MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. CLARENCE L. CORY, M.M.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering. *FREDERICK G. HESSE, Professor of Hydraulics, JOSEPH N. LECONTE, M.M.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. GROVER C. NOBLE, B.S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering. ROBERT SIBLEY, B.S., Assistant in Electrical Engineering. GEORGE E. Cox, Assistant in Mechanics and Foreman in Woodwork. ALLEN C. WRIGHT, Assistant in Mechanics and Foreman in Machine Work. OSCAR SCHOBER, Assistant in Mechanics and Mechanician. Laboratory deposits in this department are at the rate of five dollars a half-year for each laboratory or mechanical practice exercise a week. The average amount returned to the student at the end of the half-year is about two-fifths of the deposit. 2A. Hydrodynamics. Assistant Professor LECONTE. Investigation of the action of forces producing equilibrium or motion in liquids; pressure, stability, flow, etc., as affected by gravity, inertia, outer and inner friction. General theory and construction of hydraulic motors and pumping machinery. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 9. Prescribed, Senior year, in the Engineering Colleges. 3A. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery. Assistant Professor LECONTE. Discussion of such machines and apparatus as operate through the agency of fluids, either in modifying motion or transmitting power. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 9. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mechanics. *Absent on leave. 4A. Kinematics. Assistant Professor LECONTE. Theoretical: Treatment of motion without reference to the cause which produces it, comprehending the study of pure mechanism, or the mutual dependence of the movements in the parts of a machine. Applied: Application of the preceding to the various kinematic problems connected with machine design and construction, such as link-motion, transmission by rolling and sliding contact, teeth of wheels, cams, form and proportions of the steam engine and other motors. 2 hrs., throughout the year. W F, 8. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mechanics. 4B. Kinematics. Draughting and designing. Assistant Professor LECONTE. Prerequisite: Physics 3 hrs., second half-year: 1 unit. F, 1-4. 5A. Thermodynamics and the Theory of the Steam Engine. Mr. Mechanical theory of heat, thermodynamics of gases and vapors, and the theory of the steam engine; discussion of the effects of compounding, jacketing, and superheating; efficiencies of the steam engine. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 10. Prerequisite: Physics 5. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mechanics. 5B. Construction and Operation of Heat Engines. Mr. Power plant equipment; construction and operation of steam, gas, oil, and air engines, boilers, refrigerating machines, air compressors, steam turbines, etc. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 19. Prerequisite: Physics 5. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mechanics. 7A. Mechanical Laboratory: Experimental Engineering. Experiments in hydraulics. Assistant Professor LECONTE. 3 hrs., throughout the year; 1 unit each half-year. Tu, 1-4. Prescribed, Senior year, in the Course in Mechanical Engineering, College of Mechanics. 7B. Mechanical Laboratory: Experimental Engineering. Mr. Experiments in steam engineering, testing of materials, etc. 3 hrs., throughout the year; 1 unit each half-year. Th, 1-4. Prescribed, Senior year, in the course in Mechanical Engineering, College of Mechanics. 8A. Mechanical Practice. Shop work in wood, including pattern-making. Mr. Cox. 6 hrs., first half-year, 2 units. Section I, M F, 1-4; II, Tu Th, 9-12; III, Tu Th, 1-4; IV, W, 1-4, and S 8-11. Prescribed, Sophomore year, in the College of Mechanics. 9A. Mechanical Practice. Shop work in iron, including machine work. Mr. A. C. WRIGHT. 6 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. Section I, M F, 1-4; II, Tu Th, 9-12; III, Tu Th, 1-4; IV, W, 1-4 and S, 8-11. Prerequisite: Course 8A or 8B. Prescribed, Junior year, in the College of Mechanics. 9B. Mechanical Practice. Continuation of Course 9A. Mr. A. C. WRIGHT. 6 hrs., second half-year; units. Section I, Tu Th, 1-4; II, M F, 1-4. Elective, Junior year, in the College of Mechanics. 10A. Electrical Machinery and Construction. Mr. G. C. NOBLE. Discussion of the construction and operation of electrical machinery, and its application to electric lighting and power distribution. The location and construction of electric lighting and power systems for cities, street railways, and mines. 2 hrs., throughout the year, Tu Th, 11. Prerequisite: Mathematics 3B and Physics 2A and 3. Prescribed, Junior year, in the College of Mechanics. 10B. Electrical Machinery and Construction. Laboratory tests. Mr. G. C. NOBLE and Mr. SIBLEY. 3 hrs., second half-year; 1 unit. This course cannot be taken except in conjunction with Course 10A. Prescribed, Junior year, in the College of Mechanics. 11A. Alternating Currents and Alternating-Current Machinery. Professor CORY. The theory of the generation of single-phase and poly-phase alternating currents, the use of the complex quantity, and the calculation of the regulation and behavior of alternating-current apparatus and transmission lines. 4 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 9-11. Prescribed, Senior year, in the Course in Electrical Engineering, College of Mechanics. Prerequisite: Course 10A and 10B and Physics 5 and 7. 11B. Alternating Currents and Alternating-Current Machinery. Professor CORY. The theory of the single-phase and poly-phase induction motor, synchronous motor and rotary converter, and their effects and operation in transmission systems. 4 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th, 9-11. Prerequisite: Course 10A and 10в and Physics 5 and 7. Prescribed, Senior year, in the Course in Electrical Engineering, College of Mechanics. 11c. Alternating Currents and Alternating-Current Machinery: Laboratory. Mr. G. C. NOBLE and Mr. SIBLEY. Practice in the laboratory, illustrating the work of the class-room. 6 hrs., throughout the year; 2 units each half-year. Section I, M T, 1–4; II, Th F, 1-4. Prerequisite: Courses 10A and 10в, and Physics 5 and 7. Prescribed, Senior year, in the Course in Electricral Engineering, College of Mechanics. 12A. Electrical Engineering. Professor CORY. Discussion of the design, equipment, and management of electrical stations, and the long-distance transmission of power by electricity. 1 hr., throughout the year. M, 8. Prescribed, Senior year, in the Course in Electrical Engineering, College of Mechanics. 12B. Electrical Engineering Seminary. Professor CORY. Critical discussion of special electrical installations. 2 hrs., throughout the year. Primarily for Graduates. 12c. Electrical Engineering: Laboratory. Professor CORY, Mr. G. C. NOBLE, and Mr. SIBLEY. Special tests and laboratory work. Hours and credit value to be arranged. Primarily for Graduates. CIVIL ENGINEERING. FRANK SOULÉ, Graduate U. S. Military Academy, Professor of Civil Engineering. HERMANN SCHUSSLER, Honorary Professor of Water-Supply Engineering. *HENRY I. RANDALL, B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. JOHN H. DYE, B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. AUGUSTUS V. SAPH, M.C.E., Ph.D., Instructor in Civil Engineering. BERNARD A. ETCHEVERRY, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. CONRAD LORING, B.S., Assistant in Civil Engineering. JOSEPH J. JESSUP, M. S., Assistant in Civil Engineering. FRANK E. SMITH, Assistant in Civil Engineering. Laboratory deposits are five dollars a half-year for each laboratory course. The average amount returned to the student at the end of the half-year, after deducting for cost of materials actually used and for breakage of apparatus, is two dollars. 1A. Surveying. COURSES FOR UNDERGRADUATES. Assistant Professor DYE, Mr. ETCHEVERRY, and Mr. JESSUP. Theory of surveying; modern surveying instruments; methods employed in topographic, land, city, mining, and hydrographic surveys, and in making maps and calculations from field-notes. Full illustration by practical problems. Lectures and recitations. 2 hrs., throughout the year. Section I, M F, 8; III and IV, M F, 9; II and V, Tu Th, 8. Prerequisite: Mathematics 3A. Prescribed, Sophomore year, in the Engineering Colleges. 1B. Field Practice and Mapping. Assistant Professor DYE, Dr. SAPH, Mr. LORING, and Mr. SMITH. The adjustment of surveying instruments in the field; taking of notes for plane and topographical surveys and making of maps from them; to illustrate the theoretical work of the class-room. Completed maps of all surveys will be required. *Absent on leave 1903-04. |