Slike strani

Stars: Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Miss
Leavitt, 66; Observations and Light-curves of Several
Variable Stars, Dr. L. Terkán, 66; Twelve Stars with
Variable Radial Velocities, Prof. Wright and Dr. Palmer,
89; a Remarkable Variable Star, Prof. E. C. Pickering,
110; Variable Stars in the Clusters Messier 3 and 5.
Prof. Bailey, 183; Periods of the Variable Stars
S Sagittæ and Y Ophiuchi, M. Luizet, 330; Catalogue
of New Double Stars, Prof. Hussey, 90; Double Star
Observations, J. A. Miller and Prof. W. A. Cogshall, 135;
a Lost Double Star, Prof. Doolittle, 567; Radial Veloci-
ties of Thirty-one Stars, Prof. Lord, 110; Magnitudes
of Nova Persei and Nova Geminorum, Prof. A. A.
Nijland, 110; Stars with Spectra of the Orion Type,
Prof. Pickering, 135; a Probable Nova in Ophiuchus,
Mr. Fleming, 158; Miss Cannon, 158; Prof. Pickering,
158; Stars with Peculiar Spectra, Mrs. Fleming, 183;
Prof. Pickering, 183; Recent Positions of Eros, Mr.
Manson, 207; Declinations of Certain North Polar Stars,
Dr. Auwers, 388; Harriet Bigelow, 388; Discovery of
a Nova, Mrs. Fleming, 465; Prof. Pickering, 465; Nova
Aquila No. 2, Prof. Max Wolf, 494, 611; Dr. P.
Guthnick, 494, 611; Prof. Hartwig, 518; Mrs. Fleming,
542; Prof. Pickering, 640; Our Stellar Universe, a
Road-book to the Stars, Thomas Edward Heath, 531;
Our Stellar Universe (Six Stereograms of Sun and Stars),
Thomas E. Heath, 531; Visibility of Faint Stars at the
Lowell Observatory, Mr. Lampland, 592; Mr. Lowell,
592; the Orbit of Tauri, Profs. Frost and Adams, 592;
Star with a Large Proper Motion, Miss Leavitt, 640
State and Agriculture in Hungary, the, Dr. Ignatius
Darányi, 291

State, the Citizen and the, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler,

State and Higher Education, the, 58

State, Science and the, R. B. Haldane, 184

Statics: an Introduction to Elementary Statics (Treated
Graphically), R. Nettell, 126; Origin of the Principles
of Virtual Displacements, P. Duhem, 576
Statistics: Decline of Birth-rate, 422
Stead (J. E., F.R.S.), Overheated Steel, 573
Steam: Experimental Researches on the Flow of Steam
through Nozzles and Orifices, A. Rateau, 101; Deter-
mination of the Specific Heat of Superheated Steam by
Throttling, &c., A. H. Peake, 116; Efficiency of the
Steam Jacket, Mr. Mellanby, 213; V. Pendred, 213;
Mr. Saxon, 213; Henry Davey, 213; Mark Robinson,
213; Steam Turbines, with an Appendix on Gas Turbines,
Dr. A. Stodola, 219; Bau der Dampfturbinen, Prof. A.
Musil, 219; History of the Steam-engine, 423
Stebbing (E. P.), the
66 'Bee-hole Borer of Teak in
Burma, 493

Steel Institute, Iron and, 572
Stefanini (A.), van 't Hoff's Hypothesis of Osmotic Pressure
of Solutions, 541

Stefanowska (Mile. M.), Growth in Weight of a Chicken,

Stellar; see Stars

Stephan (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar
Eclipse, 518: Further Results of the French Eclipse
Expeditions, 639

Stephens (Dr. J. W. W.), a Monograph of the Anopheles
Mosquitoes of India, S. P. James and Dr. W. G. Liston,


Sterilisation of Water in the Field, Prof. R. T. Hewlett,
431; Corr., 515

Stern (H. A.), Elementary Practical Mathematics, 393
Stevens (Catharine O.), the Problem of “ Shadow-bands,"

Stewart (Dr. C., F.R.S.), History of a White Rhinoceros
Skull, 175

Stewart (Dr. R. Wallace), Second Stage Magnetism and
Electricity, 77

Stieltjes, Correspondance d'Hermite et de, 313

Stirling (Dr. William), Breathing in Living Beings, Lecture
at Royal Institution of Great Britain, 355

Stobbs (John T.), Value of Fossil Mollusca in Coal-measure
Stratigraphy, 519

Stodola (Dr. A.), Steam Turbines, with an Appendix on
Gas Turbines, 219

December 14, 1905

Stokes (the late Sir George), Scientific Correspondence of,
Prof. J. Larmor, F.R.S., 29

Stokes (the late Sir George Gabriel, Bart.), Mathematical
and Physical Papers by, 555

Stokes (J. A.), Action of Magnesium Methyl Iodide on
Pinenenitrosochloride, 166

Stone Age, the Evolution of Engraving in the, Ed. Piette,

Stone Gardens, Rose Haig Thomas, 629

Stonehenge, Notes on, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., 32, 246, 270

Stoney (Dr. G. Johnstone, F.R.S.), Proposed Observation
of Mercury during the Solar Eclipse, 244; a Remark-
able Meteor, 279

Strachan (R.), Measurement of Evaporation, 141
Strasburger (Eduard), Streifzüge an der Riviera, 171
Streifzüge an der Riviera, Eduard Strasburger, Prof.
G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 171

Strength of Threads, the Effect of Radium on the, Hilda
P. Martin and Prof. W. B. Morton, 365

Strokes of the Brush in a Picture, Number of, 198
Stromeyer (C. E.), Geodetic Measurements from Solar
Eclipses, 230

Strömgren (Dr.), Comet 1905 II (1904e), 43

Strong (Dr.), Virulence of Micro-organisms and their
Immunising Powers, 108

Structural and Field Geology, Dr. Jas. Geikie, 223
Strutt (Hon. R. J., F.R.S.), the Radio-active Minerals,
190; the Rate of Formation of Radium, 365

Struve (Prof. Otto von), Death of, 38; Obituary Notice of,

Submarine Boats, Causes of Accidents to, Captain R. H.
Bacon, 306

Submarine Navigation, Sir William H. White, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., at Royal Institution, 200

Suess (Eduard), Scientific Worthies, Sir Arch. Geikie,
F.R.S., I

Suess (Prof. Eduard), the Face of the Earth (Das Antlitz
der Erde), 193

Sun the Electrical Charge of the Sun, Prof. Svante
Arrhenius, 43; Memoria sobre el Eclipse Total de Sol
del dia 30 de Agosto de 1905, D. Antonio Tarazona,
77; Observations of Prominences on the Sun's Limb,
Prof. Mascari, 158; the Figure of the Sun, C. Lane
Poor, 567; Vegetation and the Sun-spot Period, Camille
Flammarion, 303; Sun-spot Spectra, W. M. Mitchell,
330; Another Large Sun-spot, 610; the Recent Large
Sun-spot, 639; see also Astronomy

Surgery: the Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix
Vermiformis and their Complications, W. H. Battle and
E. M. Corner, 122; the Treatment of Bone Fractures by
Movement, J. Lucas-Championnière, 288; Ascending
Currents in Mucous Canals and Gland Ducts, C. J.
Bond, 331; Death of Christopher Heath, 347: Methods
of the Japanese Naval Medical Service, Surgeon-General
Suzuki, 589

Survey of India, the, 129

Surveying Tangent-micrometer for Theodolites, Endless-
tangent Screw for Sextants, E. A. Reeves, 91
Suzuki (Surgeon-General), Methods of the Japanese Naval
Medical Service, 589

Switch-gear Systems of Electric Transmission, Electricity
Control, a Treatise on, Leonard Andrews, Maurice
Solomon, 99

Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Products from
which they are derived, the, J. C. Cain and J. F.
Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii

Tait (W. A.), Rainfall of the Drainage Area of the Talla
Reservoir, 143

Talbot (B.), Segregation in Steel Ingots, 573
Tammes (Miss T.), Amount of Variation Obtained in
Cultivating a Five-rayed Form of Trifolium pratense,

Tanakadate (Prof. A.), a Magnetic Survey of Japan,

Tannery (Jules), Introduction à la Théorie des Fonctions
d'une Variable, 313

Tanret (George), Gentiine, 336


Tarazona (D. Antonio), Memoria sobre el Eclipse Total de
Sol del dia 30 de Agosto de 1905, 77

Tattersall (W. M.), Schizopoda Captured in the Bay of
Biscay, 118

Tauri, the Orbit of, Profs. Frost and Adams, 592
Taylor (Dr. W. W.), New Method of Preparing Esters,

Teaching of Practical Chemistry and Physics, the, Dr.
Karl T. Fischer, 333; Oberlehrer Hahn, 333
Teaching Value of Menageries, the, 13

Tebb (Dr. Scott), the Metropolitan Water Supply, 386
Technical Education: Colony of Natal, Report of the
Technical Education Commission, 460; Connection
between Scientific Training and Industrial Development,
608; see also Education

Technical Training, the Academic Side of, Dr. Alex. B. W.
Kennedy, F.R.S., 256
Telegraphy: Direct Reading Cymometer for Measuring
the Length of the Waves used in Wireless Telegraphy,
Prof. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., 91; Maxwell's Theory and
Wireless Telegraphy, H. Poincaré and F. K. Vreeland,
Maurice Solomon, 99; Experiments with the De Forest
Wireless Telegraphy in Moving Trains, 228; First Three
Months' Working of the Wireless Telegraph Act, 351;
Experiments with Different Methods of Earth Connection
for Wireless Telegraphic Installations, Lieut. Evans, 492;
Setting Type by Telegraph, Donald Murray, Maurice
Solomon, 568

Telephony: Utilisation of the Telephone System for the
Exact Transmission of Time, M. Guyou, 134
Telescope, the

Pickering, 89

Bruce, Reference Photographs, Prof.

Telescopic Work for Observers of Planets, W. F. Denning,


Temperature, High, Research on the Felspars, Arthur L.
Day and E. T. Allen, 258

Temperature Measurements, High, H. Le Chatelier and
O. Boudouard, 293

Terada (T.), a Polarisation Pattern, 581

Threads, the Effect of Radium on the Strength of, Hilda
P. Martin and Prof. W. B. Morton, 365
Thudicum (George), Simple Method of Testing Sewage
Effluents, 97

Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, a,
Sarat Chandra Das, Lieut.-Colonel L. A. Waddell,
Supp. to October 19, iii

Tiere, Einleitung in der Experimentelle morphologie der,
Dr. Hans Przibram, 426

Tietz (Dr. H.), the Character of Cape Wines, 642
Tiffeneau (M.), Aromatic

Ethylene Oxide, 192

Substitution Derivatives of

Tilden (W. A.), Action of Magnesium Methyl Iodide on
Pinenenitrosochloride, 166

Tillyard (R. J.), Dimorphism in the Female of Ischnura
heterosticta, 552

Time, Standard, in Various Countries, Rear-Admiral
Chester, 256

Tisdall (H. T.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 538
Titles of Addresses on Scientific Subjects, the Omission of,
Prof. John C. Branner, 534; A. P. Trotter, 581

Todd (Prof. David), Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse
in Tripoli, Barbary, 484; Absence of Vibration in a
Turbine Steamship, 603

Todd (Dr.), Human Tick Fever, 332
Tomek (Prof. von), Death of, 203

Topham (W. H.), Elementary Practical Mathematics,

Topography, the, and Geology of the Fayum Province of
Egypt, H. J. L. Beadnell, 535

Touchet (Em.), Flashes of Lightning which leave a Glow
in their Wake, 18

Toxic Extract from the Cerebral Substance, A. Marie,

Toxicology: Presence of Poison in the Eggs of the Viper,
C. Phisalix, 240; Presence of Poison in the Eggs of Bees,
C. Phisalix, 336

Transits of Jupiter's Spots, Eye-estimates of the, Rev.
T. E. R. Phillips, 518

Terkan (Dr. L.), Observations and Light-curves of Several Transplantation of Shell-fish, the, 430
Variable Stars, 66

Terrestrial Changes, Solar and, 249, 332

Testacella, Notes on the Habits of, Oswald H. Latter,

170; M. D. Hill, 199

Thalen (Dr. T. R.), Death of, 384; Obituary Notice of,

[blocks in formation]

Therapeutics: the High-frequency Electrical Treatment,
Rev. F. J. Jervis-Smith, F.R.S., 7; Treatment of
Trypanosomatous Disease (Surra, Mbori) by Arsenious
Acid and Trypan Red, A. Laveran, 288; X-Rays, their
Employment in Cancer and Other Diseases, Richard
J. Cowen, 395


Thermodynamics: Thermodynamik, Dr. W. Voigt, 338;
Diagrammes et Surfaces thermodynamiques, J. W. Gibbs,
Thermoelectric Junction as a Means of Determining the
Lowest Temperatures, on the, and on Liquid Hydrogen
and Air Calorimeters, Sir James Dewar at Royal Society,

Thomas (Rose Haig), Stone Gardens, 629

Thomsen (H. Ivah), Graphical Solution of Cubic and
Quartic Equations, 295

Thomson (Prof. J. A.), Alcyonarians of the Scottish
National Antarctic Expeditions, 287

Thomson (Prof.), Striation of the Positive Column in
Electric Discharges, 142; the Calculation of the Co-
ficient of Re-combination of the Ions and the Size of
the Tons, 142

Is mson (Prof. J. J.), a Text-book of Physics, Heat,


Throughbred, the American, C. E. Trevathan, 395
Thorpe (J. F.), the Synthetic' Dyestuffs and the Inter-
nediate Products from which they are derived, Supp. to
Oktober 19, vii

Transposition of Zoological Names, the, Dr. P. L. Sclater,
F.R.S., 30

Transverse Momentum of an Electron, the, Oliver Heavi-
side, F.R.S., 429

Travel-talk, Murray's Handbook of, 269

Traversing of Geometrical Figures, on the, J. Cook Wilson,
Supp. to October 19, vi

Treatment, New Methods of, Dr. Laumonier, 122
Trees, Diseases of Forest, 163
Trees, H. Marshall Ward, 482

Trees of North America, Manual of the (exclusive of
Mexico), C. S. Sargent, 197

Trees, the Mechanics of the Ascent of Sap in, Prof. J.
Larmor, Sec.R.S., at Royal Society, 644

Trépied (Ch.), French Observations of the Total Solar
Eclipse, 518; Observations of the Total Eclipse of the
Sun at Guelma, 576

Trevathan (C. E.), the American Thoroughbred, 395
Treves (Sir Frederick), Medical and Surgical Ability of
the Japanese, 38

Trillat (A.), Ammonia in Milk, Evidence of Polution, 72
Tropical Light, the Effects of, on White Men, Major
Charles E. Woodruff, 172

Tropical Medicine, London School of, Scientific Research
in Medicine, Dr. George Nuttall, F.R.S., at, 643
Trotter (A. P.), the Omission of Titles of Addresses on
Scientific Subjects, 581

Troubetzkoi (Prince Serge), Death of, 607
Trouessart (E. L.), Catalogus Mammalium, tam viventium
quam fossilium, 427

Tuberculosis: the Suppression of Tuberculosis, Prof. E.
von Behring, 122; Method of Treating Tuberculosis, Prof.
v. Behring, 581; the International Congress on Tubercu-
losis, 581; Specimens Indicating the Results of Inocu-
lation of Bovine, Human and Avian Tubercle, Dr. Lydia
Rabinowitsch, 582; Specimens from Goats and Kids,
Dr. Calmette, 582; Tuberculosis of Dogs, Prof. G. Petit,
582 the Infection of Man by Bovine Tubercle Bacilli,
Profs. Arloing, Kossel, and Ravenal, 582; Results
Obtained by Treatment, Prof. Denis, 583; Dr. Beraneck,


Tuckey (C. O.), Examples in Arithmetic, 580

Turbine Steamship, Absence of Vibration in a, Prof. David Todd, 603


Turbines Steam Turbines, with an Appendix on Gas Turbines, Dr. A. Stodola, 219; Bau der Dampfturbinen, Prof. A. Musil, 219

Turchini (S.), Variations of Lustre given by a Crookes's Tube, 23

Turkestan, Explorations in, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, Raphael Pumpelly, R. W. Pumpelly, Prof. W. M. Davis, and Ellsworth Huntington, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 366

Turner (Prof.), Oxford University Observatory, 110 Turner (H. W.), the Insulation of Electric Machines,


Turpain (A.), Method for Study of a Luminous Pheno-
menon Varying in Intensity with the Time, 480
Tutton (A. E. H.), Relation of Ammonium to the Alkali
Metals, 165-6

Type-writing by Telegraph, Donald Murray, Maurice
Solomon, 568

Typography: Author and Printer, an Attempt to Codify the Best Typographical Practices of the Present Day, F. Howard Collins, 100

Ule (E.), Flower-gardens made by Ants in the Crowns
of Trees in Amazonia and Peru, 64
Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Compounds,
part i., Benzene, E. C. C. Baly and J. N. Collie, 239;
part ii., the Phenols, E. C. C. Baly and E. K. Ewbank,
Ultra-violet Chromospheric Spectrum, the, H. Deslandres,

Ultra-violet Mercury Lamp, a New, Dr. O. Schott, 513
Ultra-violet Region, on the Absorption Spectrum of Benzene
in the, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 557; Dr. E. C. C.
Baly and Prof. J. Norman Collie, F.R.S., 630
Ultra-violet Spectra, a Focusing Screen for Use in Photo-
graphing, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 581
Union Society of University College, London, Dr. Alex
B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., on the Academic Side of
Technical Training at the, 256

Universities: University and Educational Intelligence, 20, 46, 70, 93, 116, 139, 163, 186, 214, 237, 260, 285, 311, 335, 357, 390, 479, 503, 527, 550, 574, 599, 622, 646; University of Pennsylvania, Transactions of the Department of Archæology, Free Museum of Science and Art, H. B. Hall, 98; Oxford University Observatory, Prof. Turner, 110; the Empire and University Life, 217; Gunga-Gunga, 319; the Needs of our Oldest University, 231; the University College of South Wales, 235; Dr. Alex. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., on the Academic Side of Technical Training at the Union Society of University College, London, 256; the University of Sheffield, 282; University Education and National Life, Opening Address in Section L at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, Sir Richard C. Jebb, Litt.D., D.C.L., M.P., 545

Uranus, Observations of the Satellites of Saturn and,
Messrs. Frederick and Hammond, 230
Uranus, the Planet, W. F. Denning, 244

Urbain (G.), New Spectrum observed in Gadolinium, 71; the Isolation of Terbium, 552

Urda, Ephemeris of the Variable Asteroid (167), A. Berberich, 542

Utopia, a Modern, H. G. Wells, 337

[blocks in formation]

Variable Asteroid 1905 Q.Y., the, Dr. Palisa, 518; Prof. Berberich, 518

Variable Asteroid (167) Urda, Ephemeris of the, A. Berberich, 542

Variable Radial Velocities, Twelve Stars with, Prof. Wright and Dr. Palmer, 89

Variable Stars: Observations and Light-curves of Several Variable Stars, Dr. L. Terkán, 66; Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Miss Leavitt, 66; a Remarkable Variable Star, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 110; Variable Stars in the Clusters Messier 3 and 5, Prof. Bailey, 183; Periods of the Variable Stars S Sagittæ and Y Ophiuchi, M. Luizet, 330

Variation: Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité sur la Variation des Papillons, Arnold Pictet, F. Merrifield, 632

Variation of a Newly Discovered Asteroid, Dr. Palisa,

[blocks in formation]

Venus, Visibility of the Dark Hemisphere of, M. Hansky, 303 Vertebrates, the Lower, Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus, Fishes, Drs. Harmer, Herdman, Bridge, and G. S. Boulenger, 103

Verworn (Max), Prinzipienfragen in der Naturwissenschaft, Supp. to October 19, viii

Vesuvius, Recent Changes in, R. T. Günther, 455

Vibration, Absence of, in a Turbine Steamship, Prof. David Todd, 603

Victorious, Why Japan is, 128

Vidal (E.), Use of Rockets against Hail, 288

Vidal (Captain Léon), Manuel Pratique de Cinématique navale et maritime, 361

Vienna, the Botanical Congress at, Dr. A. B. Rendle, 272

Vienna, the Royal University Observatory of, 388
Vignon (Léo), Examination of Phosphorus Sulphide for
the Presence of Free White Phosphorus, 143
Ville (H.), a Combination of Methæmoglobin containing
Fluorine, 47

Villemontée (P. Gourée de), Contribution to the Study of
Liquid Dielectrics, 312

Violle (J.), Propagation of Musical Sounds in a Tube of 3 Metres Diameter, 95

Visibility of the Dark Hemisphere of Venus, M. Hansky, 303

Visibility of Faint Stars at the Lowell Observatory, Mr.
Lampland, 592; Mr. Lowell, 592
Viticulture Chlorophyll Assimilation in Young Shoots of
Plants, Applications to the Vine, Ed. Griffon, 23:
Ravages of the Phylloxera in Northern Spain are very
Serious, 541; the Character of Cape Wines, Dr. H.
Tietz, 642

Voigt (Dr. W.), Thermodynamik, 338

Volcanoes: the Eruption of Stromboli, 65; the Earthquake at Stromboli on September 8, and the Present State of the Volcano, A. Lacroix, 624; the Tower of Peléc, New Studies of the Great Volcano of Martinique, Prof. Angelo Heilprin, 101; Renewal of Activity of Mont Pelée, 155: Vesuvius in Eruption, 106; Recent Changes in Vesuvius, R. T. Günther, 455; Crater of Etna Extending, Prof. A. Ricco, 300; Volcanic Eruptions on Savaii, Samoa, 491; Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption at Samoa, 563

December 14, 1905.

Volkerpsychologie, Lazarus der Begründer der, Dr. Alfred
Leicht, 396

Volterra (Prof. Vito), Interesting Application of the Mathe-
matical Theory of Elasticity, 387

Vreeland (F. K.), Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Tele-
graphy, 99

Vries (Hugo de), Species and Varieties, their Origin by
Mutation, 314

Waby (J. F.), Two Photographs of a Palm, Corypha elata,

Ware (A. J. B.). Greek Grotesque Figures as Charms
against the Evil Eye, 560
Waddell (Lieut.-Colonel L.

A.), a Tibetan-English
Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, Sarat Chandra Das,
Supp. to October 19, iii

Wager (Harold, F.R.S., H.M.I.), Opening Address in
Section K at the Meeting of the British Association in
South Africa, on Some Problems of Cell Structure and
Physiology, 519

Waite (Dr.), Nesting Habits of Paradise or Rainbow Fish
(Polyacanthus opercularis), 348

Wales: the University College of South Wales, 235
Walford (E. A.), New Oolitic Strata in Oxfordshire,


Walk, the Problem of the Random, Prof. Karl Pearson,
F.R.S., 294. 342; the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, O.M.,
F.R.S., 318

Walker (Alfred O.), British Fruit Growing, 342
Walker (C.), the So-called "Cancer Bodies " (Ruffer's
Bodies) of Malignant Tumours, 86

Walker (C. E.), Cellular Constituents Peculiar to Cancerous
and Reproductive Tissues, 92; Resemblances between
Plimmer's Bodies" of Malignant Growths and Certain
Normal Constituents of Reproductive Cells of Animals,


Walker (J.), Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide, 239
Walker (Sydney F.), Earth in Collieries, Electricity in
Mines, 519

Walter (Prof. B.), Activity of Radiotellurium, 277
Warcollier (G.), Cause of Accumulation of Starch in
Bruised Apples, 452

Ward (H. Marshall), Trees, 482

Ward (J.), Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England
and Wales, the North Staffordshire Coalfields, 612
Warner (H. M.), a Feather-like Form of Frost, 80
Warren (Prof. L.), Death of, 38

Warren (R.), Seal Frequenting Killala Bay and the Moy
Estuary, 16

Warship Design, a Century's Progress in, Sir Philip Watts
at the Institution of Naval Architects, 320

Wasmann (Rev. Father), Origin of Slavery among Ants,


Wasps of the Genus Polistes, Colour in, Wilhelmine M.
Enteman, 19

Wasps, Social and Solitary, George W. Peckham and
Elizabeth G. Peckham, 395

Water: Essais d'Hydraulique souterraine et fluviale,
Edmond Maillet, 25; Method for the Sterilisation of
Drinking Water during a Campaign, Lieut. Nesfield,
307: Sterilisation of Water in the Field, Prof. R. T.
Hewlett, 431 Corr., 515 the Metropolitan Water
Supply, Dr. Scott Tebb, 386; Ice or Water, Another
Appeal to Induction from the Scholastic Methods of
Modern Geology, Sir Henry H. Howorth, F.R.S.,

[blocks in formation]

Weather Forecasting, some Aspects of Modern, Dr. W. N.
Shaw, F.R.S., at Royal Institution of Great Britain,

Weather Influences: an Empirical Study of the Mental and
Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Con-
ditions, Dr. E. G. Dexter, 147

Weather, Solar Changes and, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer,
129, 175: A. B. M., 175

Webber (B. C.), the Gales from the Great Lakes to the
Maritime, 494

Wedd (C. B.), Memoirs of the Geological Survey of
England and Wales, the North Staffordshire Coalfields,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Wells (H. G.), a Modern Utopia, 337

Wells (Horace L.), a Text-book of Chemical Arithmetic,

Wendell (Prof.), Variability of Minor Planet (15) Eunomia,
43; Harvard College Observatory Annual Report, 256;
Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, 66

Wesley (Mr.), the Planet Mars, 388

West (George), Comparative Study of the Dominant
Phanerogamic and Higher Cryptogamic Flora of Aquatic
Habit, 286

West Hendon House Observatory, 184

West Indies, Manurial Experiments with Cacao in
Dominica, 639

Westell (W. Percival), British Bird Life, 196

Westermarck (Dr.), the Magic Origin of Moorish Designs,


Wharton (Rear-Admiral Sir W. J. L., K.C.B., F.R.S.),
Opening Address in Section E at the Meeting of the
British Association in South Africa, 445

Wharton (Sir William, K.C.B., F.R.S.), Death of, 563;
Obituary Notice of, 586

Wheatley (Henry B.), the Early History of the Royal
Society, 109

White (H. A.), Action of Thiocyanates on Gold, 643
White (J. W.), Botany of the Balearic Islands, 17
White (Sir William H., K.C.B., F.R.S.), Submarine
Navigation, Lecture at Royal Institution, 209; Manuel
Pratique de Cinématique navale et maritime, Captain
Léon Vidal, 361

Wiedemann (Prof. E.), Electric Discharges, the Poisonous
Action of Ozone, 182

Wiggins (Captain J.), Death and Obituary Notice of,

Wild Fruits, How to Know, a Guide to Plants when not
in Flower by Means of Fruit and Leaf, Maude Gridley
Peterson, 428

Williams (Dr. Dawson), Physical Deterioration, 331
Williams (E.), Greenland and Iceland Falcons in Ireland,

Williams (J. A.), Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa,

Williams (Stanley), Observations of Jupiter's Great Red
Spot, 330

Willson (H. S.), the Isolation of B. typhosus from Water
by Means of Alum Precipitation, 92

Wilson (Prof. Ernest), the Insulation of Electric Machines,
H. W. Turner and H. M. Hobart, 149; Alternate Current
Electrolysis, 517

Wilson (E. B.), a Manual of Mining, 53
Wilson (Dr. George), Hospital Isolation, 331
Wilson (Dr. Harold A.), Mathematische Einführung in die
Elektronentheorie, Dr. A. H. Bucherer, 170; Experi-
mentelle Elektrizitätslehre, Dr. H. Starke, 170; Leitfaden
der Physik für die oberen Klassen der Realanstalten,

Dr. F. Bremer, 170; Electrical Conductivity of Flames, 215

Wilson (J. Cook), on the Traversing of Geometrical Figures, Supp. to October 19, vi

Wilson (Prof. J. T.), the Developmental History of Ornithorhynchus, 401

Wind (Prof. C. H.), Electrons and Matter, 574 Winn (L. H.), Properties of Photographic Plates Exposed to Light, 485

Wireless Telegraphy: Direct Reading Cymometer for Measuring the Length of the Waves used in Wireless Telegraphy, Prof. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., 91; Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Telegraphy, H. Poincaré and F. K. Vreeland, Maurice Solomon, 99; Experiments with the De Forest Wireless Telegraphy in Moving Trains, 228; First Three Months' Working of the Wireless Telegraph Act, 351; Experiments with Different Methods of Earth Connection for Wireless Telegraphic Installations, Lieut. Evans, 492; see also Telegraphy

Wirtz (Dr. C. W.), Observations of Satellites, 465 Wislicenus (Walter F.), Astronomischer Jahresbericht, 317

Wissler (Dr. Clark), Decorative Art of the Sioux Indians,


Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm, the, Prof. T. H. Middleton, 461

Wolf (Prof. Max), Newly Discovered Nebulæ, 89; Nova Aquilæ No. 2, 494, 611

Wolff (F.), Behaviour of Sulphur in the Blast Furnace, 69

Wood (Prof. R. W.), Magneto-optics of Sodium Vapour and the Rotatory Dispersion Formula, 286; the Fluorescence of Sodium Vapour, 286

Woodland (W.), Microscopic Preparations Illustrating the Development of Calcareous Spicules in Various Invertebrate Animals, 92

Woodruff (Major Charles E.), the Effects of Tropical Light on White Men, 172

Woodward (Dr. A. S.), Vertebrate Remains, 539
Wootton (W. O.), New Diamines, 166

Workman (W. P.), a Preparatory Course in Geometry, 150

Worley (F. P.), Bromine in Solutions of Potassium Bromide, 239

Worm, New Cestode, Dr. I. ljima, 348

Worthington (Miss),

Myxinoids, 589

of Life-history



Wright (Dr. A. E.), a Short Treatise on Anti-typhoid Inoculation, 122

Wright (Prof.), Twelve Stars with Variable Radial Velocities, 89

Wundt (Wilhelm), Völkerpsychologie, 126

Wüst (Prof. F.), Behaviour of Sulphur in the Blast Furnace, 69

[blocks in formation]

Zona (T.), Atmospheric Origin of "Shadow Bands," 611 Zoology: Natural History in Zoological Gardens, being Account of Vertebrated Animals, with Special seen to Those usually in the Zoological Reference Society's Gardens in London and Similar Institutions, F. E. Beddard, 13: Seals Frequenting Killala Bay and


22, 95, 119, 191; Occurrence of the Fresh-water Worm Chatogaster in India, N. Annandale, 24; the Transposition of Zoological Names, Dr. P. L. Sclater, F.R.S., 30; the Abdominal Sense-organ of the Palolo Worm, O. Schroeder, 64; Sponge Nomenclature, Prof. E. A. Minchin, 95; Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus, Fishes, Drs. Harmer, Herdman, Bridge, and G. S. of Criticisms the Hon. Boulenger, Walter 103; Rothschild's Proposed Classification of the Anthropoid Apes, Sir H. H. Johnston, 119; some Species of Bats of the Genus Rhinolophus, K. Andersen, 119; Animals I Have Known, A. H. Beavan, 125; History of a White Rhinoceros Skull, Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn, 127; Dr. C. Stewart, F.R.S., 175; Habits of British Bats, C. Oldham, 132; Duration of Flight among Bats, C. B. Moffat, 132; Antelopes, Heuglin's "Giant Eland," A. L. Butler, 133; Distribution of Mexican Amphibia and Reptilia, Dr. H. Gadow, 191; Tardigrada of the Scottish Lochs, J. Murray, 191; Notes on the Habits of Testacella, Oswald H. Latter, 176; M. D. Hill, 199; Tuberculosis the most Fatal Ailment in the Menagerie at Philadelphia, 181; the Black Rat (M. rattus ater), J. G. Millais, 229; Parasites of Indian Field Rat, Lieut. Christophers, 515; Cape Hunting Dogs in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of Ireland, Prof. D. J. Cunningham, 287; the Alligator in Florida, Prof. Albert M. Reese, 349; the Developmental History of Ornithorhynchus, Prof. J. T. Wilson, 401; the Origin and Nature of the Mammalian Lower Jaw, Prof. Gaupp, 401; Animals in Menageries in United States, America, E. S. Hallock, 434; a Gigantic Gorilla, Prof. E. T. A. Hamy, 434; the Celtic Pony, Dr. Francis H. Marshall, 558; Zoologischer Jahresbericht für 1904, 579: the Buccal Pits of Peripatus, C. G. Hewitt, 624; on a New Species of Guenon from the Cameroons, Dr. Henry O. Forbes, 630; the Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the Boine Snakes, Frank E. Beddard, F.R.S., 630; the Segmental Origin of Colour Stripes, Dr. O. Grosser, 638


Botany das Pflanzenreich, Supp. to October 19, ix

Cain (J. C.), the Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Products from which they are derived, Supp. to October 19, vii

Chemistry: the Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Products from which they are derived, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii Coal-tar Colour Industry, Organic Preparations and the, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii

Das (Sarat Chandra), a Tibetan-English Dictionary with
Sanskrit Synonyms, Supp. to October 19, iii
Demeny (Prof. Georges), Mécanisme et Education des
Mouvements, Supp. to October 19, v

Dyestuffs, the Synthetic, and the Intermediate Products from which they are derived, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii

Education: Mécanisme et Éducation des Mouvements, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to October 19, v

Faulds (Henry), Guide to Finger-print Identification, Supp. to October 19, iv Finger-print Identification, Guide to, Henry Faulds, Supp. to October 19, iv

Gardner (Walter M.), the Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Products from which they are derived, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Supp. to October 19. vii Geometry: On the Traversing of Geometrical Figures, J. Cook Wilson, Supp. to October 19, vi

Identification, Guide to Finger-print, Henry Faulds, Supp. to October 19, iv

Luciani (Dr. Luigi), Physiologie des Menschen, Supp. to

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