2. General Plant Physiology. Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT and Mr. GARDNER. Experimental investigation of the fundamental life-processes of the plant, with especial reference to the relation of the plant to its environment. 6 hrs., first half-year; 3 units. Tu Th S, 9-11. Prerequisite: Chemistry, at least Courses 1 and 2. 3. General Plant Morphology. Assistant Professor JEPSON and Mr. GARDNER. Morphological study of a selected series of plants, tracing the progressive differentiation of plant forms, with especial reference to the organs of reproduction. 6 hrs., second half-year; 3 units. Tu Th, 1-4. Prerequisite: Course 2. 4. General Phænogamic Botany. (G.E.) Assistant Professor JEPSON. The structure, morphology, and relationships of the orders of seed plants, with especial reference to the higher groups. The second half-year is devoted to a study of the habits of growth, structure and classification of forest trees, accompanied by lectures upon the forest regions of North America and by field work. 6 hrs., throughout the year; units each half-year. Tu Th S, 10-12, with field work to be arranged. (Of especial value to students of Forestry.) Prerequisite: Course 3. *5. General Cryptogamic Botany. (G.E.) Professor SETCHELL. A general study of the orders of spore-bearing plants from the points of view of structure, development, and economic importance. Laboratory work and informal lectures. 6 hrs. laboratory, 1 hr. lecture, throughout the year; 3 units each Tu Th, 1-4. Prerequisite: Course 3. half-year. *6. Phycology and Mycology. (G.E.) Professor SETCHELL. Laboratory work upon the structure, development, and classification of the algæ, fungi, and lichens, with informal lectures and the assignment of outside reading. Intended for students who desire some critical knowledge of the lower cryptogamous orders. To be offered in alternate years. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units each half-year. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Course 5. *Not to be given in 1903-04. *7. Pteridology and Bryology. (G.E.) Professor SETCHELL. The structure, development, and classification of the higher cryptogams (hepatics, mosses, ferns, and fern allies) will be treated in the same way as the lower cryptogams in Course 6. To be offered in alternate years. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units each half-year. W F, 9-12. Prerequisite: Course 5. 9. Vegetable Histology. (G.E.) Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT. A laboratory course in the microscopical anatomy of the higher plants, treated with reference to function and the influence of environment. It includes practice in embedding, use of the microtome, staining on the slide, microchemical tests, etc. Laboratory work and lectures. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units each half-year. M F, 1–4. Prerequisite: Courses 1, 2, and 3. 11. Vegetable Cytology. (G.E.) Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT. The anatomy and physiology of the cell, including cell division, chromosome reduction, fertilization, and a consideration of heredity and development from the standpoint of cytology. Laboratory work and lectures. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units each half year. Prerequisite: Course 9. 12. Morphology of the Compositæ. (G.E.) M F, 1-4. Assistant Professor JEPSON. Studies in the general morphology of the group, followed by the critical examination of various West American genera. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units each half-year. Tu Th S, 10-12. Prerequisite: Course 4. *13. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Phænogams. (G.E.) Assistant Professor JEPSON. Laboratory work on the classification of the seed plants, considering the characters and affinities of the classes and more important orders, accompanied by informal discussions of phylogenetic problems. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units each half-year. Tu Th S, 10-12. Prerequisite: Courses 4 and 5. To be offered in alternate years. *Not to be given in 1903-04. 14. Economic Botany. Mr. H. M. HALL. An introduction to Economic Botany, dealing with the morphology, relationships, properties, and geographical distribution of the plant families which furnish important commercial products and agricultural crops. 6 hrs., laboratory work, with informal lectures, first half-year; 3 units. M W F, 8-10. *15. Commercial and Agricultural Botany. Mr. H. M. HALL. A course in Economic Botany, dealing with plant products, their uses, origin, cultivation, collection, and commerce. 2 hrs., recitation or lecture, second half-year; 2 units. Prerequisite: Course 14. Tu Th, 4. 16. Weeds, Seeds and Seed Testing. (G.E.) Mr. H. M. HALL. Laboratory work on the morphology of weed seeds, with informal lectures on the distribution of the most troublesome agricultural weeds, and instruction in sampling and testing commercial seeds for purity and viability. 1-4. 3 hrs., throughout the year; 1 unit each half-year. Prerequisite: Courses 14 and 15 or 4. To be offered in alternate years. PRIMARILY FOR GRADUATES. Professor SETCHELL. *25. Advanced Cryptogamic Botany. The cryptogams of California offer exceptional opportunities for research, and many simpler problems are presented for original investigation. This work during the year will be confined almost exclusively to the algae, in connection with the special work of the instructor. Students should expect to devote considerable time to this course. 26. Advanced Phænogamic Botany. Assistant Professor JEPSON. Special problems requiring the original investigation of some particular order or smaller group of flowering plants. This course involves work in the field as well as in the laboratory. 27. Advanced Histology and Cytology. Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT. Special problems in histology or cytology will be assigned to properly prepared students. M F, 1-4. *Not to be given in 1903-04. 28. Advanced Economic Botany. Mr. H. M. HALL. Special problems in agrostology (either systematic or economic) and other branches of economic botany. 3 hrs., throughout the year; 2 units each half-year. M, 1-4, Prerequisite: Courses 14 and 15. 30. Botanical Seminary. Assistant Professors JEPSON and OSTERHOUT. Graduates and advanced undergraduates meet every week for the discussion of special topics. During the year 1903-04 the time will be devoted to the study of the plant geography of the temperate zone, continuing the study of Schimper's Pflanzengeographie. ZOOLOGY. WILLIAM E. RITTER, Ph.D., Professor of Zoölogy. JOHN C. MERRIAM, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Palæontology and Historical Geology. CHARLES A. KOFOID, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Histology and Embryology. HARRY B. TORREY, Ph.D., Instructor in Zoölogy. CALVIN O. ESTERLY, A.B., Assistant in Zoölogy. The courses are planned to meet the needs of three classes of students, viz.: (1) Those who wish, for the purposes of general culture, some knowledge of the subject-matter, methods and generalizations of biological science on its animal side. For this class Courses 1, 2, 3, 7A and 17 are particularly designed. (2) Those preparing to become teachers and investigators. For such the individual aims of the student will determine, after the fundamental courses have been taken, what advanced courses he shall select. The minimum for the Teachers' Recommendation is 1 (first half), 2, 3, either 4 or 5, 7A and 17. (3) Those preparing for the study of medicine. For these, Courses 1 (first half), 2, 3, 4, and 5 or 6 are requisite to fulfil the requirements of the Pre-Medical Course. Laboratory deposit is seven dollars for each laboratory course. The amount returned at the end of the course will depend upon the actual cost of the material consumed, the character and amount of the apparatus used, and the breakage. The Group Elective. At least a year of Chemistry in the University, or its equivalent, and Zoölogy 1, 2, 3, 7a and 17, are prerequisite to the Group Elective in this department. 1. The Fundamentals of Zoology. Professor RITTER. The underlying principles of animal life and evolution. The treatment is topical rather than systematic. Illustrated lectures. |