A GENERAL HISTORY AND COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ARRANGED IN SYSTEMATIC ORDER: FORMING A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF NAVIGATION, DISCOVERY, AND COMMERCE, BY SEA AND LAND, FROM THE EARLIEST AGES TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY ROBERT KERR, F.R. S. & F.A.S. EDIN. ILLUSTRATED BY MAPS AND CHARTS. VOL. XVI. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH: AND T. CADELL, LONDON. MDCCCXXIV. Page. CHAP. III. Transactions at Otaheite, and the Society SECT. I. An Eclipse of the Moon observed. The II. Interview with Otoo, King of the Island, Imprudent Conduct of Omai. Employ- ments on Shore. European Animals land- ed. Particulars about a Native who had visited Lima. About Oedidee. A Revolt in Eimeo. War with that Island deter- mined upon, in a Council of Chiefs. A human Sacrifice on that Account. A par- ticular Relation of the Ceremonies at the great Morai, where the Sacrifice was of- fered. Other barbarous Customs of this III. Conference with Towha. Heevas described. Omai and Oedidee give Dinners. Fire- ib 1 |