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All Saints' Works, Derby, May 20.

THE LOWER VERTEBRATES.1 VERYTHING comes to him who waits"!

"E Certainly the patience of many has been sorely tried by the long advent which has preceded the appearance of this last volume of the Cambridge Natural History. Students of the lower vertebrates will be naturally predisposed to accord it a favourable reception, inasmuch as its predecessors have presented such a high standard of excellence. If in some respects a closer acquaintance reveals some cause for complaint it will be admitted that, surveyed as a whole, both authors and editors alike are to be congratulated on having produced a work of sterling merit.


species, monophyletic and polyphyletic groups. They exhibit the phenomena of gemmation and of embryonic fission, of polymorphism, hibernation, alternation of generations, and change of function. They have long been known as a stock example of degeneration; but in fact they lend themselves admirably to the exposition of more than one chapter of Darwinism.'"

Prof. Herdman has made this group peculiarly his own, and the editors are to be congratulated in

having secured him to write this chapter. Nowhere else will the student find so complete and altogether admirable a summary of this most difficult and puzzling group of animals.

In dealing with amphioxus Prof. Herdman has been hampered by lack of space. This seems evident, not from the absence of any essential facts in his account, but from the condensed fashion in which the facts are presented. To the majority of those who will use this book this is perhaps of no great moment, but others, we imagine, will fail to appreciate the full

The groups dealt with in this volume are not only of the highest scientific interest and importance, but they present more than ordinary difficulties to be investigated, and these difficulties are materially increased when stern necessity compels the several contributors to condense their work within the smallest g-possible limits. Happily this task has fallen on the right shoulders, and all must admire the way in which it has been performed.

The first chapter of this book has been written by Dr. S. F. Harmer, and deals with the Hemichordata, a group which includes creatures of the existence of which the layman has never heard! Yet their importance in the scheme of evolution is of the highest, inasmuch as they bridge the gap for us between vertebrates and invertebrates.

The true nature of these worm-like and tubicolous animals has been determined only after the most laborious and painstaking research, in which Dr. Harmer, the author of this chapter has borne a very conspicuous share. Though the vertebrate affinities of the worm-like Balanoglossus were first hinted at by Kowalewsky in 1866, it was hot until 1886 that this relationship was really demonstrated: a triumph achieved by Bateson. Forming at first a branch by itself of the vertebrate phylum, Balanoglossus has since lost something of its unique character by the discovery that certain other tubicolous formsRhabdopleura and Cephalodiscus would have to be promoted to share this position, though to the ordinary observer nothing could be less like a vertebrate in appearance! This advance in our knowledge was made by the author of this chapter; and he has now still further extended the boundaries of this group so as to include Phoronis, an animal hitherto referred both to the Gephyrea and to the Polyzoa.

Although our knowledge of the Tunicates-those "common objects of the sea-shore," known as the "sea-squirts"-has been accumulating for something more than two thousand years, it was not until the middle of the eighteenth century that any real progress in the study of these creatures was made. And yet a century passed before the appearance of Kowalewsky's epoch-making work, which showed conclusively the astonishing fact that these shapeless jelly-bags were really kith and kin of the vertebrates but degenerates!

No other group of animals is so all-embracing in the nature of the phenomena it displays. As the author remarks, "They demonstrate both stable and

1 "Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus, Fishes." By Drs. Harmer, Herdman, Bridge and G. S. Boulenger. The Cambridge Natural History, vol. vii. Pp. xvii+760. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1904) Price 175 net.


FIG. 1.-Embryos of Rhodeus amarus in the gill-cavities of Unio. e. Embryos; g, inter-lamellar cavities. From the "Cambridge Natural History."

importance of some phases in the life history of this "weed in the vertebrate garden."

The remarkable ciliated condition of the embryonic and early larval stages is, for example, all too lightly passed over. Attention is not called to the importance of the fact that in the free-swimming, ciliated larva we have a connecting link between vertebrates and invertebrates. His reference to the existence of cilia is of the briefest. He remarks simply, that "the embryonic stages being passed through during the night... the larva hatched in the early morning," and then, on the next page, continues, "The epiblast cells become ciliated all over the surface, so that the embryo rotates within the thin covering which still surrounds it." Passing on to describe the metamorphosis of the embryo he goes on to say that " When it has (developed) about five pairs of mesoblastic somites, it breaks out of its covering, and becomes a free swimming larva." Probably no living biologist knows more of amphioxus than Prof. Herdman. Thus, then, this lack of emphasis of a really important feature must be attributed to the fact that he had to

compress his account unduly. As a matter of fact the whole history has been crowded into something less than eight and twenty pages, including illustrations! This condensation is evident throughout each of the chapters so far noticed, and probably accounts for the absence of anything in the shape of an historical review of the evolution of our knowledge of these obscure groups. Surely this is to be regretted, inasmuch as this is a volume which will serve as the main source of information for many generations of students; and it would be well to place before them some idea of the laborious and patient work which has been spent by others in building up the knowledge which is theirs to-day. Such a review would serve a double purpose. It would keep alive the memory of those whose names are all too soon forgotten, and it would serve as an incentive to further work.

Probably this survey would not have been wanting, but for the fact that some two hundred and eighty of the seven hundred and twenty-seven pages which mak up the book are devoted to the introduction on fishes! This is not as it should be; on this account serious

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of this volume. Lengthy as it is, it is yet incomplete. Morphological questions that should have found a place here are either ignored or dismissed in a few lines. If these had taken the room of the matter to which we object some justification might have been pleaded for the condensation of the exceedingly valuable chapters which we have just noticed. Yet, in spite of these drawbacks, this introduction will prove most valuable to those who use this volume as a text-book, and there is no doubt but that it will be widely read and highly valued in the various science schools throughout the kingdom.

It is a pity that more figures of larval fishes were not given in this introduction, designed to illustrate the remarkable transformations which some species especially undergo from the time of hatching to maturity.

In regard to the Cyclostomata it is curious that no mention is made of the extraordinary slime-secreting powers of the Myxinoids. True, he refers to "a row of mucous secreting sacs along each side of the body," but this scarcely does justice to the case; inasmuch as an instance is on record of a single individual which, placed in three or four cubic feet of water, converted the whole into a jelly-like mass, which could be lifted out with a stick! The specific name of Myxine glutinosa has reference to the old belief that the fish possessed the power of turning water into glue.

Prof. Bridge solves the difficulty as to the systematic position of Palæospondylus by placing them in a sort of limbo designated an "appendix to the fishes."

In this same appendix it is somewhat surprising to find not only the Ostracoderms, but the Arthrodira! As touching the former Prof. Bridge may claim that he errs, if erring he is, in good company, since so eminent an authority as Dr. Smith Woodward refuses to admit these "bones of contention" into the class Pisces. But we object to the hesitancy displayed by Prof. Bridge; he will neither call them fishes nor allow them to rank as a separate class (Agnatha), as Dr. Woodward has done. But surely there can be no question as to the class, at least, to which the Arthrodira belong? According to the most recent views they are to be regarded as Dipnoans.

In spite of these drawbacks Prof. Bridge's contribution to this volume is a valuable one. He has brought together a vast amount of information, much of which is the result of his own researches. Where he has had to draw upon the work of others he has for the most part selected of the best. Our chief complaint is that he is so meticulously exact.

The Teleostei, from a systematic point of view, are described by Mr. E. A. Boulenger, and he has brought to bear upon this most difficult task an unrivalled knowledge, tempered with rare skill and judgment. The classification which has been generally in use in this country for the last thirty years is now replaced by one which aims at being phylogenetic-the true basis of all systematic work. Although we believe Mr. Boulenger has improved on this arrangement in some minor details since passing the final proofs of his work some three years ago, it may be accepted practically representing his views on this subject. As he remarks, "Out of some 12,000 wellestablished species of fishes known to exist at the present day, about 11,500 belong to this order (Teleostei). The classification of such an array of forms is, of course, a matter of great difficulty, and gives scope for much difference of opinion among those who have attempted to grapple with the subject." The basis of this classification differs from that usually employed in other groups of vertebrates, inasmuch as it rests on osteological characters, in so far as families and higher groups are concerned.

The reader of this notice may imagine, from our ominous reference to dry bones, that Mr. Boulenger's contribution is of the nature of a dull and tiresome catalogue. We hasten to remark, therefore, that this element is effectually masked by the introduction of all the more important facts concerning the lifehistories of the various species which have come within the author's province. These facts form most fascinating reading, and will appeal to a large number of people other than professed students of zoology. Do fishes sleep? is a question often asked. Although answered in the affirmative some eight and thirty years ago by Mobius, the fact has remained ever since practically buried in the German publication in which it appeared. Mr. Boulenger is apparently the first to give it circulation in a text-book. A species of Wrasse


confined in an aquarium, he points out, was observed by Mobius to seek a sleeping place at night, and to lay itself down to rest on one side. The psychologist and the student of evolution will find in these chapters of Mr. Boulenger a perfect mine of information. No more instructive lessons in adaptation can be gathered than from the descriptions and figures illustrating this part and certain sections of Prof. Bridge's workas witness the text cuts given herewith.



R. BRADLEY-BIRT'S book dealing with the Santal Parganas merits the success achieved by his former volume on Chota Nagpore. This time, he lays his scene in the mountainous, forest-clad outlier of the Vindhyan range, which stands like an island in the midst of the great Gangetic plain. Dominating the great waterway which leads from the borders of the Punjab to the Bay of Bengal, it has for centuries been the stronghold of the aboriginal tribe who sought refuge in it from the Aryan flood descending from the north-west on the fertile plains of Bengal. From his almost inaccessible stronghold, the Paharia looked down upon the coming and going of the Hindu, the Pathan, and the Moghul. Empires rose and fell before his very eyes whilst he, hating the foreigner of every race and creed, remained wrapped in his primitive barbarism, a hunter living on the produce of the surrounding forest, not to be starved into submission, because he had no need of the produce of the plains. His only dealings with successive invaders were when he swooped on the villages below, killing and robbing their inhabitants, or cutting off travellers and the camp followers of passing armies. Neither Hindu nor Mahomedan could subdue him by main force without extravagant loss.

formed an efficient buffer between the hillman and the inhabitants of the surrounding plain. The Santal, in turn, gave trouble in 1856, when he broke into rebellion directed against the peaceful penetration of the moneylender and the landgrabber.

It is with these two aboriginal tribes that Mr. Bradley-Birt chiefly deals. As men, they are perhaps more interesting to the ethnologist and the philologist than to the ordinary student of human nature, but the author has succeeded in enlisting such interest as we can spare to one tribe still in the purely agricultural stage, and to another which has scarcely as yet progressed beyond that of the hunter.

His picture of village life on, and at the foot of, the Rajmahal hills glows with local colour and swims in the atmosphere of the jungle and the plain. It was scarcely necessary for him to assure his reader that most of the book was written in camp, in the midst of the Paharias and the Santals. As one reads, one seems to inhale the fresh, crisp air of an Indian cold weather morning, or to pant in the heavy atmosphere of the forest as the line of Paharia hunters presscs,


FIG. 1.-A Primitive Mode of Irrigation. From Bradley-Birt's "Story of an Indian Upland.

Attempts to bribe the mountaineer with land around the mountain failed, for he did not care to cultivate, and the keeping of a bargain with the hated foreigner formed no part of his moral code.

At last appeared the British, whose fair complexion impressed the Paharia with an idea that they were of higher origin than the earlier conquerors. In Augustus Cleveland came a man who found a way to tame the savage, to enlist his sympathy, and to offer an outlet for his martial instincts. Some of the Paharias were enlisted as an irregular force, whilst an endeavour was made to isolate the rest in a ring of neutral territory, from which the Hindu and the Mahomedan of the plains were to be excluded. Much of Cleveland's good work was undone by a successor of sterner and less considerate temperament. The solution of the difficulty was finally found, about 1830, when a wandering branch of the Santals, another aboriginal tribe, appeared upon the scene and eagerly accepted the land below the hills which the Paharia, refusing for himself, made untenable for the plainsman. The Santal, an enthusiastic though uncivilised cultivator, recognised as a kinsman by the Paharia, 1 "The Story of an Indian Upland." By F. B. Bradley-Birt. Pp. xvi+ 354 (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1905.) Price 12s. 6d. net.

shouting and slaying. through the dense undergrowth.

Much that Mr. Bradley-Birt describes, or depicts in his photographs, is not peculiar to the Santal Parganas. The primitive mode of irrigation, with basket swung by two men, which forms the subject of the illustration here reproduced, is still practised by millions who have never heard of the Santals, or been within a thousand miles of their home. All over India the cultivator watches his crops at night from a rough platform raised on a ricketty scaffolding of bamboos. Sometimes it happens, in regions not unlike the Rajmahal hills, that the vigil ends in a tragedy, when the sleepy watcher is torn from his post by the man-eating leopard. But the inclusion of these incidents in no way detracts from the charm of the picture of simple village life, a life of agricultural labour tempered by feasting and dancing in seasons when there is no labour to be performed.

The Paharias' rude religion has drawn nothing from Hinduism or Islam. The Santal equally professes his separation from those creeds, but his love of pleasure has induced him to adopt some of the Hindu festivals, for instance the Jatra, which he celebrates in February.

The history of British administration in this wild tract, up to the time of the Santal rebellion of 1856. can scarcely be held up as a great example. As fo the patriarchal system which still prevails, Mr. Risley, in an introduction which, from the pen of so great an ethnological authority, is somewhat disappointing, throws some doubts on its superiority to other methods of dealing with aboriginal tribes. Perhaps, in later years, Mr. Bradley-Birt's enthusiastic admiration of it may cool. As matters stand, his enthusiasm, and his evident sympathy with the simple peoples he describes, serve to enhance the charm of his work.

To the Anglo-Indian this volume will recall much that is pleasant; to the tourist, and even to the stayat-home Englishman, it will afford a bright glimpse of native country life which is not to be found on the beaten track.


Ar the meeting of the Royal Society on May 18 the following were elected foreign members :-Prof. L. Hermann, Koenigsberg; Prof. H. A. Lorentz, Leyden; Prof. H. Moissan, Paris; and Prof. Hugo de Vries, Amsterdam. THE annual visitation of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, will take place on Saturday next, June 3.

THE international conference having for its object the establishment of an international institute of agriculture was opened in Rome on Sunday, May 28, in the presence of the King of Italy. On Monday the conference held a sitting at the Accademia dei Lincei, and the Foreign Minister, Signor Tittoni, opened the proceedings with an address.

THE English Arboricultural Society has been granted permission by the King to change its name to the " Royal English Arboricultural Society."

PROF. J. N. LANGLEY, F.R.S., will give one of the general lectures at the meeting of the Association of German Naturalists and Physicians, which will open at Meran on September 24. His subject will be "Recent Researches on the Nervous System."

A REUTER telegram from Portici states that Vesuvius has for some days been in active eruption. At 7 p.m. on May 27 the western side of the small terminal cone collapsed, and a large quantity of lava burst forth, which in an hour's time reached the base of the great cone, at Atrio Cavallo, one kilometer distant.

WE learn from the Board of Trade Journal that the Gaceta de Madrid for May II contained the text of a Royal Order providing for the duty-free admission into Spain of instruments and accessories carried by foreign men of science deputed to observe the eclipse of the sun on August 30.

ACCORDING to a Reuter telegram, dated New York, May 27, the Cunard liner Campania reports that she was in continuous communication with land, by wireless telegraphy, throughout her entire voyage from Liverpool. In mid-ocean she had simultaneous communication with America and Europe, a feat which had not previously been accomplished.

A CORRESPONDENT of the Times states that in the early part of May enormous shoals of dead fish were thrown up for a considerable distance along the sea coast by Karachi The whole beach was strewn with dead fish, lying in some places five or six inches deep. The Port Trust authorities had to make arrangements for the removal and burial of these millions of fish. Captain Belton, of the steamship

City of Dundee, on arriving at Karachi reported some very curious electrical phenomena about a hundred miles out to sea, repeated flashes of light being observed to pass over the surface of the ocean in a curious way.

AN international congress for the study of radiology and ionisation will be held at Liège on September 12-14 inclusive. The congress will be divided into a physical section and a biological section. The former will be concerned with the physics of electrons, radio-activity and dependent transformations, meteorological and astronomical phenomena and their relation to ionisation and radio-activity. In the biological section the subjects to be considered will include the physiological properties of various radiations and of radio-activity, and their medical value and application. The method of procedure in this section will be determined upon by a special committee presided over by Profs. Bouchard and d'Arsonval. The other members of this committee are Drs. Béclère, Bergonié, Broca, Charpentier, Charrin, Danysz, and Oudin. There will also be a general committee, presided over by M. Henri Becquerel, to examine, classify, and decide upon such reports, papers, and notes as may be offered. The acting president of the congress is to be Prof. H. Kuborn, president of the Royal Medical Society of Belgium, and the general secretary, to whom all communications or contributions should be sent as soon as possible, is Dr. J. Daniel, rue de la Prévoté, 1, Brussels.

MENTION has already been made of the recent visit of British physicians and surgeons to Paris, and the cordial and enthusiastic welcome extended to them by French men of science, as well as by the State and municipal authorities. Further particulars of the visit are given in the British Medical Journal of May 20. Among the numerous receptions arranged by the scientific and medical societies and by civil bodies of every kind to do honour and give pleasure to the British visitors, no meeting was more appreciated than that which gave the British men of science the opportunity of paying homage to the memory of Pasteur. On May 11 the visitors attended at the Pasteur Institute to witness the ceremony of placing a wreath upon the tomb of Pasteur in the crypt of the institute by Dr. J. Kingston Fowler, dean of the medical faculty of the University of London. Dr. Roux, the director of the Institute, conducted the visitors and a distinguished party of French medical men to the gates of the crypt, where Dr. Fowler delivered in French the speech referred to in NATURE of May 18 (p. 63), in which he craved permission to place a wreath on the tomb of the master, who accomplished so much for science and for humanity, and to whose labours the institute is a fitting memorial. Dr. A. Waller, dean of the faculty of science of the University of London, followed with an eloquent eulogy, also delivered in French. He laid great stress upon the value to humanity of Pasteur's work in the direction of the infinitely little, and spoke of Pasteur as le médicin de la médecine. Dr. Waller maintained that in a thousand years' time historians will not speak much of the nineteenth century as remarkable for the invention of the locomotive and other mechanisms, but rather as the epoch in which Pasteur inaugurated so brilliantly the study of the infinitely small. The earnest speeches, and the impressive scene as the visitors passed before Pasteur's tomb in respectful homage to their master, made the occasion a memorable one. The evidence thus given of the reverence in which Pasteur's memory is held should help to cement the friendly relations existing between France and Britain, and to foster that spirit of mutual confidence-that comity of nations-which already exists in the world of science.

THE May number of Museum News (Brooklyn Institute) curtains an interesting notice of specimens in the collection illustrating the now obsolete manufacture of tapa cloth in Hawaii and other Polynesian islands.

A PRELIMINARY report, by Dr. H. W. Conn, on the freshwater protozoans of Connecticut, issued as Bulletin No. 2 of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, is illustrated by no less than thirty-four beautifully executed plates. Hitherto the American fresh-water representatives of these lowly organisms have been but little studied, and the present research is merely a prelude to a fuller account of their distribution and their relation to the purity of drinking water. Descriptions of species are altogether omitted in this report, and even the generic position of some of the forms mentioned is left more or less undecided.

Ix connection with the preceding paragraph may be appropriately noticed Mr. D. J. Scourfield's address (delivered in December last) on fresh-water biological stations, which is published in the April issue of the Journal of the Quckett Microscopical Club, since this also deals with the effects of organisms on the purity of water used for domestic purposes. The gradual awakening of interest in the subject of the detailed study of fresh waters and their organisms is sketched, and the history of the establishment of stations for the purpose briefly described, special reference being made to the one founded by Mr. E. Gurney on Sutton Broad, Norfolk, in 1902. The lecturer concludes with remarks about what fresh-water biological stations should be, whenever the requisite financial means obtainable.


AMONG other monographs on American invertebrates recently received is a revision of the beetles of the family Staphylinidae included in the section Pæderini. In this article, forming No. 2 of vol. xv. of the Transactions of the St. Louis Academy, the author, Mr. T. L. Casey, points out that the taxonomic problem presented by these beetles is one of great interest in reference to the comparative morphology of the tribe. Genera from all parts of the world are included in the revision, but with the exception of the types of new generic forms, the only species catalogued are those inhabiting America to the northward of Mexico.

Is an article on the affinities of Equisetum in the May number of the American Naturalist Prof. D. H. Campbell comes to the conclusion that these archaic plants are related to ferns rather than to lycopods, and that both ferns and equisetums are probably divergent branches from a common ancestral stock. In the same issue Mr. D. D. Jackson discusses the movements of diatoms, many of which appear to be due to the evolution of oxygen gas produced by the activity of the chlorophyll in these organisms. Attention may likewise be directed to Mr. A. H. Clark's paper on the habits of the important West Indian food-fish known locally as "whitebait" or tri" (Sicydium plumieri).


Is the report of the delegates of the University Museum for 1904, published on May 16 as a supplement to the Oxford University Gazette, special attention is directed by the Hope professor of zoology (Prof. Poulton) to the increase in the insect collection and the work that has been accomplished, or is in progress, in connection with the insect collection, which is rapidly becoming one of the finest in the world. The most recent addition is the collection of 7000 British Microlepidoptera presented by Mrs. Bazett, of Reading, another splendid acquisition being the

collection of Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera bequeathed by Mr. G. A. J. Rothney. The report also alludes to the recent decisive confirmation of the existence of three distinct mimetic types of female in a South African Papilio, and to the remarkable features presented by certain southern butterfly faunas, which are almost wholly of a northern type. The editing of the Burchell manuscript, and the identification of the specimens in the collection of the great traveller referred to therein, are also mentioned.

AMONG the more important articles in the issues of the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy for the current year, the following may be specially mentioned. To the January issue Mr. C. W. Johnson contributes an annotated list of the type-specimens of Cretaceous invertebrates in the collection of the academy, while Mr. H. W. Fowler gives the second instalment of a paper on new or little-known scombroid fishes. Later on Mr. H. Crawley discusses the movements of gregarines; and in the February issue Mr. H. A. Pilsbry describes a number of new Japanese marine molluscs. Both entomologists and morphologists will find much to interest them in an article by Dr. E. F. Phillips on the structure and development of the compound eye of the bee, while Mr. Crawley's preliminary notice of a new sporozoon (Coelosporidium blattellae) found in the crotonbug (Blattella germanica), and Mr. T. H. Montgomery's contribution to our knowledge of the spermatogenesis of certain spiders and remarks on chromosome reduction, will appeal to specialists in such matters.

A RECENT issue of the Jenaische Zeitschrift contains the report of an address delivered in June last before the Medical and Scientific Society of Jena by Prof. E. Haeckel on the progress of biology in that city during the nineteenth century. Confining himself chiefly to morphology, and dwelling specially on the various theories which have been advanced in regard to that of the vertebrate skull, the professor pointed out that in Jena the "science century" may be divided into three periods. The first of these, during which Schleiden advanced the cell-theory, extended to 1838; then followed an interval of twenty years, after which, in 1859, came Darwin's epoch-making theory of the evolution of species. After referring to the work of Blatt on embryology and development, the lecturer emphasised the morphological importance of the "vertebral theory of the skull " enunciated by Goethe and Oken in the first third of the century, and of Huschke's labours in connection with the development of the skull and the sense organs in the second third. A whole paragraph is devoted to Goethe's discovery of the premaxilla in man. Oscar Schmidt, Johannes Müller, Carl Gegenbaur, and the other great names associated for longer or shorter periods with Jena and its teaching, receive in turn their share of praise in this admirable historical address.

MM. CALMETTE AND BRETON have repeated the experiments of Loos and others on the transference of infection in ankylostomiasis through the skin. They find that the larvæ of both the human and the canine Ankylostoma pass with the greatest facility through the skin of the dog, causing infection of the animal (Acad. de Méd., Paris March 24).

THE Bulletin of the College of Agriculture of the Imperial University, Tokyo (vol. vi., No. 4), contains several papers of interest on the value and use of artificial manures for various crops, and others on the flowering of the bamboo, on oxidases, on the determination of fusel oil, on a bacillus observed in flacherie, &c. With regard to flacherie (a destructive disease affecting silkworms), the conclusion is

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