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Acworth's (W. M.) The Railways of England, 438

Addy's (S. O.) Glossary of Words used in the Neighbour-
hood of Sheffield, 211

Eneid: Eclogues and Georgics, Prose Translation by
Mackail, 822

Æschylus: The Seven against Thebes, edited by Verrall
and Bayfield, 342

All England Series: Lawn Tennis, by Wilberforce, 792
Allen, John, a Memoir of, by Grier, 110
Allingham's (W.) Flower Pieces, and other Poems, 623
Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition Publications: Cata-
logue-Papers read at the Exhibition-Hebrew Deeds
of English Jews before 1290, ed. by Davis-Bibliotheca
Anglo-Judaica, compiled by Jacobs and Wolf, 502
Anglo-Parisian's Paris by Day and Night, 661
Archer's (T. A.) The Crusade of Richard I., 598
Arkwright's (R.) Queen Anne's Gate Mystery, 660
Arm-chair Essays, 178

Armstrong's (Mrs.) Good Form, 662
Arnold's (M.) Essays in Criticism, 273
Aroer, the Story of a Vocation, 178
Austin's (A.) Love's Widowhood, &c., 532

Australian Handbook for 1889, 308

Author's Love, An, being the Unpublished Letters of

Prosper Mérimée's Inconnue, 503

Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi, translated by
Werner, with Supplement by J. W. Mario, 625

Badminton Library, The: Driving, by his Grace the
Duke of Beaufort and others, 562

Baedeker for Greece, 372; Northern France, 630

Bailey's (P. J.) Festus, 566

Baily's Magazine, 50

Barker's (J. M.) Our Boy, 48

Barlow's (G.) The Pageant of Life, 470

Barlow's (P. W.) Kaipara, 471

Barr's (A. E.) The Household of McNeil, 81

Barrie's (J. M.) When a Man's Single, 145; A Window
in Thrums, 787

Bateman's (C. S. L.) First Ascent of the Kasaï, 368

Bates's (A.) The Philistines, 308

Bates's (K.) Kaleidoscope, 661

Beaconsfield's (Lord) Coningsby, Pref. by Hitchman, 438
Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, Biography of, by W. C.
Beecher and Rev. S. Scoville, 47

Beeton's (Mrs.) Book of Household Management, 82

Besant's (W.) For Faith and Freedom, 209; To Call Her

Mine, &c., 821

Beytagh's (M. E.) Kathleen Kilmaine, 564

Bibliotheca Washingtoniana, edited by Baker, 566

Bidpai, Earliest English Versions of the Fables of, edited

by Jacobs, 114

Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, by W. C.
Beecher and Rev. S. Scoville, 47

Black's (G.) A Beggar, and other Fantasies, 564

Black's (W.) The Penance of John Logan, 469
Blackie's Modern Cyclopedia of Universal Information,

Vol. I., edited by Annandale, 343

Blackie's (Prof. J. S.) Scottish Song, 693

Blennerhassett's (Lady) Madame de Staël, 466

Blunt's (W. S.) In Vinculis, 303

Blyth's (M. P.) The Queen's Jewel, 789

British Imperial Calendar, 147

Broadfoot, Major George, Career of, in Afghanistan and

the Punjab, by Major W. Broadfoot, 142

Brouillant's (L. J. de) L'État de la Liberté de la Presse

en France aux XVII et XVIII Siècles, 310

Brown's (J. M.) Violet Vyvian, M.F.H., 209; Powder,

Spur, and Spear, 786

Bryce's (J.) The American Commonwealth, 77; The

Holy Roman Empire, 536

Burdett's (H. C.) Prince, Princess, and People, 566

Burke's (Sir B.) Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronet-

age, 115

Burnett's (Mrs. H.) The Pretty Sister of José, 695

Burns's Works, Concordance to, by Reid, 629

Burtchaell's (G. D.) Genealogical Memoirs of the Mem-

bers of Parliament for Kilkenny, 342

Butler's (M. M.) Adèle's Love, 789

Caddy's (Mrs. F.) To Siam and Malaya, 45

Caillard's (E. M.) The Lost Life, 373

Caird's (Mona) The Wing of Azrael, 660

Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1720-1728, prepared by

Redington, 723

Callendar's (H. L.) Manual of Cursive Shorthand, 563

Camelot Series: Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish

Peasantry, ed. by Yeats, 174; Essays of William Hazlitt

-The Pentameron, &c., of Walter Savage Landor, 310;

Selections from Dr. Johnson's Essays, 407; Political

Orations from Wentworth to Macaulay, edited by

Clarke, 727

Cameron's (Mrs. H. L.) A Lost Wife, 725

Campbell's (Lord A.) Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradi-

tion, 791

Campion, Dr. Thomas, Works of, edited by Bullen, 403
Canterbury Poets: Milton's Paradise Regained and Minor
Poems-Selection from Crabbe's Poetical Works, 50;
Bayard Taylor's Translation of the First Part of Faust
-Selection from Poems of Miss Dora Greenwell, 310
Carisbrooke Library, The: Swift's Tale of a Tub, edited
by Morley, 239

Carleton's (W.) The Red-Haired Man's Wife, 660
Carlyle, Jane Welsh, Early Letters of, ed. by Ritchie, 815
Carlyle, Thomas, Letters of, 1826-1836, ed. Norton, 367
Carter's (M. E.) Mrs. Severn, 533

Carey's (R. N.) The Search for Basil Lyndhurst, 755
Cassel's (P.) Explanatory Commentary on Esther, trans-
lated by Bernstein, 15

Cassell's National Library, 310
Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts in the

Library of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, 374

Cecil's (E.) Notes of my Journey round the World, 343
Chambers's Encyclopædia, Vols. II. and III., 471
Chandos Classics: Horace's Odes, Epodes, Satires, and
Epistles, 438

Chapin's (J. H.) From Japan to Granada, 630
Chaucer: Minor Poems, edited by Skeat, 466

Cheyne's (Rev. T. K.) Life and Times of Jeremiah, 658
Christian Classics Series: St. Basil the Great, translated
by Lewis, 14

Chronicle of King Henry VIII. of England, from the
Spanish, translated by Hume, 208

Chuang Tzu, Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer,

translated from the Chinese by Giles, 145

Churchill, Lord Randolph, Speeches of, edited by Jen-
nings, 438, 472

Bonvalot's (G.) Du Caucase aux Indes à travers Le Pamir Chute's (C. W.) History of the Vyne, in Hampshire, 208

Book Prices Current, 471

Booksellers' Catalogues, 82, 147, 243, 310, 407, 438, 566,

630, 695, 823

Bookworm, The, 82

Borlase's (W. C.) The Descent, Name, and Arms of Bor-

lase of Borlase, 598

Bourde's (P.) Les Abus dans la Marine, 817

Bourget's (P.)

Le Disciple, 821

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Edmonds's (Mrs.) Mary Myles, 113

Educational Annual, The, 147

Edwardes's (C.) Rides and Studies in the Canary Islands,


Eggleston's (E.) The Graysons, 48; Household History

of the United States, 727

Elementary Classics: Stories from Aulus Gellius, edited
by Nall, 342

Elizabeth, and other Sketches, 469

Ellis, William, Memoir of, by E. E. Ellis, 15

Emerson in Concord, by E. W. Emerson, 695

Encyclopædia Britannica, Speeches at the Banquet, 15;

Vol. XXIV., 46

English Catalogue of Books for 1888, 438

English Men of Action: Charles George Gordon, by Sir
W. F. Butler, 175; Henry the Fifth, by Rev. A. J.
Church, 564; Lord Lawrence, by Sir R. Temple, 629;
David Livingstone, by Hughes, 666

English Verse, selected, &c., by Howson, 342:

Epochs of Church History: Wycliffe and Movements for

Reform, by R. L. Poole, 755

Essays by the late Mark Pattison, collected by Nettle-

ship, 433

Euripides: Diorthotika, by Semitelos, 471; Ion, trans-

lated by H. B. L., 822

Euthymii Zigabeni Commentarius, Vol. II., edited by
Calogeras, 15

Everett-Green's (E.) Monica, 145
Eves's (C. W.) The West Indies, 662

Examination Papers of the Royal University of Ireland,


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