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" ... which he lay ; The sanded floor that grits beneath the tread ; The humid wall with paltry pictures spread ; The royal game of goose was there in view And the twelve rules the Royal Martyr drew ; The Seasons, framed with listing, found a place, And... "
The Story of Doctor Johnson: Being an Introduction to Boswell's Life - Stran 95
avtor: Sydney Castle Roberts - 1919 - 157 strani
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The Citizen of the World, Or, Letters from a Chinese Philosopher ..., Količina 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1810 - 290 strani, And brave Prince William show'd his lamp-black face, The morn was cold— he views with (teen desire The rusty grate, unconscious of a fire : With beer and milk arrears the friese was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney board; A night-cap deck'd his brows...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith

Oliver Goldsmith - 1800 - 192 strani
...seasons, fram'd with listing, found a place, And brave prince William shew'd his lamp-black face : The mom was cold, he views with keen desire The rusty : With beer and milk arrears, the frieze was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney board ; A night-cap deck'd his brows instead...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B.: With an Account of His Life ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1803 - 192 strani
...The Seasons, fram'd with listing, found a place, And brave Prince William show'd his lamp-black face: The morn was cold, he views with keen desire The rusty...a fire : With beer and milk arrears the frieze was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney-board; i A nightcap deck'd his brows instead...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Select British Classics, Količina 1

1804 - 286 strani
...The seasons fram'd with listing, found a place, And brave Prince William shew'd his lamp-black face : The morn was cold, he views with keen desire The ; With beer and milk arrears, the frieze was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney board; A night.cap deck'd his brows instead of...
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The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith: With an Account of His Life ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1805 - 264 strani
...seasons, fram'd with listing, found a place, And brave prince William shew'd his lamp-black face : The morn was cold, he views with keen desire The rusty...a fire : With beer and milk arrears the frieze was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimneyboard ; A night-cap deck'd his brows instead of...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Poetical Works

Oliver Goldsmith - 1806 - 248 strani
...fram'd with listing, found a place, And brave Prince William shew'd his lamp-black face; The morfi was cold, he views with keen desire The rusty : With beer and milk arrears, the frieze was scor'd, • And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney-board ; A nightcap deck'd his brows instead...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Količina 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 304 strani
...seasons, fram'd with listing, found a place, And brave prince William show'd his lamp-black face : The morn was cold, he views with keen desire The : With beer and milk arrears, the frieze was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney board ; And night-cap deck'd his brows instead...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B., Količina 3

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 314 strani
...seasons'd with listing found a place, '•' And brave Prince William show'd his lamp-black *' The morn was cold, he views with keen desire " The rusty grate, unconscious of afire : " With beer and milk arrears the frieze was scor'd, " And five crack'd tea.cups dress'd the...
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Essays, Poems and Plays: With a Preface

Oliver Goldsmith - 1810 - 436 strani
...nnconscions of a fire : With beer and milk arrears the frieae was scor'd, And five crack'd tea-cnps dress'd the chimney board; A night-cap deck'd his...instead of bay, A cap by night— a stocking all the day 1 .7 A LETTER., SIR, ISF.ND yon a small prodnction of the late Dr. Goldsmith, which has never been...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Količina 3

Oliver Goldsmith - 1812 - 520 strani
...of a fire ; " With beer and milk arrears the frieze was scor'd, " And five crack'd tea'cups dressed the chimney board, " A night-cap deck'd his brows...of bay, " A cap by night — a stocking all the day ! With this last line he seemed so much elated, that he was unable to proceed. " There gentlemen,"...
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