3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 2. Prerequisite: Course 18A. 7A. Middle High German. (G.E.) Mr. DEMETER. Outlines of grammar, with special reference to the development of Modern German. Selections from the Nibelungenlied, the Kudrun, and the epics of chivalry. Translation into Modern German. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 9. 7B. Classic Writers of the Middle Ages. (G.E.) Professor SCHILLING. The poems of Walther von der Vogelweide; Hartmann's Iwein or Gottfried's Tristan. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 9. 10. German Lyrics of the Nineteenth Century. (G.E.) Lenau, Kleist, Körner, and other poets. 2 hrs., throughout the year. Tu Th, 9. Professor PUTZKER. Lectures and essays. *11. German Novels of the Nineteenth Century. 2 hrs., throughout the year. (G.E.) Professor PUTZKER. A course in methods, text-books, and teachers' aids, with practical demonstrations and visiting of schools. Collateral reading and reports. 1 hr., second half-year. COURSES FOR SENIORS AND GRADUATES. Prerequisite: Course 18, 7A, or 10; for Course 13A, 3 years of German and either German 7A or English 5 (Old English). 15. The Romantic School. (G.E.) Associate Professor Senger. Herder's Volkslieder; Tieck; Novalis; the two Schlegels; Brentano; Eichendorff; Rückert, Uhland, Heine. Essays and Composition. 3 hrs., throughout the year. M W, 11; Th, 1. *Not to be given in 1903-04; to be given in 1904-05. *20. The German Drama of the Present Day. (G.E.) Professor SCHILLING. 3 hrs., second half-year. 22. The Faust Legend and Goethe's Faust. (G.E.) Professor SCHILLING. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 9. 2 hrs., second half-year. 23. Goethe's Lyrics. (G.E.) 13A. Gothic: Grammar and Reading. (G.E.) Professor SCHILLING. Professor PUTZKER. Tu Th, 10. *12. Historical Grammar of the German Language: Middle High German and Modern German. 3 hrs., second half-year. Professor SCHILLING. 25. The Principles of Dramaturgy: Lessing's Hamburgische Dramaturgie and the Theories of the Present Day. ROMANIC LANGUAGES. FÉLICIEN V. PAGET, Bachelier ès Lettres, Bachelier ès Sciences, Professor of the Romanic Languages and Literatures. CHARLES H. HOWARD, M.A., Instructor in French. GUSTAVE FAUCHEUX, Bachelier ès Lettres, Bachelier ès Sciences, Instructor in French. SAMUEL A. CHAMBERS, M.A., Instructor in French. CARLOS BRANSBY, M.A., Instructor in Spanish. MARIUS J. SPINELLO, M.A., Instructor in Italian and French. ALFRED SOLOMON, A.B., Assistant in French. University Credit. Students who enter the University with credit in one or more of the Matriculation subjects 15a1, 15a2, 15a3, 15a1, 15c, and who do satisfactory work in the corresponding subject, or subjects, in the University, will be given University credit, usually on the basis of three units of University work for one unit of preparatory work; but no University credit will be given for subjects required for matriculation. Students from accredited schools who do not continue their work in this department, and those who enter with some knowledge of Romanic languages not acquired in an accredited school, will be obliged to take an examination in order to obtain University credit. Application for such examination should be made at the time of entrance to the University. Credit for the advanced courses will be given only upon the basis of work regularly and satisfactorily performed in some university of good standing. The Group Elective. Any of the Advanced Courses may be offered for the Group Elective, but no others. Teachers' Certificate. Applicants for this certificate will be required to take, in addition to the Elementary Courses, at least six hours of Junior and eight hours of Senior work, but the formal com pliance with this requirement does not necessarily entitle the applicant to the certificate; and in any case a fair speaking knowledge will be a requisite. General Statement. The Romanic Languages will be taught as living languages, the aim of the instruction being to enable the student to speak and write them with fluency, as well as to gain a knowledge of the several literatures and the main problems connected with their development. FRENCH. ELEMENTARY COURSES. A.-PRIMARILY FOR FRESHMEN. During the first year there will be a careful study of grammatical forms and the essentials of syntax. Stress will be laid throughout upon the acquisition of an exact pronunciation. From the very beginning an effort will be made to lead the student to understand the spoken language and to express himself in it orally and in writing. 1. First-Year French. Mr. HOWARD, Mr. SPINELLO, Mr. LAMARE, Grammar; easy short stories and plays by modern authors. B.-PRIMARILY FOR SOPHOMORES. -). During the second year the texts read will be explained in the language studied. There will be abundant practice in speaking and writing, based chiefly upon the text. These courses will include also a further study of syntax. 2. Second-Year French. Mr. HOWARD, Mr. LAMARE, Mr. SOLOMON, and Mr. Advanced grammar; contemporary French prose. Texts such as the following: Mérimée's Colomba; Maupassant's Huit Contes Choisis; Daudet's La Belle Nivernaise; De Musset's Histoire d'un Merle Blanc; La Brète's Mon Oncle et Mon Curé; Halévy's L'Abbé Constantin; Mlle. de la Seiglière, and other comedies. 3 hrs., throughout the year. Section I, M W F, 10 (Mr. HowARD); Section II, M W F, 9 (Mr. SOLOMON); Section III, M W ; Section IV, M W F, 1 (Mr. SOLOMON); F, 8 (Mr. Section V, M W F, 2 (Mr. (Mr. LAMARE). -); Section VI, M W F, 3 ADVANCED COURSES. A. PRIMARILY FOR JUNIORS. These courses will be given in the language studied. Grammatical and literary exercises on the texts read. Written reports and themes. The reading will be so systematized as to give the student a fair knowledge of a literature or of some literary period. 3. Modern French. Mr. Novel: Chateaubriand, Hugo, Balzac, Georges Sand, Daudet, Maupassant (one novel each); Flaubert (trois contes). Drama: Hugo, de Musset, Dumas fils, Emile Augier (one play each). Lyric Poetry: Lamartine (Méditations), Vigny (Les Destinées), Hugo (selections), Musset (Les Nuits). 3 hrs., thoughout the year. M W F, 10. 4A. Modern French. Mr. CHAMBERS. Novel: Hugo, Balzac, Georges Sand (one novel each). Drama: Hugo, Musset, Dumas fils (one play each), Lyric poetry: Lamartine (Méditations). 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 2. 4B. Modern French. Novel: Flaubert, Daudet (one novel each). Emile Augier (one play each). Poetry: Mr. CHAMBERS. Drama: Dumas fils, Hugo (Les Contem Mr. FAUCHEUX. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 2. 5. Classic French. Pascal (Pensées), La Rochefoucauld (Maximes), Corneille (two tragedies), Racine (two tragedies), Molière (four comedies), Boileau (Art Poétique) La Fontaine (Fables), Bossuet (two funeral orations), La Bruyère (selections), Fénélon (Lettre à l'Académie), Madame de Sévigné (Lettres). 3 hrs., throughout the year. Tu Th S, 9. 6A. Classic French. Mr. LAMARE. Pascal (Pensées); Corneille (one tragedy); Racine (one tragedy); Molière (three comedies); La Fontaine (Fables); Bossuet (one funeral oration and one sermon). |