Slike strani

December 14, 1905.

The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Felspars, part i., Thermal Study, Arthur L. Day and E. T. Allen, 258

Decorative Art of the Sioux Indians, Clark Wissler, 260
Decorative Art of the Huichol Indians, Carl Lumholtz, 260
The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896, Scien-
tific Results, 265

The Geese of Europe and Asia, Sergius Alpheraky, 266
Le Four Electrique, son Origine, ses Transformations et
ses Applications, Adolphe Minet, R. S. Hutton, 267
Elementary Microscopy, F. Shillington Scales, 268
The Practical Photographer's Annual, 1905, 268
Murray's Handbook of Travel-talk, 269

Greology-Processes and their Results, Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury, 289

The Mechanical Handling of Material, G. F. Zimmer, 290 The rauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma,

[blocks in formation]

Die Stellung Gassendis zu Deskartes, Dr. Hermann Schneider, 292

A Text-book of Physics, Heat, Prof. J. H. Poynting, F.R.S., and Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S., 293

The Oxford Atlas of the British Colonies, 293

High Temperature Measurements, H. Le Chatelier and
Ö. Boudouard, 293

Glacial Studies in the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks, Dr.
William H. Sherzer, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 310
La Philosophie naturelle intégrale et les Rudiments des
Sciences exactes, Dr. A. Rist, 313

Étude sur le Développement des Méthodes géométriques,
Gaston Darboux, 313

Sur le Développement de l'Analyse et ses Rapports avec diverses Sciences, Emile Picard, 313

Introduction à la Géométrie générale, Georges Lechalas, 313

Introduction à la Théorie des Fonctions d'une Variable, Jules Tannery, 313

Correspondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes, 313

Species and Varieties, their Origin by Mutation, Hugo de Vries, 314

The Modern Asphalt Pavement, Clifford Richardson, 316 Die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Seen, Dr. Otto Freiherr von und zu Aufsess, 316

A Catalogue of North American Diptera or Two-winged Flies, J. M. Aldrich, 317

Elementary Experimental Science, an Introduction to the Study of Scientific Method, W. Mayhowe Heller and Edwin G. Ingold, 317

Astronomischer Jahresbericht, Walter F. Wislicenus, 317 Die Lichtsinnesorgane der Laubblätter, Dr. G. Haberlandt, 323

Concimi, Mangimi, Sementi, &c., Commercie frodi e repressione delle frodi, Specialmente in Italia, Italo Giglioli, 324

Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, 1903. 325
Science and Practice of Agriculture-Farmer's Handbook,
T. Jamieson, 325

Abhandlungen zur Didaktik und Philosophie der Natur-
wissenschaft, Heft 3, der Naturwissenschaftliche Unter-
richt bei uns und im Auslande, Dr. Karl T. Fischer, 333
A Modern Utopia, H. G. Wells, 337
Thermodynamik, Dr. W. Voigt, 338
Diagrammes et Surfaces thermodynamiques, J. W. Gibbs,

Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, E. R. Burdon, 339 Report on the Injurious Insects and Other Animals observed in the Midland Counties during 1904, Walter E. Collinge, 340

Studies of the Museums and Kindred Institutions of New York City, Albany, Buffalo, and Chicago, with Notes on some European Institutions, A. B. Meyer, 340 Notes on Assaying and Metallurgical Laboratory Experiments, Prof. Richard W. Lodge, 340 The Practical Photographer, 341

The Geology of South Africa, F. H. Hatch and G. S. Corstorphine, 346

Manuel Pratique de Cinematique navale et maritime, Captain Leon Vidal, Sir W. H. White, K.C.B., F.R.S., 361

(Euvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens, 362

Manual of Psychiatry, J. R. de Fursac, 363
Experiments with Plants, Dr. W. J. V. Osterhout, 364
Conversations on Chemistry, W. Ostwald, 364

Mathematical Recreations and Essays, W. W. Rouse Ball, 364

Explorations in Turkestan, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, Raphael Pumpelly, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 366

Bird Life Glimpses, E. Selous, 367

Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, S. W. Beyer, G. W. Bissell, I. A. Williams, J. B. Weems, and A. Marston, 388

The Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, H. Ries and
H. B. Kümmel, and G. N. Knapp, 388
Easy Graphs, H. S. Hall, 393

The Rudiments of Practical Mathematics, A. Consterdine and A. Barnes, 393

Elementary Practical Mathematics, H. A. Stern and W. H.
Topham, 393

A First Algebra, W. M. Baker and A. A. Bourne, 393
Algebraical Grounding, D. E. Shorto, 393
Examples in Algebra, Charles M. Clay, 393
Geometrical Conics, G. W. Caunt and C. M. Jessop, 393
Problems of the Panama Canal, Brig.-General Henry L.
Abbot, 394

The American Thoroughbred, C. E. Trevathan, 395
The Story of Reptile Life, W. P. Pycraft, 395
Digest of the Evidence given before the Royal Commission
on Coal Supplies (1901-1905), 395

Wasps, Social and Solitary, George W. Peckham and
Elizabeth G. Peckham, 395

X-Rays, their Employment in Cancer and Other Diseases, Richard J. Cowen, 395

Neue Abhandlungen über den menschlichen Verstand, G. W. v. Leibniz, 396

Immanuel Kant's Logik, G. B. Jäsche, 396

Lazarus der Begründer der Völkerpsychologie, Dr. Alfred
Leicht, 396

Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial
Mounds of East Yorkshire. J. R. Mortimer, 398
The British Moss-flora, R. Braithwaite, 425
Einleitung in der experimentelle Morphologie der Tiere,
Dr. Hans Przibram, 426

Atlas of Emission Spectra of Most of the Elements, Drs.
Hagenback and Konen, 426
Précis d'Hydraulique-La
Busquet, 427


Blanche, Raymond

Catalogus Mammalium, tam viventium quam fossilium, E. L. Trouessart, 427

How to Know Wild Fruits, a Guide to Plants when not in Flower by Means of Fruit and Leaf, Maude Gridley Peterson, 428

Marine Engines and Boilers, their Design and Construction, Dr. G. Bauer, 453

Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt Islands, B. Hantzsch,

[blocks in formation]


Die Bedeutung des Experimentes für den Unterricht in der Chemie, Dr. Max Wehner, 455

Monographie des Cynipides d'Europe et d'Algérie, l'Abbé
J. J. Kieffer, 455

The Gum-bichromate Process, J. Cruwys Richards, 455
Handbuch der geographischen Ortbestimmung für Geo-
graphen und Forschungsreisende, Dr. Adolf Marcuse, 481
La Sociologie génétique, François Cosentini, 482
Trees, H. Marshall Ward, 482

A Laboratory Guide in Elementary Bacteriology, Dr.
William Dodge Frost, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 483
Nature-study Lessons for Primary Grades, L. B. McMurry,
Einführung in die Vektoranalysis mit Anwendungen auf
die mathematische Physik, Dr. Richard Gans, 483

L'Évolution de la Matière, Dr. Gustave Le Bon, 505

The Færöes and Iceland, Studies in Island Life, N. Annandale, 506

Le Système des Poids, Mesures et Monnaies des Israélites d'apres la Bible, B. P. Moors, 506

A Primer on Explosives, Major A. Cooper-Key, 507

A Note-book of Experimental Mathematics, C. Godfrey and G. M. Bell, 507

Science Teaching in Elementary Schools, 512

A Treatise on Plague, Dr. W. J. Simpson, Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S., 529

Our Stellar Universe, a Road-book to the Stars, Thomas Edward Heath, 531

Our Stellar Universe (Six Stereograms of Sun and Stars), Thomas Edward Heath, 531

The Crystallisation of Iron and Steel, an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, Dr. J. W. Mellor, A. McWilliam, 532

Latins et Anglo-Saxons, Races supérieures et Races inférieures, Prof. N. Colajanni, 533

Machine Construction and Drawing, Frank Castle, 533
Graphs for Beginners, W. Jamieson, 533

The Topography and Geology of the Fayum Province of
Egypt, H. J. L. Beadnell, 535

Ice or Water, another Appeal to Induction from the Scholastic Methods of Modern Geology, Sir Henry H. Howorth, F.R.S., 553

Theoretical Chemistry, Prof. Walther Nernst, 555 Mathematical and Physical Papers by the late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., 555

Notes on the Drawings for Sowerby's

F. N. A. Garry, 556

English Botany,"

A Text-book of Chemical Arithmetic, Horace L. Wells, 556

The Physics and Chemistry of Mining, T. H. Byrom, 557 The Annual of the British School at Athens, H. R. Hall, 558

Two Reports on the French Glacier Commission, 561
Setting Type by Telegraph, Donald Murray, 568
On Two Orders of Arachnida, Opiliones, especially the
Suborder Cyphophthalmi, and Ricinulei, namely, the
Family Cryptostemmatoidæ, Dr. H. J. Hansen and Dr.
W. Sörensen, R. I. Pocock, 577

Palaeozoische Arachniden, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch, R. I.
Pocock, 577

The Citizen, a Study of the Individual and the Government, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, 578

A Systematic Course of Practical Organic Chemistry, Lionel Guy Radcliffe, 579

Die Entwickelung der electrischen Messungen, Dr. O.
Frölich, 579

Zoologischer Jahresbericht für 1904, 579
Examples in Arithmetic, C. O. Tuckey, 580
The Primary Arithmetic, 580

Mechanics, a School Course, W. D. Eggar, 601

Elements of Mechanics, Prof. Mansfield Merriman, 601

An Intermediate Course of Mechanics, A. W. Porter, 601 Field Book of Wild Birds and their Music, F. Schuyler Mathews, 602

Studien Hautelektricität und Hautmagnetismus des Menschen, Dr. Erik Harnack, Dr. Geo. J. Burch, F.R.S., 602

An Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena, Joseph W. Lovibond, 603

Index Phytochemicus, Drs. J. C. Ritsema and J. Sack, 603

Yearbook and Calendar for 1905-6, Essex Field Club, 606
The Coming of Age of the Essex Field Club, 606
Memorias do Museu Goeldi (Museu Paraense) de Historia
Natural e Ethnographia, iv., Os Mosquitos no Pará,
Prof. Dr. Emilio Augusto Goeldi, 607

A Guide to the Study of Fishes, David Starr Jordan, 625
The Far East, Archibald Little, 626

Handbuch der Spectroscopie, Prof. H. Kayser, 627
Identification por las Impresiones digito-palmares (La
Dactiloscopia), Dr. Alberto Yvert, 628

Science in South Africa, a Handbook and Review, 628
Stone Gardens, Rose Haig Thomas, 629

Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité sur la Variation des Papillons, Arnold Pictet, 632

Report of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for the Year ending March 31, 1905, 634


A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, Sarat Chandra Das, Lieut.-Colonel L. A. Waddell, Supp. to October 19, iii

Guide to Finger-print Identification, Henry Faulds, Supp. to October 19, IV

Mécanisme et Éducation des Mouvements, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to October 19, v

On the Traversing of Geometrical Figures, J. Cook Wilson, Supp. to October 19, vi

The Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Pro-
ducts from which they are derived, J. C. Cain and
J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October
19, vii
Prinzipienfragen in der Naturwissenschaft, Max Verworn,
Supp. to October 19, viii

Das Pflanzenreich, Supp. to October 19, ix
Physiologie des Menschen, Dr. Luigi Luciani, Dr. J. A.
Milroy, Supp. to October 19, x

Rhinoceros Skull, History of a White, Prof. Henry Fair-
field Osborn, 127; Dr. C. Stewart, F.R.S., 175
Rhymes on the Value of , F.R.S., 558; ., 631
Ricco (Prof. A.), Crater of Etna Extending, 300
Richards (A. W.), Overheated Steel, 573
Richards (J. Cruwys), the Gum-bichromate Process, 455
Richards (Theodore W.), the Elimination of Accidental
Loss of Heat in Accurate Calorimetry, 206
Richardson (Clifford), the Modern Asphalt Pavement,
Richardson (L.), Rhætic and Contiguous Deposits of
Glamorganshire, 166; Rhætic Rocks at Berrow Hill, near
Tewkesbury, 166

Richthofen (Ferdinand Baron von), Death of, 588

Riding and Driving, E. L. Anderson and P. Collier,


Riekie (John), New Form of Compound Locomotive, 65 Ries (H.), Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, 388

Righi (Prof. A.), Connection between Atomic Weight of a Substance and the Amount of Secondary Radiation which it Emits when Subjected to the B and y Rays of Radium, 350

Rigidity of the Earth's Interior, the, Rev. A. Irving, 8
Rings of Saturn, the, MM. Amann and Rozet, 388

Rist (Dr. A.), la Philosophie naturelle intégrale et les
Rudiments des Sciences exactes, 313

Ritchie (James), Alcyonarians of the Scottish National Antarctic Expeditions, 287

Ritsema (Dr. J. C.), Index Phytochemicus, 603

Rival Parents, Kennedy J. P. Orton, 8

Riviera, Streifzüge an der, Eduard Strasburger, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 171

Roberts (Dr. A. W.), Observations on the Light Fluctuations of Certain Southern Binary Stars, 641

Roberts (Dr. Frederick T.), Harvey and the Progress of Medical Science, 258

Roberts (James), the Inventor's Guide to Patent Law and the New Practice, 53

Robertson (W.), Sanitary Law and Practice, 97
Robinson (Mr.), Superheating for Locomotives, 212
Robinson (Mark), Efficiency of the Steam Jacket, 213
Robinson (Mr.), New White Sturgeon, 156
Roederer (M.), Strontium Ammonium, 71-2

Rogers (A. W.), an Introduction to the Geology of Cape
Colony, 35

Rogers (Mr.), a Glacial Conglomerate, the Pakhuis Bed, in the Table Mountain Series, 285

Rogers (F.), the Elastic Properties of Steel at High

December 14, 1905.

Rogovski (E.), Difference in Temperature of Bodies in
Contact, 47

Rogovsky (E.), a Phenomenon of Cooling Silver Wires
Plunged into Water, and through which Electric Currents
are Passing, 648

Rolfs (P. H.), Diseases of Citrous Plants and Fruits
caused by the Fungus Colletotrichum glocosporioides,


Rolston (William E.), Aboriginal Methods of Determining
the Seasons, 176

Romanes Lecture at Oxford, Nature and Man, Prof. E.
Ray Lankester, F.R.S., 184

Röntgen Rays: Apparatus for Measuring X-Rays, G.
Contremoulins, 264; see Radiography

Rosen (F.), Money-boxes in the Form of Mammæ, 386
Rosenheim (O.), Methylation of Gallotannic Acid, 71
Rosenheim (Dr. Otto), Chitin in the Carapace of Ptery-
gotus osiliensis, 189

Ross (Dr. Frank E.), Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites,

Ross (Major Ronald, F.R.S.), Verb Functions, with Notes
on the Solution of Equations by Operative Division, 88;
the Possibility of Reducing Mosquitoes, 151
Rosse (Earl of), Determination of Heat Radiation from
the Moon, 190

Rossi (E.), Efficiency of Method of Synthesising Nitric
Acid from the Gases of the Atmosphere increased
by Working with Air under a very Great Pressure,


Rostoski (O.), Manual of Serum Diagnosis, 27

Rota (Lieut.-Colonel B.), Experiments with Models of
Constant Length and Form of Cross Section, but with
Varying Breadths and Draughts, 303

Rotating Bodies, Properties of, E. W. Rowntree, 8
Rotch (A. Lawrence), the Exploration of the Atmosphere
above the Atlantic, 244; Eclipse Shadow Bands, 307
Rothschild's (the Hon. Walter) Proposed Classification of
the Anthropoid Apes, Criticisms of, Sir H. H. Johnston,

Routh (Dr. E. J.), Fictitious Problems in Mathematics,
78, 127

Roux (M.), the Microbe of Syphilis, 85

Roux (Eug.), Potatoe Starch, 95

Rowntree (E. W.), Properties of Rotating Bodies, 8
Royal Academy Banquet, Science at the, 14
Royal Astronomical Society, 190

Royal College of Physicians, Medal Awards, 15; Harvey
and the Progress of Medical Science, Dr. Frederick T.
Roberts, Harveian Oration at the, 258

Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines, Pre-
liminary Report of the Departmental Committee on the,

Royal Commission on Coal Supplies (1901-1905), Digest of
the Evidence given before the, 395

Royal Institute of Public Health, Congress of the, 306
Royal Institution: the Development of Spectrochemistry,
Prof. J. W. Brühl at, 158; Submarine Navigation, Sir
William H. White, K.C.B., F.R.S., 209; some Aspects
of Modern Weather Forecasting, Dr. W. N. Shaw,
F.R.S., at, 354; Breathing in Living Beings, Dr.
William Stirling at, 355

Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 23, 240, 359

Royal Meteorological Society, 141, 216
Royal Microscopical Society, 23, 142, 263
Royal Observatory, Greenwich, the, 135
Royal Photographic Society's Exhibition, the, 536
Royal Society: Royal Society, 21, 94, 116, 141, 164, 188,
261, 285, 311, 358, 391, 480, 503, 527, 551, 575, 600,
623; the Royal Society Conversazione, 90, 208; the Early
History of the Royal Society, Henry B. Wheatley, 109;
on the Thermo-electric Junction as a Means of Determin-
ing the Lowest Temperatures, and on Liquid Hydrogen
and Air Calorimeters, Sir James Dewar, 352; an Electric
Micrometer, Dr. P. E. Shaw, 495; the Formation of
Ice and the Grained Structure of Glaciers, Prof. G.
Quincke, For.Mem.R.S., 543; the Mechanics of the
Ascent of Sap in Trees, Prof. J. Larmor, Sec.R.S.,

Royal Society, Dublin, 142, 167, 288

Royal Society, Edinburgh, 143, 167, 191, 286, 391

Royal Society, New South Wales, 240, 504, 576, 648
Royal Society of Sciences, Göttingen, 240, 576
Royal University Observatory of Vienna, the, 388
Rozet (M.), the Rings of Saturn, 388

Rücker (Sir Arthur, F.R.S.), Higher Education in London,

Rudge (W. A. Douglas), Action of Radium Salts on
Gelatin, 631

Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the Boine Snakes, the, Frank
E. Beddard, F.R.S., 630

Rudler (F. W.), a Handbook to a Collection of the
Minerals of the British Islands in the Museum of Prac-
tical Geology, 76

Russell (A.), Alternating Currents, 99

Russell (James), Magnetic Properties of Demagnetised and
Annealed Iron, 287

Russell (Sir Peter Nicol), Death of, 275

Sabatier (Paul), Synthesis of the Three Tertiary Dimethyl-
cyclohexanols and of the Hydrocarbons connected with
them, 263; Catalytic Decomposition of Monochlor-
derivatives of Methane Hydrocarbons in Contact with
Anhydrous Metallic Chlorides, 336; a Secondary Re-
action of the Halogen Organo-magnesium Compounds,

Saccheri (Padre Gerolamo), the Theorems of, on the Sum
of the Angles of a Triangle, Dr. Roberto Bonola, 387
Sacco (Dr. Federico), Projects of Artificial Flight, 329
Sack (J.), Index Phytochemicus, 603

Safeguard, an Omitted, Richard Bentley, 269

S Sagittæ and Y Ophiuchi, Periods of the Variable Stars,
M. Luizet, 330

Salet (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse,
518; Further Eclipse Results by French Observers,

Salisbury (Rollin D.), Geology-Processes and their
Results, 289

Salmon (E. S.), a Gooseberry Mildew introduced from the
United States into Ireland, 40

Salter (Dr. A. E.), the Sources of the Superficial Deposits
found above the Jurassic and Cretaceous Strata on the
South, North-west, and West of London, 285

Salvin (Osbert, F.R.S.), Biologia Centrali-Americana,
Aves, 49

Samuelson (Arnold), Projects of Artificial Flight, 329
Samuelson (Sir Bernhard, P.C., Bart., F.R.S.), Death and
Obituary Notice of, 60

Sanitation Report on the Sanitation and Anti-malarial
Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Free-
town, Prof. Rubert Boyce, F.R.S., Arthur Evans, and
H. Herbert Clarke, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 67; Sanitary
Law and Practice, W. Robertson and Charles Porter,
97; the Sewage Problem, Arthur J. Martin, 97; Simple
Methods of Testing Sewage Effluents, George Thudicum,
Sanskrit Synonyms, a Tibetan-English Dictionary with,
Sarat Chandra Das, Lieut.-Colonel L. A. Waddell, Supp.
to October 19, iii

Sap in Trees, the Mechanics of the Ascent of, Prof. J.
Larmor, Sec.R.S., at Royal Society, 644

Sarajevo, Geologie der Umgebung von, Ernst Kittl, 51
Sarcodinés des Grands Lacs, les, Eugène Penard, 218
Sargent (C. S.), Manual of the Trees of North America
(exclusive of Mexico), 197

Satellite to Saturn, Discovery of a Tenth, Prof. W. H.
Pickering, 19

Satellites, Brightness of Jupiter's, Prof. W. de Sitter,

Satellites, Observations of, Dr. C. W. Wirtz, 465
Saturn Discovery of Saturn's Tenth Satellite, 19, 1353
Prof. W. H. Pickering, 19; Light-variation of Saturn's
Satellites, Dr. P. Guthnick, 611; the Rings of Saturn,
MM. Amann and Rozet, 388; Observations of the Satel-
lites of Saturn and Uranus, Messrs. Frederick and
Hammond, 230

Saussure (René de), "Helicoptère Aéroplane

A. Dufaux, 329

of H. and

Sauton (M.), Ammonia in Milk, Evidence of Pollution, 72
Sawbridge (John S.), a Rare Game Bird, 605

[blocks in formation]

Schneider (Dr. Hermann), die Stellung Gassendis zu
Deskartes, 292

School Teaching and School Reform, Sir Oliver Lodge,

Schools, Science Teaching in Elementary, 512

Schott (Dr. O.), a New Ultra-violet Mercury Lamp, 513
Schrenck (Dr. H. von), Fungal Diseases on Cauliflowers,

Schröder (H.), Desmotropic Form of Substances of the
Ethyl Acetoacetate Type, 141

Schroeder (O.), the Abdominal Sense-organ of the Palolo
Worm, 64

Schultz (E.), Rejuvenation, 385

Schulz (W. A.), Hymenopteren-Studien, 7
Schulz-Briesen (B.), Continuation of Saarbrücken Coal-
measures into Lorraine, 236

Science Science at the Royal Academy Banquet, 14;
Scientific Correspondence of the late Sir George Stokes,
Prof. J. Larmor, F.R.S., 29; Scientific Results of the
National Antarctic Expedition, 57; Science and the State,
R. B. Haldane, 184; the New Knowledge, Robert
Kennedy Duncan, 241; the Proposed College of Applied
Science, 250; Elementary Experimental Science, an In-
troduction to the Study of Scientific Method, W. May-
howe Heller and Edwin G. Ingold, 317; Science Teach-
ing in Elementary Schools, 512; Attacks on Science,
W. H. Mallock, 516; the Omission of Titles of Addresses
on Scientific Subjects, Prof. John C. Branner, 534; A. P.
Trotter, 581; the British Science Guild, 585; Forth-
coming Books of Science, 619; Science in South Africa,
a Handbook and Review, 628; Scientific Research in
Medicine, Dr. George Nuttall, F.R.S., at London School
of Tropical Medicine, 643; Prinzipienfragen in der
Naturwissenschaft, Max Verworn, Supp. to October 19,


Scientific Worthies, Eduard Suess, Sir Arch. Geikie,
F.R.S., I

Sclater (Dr. P. L., F.R.S.), the Transposition of Zoo-
logical Names, 30

Scott (Andrew), Work of Sea Fish Hatchery at Piel,

Scott (Dr. T.), Free-swimming Crustacea found in the
Firth of Clyde, 191

Scott (Mr.), Two-foot Rule Designed by, 329

Screws, the Standardisation of, 431

Sea Fisheries, Reports on, Frank Balfour Browne, 138
Seasons, Aboriginal Methods of Determining the, William
E. Rolston, 176

Sedgwick (A., F.R.S.), Researches on Ovulation, 176;
Exploration of the Indian Ocean, 341

See (Dr. T. J. J.), Current Theories of the Consolidation
of the Earth, 30

Seen, die physikalischen Eigenschaften der, Dr. Otto,

Seismology: Earthquake in Switzerland, Prof. F. A. Forel,
63; the Spirit-level as a Seismoscope, G. T. Bennett,
80; the Hydrometer as a Seismometer, G. T. Bennett,
198; C. V. Burton, 269; Horizontal Pendulum Observ-
ations at Tokyo, 228; the Rate of Transmission of the
Guatemala Earthquake of April 19, 1902, R. D. Oldham,
285; the Kangra Earthquake of April 4, 1905, T. H.
Holland, F.R.S., 428; the Earthquake at Stromboli on
September 8, and the Present State of the Volcano, A.
Lacroix, 624

Sell (W. J.), Chlorination of 2-Methylpyridine, 141

Serotherapy: Manual of Serum Diagnosis, O. Rostoski,
27; the Immunisation of Mice against Cancer, Dr.
Clowes, 86; Inquiry into the Nature of the Substance
in Serum which Influences Phagocytosis, Dr. George
Dean, 551; Rôle of Agglutination in Immunity, R. Greig
Smith, 552; Method of Treating Tuberculosis, Prof.
v. Behring, 581; Specimens Indicating the Results of
Inoculation of Bovine, Human, and Avian Tubercle, Dr.
Lydia Rabinowitsch, 582; Specimens from Goats and
Kids, Dr. Calmette, 582; Tuberculosis of Dogs, Prof. G.
Petit, 582; the Infection of Man by Bovine Tubercle
Bacilli, Profs. Arloing, Kossel, and Ravenal, 582; Results
obtained by Treatment, Prof. Denis, 583; Dr. Beraneck,
583; Dr. Marmorek, 583

Sewage Effluents, Simple Method of Testing, George
Thudicum, 97

Sewage Problem, the, Arthur J. Martin, 97

Sewage, a Study of the Process of Nitrification with
Reference to the Purification of, Dr. Harriette Chick,

Seward (A. C.), Plant Remains, 539

Seyewetz (M.), Action of Sodium Sulphite upon Ethanal,

Shackleton (W.), Mechanical Lantern Slide Illustrative of
the Phenomenon of a Total Solar Eclipse, 91
"Shadow Bands," Atmospheric Origin of, T. Zona, 61
Shadow Bands, Eclipse, A. Lawrence Rotch, 307


Shadow-bands," the Problem of, Catharine O. Stevens,

[blocks in formation]

Sheep, the So-called Gold-coated Teeth in, Prof. A. Liver-
sidge, 504

Sheffield, the University of, 282

Shelford (R.), Decorative Objects Worn by the Natives of
Borneo, 638

Shell-fish, the Transplantation of, 430

Sheppard (S. E.), the Theory of Photographic Processes,
part ii., on the Chemical Dynamics of Development, in-
cluding the Microscopy of the Image, 141
Sherringham (H. T.), an Angler's Hours, 220
Sherrington (Prof. C. S., F.R.S.), Reciprocal Innervation
of Antagonistic Muscles, 22, 189

Sherzer (Dr. William H.), Glacial Studies in Canada,

Shorto (Dr. E.), Algebraical Grounding, 393


Shull (G. H.), the Law of Biogenesis that Ontogeny
Repeats Phylogeny," 278

Sibley (T. F.), Carboniferous Limestone of the Weston-
super-Mare District, 118

[blocks in formation]


Simon (Charles E.), a Text-book of Physiological Chem-
istry, 29

Simon (Edouard), Death of, 155

Simonsen (J. L.), Replacement of Hydroxyl by Bromine,

Simpson (George C.), Atmospheric Electricity Observed
from Balloons, 92; Normal Electrical Phenomena of the
Atmosphere, 216

Simpson (Dr. W. J.), a Treatise on Plague, 529
Sinnatt (Frank Sturdy), a Systematic Course of Practical
Organic Chemistry, 579

Sioux Indians, Decorative Art of the, Dr. Clark Wissler,


Sitter (Prof. W.), Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, 207
Sitter (W. de), Proper Motions of the Hyades, 436

Skull, History of a White Rhinoceros, Prof. Henry Fair-

Pember 14, 1905

Sladen (F. W. L.), Queen-rearing in England, and Notes
un a Scent-producing Organ in the Abdomen of the
Worker-bee, the Honey-bees of India, and Enemies of
the Bee in South Africa, 126

Sladen, the Percy, Expedition in H.M.S. Sealark, the
Chagos Archipelago, J. Stanley Gardiner, 571
Slates, the Cleavage of, Rev. O. Fisher, 55

Slaty Cleavage, Experiments on Schistosity and, George
F. Becker, 20; Alfred Harker, 152

Side Rule, a New, Messrs. John Davis and Son, 45,


Slipher (Mr.), Water Vapour in the Martian Atmosphere,

Slugs, the British, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 245

Smith (A. B.), Poisonous Plants of all Countries, 243
Smith (B.), Senility in Gastropods, 385

Smith (Henry G.), Calcium Oxalate in the Eucalyptus
Barks, 240

Smith (H. L.), Thermal Decomposition of Formaldehyde
and Acetaldehyde, 141

Smith (Dr. R. Greig), Possible Relationship between
Bacteria and the Gum of Hakea saligna, 192; Origin
of Natural Immunity towards the Putrefactive Bacteria,
192; Probable Bacterial Origin of the Gum of Linseed
Mucilage, 192; Rôle of Agglutination in Immunity,

Seruth (Worthington G.), British Archæology and
Philistinism, 294


Smyth (W. Woods), the Inheritance of Acquired Characters,
Snakes, the Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the Boine, Frank
E. Beddard, F.R.S., 630

Snell (F. C.), the Camera in the Fields, 153
Society of Chemical Industry, the, 279

Sociology: a Modern Utopia, H. G. Wells, 337; la
Sociologie génétique, François Cosentini, 482

Soils, Field Operations of the Bureau of, 1903, 325
Solander (Dr. D.), Botany of Cook's First Voyage, Illus-
trations of Australian Plants, 221

Solar Activity, the, 279

Solar Activity, the, January-June, Prof. Mascari, 518
Solar Changes and Weather, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer,
129, 175; A. B. M., 175

Solar Eclipse: Proposed Observation of Mercury during the
Solar Eclipse, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 244:
Proposed Magnetic and Allied Observations during the
Total Solar Eclipse on August 30, Dr. L. A. Bauer,
342; the Forthcoming Total Solar Eclipse, Dr. William
J. S. Lockyer, 399, 457; Observations of, in Tripoli,
Barbary, Prof. David Todd, 484; French Observations of
the Total Solar Eclipse, Prof. Janssen, 518; M.
Bigourdan, 518; M. Stephan and M. Trépied, 518; M.
Bourget, 518; M. Nordmann, 518; M. Salet, 518; M.
Moye, 518; Geodetic Measurements from Solar Eclipses,
C. E. Stromeyer, 230; see also Astronomy
Solar Origin, Cosmic Dust of, Prof. Schaeberle, 424
Solar Outburst? a, Arthur Mee, 320

Solar Parallax, a Spectrographic Determination of the,
F Küstner, 611

Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition, the, Dr.
William J. S. Lockyer, 508

Solar Radiation, a Proposed New Method for Determining
the, Prof. Ceraski, 437

Solar Research, International Union for Cooperation in,
490, 563

Solar Spectrum, Observations of "D," " in the, Dr. H.
Kreusler, 66

Solar Spectrum, Visibility of D, as a Dark Line in the,
Prof. A. Fowler, 184; A. Buss, 184
Solar and Terrestrial Changes, 249, 332
Solomon (Maurice), Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Tele-
graphy, H. Poincaré and F. K. Vreeland, 99: Alternating
Currents, A. Russell, 99; What Do We Know Concerning
Electricity? Antonia Zimmern, o Modern Electricity,
J. Henry and K. J. Hora, 90; Modern Electric Practice,
99; Electricity Control, a Treatise on Electric Switch-
gear Systems of Electric Transmission, Leonard
Andrews, 99; Setting Type by Telegraph, Donald
Murray, 568

Sorensen (Dr. W.), on Two Orders of Arachnida,

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Prof. Julius, 19; Observations of D1 " in the Solar
Spectrum, Dr. H. Kreusler, 66; Visibility of D, as a
Dark Line in the Solar Spectrum, Prof. A. Fowler, 184;
A. Buss, 184; New Spectrum Observed in Gadolinium, G.
Urbain, 71; Investigation of the Arc Spectrum of
Tungsten, Dr. Hasselberg, 134; Dr. H. M. Reese's
Observations of Enhanced Lines in the Fe, Ti, and
Ni Spectra, F. E. Baxandall, 134; Stars with Spectra
of the Orion Type, Prof. Pickering, 135; Photographs
in Colour of the Spectrum Negative by Transmission,
G. Lippmann, 167; Stars with Peculiar Spectra, Mrs.
Fleming, 183; Prof. Pickering, 183; the Ultra-violet
Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Compounds, part i.,
Benzene and Certain Monosubstituted Derivatives,
E. C. C. Baly and J. N. Collie, 239; part ii., the
Phenols, E. C. C. Baly and E. K. Ewbank, 239; the
Ultra-violet Chromospheric Spectrum, H. Deslandres,
542; on the Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the
Ultra-violet Region, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 557;
a Focusing Screen for Use in Photographing Ultra-
violet Spectra, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 581; the
Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the Ultra-violet
Region, Dr. E. C. C. Baly and Prof. J. Norman Collie,
F.R.S., 630; the Fluorescence of Sodium Vapour, Prof.
R. W. Wood, 286; Sun-spot Spectra, W. M. Mitchell,
330; General Principles of Absorption Spectrophotometry
and a New Instrument, James R. Milne, 391; Absorp-
tion Spectrum of Manganous Salts, P. Lambert, 392;
Atlas of Emission Spectra of Most of the Elements,
Drs. Hagenback and Konen, 426; Absorption Spectrum
and Fluorescence of Mercury Vapour, W. N. Hartley,
F.R.S., 504; the Isolation of Terbium, G. Urbain, 552;
Influence of Collisions and of the Motion of Molecules
in the Line of Sight upon the Constitution of a Spectrum
Line, Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., 575; Study of the
Spectra of Alloys of Different Metals, P. G. Nutting,
591; a Spectrographic Determination of the Solar
Parallax, F. Küstner, 611; Handbuch der Spectroscopie,
Prof. H. Kayser, 627

Spinthariscope and Retinal Excitability, the, Prof. Francis
Gotch, F.R.S., 174

Spirit-level as a Seismoscope, the, G. T. Bennett, 80
Spring and Summer, a Relation between, Alex. B.
MacDowall, 56

Spring (Prof. W.), the Limit of Visibility of Fluorescence,


Squire (Charles), the Mythology of the British Islands,

Staffordshire Coalfields, the North, Memoirs of the Geo-
logical Survey of England and Wales, W. Gibson,
G. Barrow, C. B. Wedd, and J. Ward, H. W. Hughes,
Standard Time in Various Countries, Rear-Admiral Chester,
Standardisation in Pharmacy, Presidential Address at
British Pharmaceutical Conference, W. A. H. Naylor,
Standardisation of Screws, the, 431

Stansfield (H.), New Method of Producing Coloured Plate
Glass, 167

Stapf (Dr. Otto), an Indian Garden, Mrs. Henry Cooper
Eggar, 125

Stapleton (H. E.), Sal-ammoniac, a Study in Primitive
Chemistry, 452; Alchemical Equipment in the Eleventh
Century, A.D., 452

Starke (Dr. H.), Experimentelle Elektrizitätslehre, 170

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