MACMILLAN & CO.'S LIST. NEW AND REVISED EDITION, NOW READY. A TREATISE ON CHEMISTRY. By SIR H. E. ROSCOE, F.R.S., and C. SCHORLEMMER, F.R.S. Vol. I.-The Non-Metallic Elements. New Edition, completely revised by Sir H. E. RoscoE, assisted by Dr. H. G. COLMAN and Dr. A. HARDEN. With 217 Illustrations. 8vo. 215. net. THIRD EDITION. Entirely Re-written and Enlarged. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND ANALYSIS OF OILS, FATS, AND WAXES. By Dr. J. LEWKOWITSCH, M.A., F.I.C., &c. Consulting and Analytical Chemist and Chemical Engineer: Examiner in Soap Manufacture and in Fats and Oils, including Candle Manufacture. to the Ciry and Guilds of London Institute. With 88 Illustrations and numerous Tables. In Two Volumes. Medium 8vo, gilt tops. 365. net. NATURE.-"The standard English book of reference on the subject." THE LABORATORY COMPANION TO FATS AND OILS INDUSTRIES. By Dr. LEWKOWITSCH, F.I.C. 8vo. 6s. net. CHEMICAL TRADE JOURNAL.--“ Bound to become a constant companion to the chemist who deals with oils and fats." THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. No. X. Session 1903-4. Illustrated. 17s. net. CONTENTS: The Palace of Knossos, A. J. Evans; Teams of Ball Players at Sparta, M. N. Tod; Grotesques and the Evil Eye, A. J. B. Wace; Old Egyptian Ploughs, H. Schafer; Mystica Vannus Iacchi, Miss J. E. Harrison; S. Western Laconian Sites, E. S. Forster; Excavations at Palaikastro, R. M. Dawkins and C. T. Currelly: &c., &c. SIXTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. THE ADVANCED PART OF A TREATISE ON THE DYNAMICS OF A SYSTEM OF RIGID BODIES. Being Part II. of a Treatise on the Whole Subject. With numerous Examples. By EDWARD JOHN ROUTH, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S., &c. 8vo. 145. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY FOR STUDENTS. By H. E. HADLEY, B.Sc. (Lond.), Associate of the Royal College of Science, London; Headmaster of the School of Science, Kidderminster. Globe 8vo. 6s. TWENTY-SIX GRADUATED EXERCISES IN GRAPHIC STATICS, A MANUAL OF QUATERNIONS. By CHARLES JASPER JOLY, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Sec. R.I.A.; Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin; Andrews' Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland. 8vo. 10s. net. NATURE.-"There can be no question as to the high merits of the Manual of Quaternions.' It is a worthy companion volume to the master's own great works." WOOLWICH MATHEMATICAL PAPERS, for Admission into the Royal Military Academy for the years 1895-1904. Edited by E. J. BROOKSMITH, B.A., LL.M. Crown 8vo. 65. PROBLEMS OF THE PANAMA CANAL, including Climatology of the Isthmus, Physics and Hydraulics of the River Chagres, cut at the Continental Divide, and Discussion of Plans for the Waterway. By Brig. Gen. HENRY L. ABBOT, U.S. Army, retired; Consulting Engineer, New Panama Canal Company. With Map. Crown Svo, gilt top, 6s. 6d. net. ALBERT Apply ALBION S.S. CO., LTD., Newcastle-on-Tyne. EDWARD JAMRACH (Late CHARLES JAMRACH), 180 ST. GEORGE STREET EAST. Implements of Savage Warfare, Idols, Sacred Masks, Peruvian Pottery, Netsukis China, Lacquers, Gongs, Shells, and other Curios. ROCKS, MINERALS, FOSSILS. For Collectors, Students, Technical Schools, Colleges, &c. COLLECTIONS IN POlished DEAL BOXES. 25 Specimens, 5/6; 50 do., 10/6; 100 do., 21/-; 200 do., 42/20 Coal Measure Rocks and Fossils, 12/6; do., larger, 15/-. Adapted for the Board of Education Examinations in Geology, Physiography, and Mineralogy. A large stock of Minerals, Rocks, Fossils and Microscopic Objects for selection. Specimens sent on approval. Cabinets, Geologists' Hammers, Chisels, Card Trays, Glass-capped Boxes, Models of Crystals, &c., &c. NEW CATALOGUE POST FREE. THE NEW COLLECTION OF 336 SPECIMENS AND SLIDES OF ROCKS, according to H. ROSENBUSCH: "Elemente der Gesteinslehre, 2d ed. 1901." Accompanied by a text-book: "Practical Petrography," giving a short description of the polarizing microscope and its application, and also of the macroscopical and microscopical features of every specimen of this collec tion, by Professor Dr. K. Busz of the University of Münster. This collection is intended for the practical use of students, and contains typical representatives of all important types of rocks; it is composed of 277 massive rocks (94 deep-seated rocks, 50 dike rocks, 133 volcanic rocks), 28 sedimentary, and 31 crystalline schists. Out of it two smaller collections of 250 and 165 specimens have been selected. The prices are as follows:Collection I. 336 Specimens of Rocks 380 Marks. 336 Slides .. 420 270 Ia. 99 II. 250 Specimens of Rocks THOMAS D. RUSSELL, 78 Newgate St., London, E.C. WATKINS & & DONCASTER, MICROSCOPICAL PETROGRAPHY. Gentlemen interested in the above study are invited to send to JAMES R. GREGORY & CO., 1 Kelso Place, Kensington Court, London, W., for a Prospectus of THE TWENTIETH CENTURY ATLAS OF MICROSCOPICAL PETROGRAPHY, sow being issued in Twelve Monthly Parts, each Part containing Four Fine Half Tone Plates, and also Four actual Rock Sections. Subscription in advance, either Monthly, 7/-; Quarterly, 21/-; or for the whole Series of 12 Monthly Parts & 48 Sections, £4 4s. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. Volvox, Spirogyra, Desmids, Diatoms, Amoeba, Arcella, Actinosphærium, Vorticella, Stentor, Hydra, Floscularia, Stephanoceros, Melicerta, and many other specimens of Pond Life. Price 15. per Tube, Post Free. Helix pomatia, Astacus, Amphioxus, Rana, Anodon, &c., for Dissection purposes. THOMAS BOLTON, 25 BALSALL HEATH ROAD. BIRMINGHAM. MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. THE LABORATORY, PLYMOUTH, The following animals can always be supplied, either living or preserved by the best methods : Sycon; Clava, Obelia, Sertularia; Actinia, Tealia, Caryophyllia, Alcy. onium; Hormiphora (preserved); Leptoplana; Lineus, Amphiporus, Nereis, Aphrodite, Arenicola, Lanice, Terebella; Lepas, Balanus, Gammarus, Ligia Mysis, Nebalia, Carcinus; Patella, Buccinum, Eledone Pectens Bugula, Crisia, Pedicellina, Holothuria, Asterias, Echinus Ascidia, Salpa (preserved), Scyllium, Raia, &e., &c. For prices and more detailed lists apply to Biological Laboratory, Plymouth. THE DIRECTOR. Naturalists and Manufacturers of CABINETS AND APPARATUS FOR ENTOMOLOGY, BIRDS' EGGS AND SKINS, AND ALL SPECIAL SHOW-ROOM FOR CABINETS. N. B. For Excellence and Superiority of Cabinets and Apparatus, references are permitted to distinguished patrons, Museums, Colleges, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS, birds' egGS AND SKINS. SPECIALITY.-Objects for Nature Study, Drawing Classes, &c. Birds, Mammals, &c., Preserved and Mounted by First-class Workmen true to Nature. All Books and Publications on Natural History supplied. 36 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. (Five Doors from Charing Cross.) New Catalogue (102 pp.) just issued, post free. MINERALS, ROCKS, FOSSILS. A large stock of BRITISH AND FOREIGN MINERALS always on view. CORNISH MINERALS A SPECIALITY. Special display for Teachers and Students on Saturdays. Open till 7 p.m. RICHARDS' SHOW ROOMS, 3 Beauchamp Place, Brompton Road, South Kensington, London, S. W. CUTTELL'S ROCK CUTTING MACHINE is the most simple and practical for section cutting, &c., £3 158. Prize Medal Exhibition of Inventions.-19 Abbotstone Road, Putney, S.W. NOTICE.- Advertisements and business letters for NATURE should be addressed to the Publishers; Editorial Communications to the Editor. The telegraphic address of NATURE is "PHUSIS," LONDON. WOODHOUSE INCLINED PLANE. 060 TOWNSON & MERCER, 34 CAMOMILE STREET, E.C. RADIUM. A few Milligrams of the ORIGINAL HIGH ACTIVITY RADIUM BROMIDE for Sale. ISENTHAL & CO., 85 MORTIMER STREET, LONDON, W. Contractors to the Admiralty, War, India, and Colonial Offices, &c. I'rinted by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 & 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and published by MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED, at St. Martin's Street, London, W. C., and THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, June 29. 1905. EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. The following posts at the School of Medicine, Cairo, are vacant:- (b) ASSISTANT to the PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY Each appointment is for two years, and may be renewed at the end of that time. Applicants should forward copies of testimonials and such other particulars as are mentioned below. The pay of each post is £E. 320 per annum, the Egyptian pound being worth 6d. more than the pound sterling. Private Practice is not allowed. It is to be distinctly understood that the appointment gives no claim to pension or indemnity. The Government reserves to itself the right to dismiss the Assistant for misconduct or incapacity. In the Government Schools, as in all State Administrations in Egypt, Sunday is a working day. The Schools are closed on Fridays. Leave will be granted on the same terms as to other Government officials. The possibility of taking leave, and the period of the year at which it is granted, depend upon the exigencies of the service. Pay commences from date of arrival in Cairo. On taking up his duties in Cairo, each Assistant will receive one month's pay in lieu of passage money. All applicants should attach a certificate from a legally qualified medical man, stating that in his opinion the candidate is in a fit state of health to undertake the duties of the post. All applicants should state their age, what foreign languages they know, and if they can be in Cairo by October 1. The latest mail by which applications may be posted will leave London on Friday, July 14. Applications to be addressed to the DIRECTOR, Government School of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt. MINISTRY of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, EGYPT. POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. An INSTRUCTOR in ENGINEERING is required to begin work on September 30 in the Polytechnic School of Engineering, Ghizeh (near Cairo). The Instructor appointed will be engaged in teaching Descriptive Engineering and Hydraulics. Candidates must have had practical experience as engineers, and have been engaged on work of a class intimately related to the subjects to be taught. They should be from 25 to 35 years of age, unmarried, and have a robust constitution. A University Degree or Diploma in Engineering is an essential qualifi cation. Salary about £430 per annum (Eg. 35 per mensem), rising to about £553 per annum (Eg. 45 per mensem). Allowance for passage out to Egypt. Bachelor quarters are provided. Applications, with full statement of qualifications, and accompanied by copies only of testimonials, must be sent in before July 22, 1905, addressed to W. C. MACKENZIE, Esq., D.Sc., 5 The Crescent, Cromer, to whom candidates may apply for further information. MINISTRY of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, EGYPT. SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE. An INSTRUCTOR in LAND SURVEYING and FARM ENGINEERING is required to begin work on September 30 in the School of Agriculture, Ghizeh (near Cairo). Preference will be given to candidates having experience of Practice and Teaching. They should be from 23 to 33 years of age, unmarried, and have a robust constitution. A University Degree or College Diploma is an essential qualification. Salary about £295 per annum (Eg. 24 per mensem), rising to about £393 per annum (Eg. 32 per mensem). Allowance for passage out to Egypt. Bachelor quarters are provided. Applications, with full statement of qualifications, and accompanied by copies only of testimonials, must be sent in before July 22, 1905, addressed to W. C. MACKENZIE, Esq., D.Sc., 5 The Crescent, Cromer, to whom candidates may apply for further information. HARTLEY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, SOUTHAMPTON. Principal-S. W. RICHARDSON, D.Sc., B.A. The Council of the College invite applications for the following appointments : 1. ASSISTANT LECTURER IN ENGLISH, who will also be required to give some elementary instruction in LATIN. Salary, L130 per annum. 2. ASSISTANT LECTURER IN MATHEMATICS, who will also be required to give some elementary instruction in PHYSICS. Salary, 130 per annum. Applications, giving particulars of age, training, qualifications, and experience, with copies of three recent testimonials, must be sent to the REGISTRAR (of whom further particulars may be obtained) on or before BIRKBECK COLLEGE BREAMS BUILDINGS, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. FACULTY OF SCIENCE. Chemistry Physics... Mathematics Botany ... Zoology... DAY AND EVENING Courses. J. E. MACKENZIE, Ph.D., D.Sc. H. WREN, Ph.D., B.A., B.Sc. (ALBERT GRIFFITHS, D.Sc. D. OWEN, B.A., B.Sc. B. W. CLACK, B.Sc. (E. H. SMART, M.A. W. G. BIRT, B.A., B.Sc. A. B. RENDLE, M.A., D.Sc. F. E. FRITSCH, Ph.D., B.Sc. H. W. UNTHANK, B.A., B.Sc. Geology & Mineralogy GEO. F. HARRIS, F.G.S. Assaying, Metallurgy & Mining. GEO. PATCHIN, A.R.S.M. RESEARCH in Chemistry and Physics in well-equipped laboratories. French, German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, & Italian Classes. EVENING CLASSES also in Biology, Physiology, Practical Geometry, Building and Machine Construction, Steam, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Land and Quantity Surveying, and Estimating. Calendar 6d. (post free 8d.), on application to the Secretary. Manresa Road, Chelsea, S. W., Day College Courses of thirty hours per week will be conducted in preparation for the London University Degrees of B.Sc. in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, in Chemis try, Physics and the Natural Sciences. The composition fee for the Session of three terms, 1905-1900, is £15. These Courses are recog nised for "Internal Students" of the University, and consist of lecture and laboratory instruction. The Courses are conducted by:MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, W. W. F. Pullen, A. Macklow Smith; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, A. J. Makower; CHEMISTRY, J. B. Coleman, J. C. Crocker, and F. H. Lowe; MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS, S. Skinner, W. H. Eccles, J. Lister and L. Lownds; BOTANY, H. B. Lacey and T. G. Hill: GEOLOGY, A. J. Maslen. In the evenings similar Courses will be conducted, but at £2 per Session. Also TECHNICAL DAY COURSES of three years' duration are arranged as a preparation for the Engineering, Electrical and Chemical and Metallurgical pro fessions. The Laboratories and Workshop are open for RESEARCH under the direction of The Principal and the Heads of Departments. Further particulars may be obtained on application to The SECRETARY, who will send the Calendar and Prospectus for 3d., or it may be obtained at the Office, price 1d. |