ANIMAL INDUSTRY AND NUTRITION. 18. Animal Industry. Assistant Professor MAJOR. Principles of breeding; history, characteristics and adaptability of the various breeds of farm animals. 3 hrs. lectures. M Tu W, 10. 3 hrs. practice by appointment. 4 units first half-year. 19. Dairy Husbandry. Assistant Professor MAJOR. A study of milk and the manufacture of milk products. 1 hr. lecture, Th, 10; 6 hrs. practice by appointment. 3 units, first half-year. Discussion of the functions of nutrients and the theories of digestion. 1 hr., first half-year. S, 9. 3B. Feeds and Feeding. Assistant Professor JAFFA. Lectures on cattle foods; principles of rational feeding of farm animals. 2 hrs., second half-year. M Tu, 10. 3c. Composition and Use of Human Foods: Food Adulteration. Lectures. Assistant Professor JAFFA. 1 hr., second half-year. (For laboratory work in this subject see Course 3D). 3D. Laboratory Course. Assistant Professor JAFFA. Analysis of dairy products, human and cattle foods, and detection of adulterations. 6 hrs., second half-year. 2 units. Tu Th, 1-4. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4 and 5B. 3E. Special Research in Animal Nutrition. Advanced course. Assistant Professor JAFFA. 1 hr. lecture; 6 hrs. laboratory work; 3 units, second half-year. BACTERIOLOGY AND VETERINARY SANITARY SCIENCE. 10A. Bacteriology. Assistant Professor WARD and Mr. This course is designed, during the first term, to provide the student with an elementary knowledge of bacteria and of the laboratory methods of studying them. In the second term, a detailed study will be made of some pathogenic organisms of importance in human and veterinary medicine. 7 hrs., throughout the year; 3 units, each half-year. Lecture M, 10, and 6 hours of laboratory work at periods to be arranged. 10B. Advanced Bacteriology. Assistant Professor WARD. Advanced study preparatory to and including investigation of special problems in pathological and dairy bacteriology. Conferences, laboratory, and topical readings. Prerequisite: Course 10A, or its equivalent. Credit and hours to be arranged. 10c. Veterinary Sanitary Science. Assistant Professor WARD. A general course dealing with the infectious diseases of domestic animals, their recognition and control. 2 units, second half-year. Lectures, Tu Th, 9. AGRICULTURAL LITERATURE. 13. Seminary Course. An elementary course designed for the study of current agricultural literature, especially the publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the several States. 1 hr., throughout the year. Tu, 10. Professor WICKSON; other instructors in the Department of Agriculture participating. Open to students in the College of Agriculture. Regular students are advised to begin the course in the Freshman year. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION IN AGRICULTURE. 14. Seminary Course. Study and discussion of policies, methods, and practices of university extension in agricultural lines, as pursued by State Universities and Colleges of Agriculture. 1 hr., throughout the year Th, 10. Professor WICKSON; other instructors in the Department of Agriculture participating. Open to students in the College of Agriculture. Farmers' Institutes are held at various points in the State, to the number of about one hundred each year. Announcements of dates and subjects are made a short time previous to each Institute. The Institutes are conducted by Professor WICKSON, Mr. COOK, Mr. FOWLER, and other members of the staff of the College of Agriculture. BOTANY. The following courses directly related to agriculture, and prescribed or elective in the College of Agriculture, are given in the Department of Botany, where the announcement will be found in detail: Economic Botany. [See Botany 14.] Mr. H. M. HALL. Commercial and Agricultural Botany. [See Botany 15.] Mr. H M. HALL. Weeds, Seeds, and Seed-Testing. [See Botany 16.] Mr. H. M. HALL. Advanced Economic Botany. [See Botany 28.] Mr. H. M. HALL. IRRIGATION. The following courses directly related to agriculture, and prescribed or elective in the College of Agriculture, are given in the Department of Irrigation, where the announcement will be found in detail: Organization of the Irrigation Industry. [See Irrigation 1.] Professor MEAD and Irrigation Engineering. [See Irrigation 2.] Irrigation Economics. [See Irrigation 3.] SPECIAL DAIRY COURSE. First half-year, beginning Tuesday, October 6th, and closing Thursday, December 17th. This course consists of practical work in making butter and cheese, testing milk for fat and adulterations, and operating dairy machinery, supplemented by lectures and recitations treating of the principles involved in modern dairy practice. Four rooms on the ground floor of the Agricultural Building have been fitted up for the use of the Dairy School. The largest one, about 30 by 40 feet, is used as the work-room for making butter and cheese. One is for the dairy laboratory, one for cold storage and for cheese curing, and the fourth for a dressing-room. These are fitted with the best appliances for their special uses that can be secured, and they make comfortable and convenient working quarters for about thirty students. The dairy course is open to all persous of good moral character who are at least seventeen years of age and who have a common-school education. No formal entrance examinations will be required, but it is expected that all applicants will have had sufficient school training to enable them intelligently to understand lectures, take notes, and perform the necessary text-book work. The usual grammar school course gives a fair preparation for this work, although the better the previous education of the student the greater will be the benefit to be derived from the instruction given. Chemistry and Physics of Soils. Professor HILGARD and Assistant Professor LOUGHRIDGE. 20 lectures on the principles of feeding farm animals. Milk and Its Products. Assistant Professor MAJOR. 16 lectures and demonstrations. Breeds and Breeding. Assistant Professor MAJOR. 20 lectures, with practical work in scoring and judging cattle. SHORT COURSE IN AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. Given at the same time as the above Special Dairy Course and including, in addition to these topics, the following lectures and laboratory work. |