MESSRS. CHRISTIE MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on WEDNESDAY, May 8, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), eighty dozens of WINE, chiefly CLARET and CHAMPAGNE, the Property of General W. NASSAU LEES, deceased, late of Grosvenor-street, including Château Lafite, Château Margaux, Château Lagrange, Leoville, Latour, and Pontet Canet of 1869, 1870, 1874, and 1880-Pommery & Greno's Champagne of 1874, and Perrier Jouet & Moet's 1880; a small CELLAR of WINES, the Property of Mrs. M. E. STEWARD, deceased, late of Bruton-street, comprising 120 dozens of Pale, Golden, and Brown Sherry -old East India Madeira-Port-Claret, Château Lafite of 1865, &c.Burgundy-Hock Sauterne Champagne, Verzenay of 1880 - and Liqueurs; also 48 dozens of old Brown Sherry, 16 dozens of Madeira, and 30 dozens of Kopke Roriz's Port, of the vintage of 1863, the Property of Admiral A. DUNCOMBE, deceased, late of Kilnwick Percy, Pocklington, Yorks; 150 dozens of Sherry, Claret, and Champagne from the Cellar of the late EDWARD CHARRINGTON, Esq., of Buryscourt, Leigh, Reigate, comprising old Manzanilla Sherry of Misa's shipping, Château Lafite of 1874 and 1878, and Latour of 1878, Château bottled-and Champagne of Krug's private Cuvée, landed in 1885; and choice bins of Madeira, Port, Château Lafite of 1874, and Liqueur Pale and Brown Brandy of 1858, from different Private Cellars. Samples may be had on paying for the same one week preceding the ale, and Catalogues. Old English and other Plate. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, May 9, at 1 o'clock precisely, several small COLLECTIONS of OLD ENGLISH and other PLATE, including several Pieces of the time of Queen Elizabeth, Elizabethan mounted Tankards, &c. Also a very fine Toilet Service of Silver-Gilt, comprising about Thirty Pieces, formerly the Property of La Belle Jennings, Duchess of Tyrconnel, and her daughter, the Marchioness of Waterford. Modern Engravings from the Collection of the late CHARLES BARKER COURTNEY, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, PRIDAY May 10, at 1 o'clock precisely, MODERN ENGRAVINGS from the Collection of the late CHARLES BARKER COURTNEY, Esq., of Rutlandgate, Hyde Park, including a number of choice Proofs after Sir E. Landseer, R.A., and others after Rosa Bonheur, Sir D. Wilkie, R.A, Sir F. Grant, P.R.A., &c. The Collection of Water-Colour Drawings of the late CHARLES BARKER COURTNEY, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, May 11, at Executors), the very choice DRAWINGS of CHARLES 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the COLLECTION of WATER-COLOU BARKER COURTNEY, Esq., deceased, late of Rutland-gate, Hyde Park, comprising The Iris, by Sir J. Gilbert, R.A.-Ione, and Two other important examples of W. C. T. Dobson, R.A.-Bereft, The Crockery Seller, Edinburgh, and Nine other Works of of Birket Foster-Minding the Game and On the Moor, by J. Hardy, jun.-Seventeen Works of F. Tayler, and Works of The Collection of Water-Colour Drawings of the late WILLIAM QUILTER, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, May 18, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), the very choice COLLECTION of WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS of WILLIAM QUILTER, Esq., deceased, late of Norfolk-street, Park-lane, including La Marchesa, by Sir F. W. Burton-The Vale of Cl Clwyd, Peace and War, Green Lanes, A Storm on the Llugwy, Carthage, Haddon Hall, and numerous other important Works of David Cox-Lancaster and Southall, Notts, two fine Works of P. de Wint-A School at Cairo, Lilium Auratum, and The Prayer of Faith, by J. F. Lewis, R. A.-The Death of Rizzio, The Darnley Conspirators, Shakespeare and Sir Thomas Lucy, The Passage of the Kings, and Three other Works of G. Cattermole-The Duke of Gloucester and the Murderers, and To Be or Not To Be, by Sir John Gilbert, R.A.-The Eavesdropper, Devotion, A Wreath of Flowers, and Ten others by W. Hunt-Ophelia, and The Enemy Sowing Tares, by Sir J. E. Millais, R.A.-Little Nell in the Churchyard, and The Holy Well, by F. W. Topham-Oberwesel, Heidelberg. The Tomb of Cecilia Metella, Thun, Geneva, Sion, Hardraw Fall, Plymouth, and A View in Italy, by J. M. W. Turner, R.A.-and capital Examples of W. Bennett R. P. Bonington G. Chambers L. Clennell E W. Cooke, R.A. W. Evans C. Green The Works of the late OTTO WEBER, A.R.W.S. R.H.A. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT.-Natural History Specimens, Books, &c. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Coventgarden, on MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT, April 29 and 30, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, NATURAL HISTORY and other SCIENTIFIC BOOKSShells-Minerals-Fossils-African Coleoptera-Exotic and other Lepidoptera-Bird Skins-Heads and Horns of Animals-Birds set up in Cases Cabinets-Fiint Implements-Dried Plants-Skulls-and various Natural History Specimens. On view the Saturday prior from 10 till 4 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. FRIDAY NEXT.-Photographic Apparatus and MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on FRIDAY NEXT, May 3, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely. PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS, comprising Cameras and Lenses by First Class Makers-Stands-Dry Plates-Head Rests Rolling Presses, &c.; also Microscopes and Telescopes Opera Glasses-Drawing Instruments Books-Furniture-Magic Lanterns and Slides-Chemical and Galvanic Appliances-and Miscellaneous Property. On view the day prior from 2 till 5 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. By order of the Trustees of the late EDWARD WILSON, Esq., Bishop's Hill, Walton-on-Thames. MESSRS. WATERER & SONS will SELL by AUCTION, upon the Premises, as above, on MONDAY, April 29, and Two Following Days, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLATE, CARRIAGES, &c., the valuable LIBRARY of over 1,000 volumes, including works illustrated by Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Leech, "Phiz," Dagley, Seymour, Bunbury, Daret, and others, amongst which are Life in Paris, first edition-Dr. Syntax's Fellissa-Gambado's Academy for Grown Horsemen-Bentley's Miscellany, 1837-1813-a complete Set of Punch, 95 vols. original edition; also several Editions of the BibleWilson's Catalogue-Hawkins's Edition of the Complete Angler-first edition of Walton's Life of Dr. Sanderson-Philidor's Analyse du Jeu des Echecs, 1777-Behmen's Works-several of Finden's Publications-Books on Costumes, Scenery, &c., including Roberts's Holy Land, Egypt and Nubia, Orme's Oriental Sports, illustrated by Howitt-some Architectural Works - Ackerman's Universities and Public Schools - and large number of Books of general interest; also the fine collection of Ancient and Modern Engravings, Old Prints, Mezzotints, Fancy Subjects, Cartoons, Caricatures, &c., by Albert Dürer, Goltzius, Bercht, Collaert, Luyken, Villamena, Tempesta, Bartoli, Picart, Grignion, Cochin, Benoist, Faber, Watson, Green, J. R. Smith, Fisher, Bartolozzi, Burke, Knight, Hogarth, Gillray, Bunbury, Rowlandson, Dighton, Cruikshanks, and others. May be viewed Saturday prior, and Catalogues had of the AUCTIONEERS at either of their Offices: Chertsey, Weybridge, and Walton-on-Thames. IS & SOLDIER'S LIFE WORTH LIVING? By Lord Wolseley. JOHN BRIGHT By Karl Blind. MASHUNALAND and the MASHUNAS. By F. C. Selous. TWO CENTURIES of MAGISTRATES' WORK in SURREY. By The ZEIT-GEIST under DRILL. By Colonel F. Maurice. The EDUCATION COMMISSION and the SCHOOL RATE. By Cardinai Manning. Chapman & Hall, Limited. Sir BEVIS BULMER, KNIGHT of the GOLDEN MINE. By William JOHN BRIGHT'S CONNEXION with the NORTH. MEN of MARK 'TWIXT TYNB and TWEED. By Richard Welford: The STREETS of NEWCASTLE:-Newgate-street. The COMING and GOING of the JUDGES. By J. R. Boyle, F.S.A. The MILLER'S COTTAGE, BARRAS BRIDGE, NEWCASTLE. RECORD of EVENTS and OCCURRENCES. Published for the Proprietor of the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle by Walter Scott, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; and 24, Warwick-lane, London. JOURNAL of the INSTITUTE of ACTUARIES. No. CLII. APRIL, price 2s. 6d. Contents. Mr. W. S. B. WOOLHOUSE on 'An Easy Method of getting out a Rough Estimate Valuation of a Whole-Life Assurance Business.' Mr. JAMES CHISHOLM on 'The Approximate Calculation of Valuation Reserves.' DISCUSSION on the Papers of Mr. Woolhouse and Mr. Chisholm. respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on MONDAY, May 20, at 1 o'clock precisely, the REMAINING WORKS in OIL and WATER COLOURS of OTTO WEBER, A R.W.S. R.H.A., deceased, including a number of important Finished Pictures which have appeared in the Royal Academy and other Exhibitions. Mr. NOEL A. HUMPHREYS on 'The Recent Decline in the English Death-Rate, and its Effect upon the Duration of Life (reprinted, by permission, from the Journal of the Statistical Society, June, 1883). Correspondence. London: C. & E. Layton, Farringdon street. Now ready, price One Shilling, SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, MAY, 1889. Contents. The CARCAJOU POOL. Frontispiece. Drawn by M. J. Burns, engraved by Van Ness. The LAND of the WINANISHE. Leroy Milton Yale, J. G. Aylwin Creighton, Illustrations from Sketches and Drawings. The GREATER WORLD. Rose Hawthorne Lathrop. COUNT LEO TOLSTOY TWENTY YEARS AGO. Eugene Schuyler. The FREIGHT-CAR SERVICE. Theodore Voorhees. With many UNDER the LEAVES. William Herbert Carruth. The DILEMMA of SIR GUY the NEUTER, Octave Thanet. PHOTOGRAPHY. John Trowbridge. Illustrations from Negatives by the Author and others, including Full-Page Engravings of a Flash of Lightning, and the Surf at Hastings. A FRAGMENT from PLATO. Kate Stephens. FICTION as a LITERARY FORM. Hamilton Wright Mabie. The MASTER of BALLANTRAE. 7. Robert Louis Stevenson. Begun in November. To be continued. NOT STRAND, but SEA. Mrs. James T. Fields. The LACK of OLD HOMES in AMERICA. Charles Eliot Norton. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for MAY. Contents. The BEGUM'S DAUGHTER. 1-4. Edwin Lassetter Bynner. OMAR KHAYYAM. Frank Dempster Sherman. La MARVEILLEUSE AMÉRICAINE. Albert Roland Haven. PALINODE. By a Poet brought to Book. T. B. А. The BELL of SAINT BAZIL'S. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. REFLECTIONS after a WANDERING LIFE in AUSTRALASIA. In Two Parts. Part I. Josiah Royce. The LAWYER in NATIONAL POLITICS. Frank Gaylord Cook. TROTTING HORSES. H. C. Merwin. Mr. MOTLEY'S CORRESPONDENCE. A PAINTER'S PEN and BRUSH. The STRUGGLES of ABEL STRONG. A Living Chess Story. By Henry Frith. CROSS CURRENTS: a Story of Matchmaking. By M. Payne Smith. SOMETHING MORE than a SYMPTOM. By a Family Doctor. The GARDEN in MAY. HOW to WASH COLOURED DRESSES. By Phyllis Browne. VEGETARIANISM. By A Vice-President of the Vegetarian Society. "LIFE-THOUGHTS." New Music by Berthold Tours. The GUILDHALL SCHOOL of MUSIC. By J. C. Hadden. HOW to ENJOY OUR PICTURE GALLERIES. By E. Crossley. The GATHERER: Invention, Discovery, &c. UNDER & STRANGE MASK. By Frank Barrett. Cassell & Company (Limited), Ludgate-hill, London. THE MAGAZINE of ART, for MAY, containing PHOTOGRAVURE: a Study. By Sir F. Leighton, P.R.A. The ROYAL ACADEMY. I. By the Editor. With Four Illustrations: The Sibyl, Four Studies for the Sibyl, and Giris Playing at Ball (from the Original Sketches by Sir F. Leighton); and The Habit does not Make the Monk (by G. F. Watts, R.A.). OLD ARTS and MODERN THOUGHTS: Ars Palliata. By J. E. Hodgson, R.A. With Four Illustrations by the Author. STUDIES in ENGLISH COSTUME: a Suit of the Time of Hogarth. By Richard Heath. With Illustrations. PHOTOGRAVURE: Study of a Head. By Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart., P.R.A. HERMANN CORRODI. By M. S. Taylor. With a Portrait and Illustrations. The BARBIZON SCHOOL: Narcisse Virgilio Diaz. By David Croal Thomson. With Two Illustrations. TOO TRUE. Poem by W. Cosmo Monkhouse. With an Illustration drawn by Arthur Lemon. The EARLY DAYS of the RENAISSANCE in ITALY. With Four Illustrations. The CHRONICLE of ART: ART in APRIL. Cassell & Company (Limited), Ludgate-hill, London. LABOUR and LIFE of the PEOPLE. Volume I. EAST LONDON. Edited by CHARLES BOOTH. With a large Coloured Map. Contributors: - CHARLES BOOTH, BEATRICE POTTER, DAVID F. SCHLOSS, ERNEST AVES, STEPHEN N. FOX. JE SE ARGYLE, CLARA E. COLLET, H. LLEWELLYN SMITH. Contents:-1. The Classes. 2 The Trades (Docks, Tailoring. Bootmaking. Furniture, Tobacco, Silk, Woman's Work). 3. Special Subjecta (Sweating, Influx of Population, Jewish Community). Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, London and 20, South Frederick-street, Edinburgh. CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY'S NEW AND RECENT PUBLICATIONS. "British Societies are now well represented in the Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland."-Art. Societies in New Edition of Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. XXII. This day, Sixth Annual Issue, 78. 6d. SCIENTIFIC and LEARNED SOCIETIES of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND (YEAR-BOOK of the for 1889). Compiled from Official Sources, and giving, besides other necessary Official Information, Complete Lists of the PAPERS read during 1888 before all the leading Societies in every Department of Science throughout the Kingdom. "It goes almost without saying that a Handbook of this subject will be in time ONE OF THE MOST GENERALLY USEFUL WORKS FOR THE LIBRARY OR THE DESK."-Times. "Is an Invaluable Index to the Literature of British Science." - Westminster Review. *** Copies of the previous Issues from 1884 may still be had. This day, Sixth Edition, Pocket-size, Leather, 8s. 6d. An ELECTRICAL POCKET-BOOK. By John Munro, C.E., and A. JAMIESON, M.Inst.C.E. F.R.S.E. 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This day, with very numerous Illustrations, Pocket-size, Leather, 88. 6d. A SURGICAL HANDBOOK, for the Use of Students, House-Surgeons, Dressers, and Practitioners. By F. M. CAIRD, M.B. F.R.C.S. (Ed.), and C. W. CATHCART, M.B. F.R.C.S. (Eng. and Edin.), Assistant Surgeons, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. Third Edition, in 1 royal 8vo. vol. with 692 Woodcuts, cloth, 34s. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (A Text-Book of): including Histology and Microscopical Anatomy, with Special Reference to Practical Medicine. By Prof. LANDOIS, of Griefswald. Translated from the Sixth German Edition, with Additions, by WM. STIRLING, M.D. Sc.D., Brackenbury Professor of Physiology in Owens College, and Victoria University, Manchester; Examiner in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. In a review of the THIRD EDITION the Lancet says:-"The book is the MOST COMPLETE résumé of all the facts in physiology in the language." ** To meet the wishes of Students, the THIRD EDITION of Profs. 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So full are the morphology, physiology, and development of these three types, that 150 pages are occupied in their systematic description, illustration, and comparison. Yet nowhere does there seem to be a single phrase in excess. A valuable bibliography is appended, besides index-glossary, which occupies no less than seventy-eight pages.' Saturday Review. Royal 8vo. with 190 Illustrations, 188. SEATON, M.Inst. Naval Architects, M.Inst. Mech. Eng.; Lecturer on Marine Engi- EMBRYOLOGY (An INTRODUCTION to). For the neering, Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Use of Students. By A. C. HADDON, M.A., Professor of Zoology in the Royal "An EXCELLENT résumé OF RECENT RESEARCH, well adapted for self-study...... Gives remarkably good accounts (including all recent work) of the development of the heart and other organs...... The book is handsomely got up."-Lancet. Crown 8vo. with 142 Illustrations, cloth, 8s. 6d. STEAM and STEAM ENGINES (A Text-Book on). PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY (OUTLINES of). Including For the Use of Students preparing for Competitive Examinations. By A. JAMIESON, M.Inst.C.E F.R.S.E., Professor of Engineering in the Technical College, Glasgow. With 200 Illustrations, Four Folding Plates, and Examination Papers. "The best book yet published for the use of students." Engineer. ** An Introduction to the above, entitled An ELEMENTARY MANUAL of STEAM and the STEAM ENGINE, by the SAME AUTHOR, very fully illustrated, is also now ready. Crown 8vo. cloth, 38. 6d. Second Edition, crown 8vo. with over 100 Illustrations, 7s. 6d. MINE SURVEYING (A Text-Book of). For the Use of Students at the Royal School of Mines, City and Guilds of London Institute, &c. Ву BENNETT H. BROUGH, F.G.S., Instructor of Mine Surveying, Royal School of Mines. "It is the kind of book which has long been wanted, and as soon as it becomes known no mining student will consider his technical library complete without it."-Nature. 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A MANUAL of MACHINERY and MILLWORK. Sixth Edition. 128. 6d. 5. USEFUL RULES for ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, ELEC Second Edition. "Should be in the hands of every medical practitioner."-Lancet. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged, fcap. 8vo. roan, with numerous Illustrations, 78. 6d. Adapted for the Public Medical Services. Revised, and in great part Rewritten. By Brigade-Surgeon C. H. Y. GODWIN, Assistant Professor of Military Surgery in the Army Medical School. 6. A MECHANICAL TEXT-BOOK: a Simple Introduction to the Study of PORTER'S SURGEON'S POCKET-BOOK, specially TRICIANS, &c. Sixth Edition. 10s. 6d. Mechanics. Third Edition. 9s. 7. Professor RANKINE'S MISCELLANEOUS SCIENTIFIC PAPERS. With Memoir by Professor TAIT, M.A., and fine Portrait on Steel. Royal 8vo. handsome cloth, 31s. 6d. London: CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY, Exeter-street, Strand. |