Engravings, the Property of a Gentleman. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, January 22, at 1 o'clock precisely, ENGRAVINGS, the Property of a GENTLEMAN, comprising about Fifty Preofs from the earlier Works of Str K. Landseer, R.A. Also Proofs after Sir J. Reyno'ds, by E Fisher, V. Green, JR. Smith, and Watson; Engravingsafter Watteau, and other Framed Engravings, the Property of a GENTLEMAN. Also EngravIngs after Sir J. E. Millais, R.A., Briton Rivière, R.A., L. Alma Tadema, RA. T. Faed, R.A.; Etchings after F. Walker, A.R.A., G. Mason, ARA, and J. McWhirter, A R. A., &c. May be viewed, and Catalogues had. The Collection of Porcelain of the late Sir GRAHAM MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, January 24, at 1 o'clock precisely, the COLLECTION of PORCELAIN of Sir THOMAS GRAHAM BRIGGS, Bart, deceased, late of Barbados, comprising Old Chinese and Japanese Porcelain - Chelsea, Derby, Lowestoft, Plymouth, Worcester, and other English Porcelain and Ware -and Specimens of many of the Continental Manufactures. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms. King-street, St. James's-square, on FRIDAY, January 25, at 1 o'clock precisely, OLD ENGLISH PLATE, including Spoons with rat-tail bowls-Sugar Castors-Tankards-Cups and Covers -Walters-Bread-baskets-Epergnes-a Set of Tea Caddies in fish-skin case-Teapots and Coffeepots; also a Service of she'l and Fiddle Pattern Forks and Spoons, Silver and Plated Articles, the Property of a LADY, decesred. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Modern Pictures and Water-Colour Drawings from the Collection of the late T. J. IRELAND, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, January 26, at 1 o'clock precisely, MODERN PICTURES and WATERCOLOUR DRAWINGS, including a small Collection, formerly the Property of T. J. IRELAND, Esq., M.P., deceased, late of Ousdon Hall, Suffolk; and others from different private sources, comprising Works of D. Bates J. Hayllar W. Hunt D. H. McKewan H. S. Marks, R A. A. Nasmyth E. J. Niemann S. Prout J. B Pyne W. Shayer C Smith J. Stannard J. Varley E. M. Ward, R.A. H. C. Warren. Also capital examples of Cooper, Henderson, C. Hancock, J. Ward, R A., and G. Barret, the Property of a GENTLEMAN. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, Works on the Fine Arts, County Histories, &c. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, January 29, at 1 o'clock precisely, BOOKS of PRINTS, PICTURE GALLERIES, WORKS on the FINE ARTS, COUNTY HISTORIES, and Books in various classes of English and French Literature, including La Fontaine, Contes, 2 vols 1762-Boccace, Le Décaméron, 5 vols. 1757Smith's Catalogue of Painters, 9 vols. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, 5 vols. Eyton's Shropshire, 12 vols-Blomefield's Norfolk, 5 vols.Ormerod's Cheshire, 3 vols. arms emblazoned-Thoroton's Nottinghamshire-Dugdale's Warwickshire, enlarged by Thomas, 2 vols. -Arundel Society's Publications, a complete set-Angas's Illustrations of Australia, &c. and Caricatures by Gillray, Rowlandson, Heath, G. Cruikshank, Alken, &c. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had. THROUGH THE GOAL OF ILL. By R. J. ALFRED. A NEW NOVEL. In 1 vol. crown 8vo. cloth, price 7s. 6d. "Writes easily and intelligently."-Scotsman. "Thoroughly well written." - Glasgow Herald. "A work of great power and beauty." - Newcastle Daily Chronicle. "Showing considerable power." - Perthshire Advertiser. GRIFFITH, FARRAN, OKEDEN & WELSH, London. NOW READY, THE WHITE KING; or, Charles the First, AND THE MEN AND WOMEN, LIFE AND MANNERS, LITERATURE AND ART OF ENGLAND IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. By W. H. DAVENPORT ADAMS. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 218. Mary, and Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans-The Court of Charles I.: Philip, Earl of Pembroke, The Countess of Carlisle, Sir Contents:-Personal History of Charles I.-Some of the Royal Children: Princess Elizabeth, Duke of Gloucester, Princess Kenelm Digby-A King's Favourite: George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham-Notes-A Moderate Statesman: Lucius Cary, Lord Falkland-An Absolute Statesman: The Earl of Strafford-A Philosopher of the Reign of Charles I.: Edward, Lord Cherbury-Glimpses of Life and Manners: The Strafford Letters-Three Noble Ladies: Margaret, Duchess of Herbert of 1. Music; Newcastle, Lady Anne Fanshawe, Mrs. Hutchinson-The Arts in England during the Reign of Charles I. 2. The Drama; 3. Painting shawchitecture Literature in the Reign of Charles I.: 1. The Courtly Poets; 2. The Serious Poets-Men of Letters in the Reign of Charles I., &c. "A peculiarly personal and thererore interesting and readable book, while many of the pictures of social life and Dotable people are admirably and therefore interesas devoted special care to a narrative of the great Trial, and his chapters on the arts in England of the vivid Mr. Adar interest, those on the drama being quite worthy of preservation book for those seeking infornat period are particular kind. The author of The White King' has unquestionably done his creditable alike to his industry hich discrimination." - Court Journal. Credit with a thoroughness mation of that as a labour of love, and the two entertaining and instructive volumes are HEYSHAM TOWER, near LANCASTER (for many years the home of the late Mr. Alderman Bennett, of Liverpool). M. DEROME & SON are honoured with instructions from the Executors of the late Mrs. BENNETT, to SELL by AUCTION, at Hessham Tower, near Lancaster, on MONDAY, January 28, and Eight Following Days (Saturday and Sunday excepted), commencing each day at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the whole of the sumptuous APPOINTMENTS of this baronial Residence (of which but a very faint idea cầu be conveyed by any advertisement, however lengthy), including noble Spanish Mahogany Sideboardsand Bookcaseschoice Walnut Chiffoniers and Cabinets-Grand Pianoforte, by ErardTwo Cottage Pianofortes-Billiar -Billiard Table, by Ashcroft, of Liverpool brilliant Pier Glasses-antique Convex Mirrors-handsome Buhl Writing Table-Birch and Mahogany Furniture for twelve Bed-rooms-500 yards of Brussels and other Carpets-LIBRARY of well-bound BOOKS, including many Works of value and importance-Gallery of 75 OIL PAINTINGS by Eminent Masters, J. M. W. Turner, R A., H. Fuseli, RA. J. W. Okes, B. R. Haydon, Jno. Barker, Berghem, Brughel, Albano, Parmegiano, Williams and Shaver, B. Fowler, and othersa valuable Gallery Picture, by Rosa di Tivoli (Philip Roos)-a choice Collection of framed and unframed WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, (framed) by T. C. Dibdin, S. Raynor, W. G. Herdman, T. Macquoid. W J. Bishop, &c., and (unframed) by W. Muller, J. B. Pyne, D. Cox, A. E. Chalon, R.A., A. H. Kearney, W. Davis, Lewis, Richardson, Gill, &c.-a wonderful and unique Collection of upwards of 1,000 LIVERPOOL VIEWS in WATER COLOURS by W. Herdman (views in Liverpool and all its suburbs, many of them being the original Drawings for Herdman's published Pictorial Relics of Ancient and Modern Liverpool')-an important Pastel Drawing by Mathilde Lagache-a few choice old Engravings and other Pictures-rare eld China-charming carved Ivories-Florentine Bronzes-Bohemian Glass-and other ornamental elegancies-800 ounces of STERLING SILVER, and a valuable assortment of Electro-plated Articles-China Dessert and Tea ServicesCut and Engraved Table Glass-Cutlery-many desirable items in the Kitchens and Domestic Offices, and other valuable effects. For fully detailed and descriptive particulars of the whole the reader is respectfully referred to the Catalogue, 75 pages, price One Shilling, or by post, Fourteenpence, which may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers, 25, Stramongate, Kendal. Heysham Tower will be open, to holders of Catalogues only, on Friday and Saturday, January 25 and 26, 1889, from 10 o'clock л.м. to The CLARENDON BUILDING, OXFORD. (Double-Page Ink-Photo.) Drawn by John Fulleylove. LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL-WEST FRONT. (Double-Page Ink-Photo.) Drawn by Arnold B. Mitchell, &c. Annual Subscription, 19s., inclusive of postage to all parts of the United Kingdom. Subscribers' names or orders for single copies (4d.; by post, 4jd.) will be received at any Railway Bookstall, by all Newsagents, or at the Office, 46, Catherine-street, Covent-garden, W C. THE JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. Edited by I. ABRAHAMS and C. G. MONTEFIORE. Vol. 1. No. 2. JANUARY, 1889. Price 38.; Annual Subscription, post free, 10s. Contents. Four of the Oldest Epitaphs after the Re-settlement of the Jews in England. By Prof. David Kaufmann. Where are the Ten Tribes? II. Eidad the Danite. By Dr. Neubauer. The Dogmas of Judaism. II. By S Schechter. The Rise and Development of the Massorah. By the Rev. J. D. Harris, Μ.Α. Mystic Passages in the Psalms. By C. G. Montefiore. The Book of Hosea in the Light of Assyrian Research. By Rev. Prof. A. H. Sayce. Letters from Austria. I. Notes and Discussion. Jacobs. Some New Books. A Massorite School in England. By Joseph MACMILLAN & CO.'S EDUCATIONAL LIST. CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS, 1889. CÆSAR.-The GALLIC WAR. Books II. and III. | CICERO.-PRO LEGE MANILIA. Edited, after Edited, with Notes and Vocabulary, by W. G. RUTHERFORD, LL.D. 18mo. 18. 6d. ÆSCHYLUS. - PROMETHEUS VINCTUS. Edited, with Notes and Vocabulary, by Rev. H. M. STEPHENSON, M.A. 18mo. 1s. 6d. LIVY.-Books XXI. and XXII. Edited by the Rev. W. W. CAPES. With 3 Maps. Foap. 8vo. 58. Halm, by Professor A. S, WILKINS, M.A. LL.D. Fcap. 8vo. 28. 6d. THUCYDIDES.-Books VI. and VII. Edited by the Rev. PERCIVAL FROST, M.A. Fcap. 8vo. 58. MOLIERE. LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME, Edited by Professor MORIARTY. 18mo 18. 6d. RECENT AND FORTHCOMING EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Mathematics. ARITHMETIC. ARITHMETIC for SCHOOLS. By the Rev. J. B. LOCK, M.A. Third Edition. Revised. (This Edition has been Stereotyped.) Globe 8vo. 48. 6d. Or in Two Parts-Part I. Up to and including Practice, with Answers. 28. Part II. With Answers and 1,000 additional Examples for Exercises. 38. *** A Key to the Third Edition of Mr. Lock's 'Arithmetic for Schools,' by the Rev. R. G. Watson, M.A., is now ready, price 10s. 6d. ARITHMETIC for BEGINNERS. A School Class Book of Commercial Arithmetic. By the Same. Globe 8vo. 28. 6d. *** A Key to 'Arithmetic for Beginners' is nearly ready. ARITHMETICAL EXERCISES and EXAMINA- PLINY. TION PAPERS. With an Appendix containing Questions in Logarithms and Mensuration. By H. S. HALL, M.A, and S. R. KNIGHT, B.A. Globe 8vo. 28. 6d. CLASSICS. [Immediately. CORRESPONDENCE with TRAJAN. Edited by E. G. HARDY, Μ.Δ. 8νο. 10s. 6d. [Classical Library. COMPLETION OF DR. LEAF'S EDITION OF THE ILIAD.' The ILIAD. Edited, with English Notes and Introduction, by WALTER LEAF, Litt. D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- PLATO. - The REPUBLIC, I.-V. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by T. H. WARREN, M.A, President of St. Mary Magdalen A TEXT-BOOK of EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. In- SELECTIONS cluding Alternative Proofs, together with Additional Theorems and Exercises, Classified and Arranged. By H. S. HALL, M.A., and F. H. STEVENS, M.A. Globe 8vo. 4s. 6d. Or in Two Parts.-I. Books I. and II, 28. II. Books III. and IV., 3s. from the ATTIC ORATORS. Antiphon, Andocides, Lystas, Isocrates, and Isœus. Being a Companion Volume to The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isæus.' Edited, with Notes, by Professor R. C. JEBB, Litt. D. LL.D. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 68. (Classical Series. ELEMENTARY SYNTHETIC GEOMETRY of the ANALECTA: Passages for Translation. Selected POINT, LINE, and CIRCLE in the PLANE. By N. F. DUPUIS, M.A. F.R.S.C., HIGHER MATHEMATICS. by JOHN S. STRACHAN, M.A., and A. S. WILKINS, Litt. D. Crown 8vo. 58. An INTRODUCTION to LATIN LYRIC VERSE ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY. By the Rev. COMPANION to SCHOOL CLASSICS. By JAMES A TREATISE on TRIGONOMETRY. By W. E. A HISTORY of EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [In the press. LITERATURE, 1660-1780. By EDMUND GOSSE, Clark Lecturer in English Litera ture at Trinity College, Cambridge, Editor of The Works of Thomas Gray. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. *** This volume is uniform with Mr. George Saintsbury's 'History of Elizabethar Literature." A SCHOOL POETRY BOOK. Compiled by M. A. WOODS. Fcap. 8vo. In Three Parts. Parts I. and II. ready. Part III. in the press SHAKESPEARE. - The WINTER'S TALE. Edited by K. DEIGHTON, M.A. Globe 8vo. [Ready. 28. 6d. A TEACHER'S COMPANION to Mr. FASSACHT'S FRENCH COMPOSI An ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY of the BRITISH : : In Five Volumes, with all the Woodcuts and the 87 Full-Page Illustrations, besides 3 hitherto unpublished ('The Lake of Zug,' 'Dawn after the Wreck,' and 'Château de Blois'), etched by Mr. Ruskin and mezzotinted by the late Thomas Lupton, previously intended for the fifth volume. Three of the Nine Plates that were destroyed have been carefully reproduced from early proofs of those originally etched Now ready, small post 8vo. cloth, each 5s.; or in roan, gilt edges, each 7s. 6d. SESAME and LILIES. A small Edition, containing only the Two Lectures, 'King's Treasuries' and Queen's Gardens,' and a New Preface. MUNERA PULVERIS. Six Essays on the Elements of Political Economy. by the author's own hand, and the other six re-engraved by the best engravers. Of the remainder, all are in good state, and TIME and TIDE, by WEARE the results obtained by careful printing are such as to justify the publisher's expectations as to the success of the work from an artistic point of view; the larger margins of this edition also making the plates more effective. The text is that of the last (1873) edition, with all the Author's subsequent Notes and a new Epilogue. Cloth, price SIX GUINEAS the Five Vols. (Not sold separately.) Some extra copies will be printed of Vol. V., in order to supply the wants of those whose sets are incomplete, there having been no second edition of that volume, as was the case with Vols. III. and IV., in 1867 and 1868. These copies will contain the additional plates as issued with the entire work. Price THREE GUINEAS. N.B. This Volume will not be Reprinted separately after these extra Copies are disposed of. The Special Edition will be sent to Subscribers at the end of this month, and will be ready a week or two after. the Ordinary Edition AS THERE IS NO INDEX IN THE WORK, A COMPANION VOLUME WILL BE PUBLISHED, A COMPLETE INDEX and Collation of Different Editions. This Volume will contain a Bibliographical Account of the different Editions of 'Modern Painters' from 1843-1873, SELECTED AND DRAWN TO MEASUREMENT FROM THE EDIFICES. The Plates and Text (unbound) in cloth cover, on Atlas Folio (about 25 inches by 171 inches), price 31. 38. The Original Plates, engraved by Messrs. Lupton, Reynolds, Armytage, and Cuff, from Drawings by Mr. Ruskin, give good impressions, having had comparatively few taken from them for the first and only other edition published in 1851. The lithographs have been carefully reproduced. A few of the Special Copies on Hand-made Paper, with Plates on India Paper, still remain. Price Six Guineas. and TYNE. Twenty-five Letters to a Working Man of Sunderland on Laws of Work. The CROWN of WILD OLIVE. Four Essays on Work, Traffic, War. and the Future of England. With Article on the Economy of the Kings of Prussia. QUEEN of the AIR: a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. The TWO PATHS. Lectures on Art and its Application to Decoration and Manufacture. Delivered in 1855-9. With New Preface and Added Note. "A JOY for EVER" (and its PRICE in the MARKET). The Substance of Two Lectures on the Political Economy of Art. With New Preface and added Articles. The EAGLE'S NEST. Ten Lec tures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art. LECTURES on ART. Delivered at Oxford in 1970. Revised by the Author, with New Preface. The ETHICS of the DUST. Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallization. PROSERPINA: Studies in Way side Flowers. Vol. I. containing 13 Full-Page Illustrations from Wood and Steel, 15s. paper boards. The first four Parts of Vol. II. are also to be had, 2s. 6d. each. The STONES of VENICE. A New and Complete Edition (imperial LOVE'S MEINIE: Essays on 8vo.), in 3 vols. With the 53 Plates and all the Woodcuts and Text as originally issued. 41. 98. the 3 vols. UNIFORM WITH 'THE STONES OF VENICE.' The SEVEN LAMPS of ARCHITECTURE. An exact Reprint of the Issue of 1880, with its various Additions to the Text of the Second Edition, together with the 14 Original Plates. Imperial 8vo. cloth boards, 21s. 1. The LAMP of SACRIFICE-2. The LAMP of TRUTH.-3. The LAMP of POWER.-4. The LAMP of BEAUTY.-5. The LAMP of LIFE. -6. The LAMP of MEMORY.-7. The LAMP of OBEDIENCE. Paper boards, 22s. 6d.; purple calf, gilt edges, 27s. 6d. each, 8vo. ARATRA PENTELICI. Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture. With 1 Engraving on Steel and 20 Plates by the Autotype Process. 1. Of the DIVISION of ARTS.-2. IDOLATRY.-3. IMAGINATION.-4. LIKENESS.-5. STRUCTURE-6. The SCHOOL of ATHENS. ARIADNE FLORENTINA. Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engrav ing, and Appendix. With 4 Full-Page Facsimiles from Holbein's 'Dance of Death' and 12 Autotype Plates. 1. DEFINITION of the ART of ENGRAVING.-2. The RELATION of ENGRAVING to other ARTS in FLORENCE.-3. The TECHNICS of WOOD ENGRAVING.-4. The TECHNICS of METAL ENGRAVING.-5. DESIGN in the GERMAN SCHOOLS of ENGRAVING. (HOLBEIN and DURER.)-6. DESIGN in the FLORENTINE SCHOOLS of ENGRAVING. (SANDRO BOTTICELLI.)-7. APPENDIX. VAL D' ARNO. Ten Lectures on Art of the Thirteenth Century in Pisa and Florence. With 1 Steel Engraving and 12 Autotypes. L NICHOLAS the PISAN-2. JOHN the PISAN.-3. SHIELD and APRON.-4. PARTED PER PALE.-5. PAX VOBISCUM.-6. MARBLE COUCHANT-1. MARBLE RAMPANT -8. FRANCHISE.-9. The TYRRHENE SEA.-10. FLEUR DE LYS. FORS CLAVIGERA: Letters to the Labourers and Workmen of Great Britain. Vols. L., II, III., 7s. each. Vols. IV. to VIII. and Index, 10s. each, paper boards. With several Autotype and other Illus trations. The RUSKIN BIRTHDAY BOOK. With Portrait of the Author, specially engraved for the work. A Selection of Thoughts, Mottoes, and Aphorisms for every Day in the Year. Cloth extra, 10s. Large-Paper Edition, with India proof Portrait, 158. Several other bindings kept in stock. This work gives a general insight into Mr. Ruskin's teachings and style. HORTUS INCLUSUS: Messages from the Wood to the Garden. (Mr. Ruskin's Letters to the Sister Ladies of the Thwalte, Coniston.) With a Preface by Mr. RUSKIN, and Introduction by the EDITOR. Cloth, 4s; roan, giit edges, 5s 6d. English Birds. 8vo. 4s. 6d. paper boards. 1. The ROBIN.-2. The SWALLOW.-3. The DABCHICKS. "OUR FATHERS HAVE TOLD US": Sketches of the History of Christendom for Boys and Girls who have been held at its Funts. Now ready, Part I The BIBLE of AMIENS. With 4 Steel Engravings and Plan of the Western Portions of Amiens Cathedral. This volume complete, in cloth or paper boards, 6s. The ART of ENGLAND: the Course of Lectures delivered at Oxford in 1883 1. Rossetti and Holman Hunt. 2. E. Burne Jones and G. F. Watts. 3. Sir F. Leighton and Alma Tadema. 4. Mrs. Allingham and Miss Kate Greenaway. 5. John Leech and J. Tenniel. 6 George Robson and Copley Fielding. 7. Appendix, Index, &c. Price 1s. per Part, or complete in cloth, 8s. 4to. MORNINGS in FLORENCE. Being Simple Studies of Christian Art, for English Travellers. 12mo. 10d. each No. 1. SANTA CROCE.-2. The GOLDEN GATE.-3. BEFORE the SOL DAN.-4. The VAULTED BOOK.-5. The STRAIT GATE.-6. The SHEPHERD'S TOWER. These Six Parts may be had bound together in cloth, price 58. ST. MARK'S REST. The His tory of Venice. Written for the Help of the few Travellers who still care for her Monuments. 12mo. complete in cloth, 78. The KING of the GOLDEN RIVER; or, the Black Brothers, a Legend of Styria. With numerous Woodcuts. Ninth Edition. Cloth, 2s. 6d. UNTO this LAST. Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy. Sixth Edition. 3. cloth; 48. roan, gilt edges, 12mo. FRONDES AGRESTES. Read ings in 'Modern Painters.' Eighth Edition. Cloth, 3s.; roan, gilt edges, 4s. ULRIC the FARM SERVANT: a Story of the Bernese Oberland. Edited by JOHN RUSKIN. 8vo. cloth, 10s. *** All Books sent carriage paid. Lists post free. These Works may also be had of Messrs. HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY, Limited, 52, Long Acre, W.C., and the principal Booksellers. NEW WORK BY ARCHDEACON FARRAR. TO BE PUBLISHED EARLY NEXT MONTH, LIVES OF THE FATHERS. Sketches of Church History in BY FREDERIC W. FARRAR, D.D. F.R.S. CONTENTS. PREFACE, &c. ST. IGNATIUS of ANTIOCH. ST. POLYCARP of SMYRNA. ST. IRENAEUS. ST. JUSTIN the MARTYR. TERTULLIAN. ST. CYPRIAN. CLEMENT of ALEXANDRIA. ORIGEN. ST. ATHANASIUS. ST. HILARY of POICTIERS, ST. MARTIN of TOURS. ST. GREGORY of NAZIANZUS. ST. BASIL. GREGORY of NYSSA ST. AMBROSE. ST. JEROME. ST. AUGUSTINE. ST. CHRYSOSTOM. FROM THE PREFACE. Although the biographical method excludes the exhaustive chronicles of a history, and any minute discussions about chronology, the reader will yet find in the following pages some reference to almost every leading personagewhether Jew, Pagan, or heretic-who materially influenced the fortunes of the Church during the first four centuries. In the lives of Ambrose, Athanasius, Basil, and Chrysostom, PASSION'S SLAVE. By RICHARD ASHE KING. The New Serial Story in BELGRAVIA. 18. Monthly. A STRANGE MANUSCRIPT FOUND in a COPPER CYLINDER. 1 vol. 58. KING or KNAVE? By R. E. FRANCILLON. 1 vol. 3s. 6d. NEW BIOGRAPHIES AT EVERY LIBRARY. PERSONAL MEMOIRS of GENERAL P. H. SHERIDAN. With Portraits, Maps, and Facsimiles. 2 vols. demy 8vo. cloth extra, 24s. The EULOGY of RICHARD JEFFERIES. By WALTER BESANT. With Photograph-Portrait, crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6s. PLAYERS and PLAYWRIGHTS I HAVE KNOWN. By JOHN COLEMAN. 2 vols. demy 8vo. cloth extra, 24s. NEW BOOKS AT ALL BOOKSELLERS'. The FOLK-LORE of PLANTS. By the Rev. T. F. THISELTON DYER, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6s. The PLAYTIME NATURALIST: a Book for Home and School. By Dr. J. E. TAYLOR, F.L.S., Editor of Science-Gossip. With 366 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. cloth, 58. [Shortly. he will read much about the contemporary Emperors. The SONGS of ADIEU. By Lord HENRY SOMERSET. Small 4to. hand Bishops of Rome will come before his notice in the Lives of Hilary, Cyprian, and Jerome. From the Life of Tertullian he will learn something about Montanus and Marcion, from the Life of Athanasius about Arius, from the Life of Ambrose about Priscillian, from that of Gregory of Nyssa about Apollinaris, from that of Augustine about the Manichees, Donatists, and Pelagians. Something too he will learn about those Fathers and Teachers to whom, from want of space, no special biography is devoted, but who played a part in the events connected with the lives of their more prominent contemporaries. Edinburgh: ADAM & CHARLES BLACK. somely bound in white, 6s. [Shortly. WISDOM, WIT, and PATHOS, Selected from the Works of OUIDA by F. SYDNEY MORRIS. Cheaper Edition. Post 8vo. illustrated boards, 2s. The DAGONET RECITER and READER: being Readings and Recitations in Prose and Verse, selected from his own Works by GEORGE R. SIMS. Crown 8vo. portrait-cover, 1s.; cloth, 18. 6d. London: CHATTO & WINDUS, 214, Piccadilly, W. Fcap. 8vo. 18. ... The PUBLIC SCHOOL LATIN GRAMMAR. Crown 8vo. ARITHMETIC. An Arithmetic for Beginners, Mental and Practical. Fcap. 8vo. 1s.; with Answers.. 18. 6d. WORKS BY BISHOP COLENSO. 7s. 6d. ... The CHILD'S LATIN PRIMER; or, First Latin Lessons. 12mo.... a The SHORTER LATIN PRIMER. LONGMANS' JUNIOR SCHOOL A POCKET DICTIONARY of the 28. Use of Schools; to which is added a Chapter on Decimal Coinage. Revised Edition, with Notes and Examination Papers. 12mo. 4s. 6d. KEY :: :: 5s. 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