K. Hirayama and S. Ogura, 218; Forest Trees and Timber Supply, N. Shaw, 555; Medical Schools and Hospitals, Inspection of, 678; Tours, Two, 90 Chir Pine, Twisted Fibres of the, F. Channing, 435 Chlorophyll, Action of Light upon, H. Wager, 26; Func- tions of, Dr. A. J. Ewart, 25; the Rôle of, P. Maze, 473 Cholera Bacillus, Vaccination against, H. Vincent, 140 Chromosomes and Sex Determination in Abraxas grossu-
lariata, the Relation between, Dr. L. Doncaster, 395 Chromospheric Spectrum without an Eclipse, W. S. Adams and C. G. Burwell, 185
Cicer arietinum, Acid Secreted by, D. L. Sahasrabuddhe, 435
Ciliation of Asterids, Dr. J. F. Gemmill, 55
Cinchona, the Laboratory and Garden at, Prof. D. S. Johnson, 516
Cincinnati University Medical College, Gifts to, 636 Citizen Soldiery, Major-Genl. L. Wood, 527
City and Guilds of London Institute, Programme for 1915-16 of the Department of Technology, 636; Report for 1914, 551; Sir P. Magnus and, 109
Civil Service Estimates, 237, 248
Clackmannan and Kinross, the Counties of, J. P. Day, 145 Clare Island, a Biological Survey of, Sections i., ii., iii., 483
Clark Reservation, the, Dr. J. M. Clarke, 155
Cloud-forms at Helwan, the Frequency of, N. A. Comisso- pulos, 352
Coal Distillation, the Products of, W. J. A. Butterfield, 541
Coat-colour in Animals, H. Onslow, 223
Cobalt and Cobalt Alloys, H. T. Kalmus and C. Harper,
Coccidæ of South Africa, the, C. K. Brain, 554
Co-operation of Scientific Workers, Mr. Lloyd George on the, 514
Copepods, Parasitic, in Australia, J. Searle, 270 Copper Spraying Fluids, M. Fonzes-Diacon, 251 Coral Reefs, Shaler Memorial Study of, Prof. W. M. Davis, 189
Cordaitean Wood from the Indiana Black Shale, G. R. Wieland and M. G. Elkins, 354
Corona, Spectrum of the Inner, Dr. R. Furuhjelm, 353 Correlation-ratio, the Partial, Prof. Karl Pearson, 500
Anhydrous Solids, The Preparation of, W. R. G. Atkins,
Animal Figures, More Early, Dr. C. R. Eastman, 589 Amplitudes in a Fourier Series obtained from a given set of Observations, The Probable Error of the, W. H. Dines, 644
Antiseptic Action, Differential, of Organic Dyes, Dr. C. H. Browning, 90 Aurora, The Great, of June 16, 1915, Prof. E. E. Barnard, 536, 703
Bird Migration, E. Wildin. 508
Butter, Modern Substitutes for, S. H. B., 372; The Writer of the Article, 373
Butterfly, A Mistaken, Prof. E. E. Barnard, 174; Dr. H. O. Forbes, 204; Prof. G. H. Bryan, 231; E. A. Martin, 318
Cancer Problem, The and Radio-activity, Dr. H. C. Ross, 617; Prof. J. Joly, 618
Cavities due to Pyrites in Magnesium Limestone, G. Abbott, 395
Cement for Polarimeter Tubes, Dr. T. S. Patterson, 590
Coccidia and Gregarines, the Chromosome Cycle in, Chemicals, The Prices of, J. J., 36 C. Dobell and A. P. Jameson, 446
Coco-nuts, Germination of, 183
Coke, Ash of, Effect of Methods of Crushing on, F. A. Eastaugh, 363
College, the, and the Factory, Dr. M. O. Forster, 573 Colloid Chemistry, 504
Colloidal Gold, the Mode of Action of, H. Busquet, 502 Colombo Museum, Memoirs of the, Series A., No. 1,
Bronzes from Ceylon, Dr. A. K. Coomarsawamy, 144 Colour Photography, a New Method of, 43; Sensation, Dr. J. Aitken, 673; Vision, an Introduction to the Study of, Dr. J. H. Parsons, 169
Coloured Glass of the Middle Ages, the, G. Chesneau, 335 Colours, Manufacture of, 41
Columbia: Great Plateau of the, Exploration of the, Brigadier-Genl. T. E. Wilcox, 545; University, Gifts to, 278
Combination Tones, Theories regarding the Origin of, Prof. W. B. Morton and Miss M. Darragh, 334 Comet Notes, 99, 217
Comets, the Origin of, Prof. E. Strömgren and J. Braae, 493
Commutative Law for Homogeneous Strains, F. L. Hitch- cock, 529
Competitions in Connection with the Utilisation and Denaturing of Spirit or Alcohol for Industrial Pur- poses, 689
Complex Variable, Functions of a, Prof. J. Pierpont, 254 Conchological Society, Address to Mr. J. W. Taylor, 213 Condensation Nuclei Produced in Gases by Ultra-violet Light, Miss M. Saltmarsh, 335
Condensers, the Charge of, L. Bouthillon, 501 Congress, Report of the Librarian of, 445 Connecticut: Agricultural College, Dr. E. W. Sinnott ap-
pointed Professor of Botany and Genetics at the, 693; State Geological and Natural History, Report, 98 Constantes Physiques, Recueil de, Profs. H. Abraham and P. Sacerdote, 281
Constellations, the, G. Bigourdan, 218
Consultative Council in Chemistry, a, 523, 623 Control of the Forces of Nature, A. L. Lowell, 527 Coolidge Tube, Use of the, M. M. Belot and M. Ménard, 195
Cooling in the Deep Parts of the Earth's Crust, the Extreme Slowness of, J. Boussinesq, 501
Chemistry and Industry, J. E. Pollak, 34 Chromosomes and Sex Determination in "Abraxas Gros- sulariata," The Relation Between, Dr. L. Doncaster, 395 Colour Sensation, Dr. J. Aitken, 673
Cotton, The Use of, for the Production of Explosives, W. Lawrence Balls, 535; The Writer of the Article, 535 Earth, The Age of the, Dr. F. A. Lindemann, 203, 372; C. E. Stromeyer, 259
Electrons in Atoms, The Distribution of the, A. H. Comp- ton, 343; Prof. W. H. Bragg, 344 Eryonicus-Polycheles, O. Sund, 372 Extinguishing Fires, C. Carus-Wilson, 452 Femora, Measurements of Medieval English, Dr. F. G. Parsons, 35; Prof. Karl Pearson, 66
Fishes, A Bibliography of, Prof. Bashford Dean, 318 Food Supply, Science and, A. Graham Bell, 618 Foreign Philosophers, H. Richardson, 703 French Magnanimity, G. D. Knox, 703
Galileo and the Principle of Similitude, Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, 426
Gas Ions, The Nature of, Prof. E. M. Wellisch, 230 Green Flash, The, Prof. A. Schuster, 8; C. T. Whitmell, 35; Prof. W. G. Duffield, 66; J. Evershed, 286 "Green Fluorescence," The, of X-Ray Tubes, Prof. H. Jackson, 479
"Green Ray, The, at Sunset, T. B. Blaithwayt, 204 Hailstones, Structure of, S. L. Elborne, 591
Halphen's "Fonctions Elliptiques," A Misprint in, Dr. G. B. Mathews, 90
Harmonic Analysis, Dr. A. Russell, 204
Hormones and Heredity, J. T. Cunningham; J. A. T., 8 Ions in the Air, The Larger, Prof. J. A. Pollock, 286 Isotopes, The Physical Properties of, Dr. F. A. Lindemann, 7; A. C. Egerton, 90
Magnetic Storm of June 17, The, and Aurora, Dr. C. Chree, 561
Magnetic Storm, The, and Solar Disturbance of June 17, 1915, Rev. A. L. Cortie, 450, 537, 618; Dr. C. Chree, 480; A. A. Buss, 589
Magnetite and the Spinels, The Structure of, Prof. W. H. Bragg, 561
Man's True Thermal Environment, Dr. J. R. Milne, 260, 508; G. W. Grabham, 451
Mathematical Paradox, A, A. S. E., 345 [see also 403] Mellish's Comet, Photograph of, H. E. Wood, 507
Mercury Ripples showing Interference, S. G. Starling, 508 Migrations in the Sea, Prof. A. Meek, 231
Miller, Hugh, A Canadian Memorial to, Sir A. Geikie, 479 Mobilisation of Science, The, Sir T. K. Rose, 450
Molecules in Interstellar Space, The Density of, Dr. L. V. King, 701
Moustier Implements and Human Bones in Suffolk, J. Reid Moir, 674
Musical Sand in China, J. Offord, 65
Musical Sands, Early References to, C. Carus-Wilson, 90 Napoleon and the University of Pavia, Prof. D. Fraser Harris, 538
National Organisation of Scientific Effort, The, F. R. S., 315
Nitroglycerin, Non-Poisonous Character of, Dr. W. H. Martindale, 591; The Reviewer, 591.
Edema in Frogs, Functional, M. Back, K. M. Cogan, A. E. Towers, 25
Okapi, Supposed Horn-Sheaths of an, Sir E. Ray Lankester, 64; Dr. C. Christy, 342
Okapi, The, Dr. C. Christv, 506
Opossum, Early Figures of the, Dr. C. R. Eastman, 89 Osmotics, Earl of Berkeley, 317
Osmotics, A Neglected Correction in, Earl of Berkeley, 34 Paleolithic Man in South Africa, F. W. Fitzsimons, 615; Prof. A. Keith, 616
Periodic Motion, Similitude in, Prof. H. Chatley, 288 Periscope Mirrors, Use of Celluloid in, E. M. Langley, 703 Physical Units, The Names of, Dr. C. E. Guillaume, 427; Dr. J. A. Harker, 427; A. Campbell, 451; Dr. Norman R. Campbell, 480
"Pinacoid in Crystallography, The Use of the Term, Prof. G. A. J. Cole, 318
Radicles and Elements, The Analogy between, Prof. E. H. Buchner, 701
Radius Curvature of Spherical Surfaces, A Simple Direct Method for the, Prof. W. C. Baker, 288
Remora, Early Figures of the, Dr. C. R. Eastman, 344 Resonance of Sodium Vapour in a Magnetic Field, Prof. the Hon. R. J. Strutt, 33
Respirators, Testing, W. P. Dreaper, 507
Sealing of Electrical Conductors through Glass, On the, F. F. S. Bryson, 370
Scientific Research, Training for, Dr. T. S. Patterson,
Similitude, The Principle of, Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, 202; Lord Rayleigh, 202, 644: Galileo and, Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, 426; Dr. D. Riabouchinsky, 591; J. L., 644
Spectra of Gases, The Continuous, E. P. Lewis, 394 Spectra of Hydrogen and Helium, The, Dr. N. Bohr, 6; Prof. J. W. Nicholson, 33; T. R. Merton, 65 Spectrum, A Continuous, in the Ultra-Violet, Prof. J. Barnes, 451
Spectrum, A Further Extension of the, Prof. T. Lyman, 343 Sunset Colours, Experiment on, F. W. Jordan, 590 Surface Tension and Ferment Action, Dr. E. F. Armstrong and Prof. H. E. Armstrong, 425; Dr. W. Cramer, 561; Dr. H. T. Brown, 616
Thermionic Current, The, Prof. A. S. Eve, 174- Tsetse-Fly, A New, from Zululand, E. C. Chubb, 538 Tyrosine, Use of, in Promoting Organic Growth, Dr. H. Charlton Bastian, 537
Ultra-Violet Excitation of the D Line of Sodium, Prof. the Hon. R. J. Strutt, 285, 370
University Appointments in War Time, Prof. P. F. Frank- land, 428
Upper Assam, "The History of, Upper Burmah, and North- Eastern Frontier," Lt.-Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen, 673 Variation, Origin of a Mathematical Symbol for, Prof. F. Cajori, 562
Volunteers for Scientific Work, E. Heron-Allen, 428 Wasp, A Mistaken, W. A. Gunn, 345
X-Ray Fluorescence and the Quantum Theory, Prof. C. G. Barkla, 7
Zoological Nomenclature, The Rules of, Dr. F. A. Bather, menclatu 118
Corrosion, Causes of, A. Philip, 158
Corundum its Occurrence, Distribution, Exploitation, and
Uses, A. E. Barlow, 688; the Natural History of, 688
Cotton as a High Explosive, B. Blount, 591; Crops, the World's, Prof. J. A. Todd, 697; for German Ammuni- tion, Sir W. Ramsay, 432; Germany and Austria and, 152; Production, Books on, 697; Raw, the Develop- ment and Properties of, W. L. Balls, 697; the Use of, for the Production of Explosives, 481; W. Lawrence Balls, the Writer of the Article, 535
Cow, an Abnormal, Dr. R. Pearl and F. M. Surface, 626 "Cracking" of Oils and its Commercial Use, 231 Cranes, Floating, at Panama, 16
Craniology of the People of Scotland, Sir W. Turner, 665 Creodont Carnivora, Dr. Matthew, 276
Croonian Lectures, Sir D. Bruce to Deliver, 327 Crossing two Hemipterous Species, Misses K. Foot and E. C. Strobell, 47!
Crystallised Calcium Theobrominate, L. Rousseau, 140 Crystallography, an Amateur's Introduction to (from Morphological Observations), Sir W. P. Beale, 614; Classification of Systems of, Dr. C. Viola, 571; Mathematical, 614
Crystals, Accumulation of, N. L. Bowen, 216
Culex hortensis, Occurrence of, at Logie, Elgin, F. W. Edwards, 403
Culture and Metaphysics, A. E. Crawley, 339 "Culture": Oil of Vitriol as an Agent of, 69; Origin of, E. Best, 14
Cyanogen Compounds, the Chemistry of, and their Manu- facture and Estimation, H. E. Williams, 116 Cycadeoidea, New Types of Stem-anatomy in, Dr. Marie C. Stopes, 111
Cyprus, Vegetation of, Studies on the, J. Holmboe, 254 Dairy Farms, Inspection of, 490
Dakshindar, a Godling of the Sunderbuns, B. C. Batabyal, 529
Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Gift to, 528 Dalton Diagrams, the, Dr. A. Harden, Prof. W. W. H. Gee, Dr. H. F. Coward, 335
Danish Oceanographical Expeditions, 1908-10, No. 3, 598 Dark Marking on the Sky, a Singular, Prof. E. E. Barnard, 637
Darling Downs Skull, Prof. G. Elliot Smith, 26 Dartmouth College, Bequest to, by W. N. Hunt, 414 Darwin, Emma: a Century of Family Letters, 1792-1896,
Edited by Henrietta Litchfield, 503; and her Circle, 503 Darwin's Theory of Coral Reefs, Prof. W. M. Davis, 442 Dasahra Festival, W. Crooke, 238
Daylight Fireball, the, of July 5, W. F. Denning, 550 Deafness resulting from War Wounds, M. Marage, 694 Death, Cause of, Produced by the Bursting of High- Explosive Shells, R. Arnoux, 515
Adams (Dr. W. Grylls), 180, 211 Allen (Second-Lieut. P. H. C.), 379 Amagat (Emile-Hilaire), 41 Arnaud (Prof. A.), 597 Atkinson (Capt. W. E. G.), 708 Bage (Capt. E), 679 Bailey (F. Manson), 709 Balleine (Capt. C. F.), 543 Barnaby (Sir N.), 433 Beringer (J. J.), 122, 152 Bessey (Prof. C. E.), 43 Bion (II. S.), 543, 567 Bullen (Frank T.), 12 Carnt (E. C.), 679 Chaillou (Dr.), 488 Chambers (G. F.), 380 Church (Sir A. H.), 377, 399 Clouston (Sir T.), 212
Coffin (Rev. Dr. S. J.), 122 Colson (C.), 488
Cooper (Prof. F. C.), 401
Crofton (Dr. M. W.), 327, 377 Darwin (Erasmus), 269 Dickins (F. V.), 679, 708 Dobie (Dr. W. M.), 71 Donaldson (Sir James), 41 Downie (Major A. M.), 650
Ehrlich (Prof. Paul), 707 Eykman (Prof. J. F.), 543 Fischer (Prof. B.), 650- Fleming (Sir Sandford), 596 Flood-Page (Major S.), 181 Fraas (Prof. E.), 124 Geikie (Prof. James), 12, 40 Gowers (Sir W. R.), 269, 296 Guéguen (Prof. F. P. J.), 597 Gustafson (Prof. G.), 213 Hammond (R.), 679 Hardy (Prof. J. J.). 348 Harnack (Prof. Erich), 297 Harrison (Lt.-Col. W. S.), 213 Herbertson (Prof. A. J.), 623 Holdsworth (E. W. H.), 95
Hubrecht (Prof. A. A. W.), 95. 121 Huggins (Lady), 123 Hurtzig (À. C.), 514
Isherwood (Rear-Admiral B. F.), 650 Jenkinson (Capt. J. W.), 433, 456 Jones (Dr. H. Lewis), 152 Kearney (J.), 123
Kellas (Capt. A.), 709
Kerr (R.), 349
Kiepert (Dr. R.), 650 Kitchener (F. E.), 514 Kynaston (H.), 543, 568 Lea (Dr. A. S.), 120 Lee (Lieut.), 567
Léjé (J. B. A.), 212
Lock (Dr. R. H.), 488, 515 Loeffler (Prof. F), 180 Louis (Prof. D. A.), 379 Lydekker (R.), 212, 234 Macmillan (Capt. S. A.), 379 Marsh (Prof. Howard), 488 Martin (C. H.), 298 Martin (Pierre), 348, 434 Maspero (Jean), 42
Mathison (Dr. G. C. M.), 489 Mills (Prof. Wesley), 13 Morse (E. W.), 328
Müller (Dr Hugo), 348, 376 Murray (Sir James), 597 Neville (F. H.), 400, 432 Osterberg (Madame), 650 Oumoff (Prof. N.), 71 Owen (Dr. Edmund), 623 Owens (Capt. E. W.), 709 Pearson (Dr. F. S.), 328 Prowazek (Dr. S. von), 213 Raper (R. W.), 567 Rawson (Dr. S. G.), 123 Reed (W. H.), 348 Rigaux (Edmond), 180 Robinson (Prof. H.), 123 Seaton (Dr. E. C.), 14 Seaver (Prof. J. W.), 348 Sell (Dr. W. J.). 235. Shattuck (Prof. F. A.), 42 Sherman (Prof F. A.), 122 Smart (Prof. W.), 95. Spagnoletti (C. E. P.), 514
Spottiswoode (W. Hugh), 709
Spurrell (F. C. J.), 42 Steen (Dr. Askel S.), 379 Stewart (Dr. Alex.), 597
Tanner (Prof. H. W. L.), 42, 70 Tennant (Lieut.-Genl. J. F.), 42 Travers (J. A.), 401
Turner (Sir George), 71
Venturi (Prof. A.), 183
Waldstein (Dr. Louis), 180
West (T. D.), 568
Willett (W.), 42
Wilson (Prof. J. Cook), 677
Witt (Prof. Otto N.), 151, 170 Woosnam (Lieut. R. B.), 489 Wright (Lieut. T.), 328 Zeeman (Prof. P.), 327, 433
Decapoda Reptantia of the Coasts of Ireland, C. M. Selbie,
Decimal Association, Report for 1914, 402
Delavan's Comet, B. Jekhowsky, 27
Design and Industries Association, the, H. H. Peach, 549 Despretz-Trouton Constant, Calculation of, D. Berthelot, 363
Detrital Andalusite in Cretaceous and Eocene Sands, G. M. Davies, 501
Detroit Observatory, 683
Development of Man, the, 613
Dew Ponds, E. A. Martin, 32
Dextrose, Retention in the Circulation of, in Normal and Depancreatised Animals, I. S. Kleiner and S. J. Meltzer, 553
Diathermic Power of Liquids, J. Vallot, 694
Dickson Centrifuge Process of Sewage Treatment, Dr. E. H. Tripp, 518
Dicoryne, Free-swimming Sporosacs of, Drs. J. H. Ash- worth and J. Ritchie, 552
Dielectrics, Relative Losses in, G. L. Addenbrooke, 110 Differential Equations of the Analytic Type, Solutions of an Infinite System of, F. R. Moulton, 553 Diffraction: Grating, the Ruling and Performance of a 10-in., A. A. Michelson, 637; Phenomena and Motion of Earth, A. Leduc, 83
Diflavone Group, Studies in the, H. Ryan and Miss P. O'Neill, 473
Dillenia and Saurawia, New Species of, E. D. Merrill, 351 Dinosaur Bones from Bushmanland, Description of the, S. H. Haughton, 554; Bones in Bushmanland, A. W. Rogers, 554
Dioxytriazines, the, J. Bougault, 335
Diphtheria, Isolation and, Miss Elderton and Prof. K. Pearson, 658
Discharging Appliances, Influence of, J. Reid, 130
Discoveries and Inventions of the Twentieth Century, E.
Disease Resistance in Plants, Dr. O. Appel, 599
Displacements, Rapid, Registered by Photography, J. C. Solá, 167
Dominica, Official Guide to the Botanic Gardens of, J. Jones, 600
Double-crested Cormorant, the, and the Salmon Industries on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, P. A. Taverner, 599 Dragon Tree of Tenerife, the, Dr. O. Stapf, 472 Drama of the Year, the, Mary Ritchie, 207
Draper Medal awarded to Prof. J. Stebbins, 297; Memorial, the Henry, Miss A. Cannon, 493 Drawings from the Continent, 184
Drinking Water, Purification of, H. Vincent and M. Gaillard, 224
Drosophila confusa, a Fly of the Species of, R. R. Hyde, 153
Drugs and Fine Chemicals, British Supply of, Prof. H. B. Baker, 174
Dublin Society, a History of the Royal, H. F. Berry, 454 Dundee University College, Foundation of a Bursary in Memory of R. Hepburn, 721
Durham College of Medicine, University of, Dr. J. A. Menzies appointed Professor of Physiology in, 664 Dust and Smoke Record, a, W. Thomson, 571 Dyers, Company of, Gold Medal of, awarded to Prof. A. G. Green and W. Johnson, 649
Dye Scheme, Government, Prof. H. E. Armstrong and others, 119
Dyestuffs, Organic, the Manufacture of, Prof. A. Wahl, Translated by F. W. Atack, 532
Dynamometers, Rev. F. J. Jervis-Smith, 557
Ear Defender, Mallock's, 131; Protection against Artillery Sounds, 131, 156
Earth the Figure of the, Prof. W. de Sitter, 684; the Age of the, Dr. F. A. Lindermann, 203, 372; the Age of the, C. E. Stromeyer, 259; Interior of the, Dr. F. Shlesinger, Dr. T. C. Chamberlin, Dr. H. F. Reid, J. F. Hayford, 442; the, its Life and Death, Prof. A. Berget, Translated by E. W. Barlow, 478
Earthquake of February 18, 1911, the, Prince Galitzin,
502, 626; Record of a Large, 404; Registration of a Large, 269 Earthquake-shock, Direction of an, Prof. J. C. Branner, 439 Earthquakes at Leucade and Ithaca, Geological Pheno-
mena Observed during the, D. Eginitis, 581; Felt in the Philippine Islands in 1914, Catalogue of, 626 Easter Day, the Determination of, Dr. A. M. W. Downing, 571
Easter Island Expedition, News of the, 708
Echidna aculeata, Temperature of, H. S. H. Wardlaw, 722 Echinoderms, Life-history of, Dr. J. F. Gemmill, 569 Eclipse Expeditions, British, of 1914, 46
Eclipsing Binaries, Orbits of, Dr. H. Shapley, 462; Variables, Results from the Observation of, Prof. R. S. Dugan, 444
Echo of the Ball and Shell, the, M. Agnus, 473 Economic Cycles, Prof. H. L. Moore, 88; Geography, 476; Geology of Navánagar State in the Province of Káthiáwár, India, E. H. Adye, 407; Zoology and Entomology, Elementary Text-book of, Prof. V. L. Kellogg and Prof. R. W. Doane, 476
Edinburgh University, Conferment of Honorary Degrees, 551; Members with the Colours, 499
Education and Research, Engineering, Dr. W. C. Unwin, 244; Museums and, 382
Education?, What do we mean by, Prof. J. Welton, 5 Educative Geography, J. L. Haddon, 449
Eels, Fresh-water, Classification of, Dr. J. Schmidt, 214 Efficiency, a Text-book of, 313; Fundamental Sources of, Dr. F. Durell 313
Electrical Conductivity of Metals, F. Hyndman, 240; Engineering, Prof. D. Robertson, 229; Engineering Text-books, 586; Engineering, Dr. T. C. Baillie, vol. i., 586; Engineering and the War, 74; Engineer- ing in India, J. W. Meares, 229; Instruments in Theory and Practice, W. H. F. Murdoch and U. A. Oschwald, 586; Measuring Instruments, Commercial, 627; Properties of Powders, J. A. McClelland and J. J. Dowling, 55; Theory, Modern, 420
Electric Dry Pile, the, C. E. Benham, 588; Furnace Spec- tra of Vanadium and Chromium, Dr. A. S. King, 242; Pressures, L. Bouchet, 279
Electricity a School, C. J. L. Wagstaff, 257; and Mag- netism, Elementary, W. S. Franklin and B. Macnutt, 559; Advanced Theory of, W. S. Franklin and B. Macnutt, 559; and Magnetism, Experimental Studies in, F. E. Nipher, 63; Conduction of, through Metals, Sir J. J. Thomson, 551; for the Farm, F. I. Anderson, 670; in Gases, Prof. J. S. Townsend, 611 Electrification of Surfaces, Dr. P. E. Shaw, 11O Electrolysis in Concrete Structures, H. A. Gardner, 156 Electro-cardiogram, the, Prof. Jolly, 599
Electromagnetic Inertia and Atomic Weight, Prof. J. W. Nicholson 110
Electrometer, a Vibration, H. L. Curtis, 183; a Highly Sensitive, A. L. Parson, 637
Electron Currents from Hot Metals, Properties of, Prof. O. W. Richardson, 416; Emission, Effects of Different Gases on, F. Horton, 249; Theory of Matter, the, Prof. O. W. Richardson, 420
Electronic and Atomic Constants, Dr. H. S. Allen, 415; Theories, the, of the Properties of Metals, Prof. C. H. Lees, 675
Electrons and Heat, Prof. O. W. Richardson, 467; in Atoms, the Distribution of the, A. H. Compton, 343; Prof. W. H. Bragg, 344: in the Sun's Atmosphere, Prof. H. Nagaoka, 46
Electro-Plating, the Elements of, J. T. Sprague, 63 Elementary Science, Suggestions for the Teaching of, 415 Elements, the Compressibilities of the, T. W. Richards, 638 Elephants in South Africa, Preservation of, 350 Ellipsoidal Figures, M. Globa-Mikhailenko, 27 Embryology, Text-book of, Edited by W. Heape, vol. i., Invertebrata, Prof. E. W. MacBride, 113 Emission of Light upon Insects, K. G. Blair, 569 Emissivities of Metals and Oxides, G. K. Burgess and R. G. Waltenberg, 518
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Exhibition, 138 Endocrine Glands, the, Sir E. Schäfer, 625 Engineering: Education, and Research, Dr. W. C. Unwin,
244; in Evening Technical Schools, 138; Teaching of
in Evening Technical Schools, 218; Training for the Industrial Side of, A. P. M. Fleming and others, 248 English: Folk-song and Dance, F. Kidson and M. Neal, 229; Mathematics, 219
Enhanced Iron Lines at Centre of the Sun's Disc, Displace- ment of, Dr. Evershed and N. Ayyar, 519 Enteric Fever among British Troops, 269 Entomological: Research, Recent, 687; Work in Canada, 603
Entomologo, Manual del, Rev. P. L. Navas, 181 Eoceratops, L. M. Lambe, 547
Equilibrium of a Fluid Mass, P. Humbert, 251 Equipotential Surfaces in the Air, Shapes of the, Prof. C. H. Lees, 445
Erie Railroad Locomotive, a Large, 16 Ernährungsphysiologisches Praktikum der höheren Pflanzen, Prof. V. Grafe, 391
Errors in the Angle of the Optic Axes, the, Dr. S. Kôzu, 501
Eryonicus-Polycheles, O. Sund, 372
Eskimo, Arctic Coast, Commerce among the, V. Stefáns- son, 276; Skulls of, F. H. S. Knowles, 434 Etching Reagents, O. F. Hudson, 102
Ethics of States, Prof. Tufts, 238
Ethnographic: Studies in Melanesia, Dr. A. C. Haddon, 319; Work, Some Aspects of, H. V. Nanjundayya, 53 Ethnological Collection from Siberia, H. U. Hall, 488 Euphorbia virosa, etc., Temperatures of, Prof. H. H. W. Pearson, 44
European Winter and the War, the, Prof. R. De C. Ward, 461
Euxenite in Brazil, A. Betim, 721 Evaporation and Soil Moisture, G. D. Fuller, 98; of Ether from Oils, etc., the Rate of, Prof. C. Baskerville, 443 Evening Technical Schools, Teaching of Engineering in, 218 Evolution and Disease, Dr. J. T. C. Nash, 424: and the
War, Dr. P. C. Mitchell, 695; Organic and Social, 695; the Material Basis of, 550; the Other Way About, 669
Exogamy and the Classificatory System of Relationship, R. H. Lowie, 553
Exogyra from the Eastern Gulf Region and the Carolines, L. W. Stephenson, 355
Experimental: Botany at Trinity College, Dublin, 244; Method in Medicine and Surgery, S. Paget, 170 Experiments, P. E. Edelman, 294 Explosives: Ancient and Modern, 366; H. le Chatelier, 45; High, G. W. MacDonald, 508; their Manufacture, Properties, Tests, and History, by A. Marshall, 366; the Use of Cotton for the Production of, 481 Expressions, Factorisation of Various Types of, H. Blum- berg, 553
Extinct Animals, Remains of, from the Pleistocene of North America, O. Hay, 298
Extincteur, the, and its Limitations, 373 Extinguishing Fires, C. Carus-Wilson, 452
Farm Animals, Prof. T. F. Hunt and Prof. C. W. Burkett, 256; Management and Rural Improvement, 256 Farmers and Dairymen, a Handbook for, Prof. F. W. Woll, sixth edition, 256
Fauna: Antarctica, 648; of British India, the, including Ceylon and Burma, Mollusca, ii., G. K. Gude, 368; of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, the, Mollusca (Fresh-water Gastropoda and Pelecypoda), H. B. Preston, 584; of the Lower Pliocene Snake Creek Beds, Nebraska, Additions to, Dr. W. J. Sin- clair, 444
Feather-pigments, D. Lloyd-Jones, 658
Featherstars, or Ophiuroidea, Matsumoto, 214 Feeble-mindedness: its Causes and Consequences,
Femora, Medieval English, Measurements of, Dr. F. G. Parsons, 35; Prof. K. Pearson, 66
Fernley: Observatory, Report of, for 1914, J. Baxendell, 627; Recording Rain Gauge, 264
Ferns of South Africa, the, T. R. Sim, second edition, 698 Ferromagnetism and the A2 Transformation in Iron, 525 Field Archæology as Illustrated by Hampshire, an Intro- duction to, Dr. J. R. Williams-Freeman, 430
Fisher, Polk County, Minn., Meteorite, the, Prof. G. P. Merrill, 437
Fisheries, Geography of British, Prof. J. S. Gardiner, 72 Fishes a Bibliography of, Prof. Bashford Dean, 318;
and the Amphibia, Relationship of, H. Day, 306; Eggs of, Temperature, etc., on the Development of, A. C. Johansen and A. Krogh, 435; Determination of the Age of, O. Winge, 526; of the Macquarie Islands, C. T. Regan, 528
Fishery Investigations in Bengal, etc., Report on, T. Southwell, 356; Research in India, 356
Fisica, Manuale di, vol. ii., Acustica, Temologia, Ottica, Prof. B. Dessau, 423
Flax, Boom in, A. L. Clark, 239
Fleas, British, Hon. N. C. Rothschild, 73; Blood-parasites and, Prof. E. A. Minchin and Dr. J. D. Thomson, 189 Flexor Tendons of the Fingers, Grafting the, E. Delorme, 722 Flies and Disease, Dr. W. G. Ridewood and Prof. H. Maxwell Lefroy, 330; Destruction of, E. Roubaud, 389; the Destruction of, and the Disinfection of Corpses in the Battle-line, E. Roubaud, 493; in Relation to Disease Blood-sucking Flies, Dr. E. Hindle, 338 (see also Fly Campaign)
Flight, Circling, the Rigid Dynamics of, Prof. G. H. Bryan, 360
Flint Implement Cultures, C. Dawson, 54; Implements, Discovery of, at Highfield, Southampton, 378
Flints, Wrought, in Egypt, Prof. Flinders Petrie, 238 Flora of Aden, Prof. E. Blatter, 187; of Jamaica, W. Fawcett and Dr. A. B. Rendle, vol. iii., 368; of the South Indian Highlands, P. F. Fyson, 307
Floral Rambles in Highways and Byways, Rev. Prof. G. Henslow, 531
Flour, a Memorial on, 123
Fruit-flies, Natural Enemies of, Prof. F. Silvestri, 333 Fruit-growing, the Principles of, L. H. Bailey, twentieth edition, 449
Fucus, a New Species of, C. Sauvageau, 279 Functional Activity, J. Barcroft and T. Kato, 25 Functions Represented by the Expansions of the Inter- polation Theory, Prof. Whittaker, 529 Furunculosis in Salmon, Prof. A. E. Mettam, 351 Fustic Dye-stuff, 152
Galileo and the Principle of Similitude, Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, 426
Galvanic Cell, a, A. Campbell Swinton, 25 Ganglion, an Intracranial, G. E. Nicholls, 82 Gannet, Breeding Range of the, J. S. Tulloch, 682 Garnets, the, and Streaky Rocks of the English Lake District, J. F. N. Green, 501
Gas: Gangrene, M. Weinberg, 83; Industry, the, and Ex- plosives, 674; Ions, the Nature of, Prof. E. M. Wellisch, 230
Gases Influence of, on the Emission of Electrons and Ions, Prof. O. W. Richardson, 445; Internal Pressure of, A. Leduc, 693; of Swamp Rice Soils, Harrison and Subramania, 16; of the Blood, Lectures on, Prof. T. G. Brodie, 362, 387
Gauge Making, 457 (see also 646). Gauges, 646
Gazette Astronomique, the, No. 1, 242 Geikie, Sir Archibald, Proposed Bust of, 213
Flowers and Trees in California, With the, C. F. Saunders, Geitsi Gubib, an Old Volcano, A. W. Rogers, 389 698
Fluid, Resistance of a, H. Levy, 194
Fly: Campaign, the, Prof. H. Maxwell Lefroy, 440; Peril, Fighting the, C. F. Plowman and W. F. Dearden, 699; Pest, the, 699; Question, Practical Advice on the, 680; the House, F. W. FitzSimons, 699 Fly-food in Trout Streams, Increasing the Supply of, 514 Fly River Expedition, Sir R. Clarke, 181 Focometric Apparatus, Notes on, F. J. Cheshire, 15 Food in England and Wales, Committee on the Production or, 459; etc., of Invertebrate Animals at the Sea- bottom in Danish Waters, H. Blegvad, 526; Products, Prof. H. C. Sherman, 59; Supply, Science and, A. Graham Bell, 618; Values, Prof. W. A. Thompson, 651 Forage Plants and their Culture, C. V. Piper, 421 Foraminifera: Bionomics, etc., of the, E. Heron-Allen, 82; of the Kerimba Archipelago, E. Heron-Allen and A. Earland, 362; On Beauty, Design, and Purpose in the, E. Heron-Allen, 630 Foreign: Membership of Scientific Societies, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 96; Philosophers, H. Richardson, 703 Forest Valuation, Prof. H. H. Chapman, 555 Forestry Elements of, Prof. F. F. Moon and Prof. N. C. Brown, 29; Home, and the War, 176; and Natural Sciences, H. S. Graves, 44; and Trees, 555
Form and Coloration in Plants and Animals, C. F. M. Swynnerton, 250
Formulas for Glass Manufacture, 192 Forthcoming Books of Science, 492, 628 Fossil Bacteria in Ancient Limestones, Dr. C. D. Walcott, 270; Crinoidea in Illinois, F. Springer, 275; Dolphin from California, R. S. Lull, 355; Fishes, Study of, Dr. A. Smith Woodward, 54; Remains of Man, Guide to, Dr. A. Smith Woodward, 73
Fossilised Human Skull and Associated Remains, W. G. Kemp, 297
Fowls, Domestic, Reproductive Organs of, Dr. R. Pearl,
General Science, Elements of, Dr. O. W. Caldwell and W. L. Eikenberry, 391
Genetic Studies of a Cavy Species Cross, Prof. J. A. Detlefsen, 159
Geneva, the Physical and Natural History Society of, in 1914, 600
Geodesy: Indian, 439; of the British Isles, Col. Close, 93 Geodetic Science, Sir T. H. Holdich, 93
Geographical: Exercise Books, Macmillan's, i., ii., iii., 31; Text-books, 31
Geography: as a Science, 504; Economic, an Atlas of, Dr. J. G. Bartholomew, with Introduction by Prof. L. W. Lyde, 476; of British Fisheries, Prof. J. Stanley Gar- diner, 634; Physical, P. Lake, 534; Physical, Principles of, G. C. Fry, 174; the Physical Basis of, Dr. A. Holmes, 534; the Pupils' Class-book of, E. J. S. Lay, 31; the Teaching of, B. C. Wallis, 504
Geological: Model of the Assynt Mountains, Dr. B. N. Peach and Dr. J. Horne, 243; Survey, United States, Recent Work of the, 127; Time, Determining, H. S. Shelton, 83
Geologists' Association, Day Excursions, 458 Geology in Relation to the Exact Sciences, A. Harker, 105; Mountain, L. Duparc and M. Tikanowitch, 188;
of Caithness, the, C. B. Crampton and R. G. Car- ruthers, 243; of the Robson Peak District, British Columbia, Dr. C. D. Walcott, 275 Geometrical: Determinants, Some, A. J. Rahilly, 250; Optics, Elementary, A S. Ramsey, 257 Geometry: Descriptive, for Students in Engineering Science and Architecture, Prof. H. F. Armstrong, 586; Ele- ments of, S. Barnard and J. M. Child, parts i.-vi., 62; of Building Construction: Second Year Course, F. E. Drury, 586; of Four Dimensions, Prof. H. P. Manning, 282
Germ-cell Cycle in Animals, the, Prof. R. W. Hegner, 117 German Colonies, Economic Resources of the, 352; Cul-
ture, Edited by Prof. W. P. Paterson, 339; Mentality in History, C. Flammarion, 458; Science, Sir W.
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