Slike strani

ington commander-in-chief,
v. 310.

nominates minister to France,
v. 325.

Adams, Mrs.-

to her husband on the appear-

ance of Washington, i. 528.
description of General Lee, ii. 2.
account of party at General
Mifflin's, ii. 132.

to her husband on the cannon-
ade, ii. 196.

Adams, Samuel-

as moderator, i. 421.

proposes Mr. Duché as chaplain,
i. 425.

to his wife about Mr. Duché, i.

apprised of the movement of
troops, i. 456.

irresolute as to commander-in-
chief, i. 479.

excepted from proffered pardon,
i. 488.

on the united command of
Schuyler and Gates, ii. 299.
meets Washington at Cam-
bridge, v. 45.
Adams, Sir Thomas, i. 343.
Adet, Mr.

minister from France, v. 241.
presents the colors of France,
v. 266.

complaints against the govern-
ment of the United States, v.


Agnew, Brigadier-general
in the expedition against Dan-
bury, iii. 53.

killed at Germantown, iii. 304.
Albany, panic at St. Clair's re-
treat, iii. 125.

Allen, the fighting parson, iii. 189.
Allen, Ethan —

at the head of the Green Moun-
tain Boys, i. 470.
volunteers in the public cause,
i. 471.
described, i. 471.

commands expedition to Ticon-
deroga, i. 471.

proceeds to Shoreham, i. 471.
arrives at Shoreham, i. 472.
addresses his men, i. 473.
surprises Ticonderoga, i. 473.
expeditioù against St. John's, i.

returns to Ticonderoga, i. 476
rivalry with Arnold, ii. 88.
to New York Congress, ii. 40
to Trumbull, ii. 41.
designs on Canada, ii. 41.
repairs to Congress, ii. 42,
repairs to New York conven.
tion, ii. 42.

to Trumbull on the invasion of
Canada, ii. 45.

superseded by Seth Warner, ii.

joins as a volunteer, ii. 49.
to Trumbull, ii. 50.

sent to reconnoitre, ii. 63.
report to Schuyler, ii. 65.
recruiting, ii. 65.

to Montgomery on Canadian
volunteers, ii. 69.

meets Major Brown, ii. 70.
decides to attack Montreal, ii.

taken prisoner, ii. 71.

reception by General Prescott,
ii. 71.

sent to England, ii. 72.
to General Prescott, ii. 72.
memory of, ii. 74.

treatment by the British, ii

exchanged for Colonel Camp-
bell, iii. 433.

visits Valley Forge, iii. 433.
leaves for home, iii. 433.
Allen, Levi-

to Washington on the treatment
of Ethan Allen, ii. 120.
project to effect his release ii.

Allen, William, ii. 302.
Alton, John, Washington's ser

[blocks in formation]

distribution of before Boston, ii.
condition and discipline, ii. 6.
spirit of insubordination, ii. 7.
camp described, ii. 8.
strict discipline, ii. 21.
scarcity of powder, ii. 27.
critical condition, ii. 28.
difficulty of filling up, ii. 114.
greatly weakened, ii. 147.
lack of equipments, ii. 148.
strength in and about New
York, ii. 221.

retreat from before Quebec, ii.

British description of, ii. 424.
at New Brunswick, ii. 472.
contrasted with the British, iii.

marches through Philadelphia,
iii. 157.

described by a Hessian, iii. 288.
approach of winter, iii. 351.
destitution of, iv. 38.

pass through Philadelphia, iv.

discontent of, iv. 434.
memorial to Congress, iv. 435.
anonymous address, iv. 436.
other anonymous papers, iv.

meeting of officers, iv. 440.
addressed by Washington, iv.

resolutions of meeting, iv. 445.
its breaking up described, iv.

contrasted with the British, iv.

American Militia

fly before the British, ii 379.
cowardice of, ii. 421.
signalize themselves, iii. 3.
gallant exploits, iii. 8.
American Prisoners, treatment of,
iii. 21, 25.

American Seamen, impressment
of, v. 199

Ames, Fisher -

on the first Congress, v. 30.
debate on Jefferson's report, v.

on Washington's farewell ad-
dress, v. 279.
Amesbury, a British spy, iii. 87.
Amherst, Major-general -

to reduce Louisburg, i. 283.

embarks, i. 285.

arrives at the bay of Gabarus,
i. 286.

landing of troops, i. 286.
takes Louisburg, i. 287.
supersedes General Abercrom.
bie, i. 310.

to advance against Ticonderoga
and Crown Point, i. 311.
embarks for Ticonderoga, i. 313.
repairs the works at Ticonder-

oga and Crown Point, i. 313.
consequences of his delay, i. 314.
further delay, i. 326.
again in the field, i. 327.
arrives at Montreal, i. 328.
Amherst, Captain, despatched to
England with news of the
Anderson, Ephraim –
capture of Louisburg, i. 288.

plan for destroying British
ships, ii. 317.

entertained by Congress, ii. 317.
to the President of Congress on
his progress, ii. 318.
André, Major


and the Mischianza, iii. 427.
aide-de-camp to Sir Henry
Clinton, iii. 528.
correspondence with Arnold, iv.

sketch of his life, iv. 114.
attempted interview with Ar
nold, iv. 117.

goes on board the Vulture, iv.

interview with Arnold, iv. 121.
remains ashore all night, iv.


anxiety to escape, iv. 123.
crosses to Verplanck's Point iv

stopped by patrolling party, iv

approaches the Neutral Ground
iv. 125.

parts with Smith, iv. 125.
stopped by Paulding, iv. 126.
arrested and searched, iv. 128.
taken to North Castle, iv. 130
sent to Arnold, iv. 131.
brought back, iv. 131.
taken to Lower Salem, iv. 132.
to Washington, iv. 132.
amuses himself by sketching
iv. 133.

propensity for caricature (note), | Armstrong, Major, attention N

iv. 133.

taken to the Robinson House,

iv. 146.

sent to West Point, iv. 146.
conversation with Major Tall-
madge, iv. 148.

his fate predicted, iv. 150.
arrives at Tappan, iv. 151.
frank confession, iv. 154.
condemned as a spy, iv. 154.
concerning Sir Henry Clinton,
iv. 155.

qualities of, iv. 157.

execution postponed, iv. 159.
affecting appeal to Washington,
iv. 161.

nature of his mission, iv. 163.
British view of his case (note),
iv. 165.

his execution, iv. 167.
burial, iv. 167.

transferred to Westminster Ab-
bey, iv. 167.

sympathy in behalf of, iv. 167.
Angel, Colonel, in the fight at
Springfield, iv. 72.

Annapolis before the Revolution
(note), i. 344.

Anspachers arrive at New York,
iii. 80.

Arbuthnot, Admiral


arrival with troops, iii. 550.
convoys expedition to South
Carolina, iii. 555.

enters Charleston Harbor, iv. 49.
passes Fort Moultrie, iv. 51.
squadron scattered by a storm,
iv. 297.

encounters the French fleet, iv.

Armstrong, Colonel John, com-
mands expedition against
Kittanning, i. 258.
Armstrong, Major-general -
to check the British, ii. 205.
at Brandywine, iii. 214.

on Washington (note), iii. 325.
posted at the Schuylkill, iii. 226.
author of anonymous papers,
iv. 447.
Armstrong, Captain -
commands at Verplanck's
Point, iii. 526.


pursues Colonel Coates, iv. 348.
fight at Quimby Creek, iv. 348.
decoyed into an ambush, v. 85.

Mercer, ii. 553.
Arnold, Benedict-

arrives at Castleton, i. 471.
proposes the surprisal of Ticon
deroga and Crown Point, i. 472
aspires to the command, i. 472.
serves as volunteer, i. 472.
desires to command Ticonder
oga, i. 474.

is disappointed and protects, i

commands armed schooner, i.

surprises St. John's, i. 475.
rivalry with Ethan Allen, ii. 38.
opinion of Allen, ii. 38.
difficulties with Colonel Hin-
man, ii. 43.

and the committee of inquiry,
ii. 43.

indignation, ii. 44.

sets off for Cambridge, ii. 44.
commands the expedition as
lieutenant-colonel, ii. 61.

sets out for Canada, ii. 63.
to Washington, on the expedi-
tion, ii. 67.

to Washington, on his progress,
ii. 75.

tolls of the expedition, ii. 75.
obstacles to the expedition, i

perseverance, ii. 102.

embarks on the Chaudiere, il

arrives at Point Levi, ii. 103.
sudden apparition, ii. 103.
at Point Levi, ii. 135.

crosses to Wolfe's Cove, ii. 136.
discovered by a boat from the
Lizard, ii. 137.

on the Heights of Abraham, ii.

obstacles before him, ii. 137.
holds a council of war, ii. 137.
demands a surrender, ii. 139.
retires to Point aux Trembles,
ii. 139.

joined by Montgomery, ii. 148.
leads his division against St
Roque, ii. 170.

wounded, ii. 171.

assisted back to camp, ii. 178.
determination and resources, li

gallant resolve, ii 174.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

keeps up the blockade, ii. 226.
difficulties, ii. 226.
accident, ii. 227.

obtains leave of absence, ii.

at Montreal, ii. 242.

affair at the Cedars, ii. 243.
council of war, ii. 244.
exchange of prisoners, ii. 244.

to Commissioners of Congress,
ii. 245.

joins Sullivan, ii. 258.

commands flotilla at Ticonder-
oga, ii. 437.

at Valcour Island, ii. 439.
his force, ii. 440.

engages the British, ii. 440.
escapes the enemy, ii. 442.
overtaken, brave resistance, ii.

burns his vessels, ii. 443.

arrives at Crown Point, ii. 443.
passed over by Congress, iii. 50.
to Washington on his non-pro-
motion, iii. 51.
reasons for, iii. 52.
hastens to Danbury, iii. 53.
takes post at Ridgefield, iii. 55.
throws up a breastwork, iii. 56.
narrow escape, iii. 56.

presses the enemy hard, iii. 57.
made major-general, iii. 58.
presented with a horse by Con-
gress, iii. 58.

declines the command of the
Hudson, iii. 76.

business with Congress, iii. 76.
commands Philadelphia, iii. 81.
volunteers to relieve Fort
Schuyler, iii. 182.

encourages Gansevoort, iii. 195.
reinforced, iii. 196.

to Gates, determination, iii. 196.
success of his stratagem, iii. 197.
selects a camping ground, iii.


skirmishes with the enemy, iii.

Impetuous attack, iii. 244.
quarrel with Gates, iii. 248.
Indignant letter to Gates, iii.

tries to goad Gates on, iii. 267,
rushes to the fight, iii. 271.
desperate valor, ii. 272.

[blocks in formation]

wounded, iii. 273.

to take command of Philadel
phia, iii. 445.

unsettled accounts, iv. 11.
command of Philadelphia, iv.

issues proclamation, iv. 12.
style of living, iv. 13.
disputes, iv. 13.

attachment to Miss Shippen, iv.

projects a settlement in New
York, iv. 15.

charges against, iv. 15.
sets out for Albany, iv. 16.
address to the public, iv. 16.
appeal to Congress, iv. 17.
exculpated by Congress, iv. 18
resigns his command, iv. 18.
dissatisfaction with Congress, iv.

to Washington on the court-
martial, iv. 19.

marries Miss Shippen, iv. 19.
application for a guard, iv. 20.
tried by court-martial, iv. 20.
sentenced to be reprimanded,
iv. 22.

reprimanded by Washington,
iv. 23.

projects an expedition, iv. 24.
and the French minister, iv.

applies to rejoin the army, iv.

seeks the command of West
Point, iv. 85.

appointed to the command of
West Point, iv. 86.
treason of, iv. 110.
correspondence with Sir Henry
Clinton, iv. 111.

desperate state of affairs, iv.

takes command of West Point,
iv. 112.
House, iv. 112.

at Robinson

carries on secret correspondence
with André, iv. 113.
scheme of treachery, iv. 113.
attempted interview with An-
dré, iv. 118.

accompanies Washington, iv.

[blocks in formation]

of war, iv. 141.

to Washington concerning his
wife, iv. 142.

certificate in behalf of André,
iv. 153.

to Washington, threatening re-
taliation for André, iv. 159.
rewarded by the British, iv. 168.
address to the inhabitants of
America, iv. 168.

proclamation to the American
army, iv. 169.
letter from his mother (note),
iv. 173.

subsequent fortunes, iv. 173.
commands British detachment,
iv. 221.

arrives in the Chesapeake, iv.

buccaneering ravages, iv. 238.
takes post at Portsmouth, iv.

returns to New York, iv. 331.
commands expedition against
New London, iv. 361.
attacks New London, iv. 362.
ravages the town, iv. 363.
Arnold, Mrs., hears of Arnold's
ruin, iv. 138.

interview with Washington, iv.

ordered to leave the State, iv.

her fortunes, iv. 173.
Asgill, Captain Charles, iv. 422.
Asgill, Lady, to the Count de Ver-
gennes, iv. 423.
Assistance, Writs of, i. 352.
Atlee, Colonel, retires before Gen-
eral Grant, ii. 342.

forms an ambush and falls
back on Lord Sterling, ii. 342.
taken prisoner, ii. 346.
Augusta ship of war burned, iii.



Babcock, Colonel, to Governor
Cooke, on the agitations in
New York, ii. 378.
operations of the enemy, ii. 378.
Bache's" Aurora," v. 271.
Baird, Sir James, iii. 508.
Baker, Remember, Ethan Allen's
lieutenant, i. 470.

Balcarras, Lord, commands light
infantry, iii. 270.

defends the intrenchments, iii.

Barbour, Major, carries message

to Baron de Viomenil, iv. 402.
Bard, Dr. Samuel, attends Wash-
ington, v. 22.

Barras, Count de, arrives at Bas-
ton, iv. 318.

address to Mr. Monroe, v. 300.
Barren Hill, Lafayette stationed
on, iii. 430.

Barton, Colonel, captures General
Prescott, iii. 128.

voted a sword and promoted,
iii. 128.

Bastile, key of, v. 80.

Batt's Hill, occupied by General
Sullivan, iii. 489.
action at, iii. 489.

Baum, Lieutenant, commands ex-
pedition against Bennington,
iii. 184.

sets out from camp, iii. 186.
slow march, iii. 186.
intrenches himself, iii. 188.
defeated, iii. 190.

Baxter, Colonel, at Fort Wash
ington, ii. 450.
killed, ii. 451.

Baylor, Lieutenant-colonel, at
Old Tappan, iii. 501.
surprised by Major-general

Grey, iii. 501.

Beall, General, to secure Pine's
Bridge, ii. 424.

Beaujeu, Captain de, i. 220.
Bedel, Colonel, in command at the
Cedars, ii. 242.

menaced by Captain Forster, ii.

repairs to Montreal for rein-
forcements, ii. 242.

Bedford Pass neglected, ii. 341.
Beefsteak (The) and Tripe Club
i. 71.

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