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"The crabbed moralist had some show of reason who said: To judge of an original contemporary man, you must, in general, reverse the world's judgment about him; the world is not only wrong on that matter, but cannot on any such matter be right.

"One comfort is, that the world is ever working itself righter and righter on such matters; that a continual revisal and rectification of the world's first judgment on them is continually going on. For, after all, the world loves its original men, and can in no wise forget them; not till after a long while; sometimes not till after thousands of years." - CARLYLE'S ESSAYS, Mirabeau.

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THE author of this book hopes ultimately to publish "Life of Thomas Carlyle," telling the true story of Carlyle's life in detail, and gather-. ing together in a duly sifted condition everything interesting and authentic that can be discovered regarding him. That work, however, is not likely to be finished for many years.

In the meantime, any one who can in any way assist in elucidating any fact relating to Carlyle, however apparently insignificant, would confer a favour on the author by writing to him. Were it only a clue to the residence of any one who has spoken with Carlyle or done business with him, or of any one who may be willing to show and allow a copy to be made of any authentic letter, no scrap of information, however slight, can fail to be welcome.

The author's thanks for courteous permission to quote are due to Mr. Alexander Carlyle and to Miss Froude, and to many authors and publishers, including Professors Norton, Masson, and Ritchie, Sir C. G. Duffy, Mr. Espinasse, Mr. Symington, Mr. Alexander Gardner, the editors of the Nineteenth Century and Contemporary Review and other magazines, Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., Swan Sonnenschein & Co., A. & C. Black, Hodder & Stoughton, and Macmillan & Co.

The edition of the "Reminiscences" quoted is Professor Norton's.

For much hitherto unpublished matter, the author's

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