Cobbett's Political Register, Količine 69–70

Sprednja platnica
William Cobbett
William Cobbett, 1830

Iz vsebine knjige

Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse

Pogosti izrazi in povedi

Priljubljeni odlomki

Stran 501 - Enter them, and look at the bits of chairs or stools; the wretched boards tacked together, to serve for a table; the floor of pebble, broken brick, or of the bare ground ; look at the thing called a bed ; and survey the rags on the backs of the wretched inhabitants...
Stran 597 - ... even the cottagers, deprived of the commons on which they formerly fed their cattle, were reduced to misery : and a decay of people, as well as a diminution of the former plenty, was remarked in the kingdom...
Stran 177 - I have directed the estimates of the current year to be laid before you. They have been framed with every attention to economy which the circumstances of the country will permit...
Stran 101 - Judicial forms do not easily lend themselves to an effectual repression. This truth has long since struck reflecting minds ; it has lately become still more evident. To satisfy the wants which caused its institution, the repression ought to be prompt and strong; it has been slow, weak, and almost null. When it interferes, the mischief is already done, and the punishment, far from repairing it, only adds the scandal of the discussion.

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