Bauer (Dr. L. A.), Proposed Magnetic and Allied Observations during the Total Solar Eclipse on August 30, 342 Baxandall (F. E.), Dr. H. M. Reese's Observations of Enhanced" Lines in the Fe, Ti, and Ni Spectra, 134 Bayer (Dr. Fr.), Neue Fische und Reptilien aus der böhmischen Kreideformation, 454
Bayeux (Raoul), Estimation of the Red Corpuscles in Human Blood made at the Summit of Mont Blanc, 288 Beadnell (Fleet-Surgeon), Dynamical and Hydrodynamical Effects of the Modern Small-bore Bullet, 332 Beadnell (H. J. L.), the Relations of the Eocene and Cretaceous Rocks in the Esna-Aswan Reach of the Nile Valley, 263; the Topography and Geology of the Fayûm Province of Egypt, 535
Beavan (A. H.), Animals I Have Known, 125
Becker (George F.), Experiments on Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage, 20
Becquerel (Henri), Properties of the a Rays of Radium, 528
Becquerel (Paul), Action of Liquid Air on the Life of the Seed, 216
Beddard (F. E., F.R.S.), Natural History in Zoological Gardens, being some Account of Vertebrated Animals, with Special Reference to those usually seen in the Zoological Society's Gardens in London and Similar Institutions, 13; the Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the Boine Snakes, 630
Bees: Queen-rearing in England and Notes on a Scentproducing Organ in the Abdomen of the Worker-bee, the Honey-bees of India and Enemies of the Bee in South Africa, F. W. L. Sladen, 126
Behaviour of Lower Organisms, Contributions to the Study of the, Prof. Herbert S. Jennings, 3
Behring (Prof. E. von), the Suppression of Tuberculosis, 122; Method of Treating Tuberculosis, 581 Beilby (G. T.), Action of Actinium or Emanium Emanation on a Sensitive Screen, 90; Opening Address in Section B at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, Gold and Science, 378; Experiments on the Influence of Phase Changes in the Tenacity of Ductile Metals at the Ordinary Temperature and at the Boiling Point of Liquid Air, 642
Beilby (H. W.), Experiments on the Influence of Phase Changes on the Tenacity of Ductile Metals at the Ordinary Temperature and at the Boiling Point of Liquid Air, 642
Belgium and Holland, Education in, F. H. Perry-Coste,
Bell (Alexander), Death of, 347
Bell (G. M.), a Note-book of Experimental Mathematics, 507
Bell (H. Hesketh), Cultivation of Oranges in Dominica, 328
Bellenoux (E. S.), Calcium Nitrate in Agriculture, 47 Belloc (G.), Osmosis through Tubes of Fused Quartz, 72 Belluci (Dr. Italo), Hydrated Platinum Oxide in Reality a Platinic Acid, 109; Metallic Stannates and Plumbates derived from Similar Acids, 109
Ben Nevis Observatory and the Argentine Republic, William S. Bruce, 485
Benedicks (Dr. C.), Troostite, 573
Bengal, Asiatic Society of, 24, 120, 300, 452
Benham (Prof. W. B.), Can Birds Smell? 64; the Pre- servation of Native Plants and Animals, 534 Bennett (G. T.), the Spirit-level as a Seismoscope, 80; the Hydrometer as a Seismometer, 198
Benoit (M.), Observations of Jupiter, 43 Bentley (Richard), an Omitted Safeguard, 269
Benzene, on the Absorption Spectrum of, in the Ultra- violet Region, Dr. E. C. C. Baly and Prof. J. Norman Collie, F.R.S., 239, 630; Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 557 Beraneck (Dr.), Results obtained by Treatment in Tuber- culosis, 583
Berberich (Prof.), the Variable Asteroid 1905 Q.Y., 518; Ephemeris of the Variable Asteroid (167) Urda, 542 Bergendahl (Lieut.), New Island Discovered, Terre de France, 461
Bergonié (J.), New Method of Protection against the Röntgen Rays, 168
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Berkeley (the Earl of), the Bubbling Vapour Pressures, 222
Berner Oberland, der Oeschinensee im, Max Groll, 197 Berry (Mrs. F. M. Dickinson), Physical Deterioration, 332 Berthelot (M.), New Researches on Chemical Combination, 47; Researches on the Permeability of Fused Glass Vessels to Gases at High Temperatures, 88 Bertrand (Gabriel), State of Matter in the Neighbourhood of the Critical Point, 360
Besançon (Dr.), Acid-fast Bacilli, 582
Bettoni (V.), Part Played by the Copper Salt in Deacon's Process of Preparing Chlorine from Hydrogen Chloride,
Betts (A. G.), the "Lead Voltameter," 42
Bevan (P. V.), Physical Properties of Sodium Vapour, 142 Bewegungslehre, die Grundlagen der, von einem moderner Standpunkte aus, Dr. G. Jaumann, 51
Beyer (S. W.), Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, 388 Bezold (Dr. W. von), Death of, 563
Bianco (Prof. O. Zanotti), Dante's " Quaestio de Aqua et Terra" in Light of Modern Geodesy, 350; Helmert's Formula for Gravity, 534
Bibliography of Halley, 567
Bichat (Prof.), Death of, 347
Bidet (Félix). Chemical Equilibrium of the System, Ammonia Gas, Isoamylamine Chlorhydrate, 336
Bigelow (Harriet), Declinations of Certain North Polar Stars, 388
Bigelow (H. B.), Shoal-water Deposits of the Bermuda Banks, 40
Bigourdan (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, 518; Eclipse Results, 610
Bingham (Lieut.-Colonel C. T.), the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, 290
Biochemie der Pflanzen, Prof. Friedrich Czapek, F. Escombe, 169
Biology Contributions to the Study of the Behaviour of Lower Organisms, Prof. Herbert S. Jennings, 3; Biologia Centrali-Americana, Aves, Osbert Salvin, F.R.S., and Frederick Ducane Godman, F.R.S., 49; Species and Varieties, their Origin by Mutation, Hugo de Vries, 314; Experiments on the Correlation of Sex, C. Hurst, 332; Experimental Parthenogenesis in Asterias, Yves Delage, 119; Vorträge über Deszendenztheorie gehalten an der Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau, Prof. August Weismann, 200; Development of the Ascus and on Spore Formation in the Ascomycetes, J. H. Faull, 327; Senility in Gastropods, B. Smith, 385: Rejuvenation, E. Schultz, 385; the Origin of Life, Mr. Burke, 492; Dr. Charlton Bastian, 492; Marine Biology, Influence of the Humboldt Current on the Marine Life West of Callao, Prof. Alexander Agassiz, 17; Hydrographical and Biological Investigations in Norwegian Fjords, O. Nordgaard, 45; the Protist Plankton and the Diatoms in Bottom Samples, E. Jørgensen, 45; Schizopoda Captured in the Bay of Biscay, E. W. L. Holt and W. M. Tattersall, 118; the Coral Siderastraea radians and its Post-larval Development, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 185; Medusa Found in the Firth of Clyde, E. T. Browne, 191; Free-swimming Crustacea Found in the Firth of Clyde, Dr. T. Scott, 191; les Sarcodinés des Grands Lacs, Eugène Penard, 218; les Concrétions Phosphatées de l'Agulhas Bank (Cave of Good Hope), Dr. Leon W. Collet, avec une Description de la Glauconie qu'elles renferment, Gabriel W. Lee, 286-7; Alcyonarians of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, Prof. J. A. Thomson and James Ritchie, 287; Exploration of the Indian Ocean, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S., 341; Four New Barnacles from the Neighbourhood of Java, Dr. N. Annandale, 360; the Millport Marine Station, S. Pace, 456; Morphology of the Madreporaria, the Fossula of the Extinct Rugose Corals, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 515; the Percy Sladen Expedition in H.M.S. Sealark, the Chagos Archipelago, J. Stanley Gardiner,
571 Birds Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the British Museum, 28; Biologia Centrali-Americana, Aves, Osbert Salvin, F.R.S., and Frederick Ducane Godman, F.R.S., 49: British Bird Life, W. Percival Westell, 196; Bird Life Glimpses, E. Selous, 367; Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt Islands, B. Hantzsch, 454; Protective
Coloration of the Inside of the Mouth in Nestling Birds, W. Ruskin Butterfield, 534; Field Book of Wild Birds and their Music, F. Schuyler Mathews, 602; a Rare Game Bird, John S. Sawbridge, 605; Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., F.R.S., 630
Birth-rate, Decline of, 422
Bissell (G. W.), Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, 388 Bjerrum (Neils), Determination of Oxygen in Sea-water, 139
Blaise (E. E.), the Acid y-aldehydes, 264
Blanford (Dr. William Thomas, F.R.S.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 202
Blondlot (Prof. R.), a Collection of Papers communicated to the Academy of Sciences, with Additional Notes and Instructions for the Construction of Phosphorescent Screens, 195
Blyth (B. H.), Rainfall of the Drainage Area of the Talla Reservoir, 143
Boine Snakes, the Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the, Frank E. Beddard, F.R.S., 630 Bond (Charles), mutism, 332
Bond (C. J.), Ascending Currents in Mucous Canals and Gland Ducts, 331
Bone (W. A.), Thermal Decomposition of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde, 141
Bonney (Prof. T. G., F.R.S.), Chalk Masses in the Cliffs near Cromer, 8; Microscopic Structure of Minerals Form- ing Serpentine, 215
Bonola (Dr. Roberto), the Theorems of Padre Gerolamo Saccheri on the Sum of the Angles of a Triangle, 387 Borrelly's Comet (1903 iv), the Motion of the Tail of, Prof. Jaegermann, 135
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Botany a Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus, J. H. Maiden, 6; Eucalypts of the Blue Mountains, N.S.W., J. H. Maiden and R. H. Cambage, 312; Botany of the Balearic Islands, J. W. White, 17; Undergrowth in Woods, P. Fliche, 23; Floral Diagram of the Cruciferæ, M. Gerber, 23; Chlorophyll Assimilation in Young Shoots of Plants, Applications to the Vine, Ed. Griffon, 23; a Gooseberry Mildew Introduced from the United States into Ireland, E. S. Salmon, 40; New South Wales Linnean Society, 47, 192, 312, 528, 552; Conditions of Development of the Mycelium of Morchella, G. Fron, 47; Flower-gardens made by Ants in the Crowns of Trees in Amazonia and Peru, E. Ule, 64; Regeneration in Zamia, Dr. J. M. Coulter and M. A. Chrysler, 65; Vegetationsbilder, 100; Linnean Society, 118, 166; an Indian Garden, Mrs. Henry Cooper Eggar, Dr. Otto Stapf, 125; Interesting Taxonomic Characters of the Gymnospermous Genus Torreya, Dr. J. M. Coulter and W. J. G. Land, 133; Effect of very Low Temperature on Moist Seeds, John Adams, 143; Constituents of the Seeds of Hydnocarpus Wightiana and of Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, F. B. Power and M. Barrowcliff, 165; Constituents of the Seeds of Gynocardia odorata, F. B. Power and M. Barrowcliff, 165: Two Photographs of a Palm, Corypha elata, J. F. Waby, 166; Seed-bearing Habit in the Lyginodendreæ, E. A. N. Arber, 166; Abortive Development of the Pollen in Cross-bred Sweet Peas, R. P. Gregory, 166; Biochemie der Pflanzen, Prof. Friedrich Czapek, F. Escombe, 169; Streifzüge an der Riviera, Eduard Strasburger, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 171; Handbuch der Heidekultur, Dr. P. Graebner, 173; "Barszcz, Bacteriological Study of M. Panek, 182; the Blackwood of Southern India, Two Species, T. E. Bourdillon, 182; Possible Relationship between Bacteria and the Gum of Hakea saligna, Dr. R. Greig Smith, 192; Origin of Natural Immunity towards the Putre- factive Bacteria, Dr. R. Greig Smith, 192; Probable Bacterial Origin of the Gum of Linseed Mucilage, Dr. R. Greig Smith, 192; Amount of Variation obtained in Cultivating a Five-rayed Form of Trifolium pratense, Miss T. Tammes, 205; the Parasitic Nature of the Sandal-tree, C. A. Barber, 205; Action of Liquid Air on the Life of the Seed, Paul Becquerel, 216; Botany of Cook's First Voyage, Illustrations of Australian Plants, Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., and Dr. D. Solander, 221; Calcium Oxalate in the Eucalyptus Barks, Henry G. Smith, 240; Poisonous Plants of all Countries, A. B. Smith, 243; Sugar-parasites, R. C. L. Perkins, 254:
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the Microsporangia of Lyginodendron, R. Kidston, F.R.S., 262; Existence in the Black Elder of a Com- pound furnishing Hydrocyanic Acid, M. Guignard, 263; Hydrocyanic Glucoside in the Leaves of the Elder, Em. Bourquelot and Em. Danjou, 264; Nature of the Hydro- cyanic Glucoside of the Black Elder, L. Guignard and J. Houdas, 336; the Botanical Congress at Vienna, Dr. A. B. Rendle, 272; Death of Charles Moore, 275; Brusca, a Disease of the Olive, Prof. Cuboni, 276; Diseases of Citrous Plants and Fruits caused by the Fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, P. H. Rolfs, 277; the Law of Biogenesis that "Ontogeny Repeats Phylogeny, G. H. Shull, 278; Perception in Plants, Prof. L. Kny, 278; Comparative Study of the Dominant Phanerogamic and Higher Cryptogamic Flora of Aquatic Habit, George West, 286; Supply of Water to Leaves on a Dead Branch, Prof. H. H. Dixon, 288; on the Develop- ment of Green Plants in Light in the Complete Absence of Carbon Dioxide and in an Artificial Soil Containing Amides, Jules Lefevre, 312; the Native Flora of New South Wales, R. H. Cambage, 312; Death of H. Lamb, 325; Death of Prof. L. Errera, 347; Obituary Notice of, Prof. Jean Massart, 537; Experiments with Plants, Dr. W. J. V. Osterhout, 364; Sterigmatocystis nigra and Oxalic Acid, P. G. Charpentier, 392, 480; Pure Culture of Green Plants in a Confined Atmosphere in Presence of Organic Substances, M. Molliard, 424: How to Know Wild Fruits, a Guide to Plants when not in Flower by Means of Fruit and Leaf, Maude Gridley Peterson, 428; Toxic Effect of Heat on Stems, Prof. H. H. Dixon, 435; Cause of Accumulation of Starch in Bruised Apples, G. Warcollier, 452; Trees, H. Marshall Ward, 482; Hydrocyanic Acid obtained from Gooseberry Leaves, L. Guignard, 504; Fungal Diseases on Cauliflowers, Dr. H. von Schrenck and G. G. Hedgcock, 516; Influence of the Eclipse of August 30 on Plants, Ed. Bureau, 528; Death and Obituary Notice of H. T. Tisdall, 538; New Gladiolus from Victoria Falls, 539; Vegetation of Open Bay Islands, New Zealand, Dr. L. Cockayne, 540; Notes on the Drawings for Sowerby's "English Botany," F. N. A. Garry, 556; Thorns merely Xerophytic Structures, Dr. L. Cockayne, 565; Prof. G. Haberlandt's Investigations on the Sense-organs of Plants, G. C. Nuttall, 565; Sensibility of the Chlorophyll Apparatus in Ombrophobe and Ombrophile Plants, W. Lubimenko, 576; Cytology of Apogamy and Apospory, Miss L. Digby, 623; Sam- bunigrin, Em. Bourquelot and Em. Danjou, 624; the Mechanics of the Ascent of Sap in Trees, Prof. J. Larmor, Sec.R.S., at Royal Society, 644: Development of Amylase during the Germination of Seeds, Jean Effront, 648; Das Pflanzenreich, Supp. to October 19, ix; see also British Association Boudouard (O.), High Temperature Measurements, 293; Influence of Water Vapour on the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide by Carbon, 336
Boule (Marcellin), on the Origin of Eoliths, 438, 635; Machine-made Eoliths, 538
Boulenger (G. A., F.R.S., V.P.Z.S.), Opening Address in Section D at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, the Distribution of African Fresh-water Fishes, 413
Boulenger (Dr. G. S.), Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus, Fishes, 103
Boulouch (R.), Sub-iodide of Phosphorus and its Part in Allotropic Transformation of Phosphorus, 336 Boulud (M.), Distribution of Sugary Substances in Blood between the Plasma and the Corpuscles, 311
Bourdillon (T. E.), the Blackwood of Southern India, Two Species, 182
Bourget (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, 18
Bourne (A. A.), a First Algebra, 393
Bourquelot (Em.), Hydrocyanic Glucoside in the Leaves of the Elder, 264; Sambunigrin, 624
Bouty (E.), Passage of Electricity through Gascous Layers of Great Thickness, 360
Bouveault (M.), Action of Sodium on the Esters of the Fatty Acids, 192
Boxall (George E.), the Evolution of the World and of Man, 150
Boyce (Rubert, F.R.S.), Report on the Sanitation and
Anti-malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Freetown, 67
Boyle Lecture at Oxford, the Cerebellum, its Relation to Spatial Orientation and Locomotion, Sir Victor Horsley, F.R.S., 389
Brace (Prof. DeWitt Bristol), Death of, 636 Bradley-Birt (F. B.), the Story of an Indian Upland, 105 Braithwaite (Dr. R.), the British Moss-flora, 425
Branner (Prof. John C.), the Omission of Titles of Adaresses on Scientific Subjects, 534
Braune (Hjalmar), Influence of Nitrogen on Iron and Steel,
Brazza (M. de), Death and Obituary Notice of, 515
Breathing in Living Beings, Dr. William Stirling at Royal Institution of Great Britain, 355
Bremer (Dr. F.), Leitfaden der Physik für die oberen Klassen der Realanstalten, 170
Breton (M.), Transference of Infection in Ankylostomiasis through the Skin, 107
Bridge (Dr.), Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus, Fishes, 103
Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, Prof. W. de Sitter, 207 British Archæology and Philistinism, Worthington G. Smith, 294
British Association: Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, 59; Arrangements for the Forthcoming Meeting of, 222; the South African Meeting of the British Association, 368, 403, 560, 583; Inaugural Address by Prof. G. H. Darwin, M.A., LL.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., President of the Association, part i., 368; part ii., 439; Diamonds, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 593, the Distribution of Power, Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., 612
Section A (Mathematics and Physics)-Opening Address by Prof. A. R. Forsyth, Sc.D., LL.D., Math.D., F.R.S., President of the Section, 372: Mathematical and Physical Science at the British Association, Dr. C. H. Lees, 640; Ancient Japanese Mathematics, Prof. Harzer, 640; Instrument for Stereoscopic Surveying, H. G. Fourcade, 640; Teaching of Elementary Mechanics, Prof. Perry, 640; Kinetic and Statistical Equilibrium of Ether in Ponderable Matter at any Temperature, Lord Kelvin, 641; Geodetic Survey in South Africa, Sir David Gill, 641; Geodetic Survey of Spitsbergen, Dr. O. Backlund, 641; Star Streaming, Prof. Kapteyn, 641; Observations on the Light Fluctuations of Certain Southern Binary Stars, Dr. A. W. Roberts, 641
Section B (Chemistry)—Opening Address by G. T. Beilby, President of the Section, 378; Gold and Science, 379: Recent Developments in Agricultural Science, A. D. Hall, 642; Researches on the Assimilatory Processes of Plants, Dr. Horace T. Brown, 642; the Role of Enzymes in Plant Economy, Dr. E. F. Armstrong, 642; Researches on the Propagation of Explosions in Gases, Prof. H. B. Dixon, 642; the Atomic Weight of Chlorine, Prof. H. B. Dixon, 642; Experiments on the Influence of Phase Changes on the Tenacity of Ductile Metals at the Ordinary Temperature and at the Boiling Point of Liquid Air, G. T. and H. W. Beilby, 642; Determinations of the Viscosities of Liquid Mixtures at the Temperature of their Boiling Points, Dr. A. Midlay, 642; Remarkable Thermal Chalybeate Spring at Caledon, in Cape Colony, Prof. P. D. Hahn, 642; Chemical Survey of the Soils of Cape Colony, 642; the Character of Cape Wines, Dr. H. Tietz, 642; Investigation of the Part played by Oxygen in the Dissolution of Gold by Cranide Solutions, H. F. Julian, 642; Action of Thiocyanates on Gold, H. A. White, 643; the Law Governing the Solubility of Zinc Hydroxide in Alkalis, Dr. J. Moir, 643; Nitrogen in Pretoria Rainfall, H. Ingle, 643 Chemical Constituents of Transvaal Soils, H. Ingle, 643 Fuel Ashes as Manure in the Midland Districts of South Africa, E. H. Croghan, 643 Section C (Geology)-Opening Address by Prof. H. A. Miers, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., President of the Section, 405 Section D (Zoology)-Opening Address by G.
Boulenger, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., President of the Section, the Distribution of African Fresh-water Fishes, 413
Section E (Geography)--Opening Address by RearAdmiral Sir W. J. L. Wharton, K.C.B., F.R.S., President of the Section, 445
Section G (Engineering)—Opening Address by Colonel Sir C. Scott Moncrieff, K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., R.E., LL.D., President of the Section, Irrigation, 465 Section H (Anthropology)—Opening Address by A. C. Haddon, Sc.D., F.R.S., President of the Section, 471 Section I (Physiology)-Opening Address by Colonel D. Bruce, M.B., F.R.S., C.B., President of the Section, the Advance in our Knowledge of the Causation and Methods of Prevention of Stock Diseases in South Africa during the Last Ten Years, 496 Section K (Botany)-Opening Address by Harold Wager, F.R.S., H.M.I., President of the Section, on Some Problems of Cell Structure and Physiology, 519 Section L (Educational Science) Opening Address by Sir Richard C. Jebb, Litt.D., D.C.L., M.P., President of the Section, University Education and National Life, 545 British Association: Physical Deterioration, being the Report of Papers and Discussions at the Cambridge Meeting of the British Association, 1904, on the Alleged Physical Deterioration of the People and the Utility of an Anthropometric Survey, 152
British Bird Life, W. Percival Westell, 196 British Colonies, the Oxford Atlas of the, 293 British Fruit Growing, 297; Alfred O. Walker, 342; Spencer Pickering, F.R.S., 396
British Islands, a Handbook to a Collection of the Minerals of the, in the Museum of Practical Geology, F. W. Rudler, 76
British Islands, the Mythology of the, Charles Squire, 145 British Medical Association, the Meeting of the, 330, 354 British Moss-flora, the, Dr. R. Braithwaite, 425 British Museum, Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the, 28; Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ in the British Museum, Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 174 British Pharmaceutical Conference, Presidential Address at, Standardisation in Pharmacy, W. A. H. Naylor, 334 British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, Forty Years' Researches in, J. R. Mortimer, 398
British School at Athens, the Annual of the, H. R. Hall, 558
British Science Guild, the, 585
British Slugs, the, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 245 "Brooks 1889 and Lexell, the Alleged Identity of Comets, Dr. Charles L. Poor, 19
Broom (Dr. R.), the Age and Affinities of Tritylodon, 285 Brown (George A.), Incandescence of Meteors, 604 Brown (Dr. Horace T.), Researches on the Assimilatory Processes of Plants, 642
Brown (J. C.), Precise Method of Estimating the Organic Nitrogen in Potable Waters, 239
Browne (E. T.), Medusæ found in the Firth of Clyde, 191 Browne (Frank Balfour), Reports on Sea Fisheries, 138 Browne (Sir James Crichton, F.R.S.), the Prevention of Senility, 306
Bruce Telescope Reference Photographs, the, Prof. Pickering, 89
Bruce (Dr. A.), Distribution of the Nerve Cells in the Intermedio-lateral Tract of the Dorso-lumbar Region of the Human Spinal Cord, 191
Bruce (Colonel D., M.B., F.R.S., C.B.), Opening Address in Section I at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, the Advance in our Knowledge of the Causation and Methods of Prevention of Stock Diseases in South Africa during the Last Ten Years, 496 Bruce (William S.), Ben Nevis Observatory and the Argentine Republic, 485
Brühl (Prof. J. W.), Desmotropic Form of Substances of the Ethyl Acetoacetate Type, 141; the Development of Spectrochemistry, Lecture at the Royal Institution, 158 Bryan (Prof. G. H., F.R.S.), Fictitious Problems in Mathematics, 102, 175; Streifzüge an der Riviera, Eduard Strasburger, 171
Bubbling "Method and Vapour Pressures, the, the Earl of Berkeley and E. G. J. Hartley, 222 Buchanan (J. Y., F.R.S.), Eclipse Predictions, 603 Bucherer (Dr. A. H.), Mathematische Einfuhrung in die Elektronentheorie, 170
Buckton (George Bowdler, F.R.S.), Death of, 537; Obituary Notice of, W. F. Kirby, 587 Building, Ferro-concrete, Ed. Noaillon, 213 Burch (Dr. George J., F.R.S.), Studien ueber Haut- elektricität und Hautmagnetismus des Menschen, Dr. Erik Harnack, 602
Burdon (E. R.), Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, 339 Bureau (Ed.), Influence of the Eclipse of August 30 on Plants, 528
Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon, J. R. Mortimer, 398
Burke (John Butler), on the Spontaneous Action of Radio- active Bodies on Gelatin Media, 78; on the Spontaneous Action of Radium on Gelatin Media, 294 Burke (Mr.), the Origin of Life, 492
Burnside (Prof. W.), Conditions of Reducibility of any Group of Linear Substitutions, 190; Criteria for the Finiteness of Order of a Group of Linear Substitutions, 190
Burton (Dr. C. V.), the Hydrometer as a Seismometer, 269; Artificial Diamonds, 397
Burton (W.), Connection between Scientific Training and Industrial Development, 608
Busquet (Raymond), Précis d'Hydraulique-La Houille Blanche, 427.
Buss (A.), Visibility of D, as a Dark Line in the Solar Spectrum, 184
Butler (A. L.), Antelopes, Heughlin's "Giant Eland," 133 Butler (W.), the Swingcam Camera Stand, 89 Butterfield (W. Ruskin), Protective Coloration of the Inside of the Mouth in Nestling Birds, 534 Butterflies the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, Lieut.-Colonel C. T. Bingham, 290 Butterflies, Moths and, Mary C. Dickerson, 76 Byrom (T. H.), the Physics and Chemistry of Mining, 557
Cacao, Manurial Experiments with, in Dominica, West Indies, 639
Cain (J. C.), Action of Water on Diazo-salts, 239; the Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Products from which they are Derived, Supp. to October 19, vii Calculus, Elements of the Differential and Integral, William Anthony Granville, Prof. George M. Minchin, F.R.S., 26; D. F. Campbell, 126
Calcutta Asiatic Society of Bengal, 24, 120, 360, 452 Callendar (Prof. H. L.), a Bolometer for the Absolute Measurement of Radiation, 118
Calmette (M.), Transference of Infection in Ankylo- stomiasis through the Skin, 107
Calmette (Dr.), Specimens from Goats and Kids, 582 Calorimetry, Gas, 186
Cambage (R. H.), Eucalypts of the Blue Mountains, N.S.W., 312; the Native Flora of New South Wales, 312
Cambridge Natural History, the, 103
Cambridge Philosophical Society, 142, 166 Camera in the Fields, the, F. C. Snell, 153
Cameroons, on a New Species of Guenon from the, Dr. Henry O. Forbes, 630
Camichel (C.), Fluorescence, 336
Campbell (D. F.), the Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, 126
Campbell (Prof. E. D.), Copper, Cobalt, and Nickel in American Pig-irons, 573
Campbell (M. R.), the Coal and Lignites of the United States, Preliminary Report, 493-4
Campbell (N. R.), a Null Method of Measuring Small Ionisation, 142
Canada, Glacial Studies in, Dr. William H. Sherzer, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 310
"Canals on Mars in 1903, Double, Mr. Lowell, 89; see Astronomy
Cancer: the so-called "Cancer Bodies (Ruffer's Bodies) of Malignant Tumours, C. Walker, 86; the Immunisa- tion of Mice against Cancer, Dr. Clowes, 86; Re- semblances between "Plimmer's Bodies" of Malignant Growths and Certain Normal Constituents of Repro- ductive Cells of Animals, Prof. J. Bretland Farmer, F.R.S., J. E. S. Moore and C. E. Walker, 164; the
Hewlett, 295; X-Rays, their Employment in Cancer and other Diseases, Richard J. Cowen, 395
Cannon (Miss), a Probable Nova in Ophiuchus, 158 Cape Colony, an Introduction to the Geology of, A. W. Rogers, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 35 Cape Observatory, the, 437
Carbutt (Sir Edward H.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 588
Carmichael (N. R.), Physical Experiments, 126
Carpenter (Dr. H. C. H.), High-speed Tool Steels under Varying Thermal Treatment, 69
Carson (C.), Interaction of Hydrogen Sulphide and Sulphur Dioxide, 71
Cash (Dr. J. Theodore, F.R.S.), Pharmacology of Inda- conitine and Bikhaconitine, 551
Castle (Frank), Machine Construction and Drawing, 533 Caunt (G. W.), Geometrical Conics, 393
Cause and Prevention of Dust from Automobiles, W. R. Cooper, 485, 507; J. Vincent Elsden, 507 Celestial Phenomena, Ancient Drawings of, Dr. W. Lehmann, 19
Cell Structure and Physiology, on some Problems of, Open- ing Address in Section K at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, Harold Wager, F.R.S., H.M.I., 519
Celtic Pony, the, Dr. Francis H. A. Marshall. 558 Celts, the Literature of the, its History and Romance, Magnus Maclean, 145
Ceraski (Prof.), a Proposed New Method for Determining the Solar Radiation, 437
Cerebellum, the, its Relation to Spatial Orientation and Locomotion, Boyle Lecture at Oxford, Sir Victor Horsley, F.R.S., 389
Chablay (E.), Action of Metal Ammoniums on the Halogen Derivatives of Methane, 72; Action of the Ammoniums on Alcohols, 96; Action of the Metal Ammoniums on the Polyatomic Alcohols, 119 Chagos Archipelago, the, the Percy Sladen Expedition in H.M.S. Sealark, J. Stanley Gardiner, 571
Chalk Masses in the Cliffs near Cromer, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 8
![[blocks in formation]](,763,441,172)
Charcot (Dr. J.), Antarctic Expedition, 203
Charpentier (P. G.), Sterigmatocystis nigra and Oxalic Acid, 392, 480
Cheese, Ripening is due to Moulds and Bacteria in Camembert Type of Soft, 229
Chelifers and House-flies, Prof. Sydney J. Hickson, F.R.S., 629
Chemistry Practical Methods of Electrochemistry, F. Mollwo Perkin, 5; the Critical Temperature and Pressure of Living Substances, Dr. F. J. Allen, 7; Determination of Neon and Helium in Atmospheric Air, Sir William Ramsay, K.C.B., F.R.S., 21; Chemical Society, 23, 71, 141, 165, 238; Preparation of Terpenes and Related Sub- stances, W. H. Perkin, jun., and S. S. Pickles and K. Matsubara 23; Estimation of Potassium Permanganate in Presence of Potassium Persulphate, J. A. N. Friend, 23; a Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry for Beginners, Dr. A. F. Holleman, 28; a Text-book of Physiological Chemistry, Charles E. Simon, 29; New Researches on Chemical Combination, M. Berthelot, 47; Preparation of Anhydrous Chlorides of the Metals of the Rare Earths, Camille Matignon, 47; Casium Amide, E. Rengade, 47; New Reagent for Potassium, Eugenio Pinerua Alvarez, 47; Calcium Nitrate in Agriculture, E. S. Bellenoux, 47; a Combination of Methæmoglobin containing Fluorine, H. Ville and E. Derrien, 47: Camphoryl-pseudo-semicarbazide, M. O. Forster and
166; Gases Liberated on Pulverising Monazite, R. J. Moss, 167; Expansion and Density of some Gases at High Temperatures, the Application to the Determination of their Molecular Weights, Adrien Jacquerod and F. Louis Perrot, 168; Protagon and the Cerebrines and the Cerebric Acid Preexisting in the Nervous Tissue, N. A. Barbieri, 168; Constituents of Manchester Soot, Prof. E. Knecht, 167; Chloride and Bromide of Thorium, H. Moissan and M. Martinsen, 167; Biochemie der Pflanzen, Prof. Friedrich Czapek, F. Escombe, 169: Chitin in the Carapace of Pterygotus osiliensis, Dr. Otto Rosenheim, 189; New Method of Preparing Esters, Dr. W. W. Taylor, 191; Mode of Formation of Acetol by the Direct Oxidation of Acetone, M. Pastureau, 192; Action of Sodium on the Esters of the Fatty Acids, M. Bouveault and R. Locquin, 192; Aromatic Substitution Derivatives of Ethylene Oxide, MM. Fourneau and Tiffeneau, 192; Sparteine and its Reaction with Methyl Iodide, Charles Moureu and Amand Valeur, 192; Spar- teine the Stereoisomerism of the Two Iodomethylates, Charles Moureu and Amand Valeur, 216; Action of Ethyl Iodide on Sparteine, Charles Moureu and Amand Valeur, 264; Determination of Sulphuric Acid in Soils, J. Howard Graham, 205; an Intensely Radio-active Sub- stance, Actinium X, T. Godlewski, 206; Isomorphous Mixtures of the Tartrates of Thallium and Potassium, Jean Herbette, 216; Alkyl Thujones and the Combin- ations of Thujone with Aromatic Aldehydes, A. Haller, 216; Influence of Concentration on the Magnetic Proper- ties of Solutions of Cobalt, P. Vaillant, 216; Chemical Properties of the Anhydrous Chloride of Neodymium, Camille Matignon, 216; Death of Prof. P. T. Cleve, 226; Synthesis by Means of the Silent Electric Discharge, J. N. Collie, 238; Combinations of Aluminium Chloride with Carbonyl Chloride, E. Baud, 239; Condensation of Chloral with Aromatic Hydrocarbons under the Influence of Aluminium Chloride, Adolphe Dinesmann, 312; Different States of Oxidation of Aluminium Powder, M. Kohn-Abrest, 360; the Aluminium Steels, Léon Guillet, 204 Steels containing Tin, Titanium, and Cobalt, Léon Guillet, 239; Reduction of Aldoximes, A. Mailhe, 239; Bromination of Paraldehyde, P. Freundler, 239; a Bi- valent Phytosterine Alcohol, T. Klobb, 239; Combustion of Sulphur in the Calorimetric Bomb, H. Giran, 239; Hydrolysis of very Concentrated Solutions of Ferric Sulphate, A. Recoura, 239; Synthesis of Substances Allied to Epinephrine, G. Barger and H. A. D. Jowett, 239; Action of Water on Diazo-salts, J. C. Cain and G. M. Norman, 239; Precise Method of Estimating the Organic Nitrogen in Potable Waters, J. C. Brown, 239; Bromine in Solutions of Potassium Bromide, F. P. Worley, 230; Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide, J. Walker and J. Johnston, 239; Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra, Benzene, Dr. E. C. C. Baly and Prof. J. Norman Collie, F.R.S., 239 Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra, the Phenols, Dr. E. C. C. Baly and E. K. Ewbank, 239; Absorption Spec- trum of Benzene in the Ultra-violet Region, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 557; Dr. E. C. C. Baly and Prof. J. Norman Collie, F.R.S., 630; Calcium Oxalate in the Eucalyptus Barks, Henry G. Smith, 240; Camphoacetic and B-Camphopropionic Acids, A. Haller, 263; Existence in the Black Elder of a Compound Furnishing Hydro- cyanic Acid, M. Guignard, 263; Hydrocyanic Glucoside in the Leaves of the Elder, Em. Bourquelot and Em. Danjou, 264: Nature of the Hydrocyanic Glucoside of the Black Elder, L. Guignard and J. Houdas, 336; Hydrocyanic Acid obtained from Gooseberry Leaves, L. Guignard, 504; Synthesis of the Three Tertiary Dimethyl- cyclohexanols and of the Hydrocarbons Connected with them, Paul Sabatier and A. Mailhe, 263; New Method of Synthesis of the Monoatomic and Polyatomic Alcohols, V. Grignard, 264; Combinations of Ferrocyanides and Sulphuric Acid, Paul Chrétien, 264; the Acid y-Alde- hydes, E. E. Blaise and A. Courtot, 264; Densities of Carbonic Anhydride, Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide, Philippe A. Guye and Alexandre Pintza, 264; Part Played by the Copper Salt in Deacon's Process of Pre- paring Chlorine from Hydrogen Chloride, M. G. Levi and V. Bettoni, 277; Auto-catalytic Decomposition of Silver Oxide under the Influence of Heat, Gilbert N. Lewis, 277; the Society of Chemical Industry, 279;
nitrile, F. R. Japp and J. Knox, 71; Atomic Weight of Nitrogen, R. W. Gray, 71; Philippe A. Guye, 119; the Romance of the Nitrogen Atom, Rev. A. Irving, 151; Dr. E. P. Perman, 176; Action of Fluorine on some Compounds of Nitrogen, MM. Moissan and Lebeau, 206; Reactions between Fluorine and the Compounds of Nitrogen and Oxygen, MM. Moissan and Lebeau, 183; Methylation of Gallotannic Acid, O. Rosenheim, 71; Interaction of Hydrogen Sulphide and Sulphur Dioxide, W. R. Lang and C. Carson, 71; Formula of Cyano- maclurin, A. G. Perkin, 71; Increase of the Rotatory Power of Fatty Molecules in Passing to the State of Cyclic Compounds, A. Haller and M. Desfontaines, 71; New Synthesis of Oxalic Acid, H. Moissan, 71; Action of Potassammonium upon Barium Bromide, A. Joannis, 71: Electrolytic Reduction of the Nitrocinnamic Acids, C. Marie, 71; Action of Carbon Monoxide upon Silver Oxide, Henri Dejust, 71; Decomposition of Silver Oxide at High Temperatures, G. N. Lewis, 350; Strontium Ammonium, M. Ræderer, 71-2; a New Osmium Com- pound, Piñerûa Alvarez, 72; Acetol a Pseudo-acid, André Kling, 72; Action of Metal Ammoniums on the Halogen Derivatives of Methane, E. Chablay, 72; Action of the Metal Ammoniums on Alcohols, E. Chablay, 96; Action of the Metal Ammoniums on the Polyatomic Alcohols, E Chablay, 119; Relation of Ammonium to the Alkali Metals, A. E. H. Tutton, 165-6; on the Menthones and Menthols obtained by the Reduction of Pulegone by the Catalytic Action of Reduced Nickel, A. Haller and C. Martine, 95: Potato Starch, L. Maquenne and Eug. Roux, 95; Basic Magnesium Carbonates from the San- torin Eruption of 1866, A. Lacroix, 95: a Reaction of Rhodium, Piñerùa Alvarez, 96; Hydrated Platinum Oxide in Reality a Platinic Acid, Dr. Italo Bellucci, 109; Metallic Stannates and Plumbates derived from Similar Acids, Dr. Italo Bellucci and N. Parravano, 109; Efficiency of Method of Synthesising Nitric Acid from the Gases of the Atmosphere Increased by Working with Air under a very Great Pressure, E. Rossi, 109; New Method of Preparing Mesoxalic Esters, Ch. Schmitt, 119: Researches on Animal Lactase, Ch. Porcher, 119; Basicity of Pyranic Oxygen, R. Fosse and L. Lesage, 119; Determination of Oxygen in Sea-water, Neils Bjerrum, 139; Action of Oxygen upon Casium-ammonium, E. Rengade, 168: Desmotropic Form of Substances of the Ethyl Acetoacetate Type, J. W. Brühl and H. Schröder, 141; Chlorination of 2-Methylpyridine, W. J. Sell, 141; Chemical Structure and Physical Properties Associated with the Theory of Colour, W. N. Hartley, 141; Thermal Decomposition of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde, W. A. Bone and H. L. Smith, 141: Synthesis of Formaldehyde, D. L. Chapman and A. Holt, jun., 141; Constitution of Nitric Acid and its Hydrates, W. Noel Hartley, 142; Physical Properties of Sodium Vapour, P. V. Bevan, 142 Application to Electrolytes of the Hydrate Theory of Solutions, Dr. T. Martin Lowry, 142; Cyanocampho- acetic, Cyanocampho-a-propionic, Cyanocampho-a-butyric Acids and their Derivatives, A. Haller and A. Couré- ménos, 143; Methylnatalemodine and Natalemodine, E. Léger, 143; Acidity of some Ethyl Alcohols of Commerce, René Duchemin and Jacques Dourlen, 143: Examination of Phosphorus Sulphide for the Presence of Free White Phosphorus, Léo Vignon, 143: Physical Properties of Propane, Paul Lebeau, 143: Methyl-acetyl-carbinol, André Kling, 143; the Development of Spectrochemistry, Prof. J. W. Brühl at the Royal Institution, 158; Atomic Weight of Chlorine, Prof. H. B. Dixon, F.R.S., and E. C. Edgar, 165; Action of Chlorine on Boiling Toluene, J. B. Cohen, H. M. Dawson, and P. F. Crosland, 239: Constituents of the Seeds of Hydnocartus Wightiana and of Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, F. B. Power and M. Barrowcliff, 165; Constituents of the Seeds of Gynocardia odorata, F. B. Power and M. Barrowcliff, 165; New Diamines, G. T. Morgan and W. O. Wootton, 166; Action of Magnesium Methyl Iodide on Pinenenitroso- chloride, W. A. Tilden and J. A. Stokes, 166; Estimation of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Potassium Per- sulphate, J. A. N. Friend, 166; Replacement of Hydroxyl by Bromine, W. H. Perkin, jun., and J. L. Simonsen, 166; Influence of Phosphates on the Fermentation of Glucose by Yeast Juice, A. Harden and W. J. Young,
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