Slike strani

, 1975

19, 1935

Periods, W. C. Baker, 541; Mechanics, a School Course, W. D. Eggar, 601; Elements of Mechanics, Prof. Mansfield Merriman, 601; an Intermediate Course of Mechanics, A. W. Porter, 601; Phenomena of Permanent Deformation in Metals, G. H. Gulliver, co9; the Mechanics of the Ascent of Sap in Trees, Prof. J. Larmor, Sec.R.S., at Royal Society, 644; Mécanisme et Education des Mouvements, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to October 19, v

Medicine: Medical and Surgical Ability of the Japanese, Sir Frederick Treves, 38; New Methods of Treatment, Dr. Laumonier, 122; the Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix Vermiformis and their Complications, W. H. Battle and E. M. Corner, 122; Clinical and Pathological Observations on Acute Abdominal Diseases, E. M. Corner, 122; a Short Treatise on Anti-typhoid Inoculation, Dr. A. E. Wright, 122; the Suppression of Tuberculosis, Prof. E. von Behring, 122; Death of Prof. Hermann Northnagel, 252; Harvey and the Progress of Medical Science, Dr. Frederick T. Roberts, 258; Medical Education, Past, Present, and Future, Cooper Franklin, 330, the Meeting of the British Medical Association, 330, 354: Hospital Isolation, Dr. George Wilson, 331; Medicine, Present and Prospective, Dr. Henry Maudsley, 331; the Treatment of Sleeplessness, Dr. Collier, 331; Lycium or Rusot is Berberis Extract, D. Hooper, 435; Pharmacology of Indaconitine and Bikhaconitine, Dr. J. Theodore Cash, F.R.S., and Prof. Wyndham R. Dunstan, F.R.S., 551; the Opening of the Medical Session in London, 592; Scientific Research in Medicine, Dr. George Nuttall, F.R.S., at London School of Tropical Medicine, 643

Mee (Arthur), a Solar Outburst? 320

Meek (A.), Migrations and Growth of Plaice, 348

Mees (C. E. K.), the Theory of Photographic Processes, part ii., on the Chemical Dynamics of Development, including the Microscopy of the Image, 141 Mellanby (Mr.), Efficiency of the Steam Jacket, 213 Mellor (E. T.), the Glacial (Dwyka) Conglomerate in the Transvaal, 263

Mellor (Dr. J. W.), the Crystallisation of Iron and Steel, an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, 532 Mendelism, an Hereditary Abnormality in the Human Hand and its Relation to, Dr. W. C. Farabee, 254 Menschen, Physiologie des, Dr. Luigi Luciani, Dr. J. A. Milroy, Supp. to October 19, x

Menschen, Studien ueber Hautelektricität und Hautmagnetismus des, Dr. Erik Harnack, Dr. George J. Burch, F.R.S., 602

Menschheit, das Alter der wirtschaftlichen Kultur der, ein
Rückblick und ein Ausblick, Ed. Hahn, 6
Menshútkin (B. N.), Lomonósoff as a Natural Philosopher,


Mental and Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions, Weather Influences, an Empirical Study of the, Dr. E. G. Dexter, 147

Mercury, Proposed Observation of, during the Solar Eclipse,
Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 244
Mercury Lamp, a New Ultra-violet, Dr. O. Schott, 513
Merlo (G.), Geological Structure of the Mining District of
Iglesias, 236

Merrifield (F.), Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité
sur la Variation des Papillons, Arnold Pictet, 632
Merrill (George P.), a Large Block of Serpentine traversed
by Veins of Asbestos from Canada, 433
Merriman (Prof. Mansfield), Elements of Mechanics, 601
Messier 3 and 5, Variable Stars in the Clusters, Prof.
Bailey, 183

Metallography: the Crystallisation of Iron and Steel, an Introduction to the Study of, Dr. J. W. Mellor, A. McWilliam, 532

Metallurgy: the "Lead Voltameter," A. G. Betts and E. F. Kern, 42; Effect Produced by Liquid-air Temperatures on the Properties of Iron and its Alloys, R. A. Hadfield, 68; Recent Developments in the BertrandThiel Process of Steel Manufacture, J. H. Darby and George Hatton, 68; Note on the Failure of an Iron Plate through Fatigue, Sidney A. Houghton, 68; Behaviour of Sulphur in the Blast Furnace, Prof. F. Wüst and F. Wolff, 69; Magnetic and Electric Properties of Sheet Steel and Steel Castings, G. Dillner and

A. F. Enström, 69; Alloys of Iron and Steel Tested at Liquid Air Temperature, R. A. Hadfield, 91; Magnetic Qualities of some Alloys, Prof. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., and R. A. Hadfield, 190; the Liége Mining and Metallurgical Congress, 236; Method of Cutting Metals by a Jet of Oxygen, F. Jottrand, 236; Special Steel, L. Guillet, 237; Electric Furnace for the Direct Production of Steel from Magnetic Sands of Taranaki, New Zealand, D. R. S. Galbraith, 299; Notes on Assaying ard Metallurgical Laboratory Experiments, Prof. Richard W. Lodge, 340; Influence of Nitrogen on Iron and Steel, Hjalmar Braune, 540; the Elastic Properties of Steel at High Temperatures, Prof. B. Hopkinson and F. Rogers, 480; Copper, Cobalt, and Nickel in American Pigirons, Prof. E. D. Campbell, 573; Thermal Transformations of Carbon Steels, Prof. J. O. Arnold and A. McWilliam, 572; Overheated Steel, A. W. Richards and J. E. Stead, F.R.S., 573; Special Steels used for Motorcar Construction in France, L. Guillet, 573; Use of Vanadium in Metallurgy, L. Guillet, 573: Segregation in Steel Ingots, B. Talbot, 573; Reversible and Irreversible Transformations of Nickel Steel, L. Dumas, 573; Investigation of a Series of Steels of Constant Nickel with Varying Carbon Percentages, G. B. Waterhouse, 573; the Presence of Greenish Coloured Markings in the Fractured Surfaces of Test-pieces, Captain H. G. Howorth, 573; Wear of Steel Rails on Bridges, Thomas Andrews, F.R.S., 573: Experiments on the Influence of Phase Changes on the Tenacity of Ductile Metals at the Ordinary Temperature and at the Boiling Point of Liquid Air, G. T. and H. W. Beilby, 642


Metaphysics: Metaphysik in der Psychiatrie, Dr. Kronthal, 29; Principien der Metaphysik, Dr. Branislav Petronievics, 75

Meteorology: Flashes of Lightning which leave a Glow in their Wake, Em. Touchet, 18; Meteorological Results obtained at the Magnetical Observatory at Toronto for the Year 1904, 41; New South Wales Meteorology, 41; Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre, 53; a Relation between Spring and Summer, Alex. B. MacDowall, 56: a Feather-like Form of Frost, H. M. Warner, So; Rainfall of the Nile Basin in 1904, Captain H. G. Lyons, 88; Continuous Observations of the Rate of Dissipation of Electric Charges in the Open Air, Dr. C. Coleridge Farr, 94; Rainfall of the Ben Nevis Observatories, Andrew Watt, 108; Islands for Weather Forecasting Purposes, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 111; W. Ernest Cooke, 343; Weather Report for the Week Ending June 3, 131; Measurement of Evaporation, R. Strachan, 141; Royal Meteorological Society, 141, 216; Rainfall of the Drainage Area of the Talla Reservoir, B. H. Blyth and W. A. Tait, 143; Solar Changes and Weather, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 129, 175; A. B. M., 175: Weather Influences, an Empirical Study of the Mental and Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions, Dr. E. G. Dexter, 147; Work of the U.S. Weather Bureau, Gilbert H. Grosvenor, 157; Aboriginal Methods of Determining the Seasons, William E. Rolston, 176; the Thames Flow and British Pressure and Rainfall Changes, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 178; Frequency of Sunshine at the Summit of the Sonnblick with that at Other Mountain Stations, A. Edler von Obermayr, 183; Relation between Variation of Barometric Pressure and Sea Level on the Coast of Japan, Prof. Omori, 228; Rainfall of Bombay, 229; the Exploration of the Atmosphere above the Atlantic, A. Lawrence Rotch, 244; Report on the Currents at the Entrance of the Bay of Fundy and Southern Nova Scotia for the Year 1904, Bell Dawson, 205; Normal Electrical Phenomena of the Atmosphere, G. C. Simpson, 216; Use of Rockets Against Hail, E. Vidal, 288; Fernley Observatory Report, 253: Pulse-rate and Atmospheric Pressure, T. Okada, 253; the Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896, Scientific Results, 265; an Omitted Safeguard, Richard Bentley, 269; Report of Mauritius Observatory for 1904, 300: Records of Differences of Temperature between McGill College Observatory and the Top of Mount Royal, Montreal, Prof. C. McLeod, 328; the Connection of Meteorology with Other Sciences, Captain D. Wilson Barker, 328; some Aspects of Modern Weather Forecasting, Dr. W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., at

Royal Institution of Great Britain, 354; Weather Report for the Week Ending August 12, 384; Weather for Week Ending August 31, 433: the Storm of July 22 and 24 at Gujarat, 463; October Rainfall, 463; Ben Nevis Observatory and the Argentine Republic, William S. Bruce, 485; Observations of the Electric Conditions of the Atmosphere during the Recent Solar Eclipse, Prof. F. Elster and Prof. H. Geitel and F. Harms, 490; Weather during Last Week, 494; the Gales from the Great Lakes to the Maritime Provinces, Canada, B. C. Webber, 494; International Meteorological Conference at Innsbruck, 510, 562; Snowfall and Avalanches during 1904 on the South-west Flank of Mont Blanc, M. Mougin, 561; Death of Dr. W. von Bezold, 563; the Monte Rosa Observatory, Dr. Alessandri, 565; New South Wales Rainfall for 1901-2, 566; Rainfall in British East Africa, A. Linton, 590

Meteors Winter Fireballs in 1905, Mr. Denning, 66; Determination of Meteor Radiants, Mr. Denning, 158; Perturbation of the Bielid Meteors, Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., 189; July and August Meteors, 255; Observations of Perseids, Robert Dole, 279; Observations of Perseids, August, 640; a Remarkable Meteor, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, 279; Determination of Meteor Radiants, M. Eginitis, 303; Prof. Nijland, 303; Real Paths of Lyrid Meteors, Mr. Denning, 465; Incandescence of Meteors, George A. Brown, 604; A. S. H.,


Metrology: le Système des Poids, Mesures et Monnaies des Israélites d'après la Bible, B. P. Moors, 506 Metschnikoff (M.), the Microbe of Syphilis, 85 Meyer (A. B.), Studies of the Museums and Kindred Institutions of New York City, Albany, Buffalo, and Chicago, with Notes on some European Institutions, 340 Michelson and Morley's (Messrs.) Experiments on Ether, Prof. Fitzgerald and Prof. Lorentz, 566; E. W. Morley and D. C. Miller, 566

Micrometer, an Electric, Dr. P. E. Shaw at Royal Society, 495

Microscopy: Royal Microscopical Society, 23, 142, 262; the Ashe-Finlayson Comparascope, D. Finlayson, 90 ; Microscopic Preparations Illustrating the Development of Calcareous Spicules in Various Invertebrate Animals, Prof. E. A. Minchin and W. Woodland, 92; Microscopic Structure of Minerals forming Serpentine, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., and Miss C. A. Raisin, 215; Elementary Microscopy, F. Shillington Scales, 268

Middleton (Prof. T. H.), the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm, 461

Midlay (Dr. A.), Determinations of the Viscosities of Liquid Mixtures at the Temperature of their Boiling Points, 642

Miers (Prof. H. A., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.), Opening Address in Section C at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, 405

Milk, Bacteriological Standard of Purity of, Dr. Newman, 307

Milk Depôts, Infantile Mortality and Infants', G. F. McCleary, 6

Millais (J. G.), the Black Rat (Mus rattus ater), 229 Miller (D. C.), Messrs. Michelson and Morley's Experiments on Ether, 566

Miller (J. A.), Double Star Observations, 135

Miller (N. H. J.), Effect of Plant Growth and of Manures upon the Soil, 94

Millosevich (Prof.), Recent Observations of Eros, 256
Millport Marine Station, the, S. Pace, 456

Milne (James R.), General Principles of Absorption Spectrophotometry, and a New Instrument, 391

Milroy (Dr. J. A.), Physiologie des Menschen, Dr. Luigi Luciani, Supp. to October 19, x Minchin (Prof. E. A.), Microscopic Preparations illustrating the Development of Calcareous Spicules in Various Invertebrate Animals, 92; Sponge Nomenclature, 95 Minchin (Prof. George M., F.R.S.), Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, 26

Mineralogy: Growth of Crystals in the Contact-zone of Granite and Amphibolite, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 23; Amber in United States, Dr. A. Hollick, 40; the Large Diamond found in the Premier Mine, Transvaal,


Determination des Espèces minérales, L. M. Granderye, 54; Fœtid Calcite found near Chatham, Canada, B. J. Harrington, 158; Gladkäite, L. Duparc and F. Pearce, 192; Chemical Composition of Lengenbachite, Hutchinson, 215; Chemical Composition of Hutchinsonite, G. T. Prior, 215; Identity of the Amiantos of the Ancients with Chrysotile, Dr. J. W. Evans, 215; Mineralogical Society, 215; the Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Felspars, Arthur L. Day and E. T. Allen, 258; Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, S. W. Beyer, G. W. Bissell, I. A. Williams, J. B. Weems, and A. Marston, 388; Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, H. Ries and H. B. Kümmel, 388; Mechanical Properties of Iron in Isolated Crystals, F. Osmond and Ch. Frémont, 392; a New Formation of Diamond, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 527; Troostite, Dr. C. Benedicks, 573

Minerals a Handbook to a Collection of the Minerals of the British Islands in the Museum of Practical Geology, F. W. Rudler, 76; Mineral Production of India, T. H. Holland, F.R.S., 162; Remarkable Finds of Rare Minerals in Texas, W. E. Hidden, 206; Mineral Resources of United States, Report for 1903, Dr. David T. Day, 540; Mineral Statistics of Peru for 1904, 609 Minet (Adolphe), le Four Électrique, son Origine, ses Transformations et ses Applications, 267


Mining the Mount Morgan Gold Mine, Queensland, E. J.
Dunn, 41; a Manual of Mining, M. C. Ihlseng and E. B.
Wilson, 53; the Investigation of Mine Air, Sir C. Le
Neve Foster, F.R.S., and Dr. J. S. Haldane, F.R.S.,
124; Gold Ore at Bendigo, Victoria, at 4262 Feet, 131;
World's Copper Production in 1904, 131; Discovery of
Tin Ore in the Transvaal, 131; Mines and Quarries
Statistics for 1904, 228; Preliminary Report of the
Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science
and Royal School of Mines, 232; the Liége Mining and
Metallurgical Congress, 236; Discovery of Coal at
Abancourt (Meurthe-et-Moselle), René Nicklès, 264:
Report on Mines and Quarries for 1903, 300; Digest of
the Evidence given Before the Royal Commission on
Coal Supplies (1901–1905), 395; Mining in New South
Wales, Dredging for Tin Ore, 433; the Scorification
Assay for Gold Telluride Ores, W. F. Hillebrand and
E. T. Allen, 493; Cripple Creek Gold Deposits in
Colorado, W. Lindgren and F. L. Ransome, 493; the
Ceals and Lignites of the United States, Preliminary
Report, E. W. Parker, J. A. Holmes, and M. R. Camp-
bell, 493-4; Institution of Mining Engineers, 518; Earth
in Collieries, Electricity in Mines, Sydney F. Walker,
519; the Physics and Chemistry of Mining, T. H.
Byrom, 557: Mineral Statistics of Peru for 1904, 609 :
Statistics of the Persons Employed in Mines and
Quarries, and Accidents that Occurred in 1904, 609
Miocene of Maryland, Relation of the, to that of other
Regions and to the Recent Fauna, W. H. Dall, 162
Mitchell (W. M.), Sun-spot Spectra, 330

Modern Electric Practice, Maurice Solomon, 99
Modern Electricity, J. Henry and K. J. Hora, Maurice
Solomon, 99

Moffat (C. B.), Duration of Flight among Bats, 132
Moir (Dr. J.), the Law Governing the Solubility of Zine
Hydroxide in Alkalis, 643

Moissan (H.), New Synthesis of Oxalic Acid, 71; Chloride and Bromide of Thorium, 167; Reactions between Fluorine and the Compounds of Nitrogen and Oxygen, 183: Action of Fluorine on some Compounds of Nitrogen,


Molecular Data, the Constant of Radiation as calculated from, the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., 243

Molesworth (Major), a Suspected Sudden Change on Jupiter, 207; the Planet Mars, 388

Molliard (M.), Pure Culture of Green Plants in a Confined Atmosphere in Presence of Organic Substances, 424 Mollusca: the British Slugs, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 245 Monck (W. H. S.), Periodicity of Aerolite Falls, 230 Moncrieff (Colonel Sir C. Scott, K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., R.E., LL.D.). Opening Address in Section G at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa,

December 14, 1905

Monpillard (F.), Method for Establishing Coloured Screens
to Isolate Groups of Radiations, 264
Moon's Surface, the Reality of Supposed Changes on the,
M. Puiseux, 230

Moore (Charles), Death of, 275

Moore (J. E. S.), Cellular Constituents Peculiar to Can-
cerous and Reproductive Tissues, 92; Resemblances
between Plimmer's Bodies" of Malignant Growths and
Certain Normal Constituents of Reproductive Cells of
Animals, 164

Moors (B. P.), le Système des Poids, Mesures et Monnaies
des Israélites d'après la Bible, 506


Morbology: Death of Dr. J. E. Dutton, 15; Obituary
Notice of, 37; the Causative Organism of Mediterranean
Fever, Major Horrocks, 17; the Microbe of Syphilis,
MM. Metschnikoff and Roux, 85; Plague in India, Dr.
Charles Creighton, 86; a Treatise on Plague, Dr. W. J.
Simpson, Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S., 529; the so-called
Cancer Bodies (Ruffer's Bodies) of Malignant
Tumours, C. Walker, 86; the Present Position of the
Cancer Problem, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 295: Resem-
blances between Plimmer's Bodies " of Malignant
Growths and Certain Normal Constituents of Repro-
ductive Cells of Animals, Prof. J. Bretland Farmer,
F.R.S., J. E. S. Moore, and C. E. Walker, 164; the
Parasite of Kala Azar, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel W. B.
Leishman, 92; Transference of Infection in Ankylo-
stomiasis through the Skin, MM. Calmette and Breton,
197 Virulence of Micro-organisms and their Immu-
nising Powers, Dr. Strong, 108; Tuberculosis among
the Coloured People of New York, 228; Human and
Bovine Tuberculosis, Bovine Infection in Children, Dr.
Nathan Raw, 354: the International Congress on
Tuberculosis, 581; Anti-malaria Measures in Malay
States, 252; Human Tick Fever, Dr. Todd and Everett
Dutton, 332; Sex-correlation and Disease, Deaf-mutism,
Charles Bond, 332; Ticks Concerned in the Dissemin-
ation of Disease in Man, Tick Fever in Congo Free
State, R. Newstead, 354: Guinea Worm and its Hosts,
Dr. Graham, 354: Outbreak of Yellow Fever at New
Orleans, 421; Goats Capable of Transmitting Mediter-
ranean and Malta Fever, Major Horrocks and Dr.
Zammit, 462; Cholera in Germany, 514; Cholera in
Berlin, 563: Parasites of Indian Field Rat, Lieut.
Christophers, 515

Morgan (G. T.), New Diamines, 166

Morgan (R. B.), Introductory Mathematics, 101
Morley (E. W.), Messrs. Michelson and Morley's Experi-
ments on Ether, 566

Morley's (Messrs. Michelson and) Experiments on Ether,
Prof. Fitzgerald and Prof. Lorentz, 566; E. W. Morley
and D. C. Miller, 566

Morphology: Morphology of the Ungulate Placenta, R.
Assheton, 391; the Developmental History of Ornitho-
rhynchus, Prof. J. T. Wilson, 401; the Origin and
Nature of the Mammalian Lower Jaw, Prof. Gaupp,
401 Einleitung in der experimentelle Morphologie der
Tiere, Dr. Hans Przibram, 426; Papillary Ridges and
Grooves on the Sole of the Foot in the Primates, Dr.
O. Schlaginhaufen, 564

Mortality, Infantile, and Infants' Milk Depôts, G. F.
McCleary, 6

Mortimer (J. R.), Forty Years' Researches in British and
Saxon Mounds of East Yorkshire, 398

Morton (Prof. W. B.), the Effect of Radium on the
Strength of Threads, 365

Mosquitoes: a Monograph of the Anopheles Mosquitoes
of India, S. P. James and Dr. W. G. Liston, Dr.
J. W. W. Stephens, 73; the Possibility of Reducing
Mosquitoes, Major Ronald Ross, F.R.S., 151; Anti-
Malaria Measures in Malay States, 252; Memorias do
Museu Goeldi (Museu Paraense) de Historia Naturale
Ethnographia, iv., Os Mosquitos no Pará, Prof. Dr.
Emilio Augusto Goeldi, 607

Moss (R. J.), Gases Liberated on Pulverising Monazite,

Moss-flora, the British, Dr. R. Braithwaite, 425

Mosso (Prof. Angelo), Mountain Sickness, Respiration at
High Altitudes, 65; Physiological Effects of Rarefaction
on the Respiration of the Orang-utan, 436
Moths and Butterflies, Mary C. Dickerson, 76

Mougin (M.), Snowfall and Avalanches during 1904 on
the South-west Flank of Mont Blanc, 561
Mount Wilson Observatory, Prof. Hale, 19
Mountain Sickness: Respiration at High Altitudes, Prof.
Angelo Mosso, 65

Mountaineering: Estimation of the Red Corpuscles in
Human Blood made at the Summit of Mont Blanc, Raoul
Bayeux, 288; Intra-organic Combustions measured by
the Respiratory Exchanges as affected by Residence at
an Altitude of 4350 Metres, G. Kuss, 336

Moureu (Charles), Sparteine and its Reaction with
Methyl Iodide, 192; Sparteine, the Stereoisomerism of
the Two Iodomethylates, 216; Action of Ethyl Iodide on
Sparteine, 264

Mouton (H.), Magnetic Double Refraction, New Active
Liquids, 392

Moye (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse,

Muller (P. Th.), Method for Determining the Specific Heats
of Solutions, 216

Muller (Prof. Victor René), Death of, 62

Murray (Donald), Setting Type by Telegraph, 568
Murray (J.), Tardigrada of the Scottish Lochs, 191
Murray (Sir John, K.C.B.), Bathymetry, Deposits and
Temperature of the South-western Pacific, 391
Murray's Handbook of Travel-talk, 269
Museums: a Handbook to a Collection of the Minerals of
the British Islands in the Museum of Practical Geology,
F. W. Rudler, 76; Catalogue of the Lepidoptera
Phalænæ in the British Museum, Sir George F. Hamp-
son, Bart., 174; Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the
British Museum, 28; Studies of the Museums and
Kindred Institutions of New York City, Albany,
Buffalo, and Chicago, with Notes on some European
Institutions, A. B. Meyer, 340

Music, Field Book of Wild Birds and their, F. Schuyler
Mathews, 602

Musil (Prof. A.), Bau der Dampfturbinen, 219
Mutation, Species and Varieties, their Origin by, Hugo
de Vries, 314

Mycology: Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der
Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, E. R.
Burdon, 339; the British Moss-flora, Dr. R. Braith-
waite, 425

Mythology of the British Islands, the, Charles Squire, 145

"N" Rays, the, a Collection of Papers Communicated
to the Academy of Sciences, with Additional Notes and
Instructions for the Construction of Phosphorescent
Screens, Prof. R. Blondlot, Prof. John G. McKendrick,
F.R.S., 195

Nagaoka (Mr.), Phosphatic Fertilisers on Limed and on
Unlimed Land, 138

Nakano (Mr.), Variations of Latitude, 437

Natal, Colony of, Report of the Technical Education Com-
mission, 460

Natal Government Observatory, the, 592
National League for Physical Improvement, 235
Natural History: Rival Parents, Kennedy J. P. Orton,
8; Natural History in Zoological Gardens, being some
Account of Vertebrated Animals, with Special Reference
to Those Usually Seen in the Zoological Society's
Gardens in London and Similar Institutions, F. E.
Beddard, 13: Death and Obituary Notice of Colonel N.
Pike, 38; New South Wales Linnean Society, 47, 192,
312, 528, 552; the Cambridge Natural History, 103;
Linnean Society, 118, 166; Death and Obituary Notice
of Mrs. Emma Hubbard, 131; the Camera in the Fields,
F. C. Snell, 153; the Bahama Islands, 154; Develop-
ment of the Ascus, and on Spore Formation in the
Ascomycetes, J. H. Faull, 327; the American Thorough-
bred, C. E. Trevathan, 395; Nature-study Lessons for
Primary Grades, L. B. McMurry, 483; the So-called
Gold-coated Teeth in Sheep, Prof. A. Liversidge, 504;
the Færöes and Iceland, Studies in Island Life, N.
Annandale, 506; the Preservation of Native Plants and
Animals, Prof. W. B. Benham, 534; Death of Dr. A. H.
Japp. 563; the Essex Field Club, 606

Natural Selection: the Causation of Variations, Dr. G.
Archdall Reid, 318

Nature and Man, Romanes Lecture at Oxford, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., 184

Nature and Man, Prof. John Perry, F.R.S., 199 Naturalistische und Religiöse Weltansicht, Rudolf Otto, 77 Naturwissenschaft, Prinzipienfragen in der, Max Verworn, Supp. to October 19, viii

Naumann Festival at Cöthen, the, Prof. Alfred Newton, F.R.S., 36

Naval Architecture: Institution of Naval Architects, 303; Experiments with Models of Constant Length and Form of Cross Section, but with Varying Breadths and Draughts, Lieut.-Colonel B. Rota, 303: Experiments upon the Effect of Water on Speed, Harold Yarrow, 303; Influence of the Depth of Water on Speed, W. W. Marriner, 303; Causes of Accidents to Submarine Boats, Captain R. H. Bacon, 306; Institution of Naval Architects, a Century's Progress in Warship Design, Sir Philip Watts, 320

Naval Strategy and Tactics, the Mathematics of, Captain
Leon Vidal, Sir W. H. White, K.C.B., F.R.S., 361
Navigation: Submarine Navigation, Sir William H.
White, K.C.B., F.R.S., at Royal Institution,
Causes of Accidents to Submarine Boats, Captain R. H.
Bacon, 306


Navlor (W. A. H.), Standardisation in Pharmacy, Presidential Address at British Pharmaceutical Conference, 334

Nebulæ, Faintness of Planetary, J. E. Gore, 43
Nebulæ, Newly Discovered, Prof. Max Wolf, 89
Nernst (Prof. Walther), Theoretical Chemistry, 555
Nesfield (Lieut.), Method for the Sterilisation of Drinking
Water during a Campaign, 307

Nettell (R.), an Introduction to Elementary Statics (Treated
Graphically), 126

New Jersey, Clays and Clay Industries of, H. Ries and H. B. Kümmel, 388

New South Wales Linnean Society, 47, 192, 312, 528, 552 New South Wales Royal Society, 240, 504, 576, 648 Newman (Dr.), Bacteriological Standard of Purity of Milk, 307

Newstead (R.), Ticks Concerned in the Dissemination of Disease in Man, Tick Fever in Congo Free State, 354 Newton (Prof. Alfred, F.R.S.), the Naumann Festival at Cöthen, 36

Newton (E. T., F.R.S.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 15

Nicholson (E. W. B.), Keltic Researches, 145

Nicklès (René), Discovery of Coal at Abaucourt (Meurtheet-Moselle), 264

Nijland (Prof. A. A.), Comet 1904 I, 43: Magnitudes of Nova Persei and Nova Geminorum, 110; Determination of Meteor Radiants, 303; Observations of Jupiter's Satellites, 567

Nitrogen Atom, the Romance of the, Rev. A. Irving, 151; Dr. E. P. Perman, 176

Noaillon (Ed.), Ferro-concrete, 213

Noble (Sir Andrew, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S.), Researches on Explosives, 358

Noble (H. R.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 491 Nordgaard (O.), Hydrographical and Biological Investigations in Norwegian Fjords, 45

Nordmann (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar
Eclipse, 518

Norman (G. M.), Action of Water on Diazo-salts, 239
Northnagel (Prof. Hermann), Death of, 252

Norwegian Fjords, Hydrographical and Biological Investigations in, O. Nordgaard, 45

Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896, Scientific Results, the, 265

Nova, Discovery of a, Mrs. Fleming, 465; Prof. Pickering, 465

Nova Aquila No. 2, Prof. Max Wolf, 494, 611; Dr. P. Guthnick, 494, 611; Prof. Hartwig, 518; Mrs. Fleming, 542; Prof. Pickering, 640

Nova Geminorum, Magnitudes of Nova Persei and, Prof. A. A. Nijland, 110

Nova Persei and Nova Geminorum, Magnitudes of, Prof. A. A. Nijland, 110

Number of Strokes of the Brush in a Picture, 198


Nuttall (G. C.), Prof. G. Haberlandt's Investigations on the Sense-organs of Plants, 505

Nuttall (Dr. George, F.R.S.), Scientific Research in Medicine, Address at London School of Tropical Medicine, 643

Nuttall (Mrs. Zelia), a Penitential Rite of the Ancient Mexicans, Drawing Blood, 88

Nutting (P. G.), Study of the Spectra of Alloys of Different Metals, 591

Oak, the Cowthorpe, 43, 182; John Clayton, 43
Obermaier (Dr. Hugo), on the Origin of Eoliths, 636
Obermayr (A. Edler von), Frequency of Sunshine at the
Summit of the Sonnblick with that at Other Mountain
Stations, 183

Oblique and Isometric Projection, John Watson, 629 Observatories: Mount Wilson Observatory, Prof. Hale, 19; Oxford University Observatory, Prof. Turner, 110; the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 135; West Hendon House Observatory, 184; New Observatory in Algiers, Lucien Libert, 207; Harvard College Observatory Annual Report, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 256; Prof. Wendell, 256; Mrs. Fleming, 256; Prof. Frost, 256; the Royal University Observatory of Vienna, 388; the Cape Observatory, 437; Ben Nevis Observatory and the Argentine Republic, William S. Bruce, 485: Observatory of Paris, M. Loewy, 495; the Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 508; the Natal Government Observatory, 592; Visibility of Faint Stars at the Lowell Observatory, Mr. Lampland, 592; Mr. Lowell, 592

Occlo [475], an Interesting Asteroid, R. H. Frost, 330 Oceanography: Exploration of the Indian Ocean, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S., 341; the Percy Sladen Expedition in H.M.S. Sealark, the Chagos Archipelago, J. Stanley Gardiner, 571

of the

Ocllo (475), the Minor Planet, R. H. Frost, 388
Oeschinensee im Berner Oberland, der, Max Groll, 197
Okada (T.), Pulse-rate and Atmospheric Pressure, 253
Oldham (C.), Habits of British Bats, 132
Oldham (R. D.), the Rate of Transmission
Guatemala Earthquake of April 19, 1902, 285
Olive, Brusca a Disease of the, Prof. Cuboni, 275
Omission of Titles of Addresses on Scientific Subjects, the,
Prof. John C. Branner, 534: A. P. Trotter, 581
Omori (Prof.), Relation between Variation of Barometric
Pressure and Sea Level on the Coast of Japan, 228
Y Ophiuchi, Periods of the Variable Stars S Sagittæ and,
M. Luizet, 330

Ophiuchus, a Probable Nova in, Mr. Fleming, 158; Miss
Cannon, 158; Prof. Pickering, 158

Ophthalmology: the Treatment of Diseases of the Eye, Dr. Victor Hanke, 292

Oppert (Prof. Jules), Death of, 421; Obituary Notice of, 432

Optics Light Emitted by Crystals of Arsenious Anhydride, D. Gernez, 23; Variations of Lustre given by a Crookes's Tube, S. Turchini, 23; Triboluminescence of Arsenious Acid, M. Guinchant, 47; Triboluminescence of Potassium Sulphate, D. Gernez, 71; Action of Light and of Radium upon Glass, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 90; Optical Congress and Exhibition, Inaugural Address, Dr. R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S., 112; the Optical Convention, 137; New Method of Producing Coloured Plate Glass, H. Stansfield, 167; the Spinthariscope and Retinal Excitability, Prof. Francis Gotch, F.R.S., 174: Entoptoscope, a New Form of Ophthalmoscope, Prof. W. F. Barrett, F.R.S., 208: Ettles-Curties Ophthalmometer and Ophthalmic Microscope, C. Baker, 208; Luminosity and Colour, Dr. F. W. Edridge-Green, 222; Magneto-optics of Sodium Vapour and the Rotatory Dispersion Formula, Prof. R. W. Wood, 286; the Fluorescence of Sodium Vapour, Prof. R. W. Wood, 286; Action of Radium Bromide on the Electromotive Phenomena of the Eveball of the Frog, Prof. McKendrick and Dr. W. Colquhoun, 287 Diagnosis of the Eye by Means of Pinhole-vision, Prof. W. F. Barrett, F.R.S., 288; Luminescence Emitted by Certain Crystals under the Action of Radium and Röntgen Rays, A. Pochettino, 300; Fluorescence,


Prof. W. Spring, 350; Influence of Light in Causing a Migration of Pigment in the Retina of Cephalopods, Prol. Hess, 354: Colours in Metal Glasses, in Metallic Films, and in Metallic Solutions, J. C. Maxwell Garnett, 350; General Principles of Absorption Spectrophotometry, and a New Instrument, James R. Milne, 391; the Synthetic Factor in Tactual Space Perception, T. H. Haines, 404; Method for Study of a Luminous Phenomenon Varving in Intensity with the Time, A. Turpain, 48c Refractive Index of Gaseous Fluorine, C. Cuthbertson and E. B. R. Prideaux, 480; an Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena, Joseph W. Lovibond, 603 Orbit of Comet 19054, Miss Lamson, 66; Elliptical Elements for the, Prof. Banachiewicz, 207; A. Wede

mayer, 207

Orbit of Corona Borealis, the, Mr. Doberck, 424
Orbit of Tauri, the, Profs. Frost and Adams, 592
Organic Chemistry, a Systematic Course of Practical,
Lionel Guy Radcliffe and Frank Sturdy Sinnatt, 579
Organisms, Contributions to the Study of the Behaviour
of Lower, Prof. Herbert S. Jennings, 3

Origin of Eoliths, on the, Marcellin Boule, 438, 635; Dr.
Hugo Obermaier, 636

Orion Nebula, Monochromatic Photographs of the, Prof. Hartmann, 230

Orion Type, Stars with Spectra of the, Prof. Pickering,
Ornithology: Rival Parents, Kennedy J. P. Orton, 8;
Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the British Museum,
28; the Naumann Festival at Cöthen, Prof. Alfred
Newton, F.R.S., 36; Young Diamond-birds and a
Nestling Bronze-cuckoo, 40; Biologia Centrali-Americana,
Aves, Osbert Salvin, F.R.S., and Frederick Ducane
Godman. F.R.S., 49; Death and Obituary Notice of
Lieut.-Colonel L. H. L. Irby, 62; Can Birds Smell?
Prof. W. B. Benham, 64; the Habits of Rooks, 64;
Osteology of the Eurylamide, W. P. Pycraft, 95; Early
History of a Young Cuckoo, J. H. Gurney, 132; the
Fourth International Ornithological Congress, 177;
British Bird Life, W. Percival Westell, 196; the Geese
of Europe and Asia, Sergius Alpheraky, 266; Migration
of Birds, Otto Herman, 326; Bird Life Glimpses, E.
Selous, 367; Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt Islands,
B. Hantzsch, 454; Protective Coloration of the Inside
of the Mouth in Nestling Birds, W. Ruskin Butterfield,
534: the Habit of Depositing Eggs in the Nests of Other
Birds, 589; Field Book of Wild Birds and Their Music,
F. Schuyler Mathews, 602; a Rare Game Bird, John S.
Sawbridge, 605; Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., F.R.S.,
630; Greenland and Iceland Falcons in Ireland, E.
Williams, 608; Birds in the Field and Garden, 638
Ortbestimmung, Handbuch der geographischen, für Geo-
graphen und Forschungsreisende, Dr. Adolf Marcuse,

Orton (Kennedy J. P.), Rival Parents, 8
Osborn (Prof. Henry Fairfield), History. of
Rhinoceros Skull, 127

a • White

Osmond (F.), Mechanical Properties of Iron in Isolated Crystals, 302

Osterhout (Dr. W. J. V.), Experiments with Plants, 364 Ostwald (W.), Conversations on Chemistry, 364

Otsuki (Prof.), View that Hydrogen Peroxide gives Rise to a Special Radiation Capable of Affecting a Photographic Plate, 100

Otto (Dr.), die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Seen, 316 Otto (Rudolf), Naturalistische und Religiöse Weltansicht,


Ovulation, Researches on, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S., 176
Owen (D.), the Comparison of Electric Fields by Means
of an Oscillating Electric Needle, 286
Oxford: Oxford University Observatory, Prof. Turner,
110; Nature and Man, Romanes Lecture at Oxford,
Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., 184; the Needs of our
Oldest University, 231; the Oxford Atlas of the British
Colonies, 293: the Cerebellum, its Relation to Spatial
Orientation and Locomotion, Boyle Lecture at Oxford,
Sir Victor Horsley F.R.S., 389

Pace (S.), the Millport Marine Station, 456
Pacific, Bathymetry, Deposits and Temperature of the
South-western, Sir John Murray, K.C.B., F.R.S., 391

Palæobotany: the Investigation of Fossil Seeds, 108; Plant Remains, A. C. Seward, 539 Palæontology: Death and Obituary Notice of E. T. Newton, F.R.S., 15; the New Diplodocus Skeleton, 82; the Internal Structure of Sigillaria elegans, R. Kidston, 143; Relation of the Miocene of Maryland to that of Other Regions, and to the Recent Fauna, W. H. Dall, 162; on the Dimorphism of the English Species of Nummulites, and the Size of the Megalosphere in Relation to that of the Microspheric and Megalospheric Tests in this Genus, J. J. Lister, F.R.S., 188; the Age and Affinities of Tritylodon, Dr. R. Broom, 285; Restoration of Huge Miocene American Perissodactyle of Genus Megacerops, Prof. R. S. Lull, 348; Catalogus Mammalium, tam Viventium fossilium, E. L. Trouessart, 427; on the Origin of Eoliths, Marcellin Boule, 438, 635; Dr. Hugo Obermaier, 636; Neue Fische und Reptilien aus der böhmischen Kreideformation, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch and Dr. Fr. Bayer, 454; Dinochoerus hollandi from the Loup-Fork Beds of Nebraska, O. A. Peterson, 492; Value of Fossil Mollusca in Coal-measure Stratigraphy, John T. Stobbs, 519; the Topography and Geology of the Fayum Province of Egypt, H. J. L. Beadnell, 535; Vertebrate Remains, Dr. A. S. Woodward, 539

Palæozoische Arachniden, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch, R. I. Pocock, 577

Palisa (Dr.), Variation of a Newly Discovered Asteroid, 494; the Variable Asteroid 1905 Q.Y., 518 Palmer (A. de Forest), a New Thermojunction, 610 Palmer (Dr.), Twelve Stars with Variable Radial Velocities, 89

Panama Canal, Problems of the, Brig.-General Henry L. Abbot, 394

Panek (M.), Bacteriological Study of " Barszcz," 182 Papillons, Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité sur la Variation des, Arnold Pictet, F. Merrifield, 632 Pará, Memorias do Museu Goeldi (Museu Paraense) de Histoire Natural e Ethnographia, iv., Os Mosquitos no, Prof. Dr. Emilio Augusto Goeldi, 607

Parasite of the House-fly, a, M. D. Hill, 397; Prof. Sydney J. Hickson, F.R.S., 429; R. I. Pocock, 604 Parents, Rival, Kennedy J. P. Orton, 8

Paris Academy of Sciences, 23, 47, 71, 95, 119, 143, 167, 191, 216, 239, 263, 288, 311, 336, 359, 392, 424, 452. 480. 504, 528, 552, 576, 600, 624, 648; on the Origin of Eoliths, Marcellin Boule at the, 438

Paris, the Observatory of, M. Loewy, 495
Parker (E. W.), the Coal and Lignites of the United
States, Preliminary Report, 493-4

Parravano (N.), Metallic Stannates and Plumbates derived from Similar Acids, 109

Pass (A. C.), Death of, 607

Pastureau (M.), Mode of Formation of Acetol by the Direct Oxidation of Acetone, 192

Patent Law and the New Practice, the Inventor's Guide to, James Roberts, 53

Pathology: Clinical and Pathological Observations on Acute Abdominal Diseases, E. M. Corner, 122

Pavement, the Modern Asphalt, Clifford Richardson, 316 Peake (A. H.), Determination of the Specific Heat of Superheated Steam by Throttling, &c., 116

Pearce (Dr. Francis), Eruptive Rocks of the Chain of Tilai-Kanjakowsky-Cérébriansky, Perm, 18

Pearce (F.), Gladkaite, 192

Pearson (Prof. Karl, F.R.S.), the Problem of the Random Walk, 294, 342

Peary's (Commander) Expedition to North Pole, 274 Peckham (Elizabeth G.), Wasps, Social and Solitary, 395 Peckham (George W.), Wasps, Social and Solitary, 395 Peddie (Dr. W.), Magnetic Quality of a Boschovichian Assemblage of Molecular Magnets, 167

Pelée, the Tower of, New Studies of the Great Volcano
of Martinique, Prof. Angelo Heilprin, 101
Penard (Eugène), les Sarcodinés des Grands Lacs, 218
Pendred (V.), Efficiency of the Steam Jacket, 213
Pennsylvania, University of, Transactions of the Depart-
ment of Archæology, Free Museum of Science and Art,
H. R. Hall, 98

Periodicity of Aerolite Falls, W. H. S. Monck, 230
Perkin (A. G.), Formula of Cyanomaclurin, 71

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