Slike strani




In Australian Wilds, edited by Mennell, 277
Inderwick's (F. A.) Side-Lights on the Stuarts, 143
Indexes and Catalogues published by the Italian Ministry
of Public Instruction, 115

Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry, edited by Inglis's (Hon. J.) Tent Life in Tiger Land, 212

[blocks in formation]

Judith, an Old English Epic Fragment, ed. by Cook, 211

Jusserand's (J. J.) English Wayfaring Life in the Middle

Ages, translated by Miss T. Smith, 277

Kaye and Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny,
edited by Malleson, 536

Kaye's (Sir J.) Lives of Indian Officers, 50

Keil's (F.) Manual of Biblical Archæology, 694


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Parallel Grammar Series: Latin Grammar, Part I., by

- French

Sonnenschein -- Latin Exercises, by Dix
Grammar, Part I., by Moriarty-German Grammar,
Part I., by Meyer-English Grammar, Part II., by
Cooper and Sonnenschein, 242


[blocks in formation]

Hume, David, Letters of, to William Strahan, ed. Hill, 9 McKay's (J.) Pendle Hill in History and Literature, 406 Payton's (E. W.) Round about New Zealand, 211


Periodical Press Index, compiled by Farmer, 662

Péroz's (Le Capitaine É.) Au Soudan Français, 751

Perrens's (F. T.) Histoire de Florence, 1434-1531, 659

Persika of Ktesias, edited by Gilmore, 535

Phillipps-Wolley's (C.) The Sportsman's Eden, 786

Philobiblon of Richard de Bury, ed. by Thomas, 752

Phonetische Studien, 50

Piatt's (J. J.) A Dream of Church Windows, 470

Piatt's (S. M. B.) The Witch in the Glass, 373

Pigot's (F.) The Strangest Journey of my Life, 178

Pinkerton's (T. A.) John Newbold's Ordeal, 242, 282

Plato: Republic, Books I. to V., ed. by Warren, 111

Plauchut's (E.) L'Égypte et l'Occupation Anglaise, 536

Playfair's (Sir L.) Subjects of Social Welfare, 791

Pliny: Secundi Epistulæ ad Trajanum, ed. Hardy, 594

Plutarch's Morals, translated by Shilleto, 536

Pococke, Richard: Tours in Scotland, edited by Kemp

-Travels through England, edited by Cartwright, 468

Poets' Bible, The, edited by Horder, 50

Political Orations from Wentworth to Macaulay, edited

by Clarke, 727

Pollock's (Sir F.) The Land Laws, translated into

German by Schuster, 471

Polybius, Selections from, by Strachan-Davidson, 535

Poole's First Supplement to Index to Periodical Litera-

ture, 50

Pcole's (R. L.) Wycliffe and Movements for Reform, 755
Porter's (Major-General W.) History of the Corps of
Royal Engineers, 785

Prel's (C. du) The Philosophy of Mysticism, translated
by Massey, 338

Pressensé's (F. de) L'Irlande et l'Angleterre depuis
l'Acte d'Union jusqu'à nos Jours, 147

Price's (Mrs. A.) Hilary St. John, 821

Price's (Miss E. C.) The Red Towers, 81; May in Anjou,


Prose Works of Bishop Ken, ed. Rev. W. Benham, 629
Prothero's (G. W.) Memoir of Henry Bradshaw, 43
Purgatorio di Dante, dichiarato da Gubernatis, 241
Purnell's (T.) Dust and Diamonds, 82

Quincy's (J. P.) The Peckster Professorship, 371

Rabusson's (H.) L'Épousée, 308

Rae's (W. Fraser) Miss Bayle's Romance, 630

Randolph's (Mr.) The New Eve, 501

Raven's (Rev. J. H.) Latin Exercises in the Oratio
Obliqua, 14

Rawlinson's (G.) History of Ancient Egypt, translated
into Spanish by Toda, 471

Records of the English Catholics of 1715, ed. Payne, 238

Records of the Past, 210

Reference Catalogue

of Current Literature, 792

Rogers's (Prof. J. E. Thorold) The Economic Interpre-

tation of History, 110


Seneca's Minor Dialogues, translated by Stewart, 53
Sergeant's (A.) Esther Denison, 209
Sergeant's (L.) The Government Year-Book, 243
Service Almanac, The, 147

Shakspeare: Moffatt's Edition of Macbeth, 83; Tra-
gedy of King Richard III., edited by Tawney-Life of
Henry V., edited by Deighton, 342

Shallow's (J.) The Templars' Trials, 626

Sharwood's (T. S.) For a King! 501

Sheldon's (L. V.) Yankee Girls in Zulu Land, 343

Short Notices, 16, 50, 82, 115, 147, 179, 212, 243, 278,

310, 343, 374, 407, 438, 471, 505, 536, 565, 630, 662,

695, 728, 758, 823

Shortt's (J.) Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto),
Mandamus, and Prohibition, 757

Signore's Greystone Grange, 48

Vosmaer, C., In Memoriam, 243
Waddington's (S.) The Sonnets of Europe, 407
Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, Speeches and Addresses, ed.

Macaulay, 115; Prince, Princess, and People, 566

Walford's (L. B.) A Stiff-necked Generation, 113
Walker's (Mrs.) Untrodden Paths in Roumania, 240
Walloon Church of Norwich, edited by Moens, 112, 214
Wanderer's Whims, 787

War Scare in Europe, 822

Ward, William George, and the Oxford Movement, by
Wilfrid Ward, 689

Warden's (F.) St. Cuthbert's Tower, 660
Wardrop's (O.) The Kingdom of Georgia, 240
Wegg-Prosser's (F. R.) Ga'ileo and his Judges, 595
Weil's (G. D.) Juridiction Pénale des Chambres Anglaises
pour la Défense de leurs Privilèges, 374

Simpson's (E. R.) London Government under the Local Wellesley, Marquess, Life of, by Malleson, 822

Skerry's (G. E.) Civil Service Manual, 757
Skewes's (J. H.) Sir John Franklin, the True Secret of
the Discovery of his Fate, 628

Skinner's (T.) Stock Exchange Year-Book, 16
Smart's (Hawley) Long Odds, 437

Smith's (B.) Life of the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P.,

Smith's (E.) Foreign Visitors in England, 341

Smith's (Rev. J.) The Dalbroom Folks, 48
Songs and Poems of Fairyland, compiled by Waite, 49
Soups, Savouries, Sweets, with a Chapter on Breads, by
a Practical Housewife, 727

Speeches and Addresses of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales,

edited by Dr. Macaulay, 115

Speeches of Lord Randolph Churchill, edited by Jen-
nings, 438, 472

Sportsman's Time Table and Guide to the Rivers, Lochs,

&c., of Scotland, 630

Staël, Madame de, by Lady Blennerhassett, 466

Stafford's (Lady) How I Spent my Twentieth Year, 727

Statesman's Year-Book, edited by Keltie, 278

Statesmen Series: Marquess Wellesley, by Malleson, 822

Stead's (W. T.) Truth about Russia, 146

Stevens's (T.) Around the World on a Bicycle, 305

Stevenson, William Fleming, D.D., Life and Letters of,

by his Wife, 146

Stockton's (F. R.) The Bee-Man of Orn, 81; Amos

Kilbright, 113

Stott Library: Essayes of Montaigne, 407

Strachey's (Sir J.) India, 146

Strange Secrets, told by P. Fitzgerald, &c., 787

Street's Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory, 147

Stuart's (E.) One for the Other, 209

Swift's Tale of a Tub, edited by Morley, 239

Swinburne's (A. C.) Poems and Ballads, 655

Sylvester's (P.) The Dead Leman, 596

Symons's (A.) Days and Nights, 788

Tacitus: Annalium, Liber I., edited by Maguire, 14

Tales from Blackwood,' 406

Tasma's Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill, 13
Taylor's (Dr. J. E.) In and About Ancient Ipswich, 565

Taylor's (J. A. and U. A.) A Social Heretic, 533
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, Homes and Haunts of, 727
Theal's (G. McCall) History of South Africa, 1691-1795,


[blocks in formation]

Roxburghe Ballads, edited by Ebsworth, 722

Royal Kalendar, 278

Russell's (D.) A Strange Message, 276

St. Athanasius, his Life and Times, by Bush, 14

St. Basil the Great, translated by Lewis, 14

St. Jerome, Life of, by Mrs. Martin, 14


Santa Lucia, edited by Miss M. E. and Miss E. H. Hodg-

kin, 374

Varigny's (C. de) Les Grandes Fortunes aux États-Unis

et en Angleterre, 343

Veitch's (S.) The Dean's Daughter, 48
Victoria Library: Selection of Speeches by Grattan,
Pitt, Peel, &c.. edited by Jacob, 310

Vase's (Gillan) Through Love to Life, 371

Victorian Year-Book, edited by Hayter, 278, 628

Vidya'ankâra's (Ramakamala) Prakritibada, edited by
Ramesha Chandra Bandyopadhyaya, 695

Scoville's (Rev. S.) Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Villari's Life and Times of Savonarola, 80

Seaman's (O.) With Double Pipe, 373

Selve, Odet de, Correspondance Politique de, par Le
Fevre-Pontalis, 18

Vincent's (Vin) Cathedral Bell, 693

[blocks in formation]

Whale's (G.) Greater London and its Government, 82
Whitby's (B.) The Awakening of Mary Fenwick, 533
Wilberforce's (H. W.) Lawn Tennis, 792

Williams's (T. M.) The Land of my Fathers, 564

Windt's (H. de) From Pekin to Calais by Land, 504
Wingfield's (L.) The Wanderings of a Globe-Trotter, 178
Winzet's (Ninian) Certain Tractates. ed. Hewison, 307
Witt's (Madame de) Femmes dans l'Histoire, 82
Wood's (H. F.) Englishman of the Rue Caïn, 242
Wood's (Mrs. H.) Featherston's Story, 627
Wordsworth: Complete Poetical Works of, with Intro-
duction by Morley-The Recluse-Selections from his
Works, by W. Knight and other Members of the Words-
worth Society, 109; Life of, by Knight, 719

Wordsworthiana, edited by Knight, 237, 281

Works of Dr. Thomas Campion, edited by Bullen, 403

Worthy's (C.) Practical Heraldry, 341

Wright's (H.) The Office of Magistrate, 212

Year-Book of Scientific Societies, 566

Yorke's (C.) The Brown Portmanteau, 371

Yrla's Three Friends, 533

Zola's (É.) Le Rêve, 178

Bride's Tragedy, The, by A. C. Swinburne, 311

Giordano Bruno, June 9th, 1889, by A. C. Swinburne, 758
Love's Unity, by A. Austin, 51

New Year's Day, 1889, by A. C. Swinburne, 16

[blocks in formation]

Vogel's (Sir J.) Anno Domini 2000, 405

Library, First Protestant Free, in England, 506

Library at Bold Hall, Lancashire, 376, 440, 473

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The Maria Grey Training College-Annual Meetings of
the Chetham Society and of the English Dialect Society,

Statue to Mr. John Bright, 508

Reprinting of Old Directories, 600

Literary Treasure Trove from Bologna, 601

Teaching University for London, 633

Annual General Meeting of the London Library, 664
Discovery of a Precious Irish Relic in Southern Italy,


Advance of Education in Hyderabad, 730

Arabic MSS. for the British Museum, 760

Literary Congress at Paris" The Currency of Early
New England," 826

Bartholomew's Pocket Atlas and Guide to Paris, 828
Bartlett's (E.) Monograph of the Weaver-Birds (Plo-

Report of the Board of Visitors of the Melbourne
Observatory, 634

Revue d'Anthropologie, 475

Blaine's (R. G.) Numerical Examples in Practical
Mechanics and Machine Design, 601

Roscoe's (Sir H. E.) Treatise on Chemistry, 666
Rutley's (F.) Rock-forming Minerals, 283

Saunders's (T.) Atlas of India, 731

Water-Marks and Sizes of Books, 280, 344, 409, 440, 472, Bissy's (Major R. de L. de) Map of Africa, 571
539, 567, 631, 664

Babington, Dr. C., 84. Bagnold,

Beamont, W., 760. Bromby, Dr.,

412. Burmeister, H., 540. Chandler,
Clyne, N., 53. Cobbett, Miss S.,

283. Crombie, Dr., 794. Crossley, J. T., 569.

Davies, Prof. J. F., 86. Dunphy, H., 18. Edersheim,

Dr. A., 378. Engelstoft, Dr. C. T., 150. Eugenia,

Princess of Sweden, 570. Evans, Canon, 665, 698.

Firmenich, J. M., 665. Goldsmid, Miss A. M., 216.

Gray, Miss L. M., 18. Guasti, C., 246. Guigne, C.,

246. Hall, S. C., 375, 440. Hammarstand, Prof. S. F.,

183. Hennessy, W. M., 86. Holtzendorff, Dr. von,

183. Howells, Miss, 379. Hunt, W., 540. Johnsen,

Frau D., 540. Kennedy, Prof. B. H., 473, 540. Lech-

ler, Prof., 18. Lees, Major-General W. N., 345.

Maguire, Dr. T., 281, 311. Martin, L. C., 86. Müller,

Prof. O., 826. Noiré, Prof. L., 442. Nybom, J., 730.

Onions, J. H., 698. "Onkel Adam" (Wetterbergh),

215. Osborn, Lieut. Col. R. D., 538. Osborne, Lord

S. G., 633. Philpot, Rev. W. B., 569. Porter, Rev.

J. L., 379. Ritschl, Prof. A., 412. Saint-Hilaire, R.,

150. St. John, Percy B., 379. Scherer, E., 377.

Schiller, Freifrau L. von, 246. Schlyter, Prof. C. J.,

51. Schön, Rev. Dr., 442. Schott, Dr. W., 150.

Sharp, M. R.,696. Simcox, Rev. W. H., 665. Southey,

Rev. C., 18. Spurrell, W., 600. Stab, Capt., 569.

Strömberg, Dr. A. T., 601. Strubberg. F. A., 509.

Svedelius, W. E., 347. Tillotson, W. F., 246. Trueba,

Señor A. de, 379. Tyerman, L., 442. Ulbach, L., 507.

Van Homrigh, B. A., 474. Vigfusson, Gudbrandr, 181,

214. Walesrode, L., 412. Wartenburg, K., 569. Warter,

Col., 540. Whately, Miss M., 347. Wright, Prof. W.,

664, 697

[blocks in formation]

General Meeting of London and Provincial Newspaper
Proprietors, 149

Report on the Examination for Commercial Certificates
held by the University of Cambridge, 150

Shelley's Villa near Spezia, 182, 281

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Zehden's (Dr. C.) Commercial Geography, translated by

Muirhead, 315

Zeitschrift of the Berlin Geographical Society, 828
Zoological Record for 1887, Vol. XXIV., 571

[blocks in formation]


Astronomical-Elections, 88, 349, 635. Mr. Knobel on
Photographs of the Nebulæ in the Pleiades and in An-
dromeda, 88. Annual General Meeting, 217. The
Astronomer Royal on the Results of Measures of Sun
Spots made from the Greenwich Series of Photo-
graphs since 1874, 635. Mr. Taylor on Observations
of the Spectrum of Uranus, 796. Also 541

British Archæological Association-Miss Russell on the

Early History of Cumbria and the Etymology of the

Name of Glasgow, 413. Mr. T. Morgan on certain

Phases of the History of Early Christianity in Eng-

land, 666. Also 54, 152, 218, 315, 350, 762

Chemical-Elections, 284, 476, 667. Annual General

Meeting, 476. Also 218, 248, 380, 603, 797

Cymmrodorion-Mr. E. Owen on Welsh Monasteries
and Monasticism, 571

Entomological-Anniversary Meeting, 120. Elections,
218, 350, 476, 602, 829

Folk-lore-Hon. J. Abercromby on the Beliefs and Reli-
gious Ceremonies of the Mordvins, 185. Mr. E.
Clodd on the Philosophy of Rumpelstiltskin,' 315.
Dr. R. Morris on Death's Messenger, 414

Geographical-Elections, 184, 217, 284, 349, 413, 476,

635, 699, 828. Anniversary Meeting, 699

Geological-Elections, 19, 88, 152, 217, 283, 349, 476,

571, 699, 762. Annual Meeting, 283. Also 413, 635

Hellenic-Miss Jane Harrison on some Fragments of

Greek Vase Paintings, 285. Annual Meeting, 829.

Also 572

Historical-120, 414, 511, 667, 829

Huguenot-Elections, 89, 380, 635, 829. Mr. G. H.
Overend on Strangers at Dover, 1558-1646, 635

Institution of Civil Engineers-Elections, 55, 218, 315,

603, 667. Annual General Meeting, 731. Also 152,

Linnean-Elections, 120, 218, 284, 350, 414, 476,542, 602,
796. Mr. J. G. Tepper on the Natural History of the
Kangaroo Island Grass Tree, Xantharrhæa tateana,
120. Prof. M. Duncan on a Revision of the Families
and Genera of the Echinoidea, Recent and Fossil, 218.
Mr. J. E. Harting on a South American Bat (Noctilio
leporinus) alleged to be of Piscivorous Habits, 350, 414.
Mr. Lister on the Myxomycetes or Mycetozoa-Mr.
E. W. Hoyle on the Deep-Water Fauna of the Firth of
Clyde, 476. Dr. Masters on the Comparative Morpho-
logy and Life-History of the Coniferæ, 542. Anniver-
sary Meeting, 699

Mathematical Elections, 88, 380. Also 248. 511, 635, 797
Meteorological-Elections, 120, 284, 414, 542, 635, 828.
Anniversary Meeting-Dr. W. Marcet on Fogs, 120.
Mr. W. Marriott on the Recent Thunderstorms, 829

Microscopical-Mr. A. D. Michael on the Internal Ana-
tomy of Uropoda krameri, 152. Annual Meeting-
Dr. C. T. Hudson on Foreign Rotifers and their Die-
tribution, 284

New Shakspere-Mr. R. G. Moulton on the Distinction

between Classical and Shakaperian Plot, 88. Mi38 B.

Lamb on Lady Macbeth, 350. Mr. W. Poel on the

Stage Directions in Quartos 1 and 2 of Romeo and

Juliet,' 511. Also 248

Numismatic-Elections, 284, 414, 541. Also 120, 666

Philological-Elections, 380, 476, 667. Dictionary Even-

ing, 120. Mr. E. L. Brandreth on his Sub-editing

Work in He-, 380. Mr. A. J. Ellis on Early English

Pronunciation, 603. Anniversary Meeting, 667. Prof.

Skeat on English Etymologies, 762. Also 218

Physical-Annual Meeting, 248. Elections, 315, 350, 414,

511, 667, 732, 797, 829. Also 152

Royal-Annual Meeting, 762. Also 88, 119, 152, 184, 217,

243, 283, 315, 349, 380, 413, 443, 476, 510, 602, 635, 666,

Society of Antiquaries-Elections, 88, 350, 635, 762. Rev.
W. Greenwell on Barrows in Yorkshire, Berkshire, and
Wiltshire, 119. Anniversary Meeting, 571. Mr. J. Park
Harrison on the Shrine or Monument of St. Frideswide
at Oxford, 699. Also 152, 184, 218, 248, 283, 315, 380,
413, 444, 476, 666

Society of Arts-120, 152, 248, 350, 414, 444, 477

Society of Biblical Archæology-Anniversary

Also 185, 315, 444, 603, 732

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Penrose's (F. C.) Investigation of the Principles of Sir John Millais's New Pictures, 446, 479

Athenian Architecture,


Propert's (J. L.) History of Miniature Art, 316

Rajon's (P. A.) Twelve Etchings contributed to the

'Portfolio,' with Memoir, &c., by Stephens, 381

Raphael, Life of, by Grimm, translated by Miss S. H.

Adams, 444

Royal Academy Pictures, 1889, 830

Short's (F.) On the Making of Etchings, 415

Slessor's (J. H.) Notes on the Church of St. Swithun,

Headbourne Worthy, 732, 830

Year's Art, The, 1889, 122
Vanity Fair Album, Vol. XX., 121

Original Papers.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. J. Brett's, Mr. G. D. Leslie's, and Mr. Fildes's New

Pictures, 446

Mr. Armstead's and Mr. Legros's New Pictures-Mr.
J. M. Campbell's Discovery of Relics of Buddha, 447
Mr. Woolner's Bust of Sir J. Whitworth, 479

tique Bronzes, 480

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Niecks's (F.) Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician,


Pritchard's (F. E.) Notes on Musical Form, 769

Reeves, Sims, his Life and Recollections, 93

Spark's (W.) Musical Memories, 58

Original Papers.

Prout's (Mr.) New Cantata, 737

Schubert's Symphony in c, 545

Operas, Concerts, &c.

Agabeg's (Misses J. and I.) Concert, 672

Albeniz's (Señor J.) Pianoforte Recitals, 769, 833

Bach Choir: 321; Hubert Parry's 'Judith,' 609

Benefit Concerts, 289, 704, 738, 801, 833

Blackwell (Madame C.) and Oswald's (Madame E.)

Concert, 322

Borough of Hackney Choral Association: Haydn's

Seasons, 93; Mendelssohn's 'St. Paul,' 289;

Brahms's 'Deutsches Requiem,' 516

Bradley's (Mr. O.) Performance of Brahms's Music, 609

Bright's (Miss D.) Pianoforte Recital, 156

Bristol Orpheus Glee Society, 703

Carli's (Mr. A.) Matinée Musicale, 672

Crystal Palace: Mendelssohn's 'Elijah,' 832

Crystal Palace Concerts: 222; Mr. Hamish MacCunn's

Cantata, 'The Lay of the Last Minstrel,' 252; Prof.

Stanford's Symphony in F, No. 4, 288; 321, 353, 384;

Mr. Prout's Rokeby.' 417; 449; Berlioz's 'Faust,'

482; 515; Haydn's 'Creation,' 609

Cusins's (Mr. W. G.) Concert, 833

Damian's (Miss) Concert, 58

Dannreuther's (Mr.) Musical Evenings, 125, 253

Davies's (Miss F.) Concert, 609

Deller's (Mr. W.) Concert, 516

Eissler's (Mlles. M. and C.) Violin and Harp Recital, 609

Elliott's (Miss M.) Concert, 577

Frickenhaus's (Madame) Pianoforte Recital, 609

Ganz's (Mr.) Orchestral Concerts, 354, 833

Geisler-Schubert's (Fräulein) Concert, 223

Grieg's (Herr) Recital, 383

Guildhall School of Music: Concerts, 418, 801

Haas's (Madame) Concert, 672

Halle's (Sir C.) Manchester Concerts, 93, 125, 188, 223,

253, 289, 321; London Concerts, 640, 672, 703, 737,

769, 801, 833

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Opéra Comique-Mrs Beringer's 'Tares,' 125.
tram's 'The Panel Picture,' 449. 'Little Lord Faunt-
leroy'-Broughton and Lawrence's 'Her Own Rival,

516. Forget-Me-Not,' 610. Mrs. Musgrave's 'Our

Flat,' 834

Prince of Wales's-Sapte jun.'s 'Marah,'738. Grundy's

Esther Sandraz,' 769. Grein and Jarvis's 'A Man's

Love,' 834

Princess's-Revival of 'Hamlet' and 'The Lady of

Lyons,' 157. Caine and Barrett's 'The Good Old

Times,' 223. Barrett's 'Nowadays, 322, 418, 673.

Jones and Herman's The Silver King,' 516.


dian,' 577. Byatt's 'True Heart,' 738. Mortimer's

'Heartsease,' 834

Royalty-French Plays: Labiche and Martin's 'Le

Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon,' 60; Labiche and

Delacour's 'La Cagnotte,' 94; Dumas's 'Les Demoi-

selles de Saint-Cyr,' 157, 224; 'Denise,' 224; Ferrier

and Bocage's 'La Doctoresse, 254; Blum and Toché's

Les Femmes Nerveuses,' 322; Les Surprises du

Divorce,' 418; Meilhac and Gaudrax's 'Pépa,' 447;

Dumas's 'Mile. de Belle-Isle,' 482; Close of the Season.

516. Performances of the Company of Le Théâtre

Libre: Hennique's 'Jacques Damour' and 'La Mort

du Duc d'Enghien,' 188

Sudler's Wells-Comer's 'Never Despair,' 354

St. James's-Havard's 'Well Matched,' 642

Shaftesbury Theatre-Watson's 'Calumny,' 482. Sir C.

Young's 'Jim the Penman,' 769

Strand-Fenn and Darnley's 'The Balloon,' 190, 223.

Fenn's 'Her Ladyship,' 418. Thomas's 'The Scare-

crow,' 705. Little's 'Doubt,' 738. Horner and

Wyatt's 'The Two Johnnies,' 770. Hurst's 'Esop's

Fables' Innes's 'Donellan,' 802

Terry's 'April Showers,' 157. Capel and Phillips's

See-Saw, 290. Helmore and Phillpotts's 'The

Policeman,' 322. Pigott's 'The Bookmaker,' 385.

Howard's 'Young Mrs. Winthrop,' 418. Mortimer's

Oh, these Widows!' 578. Woodhouse's 'The Grand-

sire, 641. Spier's 'Tefalco '-Dickinson's 'Parson

Iron,' 705. Pigott's 'Which Wins?' 770

[blocks in formation]


Statistical Report of the "Royalty Theatres" at Berlin,
Hanover, Cassel, and Wiesbaden, 516

Celebration of the Anniversary of Shakspeare's Birth at
Stratford-on-Avon, 578

Mrs. Phillips and Mr. J. Tresahar's 'Some Day' at
St. George's Hall, 642

The Ballet of 'Cleopatra' at the Empire Theatre, 673
The Grillparzer Monument at Vienna, 706
Mr. Justin H. McCarthy's 'The White Carnation,' 738


Dog's Nose, The, 322
Parallel, A, 674
Paris or Parry's, 26

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