| William Smith - 1757 - 296 strani
...your Government as you and they fhall think fit and necefTary ft)r! the hearing and determining of all Caufes as well criminal as civil according to Law and Equity and for awarding Execution thereupon with all reafonabfe and neceffary Powers Authorities Fees and Privileges... | |
| 1764 - 552 strani
...our faid councils reipeoively, courts of judicature and public juftice within our faid colonies, for the hearing and determining all caufes, as well criminal as civil, according to law and equity, ала, as near as may be, agreeable to the laws of England, with liberty to all perfons who may think... | |
| Thomas Salmon - 1767 - 752 strani
...councils refpccYively, со»::- -, of judicature and public jullice within Our faid colonies, for ri ¿ hearing and determining all caufes, as well criminal...and equity, and as near as may be agreeable to the la^vs of England ; with liberty to all perfons who may think themfelves aggrieved by the fentences... | |
| 1767 - 532 strani
...refpectively, courts of judicature and public juftice within Our faid colonies, for the hearing aiid determining all caufes, as well criminal as civil,...equity, and as near as may be agreeable to the laws of England ; with liberty to all perfons, who may think themfelves aggrieved by the fentences of fuch... | |
| 1770 - 386 strani
...Judicature and Public Jurtice within our faid Colonies, for the hearing and determining all Caufcs as well Criminal as Civil, according to Law and Equity and as near as may be to the Laws of England, with Liberty to all Perfons who may think themfelves aggrieved by the Sentence... | |
| 1772 - 420 strani
...faid councils, refpcctively, courts of judicature and public juftice, within our faid colonies, for the hearing and determining all caufes, as well criminal...equity, and as near as may be agreeable to the laws of England." Becaufe, By the commiffion under the great-feal, dated the ^th of April, 1764, to Governor... | |
| 1772 - 336 strani
...under your government as you and they {hall think fit and neceflary, for the hearing and determining of all caufes, as well criminal as civil, according to law and equity, and for awarding . execution thereupon, with all reafonable and neceflary powers, authorities, fees, and... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1776 - 236 strani
...dicatu"» government, as you and they fhall think fit and neceffary for the hearing and determining of all caufes, as Well criminal as civil, according to law and equity, and for awarding execution thereupon, with all reafonable and neceffary and.,.to c°m* s ..."..' .... .... | |
| 1782 - 434 strani
...the Englifh laws; for which purpoie courts of judicature were directed to be conftituted to determine all caufes, as well criminal as civil, according to...equity, and, as near as may be agreeable to the laws of England, with a right of appeal to the king's privy council, under the ufual limitations and, reftrictions.... | |
| A country gentleman - 1782 - 44 strani
...within our faid " Colonies; for the Hearing and Determin" ing all Caufes, as well- criminal as ciu vil, according to Law and Equ-ity, and " as near as may be agreeable to the Laws " of England ; with Liberty to all Per" fons who may think themfelves aggriev" ed by the Sentence of... | |
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