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that you are disgraced, and that we have
turned you out from our society; but we
shall have our eyes on you."

will go to Richmond and tell her all about it. I dare say she will laugh, and think my secret was not such a terrible one, after all."

"That is of no consequence so long as you keep your hands off," rejoined Paul Paul Brun did go to Richmond, but on with an attempt at a joke. At heart he second thoughts he did not tell Rose Cherwas rather humiliated to be treated with ril of his heroi-comic adventure. He conthis ignominy, but by the time he had de- fined himself to assuring her, in Miss scended the doorstep he bethought him Smalway's presence, that he was free, and that it is a good thing enough when a to asking her if she would marry him durdrama which threatened to end as a traging the holidays. To the schoolmistress's edy concludes as a farce. Nobody followed him. The door closed behind his back, and he felt that he was free. "And I owe it all to Rose," he muttered, thinking of his verses, which one of the brethren had confiscated. "Well, now, I

speechless disgust no further explanations were vouchsafed her then or afterwards, when Rose, having become a happy wife, came to pay occasional friendly visits to Acacia House with her husband the mo sier.

IN the latter part of January and in Febru- | low and subject to floods, but a short distance ary last Mr. G. J. Morrison, of Shanghai, to the south it becomes undulating. A little made an interesting journey overland from to the west of Puki, on the borders of the Hankow to Canton. The distance in a straight great tea-districts, as elsewhere in Hunan, a line is about five hundred and twenty-five large quantity of tea-oil is made; the plants miles, and he estimates that an ordinary route from which the seeds are obtained grow about would be less than seven hundred miles, though eight or nine feet high, and are more straggling by the route he took it was eight hundred and than the tea-shrub. The Siang River, which sixty miles. On the whole, Mr. Morrison flows through Hunan, Mr. Morrison found to does not appear to have experienced any very be in some places nearly a mile broad; but its grave difficulty with the natives during his usual width, when the water is low, is about journey; the people in the southern part of one-third of a mile. At certain seasons vesthe province of Hupei were very civil and not sels of considerable size are able to ascend as very inquisitive; but as he got into Hunan, far as Changsha, the capital of the province the population of which is notoriously turbu- of Hunan, which is a large and apparently lent, he remarked a great difference. The prosperous place. Siangtan, a great tradingmain portion of his land journey was through place further on, though only a third-class a district which had not been visited by a city, is larger than Changsha, and its popula foreigner "within the memory of the oldest tion is estimated by the Chinese at one million, inhabitant," and the natives-as is always the which, no doubt, is an exaggeration. In the case in out-of-the-way parts of China-were neighborhood of the borders of Kwangtung most anxious to see the stranger. Mr. Morri- the country is bleak and uninteresting. The son's great trouble appears to have been with road over the Che Ling Pass, which is by no his maps, and this was especially the case means steep, is crowded with traffic, tea-oil, where the provinces of Hunan and Kwang-tobacco, etc., going south, and salt and Cantung meet. "The Chinese maps of this district," he says, "are very incorrect, and some foreign maps are worse. The fact that along the north of Kwangtung there is a range of mountains, but that this range does not form the watershed, has been puzzling to geog. raphers. Ichang, which is on the south side .of the pass, is still in Hunan, and is situated on the head waters of an affluent of the North River of Kwangtung. This affluent runs in a narrow gorge through the range above referred to." The country through which Mr. Morrison passed on his journey presented many points of interest. Near Wuchang, on the right bank of the Yang-tsze, the land is

ton goods going north. The absence of trees is very noticeable both in Hunan and Kwang. tung; in the latter the traveller sees the hills for miles denuded of every tree, but in Hunan some attempts are being made at replanting. The part of Mr. Morrison's journey which interested and astonished him most, was the examination of the coal-fields of Hunan and Kwangtung; but it was with very great diffi culty that he obtained permission to visit one mine. He noticed that there, as in all Chinese mines, the great want was a good road, which seriously interferes with the output of coal.




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