Slike strani
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[blocks in formation]

doubtful intentions, i. 523.
at Montreal, ii. 50.

contemplates hostilities, ii. 246.
Johnson, Sir John, supports the
royal cause, i. 522.

fortifies the family hall, i. 522.
fortifies Johnson Hall, ii. 176.
prepares for hostilities, ii. 176.
surrenders to General Schuyler,
ii. 177.

contemplates, hostilities, ii. 246.
retreats among the Indians, ii.

rumored to be in the field, ii.

contemplated inroad of, iii. 87.
on his way to attack Fort Schuy-
ler, iii. 103.
depredations, iv. 181.
Johnson, Sir William, i. 171.
expedition against Crown Point,

i. 235.

[blocks in formation]


attempt to bribe General Reed
iii. 439.

to Robert Morris, attempts at
corruption, iii. 439.
Joncaire, Captain, i. 64.
his history, i. 65.

appears at Logstown, i. 65.
addresses the chiefs, i. 66.
writes to the Governor of Penn-
sylvania, i. 66.

interview with Washington, i.

entertains Washington at sup-
per, i. 88.

his diplomacy with the Indians,
i. 89.

Jones, David, Lieutenant, and
Miss McCrea, iii. 161.
Jones, Honorable Joseph, letter

on army grievances, iv. 443.
Jumonville, his death, i. 126.
instructions found upon him, i.

Junius, description of Lord Bote-
tourt, i. 375.

[blocks in formation]

battle of, iv. 202.
its effect, iv. 205.
Kingston burned by the British,
iii. 265.

Kingston, Lieutenant, bears a
note to Gates, iii. 285.
Kinlock, Captain, takes summons
to Colonel Buford, iv. 60.
Kip's Bay, landing of British, ii.

anecdote of Washington, ii. 379.
Kirkwood at Eutaw Springs, iv.

Kitchel, Anna (note), iv. 5.
Kittanning, taken and burned, i.

Knowlton, Captain, joins Put-
nam, i. 469.

leads a fatigue party, i. 493.
puts up a rampart, i. 503.
repulses General Howe, i. 506.
maintains his position, i. 510.
promoted to major, ii. 21.

captures a British guard, ii. 188.
to attack Staten Island, ii. 317.
gallant affair at an outpost, ii.

wounded, ii. 387.
death, ii. 388.

Knox, Henry, offers to obtain ar-
tillery and ordnance stores,
ii. 90.

account of, ii. 90.
instruction, ii. 91.

sets off on his errand, ii. 91.

to Washington concerning ar-
tillery and stores, ii. 151.
arrival at camp, ii. 192.
stentorian lungs, ii. 513.
promoted, iii. 5.

sent to Massachusetts, iii. 27.
inspects the forts of the High-
lands, iii. 75.

objects to leave Chew's house
garrisoned, iii. 301.
accompanies Washington, iv.

Jescribed by Chastellux, iv.


dispatched to the Eastern States,
iv. 228.

and Washington, anecdote, iv.

moves patriotic resolutions, iv.

suggests the society of the Cin-
cinnati, iv. 454.

[blocks in formation]

officiates as Secretary of War,
v. 5.
described, v. 7.

presidential etiquette, v. 13.
appointed Secretary of War, v.

in favor of a national bank, v

sides with Hamilton, v. 91.
concerning French prizes, v.

case of the Little Sarah, v. 182.
concerning recall of Genet, v.

and Washington, anecdote, v.

to Washington, resigning, v. 237.
position assigned to, v. 313.
to Washington on his appoint-
ment, v. 314.

to Washington on his reply, v.

Knox, Lieutenant, leads forlorn
hope at Stony Point, iii. 535.
Knyphausen, General, reinforces
Howe, ii. 415.

menaces Fort Washington, ii.

at Cecil Court House, iii. 211.
attempts to cross Chadd's Ford,
iii. 219.

moves with the British van-
guard, iii. 451.

sent into Westchester County,
iii. 500.

left in the command of New
York, iii. 555.

prepares for defense, iv. 6.
sends expeditions against New-

ark and Elizabethtown, iv. 7.
plans descent into the Jerseys,
iv. 65.

passes through Elizabethtown
iv. 65.

sack of Connecticut farms, iv


presses on
town, iv. 67.
halt before Springfield, iv. 67.
retreat, iv. 68.
indecision, iv. 69.

toward Morris-

assailed for the murder of Mrs.
Caldwell, iv. 70.

moves against Springfield, iv.

engages the Americans, iv. 72.
retreat, iv. 74.
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, joins the
army, iii. 48.

fortifies Bemis's Heights, iii. 239.
advances to the Dan, iv. 270.
intrenches Halifax, iv. 274.


Lafayette, George Washington, v.

arrives in America, v. 259.
accompanies Washington, V.


departs from New York, v. 298.
rejoins his family, v. 299.
Lafayette, Madame de, v. 161.
Lafayette, Marquis de, at Phila-
delphia, iii. 152.

offers letters of recommenda-
tion, iii. 153.

his appeal, iii. 153.



major-general, iii.

meets Washington, iii. 153.
description of American army,
iii. 155.

modest reply to Washington,
iii. 155.

nature of his appointment, iii.

joins Sullivan's division, iii.

wounded, iii. 219.

on Howe's neglect, iii. 225.
to Washington, account of skir-
mish, iii. 344.

appointed to a division, iii. 345
proceeds to Yorktown, iii. 372.
toasts the commander-in-chief,
iii. 372.

sets out for Albany, iii. 373.
to Washington, anticipations,
iii. 373.
perplexities, iii. 383.


to Washington on his troubles
iii. 384.

returns to Valley Forge, iii. 386
keeps watch in Philadelphia
iii. 430.

encamps on Barren Hill, iii. 430
nearly surrounded, iii. 432.
extricates himself, iii. 432.
commands the advance, iii. 448.
resigns command to Lee, iii.

detached to the expedition
against Rhode Island, iii. 480.
interview with D'Estaing, iii.

sets out for Boston to see D'Es-
taing, iii. 488.

returns to the American camp,
iii. 490.

brings off the pickets and cover-
ing parties, iii. 491.

asks leave of absence, iii. 511.
project for the conquest of
Canada, iii. 512.

arrival at Boston, iv. 39.
reaches the American camp, iv.

reception by Congress, iv. 40.
dispatched to the French com.
manders, iv. 83.

accompanies Washington, iv.

proposes exchange of André for
Arnold, iv. 156.

commands the advance guard,
iv. 185.

attempted enterprise, iv. 185.
anxious for action, iv. 186.
in the camp of the Pennsylva-
nia mutineers, iv. 230.
to Washington on Hamilton,
iv. 296.

in command of detachment, iv.

instructions, iv. 298.

sets out on his march, iv. 299.
further instructions, iv. 300.
forced marches for Virginia, iv.

at the head of Elk, iv. 303.
arrives at York, iv. 304.
marches to join Greene, iv. 307
saves Richmond, iv. 310.
to Washington on Lund Wash
ington's compromise, iv. 311.
refuses to correspond with Ar
nold, iv. 331.

[blocks in formation]

(note), iv. 401.

concerning Hamilton, iv. 403.
asks leave of absence, iv. 414.
to Congress with news of peace,

at Mount Vernon, iv. 487.

on the French Revolution, v.46.
to Washington on the same, v.

to Washington, presenting the
key of the Bastile, v. 80.
on affairs in France, v. 100.
downfall of, v. 157.

prisoner at Rochefort, v. 158.
on his way to Paris, v. 297.
correspondence with Washing-
ton, v. 321.

La Force, accompanies Washing-
ton, i. 90.

prowling about the country, i.

Washington's opinion of, i. 124.
in Washington's power, i. 126.
kept in prison, i. 157.

his fortunes, i. 157.
Lake of the Dismal Swamp, i.

Lamb, Colonel, arrives before St.
Johns with artillery, ii. 69.
before Quebec, ii. 164.

effective fire from the ice bat-
tery, ii. 164.

relative to Aaron Burr, ii. 165.
in the attack, ii. 170.
wounded, ii. 172.
assists Arnold, iii. 57.
wounded, iii. 57.

[ocr errors]

receives Washington at West
Point, iv. 139.

Lameth, Chevalier de, wounded
in the attack, iv. 402.
Langdon, President, offers prayers,
i. 494.

Langlade, commands the Indians,
iii. 160.

Laurens, Colonel, duel with Lee,
iii. 471.

boards the French fleet, iii. 478
carries a protest to D'Estaing
iii. 487.

informs Washington of affairs
in Charleston, iv. 31.
on André's fate, iv. 171.
special minister to France, iv.

visits the camp of the Pennsyl-
vania mutineers, iv. 230.
arrives from France with the
loan, iv. 365.

capitulation of Yorktown, iv.

Laurens, Mr., remits letter to
Washington, iii. 369.

Lauzun, Duke de, at Newport, iv.

to join the American army, iv.

skirmish with Tarleton, iv. 384.
Lawrence, Colonel, i. 172.
Lawrence, Colonel John, judge
advocate general, iv. 154.
Lawson, General, reinforces

Green, iv. 281.

at Guilford Court House, iv. 283.
Lear, Tobias, Washington's pri
vate secretary, iv. 498.
on Washington's character, iv.

at the inauguration of Wash-
ington, v. 547.

accompanies Washington, v. 48.
Washington's state coach, v. 88.
concerning St. Clair's defeat, v.

Washington's illness, v. 332.
last hours of Washington, v.

death of Washington, v. 337.
Learned, Colonel, receives flag of
truce, ii. 204.

Lechmere Point, fortified by Put-
nam, ii. 123.

Ledyard, Colonel William, defense
of Fort Griswold, iv. 362.



Lee, Arthur, in the treasury

board, v. 5.

Lee, General Charles, at Boston, i.
history, i. 439.

his birth, i. 439.

serves in America, i. 440.
adopted by the Mohawks, i. 440.
wounded at the battle of Ticon-
deroga, i. 440.

at the siege of Fort Niagara, i.

joins Amherst at Crown Point,
i. 440.

at the surrender of Montreal,
i. 441.

in Portugal, i. 441.
brave conduct, i. 441.
opposes the ministry, i. 441.
received by Frederick the Great,
i. 441.

at Warsaw, i. 442.

accompanies the Polish ambas-
sador to Constantinople, i. 442.
dangers and escapes, i. 442.
again in England, i. 442.
reception, i. 442.

censured by a friend, i. 442.
embittered against the king and
ministers, i. 443.
returns to Poland, i. 443.
hopes of active service, i. 443.
major-general in the Polish
army, i. 443.
restless life, i. 444.
affair of honor, i. 444.

attacks upon the ministry, i.

advocates the cause of the col-
onies, i. 444.

visits America, i. 444.

reputation, i. 444.

to Edmund Burke, i. 445.
at Mount Vernon, i. 449.
purchases an estate, i. 450.
cultivates the acquaintance of
leading men, i. 451.

efficient in organizing the Mary-
land militia, i. 451.

manners, i. 451.

fondness for dogs, i. 452.
to Adams, i. 452.

at Philadelphia, i. 479.

appointed major-general, i. 483.
elected third in command, i.

accepts appointment i. 488.

[blocks in formation]

goyne, ii. 30.

on the bombardment of Boston
ii. 86.

and Mrs. Adams, ii. 131.
to Richard H. Lee, giving his
policy, ii. 143.

sets out for Rhode Island, ii. 144.
test oath, ii. 144.

legislative censures, ii. 145.
to Washington relative to the
defense of New York, ii. 154.
at New Haven, ii. 156.
military notions, ii. 158.
reply to New York Committee
of Safety, ii. 159.

to Washington on recruiting
success, ii. 160.

on the disposition of New York,
ii. 160.

arrives at New York, ii. 179.
to Washington, on a resolve of
Congress, ii. 179.

on the arrival of Sir Henry
Clinton, ii. 180.

characteristic menace, ii. 180.
plans of defense, ii. 181.
measures against Tories, ii. 182.
defiance of Governor Tryon and
Captain Parker, ii. 183.
removal of cannon, ii. 184.
strengthens New York, ii. 184.
ordered to Canada, ii. 185.
to Washington on affairs in
New York, ii. 186.
contempt for titles, ii. 186.
appointed to command the
southern department, ii. 215.
to Washington on his appoint.
ment, ii. 215.

sets out for the south, ii. 216.
opinion of Washington, ii. 216
to Washington from the south,
ii. 217.

to Washington on Clinton's ex-
pedition, ii. 308.

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