Slike strani

Supplement to Nature,
June 1, 1893

Canada: Prof. Edward Prince appointed Commissioner of
Fisheries for, 37; the Inspection of Canadian Meteorological
Stations, Charles Carpmael, 61; Castorologia; or the His
tory and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver, Horace Martin,

Canals of Mars, the, 64

Candolle (Alphonse de), Death of, 561

Caoutchouc, Vulcanic, Rules for Estimating Quality of, M.
Vladimiroff, 563

Cape Colony, Government Encouragement of the Fruit Export
Trade, 234; Proposed Investigations of Chemical Composi-
tion of Soils in, 301; Water-boring in, 349; the Dairy
Industry in, A. C. Macdonald, 471

Capraja, on the Petrography of the Island of, Hamilton
Emmons, 334

Carbon, Crystallised, 370

Carburation of Iron, on the, John Parry, 560

Carey (E. G.), the Value of Annealing Steel, 396

Carpmael (Charles), the Inspection of Canadian Meteorological
Stations, 61

Carr (F. H.), the Composition of some Commercial Specimens
of Aconitine, 430

Carrington (Dr. Benjamin), Death of, 348

Carruthers (W., F.R.S.), Yew Poisoning, 285

Carus-Wilson (Chas. A.), the Niagara Spray Clouds, 414
Cassie (W.), Printing Mathematics, 8

Cassiopeia, Parallaxes of μ and e, Harold Jacoby, 565
Castorologia; or, the History and Traditions of the Canadian
Beaver, Horace Martin, 224

Cat, Electricity in, Remarkable Case of, 17

Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum,
F. Jeffrey Bell, 508

Catania, Earthquake at, 543

Caucasus, Silk Culture in the, G. Sedlaczek, 397

Cave and Cliff Dwellings in Central Arizona, J. W. Tourney,

I 12

Cave-burial, the Prehistoric Interments of the Bahi Rossi
Caves, near Mentone, A. J. Evans, 239

Caves, Blind Animals in, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F. R. S.,
389, 486; J. T. Cunningham, 439, 587; A. Anderson, 439;
G. A. Boulenger, 608

Caves, Yorkshire, Relics found in, Rev. Edward Jones, 112
Ceilings, Soot-figures on, E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., 608; Prof.
Oliver Lodge, F. R. S., 608


Cells their Structure and Functions, Prof. Dr. Oscar Hertwig,

Census, Bengal, Facts significant of Progress, 617
Centipedes, Phosphorescence in, R. I. Pocock, 545
Cetacean Genus Mesoplodon, Observations on the Development
of the Rostrum in the, Henry O. Forbes, 455
Cetology; Sowerby's Whale on the Norfolk Coast, T. South-
well, 349

Ceylon's Contribution to the Chicago Exhibition, 156
Ceylon, the Industrial Population of, 470

Ceylon Tea Industry, the Development of the, Dr. Trimen,

Chalais-Meudon, Dirigible Balloon in Construction at, 112
Chaldæa, Ancient Copper Relics discovered in the course of M.
de Sarzec's Excavations in, M. Berthelot, 360
Chanler's (Aston) Expedition to Lake Rudolf, 327
Chambers's Encyclopædia, 340

Champagne Trade since 1844, Statistics of, 157

Chandler (Dr.), Ephemeris for Bodies Moving in the Biela
Orbit, 186

Channels of Mars, J. W. Kingsmill, 133

Chapeaux (Marcelin) on the Digestion of the Coelenterata, 621
Chapman (Abel), Wild Spain, 585

Chatham Islands and an Antarctic Continent, the, H. 0.
Forbes, 474

Chauveau (A.), the Pancreas and the Nervous Centres Con-
trolling the Glycemic Function, 479; the Pancreas and the
Nerve Centres regulating the Glycemic Function; Experi-
mental Demonstrations Derived from a Comparison of the
Effects of a Removal of the Pancreas with those of Bulbary
Section, 528; on the Pathogeny of Diabetes, 384; Existence
of Distinct Nervous Centres for Perception of Fundamental
Colours of Spectrum, 143

Chemistry: Memorial Celebration for, A. W. von Hofmann,
14; Berlin Method of Cleaning Mercury, 16; New Method
of Preparing Glycol Aldehyde, Drs. Marckwald and Ellin-

ger, 17; the Framework of Chemistry, W. M. Williams,
28; Projected Memorial to Carl Wilhelm Scheele, 37; Iso-
lation of Gold and Cadmium Compound, Heycock and
Neville, 40; Power of Hydrogen Absorption of Various
Metals, Herren Neumann and Streintz, 63; Further Re-
searches on Nucleinic Acid, Prof. Kessel, 72; Isolation of Fluo-
sulphuric Acid, Thorpe and Kermian, 87; Chemical Lecture
Experiments, G. S. Newth, Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S.,
97; Matriculation Chemistry, Temple Orme, 99; Notes on
Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Lakshmi Narasu Nayudu, 100;
Isolation of Penta-Iodide and Bromide of Casium, Wells and
Wheeler, 113; Outlines of Organic Chemistry, Clement
J. Leaper, 124; a Lilac Colour produced from Extract of
Chestnuts, Mr. Palmer, 132; Azoimide, 136; Preparation of
Metallic Chromium by Electrolysis, Em. Placet, 144; Carl
Wilhelm Scheele, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 152; Pre-
paration of Chloraurates and Bromaurates of Cæsium and
Rubidium, Wells and Wheeler, 158; Interaction of Iodine
and Potassium Chlorate, Thorpe and Perry, 165; Magnetic
Rotation of Sulphuric and Nitric Acids, W. H. Perkins, Sen.,
165; Refractive Indices and Magnetic Rotations of Sulphuric
Acid Solutions, S. U. Pickering, 165; Some Alkylamine
Hydrates, S. U. Pickering, 165; Experiment on Triethyla-
mine Hydrate, Prof. Thorpe, 165; Atomic Weight of Boron,
E. Aston and W. Ramsay, 165; Methoxyamido-1:3-dime-
thylbenzene, W. R. Hodgkinson and L. Limbach, 165;
Chemical Society, 165, 238, 311, 405, 430, 479, 551;
Chemical Society's Memorial Lectures, 248; Necessity of
Water in Chemical Reactions, V. H. Veley, 167; Chemical
Study of Opium Smoke, Henri Moissan, 168; Oxygen for
Limelight, T. C. Hepworth, 176; Proposed Memorial to
Jean Servais Stas, 182; Hydroxylamine, Lobry de Bruyn,
185; Notes on Silver Chlorides, M. C. Lea, 189; Quantita-
tive Separation of Barium from Strontium and of Strontium
from Calcium by Action of Amyl Alcohol on Bromides and
Nitrates respectively, P. E. Browning, 189; Action of High
Temperature on Metallic Acids, H. Moissan, 192; the
Chemistry of Life and Health, C. W. Kimmins, 198; Isola-
tion of two Predicted Hydrates of Nitric Acid, S. W. Pick-
ering, 238; Anhydrous Oxalic Acid, W. W. Fisher, 238;
Production of Orcinol, &c., from Dehydracetic Acid, W.
Collie and W. S. Myers, 238; the Origin of Colour and
Fluorescence, W. N. Hartley, 238; H. E. Armstrong, 238;
the Reduction Products of Dimethyldiacetylpentane, F. S.
Kipping, 238; Products of Interaction of Zinc Chloride on
Sulphuric Acid and Camphor, H. E. Armstrong and F. S.
Kipping, 239; Griess-Sandmeyer Interactions and Catter-
mann's Modification thereof, H. E. Armstrong and W. P.
Wynne, 239; Methods of Observing and Separating Spectra
of easily Volatile Metals and their Salts, W. N. Hartley,
239; Manganese Borate, W. N. Hartley and H. Ramage,
239; Compounds of Salicylic and Cresotinic Acid Lactides
with Chloroform, Prof. Anschütz, 255; on the Purification
of Arsenical Zinc, M. H. Lescoeur, 288; on Some Isoimides
of Camphoric Acid, MM. S. Hoogewerff and W. A. Van
Dorp, 288; on a New Fluorine-Derivative of Carbon,
Frédéric Swarts, 309; on a Process of Sterilisation of
Albumin Solutions at 100° C., Émile Marchal, 310; the
Identity of Caffeine and Theine and the Interactions of
Caffeine and Auric Chloride, W. R. Dunsten and W. F. J.
Shepheard, 311; Studies on Isomeric Change 11 and 111,
G. T. Moody, 311; Formation and Nitration of Phenyldia-
zoimide, W. A. Tilden and J. H. Millar, 311; the Production
of Naphthalene Derivatives from Dehydracetic Acid, J. N.
Collie, 311; a New Synthesis of Hydrindone, F. S. Kipping,
311; the Resolution of Methoxysuccinic Acid into its Optically
Active Components, T. Purdie and W. Marshall, 311;
Optically Active Ethoxysuccinic Acid, T. Purdie and J. W.
Walker, 311; the Formation of Benzyldihydroxypyridine
from Benzylglutaconic Acid, S. Ruhemann, 311; Note on the
Action of Phenylhydrazine on Mono- and Di Carboxylic
Acids at Elevated Temperatures, W. R. Hodgkinson and A.
H. Coote, 311; the Chemical Basis of the Animal Body, A.
Sheridan Lea, F.R. S., 340; a Crystallised Compound of
Iron and Tungsten, Drs. Puleck and Grützner, 351; the value
of Tungsten in Improving Hardness of Steel, 350; on
Urobilin, A. Eichholz, 360; Qualitative Analysis Tables and
the Reactions of Certain Organic Substances, E. A. Letts
Chapman Jocs, 361; the Volatility of Manganese, Prof.
Lorenz and Dr. Hensler, 375; on the Mode of Elimination

of Carbonic Oxide, M. L. de Saint-Martin, 384; Chemistry of Osmium, A. E. Tutton, 400; the Preparation of Glucina from Beryl, J Gibson, 405; the Hydrocarbons derived from Dipentene Dihydrochloride, W. A. Tilden and S. Williamson, 405; Sulphonic Derivatives of Camphor, F. S. Kipping and W. J. Pope, 405; Thionyl Bromide, J. Hartog and W. E. Sims, 405; Desulphurisation of the Substituted Thioureas, A. E. Dixon, 405; Salts of Active and Inactive Glyceric Acid: the Influence of Metals on the Specific Rotatory Power of Active Acids, P. F. Frankland and J. R. Appleyard, 405; Dibromo-8-lapachone, S. C. Hooker and A. D. Gray, 405; the Conversion of Para- into Ortho-Quinone Derivatives, S. C., Hooker, 405; a Method for the Preparation of Acetylene, M. W. Travers, 406; Gases in Living Plants, J. G. Arthur, 427; on Some Recent Determinations of Molecular Refraction and Dispersion, Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F. K. S., 429; the Action of Nitrosyl Chloride and of Nitric Peroxide on some Members of the Olefine Series, W. A. Tilden and J. J. Sudborough, 430; Piperazine, W. Majert and A. Schmidt, 430; the Connection between the Atomic Weight of the Contained Metals and the Magnitude of the Angles of Crystals of Isomorphous Series, A. E. Tutton, 430; the Preparation of Phosphoric Oxide Free from the Lower Oxide, W. A. Shenstone and C. R. Beck, 430; on Isaconitine (Napelline), W. R. Dunstan and E. F. Harrison, 430; the Composition of some Commercial Specimens of Aconitine, W. R. Dunstan and F. H. Carr, 430 Synthesis of Oxazoles from Benzoin and Nitriles, F. R. Japp and T. S. Murray, 430; Stéréochimie, J. H. Van't Hoff, 436; Prof. Percy Frankland, F.R.S., 510; Prof. F. R. Japp, F.R.S., 510: Ruthenium, M. Joly, 451: on Stas's Determination of the Atomic Weight of Lead, M. G. Hinrichs, 456; the Chemical Properties of the Diamond, M. Moissan, 472; on the Industrial Preparation of Aluminium, M. A. Ditte, 479; Note on the Preparation of Platinous Chloride, and the Interaction of Chlorine and Mercury, W. A. Shenstone and C. R Beck, 479; the Action of Phosphoric Anhydride on Fatty Acid-, F. S. Kipping, 479; Regularities in the Melting Points of Certain Paraffinoid Compounds of Similar Constitutions, F. S. Kipping, 479; some Relations between Constitution and Physical Constants in the case of Benzenoid Amines, W. R. Hodgkinson and L. Limpach, 479; Electrolysis of Sodic Ethylic Camphorate, J. Walker, 479; the Hydrates of Hydrogen Chloride, S. U. Pickering, 479; a New Base from Corydalis Cava, J. A. Dobbie and H. Lander, 479; Metallic Osmium, MM. Joly and Vezes, 497; Further Studies on Hydrazine, A E. Tutton. 522; on the Preparation of a Variety of Swelling Graphite, M. Henri Moissan, 527; Origin of Colour, VII. VIII. and IX., H. E. Armstrong, 551; Formation of the Ketone 2: 6-Dimethyl-1-Ketohexaphane, F. S. Kipping, 551; Note on the Interactions of Alkali Metal Haloids and Lead Haloids, and of Alkali Metal Haloids and Bismuth Haloids, Eleanor Field, 551; Isomeric Form of Benzylphenylbenzylthiourea, A. E. Dixon, 551; on the Carburization of Iron, John Parry, 560; the Amide and Imide of Sulphuric Acid, Dr. Trau e, A. E. Tutton, 566; the Densities of the Principal Gases, Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 567; New Mode of Preparing Hyponitrous Acid, Dr. Wilhelm Wisticenus, 588; on Nitrogenised Copper, MM. Paul Sabatier and J. B. Senderens, 600; Isolation of Amidophosphoric Acid, H. N. Stokes, 615, 616; Cryohydrates in Systems of two Salts, Bakhius Roozeboom, 624; the Peptone of Kühne, Mr. Pekelharing, 624; Agricultural Chemistry, Drainage Waters of Cultivated Lands, M. P. P. Dehérain, 287; Proposed Investigation of Chemical Composition of Soils in Cape Colony, 301; on the Organic Substances constituting Vegetable Soil, MM. Berthélot and André, 551

Chersky (I. D.), Death of, 232



[blocks in formation]

June 1, 1893

Chronology; the Calendar System of the Ancient Aztecs, Zelia Nuttall, 156

Cider, the Improvement by Wine-Yeast of, Nathan, 208 City and Guilds of London Institute; Improvements in Technological Examinations, 612

Clapham Junction and Paddington Railway, 515

Clark (G. M.), Determination of Low Temperatures by Platinum Thermometers, 95

Clark (H. L.), the Flight-Speed of Wild Ducks, 374 Clark (Prof. W. B.), the Surface Configuration of Maryland from the Meteorological point of view, 585

Clayton (H. H.), Cloud Observations at Blue Hill (Mass.) Observatory, 183

Cleveland (D.), the Trap-door Spider, 375

Cliff and Cave Dwellings in Central Arizona, J. W. Tourney,


Climate of New South Wales, Physical Geography and, H. C. Russell, F. R. S., 258

Climate, Fossil Floras and, Sir William Dawson, F. R. S., 556, J. Starkie Gardner, 582

Climate, Fossil Plants as Tests of, A. C. Seward, 267, 364; J. Starkie Gardner, 267, 364; Chas. E. De Rance, 294, 342 Climatology: Indications of a Rainy Period in Southern Peru, A. E. Douglass, 38; Recent Researches on the Influence of Forests, Dr. Schubert, 480

Climbing Plants, Dr. H. Schenck, W. Botting Hemsley, F.R.S., 514

Cline (I. M.), Hot Winds in Texas, May 29 and 30, 1892, 454 Clouds, the Niagara Spray, Chas. A. Carus. Wilson, 414 Clowes (Prof. Frank), a New Portable Miner's Safety-Lamp, 596

Co-planar Vectors and Trigonometry, the Algebra of, R. Baldwin
Hayward, F. R. S., 266

Coal Bricks, Anthracite, the Manufacture of, 396
Coal Pits and Pitmen, R. Nelson Boyd, 481

Coccidæ, the Use of Ants to Aphides and, T. D. A. Cockerell, 608

Cockerell (T. D. A.), the Use of Ants to Aphides and Coccidæ, 608

Codman (J. E.), Notes on the Use of Automatic Rain Gauges, 261

Cohn (Dr. F.), Comet Holmes, 326
Coincidence of Solar and Terrestrial Phenomena, Prof. G. E.
Hale, 425

Cold, Interesting Results in Application of, 184
Cole (Frank J.), British Earthworms, 295

Cole (Prof. Grenville A. J.), Geology of Scotland, 101; the
Afterglow, 127; Glacial Drift of the Irish Channel, 464
Colenso (Rev. W., F. R.S.), Some Reminiscences of the
Maoris, 41

Colgan (Nathaniel), What is the True Shamrock? 302
College of Science, Durham, Appeal for Relief from Financial
Difficulties, 585

College of Science, Newcastle, Laying Foundation Stone of,


Colles (G. W., jun.), Distance of the Stars by Doppler's Principle, 596

Collett (Sir H.), Super-Abundant Rain, 247

Collie (J. N.). the Production of Naphthalene Derivatives from Dehydracetic Acid, 311

Collie (N.), Production of Orcinol, &c., from Dehydracetic
Acid, 238

Colliery Explosions, Colliers and, R. Nelson Boyd, 481
Colonial Mete rology, C. J. Symons, F.R.S., 390
Colorado, on the High Altitudes of, and their Climates, Dr. C.
J. Williams, 333

Colorimeter for Comparing Intensity of Colour in Solution,
Papasogli, 131

Colour: Helmholtz on Hering's Theory of, Prof. J. D. Everett, F.R.S., 365; the Cause of the Sexual Differences of Colour in Eclectus, Prof. A. B. Meyer, 486; Sensitiveness of the Eye to Light and Colour, Captain W. de W Ahney, F. R. S., 538; Origin of Colour, VII. VIII. and IX, H. E. Armstrong, 551 Colour Blindness, Dr. W. Pole, 335; Note on the Colours of the Alkali Metals, G. S. Newth, 55; Wm. L. Dudley, 175; Iridescent Colours, Alex. Hodgkinson, 92; Baron C. B. Osten-Sacken, 102

Colson (R.), Demon tration by means of Telephone of existence of Interference of Electric Waves in Closed Circuit, 96

Columbia, British, Superstitions of the Shuswaps of, Colonel Crystals, Ice, C. M. Irvine, 31; B. Woodd Smith, 79
C. Bushe, 199

Columbia, British, a New Coaly Mineral from, 280
Columbia College, U.S. A., Astronomy at, 159
Columbia College, New York, the Loubat Prizes, 496

Comets: Comet in Andromeda, 40; Comet Barnard (October
12), 18, 40; Comet Brooks (August 28), 18, 41, 63; a Bright
Comet discovered by W. R. Brooks, 114; Comet Brooks
(November 19-20, 1892), 133, 208, 235, 257, 281, 304, 326,
352, 376, 399, 425, 451; Prof. Kreutz, 159; Berberich, 186;
Comet Holmes (November 6, 1892), 114, 132, 159, 186, 209,
235, 281, 303, 351, 376, 425, 473; in Bigourdan, 88; Spec-
trum of, 235; Lewis Boss, 256; Rev. E. M. Searle, 257;
Mr. Roberts, 257; M. Schulbof, 257, 451, 498; Dr. F.
Cohn, 326; Dr. R. Schorr, 326; W. F. Denning, 365; Prof.
E. Barnard, 399; Prof. Keeler, Prof. C. A. Young, 518;
Swift's Comet, Prof. Barnard, 186; Comet Swift (a
1892), A. E. Douglas, 546; a New Comet, 133; the New
Comet, 63; W. F. Denning, 77; the Present Comets, T.
W. Backhouse, 127; Remarkable Comets, Mr. Lynn, 376
Commensalism, a Strange; Sponge and Annelid, James Hornell,

Commission, University, I

Common (A. A.), Jupiter's Fifth Satellite, 208
Comparative Sunshine, Bishop Reginald Courtenay, 150
Conchology: Marine Shells of South Africa, G. P. Sowerby,
27; Hints for Collectors of Mollusks, William H. Dall, 140
Congo Free States: Progress of the Matadi-Stanley Pool Rail-
way, Major Thys, 189

Congress at Moscow, International Zoological, 236
Conifers: List of Conifers and Texads, Dr. Masters, 619; Prof.
Carl Hansen's Pinetum Danicum, 619; Coniferæ of Japan,
H. J. Veitch, 619; Conifers for Economic Planting, A. D.
Webster, 619; the Timber of Exotic Conifers, D. G. Mac-
kenzie, 619; Insects Injurious to Conifers, W. F. H.
Blandford, 620

Conjugate Angles; on the Need of ja New Geometrical Term,
Prof. A. M. Worthington, 8

Continuity, Optical, Francis Galton, F. R. S., 342
Convention signed, International Sanitary, 585

Conway's Karakoram Range Expedition, 19; Crossing of the
Hispar Pass, 327

Cook (C. H.), the Protection of Sea-Fish, 396

Cooke (J. H.), Discovery of Ursus Arctos in Malta Pleis-
tocene, 62

Cooke (M. C.), Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms, 99
Coote (A. H.), Note on the Action of Phenylhydrazine on
Mono- and di-carboxylic Acids at Elevated Temperatures,

Copper Resources of the United States, the, James Douglas, 132
Coppet (L. de), Temperature of Maximum Density of Alcohol
Solutions, 48

Corn-Cockle, Dangers of Adulteration of Food Seeds with, 185
Corncrake caught in Wales, December 8, 1892, 157
Corona, a New Method of Photographing the, M. H. Des.
landres, 327

Corsica, Studies in, John Warren Barry, 462

Costa Rica and Nicaragua, the Boundaries of, Dr. H.
Polakowsky, 257

Coues (Elliott), the Rule "Once a Synonym, Always a
Synonym," 39

Courtenay (Bishop Reginald), Comparative Sunshine, 150
Couttwell (G. E. W.), Foundations of Two River Piers of Tower
Bridge, 545

Craters, Lunar, Mr. H. Maw, 31

Cremation in England, the Progress of, 396

Criticism of the Royal Society, 145

Croft (W. B.), Optical Illusions, 78; Breath Figures, 187;
Spectra of Various Orders of Colours in Newton's Scale, 190;
Science Teaching, 359; Dust Photographs and Breath
Figures, 364

Croonian Lecture, the, Prof. Virchow, 487

Cross-Striping of Muscle, the, Prof. Richard Ewald and Prof.
Haycraft, 92

Crystallised Carbon, 370

Crystallites, Ice, Rev. Dr. A. Irving, 126

Crystals; Dendritic Forms, Sydney Lupton, 13

Crystals, Growth of, Prof. Sollas, 213

Crystals, Two Experimental Verifications Relative to Refraction
in, J. Verschaffelt, 428

Cumming (L.), Science Teaching, 359

Cuneiform Tablet, the Tell-el-Hesy, F. J. Bliss, 302
Cunningham (J. T.), Blind Animals in Caves, 439, 537
Curie (P.), Magnetic Properties of Bodies at Different Tem-
peratures, 96; Magnetic Properties of Oxygen, 240
Cuverville (Rear Admiral Cavelier de), Experiments in Use of
Oil in Calming Waves, 279

Curzon's (Hon. E. M.) Journey in Indo-China, 617
Cygni, Parallax of B, Harold Jacoby, 399
Cyprus, the Vineyards of, M. Mouillefert, 517

Dairy Industry in Cape Colony, the, A. C. Macdonald, 471
Dairy Work, Manual of, Prof. James Muir, Walter Thorp,

Dall (William H.), Hints for Collectors of Mollusks, 140
Dallinger (Dr. W. H.), on the Chromatic Curves of Microscope
Objectives, 501; Prof. Bütschli's experiments on the so-called
Artificial Protoplasms, 526

Dallmeyer (J. R.), the new Telephotographic Lens, 161
Dante's "Quæstio de Aqua et Terra," Edmund G. Gardner,

Danzig Naturforschende Gesellschaft, 150th anniversary of, 37
Darwin, a Criticism on, Dr. Geo. J. Romanes, F. R.S., 127
Darwin and After Darwin, Geo. John Romanes, F. R. S., 290
Darwin (Charles): His Life told in an Autobiographical
Chapter and in a Selected Series of his Published Letters,


Darwin (Prof. G. H., F. R.S.), the Geology of the Asiatic Loess,
30; Reduction of Tidal Observations, 402; Die Entwicke
lung der Doppelstern-Systeme, T. J. J. See, 459; Roche's
Limit, 581

Daubrée (M.), Observations on the conditions which appear to
have obtained during the formation of Meteorites, 432
Davidson (J. Ewen), Thunderstorms and Auroral Phenomena,

Davies (Thomas), Obituary Notice of, L. Fletcher, F. R.S., 371
Davis (Prof. W. M.), the General Winds of the Atlantic Ocean,
Davos Platz, Record of Medical Experience at, Dr. Spengler,

Dawson (Dr. Geo., F. R.S.), Lizard-Superstition of Shuswap
Indians, British Columbia, 184

Dawson (Sir William, F.R.S.), Fossil Floras and Climate, J.
Starkie Gardner, 582, 556

Day of the Week, a Simple Rule for finding the, corresponding
to any given day of the Month and Year, 509

Day (Mr.), Experiments on the value of the Steam-jacket, 20
De Morgan (W.), Earthenware Manufacture in Egypt, 613
Dean (Bashford), Dionea, 423

Decapods on the Minute Structure of the Gills of Palaemonetes
varians, Edgar J. Allen, 261

December Meteors (Geminids), W. F. Denning, 226
Decharme (C.), Displacements of a Magnet on Mercury under
action of Electric Current, 48

Decimal System, the, S. Montagu, M. P., Sir William Harcourt,
J. H. Yoxall, 323

Decorative Art, the Evolution of, Henry Balfour, 606
Deduction, Induction and, Edward T. Dixon, 10, 127, E. E.
Constance Jones, 78

Defence, Remarkable Weapons of, G. F. Hampson, E. Ernest
Green, 199

Dehérain (M.), Influence of Manure on Development of Roots,
280; Drainage Waters of Cultivated Lands, 287
Delcommune's (M. Alexandre) Lomami Expedition, 209; Re-
turn of the, 590

Demavend (Mt.), Sven Hedin's Ascent of, 19
Dendritic Forms, Sydney Lupton, 13

Dendy (Arthur), an Introduction to the Study of Botany, with
a special chapter on some Australian Natural Orders, 125;
the Hatching of a Peripatus Egg, 508

Denning (W. F.), the New Comet, 77; Holmes's Comet, 365;
December Meteors (Geminids), 226; Astronomical Dis-
coveries in 1892, 256

Densities of the Principal Gases, the, Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S.,

Deslandres (M. H.) Motion in the Line of Sight, 88; Proper
Motions, 115; a new Method of Photographing the Corona,

Destruction of Immature Fish, the, Ernest W. L. Holt, 160
Development, on a Supposed Law of Metazoan, R. Assheton,

Devenish (S.), the Alligator's Nest, 587

Dew, Herr Wollny, 398

Dew and Frost, Hon. R. Russell, 210

Diamond in Meteoric Iron, the, C. Friedel, 192

Diamond, the Chemical Properties of the, M. Moissan, 472
Diatoms, the Cultivation of, Signor Macchiati, 23

Diatoms, Fungus internally parasitic in, C. H. Gill, A. W.
Bennett, 118

Dickson (H. N.), the Characteristic Form of the Coast Line
as Affecting the Physical Conditions of the Waters of the
English Channel, 235

Diener's (Dr. Karl), Geological Expedition in Himalayas, 133
Digestion, Influence of Bodily Exertion on Process of, Herr
Rosenberg, 62

Diller (J. S.), Geology of Taylorville Region in Sierra Nevada,
California, 39

Dimensions of Physical Quantities to Directions in Space,
Williams on the relation of the, Profs. Fitzgerald, Henrici
and Rucker and Dr. Sumpner, 69

Dines (H. W.), Anemometry, 143; Measurement of Maximum
Wind Pressure, 118

Dinornithidæ, on the Cranial Osteology, Classification, and
Phylogeny of the, Prof. T. Jeffrey Parker, F. R. S., 431
Dionea, Dr. Macfarlane, Bashford Smith, 423
Dipnoi, Dr. Rudolf Burckhardt, 339

Disease Germs, Flies and, 499

Diseases, Nervous, the Alleged Increase with Growth of Civili-
sation of, Dr. Brinton, 280, 374

Disinfectant, Aminol a True, Dr. E. Klein, F. R.S., 149, 247;
Hugo Wollheim, 246

Ditte (M. A.), on the Industrial Preparation of Aluminium,

Dixey (F. A.), Epidemic Influenza, 244

Dixon (A. E), Desulphurisation of the Substituted Thioureas,
405; an Isomeric Form of Benzylphenylbenzylthiourea, 551
Dixon (Charles), The Migration of Birds: an Attempt to
Reduce Avian Season-flight to Law, 169

Dixon (Edward T.), Induction and Deduction, 10, 127
Dixon (Prof. Harold B.), the Rate of Explosion in Gases, 299
Dixon (Henry H.), on the Walking of Arthropoda, 56; on the
Germination of Seedlings in the Absence of Bacteria, 287
Dobbie (J. A.) a New base from Corydalis Cava, 479
Doberck (W), Severe Frost at Hongkong, 536
Dodge (Frank S.), Kilauea in August 1892, 499
Dokoutchaiev (Prof. W. W.), Russian Steppes Past and Pre-
sent, 523

Domestic Electric Lighting treated from the Consumer's Point
of View, E. C. De Segundo, 172

Dominica, Earthquake in, W. R. Elliott, 562

Donkin (Bryan, jun.), Experiments on the Value of the Steam-
jacket, 20

Dorp (W. A. van), on some Isoimides of Camphoric Acid, 288
Double Star Observations, Burnham's, 281

Double Stars, the Evolution of, T. J. J. See, Prof. G. H.
Darwin, F. R. S., 459

Douglas (James), the Copper Resources of the United States,

Douglass (A. E.), Indications of a Rainy Period in Southern
Peru, 38; Comet Swift (a 1892), 546

Douglass (G. M.), Assumption of the Male Plumage by a
Peahen, 71

Dowson (J. Emerson), Gas Power for Electric Lighting, 284
Dromedaries in German South-west Africa, Capt. von François,

Dry Plates, Photographic, Arthur E. Brown, 11
Dublin Royal Society, 167, 287, 431

Dudley (Wm. L.), Colours of the Alkali Metals, 175
Dunbar on the Question of the Separate Identification of
Typhoid and Coli Communis Bacilli, 472

Duncan (Mr.), Fishes and Water-oxygenation, 280
Dundas (Commander F. G.), the Juba Kiver, 186

Dundas (Robert), Improvements in Railway Rolling Stock,

Dundee Whaling Fleet, Return of the, 473

Dunell (Mr.), the Screw Propeller, 21

Duner (Dr. Nils C.), Lord Kelvin, 110

[ocr errors]

June 1, 1893

Dunn (E. J.), Notes on the Glacial Conglomerate, Wild Duck
Creek, 55

Dunstan (W. R.), the Identity of Caffeine and Theine and the
Interactions of Caffeine and Auric Chloride, 311; on Isaco-
nitine (Napelline), 430; the Composition of some Commercial
Specimens of Aconitine, 430

Durham College of Science: Appeal for Relief from Financial
Difficulties, 585

Durham (James), the Ordnance Survey and Geological Faults,

Durston (A. J.), Experiments on the Transmission of Heat
through Tube-plates, 521

Dust Photographs, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F.R.S., 341; F. J.
Allen, 341

Dust Photographs and Breath Figures, W. B. Croft, 364
Duthie (Col.), Egg Collecting, 253

Dwarfs, African; two Akka Girls brought to Germany by Dr.
Stuhlmann, 470

Dwarfs, Racial, in the Pyrenees, R. G. Haliburton, 294; Wm.
McPherson, 294

Dybowski (M.), the Bonjos, a Cannibal African Tribe, 257;
Use of Chloride of Potassium instead of Salt by Soudanese,

Dyer (W. T. Thiselton, F. R. S.), Botanical Nomenclature,

Dyes, Notes on some Ancient, Edward Schunck, F.R.S., 22
Dynamics in Nubibus, "Waterdale," 601

Earth Oscillations, Observations of, P. Plantamour, 254
Earth's Age, the, Bernard Hobson, 175, 226; Dr. Alfred
Russel Wallace, 175, 226; Clarence King, 285
Earth's History, the, R. D. Roberts, 412
Earth-Currents, the Recording of, 586

Earthenware Manufacture in Egypt, W. de Morgan, 613
Earthquakes: Earthquake in Ponza, 86; Earthquake Shocks,
E. J. Lowe, F. R.S., 247, 270; Earthquake in Zante, 323,
348, 394, 585, 620; Instruments for the Earthquake Labora-
tory at the Chicago Exhibition, Prof. John Milne, F. R.S., F.
Omori, 356; Earthquake in Samothrace and New Zealand,
372; Stromboli Earthquakes, A. Ricco and G. Mercalli, Dr.
H. J. Johnston-Lavis, 453; Earthquake at Quetta, 470;
Greater Frequency of Earthquakes in Cold Weather, 517;
Earthquake at Catania, 543; in Servia, Bulgaria, Hungary,
and Dominica, 562

Earthworms: On a Supposed New Species of Earthworms and
on the Nomenclature of Earthworms, Dr. C. Herbert Hurst,
31; British Earthworms, William Blaxland Benham, 102;
Frank J. Cole, 295; "Hare-Lip" in Earthworms, Rev.
Hilderic Friend, 316; Luminous Earthworms, Rev. Hilderic
Friend, 462

Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera in the Collection of the
Oxford University Museum, Catalogue of, Col. C. Swinhoe,

Ebert (H.), An Automatic Interruptor for Accumulators, 69
Echinoderms, British, Catalogue of the, in the British Museum,
F. Jeffrey Bell, 508

Eclectus, the Cause of the Sexual Differences of Colour in,
Prof. A. B. Meyer, 486


Eclipse Photography, M. de la Baume Pluvinel, 326
Eclipse, Total Solar, of April 15-16 1893, 304, 376, 584, 611;
M. de la Baume Pluvinel, 281, 304; A. Taylor, 317
Edinburgh Royal Society, 239, 287, 335, 431, 527
Education Meeting of Association for Improvement of Geo-
metrical Teaching, 277; Appointment of Committee on
Organisation of Secondary Education, 277; the University of
Chicago, 278; Richard Mulcaster, Foster Watson, 279;
Changes recommended by Association of New England
College Officers in Grammar School Curriculum, 279; Physi-
cal Education, Frederick Treves, 292; Scientific Education,
Lord Playfair, 301; Higher Education in the United States,
Dr. Low, 325; Work among the North American Indians,
350; Science Teaching, F. W. Sanderson, Prof. A. M.
Worthington, L. Cumming, Dr. Stoney, W. B. Croft, Prof.
Ayrton, E. J. Smith, Dr. Gladstone, 358; the Origin and
Progress of the Educational Movement in Wales, O. M.
Edwards, 421; the Proposed New Building for the Royal
College of Science, Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, 448; Medical Educa-
tion at Oxford, Lord Salisbury, 449; Formation of School

June 1, 1893

Gradation Committee, 613; Technical Education, Dr.
W. Anderson, 155; Industrial School opened at
Lucknow, I; Technical Education Conference, 130;
Technical Education in London, Report of the
London County Council Committee, 300; Technical
Education in Birmingham, Sir Henry Roscoe, 301;
the Slöjd Association of Great Britain, 324; the London
County Council and Technical Education, 348; Report of the
Scottish Technical Education Committee, 543; the Univer-
sities and the County Councils, 586; the Cambridge Univer-
sity Extension Movement, 586; Improvement in City Guilds
and London Institute Technological Examinations, 612
Egg Collecting, Col. Duthie, 253

Eggs, Artificially Incubated, W. Whitman Bailey, 200
Eggs, Study of the Form of, Dr. Nicolsky, 253
Egypt: Appointment of W. Flinders Petrie to Chair of
Egyptology, University College, London, III; Prof. Flinders
Petrie's First Lecture, 278; Egyptian Figs, Rev. George
Henslow, 102, 152: the Causes of the Defertilisation of,
E. A. Floyer, 156; Ancient Egypt, Prof. Flinders Petrie,
301; Earthenware Manufacture in, W. de Morgan, 613;
Egyptian Mummies, Prof. Macalister on, 623

Eichholz (A.) on Urobilin, 360

Eigenmann (C. H.), The Fishes of Southern California, 61
Elasticity, a Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of, Á. E. H.
Love, Prof. A. G. Greenhill, F.R.S., 529

Electricity: Remarkable Case of Electricity in a Cat, 17; an
Arc Light between Mercurial Electrodes in Vacuo, Dr. Arons,
24; Displacements of a Magnet on Mercury under Action of
Electric Current, D. Decharme, 48; Cost of Electric Supply,
Dr. John Hopkinson, F. R.S., 38; Power of Hydrogen-
absorption of Various Metals, Herren Neumann and Streintz,
63; an Automatic Interruptor for Accumulators, H. Ebert,
69; Institution of Electrical Engineers Annual Dinner, 85;
Demonstration by Means of Telephone of Existence of Inter-
ference of Electric Waves in Closed Circuits, R. Colson, 96;
New Mirror Electrometer for High Potentials, Dr. Heyd-
weiler, 112; Electric Oscillations, Pierre Janet, 119; Electrical
Standards, 128; Value of Electric Light for Lettuce and other
Winter Crops, Prof. L. H. Bailey, 130; Domestic Electric
Lighting Treated from the Consumer's Point of View,
E. C. De Segundo, 172; Electric Lighting and Power Dis-
tribution, W. Perren Maycock, 269; Gas Power for Electric
Lighting, J. Emerson Dowson, 284; the Distribution of
Power by Electricity from a Central Generating Station, A.
Siemens, 378; Ionic Velocities, W. C. D. Whetham, 164;
the Velocity of Crooke's Cathode Stream, Lord Kelvin,
F. R.S., 164; Experiments in Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Constant and Varying, Rimington and Wythe Smith, 165,
Mr. Swinburne, 166; Prof. S. P. Thompson, 166; the
Utilisation of Niagara Falls for Generating Electricity, 182;
Improvement on the Herz Oscillator, MM. Sarasin and De la
Rive, 184; a New Electric Furnace, H. Moissan, 192;
Apparatus for Demonstrating Difference of Potential at
Poles of Galvanic Cell, Messrs. Elster and Geitel, 233; Con-
struction of Copies of Permanent Standard Mercury Resist-
ances, 233; the Temperature of the Electric Arc, J. Violle,
240; Electric Currents in Plants, Prof. Burdon Sanderson, 255;
on Thermo-electric Phenomena between two Electrolytes,
Henri Bagard, 263; on the Origin of the Electric Nerves in
the Torpedo, Gymnotus, Mormyrus, and Malapterurus,
Gustav Fritsch, 271; Pure Gases Incapable of Producing
Electrification by Friction, Mr. Wesendorck, 280; on the
Temperature Coefficient of the Electrical Resistance of Mer-
cury and on the Mercury Resistances of the Imperial Insti-
tution, Dr. Kreichgauer and W. Jaeger, 286; Electric Oscil-
lations in Wires, Direct Measurement of the Moving Wave,
Kr. Birkeland, 286; Magnetism and Electricity, R. W.
Stewart, 315; the Growth of Electrical Industry, W. H.
Preece, F. R.S., 327; Sarasin and De la Rive's Experi-
ments in Measurement of Rate of Hertz Electric
Waves, Prof. Raoul Pictet, 336; Rotation of Cylin-
der by Inductive Action, Signor Arno, 374; Observa-
tions of Atmospheric Electricity in America, T. C.
Mendenhall, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, F. R.S., 392; on the
Electric Figures produced at the Surface of Crystallised
Bodies, Paul Jannetaz, 408; on Electric Spark Photographs,
or Photography of Flying Bullets, &c., by the Light of the
Electric Spark, C. V. Boys, F. R. S., 415, 440; Hysteresis
and Dielectric Viscosity of Mica for Rapid Oscillations, M.

P. Janet, 432; a Magnetic Screen, Frederick J. Smith, 439;
the Effects of Mechanical Stress on the Electrical Resistance
of Metals, James H. Gray and James R. Henderson, 478;
the Use of the Electric Current in producing High Tempera-
tures, MM. Moissan and Violle, MM. Lagrange and Hoho,
497; Electrical Actinometer used by Messrs. El ter and
Geitel in Measurement of Sun's Ultra-violet Radiation, 422;
Ready Preparation of Large Quantities of the more Refrac-
tory Metals by means of the Electric Furnace, M. Moissan,
424; the Teredo and Electric Cables, Sir Henry Mance,
450; Intense and Rapid Heating Process by means of the
Electric Current, MM. Lagrange and Hoho, 503; Photo-
graphic Registration Apparatus, Dr. Raps, 503; Electro-
magnetic Waves, 505; Electrical Papers, Oliver Heaviside,
505; Apparent Attraction of Closed Circuits by Alternating
Magnetic Pole, Prof. Elihu Thomson, 517; the Physiological
Effects of Electric Currents of High Frequency, M. d'Arson-
val, 517; Penetration of thin Metallic Plates by Cathode Rays
causing Phosphorescence, Herr Lenard, 518; a New Electri-
cal Process permitting the Production of Temperatures Su-
perior to those Actually Realisable, Eug. Lagrange and P.
Hoho, 525; Equipotential Lines due to Current Flowing
through Conducting Sheet fixed Photographically, E. Lommel,
544; on Initial Capacities of Polarisation, M. E. Bouty, 552;
Experiments on Phosphorescence-producing Kathode Rays of
a Geissler Tube, Dr. P. Lenard, 564; Electrical Railways,
Dr. Edward Hopkinson, 570; on the Differential Equation
of Electric Flow, T. H. Blakesley, Prof. Perry, Prof. O. J.
Lodge, Dr. Sumpner, Mr. Swinburne, 574; a Method of
obtaining Alternating Currents of Constant and easily-deter-
mined Frequency, I. Pupin, 586; Experiments on Loss of
Electrical Charge of Bodies in diffuse Light and in Darkness,
Edouard Branly, 586; the Recording of Earth-currents, 586;
Dynamo-electric Machinery with Compound Excitation, M.
Paul Hoho, 599; Experiments on Electric Oscillations of
Medium Frequency, M. Janet, 615; Researches into the
Study of Hall's Phenomenon, Prof. Kundt, 624
Elgar (Dr.), the Strength of Bulkheads, 520
Ellinger (Dr.), New Method of Preparing Glycol Aldehyde, 17
Elliott (W. R.), Earthquake in Dominica, 562
Ellis (W.), Map Showing Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination
for Jan. 1, 1893, in England and Wales, 323; Relation be-
tween the Duration of Sunshine, the Amount of Cloud, and
the Height of the Barometer, 431

Elster and Geitel (Messrs.), Apparatus for Demonstrating Dif-
ference of Potential at Poles of Galvanic Cell, 233; Electrical
Actinometer used in Measurement of Sun's Ultra-violet
Radiation by, 422

Embryology; on a Supposed Law of Metazoan Development,
J. Beard, 79

Emmons (Hamilton) on the Petrography of the Island of
Capraja, 334

Energy, the Identity of, Prof. Oliver Lodge, F. R. S., 293
Energy and Vision, Prof. S. P. Langley, 252


Engineering Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 19, 300,
353, 617; Mechanical Engineering, Report on the Value of
the Steam Jacket, J. G. Mair-Burnley, Col. English, Mr.
Day, Bryan Donkin, Prof. Unwin, Bryan Donkin, Jun., Mr.
Morrison, and Mr. Schonheyder, 20; the Screw Propeller,
Messrs. Walker, Kennedy, Barnaby, Dunell, and Shield, 21;
Junior Engineering Society, 38; Institution of Electrical En-
gineers, Annual Dinner, 85; Modern Mechanism, 241; a
Correction, 281; Mechanical Engineering, the Apparatus
at the Haslar Experimental Works, R. E. Froude, 353; the
Southampton Water-softening Plant, William Matthews, 354;
the Foundations of the Two River Piers of the Tower Bridge,
E. E. W. Crettwell, 545; the Value of Annealing Steel, E. G.
Carey, 397; Der Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, C. Beseke, 579;
Steam Engine Trials, 594; the Alloys Research Committee,
Second Report, Prof. W. C. Roberts- Austen, F. R.S., 617;
the Action of Bismuth on Copper, Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen,
F. R.S., 618
England, American Opinion of Photography in, Xanthus Smith,
86; the Progress of Cremation in, 396; the English Flower
Gardens, W. Robinson, 508

Engler's (Dr. A.) "Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik,
Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie," 413
English (Col.) Experiments on the value of the Steam-Jacket, 20
Entomology; Remarkable Hornet's Nest presented to Madras
Museum by Lord Wenlock, 16; a new species of Belytidæ from

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