1 hr., throughout the year. Four sections. Th, 11, 1, 2, 3. Prerequisite: Matriculation subject 7c, or Course B under certain conditions. 4. Latin Composition, II. Writing Latin in periodic style. Dr. PRESCOTT and Mr. Retranslation of English versions of Latin and Greek authors and of selections from English classic writers. Tu, 1, 2, 3. Pre 1 hr., throughout the year. Three sections. requisite: Satisfactory completion of Course 3. 5. Horace and Virgil. Professor KELLOGG, Assistant Professor RICHARDSON, Assistant Professor PRICE, Dr. PRESCOTT and Dr. BASORE. The Odes and Epodes of Horace. Private reading of selections from Virgil's Eneid, vii-xii. 3 hrs., first half-year. Five sections. M W F, 8, 9, 10. Tu Th S, 9, 10. Prerequisite: Course 2, completed or in progress. Courses 6-11 will each be limited to 40 students. Those who contemplate taking any one of them should consult the instructor during the previous half-year. 6. Terence; Sallust. Mr. O'CONNOR. Two plays of Terence; Sallust, Catiline, for private reading. 2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 8. Prerequisite: Course 5. 8. Cicero, Letters; Roman Literature. Select letters of Cicero. 9. Catullus; Ovid. Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Dr. BASORE. Selections from Catullus; Ovid's Heroides for private reading. 10. Horace, Satires and Epistles. A course in rapid reading. Dr. PRESCOTT. 2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 10. Prerequisite: Course 5. ADVANCED COURSES FOR UNDERGRADUATES. The advanced courses presume a working knowledge of German and French. The specific prerequisite for all of them is one course selected from Courses 6 to 11. They are all Group Elective Courses for those who intend graduation on the Group Elective plan. 12. Latin Composition, III. Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Extended idiom; translation of English masterpieces. Training in Latin expression and construction. 1 hr., throughout the year. Th, 3. Satisfactory completion of Course 4. 13. Latin Composition, IV. Additional prerequisite: Dr. BASORE. Translation into Latin prose from models of exposition and argu ment. Original Latin essays. 1 hr., throughout the year. Tu, 4. Satisfactory completion of Course 12. 16. Ovid; Propertius. Additional prerequisite: Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Ovid, Fasti; Propertius, Book iv; Roman religion and folk-lore, with modern parallels. 3 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th S, 9. 17. Virgil's Georgics. Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Reading, translation, and exegesis. Theory of the Virgilian hexameter, and the art of reading classical Latin poetry. 3 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th S, 9. 18. Tacitus, Histories; Suetonius. Professor KELLOGG. Selections from the Histories of Tacitus, and the Galba, Otho, and Vitellius of Suetonius. 2 hrs., first half-year. M W, 2. 19. Patristic Latin. Professor MERRILL. Tertullian, Apology, and the Hymn Writers, with particular refer ence to the language. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 10. 24. Early Latin. Professor MERRILL. Cato, De Re Rustica, Varro, De Lingua Latina, and selections from the fragments of the early literature in prose and poetry. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W, 11, F, 4. 25B. Lucretius. Dr. BASORE. Criticism and interpretation of the poem and outline of the Epicu rean system. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 8. 26. Quintilian, Books x and xii. Literary criticism among the Romans. 2 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th, 10. Professor KELLOGG. 29. Roman Oratory. Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. The Orator of Cicero. Independent investigations in the history of Rhetoric, and a survey of the rhetorical writings of Cicero, Quintilian, and Tacitus. 3 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th S, 8. 31. Roman Satire. Dr. BASORE. Lectures on the history of Roman Satire, with translation and exegesis of selected satires from Ennius to Juvenal. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 8. 35. Teachers' Training Course. Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Problems in teaching Latin; estimates of text-books; visiting of local schools. Examinations of questions in pronunciation and syntax; exercises in teaching preparatory authors. 3 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th S, 8. Additional prerequisite: Senior or Graduate standing. 38. Cicero's Correspondence. Dr. NUTTING. A study of the history and politics of Cicero's time with reference to his procedure. Private study of some one of Cicero's correspondents with data from the sources. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 3. Additional prerequisite: Special permission of the instructor. 39A. Roman Comedy. Dr. PRESCOTT. The Mostellaria, Miles, and Rudens of Plautus, and his contribution to the development of the Latin language and Latin versification, and of comedy, ancient and modern. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 9. 39B. Roman Comedy. Three plays of Terence in the course and one read privately. The relations of Terence to ancient and modern comedy. 3 hrs., second half-year. MWF, 9. 40A. Latin Grammar: Forms; Syntax of the Noun. Dr. NUTTING. A study of the forms of the Latin language, based on a text-book; lectures on the syntax of the cases. [Important for prospective teachers.] 2 hrs., first half-year. M W, 1. Additional prerequisite: Course 4. 40B. Latin Grammar: Syntax of the Verb. Dr. NUTTING. A survey of some of the important problems of Latin syntax. Preparation of assigned work and lectures. 2 hrs., second half-year. Course 4. M W, 1. Additional prerequisite: 41. Palaeography and Text Criticism. Assistant Professor PRICE. Lectures on palaeography and practice in reading fac-similes and original manuscripts. Practical exercises conducted by students. [Recommended as a preparation for Course 34.] 3 hrs., second half-year. Tu, 1, 2, Th 1. 49. Sight Translation. Professor MERRILL. Exercises in translating at sight selections from the prose literature of the Empire. Private reading of selections from Imperial Latin prose. 3 hrs., first half-year. 53. Roman Private Life. M W, 11; F, 4. Mr. O'CONnor. A lecture course illustrated from the survivals of ancient plastic Collateral reading with reports. art. 2 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 10. 54. Roman Topography. Topography and monuments of Ancient Rome. with collateral reading and reports. 2 hrs., second half-year. MW, 3. 56. Roman Tragedy. Mr. O'CONNOR. Illustrated lectures Professor MERRILL. - A brief survey of the development of Roman Tragedy, and reading of Seneca's Tragedies, with some attention to his Greek sources and his influence on modern literature. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 10. 60. Roman Epigraphy. Assistant Professor PRICE. Lectures on Epigraphy, and exercises in interpretation of Inscriptions in the Corpus and from squeezes and fac-similes. Students must be provided with Egbert's Manual. 3 hrs., first half-year. Tu, 1 (2 hrs.); Th, 1. 61. The Epistles of Horace. Dr. NUTTING. Intensive study and interpretation of selected epistles of Horace. Members of the class will take turns in providing the discussion for the day. Addititional prerequisite: Special permission of the instructor. 63. History of Latin Poetry to the End of the Republic. Dr. PRESCOTT. Lectures, and reading of selections from the poets not included in other courses in the department. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 3. Additional prerequisite: Special permission of the instructor. 64. History of Latin Poetry in the Silver Age. Lectures and reading of selections. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 3. Special permission of the instructor. 66. Catiline's Conspirncy. Dr. PRESCOTT. Additional prequisite: Dr. NUTTING. A study from the sources, of the causes and events of Catiline's Conspiracy. The data will be collected in part through private reading. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 3. 69. Statius' Silvae. Dr. BASORE. Translation, and lectures on the occasional poem as a literary type. 2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 4. 71. Livy. Professor KELLOGG. Selections from the first decade, and critical examination of the creditability of early Roman history. 2 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 11. 72. Cicero, Orations. Professor KELLOGG. Reading and exegesis of the Second Philippic and the Pro Sestio. 2 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th, 11. COURSES FOR GRADUATES. 14E. Cicero: De Officiis. Professor KELLOGG. M W Criticism of Roman ethical theory. 3 hrs., first half-year. F, 9. 25A. Cicero, De Natura Deorum. Criticism and interpretation. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 9. Professor KELLOGG. |