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Written by a man who possesses a full theoretical acquaintance with the subject on which he treats, and-what is of paramount importance-has had an abundant opportunity of putting theory to the stringent test of actual practice on European battlefields, these letters have a deep interest for all who seek to study the military art in its highest and most recent developments."-Scotsman. CHATTO & WINDUS'S NEW LIST. NEW NOVELS AT ALL LIBRARIES. WALTER BESANT'S NEW NOVEL.-Immediately, 3 vols. crown 8vo. FOR FAITH and FREEDOM. By WALTER BESANT, Author of 'All Sorts and Conditions of Men.' With Illustrations by A. Forestier and F. Waddy. The LEGACY of CAIN. By WILKIE COLLINS, Author of 'The Woman in White.' "A capital novel, and quite the best book that Mr. Wilkie Collins has written for many years past."-Truth. AGATHA PAGE. By ISAAC HENDERSON. "Mr. Henderson seems to have a peculiar facility for drawing the character of a really noble woman... His style is perfection...... 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The" Exerzir-Reglement" just issued to the German army is divided into three parts. The first and third apply more particularly to the German army. The second, treating of the handling of troops in action and their previous training for war, has therefore been selected for translation, as it is of general interest to soldiers of all nations, and as being the most recent exposition of the most approved principles of modern European fighting. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND RE-ARRANGED. The Unforeseen,' &c. 3 vole, crown 8vo. at all Libraries. By ALICE O'HANLON, Author of [Shortly. DOLLY: a Sketch. By JUSTIN H. MCCARTHY, M.P. Crown 8vo. KING or KNAVE? Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 38. 6d. A SHORT HISTORY of NATURAL THIS MORTAL COIL. SCIENCE, and of the Progress of Discovery from the Time of the Greeks to the Present Day. For the Use of Schools and Young Persons. By ARABELLA B. BUCKLEY (Mrs. FISHER), Author of 'The Fairyland of Science,' ' Life and Her Children,'' Winners in Life's Race,' &c. Crown 8vo. cloth gilt, gilt edges, 8s. 6d. [Shortly. Crown [Shortly. By R. E. FRANCILLON. Cheaper Edition. CAUGHT at LAST. By DICK DONOVAN, Author of 'The Man Hunter.' Post 8vo. illustrated boards, 28; cloth, 2s. 6d. NEW BOOKS AT ALL BOOKSELLERS'. [Shortly. has by this means been able to bring into proper chrono- The FOLK-LORE of PLANTS. By the Rev. T. F. THISELTON DYER, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6s. The PLAYTIME NATURALIST: a Book for Home and School. NEW MAPS. COUNTY of LONDON. - STAN- to the Local Government Act, 1888. Size, inches, Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile. Price 68. in sheet, This Map embraces the whole of the Metropolitan Area, from Highgate to the Crystal Palace, and from Hammersmith to Barking. This area will, on the 1st of April, 1889, become the County of London, governed by 19 Aldermen and 118 Councillors. TRANSVAAL GOLDFIELDS. STANFORD'S MAP of the TRANSVAAL GOLDFIELDS, 1888. A Map of the Transvaal Goldfields, British Zululand, the Delagoa Bay Railway, and the Routes from Cape Colony and Natal. Size, 40 inches by 27. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch. Price, in sheet, coloured boundaries, &c., 8s., per post, packed on roller, 8s. 6d.; mounted to fold in case, 12s., per post, 12s, 3d.; mounted on rollers and varnished, 15s. CENTRAL AFRICA. - STANFORD'S NEW MAP of CENTRAL AFRICA, showing the whole of the Congo Free Trade Area, and the Possessions and Spheres of Influence of the various European Nationalities, both on the East and West Coast. It reaches to the mouths of the Zambesi on the South, embraces Emin SONGS of ADIEU. By Lord HENRY SOMERSET. Small 4to. hand WISDOM, WIT, and PATHOS, Selected from the Works of OUIDA by F. SYDNEY MORRIS. Cheaper Edition. Post 8vo. illustrated boards, 28. The DAGONET RECITER and READER: being Readings and Recitations in Prose and Verse, selected from his own Works by GEORGE R. SIMS. Crown 8vo. portrait-cover, 18. cloth, 18. 6d. NEW BIOGRAPHIES AT EVERY LIBRARY. AN IMPORTANT AUTOBIOGRAPHY.-2 vols. demy 8vo. cloth extra, 24s.; and at all Libraries. PERSONAL MEMOIRS of GENERAL P. H. SHERIDAN With Portraits, Maps, and Facsimiles. "The narrative is throughout plain, straightforward, and manly... The style is calm and soldierly-never tedion and never inflated...... The book is a solid contribution to the history of the period to which it relates."-Scotsman. WALTER BESANT AND RICHARD JEFFERIES.-With Photograph-Portrait, crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6s. The EULOGY of RICHARD JEFFERIES. By WALTER BESANT "A beautiful and satisfying biographical record......not less strong in discrimination than in sympathy......We dou whether this century has witnessed the publication of a true life story presenting such a combination of beauty al sadness...... A book as rich in pathos as it is in beauty." -Manchester Examiner. NEW THEATRICAL MEMOIRS.-2 vols. demy 8vo. cloth extra, 248. Pasha's province on the North, and shows the coast line PLAYERS and PLAYWRIGHTS I HAVE KNOWN. Ву Јон "Mr. Coleman's pages will be found equally attractive by the general reader, whether his proclivities are theatrical not, for the style is as naturally vivacious and unlaboured as the subject-matter is interesting...... Playgoers will find N Coleman a raconteur from whose fascination it will be difficult to escape."-Liverpool Post. London: CHATTO & WINDUS, 214, Piccadilly, W. MESSRS. LONGMANS & CO.'S LIST. "The Popular Edition of Lord Macaulay's Works and Life, which has just been published by Messrs. Longmans, must rank even in these days of wonders as a standing miracle of the modern book trade." - Standard. MACAULAY'S WORKS AND LIFE. .. ... ... 50 26 HISTORY of ENGLAND. 2 vols. crown 8vo, ... 26 WALTER SCOTT'S LIST. WORKS OF COUNT TOLSTOÏ. Mr. WALTER SCOTT has the pleasure to announce that he has made arrangements to publish, in Monthly Volumes, a series of translations of works of the eminent Russian novelist, Count Lyof N. Tolstoï. The English reading public will be intro duced to an entirely new series of works by one who is probably the greatest living master of fiction in Europe, and one upon whose personality and opinions -social, ethical, and religious-a unique attention is concentrated. To those unfamiliar with the charm of Russian fiction, and especially with the works of Count Tolstoï, these volumes will come as a new revelation of power. VOL. I. now ready, CIVILIZATION and PROGRESS. By John Beattie Crozier. A RUSSIAN PROPRIETOR. New and Cheaper Edition. 8vo. 58. "The ability of Mr. Crozier consists in a remarkable clearness of detail vision, singular acumen of distinction-the power, so to speak, of seeing through millstones, of being in a manner clairvoyant...... This accurate and subtle thinker." Academy. PHYSICAL REALISM; being an Analytical Philosophy from the Physical Objects of Science to the Physical Data of Sense. By THOMAS CASE, M.A., Fellow and Senior Tutor C.C.C. Oxford, 8vo. 158. MEMOIR of WILLIAM ELLIS, and an Account of his Conduct-Teaching. By ETHEL E. ELLIS. With Portrait. 8vo. 68. FIELD and HEDGEROW; being the Last Essays of Richard JEFFERIES. Collected by his WIDOW. Crown 8vo. 68. A few Copies will be printed on Large Paper, with an Etched Portrait of Richard Jefferies. Price through all Booksellers. GRASS of PARNASSUS. A Volume of Selected Verses. By ANDREW LANG. Fcap. 8vo. 68. "Probably no addition to recent poetry will afford greater pleasure to all readers than 'Grass of Parnassus...... The appearance of the book is as attractive as its contents, and it is worthy of being secured and treasured for the sake of both." Scots Observer. The STORY of GENESIS. Being Part I. of "The Story of the Bible." By FRANCES YOUNGHUSBAND, Author of The Story of Our Lord.' Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. A TEXT-BOOK of ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. By R. J. HARVEY GIBSON, M.A. F.R.S.E., Lecturer on Biology in University College, Liverpool. With 192 Illustrations. This volume, which is representative of Count Tolstoi's literary activity between 1852 and 1859, serves as an introduction to those which follow. Besides its own interest, much of it has the interest of disguised autobiography; Prince Nekhliudof, the "Russian Proprietor," suggests the youthful figure of Count Tolstoï himself in one of his early experiences; 'Recollections of a Scorer' and 'Two Hussars' are regarded as reminiscent of Count Tolstoï's gambling days. Both must have been suggested by some such terrible experience as that told of the Count's gambling-debt in the Caucasus. 'Lucerne' and'Albert,' two other stories of the volume, are also evidently transcripts from the author's own experience, but present Count Tolstoi in phases quite distinct from those in which he is familiar now. Albert,' in its peculiar realism and pathos, is one of Count Tolstoï's most exquisite sketches, and a striking example of his literary method. This novel was pronounced by Turgenieff "the greatest work in Russian fiction." In it is presented, through the medium of one of the figures of the story, Olyénin, a phase in the evolution of Count Tolstoï's peculiar views, traceable through Pierre Bezúkhof in 'War and Peace,' and Levin, in the well-known novel, 'Anna Karénina.' JANUARY Volume now ready, IVAN ILYITCH. The contents of this volume have all come from Count Tolstoï's pen within the last four years. 'Ivan Ilyitch' is a sombre and terrible study of the insidious progress of fatal disease, as well as a study in religious philosophy. 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