5. History of Astronomy. Dr. CRAWFORD. 3 hrs., second half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Course 1A or 3. 6. Theoretical Astronomy. (G.E.) Associate Professor LEUSCHNER. 4 hrs., throughout the year. Tu Th, 2-4. Prerequisite: Course 1A or 3; Course 9 or 9в in Mathematics; ordinarily also Course 5 in Physics. Associate Professor LEUSCHNER. The fundamental principles and processes of the Method of Least Squares, and their application to the solution of astronomical, physical, and engineering problems. 2 or 3 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 10; W, 8. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the differential and integral calculus. Prescribed, Junior year, two units, in the Course in Railroad Engineering, College of Civil Engineering. *8 Mechanical Quadratures. (G.E.) Associate Professor LEUSCHNER. Development of the formulæ of numerical differentation and integratation, and their application in the construction of tables. 3 hrs., second half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Course 9 or 9B in Mathematics. Offered alter nately with Course 9. *9. Interpolation and the Use of Tables. (G.E.) Associate Professor LEUSCHNER. The more useful formulæ of interpolation, and their application in the use of astronomical and other tables. Practice in extensive numerical computations, with special aim at rapidity and exactness. Calculating machines. 3 hrs., second half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Algebra and trigonometry. Offered alternately with Course 8. 10. Summer School. (G.E.) Dr. CRAWFord. A continuation of Course 4. Four weeks during the summer vacation. The students determine the longitude (by the telegraphic method) or the latitude (by the method of Talcott) of the Students' Observatory. *Subject to demand, courses 8 and 9 may be combined into a single three-hour course during the second half-year. 11. Advanced Practical Astronomy. (G.E.) The theory of refraction; eclipses. Dr. CRAWFORD. 2 hrs., second half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Course 4. *12. Theoretical Astronomy. Associate Professor LEUSCHNER. This course treats of the relative accuracy of the various methods of determining preliminary orbits. 2 hrs., second half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Course 6. Primarily for Graduates. 13. Perturbations and Celestial Mechanics. The course Associate Professor LEUSCHNER. Adapted to the needs and preparation of the students. may be continued through three years. The following subjects are treated: General principles; special perturbations in rectangular and polar coördinates; method of variation of constants; method of determining the absolute perturbuations of the minor planets after Hansen, Newcomb, and Hill; Gylden's method after Brendel's Theorie der kleinen Planeten. Bohlin's Gruppenweise Berechnung der Stoerungen. Selected topics from Tissérand's Mécanique Céleste, Poincaré's Les Nouvelles Méthodes de la Mécanique Céleste, Gylden's works, etc. 4 hrs., throughout the year. M W, 2-4. For Graduates. 14. Advanced Practical Astronomy. (G.E.) Dr. CRAWFORD. 3 hrs., throughout the year; 1 unit each half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. 15. Advanced Study and Research. Associate Professor LEUSCHNER and Dr. CRAWFORD. Investigation of special problems to be selected according to the preparations and the needs of individual students. Hours and credit value arranged in each case. Primarily for Graduates. 16. Measurement and Reduction of Astronomical Photographs; Spectrograms. Dr. GILLIHAN. Either half-year. Hours and credit to be arranged with the instructor. For Graduates. *Not to be given in 1903-04. GEOGRAPHY. GEORGE DAVIDSON, Ph.D., Sc.D., Honorary Professor of Geodesy and Astronomy; Professor of Geography. LINCOLN HUTCHINSON, M.A., Instructor in Commercial Geography. 1. The Currents and Climatology of the Pacific Ocean. Professor DAVIDSON. The geography, productions, and commerce of the countries bordering the Pacific Ocean and contiguous waters. The highways of coinmerce. The great river and lake systems of the world. The geography of raw products. Tides, Ocean Cables. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 2. standing. Prerequisite: At least Junior 2. The Currents and Climatology of the Pacific Ocean. Introduction to Commercial Geography. [See Economics 3.] Mr. HUTCHINSON. The Materials of Commerce. [See Economics 4.] Mr. HUTCHINSON. Geography of International Trade. [See Economics 4A.] Mr. HUTCHINSON. Commercial Resources of the Spanish-American Countries. [See Economics 38.] Mr. HUTCHINSON. CHEMISTRY. WILLARD B. RISING, M.E., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. *EDMOND O'NEILL, Ph.B., Associate Professor of Organic and Physiological Chemistry. WALTER C. BLASDALE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. EDWARD BOOTH, Ph.B., Instructor in Chemistry. HENRY C. BIDDLE, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry. WILLIAM C. MORGAN, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry. It is desirable that students complete the preparatory work in chemistry before undertaking work in this department in the University. To students who have not taken chemistry in the high schools, an opportunity to do preparatory work is offered in the Summer Session. Courses 1, 2, 3, and 4 are prerequisite to all other Courses in Chemistry. Course 5A or 5B is prerequisite to Courses 9 to 31. Laboratory deposits are fifteen dollars a half-year for Course 3 or 4, and ten to thirty dollars a half-year for the other laboratory courses. The average amount returned to the student at the end of the halfyear, after deducting for cost of materials, gas, etc., actually used, and for breakage of apparatus, is about three dollars in Course 3 or 4, and about five dollars in the other courses. The Group Elective. Courses 1 and 2A in Physics are prerequisite to the Group Elective in Chemistry. 1. General Inorganic Chemistry-Non-Metals. Dr. MORGAN. Lectures, with study of a manual, and full experimental illustration. 3 hrs., first half-year. Two sections. M W F, Section I, 9; Section II, 10. Usual prerequisite: Matriculation Chemistry, Subject 12b. This course is ordinarily taken in conjunction with Course 3. Prescribed, Freshman year, in the Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering and Chemistry. 1A. General Inorganic Chemistry. Dr. COTTRELL, first half-year. Associate Professor O'NEILL, second half-year. Lectures and recitations, with study of a manual, and full experi mental illustration. *On leave first half-year, 1903-04. 2 hrs., throughout the year. Tu Th, 10. Prerequisite: At least Sophomore standing. 2. General Inorganic Chemistry-Metals. Dr. MORGAN. Lectures, with study of a manual and full experimental illustration. 3 hrs., second half-year. Two sections. M W F; Section I, 9; Section II, 10. Usual prerequisite: Matriculation Chemistry, tion with Course 4. 3. Laboratory: Experiments. Mr. BOOTH and Dr. MORGAN. A series of experiments, qualitative and quantitative, illustrating the general laws of chemical action. 6 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. Four sections. Section I, M F, 1-4, Dr. MORGAN; II, Tu Th, 9-12, Mr. BooTH; III, Tu Th, 1–4, Mr. BOOTH; IV, W, 1-4, and S, 9-12. Mr. BOOTH. Prerequisite: Matriculation Chemistry, Subject 12b. Prescribed, Freshman year, in the Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering and Chemistry. 4. Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis. Mr. BOOTH and Dr. MORGAN. Laboratory practice in qualitative analysis, including blowpipe tests; with occasional lectures and discussions. 6 hrs., second half-year; 2 units. Four sections. Same arrangement as for Course 3. Prerequisite: Courses 1 and 3. Prescribed, Freshman year, to all students in the Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering and Chemistry. 5A. Laboratory: Quantitative Analysis-Gravimetric and Volumetric. (G.E.) Assistant Professor BLASDALE. Elementary course in the principles of quantitative analysis; practice in gravimetric and volumetric analysis, with weekly lectures and discussions. 9 hrs., first half-year; 3 units. M W F, 1-4. Prescribed, optionally with 5B, in the College of Chemistry. Prerequisite, alternatively with 5B, to Courses 9 to 31. 5B. Laboratory: Quantitative Analysis-Gravimetric. (G.E.) Assistant Professor BLASDALE. General principles; practice in gravimetric determinations, with weekly lectures and discussions. 9 hrs., first half-year; 3 units. Two sections. Section I, M W F, 1-4; II, Tu Th, 1-4, and S, 9-12. Prescribed, Sophomore year, in the College of Mining, and, optionally with 5A, to students |