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Califormna University 12-5-119





GEORGE H. HOWISON, M.A., LL.D., Mills Professor of Intellectual
and Moral Philosophy and Civil Polity.

CHARLES M. BAKEWELL, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Philosophy.
GEORGE M. STRATTON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, and
Director of the Psychological Laboratory.

HARRY A. OVERSTREET, A.B., B.Sc. (Oxon.), Instructor in Philosophy.
FRANK S. WRINCH, Ph.D., Instructor in Experimental Psychology.
Instructor in Logic.

KNIGHT DUNLAP, M.L., M.A., Assistant in the Psychological Labora


The Group Elective. Complete Group Electives in Philosophy can be made up in four different directions, viz.: I, in Philosophy proper, including its history and the direct discussion of its chief problems, but more especially its metaphysical and ethical problems; II, in Psychology; III, in Logic and the Theory of Knowledge; IV, in the Department at large. Under IV, there can be several combinations, according to the student's preference; for exact information as to these, the head of the department must be consulted.

In combining Philosophy with other subjects to form a Group Elective, not fewer than 12 units in Philosophy are permissible. Courses 1, 2, and 20 cannot form part of any Group Elective. All courses but 15 and 20 may be taken as Free Electives, subject to the prerequisite for each.

Teachers' Courses. Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 13, 24, and 26 are especially valuable for teachers, actual or prospective.

1. Formal Logic.


With especial reference to practice on division, definition, the forms and transformations of judgments, the syllogism, deductive and inductive, and fallacies.

3 hrs., either half-year. M W F. (Mr. OVERSTREET) and II (STREET), 2; Section IV (

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In four sections. Sections I -), 1; Section III (Mr. OVER-), 3. Prerequisite: Freedom

from entrance conditions; with this understanding, the course is open to any student in the University.

2. General Psychology.

Associate Professor STRATTON and Dr. WRINCH,

assisted by Mr. DUNLAP. The facts of consciousness, their classification and analysis, and their relations to the nervous system; with demonstrations in brain anatomy and in psychological experiment.

3 hrs., either half-year. In four sections. Associate Professor STRATTON: lecture to all sections, M, 2; and Section I, W F, 2. Dr. WRINCH: Section II, W F, 9; Section III, W F, 2. Mr. DUNLAP: Section IV, W F, 3. Prerequisite: Any regular status above Freshman, or that of Special Student in Education. Course 24 must either precede, accompany, or follow this

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3. History of Philosophy. (G.E.)†

Professor HOWISON and Associate Professor BAKEWELL. Critical account of Occidental Philosophy in outline, from its beginnings in Ionia to the present time.

2 hrs., throughout the year. M F, 10. First half-year: Ancient and Mediæval Philosophy, Associate Professor Bakewell. Second half-year: Modern Philosophy, Professor HowISON. Prerequisite: Any regular status above Freshman, or that of Special Student in Education.

SPECIAL NOTICE.-Courses 1, 2, and 3 may all be taken in one year by students other than Freshmen, if they so elect; that is, such students may conjoin Course 3 with Course 1 in the first half-year, and with Course 2 in the second, or vice versa. Or they may take Courses 1 and 2 together in either half-year, with Course 3 running through the year.

Students are advised, however, to arrange their work upon Courses 1, 2, and 3 so that they may be able to take Course 4 at the same time as Course 3. Though this conjunction of Courses 3 and 4 is not required, it is urgently advised for all students of Philosophy. If conjunction is not practicable, the two courses should follow each other as closely as may be.

*This rule will not take effect until after 1903-04.

May only be included in the Group Elective by students combining Philosophy with other subjects.

4. Ethics, Theoretical and Practical.


Professor HowISON, assisted by Mr. OVERSTREET. A general introduction to the subject, including a history and criticism, in outline, of the leading ethical theories, followed by an application of results to the settlement of the more important questions of right and wrong in detail; lectures, with reading of the principal ethical classics.

2 hrs., throughout the year. Prerequisite: Freedom from entrance conditions; on these terms, open to all students in the University.

SPECIAL NOTICE.-The particular attention of students is called to the change in arrangement and prerequisites, by which Course 4 is now opened to the whole University, excepting only students with entrance conditions.

All students taking Course 4 are strongly advised to take Course 3 at the same time, if they have not completed it previously. If they have not previously completed Course 3, and cannot conjoin it with Course 4, they should not fail to take it as soon as practicable afterwards. That is, students are advised to complete Courses 1, 2, 3, and 4 as early as practicable in their University career, -if possible, by the end of their second year.

5. The Philosophy of Kant.


Professor HOWISON.

The cardinal distinctions and doctrines of the system expounded and criticized.

2 hrs., throughout the year.

2, 3, and (after 1903-4) 4.

Tu Th, 11. Prerequisite: Courses 1, (Course 13 is advised as antecedent,

and Courses 23 and 26 as accompaniment.

6. Introduction to Psychological Experiment. (G.E.)*

Associate Professor STRATTON and Dr. WRINCH,

assisted by Mr. DUNLAP.

Demonstration of characteristic groups of experiments, with individual practice in the use of apparatus and in the application of the experimental methods of psychological research.

2 hrs., throughout the year. Tu, Th, 2, with supplemental hours, to be arranged. Prerequisite: Course 2.

10. Inductive Logic. (G.E.)

Based on a study of Mill's Logic and the later standard writings on Induction, with the aim of attaining a critical philosophy of the logic of observational and experimental science.

3 hrs., throughout the year. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: Course 1; and Course 3 must either precede or accompany this course. (Courses 2, 6, and 13 would form valuable auxiliaries.) *May only be included in the Group Elective by students combining Philosophy with other subjects.

11. Higher Logic, as Theory of Truth and Reality.


Based on a study of the logical doctrines of Plato and Aristotle, Spinoza and Leibnitz, Fichte and Hegel, Lotze, Bradley, and Bosanquet; development and criticism of the leading theories of knowledge, aiming at a constructive result.

2 hrs., throughout the year. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: Course 10. (Courses 5, 16, 17, 21, and 23, or as many of them as practicable, should be combined with this course by students who have not already completed them.)

13. Psychological Conference.


Associate Professor STRATTON.

Discussion of selected topics in psychology, in their historical setting, and as treated by writers of the present day. Topic for 1903-04: The Psychology of Religion.

2 hrs., second half-year. Hours to be arranged.


Courses 3, 4, and 6. (Course 4 will not be required in 1903-04.)

15. Psychological Research. (G.E.)

Associate Professor STRATTON and Dr. WRINCH,

assisted by Mr. DUNLAP.

Individual investigation, by the methods of the laboratory, of special problems assigned for original inquiry.

Not less than 9 hrs. throughout the year-3 units each half-year; but at least 15 hrs.-5 units each half-year-recommended. Units and hours arranged with each student, at times within M Tu W Th F, 1-4. Prerequisite: Course 6, or its equivalent; permission to elect the course, obtained from the director of the laboratory after conference. The course is primarily for Gradu ates, though qualified Undergraduates will be admitted.

16. Plato and Aristotle. (G.E.) Associate Professor BAKEWELL. Introduction to their systems by a comparative study.

2 hrs., throughout the year. M W, 1. Prerequisite: Courses 1, 3, and (after 1903-04) 4. A good reading knowledge of Greek, and familiarity with Latin, and with German or French, is desirable, though not for the present required. (This course may be counted as Group Elective in Greek, by students reading Plato and Aristotle in the original.)

17. Scholastic Philosophy. (G.E.) Associate Professor Bakewell. An introductory study of medieval thought, with especial reference to the systems of Aquinas and Scotus.

2 hrs., throughout the year. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: Courses 1, 2, 3, and (after 1903-04) 4; Course 16, as accompaniment, if not previously completed. (Familiarity with Latin, Greek, and German or French, is an important adjunct, but is not for the present required.)

20. Philosophical Seminary.


Topics changed from year to year, upon conference among the teaching members, some one of whom will be made director for each year. Subject for 1903-04: Some Fundamental Problems in Logic, continued. Director, Professor HowISON.

2 hrs., throughout the year. S, 9-11. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, a good reading knowledge of all the languages requisite to a first-hand study of texts, and thorough acquaintance with the subjects of Courses 1-5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 23, and 24; permission to join the seminary, obtained from the director after conference.

21. English Philosophy from Hobbes to Spencer.


Associate Professor BAKEWELL.

A critical study of the development of empiricism.

2 hrs., throughout the year. M F, 8. Prerequisite: Courses 1, 3, and (after 1903-04) 4.

22. Modern French Philosophy. (G.E.)

Associate Professor BAKEwell. The development of French philosophy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with especial reference to the schools of Cousin, Comte, and Renouvier.

2 hrs., first half-year. W F, 9. Prerequisite: Courses 1 and 3. (A reading knowledge of French is expected of students electing this course.)

23. German Idealism after Kant: The Philosophy of Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. (G.E.) Associate Professor BAKEWell. A study of the development of the Kantian philosophy in Germany, with especial reference to the system of Hegel.

2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 10. Prerequisite: Courses 1 and 3. (A reading knowledge of German is important for this course, and students are advised to combine Course 5 with it.)

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