undergone the dynamic action of an artificial whirlpool in all points comparable with the dynamic action of a torrential current of water, present all the characteristics of the ancient river-gravels; it is easy to find among them, after a few minutes' search, all the most characteristic forms of eoliths, such as are given as typical. My colleagues and I have been able to make a collection of flints admirably retouchés, identical with the forms called by M. Rutot hammer-stones, planes, notched flints, &c. We have also collected flints showing the cone of percussion, which is generally regarded as an infallible mark of intentional fashioning. THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. INAUGURAL ADDRESS BY PROF. G. H. DARWIN, M.A., LL.D., PH.D., F.R.S., PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION. PART II.' THUS far we have been concerned with the almost inconceivably minute, and I now propose to show that similar conditions prevail on a larger scale. Many geological problems might well be discussed from my present point of view, yet I shall pass them by, and shall proceed at once to Astronomy, beginning with the smallest cosmical scale of magnitude, and considering afterwards the larger celestial phenomena. The problems of cosmical evolution are so complicated that it is well to conduct the attack in various ways at the same time. Although the several theories may seem to some extent discordant with one another, yet, as I have already said, we ought not to scruple to carry each to its logical conclusion. We may be confident that in time the false will be eliminated from each theory, and when the true alone remains the reconciliation of apparent disagreements will have become obvious. The German astronomer Bode long ago propounded a simple empirical law concerning the distances at which the several planets move about the sun. It is true that the planet Neptune, discovered subsequently, was found to be considerably out of the place which would be assigned to it by Bode's law, yet his formula embraces so large a number of cases with accuracy that we are compelled to believe that it arises in some manner from the primitive conditions of the planetary system. The explanation of the causes which have led to this simple law as to the planetary distances presents an interesting problem, and, although it is still unsolved, we may obtain some insight into its meaning by considering what I have called a working model of ideal simplicity. Imagine then a sun round which there moves in a circle a single large planet. I will call this planet Jove, because it may be taken as a representative of our largest planet, Jupiter. Suppose next that a meteoric stone or small planet is projected in any perfectly arbitrary manner in the same plane in which Jove is moving; then we ask how this third body will move. The conditions imposed may seem simple, yet the problem has so far overtaxed the powers of the mathematician that nothing approaching a general answer to our question has yet been given. We know, however, that under the combined attractions of the sun and Jove the meteoric stone will in general describe an orbit of extraordinary complexity, at one time moving slowly at a great distance from both the sun and Jove, at other times rushing close past one or other of them. As it grazes past Jove or the sun it may often but just escape a catastrophe, but a time will come at length when it runs its chances too fine and comes into actual collision. The individual career of the stone is then ended by absorption, and of course by far the greater chance is that it will find its Nirvana by absorption in the sun. Next let us suppose that instead of one wandering meteoric stone or minor planet there are hundreds of them, moving initially in all conceivable directions. Since they are all supposed to be very small, their mutual attractions will be insignificant, and they will each move almost as though they were influenced only by the sun and Jove. 1 Delivered at Johannesburg on August 30. The first part of the Address, delivered at Cape Town on August 15, appeared in NATURE of August 17. Most of these stones will be absorbed by the sun, and the minority will collide with Jove. When we inquire how long the career of a stone may be, we find that it depends on the direction and speed with which it is started, and that by proper adjustment the delay of the final catastrophe may be made as long as we please. Thus by making the delay indefinitely long we reach the conception of a meteoric stone which moves so as never to come into collision with either body. There are, therefore, certain perpetual orbits in which a meteoric stone or minor planet may move for ever without collision. But when such an immortal career has been discovered for our minor planet, it still remains to discover whether the slightest possible departure from the prescribed orbit will become greater and greater and ultimately lead to a collision with the sun or Jove, or whether the body will travel so as to cross and re-cross the exact If the perpetual orbit, always remaining close to it. slightest departure inevitably increases as time goes on, the orbit is unstable; if, on the other hand, it only leads to a slight waviness in the path described, it is stable. We thus arrive at another distinction: there are perpetual orbits, but some, and indeed most, are unstable, and these do not offer an immortal career for a meteoric stone; and there are other perpetual orbits which are stable or persistent. The unstable ones are those which succumb in the struggle for life, and the stable ones are the species adapted to their environment. If, then, we are given a system of a sun and large planet, together with a swarm of small bodies moving in all sorts of ways, the sun and planet will grow by accretion, gradually sweeping up the dust and rubbish of the system, and there will survive a number of small planets and satellites moving in certain definite paths. The final outcome will be an orderly planetary system in which the various orbits are arranged according to some definite law. But the problem presented even by a system of such ideal simplicity is still far from having received a complete solution. No general plan for determining perpetual orbits has yet been discovered, and the task of discriminating the stable from the unstable is arduous. But a beginning has been made in the determination of some of the zones surrounding the sun and Jove in which stable orbits are possible, and others in which they are impossible. There is hardly room for doubt that if a complete solution for our solar system were attainable, we should find that the orbits of the existing planets and satellites are numbered amongst the stable perpetual orbits, and should thus obtain a rigorous mechanical explanation of Bode's law concerning the planetary distances. It is impossible not to be struck by the general similarity between the problem presented by the corpuscles moving in orbits in the atom, and that of the planets and satellites moving in a planetary system. It may not, perhaps, be fanciful to imagine that some general mathematical method devised for solving a problem of cosmical evolution may find another application to miniature atomic systems, and may thus lead onward to vast developments of industrial mechanics. Science, however diverse its aims, is a whole, and men of science do well to impress on the captains of on those industry that they should not look askance branches of investigation which may seem for the moment far beyond any possibility of practical utility. You will remember that I discussed the question as to whether the atomic communities of corpuscles could be regarded as absolutely eternal, and that I said that the analogy of other moving systems pointed to their ultimate mortality. Now the chief analogy which I had in my mind was that of a planetary system. The orbits of which I have spoken are only perpetual when the bodies are infinitesimal in mass, and meet with no resistance as they move. Now the infinitesimal body does not exist, and both Lord Kelvin and Poincaré concur in holding that disturbance will ultimately creep in to any system of bodies moving even in so-called stable orbits; and this is so even apart from the resistance offered to the moving bodies by any residual gas there may be scattered through space. The stability is therefore only relative, and a planetary system contains the seeds of its own destruction. But this ultimate fate need not disturb us either practically or theoretically, for the solar system contains in itself other seeds of decay which will probably bear fruit long before the occurrence of any serious disturbance of the kind of which I speak. Before passing on to a new topic I wish to pay a tribute to the men to whom we owe the recent great advances in theoretical dynamical astronomy. As treated by the master-hands of Lagrange and Laplace and their successors, this branch of science hardly seemed to afford scope for any great new departure. But that there is always room for discovery, even in the most frequented paths of knowledge, was illustrated when, nearly thirty years ago, Hill of Washington proposed a new method of treating the theory of the moon's motion in a series of papers which have become classical. I have not time to speak of the enormous labour and great skill involved in the completion of Hill's Lunar Theory, by Ernest Brown, whom I am glad to number amongst my pupils and friends; for I must confine myself to other aspects of Hill's work. The title of Hill's most fundamental paper, namely, "On Part of the Motion of the Lunar Perigee," is almost comic in its modesty, for who would suspect that it contains the essential points involved in the determination of perpetual orbits and their stability? Probably Hill himself did not fully realise at the time the full importance of what he had done. Fortunately he was followed by Poincaré, who not only saw its full meaning but devoted his incomparable mathematical powers to the full theoretical development of the point of view I have been laying before you. Other mathematicians have also made contributions to this line of investigation, amongst whom I may number my friend Mr. Hough, chief assistant at the Royal Observatory of Cape Town, and myself. But without the work of our two great forerunners we should still be in utter darkness, and it would have been impossible to give even this slight sketch of a great subject. The theory which I have now explained points to the origin of the sun and planets from gradual accretions of meteoric stones, and it makes no claim to carry the story back behind the time when there was already a central condensation or sun about which there circled another condensation or planet. But more than a century ago an attempt had already been made to re-construct the history back to a yet remoter past, and, as we shall see, this attempt was based upon quite a different supposition as to the constitution of the primitive solar system. myself believe that the theory I have just explained, as well as that to which I am coming, contains essential elements of truth, and that the apparent discordances will some day be reconciled. The theory of which I speak is the celebrated nebular hypothesis, first suggested by the German philosopher Kant, and later re-stated independently and in better form by the French mathematician Laplace. I Laplace traced the origin of the solar system to a nebula or cloud of rarefied gas congregated round a central condensation which was ultimately to form the sun. The whole was slowly rotating about an axis through its centre, and, under the combined influences of rotation and of the mutual attraction of the gas, it assumed a globular form, slightly flattened at the poles. The justifiability of this supposition is confirmed by the observations of astronomers, for they find in the heavens many nebulæ, while the spectroscope proves that their light at any rate is derived from gas. The primeval globular nebula is undoubtedly a stable or persistent figure, and thus Laplace's hypothesis conforms to the general laws which I have attempted to lay down. The nebula must have gradually cooled by radiation into space, and as it did so the gas must necessarily have lost some of its spring or elasticity. This loss of power of resistance then permitted the gas to crowd more closely towards the central condensation, so that the nebula contracted. The contraction led to two results, both inevitable according to the laws of mechanics: first, the central condensation became hotter; and, secondly, the speed of its rotation became faster. The accelerated rotation led to an increase in the amount of polar flattening, and the nebula at length assumed the form of a lens, or of a disc thicker in the middle than at the edges. Assuming the existence of the primitive nebula, the hypothesis may be accepted thus far as practically certain. From this point, however, doubt and difficulty enter into the argument. It is supposed that the nebula became so much flattened that it could not subsist as a continuous aggregation of gas, and a ring of matter detached itself from the equatorial regions. The central portions of the nebula, when relieved of the excrescence, resumed the more rounded shape formerly possessed by the whole. As the cooling continued the central portion in its turn became excessively flattened through the influence of its increased rotation; another equatorial ring then detached itself, and the whole process was repeated as before. In this way the whole nebula was fissured into a number of rings surrounding the central condensation, the temperature of which must by then have reached incandescence. Each ring then aggregated itself round some nucleus which happened to exist in its circumference, and so formed a subordinate nebula. Passing through a series of transformations, like its parent, this nebula was finally replaced by a planet with attendant satellites. The whole process forms a majestic picture of the history of our system. But the mechanical conditions of a rotating nebula are too complex to admit, as yet, of complete mathematical treatment; and thus, in discussing this theory, the physicist is compelled in great measure to adopt the qualitative methods of the biologist, rather than the quantitative ones which he would prefer. The telescope seems to confirm the general correctness of Laplace's hypothesis. Thus, for example, the great nebula in Andromeda presents a grand illustration of what we may take to be a planetary system in course of formation. In it we see the central condensation surrounded by a more or less ring-like nebulosity, and in one of the rings there appears to be a subordinate condensation. Nevertheless it is hardly too much to say that every stage in the supposed process presents to us some difficulty or impossibility. Thus we ask whether a mass of gas of almost inconceivable tenuity can really rotate all in one piece, and whether it is not more probable that there would be a central whirlpool surrounded by more slowly-moving parts. Again, is there any sufficient reason to suppose that a series of intermittent efforts would lead to the detachment of distinct rings, and is not a continuous outflow of gas from the equator more probable? The ring of Saturn seems to have suggested the theory to Laplace; but to take it as a model leads us straight to a quite fundamental difficulty. If a ring of matter ever concentrates under the influence of its mutual attraction, it can only do so round the centre of gravity of the whole ring. Therefore the matter forming an approximately uniform ring, if it concentrates at all, can only fall in on the parent planet and be re-absorbed. Some external force other than the mutual attraction of the matter forming the ring, and therefore not provided by the theory, seems necessary to effect the supposed concentration. The only way of avoiding this difficulty is to suppose the ring to be ill-balanced or lop-sided; in this case, provided the want of balance is pronounced enough, concentration will take place round a point inside the ring but outside the planet. Many writers assume that the present distances of the planets preserve the dimensions of the primitive rings; but the argument that a ring can only aggregate about its centre of gravity, which I do not recollect to have seen before, shows that such cannot be the case. The concentration of an ill-balanced or broken ring on an interior point would necessarily generate a planet with direct rotation-that is to say, rotating in the same direction as the earth. But several writers, and notably Faye, endeavour to show-erroneously as I think-that a retrograde rotation should be normal, and they are therefore driven to make various complicated suppositions to explain the observed facts. But I do not claim to have removed the difficulty, only to have shifted it; for the satellites of Neptune, and presumably the planet itself, have retrograde rotations; and, lastly, the astonishing discovery has just been made by William Pickering of a ninth retrograde satellite of Saturn, while the rotations of the eight other satellites, of the ring and of the planet itself. are direct. Finally, I express a doubt as to whether the telescope does really exactly confirm the hypothesis of Laplace, for I imagine that what we see indicates a spiral rather than a ring-like division of nebulæ.' This is not the time to pursue these considerations further, but enough has been said to show that the nebular hypothesis cannot be considered as a connected intelligible whole, however much of truth it may contain. In the first theory which I sketched as to the origin of the sun and planets, we supposed them to grow by the accretions of meteoric wanderers in space, and this hypothesis is apparently in fundamental disagreement with the conception of Laplace, who considered the transformations of a continuous gaseous nebula. Some years ago a method occurred to me by which these two discordant schemes of origin might perhaps be reconciled. A gas is not really continuous, but it consists of a vast number of molecules moving in all directions with great speed and frequently coming into collision with one another. Now I have ventured to suggest that a swarm of meteorites would, by frequent collisions, form a medium endowed with so much of the mechanical properties of a gas as would satisfy Laplace's conditions. If this is so, a nebula may be regarded as a quasi-gas, the molecules of which are meteorites. The gaseous luminosity which undoubtedly is sent out by nebula would then be due only to incandescent gas generated by the clash of meteorites, while the dark bodies themselves would remain invisible. Sir Norman Lockyer finds spectroscopic evidence which led him long ago to some such view as this, and it is certainly of interest to find in his views a possible means of reconciling two apparently totally discordant theories. However, I do not desire to lay much stress on my suggestion, for without doubt a swarm of meteors could only maintain the mechanical properties of a gas for a limited time, and, as pointed out by Prof. Chamberlin, it is difficult to understand how a swarm of meteorites moving indiscriminately in every direction could ever have come into existence. But my paper may have served to some extent to suggest to Chamberlin his recent modification of the nebular hypothesis, in which he seeks to reconcile Laplace's view with a meteoritic origin of the planetary system. We have seen that, in order to explain the genesis of planets according to Laplace's theory, the rings must be ill-balanced or even broken. If the ring were so far from being complete as only to cover a small segment of the whole circumference, the true features of the occurrences in the births of planets and satellites might be better represented by conceiving the detached portion of matter to have been more or less globular from the first, rather than ring-shaped. Now this idea introduces us to a group of researches whereby mathematicians have sought to explain the birth of planets and satellites in a way which might appear, at first sight, to be fundamentally different from that of Laplace. The solution of the problem of evolution involves the search for those persistent or stable forms which biologists would call species. The species of which I am now going to speak may be grouped in a family, which comprises all those various forms which a mass of rotating liquid is capable of assuming under the conjoint influences of gravitation and rotation. If the earth were formed throughout of a liquid of the same density, it would be one of the species of this family; and indeed these researches date back to the time of Newton, who was the first to explain the figures of planets. The ideal liquid planets we are to consider must be regarded as working models of actuality, and inasmuch as the liquid is supposed to be incompressible, the conditions depart somewhat widely from those of reality. Hence, when the problem has been solved, much uncertainty remains as to the extent to which our conclusions will be applicable to actual celestial bodies. We begin, then, with a rotating liquid planet like the earth, which is the first stable species of our family. We next impart in imagination more rotation to this planet, 1 Prof. Chamberlin, of Chicago, has recently proposed a modified form of the nebular hypothesis, in which he contends that the spiral form is ro mal. See" Year Book," No. 3, for 1904, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, rp. 195-258. Newcomb considers the objections to Lockyer's theory insuperable. Ser p. 190 of "The Stars." (London: John Murray, 1904.) a See preceding reference to Chamberlin's paper. and find by mathematical calculation that its power of resistance to any sort of disturbance is less than it was. In other words, its stability declines with increased rotation, and at length we reach a stage at which the stability just vanishes. At this point the shape is a transitional one, for it is the beginning of a new species with different characteristics from the first, and with a very feeble degree of stability or power of persistence. As a still further amount of rotation is imparted, the stability of the new species increases to a maximum and then declines until a new transitional shape is reached and a new species comes into existence. In this way we pass from species to species with an ever-increasing amount of rotation. The first or planetary species has a circular equator like the earth; the second species has an oval equator, so that it is something like an egg spinning on its side on a table; in the third species we find that one of the two ends of the egg begins to swell, and that the swelling gradually becomes a well-marked protrusion or filament. Finally the filamentous protrusion becomes bulbous at its end, and is only joined to the main mass of liquid by a gradually thinning neck. The neck at length breaks, and we are left with two separated masses which may be called planet and satellite. It is fair to state that the actual rupture into two bodies is to some extent speculative, since mathematicians have hitherto failed to follow the whole process to the end. In this ideal problem the successive transmutations of species are brought about by gradual additions to the amount of rotation with which the mass of liquid is endowed. It might seem as if this continuous addition to the amount of rotation were purely arbitrary and could have no counterpart in nature. But real bodies cool and contract in cooling, and, since the scale of magnitude on which our planet is built is immaterial, contraction will produce exactly the same effect on shape as augmented rotation. I must ask you, then, to believe that the effects produced by cooling. of an apparently arbitrary increase of rotation may be The figures which I succeeded in drawing, by means of rigorous calculation, of the later stages of this course of evolution, are so curious as to remind one of some such phenomenon as the protrusion of a filament of protoplasm from a mass of living matter, and I suggest that we may see in this almost life-like process the counterpart of at least one form of the birth of double stars, planets, and satellites. As I have already said, Newton determined the first of these figures; Jacobi found the second, and Poincaré indicated the existence of the third, in a paper which is universally regarded as one of the masterpieces of applied mathematics; finally I myself succeeded in determining the exact form of Poincaré's figure, and in proving that it is a true stable shape. My Cambridge colleague Jeans has also made an interesting contribution to the subject by discussing a closely analogous problem, and he has besides attacked the far more difficult case where the rotating fluid is a compressible gas. In this case also he finds a family of types, but the conception of compressibility introduced a new set of considerations in the transitions from species to species. The problem is, however, of such difficulty that he had to rest content with results which were rather qualitative than strictly quantitative. This group of investigations brings before us the process of the birth of satellites in a more convincing form than was possible by means of the general considerations adduced by Laplace. It cannot be doubted that the supposed Laplacian sequence of events possesses a considerable element of truth, yet these latter schemes of transformation can be followed in closer detail. It seems, then, probable that both processes furnish us with crude models of reality, and that in some cases the first and in others the second is the better representative. The moon's mass is one-eightieth of that of the earth, whereas the mass of Titan, the largest satellite in the solar system, is 1'4600 of that of Saturn. On the ground of this great difference between the relative magnitudes of all other satellites and of the moon, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the mode of separation of the moon from the earth may also have been widely different. The theory of which I shall have next to speak claims to trace the gradual departure of the moon from an original position not far removed from the present surface of the earth. If this view is correct, we may suppose that the detachment of the moon from the earth occurred as a single portion of matter, and not as a concentration of a Laplacian ring. If a planet is covered with oceans of water and air, or if it is formed of plastic molten rock, tidal oscillations must be generated in its mobile parts by the attractions of its satellites and of the sun. Such movements must be subject to frictional resistance, and the planet's rotation will be slowly retarded by tidal friction in much the same way that a fly-wheel is gradually stopped by any external cause of friction. Since action and reaction are equal and opposite, the action of the satellites on the planet, which causes the tidal friction of which I speak, must correspond to a reaction of the planet on the motion of the satellites. At any moment of time we may regard the system composed of the rotating planet with its attendant satellite as a stable species of motion, but the friction of the tides introduces forces which produce a continuous, although slow, transformation in the configuration. It is, then, clearly of interest to trace backwards in time the changes produced by such a continuously acting cause, and to determine the initial condition from which the system of planet and satellite must have been slowly degrading. We may also look forward, and discover whither the transformation tends. Let us consider, then, the motion of the earth and moon revolving in company round the sun, on the supposition that the friction of the tides in the earth is the only effective cause of change. We are, in fact, to discuss a working model of the system, analogous to those of which I have so often spoken before. This is not the time to attempt a complete exposition of the manner in which tidal friction gives rise to the action and reaction between planet and satellite, nor shall I discuss in detail the effects of various kinds which are produced by this cause. It must suffice to set forth the results in their main outlines, and, as in connection with the topic of evolution retrospect is perhaps of greater interest than prophecy, I shall begin with the consideration of the past. At the present time the moon, moving at a distance of 240,000 miles from the earth, completes her circuit in twenty-seven days. Since a day is the time of one rotation of the earth on its axis, the angular motion of the earth is twenty-seven times as rapid as that of the moon. Tidal friction acts as a brake on the earth, and therefore we look back in retrospect to times when the day was successively twenty-three, twenty-two, twenty-one of our present hours in length, and so on backward to still shorter days. But during all this time the reaction on the moon was at work, and it appears that its effect must have been such that the moon also revolved round the earth in a shorter period than it does now; thus the month also was shorter in absolute time than it now is. These conclusions are absolutely certain, although the effects on the motions of the earth and of the moon are so gradual that they can only doubtfully be detected by the most refined astronomical measurements. We take the " day," regarding it as a period of variable length, to mean the time occupied by a single rotation of the earth on its axis; and the "month," likewise variable in absolute length, to mean the time occupied by the moon in a single revolution round the earth. Then, although there are now twenty-seven days in a month, and although both day and month were shorter in the past, yet there is, so far, nothing to tell us whether there were more or fewer days in the month in the past. For if the day is now being prolonged more rapidly than the month, the number of days in the month was greater in the past than it now is; and if the converse were true, the number of days in the month was less. Now it appears from mathematical calculation that the day must now be suffering a greater degree of prolongation than the month, and accordingly in retrospect we look back to a time when there were more days in the month than at present. That number was once twenty-nine, in place of the present twenty-seven; but the epoch of twenty nine days in the month is a sort of crisis in the history of moon and earth, for yet earlier the day was shortening less rapidly than the month. Hence, earlier than the time when there were twenty-nine days in the month, there was a time when there was a reversion to the present smaller number of days. We thus arrive at the curious conclusion that there is a certain number of days to the month, namely twentynine, which can never have been exceeded, and we find that this crisis was passed through by the earth and moon recently; but, of course, a recent event in such a long history may be one which happened some millions of years ago. Continuing our retrospect beyond this crisis, both day and month are found continuously shortening, and the number of days in the month continues to fall. No change in conditions which we need pause to consider now supervenes, and we may ask at once, what is the initial stage to which the gradual transformation points? I say, then, that on following the argument to its end the system may be traced back to a time when the day and month were identical in length, and were both only about four or five of our present hours. The identity of day and month means that the moon was always opposite to the same side of the earth; thus at the beginning the earth always presented the same face to the moon, just as the moon now always shows the same face to us. Moreover, when the month was only some four or five of our present hours in length the moon must have been only a few thousand miles from the earth's surface-a great contrast with the present distance of 240,000 miles. It might well be argued from this conclusion alone that the moon separated from the earth more or less as a single portion of matter at a time immediately antecedent to the initial stage to which she has been traced. But there exists a yet more weighty argument favourable to this view, for it appears that the initial stage is one in which the stability of the species of motion is tottering, so that the system presents the characteristic of a transitional form, which we have seen to denote a change of type or species in a previous case. In discussing the transformations of a liquid planet we saw the tendency of the single mass to divide into two portions, although we failed to extend the rigorous argument back to the actual moment of separation; and now we seem to reach a similar crisis from the opposite end, when in retrospect we trace back the system to two masses of unequal size in close proximity with one another. The argument almost carries conviction with it, but I have necessarily been compelled to pass over various doubtful points. Time is wanting to consider other subjects worthy of notice which arise out of this problem, yet I wish to point out that the earth's axis must once have been less tilted over with reference to the sun than it is now, so that the obliquity of the ecliptic receives at least a partial explanation. Again, the inclination of the moon's orbit may be in great measure explained; and, lastly, the moon must once have moved in a nearly circular path. The fact that tidal friction is competent to explain the eccentricity of an orbit has been applied in a manner to which I shall have occasion to return hereafter. In my paper on this subject I summed up the discussion in the following words, which 1 still see no reason to retract : "The argument reposes on the imperfect rigidity of solids, and on the internal friction of semi-solids and fluids; these are verae causae. Thus changes of the kind here discussed must be going on, and must have gone on in the past. And for this history of the earth and moon to be true throughout it is only necessary to postulate a sufficient lapse of time, and that there is not enough matter diffused through space materially to resist the motions of the moon and earth in perhaps several hundred million years. "It hardly seems too much to say that granting these two postulates and the existence of a primeval planet, such as that above described, then a system would necessarily be developed which would bear a strong resemblance quantitative correlation the lengths of the present day and month, the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the inclination and eccentricity of the lunar orbit, must, I think, have strong claims to acceptance. We have pursued the changes into the past, and I will refer but shortly to the future. The day and month are both now lengthening, but the day changes more quickly than the month. Thus the two periods tend again to become equal to one another, and it appears that when that goal is reached both day and month will be as long as fifty-five of our present days. The earth will then | always show the same face to the moon, just as it did in the remotest past. But there is a great contrast between the ultimate and initial conditions, for the ultimate stage, with day and month both equal to fifty-five of our present days, is one of great stability in contradistinction to the vanishing stability which we found in the initial stage. Since the relationship between the moon and earth is a mutual one, the earth may be regarded as a satellite of the moon, and if the moon rotated rapidly on her axis, as was probably once the case, the earth must at that time have produced tides in the moon. The mass of the moon is relatively small, and the tides produced by the earth would be large; accordingly the moon would pass through the several stages of her history much more rapidly than the earth. Hence it is that the moon has already advanced to that condition which we foresee as the future fate of the earth, and now always shows to us the same face. If the earth and moon were the only bodies in existence, this ultimate stage when the day and month were again identical in length would be one of absolute stability, and therefore eternal; but the presence of the sun introduces a cause for yet further changes. I do not, however, propose to pursue the history to this yet remoter futurity, because our system must contain other seeds of decay which will probably bear fruit before these further transformations could take effect. If, as has been argued, tidal friction has played so important a part in the history of the earth and moon, it might be expected that the like should be true of the other planets and satellites, and of the planets themselves in their relationship to the sun. But numerical examination of the several cases proves conclusively that this cannot have been the case. The relationship of the moon to the earth is in fact quite exceptional in the solar system, and we have still to rely on such theories as that of Laplace for the explanation of the main outlines of the solar system. I have as yet only barely mentioned the time occupied by the sequence of events sketched out in the various schemes of cosmogony, and the question of cosmical time is a thorny and controversial one. Our ideas are absolutely blank as to the time requisite for the evolution according to Laplace's nebular hypothesis. And again, if we adopt the meteoritic theory, no estimate can be formed of the time required even for an ideal sun, with its attendant planet Jove, to sweep up the wanderers: in space. We do know, indeed, that there is a continuous gradation from stable to unstable orbits, so that some meteoric stones may make thousands or millions of revolutions before meeting their fate by collision. Accordingly, not only would a complete absorption of all the wanderers occupy an infinite time, but also the amount of the refuse of the solar system still remaining scattered in planetary space is unknown. And, indeed, it is certain that the process of clearance is still going on, for the earth is constantly meeting meteoric stones, which, penetrating the atmosphere, become luminous through the effects of the frictional resistance with which they meet. All we can assert of such theories is that they demand enormous intervals of time as estimated in years. The theory of tidal friction stands alone amongst these evolutionary speculations in that We can establish an exact but merely relative time-scale for every stage of the process. It is true that the value in years of the unit of time remains unknown, and it may be conjectured that the unit has varied to some extent as the physical condition of the earth has gradually changed. 1 Phil. Trans, pt. ii., 1880, p. 833. It is, however, possible to determine a period in years which must be shorter than that in which the whole history is comprised. If at every moment since the birth of the moon tidal friction had always been at work in such a way as to produce the greatest possible effect, then we should find that sixty million years would be consumed in this portion of evolutionary history. The true period must be much greater, and it does not seem extravagant to suppose that 500 to 1000 million years may have elapsed since the birth of the moon. Such an estimate would not seem extravagant to geologists who have, in various ways, made exceedingly rough determinations of geological periods. One such determination is derived from measures of the thickness of deposited strata, and the rate of the denudation of continents by rain and rivers. I will not attempt to make any precise statement on this head, but I imagine that the sort of unit with which the geologist deals is 100 million years, and that he would not consider any estimate involving from one to twenty of such units as unreasonable. Mellard Reade has attempted to determine geological time by certain arguments as to the rate of denudation of limestone rocks, and arrives at the conclusion that geological history is comprised in something less than 600 million years.1 The uncertainty of this estimate is wide, and I imagine that geologists in general would not lay much stress on it. Joly has employed a somewhat similar, but probably less risky, method of determination. When the earth was still hot, all the water of the globe must have existed in the form of steam, and when the surface cooled that steam must have condensed as fresh water. Rain then washed the continents and carried down detritus and soluble matter to the seas. Common salt is the most widely diffused of all such soluble matter, and its transit to the sea is an irreversible process, because the evaporation of the sea only carries back to the land fresh water in the form of rain. It seems certain, then, that the saltness of the sea is due to the washing of the land throughout geological time. On Rough estimates may be formed of the amount of river water which reaches the sea in a year, and the measured saltness of rivers furnishes a knowledge of the amount of salt which is thus carried to the sea. A closer estimate may be formed of the total amount of salt in the sea. dividing the total amount of salt by the annual transport Joly arrives at the quotient of about 100 millions, and thence concludes that geological history has occupied 100 million years. I will not pause to consider the several doubts and difficulties which arise in the working out of this theory. The uncertainties involved must clearly be considerable, yet it seems the best of all the purely geological arguments whence we derive numerical estimates of geological time. On the whole I should say that pure geology points to some period intermediate between 50 and 1000 millions of years, but the upper limit is more doubtful than the lower. Thus far we do not find anything which renders the tidal theory of evolution untenable. But the physicists have formed estimates in other ways which, until recently, seemed to demand in the most imperative manner a far lower scale of time. According to all theories of cosmogony, the sun is a star which became heated in the process of its condensation from a condition of wide dispersion. When a meteoric stone falls into the sun the arrest of its previous motion gives rise to heat, just as the blow of a horse's shoe on a stone makes a spark. The fall of countless meteoric stones, or the condensation of a rarefied gas, was supposed to be the sole cause of the sun's high temperature. Since the mass of the sun is known, the total amount of the heat generated in it, in whatever mode it was formed, can be estimated with a considerable amount of precision. The heat received at the earth from the sun can also be measured with some accuracy, and hence it is a mere matter of calculation to determine how much heat the sun sends out in a year. The total heat which can have been generated in the sun divided by the annual 1 "Chemical Denudation in Relation to Geological Time," Bogue, London, 1879; or Roy. Soc., January 23 1879. 2 "An Estimate of the Geological Age of the Earth," Trans. Roy. Dub. Soc., vol. vii. series iii., 1902, pp. 23-66. |