In Australian Wilds, edited by Mennell, 277 Inderwick's (F. A.) Side-Lights on the Stuarts, 143 Indexes and Catalogues published by the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction, 115
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry, edited by Inglis's (Hon. J.) Tent Life in Tiger Land, 212
Fane's (V.) The Story of Helen Davenant, 113
Farrar's (F. W.) Lives of the Fathers, 465
Farrer's (T. C.) Express Trains, English and Foreign, 822
Fathers for English Readers: St. Athanasius, by Bush, 14
Fay's Concordance of the Divina Commedia, 241
Firth's (J. F. B.) London Government under the Local
Government Act, 1888, 82
Fiske's (J.) Critical Period of American History, 727
Fleming's (G.) The Truth about Clement Ker, 308
Fleuriot's (Mlle. Z.) Les Premières Pages, 82
Forbes's (Hon. Mrs. R. W. D.) Her Last Run, 48
Foxwell's (E.) Express Trains, English and Foreign, 822
France's (A.) Balthasar, 533
Francillon's (R. E.) Romances of the Law, 471
Francis, John, Publisher of the 'Athenæum,' compiled
by J. C. Francis, 113
Fraser's, Major, Manuscript, edited by Fergusson, 498
Free's (R. W.) Lux Benigna, 309
Froude's (J. A.) The Two Chiefs of Dunboy, 469, 729
Fry's (H.) London in 1889, 566
Fry's (K.) History of the Parishes of East and West
Ham, edited by Pagenstecher, 342
Gardiner's (S. R.) History of the Great Civil War, 495 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, Autobiography of, translated by Werner, with Supplement by J. W. Mario, 625
Gasquet's (F. A.) Henry VIII. and the English Monas-
teries, 783, 819
Gatty's (Mrs. A.) The Book of Sundials, edited by Miss H. Gatty and Miss E. Lloyd, 438
Geffcken's (Dr. F. H.) The British Empire, 789
Gellius, Aulus, Stories from, edited by Nall, 342
Gerard's (F. A.) Audrey Ferris, 725
Gibbon's (C.) Blood-Money, &c., 564
Gift's (Theo.) Not for the Night-time, 597
Gillow's (J.) The Haydock Papers, 115, 149, 182, 215, 311
Gisborne's (W.) The Colony of New Zealand, 212
Goeje's (J. de) Catalogus Codicum Arabicorum, 695
Gordon, Charles George, by Sir W. F. Butler, 175
Gosse's (E.) History of Eighteenth Century Literature,
James's (H.) A London Life, &c., 597
Janau's (E.) French Commercial Correspondence, 83
Jarník's (J. V.) Index zu Diez' Etymologischem Wörter-
buche, 471
Jastrow's (Dr. M.) Dictionary of the Targumim, 694
Jeaffreson's (J. C.) The Queen of Naples and Lord
Nelson, 529
Jeremiah, Text of, retranslated by Workman, with In- troductory Notice by Delitzsch-His Life and Times, by Cheyne, 658
Jessopp's (Rev. A.) The Coming of the Friars, 176
Jocelyn's (Mrs. R.) A Distracting Guest, 437
Johnston's (H.) Chronicles of Glenbuckie, 627
Johnston's (H. H.) The History of a Slave, 75
Jones's (Rev. H.) Holiday Papers, 179
Journal des Débats, Livre du Centenaire du, 791
Journal of Education, 50
Journal of Philology, 243
Malot's (H.) Mondaine, 145; Justice, 437
Mann's (M. E.) A Lost Estate, 145
Mark Twain Scrap-Books, 662
Marsh's (E. M.) Saved as by Fire. 501
Marsh's (J. B.) Lady Godiva, 437
Martin's (A. P.) Australia and the Empire, 308
Martin's (B. E.) Old Chelsea, 10
Martin's (Mrs. C) Life of St. Jerome, 14
Martin's (Mrs. H.) Common Clay, 597
Marzials's (F. T.) Death's Disguises, 373
Maupassant's (G. de) La Main Gauche, 627; Fort
comme la Mort, 693
May's British and Irish Press Guide, 505
Mechelin's Précis of the Public Law of Finland, trans-
lated by Cooke, 406
Meissas's (G.) Les Grands Voyageurs de notre Siècle, 82
Memoir of William Ellis, by E. E. Ellis, 15
Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid,
Ripon, edited by Fowler, 497
Merriman's (H. S.) The Phantom Future, 308
Metropolitan Year-Book, 278
Meurice's (P.) Le Songe de l'Amour, 821
Michaud's (G.) Le Voyage de William Willoughby, 823
Michell's (J.) Anstruther's Wife, 597
Minto's (W.) Was She Good or Bad? 787
Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory, 243
Mitford's (B.) The Fire Trumpet, 627
Kelly's Handbook to the Titled, Landed, and Official Mivart's (St. G.) On Truth, 721
Classes, 147
Kemble's (F. A.) Far Away and Long Ago, 725
Ken, Bishop, Prose Works of, ed. Rev. W. Benham, 629
Kennard's (Mrs. E.) Landing a Prize, 627
Khayyam's (Omar) Rubaiyat, tr. by J. H. M'Carthy, 791
Kingsley's (Canon) Poems, 536
Montagu's (I.) Wanderings of a War Artist, 503
Montesquieu's De la Grandeur des Romains, ed. by Bar-
bier, 83; The Temple of Gnidus, &c., translated, 309
Monthly Chronicle of North-Country Lore and Legend,
Montrésor's (C. A.) More Sail than Ballast, 405
Moore's (E.) Textual Criticism of Divina Commedia, 753
Moore's (S. A.) History of the Foreshore and the Law
relating thereto, 788
Moravian Schools and Customs, 823
Gray's (M.) The Reproach of Annesley, 627
Great Writers: Life of Heinrich Heine, by Sharp, 50
Grier's (R. M.) John Allen, a Memoir, 110
Grey Lady of Hardcastle, 145
Gronow, Capt., Reminiscences and Recollections of, 303
Gunter's (A. C.) That Frenchman! 787
Gyp's Petit Bleu, 145; Ohé !... Les Psychologues, 627
Halévy's (L.) L'Abbé Constantin, edited by Petilleau,
342; Notes et Souvenirs, 1871-2, 630
Halford's (F. M.) Dry-Fly Fishing in Theory and Prac-
tice, 691
Halse's (G.) Graham Aspen, Painter, 308
Hamerton's (P. G.) French and English, 789
Hamley's (Lieut. Gen. Sir E.) National Defence, 695
Hogan's (J. F.) The Australian in London and America,
Hohenlohe Ingelfingen's (Prince Kraft zu) Letters on
Artillery, translated by Major Walford, 434
Holst's (Dr. von) Constitutional History of the United
States, 727
Homer: Iliadis Carmina, ediderunt Van Leeuwen et Da
Costa-Scholia Græca in Homeri Iliadem Townleyana,
recensuit Maass-The Iliad, done into English Verse
by Way, 496
Homes and Haunts of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 727
Hoppus's (M. A. M.) Masters of the World, 242, 313
Horace: The Eton Horace-Notes by Cornish, 14; The
Odes, Epodes, Satires, and Epistles, 438
Hosmer's (J. K.) Life of Young Sir Henry Vane, 12
Houtsma's (T.) Catalogus Codicum Arabicorum, 695
Howe's (W. F.) Classified Directory to the Metropolitan
Charities, 115
Dead Leman-Grass of Parnassus, 596
Lappiske Eventyr og Folkesagn, translated by Quigstad
and Sandberg, 278
Larking's (Col. C.) With Everything against Her, 755
Laurie's (Col.) Sketches of Anglo-Indians, 50
Lawless's (Hon. E.) Plain Frances Mowbray, 725
Lawrence, Lord, Life of, by Sir R. Temple, 629
Lechner's (A. R.) German Examination Papers in
Grammar and Idioms, &c. -Key to German Examina-
tion Papers, 342
Le Clerc's (M. E.) Mistress Beatrice Cope, 13
Morris, Gouverneur, Diary and Letters of, edited by
A. C. Morris, 401
Morte d'Arthur, edited by Dr. H. O. Sommer, 630
Motley, John Lothrop, Correspondence of, ed. Curtis, 271
Müller's (Prof.) Orientalische Bibliographie, 50
Murray's Handbook for Holland and Belgium, 372
Murray's (D. C.) Schwartz, 405
Murray's (D. C. and H.) A Dangerous Catspaw, 81
Musgrave's (Mrs.) Miriam, 533
Nanteuil's (Madame P. de) Le Général du Maine, 82
Napier's (Sir J.) Lectures, Essays, and Letters, 629
Naples, Queen of, and Lord Nelson, by Jeaffreson, 529
Narrative and Critical History of America, edited by
Winsor, 726
Nesbit's (E.) Leaves of Life, 788
Nethercote's (H. O.) The Pytchley Hunt, 339
New Editions, 50, 243, 407, 630, 757, 823
New Latin Primer, edited by Postgate and Vince, 368
New Review, edited by Grove, 728
Newall's (Capt. J. T.) Scottish Moors and Indian
Jungles, 373
Newbery House Magazine, 823
Nisbet's (H.) The Land of the Hibiscus Blossom, 45;
Eight Bells, 728
Norman's (P.) The Inns of Old Southwark, 277
Norton's (F. M.) The Stalwarts, 564
O'Brien's (R. B.) Life and Letters of Drummond, 340
Official Progress of the First Duke of Beaufort through
Litchfield's (G. D.) A Hard-won Victory, 81
Livy: Book XXII., edited by Dowdall, 14
Loftie's (W. J.) Kensington, Picturesque and Historical, Orleans's (Prince Henry of) Six Mois aux Indes, 695
10, 118, 150, 182, 212, 244, 281
Parallel Grammar Series: Latin Grammar, Part I., by
- French
Sonnenschein -- Latin Exercises, by Dix Grammar, Part I., by Moriarty-German Grammar, Part I., by Meyer-English Grammar, Part II., by Cooper and Sonnenschein, 242
Hume, David, Letters of, to William Strahan, ed. Hill, 9 McKay's (J.) Pendle Hill in History and Literature, 406 Payton's (E. W.) Round about New Zealand, 211
Periodical Press Index, compiled by Farmer, 662
Péroz's (Le Capitaine É.) Au Soudan Français, 751
Perrens's (F. T.) Histoire de Florence, 1434-1531, 659
Persika of Ktesias, edited by Gilmore, 535
Phillipps-Wolley's (C.) The Sportsman's Eden, 786
Philobiblon of Richard de Bury, ed. by Thomas, 752
Phonetische Studien, 50
Piatt's (J. J.) A Dream of Church Windows, 470
Piatt's (S. M. B.) The Witch in the Glass, 373
Pigot's (F.) The Strangest Journey of my Life, 178
Pinkerton's (T. A.) John Newbold's Ordeal, 242, 282
Plato: Republic, Books I. to V., ed. by Warren, 111
Plauchut's (E.) L'Égypte et l'Occupation Anglaise, 536
Playfair's (Sir L.) Subjects of Social Welfare, 791
Pliny: Secundi Epistulæ ad Trajanum, ed. Hardy, 594
Plutarch's Morals, translated by Shilleto, 536
Pococke, Richard: Tours in Scotland, edited by Kemp
-Travels through England, edited by Cartwright, 468
Poets' Bible, The, edited by Horder, 50
Political Orations from Wentworth to Macaulay, edited
by Clarke, 727
Pollock's (Sir F.) The Land Laws, translated into
German by Schuster, 471
Polybius, Selections from, by Strachan-Davidson, 535
Poole's First Supplement to Index to Periodical Litera-
ture, 50
Pcole's (R. L.) Wycliffe and Movements for Reform, 755 Porter's (Major-General W.) History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, 785
Prel's (C. du) The Philosophy of Mysticism, translated by Massey, 338
Pressensé's (F. de) L'Irlande et l'Angleterre depuis l'Acte d'Union jusqu'à nos Jours, 147
Price's (Mrs. A.) Hilary St. John, 821
Price's (Miss E. C.) The Red Towers, 81; May in Anjou,
Prose Works of Bishop Ken, ed. Rev. W. Benham, 629 Prothero's (G. W.) Memoir of Henry Bradshaw, 43 Purgatorio di Dante, dichiarato da Gubernatis, 241 Purnell's (T.) Dust and Diamonds, 82
Quincy's (J. P.) The Peckster Professorship, 371
Rabusson's (H.) L'Épousée, 308
Rae's (W. Fraser) Miss Bayle's Romance, 630
Randolph's (Mr.) The New Eve, 501
Raven's (Rev. J. H.) Latin Exercises in the Oratio Obliqua, 14
Rawlinson's (G.) History of Ancient Egypt, translated into Spanish by Toda, 471
Records of the English Catholics of 1715, ed. Payne, 238
Records of the Past, 210
Reference Catalogue
of Current Literature, 792
Reports and Catalogues of Free Libraries: Cardiff,
Cheltenham, Salford, Belfast, West Bromwich, Pad-
dington, 147; Chelsea, Clerkenwell, Halifax, 278;
Birmingham, Liverpool, Wigan, Clerkenwell, Lei-
cester, 536
Richardson's (C. T.) American Literature, 726
Riddle's (A. G.) The Tory's Daughter, 660 Rig-veda Sanhitá, translated by Wilson, edited by Cowell and Webster, 816
Rives's (A.) The Quick or the Dead, 341; The Witness of the Sun-Virginia of Virginia-A Brother to Dragons, 693
Roberte's (W.) History of English Bookselling, 370
Robertson, William B., D.D., of Irvine, Life of, by Dr. J.
Brown, 146
Robinson's (Serjeant) Bench and Bar, 818
Rogers and his Contemporaries, by Clayden, 561
Rogers's (J.) Sketches from a Tour through Holland
Rogers's (Prof. J. E. Thorold) The Economic Interpre-
Seneca's Minor Dialogues, translated by Stewart, 53 Sergeant's (A.) Esther Denison, 209 Sergeant's (L.) The Government Year-Book, 243 Service Almanac, The, 147
Shakspeare: Moffatt's Edition of Macbeth, 83; Tra- gedy of King Richard III., edited by Tawney-Life of Henry V., edited by Deighton, 342
Shallow's (J.) The Templars' Trials, 626
Sharwood's (T. S.) For a King! 501
Sheldon's (L. V.) Yankee Girls in Zulu Land, 343
Short Notices, 16, 50, 82, 115, 147, 179, 212, 243, 278,
310, 343, 374, 407, 438, 471, 505, 536, 565, 630, 662,
695, 728, 758, 823
Shortt's (J.) Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto), Mandamus, and Prohibition, 757
Signore's Greystone Grange, 48
Vosmaer, C., In Memoriam, 243 Waddington's (S.) The Sonnets of Europe, 407 Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, Speeches and Addresses, ed.
Macaulay, 115; Prince, Princess, and People, 566
Walford's (L. B.) A Stiff-necked Generation, 113 Walker's (Mrs.) Untrodden Paths in Roumania, 240 Walloon Church of Norwich, edited by Moens, 112, 214 Wanderer's Whims, 787
Ward, William George, and the Oxford Movement, by Wilfrid Ward, 689
Warden's (F.) St. Cuthbert's Tower, 660 Wardrop's (O.) The Kingdom of Georgia, 240 Wegg-Prosser's (F. R.) Ga'ileo and his Judges, 595 Weil's (G. D.) Juridiction Pénale des Chambres Anglaises pour la Défense de leurs Privilèges, 374
Simpson's (E. R.) London Government under the Local Wellesley, Marquess, Life of, by Malleson, 822
Skerry's (G. E.) Civil Service Manual, 757 Skewes's (J. H.) Sir John Franklin, the True Secret of the Discovery of his Fate, 628
Skinner's (T.) Stock Exchange Year-Book, 16 Smart's (Hawley) Long Odds, 437
Smith's (B.) Life of the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P., 503
Smith's (E.) Foreign Visitors in England, 341
Smith's (Rev. J.) The Dalbroom Folks, 48 Songs and Poems of Fairyland, compiled by Waite, 49 Soups, Savouries, Sweets, with a Chapter on Breads, by a Practical Housewife, 727
Speeches and Addresses of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales,
edited by Dr. Macaulay, 115
Speeches of Lord Randolph Churchill, edited by Jen- nings, 438, 472
Sportsman's Time Table and Guide to the Rivers, Lochs,
&c., of Scotland, 630
Staël, Madame de, by Lady Blennerhassett, 466
Stafford's (Lady) How I Spent my Twentieth Year, 727
Statesman's Year-Book, edited by Keltie, 278
Statesmen Series: Marquess Wellesley, by Malleson, 822
Stead's (W. T.) Truth about Russia, 146
Stevens's (T.) Around the World on a Bicycle, 305
Stevenson, William Fleming, D.D., Life and Letters of,
by his Wife, 146
Stockton's (F. R.) The Bee-Man of Orn, 81; Amos
Kilbright, 113
Stott Library: Essayes of Montaigne, 407
Strachey's (Sir J.) India, 146
Strange Secrets, told by P. Fitzgerald, &c., 787
Street's Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory, 147
Stuart's (E.) One for the Other, 209
Swift's Tale of a Tub, edited by Morley, 239
Swinburne's (A. C.) Poems and Ballads, 655
Sylvester's (P.) The Dead Leman, 596
Symons's (A.) Days and Nights, 788
Tacitus: Annalium, Liber I., edited by Maguire, 14
Tales from Blackwood,' 406
Tasma's Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill, 13 Taylor's (Dr. J. E.) In and About Ancient Ipswich, 565
Taylor's (J. A. and U. A.) A Social Heretic, 533 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, Homes and Haunts of, 727 Theal's (G. McCall) History of South Africa, 1691-1795,
Roxburghe Ballads, edited by Ebsworth, 722
Russell's (D.) A Strange Message, 276
St. Athanasius, his Life and Times, by Bush, 14
St. Basil the Great, translated by Lewis, 14
St. Jerome, Life of, by Mrs. Martin, 14
Santa Lucia, edited by Miss M. E. and Miss E. H. Hodg-
Varigny's (C. de) Les Grandes Fortunes aux États-Unis
et en Angleterre, 343
Veitch's (S.) The Dean's Daughter, 48 Victoria Library: Selection of Speeches by Grattan, Pitt, Peel, &c.. edited by Jacob, 310
Vase's (Gillan) Through Love to Life, 371
Victorian Year-Book, edited by Hayter, 278, 628
Vidya'ankâra's (Ramakamala) Prakritibada, edited by Ramesha Chandra Bandyopadhyaya, 695
Scoville's (Rev. S.) Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Villari's Life and Times of Savonarola, 80
Vincent's (Vin) Cathedral Bell, 693
Whale's (G.) Greater London and its Government, 82 Whitby's (B.) The Awakening of Mary Fenwick, 533 Wilberforce's (H. W.) Lawn Tennis, 792
Williams's (T. M.) The Land of my Fathers, 564
Windt's (H. de) From Pekin to Calais by Land, 504 Wingfield's (L.) The Wanderings of a Globe-Trotter, 178 Winzet's (Ninian) Certain Tractates. ed. Hewison, 307 Witt's (Madame de) Femmes dans l'Histoire, 82 Wood's (H. F.) Englishman of the Rue Caïn, 242 Wood's (Mrs. H.) Featherston's Story, 627 Wordsworth: Complete Poetical Works of, with Intro- duction by Morley-The Recluse-Selections from his Works, by W. Knight and other Members of the Words- worth Society, 109; Life of, by Knight, 719
Wordsworthiana, edited by Knight, 237, 281
Works of Dr. Thomas Campion, edited by Bullen, 403
Worthy's (C.) Practical Heraldry, 341
Wright's (H.) The Office of Magistrate, 212
Year-Book of Scientific Societies, 566
Yorke's (C.) The Brown Portmanteau, 371
Yrla's Three Friends, 533
Zola's (É.) Le Rêve, 178
Bride's Tragedy, The, by A. C. Swinburne, 311
Giordano Bruno, June 9th, 1889, by A. C. Swinburne, 758 Love's Unity, by A. Austin, 51
New Year's Day, 1889, by A. C. Swinburne, 16
Original Papers.
"All Rights Reserved," 51, 84, 116
Almanac, A Modern Turkish, 408
American Publishers, 16, 52, 180
Artillery Company, Origin of the, 213
Book Sales of 1888, 147, 182
Bradshaw's Railway Guide, 84, 116
British Museum: Stuart Exhibition, 17
Cadging for Free Copies, 792
Cambridge, Notes from, 375
Canterbury Parish Registers, 182
"Canterbury Poets," The: W. S. Landor,' 825
'Century Dictionary, The, 793
Chatterton Manuscripts, 729, 824
Churchill's (Lord Randolph) Speeches, 472
Coleridge's Lectures in 1818, 345, 568
Commonwealth Committees, The, 728
'Comus,' An Unexplained Passage in, 507
Confessio Amantis,' Some Proper Names in the, 663
Constantinople, Summons of the British Fleet to, in 1853,
Copyright: In Singapore, 505; In the Colonies, 569
Coverdale's Bible in 16mo., 664
Defoe and the Memoirs of Captain Carleton,' 279
Defoe's Brick-Kilns, 472
Dictionary of National Biography,' 440, 506, 538, 567
Domesday Commemoration, The, 568, 599, 663
Douai College and the Brighton Pavilion, 149, 182, 215, 311
Vogel's (Sir J.) Anno Domini 2000, 405
Library, First Protestant Free, in England, 506
Library at Bold Hall, Lancashire, 376, 440, 473
The Maria Grey Training College-Annual Meetings of the Chetham Society and of the English Dialect Society, 474
Statue to Mr. John Bright, 508
Reprinting of Old Directories, 600
Literary Treasure Trove from Bologna, 601
Teaching University for London, 633
Annual General Meeting of the London Library, 664 Discovery of a Precious Irish Relic in Southern Italy,
Advance of Education in Hyderabad, 730
Arabic MSS. for the British Museum, 760
Literary Congress at Paris" The Currency of Early New England," 826
Meiklejohn's (J. M. D.) New Geography on the Com-
parative Method, 666
Memorie della Società degli Spettroscopisti Italiani, 19,
184, 510, 634, 762
Mittheilungen aus Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 87
Mittheilungen of the German African Association, 828
Mittheilungen of the Vienna Geographical Society, 88,
315, 443, 828
Mouvement Géographique, 510, 635
New Atlas, Political and Physical, ed. by Chisholm, 731
Oldham's (R. D.) Bibliography of Indian Geology, 380
O'Neill's (H. C.) Our Nurses and the Work they have to
Do, 18
Our Earth and its Story, edited by Brown, 510
Perry's (Rev. G. J.) Results of Meteorological Observa
tions at Stonyhurst College during 1888, 762
Petermann's Mitteilungen, 151, 315, 443, 571, 731
Philip & Son's Plan of Paris, 828
Plowright's (C. B.) Monograph of the British Uredineæ
and Ustilagineæ, 509
Preston's (Rev. T. A.) The Flowering Plants of Wilts, 150
Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of
Canada, 18
Proceedings of the Royal Society, 634
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 87, 248,
made in the Years from 1750 to 1762, 184
Ball's (Sir R. S.) Experimental Mechanics, 119
Barnett's (Miss E. A.) Our Nurses and the Work they Rapport Annuel of the Paris Observatory, 602
Bartholomew's Pocket Atlas and Guide to Paris, 828 Bartlett's (E.) Monograph of the Weaver-Birds (Plo-
Report of the Board of Visitors of the Melbourne Observatory, 634
Revue d'Anthropologie, 475
Blaine's (R. G.) Numerical Examples in Practical Mechanics and Machine Design, 601
Roscoe's (Sir H. E.) Treatise on Chemistry, 666 Rutley's (F.) Rock-forming Minerals, 283
Saunders's (T.) Atlas of India, 731
Water-Marks and Sizes of Books, 280, 344, 409, 440, 472, Bissy's (Major R. de L. de) Map of Africa, 571 539, 567, 631, 664
Babington, Dr. C., 84. Bagnold,
Beamont, W., 760. Bromby, Dr.,
412. Burmeister, H., 540. Chandler, Clyne, N., 53. Cobbett, Miss S.,
283. Crombie, Dr., 794. Crossley, J. T., 569.
Davies, Prof. J. F., 86. Dunphy, H., 18. Edersheim,
Dr. A., 378. Engelstoft, Dr. C. T., 150. Eugenia,
Princess of Sweden, 570. Evans, Canon, 665, 698.
Firmenich, J. M., 665. Goldsmid, Miss A. M., 216.
Gray, Miss L. M., 18. Guasti, C., 246. Guigne, C.,
246. Hall, S. C., 375, 440. Hammarstand, Prof. S. F.,
183. Hennessy, W. M., 86. Holtzendorff, Dr. von,
183. Howells, Miss, 379. Hunt, W., 540. Johnsen,
Frau D., 540. Kennedy, Prof. B. H., 473, 540. Lech-
ler, Prof., 18. Lees, Major-General W. N., 345.
Maguire, Dr. T., 281, 311. Martin, L. C., 86. Müller,
Prof. O., 826. Noiré, Prof. L., 442. Nybom, J., 730.
Onions, J. H., 698. "Onkel Adam" (Wetterbergh),
215. Osborn, Lieut. Col. R. D., 538. Osborne, Lord
S. G., 633. Philpot, Rev. W. B., 569. Porter, Rev.
J. L., 379. Ritschl, Prof. A., 412. Saint-Hilaire, R.,
150. St. John, Percy B., 379. Scherer, E., 377.
Schiller, Freifrau L. von, 246. Schlyter, Prof. C. J.,
51. Schön, Rev. Dr., 442. Schott, Dr. W., 150.
Sharp, M. R.,696. Simcox, Rev. W. H., 665. Southey,
Rev. C., 18. Spurrell, W., 600. Stab, Capt., 569.
Strömberg, Dr. A. T., 601. Strubberg. F. A., 509.
Svedelius, W. E., 347. Tillotson, W. F., 246. Trueba,
Señor A. de, 379. Tyerman, L., 442. Ulbach, L., 507.
Van Homrigh, B. A., 474. Vigfusson, Gudbrandr, 181,
214. Walesrode, L., 412. Wartenburg, K., 569. Warter,
Col., 540. Whately, Miss M., 347. Wright, Prof. W.,
664, 697
Parliamentary Papers, &c.: 18, 54, 87, 119, 150, 183, 216,
247, 283, 313, 348, 379, 412, 442, 475, 509, 540, 570,601,
633, 665, 698, 730, 760, 794, 826
American Authors' Copyright League-The Lincolnshire
Record Society, 53
Free Libraries: Camberwell, 86; Middleton, 347; Lime- rick, 348
Senator Stanford's Gift of 2,000,000l, for the Institution of a University for California, 86
Mr. Moncure Conway's Biography of Edmund Randolph,
General Meeting of London and Provincial Newspaper Proprietors, 149
Report on the Examination for Commercial Certificates held by the University of Cambridge, 150
Shelley's Villa near Spezia, 182, 281
Blater's (J.) Table of Quarter-Squares, 247
Bollettino of the Italian Geographical Society, 379
Bradshaw's (J. G.) Course of Easy Arithmetical Ex-
amples for Beginners, 541
Carpenter's (W. B.) Nature and Man, 183 Catalogue of the New Zealand Birds in the Collection of Mr. S. W. Silver, 475
Chapman's (A.) Bird-Life of the Borders, 348 Clowes & Son's Guide to the Paris Exhibition, 828 Comber, Thomas J., Missionary Pioneer to the Congo, by Myers, 510
Comptes Rendus, 121, 413
Cora's Cosmos, 151, 443
Corry's (T. H.) Flora of the North-East of Ireland, 151
Dawson's (Sir W.) Modern Science in Bible Lands, 283
Deutsche Geographische Blätter, 379
Dixon's (C.) Our Rarer Birds, 54, 87, 119, 151, 184
Elementary Mathematics, 119
Faunce's (L.) Descriptive Geometry, 119
Fisher's (W. W.) Class-Book of Elementary Chemistry,
Schorlemmer's (C.) Treatise on Chemistry, 666
Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, 762
Scientific Works of C. W. Siemens, ed. by Bamber, 760
Scottish Geographical Magazine, 119, 247, 379, 571, 635,
Sexton's Outlines of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 418
Sharp, Abraham, Life and Correspondence of, by
Cudworth, 633
Sharpe's (R. B.) Birds in Nature, 54
Siemens, Sir William, Life of, by Pole-Scientific Works
of, edited by Bamber, 760
Slagg's (C.) Water Engineering, 570
Smith's (C.) Solutions of the Examples in a Treatise on
Algebra, 541
Stewart's (S. A.) Flora of the North-East of Ireland, 151
Taylor's (E.) Theoretical Mechanics, 119
Taylor's (Dr. J. E.) The Play-Time Naturalist, 571
Trail's Boilers, their Construction and Strength, 216
Usill's (G. W.) Practical Surveying, 217
Wake's (C. S.) Development of Marriage and Kinship.
Gould's Birds of New Guinea, 475
Hart's (H. C.) Scripture Natural History, 18
Health Lectures in Manchester, 18
Heath's Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Optics, 541
Hetley's (Mrs. C.) Native Flowers of New Zealand, 151
Himmel und Erde, 19
Hinman's (R.) Eclectic Physical Geography, 731
Hiorns's (A. H.) Practical Metallurgy and Assaying, 87
Hull's (E.) Text-Book of Physiography or Physical
Geography, 247
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 827
Jamieson's (A.) Elementary Manual of Steam and the
Steam Engine, 216
Johnston's (W. & A. K.) Modern Map of England and Wales, 635; Unrivalled Atlas of Modern Geography,
Zehden's (Dr. C.) Commercial Geography, translated by
Muirhead, 315
Zeitschrift of the Berlin Geographical Society, 828 Zoological Record for 1887, Vol. XXIV., 571
Anthropological Institute-Elections, 315, 699. Major
C. R. Conder on the Early Races of Western Asia,
315. Mr. A. Thomson on the Osteology of the Ved-
dahs of Ceylon, 699. Also 248, 763
Archæological Institute-Mr. W. H. St. John Hope on
the Carmelite Priory at Hulne, Northumberland, 380.
Mr. J. L. André on Ritualistic Ecclesiology in North-
East Norfolk, 602. Also 218, 541, 796
Aristotelian-Elections, 350, 511, 571. Prof. Bain on
the Empiricist Position, 152. Mr. B. Bosanquet on
the Part played by Esthetic in the Development of
Modern Philosophy, 414. Mr. F. C. Conybeare on
Proclus and the Close of Greek Philosophy, 511.
Canon A. Moore on some Curious Parallels between
Greek and Chinese Thought in the Fourth and Fifth
Centuries в с., 571. Also 88, 248, 285, 732, 797
Asiatic-Elections, 152, 284, 510, 796. Prof. de Lacou perie on the Djurtchen of Manchuria, 152. Mr. E. J. Rapson on some MS. Notes on the Northern and Western Kshatrapas by the late Pandit Bhagvanlal Indraji, 284. Mr. E. G. Browne on the Babis of Persia, 510, 796. Also 413
Astronomical-Elections, 88, 349, 635. Mr. Knobel on Photographs of the Nebulæ in the Pleiades and in An- dromeda, 88. Annual General Meeting, 217. The Astronomer Royal on the Results of Measures of Sun Spots made from the Greenwich Series of Photo- graphs since 1874, 635. Mr. Taylor on Observations of the Spectrum of Uranus, 796. Also 541
British Archæological Association-Miss Russell on the
Early History of Cumbria and the Etymology of the
Name of Glasgow, 413. Mr. T. Morgan on certain
Phases of the History of Early Christianity in Eng-
land, 666. Also 54, 152, 218, 315, 350, 762
Chemical-Elections, 284, 476, 667. Annual General
Meeting, 476. Also 218, 248, 380, 603, 797
Cymmrodorion-Mr. E. Owen on Welsh Monasteries and Monasticism, 571
Entomological-Anniversary Meeting, 120. Elections, 218, 350, 476, 602, 829
Folk-lore-Hon. J. Abercromby on the Beliefs and Reli- gious Ceremonies of the Mordvins, 185. Mr. E. Clodd on the Philosophy of Rumpelstiltskin,' 315. Dr. R. Morris on Death's Messenger, 414
Geographical-Elections, 184, 217, 284, 349, 413, 476,
635, 699, 828. Anniversary Meeting, 699
Geological-Elections, 19, 88, 152, 217, 283, 349, 476,
571, 699, 762. Annual Meeting, 283. Also 413, 635
Hellenic-Miss Jane Harrison on some Fragments of
Greek Vase Paintings, 285. Annual Meeting, 829.
Also 572
Historical-120, 414, 511, 667, 829
Huguenot-Elections, 89, 380, 635, 829. Mr. G. H. Overend on Strangers at Dover, 1558-1646, 635
Institution of Civil Engineers-Elections, 55, 218, 315,
603, 667. Annual General Meeting, 731. Also 152,
Linnean-Elections, 120, 218, 284, 350, 414, 476,542, 602, 796. Mr. J. G. Tepper on the Natural History of the Kangaroo Island Grass Tree, Xantharrhæa tateana, 120. Prof. M. Duncan on a Revision of the Families and Genera of the Echinoidea, Recent and Fossil, 218. Mr. J. E. Harting on a South American Bat (Noctilio leporinus) alleged to be of Piscivorous Habits, 350, 414. Mr. Lister on the Myxomycetes or Mycetozoa-Mr. E. W. Hoyle on the Deep-Water Fauna of the Firth of Clyde, 476. Dr. Masters on the Comparative Morpho- logy and Life-History of the Coniferæ, 542. Anniver- sary Meeting, 699
Mathematical Elections, 88, 380. Also 248. 511, 635, 797 Meteorological-Elections, 120, 284, 414, 542, 635, 828. Anniversary Meeting-Dr. W. Marcet on Fogs, 120. Mr. W. Marriott on the Recent Thunderstorms, 829
Microscopical-Mr. A. D. Michael on the Internal Ana- tomy of Uropoda krameri, 152. Annual Meeting- Dr. C. T. Hudson on Foreign Rotifers and their Die- tribution, 284
New Shakspere-Mr. R. G. Moulton on the Distinction
between Classical and Shakaperian Plot, 88. Mi38 B.
Lamb on Lady Macbeth, 350. Mr. W. Poel on the
Stage Directions in Quartos 1 and 2 of Romeo and
Juliet,' 511. Also 248
Numismatic-Elections, 284, 414, 541. Also 120, 666
Philological-Elections, 380, 476, 667. Dictionary Even-
ing, 120. Mr. E. L. Brandreth on his Sub-editing
Work in He-, 380. Mr. A. J. Ellis on Early English
Pronunciation, 603. Anniversary Meeting, 667. Prof.
Skeat on English Etymologies, 762. Also 218
Physical-Annual Meeting, 248. Elections, 315, 350, 414,
511, 667, 732, 797, 829. Also 152
Royal-Annual Meeting, 762. Also 88, 119, 152, 184, 217,
243, 283, 315, 349, 380, 413, 443, 476, 510, 602, 635, 666,
Royal Institution Elections, 185, 315, 444, 603, 732.
Annual Meeting, 571
Royal Society of Literature-120, 248
Shorthand-Elections, 88, 218, 350, 477, 603, 732. Мг.
H. Richter on Theory and Practice, 477. Mr. T. S.
Malone on Script Phonography, 603. Mr. Barlow
Normal Phonography, 732
Society of Antiquaries-Elections, 88, 350, 635, 762. Rev. W. Greenwell on Barrows in Yorkshire, Berkshire, and Wiltshire, 119. Anniversary Meeting, 571. Mr. J. Park Harrison on the Shrine or Monument of St. Frideswide at Oxford, 699. Also 152, 184, 218, 248, 283, 315, 380, 413, 444, 476, 666
Society of Arts-120, 152, 248, 350, 414, 444, 477
Society of Biblical Archæology-Anniversary
Also 185, 315, 444, 603, 732
Society of Engineers-184, 315, 444, 603, 732
Statistical-88, 248, 380, 666, 828
Zoological-120, 218, 284, 350, 414, 476, 542, 635, 699,
762, 828
Bristow, H. W., 796. Broch, Prof. O. J., 219. Catlow,
Miss A., 667. Chevreul, M. E., 475. Damon, R., 603.
Dechen, Herr von, 249, 316. De La Rue, Dr. Warren,
541. Donders, Prof. F. C., 443. Dubois-Reymond,
Prof. P., 511. Fedorenko, Dr. I., 217. Miller, K., 732.
Möller, O., 732. Newall, R. 8., 541. Parkinson, Dr.,
19. Percy, Dr. J., 795. Planté, G., 699. Readwin,
T. A., 219. Reichenbach, Dr. H. G., 666. Tempel,
W. E., 443. Wood, Rev. J. G., 316. Woolley, Dr., 415.
Worm-Müller, Prof., 121. Wray, R,
Goupil Gallery: Pictures by Père Corot, 415
Grosvenor Gallery: Winter Exhibition, 122, 317; Sum-
mer Exhibition, 604, 700
Institute of Painters in Water Colours, 381; Works of
English Humourists in Art at the, 767
Johnstone, Norman & Co.'s (Messrs) Galleries, 736
Lefèvre's (Mr.) Gallery, 608
New Gallery: Stuart Exhibition, 153, 219, 320; Summer
Exhibition, 605, 668
Paris Exhibition, Pictures at the, 765
Antiquary, The, 219
Archæological Review, 219, 536
Art and Letters, Vol. IV., 55
Art Journal, 55
Artistic Japan: Illustrations and Essays, collected by
Bing, 604
Atkins's (J.) The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions
and Colonies of the British Empire, 542
Blackburn's (H.) Academy Notes-Grosvenor Gallery-
New Gallery, 830
Blake's (W.) The Gates of Paradise, 351
Catalogue of the Exhibition of Portrait Miniatures at
the Burlington Club, compiled by Propert. 830
Dictionary of Leading Technical and Trade Terms of
Architectural Design and Construction, 415
Dilke's (Lady) Art in the Modern State, 763
Grimm's (H.) Life of Raphael, translated by Adam3, 444
Gyp's Bob au Salon de 1889, 830
Hamerton's (P. G.) 'Portfolio' Papers, 351
Hipkins's (A. J.) Musical Instruments, 19
Hodges's (C. C.) The Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham, 89
Lanciani's (R.) Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent
Discoveries, 511
Leland's (C. L.) Drawing and Designing, 381
Macgibbon's (D.) The Architecture of Provence and the
Riviera, 185
Marshall's (A.) Specimens of Antique Carved Furniture
and Woodwork, 21
Marvels of Rome, Notes by Nichols, 604, 671
May's (W. W.) Marine Painting, 351
Mee's (A.) Llanelly Parish Church, 732
Müntz's (E.) Histoire de l'Art pendant la Renaissance:
Italie, les Primitifs, 444, 480
National Gallery, Popular Handbook to the, compiled by
Anastasi, A., 383. Asselineau, M., 480. Beaulieu, P.
de, 515. Beverley, W. R., 671. Bötticher, Dr., 832.
Bunke, Herr F., 321. Cabanel, A., 124, 155. Chauvin,
D.. 671. Delamotte, P. H., 288. Duvelleroy, M.,
188. Eude, L. A., 544. Forts, V. E. F. des, 383.
Fraser, J., 321. Gastaldi, Signor A., 124. Goodall,
W., 703. Hammer, W., 640. Hédouin, E., 92. Jobbé-
Duval, F., 480. Jourdan. A., 321. Kidd, J. В., 671.
Koch, Herr H., 671. Kotzebue, Prof. A. von, 288.
Larken, A. S., 514. Lavieille, E., 92. Massard, L.,
417. Mazerolle, A. J.. 736. Muller, Prof. F., 251.
Mulready, M., 155. O'Connor, J., 703. Pellegrini,
Signor C., 124. Perceval, S., 187. Pettenkofen, Prof.,
447. Swinton, J. R., 23. Tayler, F., 800, 830. Véron,
Ε., 703
Penrose's (F. C.) Investigation of the Principles of Sir John Millais's New Pictures, 446, 479
Propert's (J. L.) History of Miniature Art, 316
Rajon's (P. A.) Twelve Etchings contributed to the
'Portfolio,' with Memoir, &c., by Stephens, 381
Raphael, Life of, by Grimm, translated by Miss S. H.
Adams, 444
Royal Academy Pictures, 1889, 830
Short's (F.) On the Making of Etchings, 415
Slessor's (J. H.) Notes on the Church of St. Swithun,
Headbourne Worthy, 732, 830
Year's Art, The, 1889, 122 Vanity Fair Album, Vol. XX., 121
Original Papers.
British Museum: Mr. Murray's Classification of the An-
Mr. Alma Tadema's 'In the Shrine of Venus'-Report
of the Director of the National Gallery-South Ken-
sington Museum, Acquisitions, 514
Mr. Brett on the Relation of Photography to the Pictorial
Art, 544
The Royal Archæological Institute, 575
Discovery of Gold Ornaments at Vetulonia-Catalogue
of the National Portrait Gallery. 576
The National Portrait Gallery, 608, 671
Failure of the Salon des Refusés at Vienna, 608
Excavations at Megara Hyblæa in Sicily, 671
Spoliation of Graves in the Caucasus, 736
Statistics of the Exhibitions of 1888 and 1889 at the
Grosvenor and the New Galleries- Award of Medals
of Honour for the Current Salon, 768
Archæological Discoveries, 800
The Jardin du Carrousel, Paris, 832
Sales, 24, 251, 320, 352, 416, 446, 479, 514, 515, 608, 640, Auld Scotch Sangs, arranged by Dunn, 156
670, 703, 736, 768, 800
Niecks's (F.) Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician,
Pritchard's (F. E.) Notes on Musical Form, 769
Reeves, Sims, his Life and Recollections, 93
Spark's (W.) Musical Memories, 58
Original Papers.
Prout's (Mr.) New Cantata, 737
Schubert's Symphony in c, 545
Operas, Concerts, &c.
Agabeg's (Misses J. and I.) Concert, 672
Albeniz's (Señor J.) Pianoforte Recitals, 769, 833
Bach Choir: 321; Hubert Parry's 'Judith,' 609
Benefit Concerts, 289, 704, 738, 801, 833
Blackwell (Madame C.) and Oswald's (Madame E.)
Concert, 322
Borough of Hackney Choral Association: Haydn's
Seasons, 93; Mendelssohn's 'St. Paul,' 289;
Brahms's 'Deutsches Requiem,' 516
Bradley's (Mr. O.) Performance of Brahms's Music, 609
Bright's (Miss D.) Pianoforte Recital, 156
Bristol Orpheus Glee Society, 703
Carli's (Mr. A.) Matinée Musicale, 672
Crystal Palace: Mendelssohn's 'Elijah,' 832
Crystal Palace Concerts: 222; Mr. Hamish MacCunn's
Cantata, 'The Lay of the Last Minstrel,' 252; Prof.
Stanford's Symphony in F, No. 4, 288; 321, 353, 384;
Mr. Prout's Rokeby.' 417; 449; Berlioz's 'Faust,'
482; 515; Haydn's 'Creation,' 609
Cusins's (Mr. W. G.) Concert, 833
Damian's (Miss) Concert, 58
Dannreuther's (Mr.) Musical Evenings, 125, 253
Davies's (Miss F.) Concert, 609
Deller's (Mr. W.) Concert, 516
Eissler's (Mlles. M. and C.) Violin and Harp Recital, 609
Elliott's (Miss M.) Concert, 577
Frickenhaus's (Madame) Pianoforte Recital, 609
Ganz's (Mr.) Orchestral Concerts, 354, 833
Geisler-Schubert's (Fräulein) Concert, 223
Grieg's (Herr) Recital, 383
Guildhall School of Music: Concerts, 418, 801
Haas's (Madame) Concert, 672
Halle's (Sir C.) Manchester Concerts, 93, 125, 188, 223,
253, 289, 321; London Concerts, 640, 672, 703, 737,
769, 801, 833
Hansen's (Miss H. M.) Pianoforte Recital, 738
Hegner's (Master O.) Recitals, 155. 253, 289
Heinrich (Mr. Max) and Moor's (Mr. E.) Recital, 93
Heinrich's (Mr. Max) Vocal Recitals, 482, 516
Henschel's (Mr.) Symphony Concerts, 92, 125, 155, 223,
800; Rigoletto,' 833
Highbury Philharmonic Society, 223
Isaacson's (Miss) Concert, 833
Kisch's (Mile. E.) Pianoforte Recital, 641
Kiver's (Mr. E.) Concert, 609
Lamond's (Mr.) Recitals, 480, 544
Löhr's (Mr. H.) Concert, 482
Ludwig and Whitehouse's (Messrs.) Concerts, 577, 641
Manns's (Mr.) Benefit Concert, 544
Mapleson's (Mr.) Concert, 801
Meyer's (Herr W.) Violin Concert, 672
Monday Popular Concerte, 58, 93, 125, 155, 188, 253, 288,
321, 353, 384, 418, 449, 480, 515
Musical Artists' Society, 609
Musical Guild: Concerts, 672, 802
Myers's (Miss C.) Concert, 641
Nicholl's (Mr. W.) Concert, 609
Novello's Oratorio Concerts: 'Elijah,' 125; Dr. Mac-
kenzie's 'The Dream of Jubal, 288;354; Dudley
Buck's 'The Light of Asia,' 383; Handel's 'Saul,' 480
Olympic Theatre: Wallace's 'Maritana,' 156
Pachmann's (M. de) Recitals, 703, 801
Pauer's (Mr. Max) Pianoforte Recital, 354
Philharmonic Society, 383, 447, 515, 640, 703, 768, 832
Prince of Wales's Theatre: Planquette's 'Paul Jones,'
Ralph's (Mrs. F.) Concert, 738
Richter Concerts, 609, 640, 704, 737, 802, 832
Robinson's (Miss W.) Concert, 738
Royal Academy of Music: Concerts, 321, 544, 801
Royal Amateur Orchestral Society: Concerts, 188, 641
Royal Choral Society: Berlioz's 'Faust,' 92; 'Elijah,'
188; Mancinelli's 'Isaias.' 252; 'The Redemption,'
322; Benoit's 'Lucifer,' 447
Royal College of Music: Concerts, 188, 418, 482, 833
Royal Italian Opera: 'Les Pêcheurs de Perles' Faust'
-'Carmen,' 671; 'La Traviata,' 703, 737; 'Aïda,'
703, 737; Mefistofele,' 703; 'Lohengrin,' 703, 737,
768, 800; La Sonnambula''Le Nozze di Figaro,
737; Rigoletto' - ' Guillaume Tell,' 768;
Giovanni'-'Roméo et Juliette '-' Les Huguenots,'
for Scandal,' 190, 223. King Richard III.,' 384, 609
Grand-The Armada,' 254. Hands across the Sea,'
354. The Bells of Haslemere,' 385. 'The Silver
Falls, 609. Faust up to Date,' 705. 'Captain
Swift,' 770
Haymarket-The Merry Wives of Windsor,' 59, 223, 354.
Masks and Faces,' 190, 254. Besant and Pollock's
The Ballad-Monger,' 449. Jones's' Wealth,' 577
Lyceum-Macbeth, 25
Novelty-Archer's 'A Doll's House,' 769
Baillot, P. R., 546. Dawydow, K. (Davidoff), 322.
Devriès, Madame, 546. Gungl, J., 223. Hueffer, Dr.
F., 125. Mansour, A., 125. Monk, W. H., 322.
Murska, Madame Ilma di, 125. Ouseley, Sir F. A.,
481. Rosa, Carl, 576. Tamberlik, E., 284
The 'Messiah' at the Albert Hall - 'L'Africaine' at
Buda-Pesth, 24
Patti Concerts at the Albert Hall, 58, 321
The Imperial Opera in Vienna, 58
Wagner's Tristan und Isolde' at Mannheim, 93
Dr. Villiers Stanford's Music in Berlin-Das Rheingold,
at the Metropolitan Opera-house, New York, 125
Musical Festival in Wellington, New Zealand, 156
Meyerbeer's 'L'Étoile du Nord' at Liverpool, 188
Gluck's Orfeo' at Rome, 253
Performances of the Strolling Players, 289, 609
Dvorak's 'Die Jacobiner' at Prague-The Mikado' at
Munich, 322
Concerts of Irish Music at St. James's Hall and the
Albert Hall, 384
Address of Congratulation to Herr Joachim, 418
Revival of Old Operas in connexion with the Paris Ex-
hibition, 449
'The Redemption' by the Popular Musical Union at the
People's Palace, 482
'Judas Maccabæus' by the Kensington Choral and
Orchestral Society, 516
Good Friday Sacred Concerts, 545
Mozart's Opera 'Die Entführung'in Greek at Alexandria
-Monument to Mozart at Vienna, 546
The Leeds Festival Chorus-Italian Opera in Paris, 576
Concert by the Popular Musical Union-Massenet's
Opera Esclarmonde' at the Paris Opéra Comique, 641
Concert in Commemoration of Wagner's Birthday, 672
Concert of the Bristol Society of Instrumentalists, 704
Concert of the Association of Tonic Sol-fa Choirs at the
Crystal Palace, 769
Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian,
with Notes by Lowe, 24
Archer's (W.) Masks or Faces, 156
Arden of Feversham, edited by Drs. Warnke and Proescholdt, 385
Atherstone, Edwin, Dramatic Works of, edited by his
Daughter, 94
Baker's (B.) The London Stage, 833
Bell's (Mrs. H.) Petit Théâtre des Enfants, 126
Cibber, Mr. Colley, An Apology for the Life of, with
Notes by Lowe, 24
Dramatic Works of Edwin Atherstone, edited by his
Daughter, 94
Feuillet's (O.) Le Divorce de Juliette, 254
Gyp's Tout à l'Égout, 254
J. M.'s Plays and Tales, 254
Adelphi-Sims and Pettitt's 'The Harbour Lights,' 546.
Boucicault's 'The Shaughraun,' 833
Avenue-Hurst's 'The Begum's Diamonds,' 126. Buckle's
'The Duke's Boast,' 418. Henry's 'Lancelot the
Lovely,' 578
Comedy Grundy's 'Merry Margate,' 418. Paull's
Tenterhooks,' 577. Raleigh's 'The Inheritance,' 673
Court-Pinero's 'The Weaker Sex,' 384. Grundy's 'A
White Lie '-Dircks's 'In the Corridor,' 705
Criterion-Taylor's 'Still Waters Run Deep,' 94, 125.
Albery's 'The Two Roses,' 322
Gaiety-Henry's 'First Mate,' 26. Grundy's 'A Fools'
Paradise,' 223. 'Robbing Roy,' 450. 'Dick Turpin
the Second,' 610. French Plays, 705, 738, 770, 833
Garrick-Opening Night: Pinero's 'The Profligate,' 546,
Opéra Comique-Mrs Beringer's 'Tares,' 125. tram's 'The Panel Picture,' 449. 'Little Lord Faunt- leroy'-Broughton and Lawrence's 'Her Own Rival,
516. Forget-Me-Not,' 610. Mrs. Musgrave's 'Our
Flat,' 834
Prince of Wales's-Sapte jun.'s 'Marah,'738. Grundy's
Esther Sandraz,' 769. Grein and Jarvis's 'A Man's
Love,' 834
Princess's-Revival of 'Hamlet' and 'The Lady of
Lyons,' 157. Caine and Barrett's 'The Good Old
Times,' 223. Barrett's 'Nowadays, 322, 418, 673.
Jones and Herman's The Silver King,' 516.
dian,' 577. Byatt's 'True Heart,' 738. Mortimer's
'Heartsease,' 834
Royalty-French Plays: Labiche and Martin's 'Le
Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon,' 60; Labiche and
Delacour's 'La Cagnotte,' 94; Dumas's 'Les Demoi-
selles de Saint-Cyr,' 157, 224; 'Denise,' 224; Ferrier
and Bocage's 'La Doctoresse, 254; Blum and Toché's
Les Femmes Nerveuses,' 322; Les Surprises du
Divorce,' 418; Meilhac and Gaudrax's 'Pépa,' 447;
Dumas's 'Mile. de Belle-Isle,' 482; Close of the Season.
516. Performances of the Company of Le Théâtre
Libre: Hennique's 'Jacques Damour' and 'La Mort
du Duc d'Enghien,' 188
Sudler's Wells-Comer's 'Never Despair,' 354
St. James's-Havard's 'Well Matched,' 642
Shaftesbury Theatre-Watson's 'Calumny,' 482. Sir C.
Young's 'Jim the Penman,' 769
Strand-Fenn and Darnley's 'The Balloon,' 190, 223.
Fenn's 'Her Ladyship,' 418. Thomas's 'The Scare-
crow,' 705. Little's 'Doubt,' 738. Horner and
Wyatt's 'The Two Johnnies,' 770. Hurst's 'Esop's
Fables' Innes's 'Donellan,' 802
Terry's 'April Showers,' 157. Capel and Phillips's
See-Saw, 290. Helmore and Phillpotts's 'The
Policeman,' 322. Pigott's 'The Bookmaker,' 385.
Howard's 'Young Mrs. Winthrop,' 418. Mortimer's
Oh, these Widows!' 578. Woodhouse's 'The Grand-
sire, 641. Spier's 'Tefalco '-Dickinson's 'Parson
Iron,' 705. Pigott's 'Which Wins?' 770
Toole's Burnand's 'Artful Cards, 254, 642.
Don'-'Ici On Parle Français,' 546. Thompson and
Sinclair's 'A Broken Sixpence,' 802
Vaudeville-Broughton's 'The Poet,' 60. Buchanan's
That Doctor Cupid,' 94, 385. Leclercq's 'The Love
Story,' 254. Winter's 'Rumour,' 449. Williamson's
'My Queenie,' 516. Cooper's 'Angelina,' 610, 641.
Douglass's 'Her Father,' 673. Wedmore's 'The Farm
by the Sea,' 705. The Honeymoon,' 770. Bucha-
nan's 'The O'd Home,' 802
Statistical Report of the "Royalty Theatres" at Berlin, Hanover, Cassel, and Wiesbaden, 516
Celebration of the Anniversary of Shakspeare's Birth at Stratford-on-Avon, 578
Mrs. Phillips and Mr. J. Tresahar's 'Some Day' at St. George's Hall, 642
The Ballet of 'Cleopatra' at the Empire Theatre, 673 The Grillparzer Monument at Vienna, 706 Mr. Justin H. McCarthy's 'The White Carnation,' 738
Dog's Nose, The, 322 Parallel, A, 674 Paris or Parry's, 26
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