THE LIBRARY. JOSEPH C. ROWELL, A.B., Librarian. JOSEPH D. LAYMAN, B.L., Assistant Librarian. ULRICH GRAFF, B.L., Assistant in the Library. ARTHUR B. SMITH, Ph.B., Assistant in the Library. FANNIE S. BONTÉ, Assistant in the Library. J. ARTHUR ROWELL, Assistant in the Library. The Use of the Library. Mr. ROWELL. Introductory lecture, given to the entering class at the opening of each academic year. Description of the University Library; its contents, arrangement, and catalogues; use to be made of books of reference, bibliographies, and indexes; methods of reading and of research in books, especially as related to university studies. In addition to this general introduction, personal assistance and suggestion upon all matters connected with the use of the Library will be given at all times upon application to the Librarian or his assistants. By previous appointment, Mr. Rowell will devote Thursday evenings to assisting students in bibliographical investigations. To the Student. In making up your list of courses, consult this ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES and such supplementary announcements as may have been issued; consult, also, the SCHEDULE OF EXERCISES. In all cases in which the SCHEDULE differs from the ANNOUNCEMENT as to the hours at which classes are to meet, the SCHEDULE should be followed. Give the exact name and number of each course, following in each case the latest announcement. Freshmen should confer with their advisers regarding plans of study. The edition of the ANNOUNCEMENT is necessarily limited. This copy should be preserved for use throughout the year. (For the requirements for the several degrees, see the University REGISTER.) REGULATIONS GOVERNING CHOICE OF STUDIES. 1. Regular Students in the Colleges of Letters, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Commerce are not expected to take more than sixteen units a week during any half year. In the first half of the Freshman year they may take not more than nineteen units a week, provided they have no entrance deficiencies; and after the first half of the Freshman year, they may take nineteen units a week during any half-year, provided they have no entrance deficiencies and no deficiencies in University work. But students in Letters, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences following the revised curricula of these colleges are limited to sixteen units per half-year in the Upper Division of the undergraduate course. 2. In the Colleges of Agriculture, Mechanics, Mining, Civil Engineering, and Chemistry there is a certain minimum of studies prescribed. Regular students of these colleges may take not more than nineteen units a week on complying with the conditions specified in ¶ 1, above. 3. A regular student may be required or allowed to take a smaller amount of work than the minimum stated above. 4. Special Students have free election, subject to the requirement that they confine their attention to some special study and its related branches. The study-list of every Special Student must be approved, before filing with the Recorder, by the student's Adviser. During their first half-year at the University they may take not more than nineteen units a week; and after the first half-year they may take nineteen units a week, provided they have incurred no deficiencies. 5. Limited Students have all their studies elective, but they are limited to thirteen units a week. 6. Any student having a deficiency-whether it be an entrance or a college deficiency-remaining unremoved for more than one year, will be restricted in his choice of studies to thirteen units a week until the deficiency shall have been removed. 7. All able-bodied male Undergraduates, including Special Students, are required to devote to military exercises two hours a week during the first three years, and one hour a week during the fourth year; and all Undergraduates, including Special Students, are required to devote to physical culture five exercises a week during their first year's residence at the University. Students who are taking the prescribed work in Physical Culture, two units a half-year, may increase the maxima stated above (13 units, 16 units, or 19 units) by two units in each case (making 15, 18, or 21). 8. No student will be permitted to enter upon the study of any subject if the officer of instruction in charge of that subject is satisfied that by reason of lack of preparation he is not competent to undertake it. This rule takes precedence of all others. |