30. Latin Verse Composition. Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Latin hexameters, elegiacs, sapphics, asclepiads, and alcaics. Qualified Seniors who have completed Course 12 may be admitted on consultation with the instructor. 1 hr., throughout the year. Tu, 3. 34. Latin Seminary. Professor MERRILL. Criticism and interpretation of Lucretius. Training in philological method and in text-criticism; treatment of grammatical, philosophical, and literary subjects suggested by the Latin text. The entire poem will be read privately. 3 hrs., throughout the year. Th, 4; S, 10-12. Required of all candidates for higher degrees who make Latin their major subject. 59. Seminary in Latin Syntax. Dr. NUTTING. The subject for investigation will be the Conditional Sentence. The work of the first half-year will be mainly the collection of material; the second half will be devoted to seminary exercises. A reading knowledge of German is essential. Open to qualified Seniors with permission of the instructor. 2 hrs., throughout the year. M W, 2. 62. Critical Study of Plautus. Dr. PRESCOTT. Lectures on the Mss. tradition, editions, and the present state of questions in language, syntax, versification, dramatic antiquities, relation to Greek originals, and in general, on matters essential to an intelligent treatment of the text and interpretation of the author. Application of principles to the Aulularia. Open to qualified Seniors with permission of the instructor. 2 hrs., throughout the year. M W, 4. Elementary Sanskrit. [See Linguistics 4.] Dr. NUTTING. ENGLISH. CHARLES MILLS GAYLEY, Litt.D., LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature. CORNELIUS B. BRADLEY, M.A., Professor of Rhetoric. ALEXIS F. LANGE, Ph.D., Professor of English and Scandinavian Philology. WILLIAM D. ARMES, M.L., Assistant Professor of English Literature. THOMAS F. SANFORD, A.B., Assistant Professor of English Literature. CHAUNCEY W. WELLS, A.B., Assistant Professor of English Composition. GEORGE R. NOYES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English and Slavic Philology. *JAMES A. WINANS, M.A., Assistant Professor of Public Speaking. VICTOR H. HENDERSON, B.L., Lecturer in English. BEVERLY S. ALLEN, A.B., Reader in English Literature. Six Readers in Composition. Regular students who undertake the work of this department must have credit for entrance English A, and 1 or 14, and special students must have credit for all three requirements. Of the University courses, 1 and 2 must, ordinarily, precede the rest. Courses 1A, and 1B or 1c, fulfil the prescription for the Colleges of Letters, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. Course 1, or Course A with four units taken from Courses 1 and 4, fulfils the prescription for the Colleges of Commerce, Agriculture, and Chemistry. Courses A, 1, 2, and 4, are especially adapted to the needs of students in the Colleges of Applied Science. The Group Elective. This list may be made from any of the Advanced Courses, but it must include at least one dealing with the earlier history of our language and literature, 11a to 14D. Students are recommended, but not required, to include also in the list a course in composition, 6-10; a course in the theory of literature, 9 or 26; and one in modern authors, periods or movements, 15 to 23. All courses, *Absent on leave. unless otherwise specified, are open as free Electives, subject only to the proper sequence of studies. For Teachers' Certificates the requirements are the same as for Group Elective, except that in the fifteen units of Advanced Courses candidates must include beside 11a, two other courses from the list 11A to 14D. If, however, they are combining advanced studies in Economics, Politics, History or Jurisprudence, with English for their Groups, they may substitute for this requirement, within the fifteen advanced units prescribed for the certificate, 7B, 7c, and any one course from 11A to 14D. Courses 9, 10, 11 to 14, 17, 18, 21, 23, and the graduate courses are especially adapted to the needs of students who desire to teach. PRELIMINARY COURSES. A. Elementary Composition. Assistant Professor WELLS and Readers. Designed for those whose preparation for more advanced writing is insufficient. Careful study of paragraph and sentence, followed by the study of such prose masterpieces as meet the needs of the class; fortnightly compositions with regular appointments for criticism. 1 hr., throughout the year. (To be arranged by the instructor after consultation with the student applying). Required (but without credit) of students who have not credit for entrance Subject A. Prescribed in the Colleges of Commerce, Agriculture, and Chemistry, unless the dean of the college desires otherwise. 1. General Composition. Fortnightly compositions in each of the prose forms in turn. Regular appointments for individual criticism. Analysis of prose specimens. Impromptu writing in class once a fortnight. This course must precede all others except A. 1A. Narration and Description. Assistant Professors WELLS and FLAHERTY, Dr. HART, Mr. KURTZ, and Readers. 3 hrs., first half-year. Twelve sections. Sections I, II, and III, (Assistant Professor FLAHERTY) M W F, 8-9-10; Sections IV, V, and VI, (Dr. HART) M W F, 1-2-3; Sections VII, VII, and IX, (Assistant Professor WELLS) Tu Th S, 9-10-11; Sections X, XI, XII, (Mr. KURTZ) M W F, 8-9-10. 1B. Exposition. Assistant Professors WELLS and FLAHERTY, Dr. HART, Mr. KURTZ and Readers. 3 hrs., second half-year. Sections as in the first half-year; save Section III, for which see Course 1c. 1c. Argumentative Writing. Assistant Professor FLAHERTY and a Reader. Principles, methods, and practice, based upon a study of representative masterpieces. 3 hrs., second half-year. One section, M W F, 10. Optional with 2B, but limited to students approved by the instructor. A second section may be formed if necessary. 2. General History of English Literature. The development of our literature from the Beowulf to the time of Wordsworth; the study of representative specimens, with lectures explanatory of their historical connection. Exercises in oral composition. Each student will also be required to write two essays each half-year under the individual supervision of his instructor, and to keep appointments for criticism. This course must precede all advanced courses. 2A. From the Beginnings to 1642. Assistant Professors ARMES and SANFORD. 3 hrs., first half-year. Six sections. M W F, 9, 2, 3 (Assistant Professor SANFORD) M W F, 9, 10; Tu Th S, 9 (Assistant Professor ARMES). 2B. From 1642 to Wordsworth. Assistant Professors ARMES and SANFORD. 3 hrs., second-half year. Six sections as in 2A. Professor GAYLEY and a Reader. 4. Great Books. A discussion of certain foreign masterpieces in their bearing upon English literature. Lectures, reading and reports. Since the discussion extends through three years, the course may be taken three times. Series A, second half-year 1903-04, and first halfyear 1904-05. 1 hr., either half-year. F, 4. In the second half of each year, beginning 1903-04, this course will be limited to the students in the Colleges of Applied Science and Commerce; and to such men of other colleges as have passed Course 1. In the first half of each year, beginning 1904-05, it will be open to any students who have passed Course 1. ADVANCED COURSES. A.-PRIMARILY FOR JUNIORS AND SENIORS. COMPOSITION. 6. Composition Under Individual Training and Direction. (G.E.) *6A. Exercises based upon the Scientific Prose of the nineteenth century; selections from some of the following: Darwin, Wallace, Tyndall, Huxley, Mill, Spencer. Mr. Assistant Professor Wells. 6B. Rapid Writing. (G.E.) For twelve weeks, the preparation of one single-page composition every day (except Saturday); discussion in class of points of form and style. The remainder of the half-year's work will consist of weekly themes of about six hundred words each. 2 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 1. Limited to twenty-five. Applicants must obtain the consent of the instructor. 6c. Advanced Composition: Narrative and Descriptive. (G.E.) Short sketches and stories. Assistant Professor Wells. The lectures will be studied in narra tive, based on representative novels and stories. Fortnightly compositions, with regular appointments for criticism. 2 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th, 1. Limited to students who have the permission of the instructor. 6D. Studies in Fiction. (G.E.) Dr. HART. The history and technique of English fiction, with practice in the composition of the short story. 2 hrs., first half-year. (To be arranged.) Limited to students who have the permission of the instructor. 6E. Composition. Mr. HENDERSON. Primarily for members of the staffs of the student journals. Practice in writing for publication, criticism of articles printed by members of the class, lectures on newspaper organization and methods. 1 hr., first half-year. Th, 3. Open to a limited number of students, with the consent of the instructor. 7. Debating. 7A. Argumentation. (G.E.) Assistant Professor FLAHERTY. Preparation of briefs; presentation of arguments. *Not to be given in 1903-04. |