Slike strani

New Zealand, Rev. T. A. Marshall, 17; Entomological
Society, 47, 191, 334, 383, 455, 501, 575, 599; Vegetable
Wasps and Plant Worms, M. C. Cooke,99; Hints on Sugaring
for Moths, W. Hoiland, 131; Beetles, Butterflies, and other
Insects, A. W. Kapple and W. Egmont Kirby, 148; Death
of H. T. Stainton, 155; the Bite of the Tarantula, C. W.
Meaden, 184; Coleopterous Larvæ voided by a Child, J. E.
Harting, 190; Remarkable Varieties of Telchinia Encedon,
Lycæna adonis, Noctua xanthographa and Acronycta rumicis
191; Remarkable Weapons of Defence, G. F. Hampson, E.
Ernest Green, 199; the Death's Head Moth and Bees, J. R. S.
Clifford, 234; on the Anatomy of Pentastomum teretiusculum,
Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer, 260; a Beetle tamed, 280;
Description of New Species of Dipterous Insects of the Family
Syrphide, in the Collection of the British Museum, with Notes
on Species described by the late Francis Walker, E. E. Austen,
335; the Trap-door Spider, D. Cleveland, 375; The Fauna
of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, G. F. Hampson,
387; On Stridulating Ants, Dr. Sharp, 501; a New Species
(and genus) of Acarus found in Cornwall, A. D. Michael, 502;
on the Anatomy of the Eurypteride, Malcolm Laurie, 527,
Phosphorescence in Centipedes, R. J. Pocock, 545 ; Notes on a
Spider, H. H. J. Bell, 557; Vanessa Polychloros in London, L. J.
Tremayne, 563; the Use of Ants to Aphides and Coccidæ, T.
D. A. Cockerell, 608

Ephemeris for Bodies Moving in the Biela Orbit, Dr. Chandler,

Ephemeris of Comet Brooks (November 20, 1892), 257, 281
Epidemic Influenza, F. A. Dixey, 244

Epiglottis, Die, Carl Gegenbaur, 542

Equivalent of Heat, the Value of the Mechanical, E. H.
Griffiths, 537

Eritrea, Agriculture in the Italian Red Sea Colony of, 19
Eschenhagen (Herr), Improvement in Registration of Needle's
Variations, 544

Esmoil (M.), the New Brooks' Comet, 159

Espin (T. E.), the Wolsingham Observatory, 452

Etheridge (R.), Ethnological Observations in Australia, 594
Ethnography, Prehistoric, of Central and North-East Russia,
J. Smirnov, 524

Ethnology: the Mixed Character of the Population of Morocco,
A. Le Chatelier, 61; Atlas der Volkerkunde, Dr. Georg
Gerland, Dr. Edward B. Tylor, F.R.S., 223: Ethnological
Observations in Australia, R. Etheridge, 594

Etna, on the Age of the Most Ancient Eruptions of, M.
Wallerant, 264

"Eudiometer," the Author of the Word, Prof. Herbert McLeod,
F.R.S., 536

Europe, Appearance of the American Vine-disease, Black-rot,
in, 16

Evans (A. J., Prehistoric Interments of the Bahi Rossi Caves
near Mentone, 239

Everett (Prof. J. D., F.R.S.), Helmholtz on Hering's Theory
of Colour, 365; a New and Handy Focometer, 500
Evolution, the Probable Physiognomy of the Cretaceous Plant
Population, Conway McMillan, 587

Evolution of Decorative Art, the, Henry Balfour, 606

Evolution of Double Stars, the, T. J. J. See, Prof. G. H. Darwin,
F. R.S., 459

Evolution, Experimental, Henry de Varigny, 25
Evolution and Man's Place in Nature, Henry Calderwood, 385
Ewald (Prof. Richard), the Cross-Striping of Muscle, 92
Ewing (J. A., F.R.S.), Magnetic Induction in Iron and other
Metals, E. Wilson, 460
Examinations, Technological, 35

Exhibition, Chicago, Ceylon's Contribution to, 156

Exner (Prof.) on the Innervation of the Cricothyroid Muscle in
Rabbits and Dogs, 287

Explosion in Gases, the Rate of, Prof. Harold B. Dixon, 299
Extinct Monsters, Rev. H. N. Hutchinson, 250

Eye, the Alleged Sexual Difference in the, Herr Greef, 325
Eye, Seven Images of the Human, M. Tcherning, 354
Eye, Sensitiveness of the, to Light and Colour, Capt. W. de W.
Abney, F. R.S., 538

Fabre (Charles), Traité Encyclopédique de Photographie, 6
Fabry (M.), the New Brooks' Comet, 159
Falsan (Albert), Les Alpes Françaises, 76

Fasting Men, Experiments on the Nutrition of, D. J. Munk

Respiratory Interchange in the Fasting Body, Prof. Zuntz;
the Construction of Carbohydrates in the Fasting Body, Dr.
Vogelius, 552

Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, G. F.
Hampson, 387

Fauna, British Marine, Proposed Handbook to the, Prof. W. .A.
Herdman, F.R. S., 231, 293; Prof. D'Arcy, W. Thompsod,
269; W. Garstang, 293

Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire, Charles A. Witchell and
W. Bishop Strugnell, 197

Fauna of Lakeland, a Vertebrate, Rev. A. Macpherson, 457
Favaro (Prof. Antonio), Galileo Galilei and the Approaching
Celebration at Padua, 82, 180

Fawcett (W.), the Jamaica Botanical Department, 378
Faye (H), Sunspots, 167; on the True Theory of Waterspouts
and Tornadoes, with Special Reference to that of Lawrence
Massachusetts, 503

Fayrer (Sir Joseph), Speech at Tercentenary of Galileo, 207
Ferns of South Africa, the, Thos. R. Sim, J. G. Baker, F. R.S.,


Field Naturalists' Club, Victoria, 62

Field (Eleanor), Note on the Interactions of Alkali-Metal
Haloids and Lead Haloids, and of Alkali-Metal Haloids and
Bismuth Haloids, 551

Field (Dr. Herbert H.), an International Zoological Record, 606
Fifth Satellite, Jupiter's, E. Roger, 71; A. A. Common, 208;
E. E. Barnard, 377

Figs, Egyptian, Rev. George Henslow, 102, 152
Figures, Breath, W. B. Croft, 186

Figures, Breath, Dust Photographs and, W. B. Croft, 364
Finland, Opening of Wiborg-Imatra Railway, 160

Fischer (Prof. Theobald), the Geography and Social Conditions
of the Iberian Peninsula, 547

Fish, the Destruction of Immature, Ernest W. L. Holt, 160;
the Protection of Sea Fish, C. H. Cook, 396; Electric Fishes,
Gustav Fritsch, 271; Fishes and Oxygenation of Water,
Duncan and Hoppe Seyler, 280; Prof. Edward Prince
appointed Commissioner for Canada Fisheries, 37; Fishery
Board for Scotland, the, 85; Japan and the Korean Fishery,

Fisher (Prof. W. R.), American Forestry, C. S. Sergent, 275
Fisher (W. W.), Anhydrous Oxalic Acid, 238
Fitzgerald (Prof.), Williams on the Relation of the Dimensions
of Physical Quantities to Directions in Space, 69; Mr. Suther-
land's Paper on the Laws of Molecular Force, 117
Fitzgerald (Prof. George Francis), Universities and Research,


Flammarion (Camille), La Planète Mars et ses Conditions
d'Habitabilité, William J. S. Lockyer, 553

Fletcher (L., F.R.S), Baddeleyite, 70; the Occurrence of
Native Zirconia (Baddeleyite), 283; Obituary Notice of
Thomas Davies, 371

Flies and Disease Germs, 499

Flight of Birds, the, Herbert Withington, 414

Flora and Fauna of Gloucestershire, Charles A. Witchell and
W. Bishop Strugnell, 197

Florida, Botanical Laboratory Established at Eustis, 278
Florida Phosphate Beds, the, T. N. Lupton, 325
Flower (Major L.), Water and Water Supply, 183
Flower Garden, the English, W. Robinson, 508

Floyer (E. A.), the Causes of the Defertilisation of Egypt, 156
Fluids, Elementary Mechanics of Solids and, A. L. Selby, 315
Flying Bullets, the Photography of, by the Light of the Electric
Spark, C. V. Boys, F.R.S., 415, 440

Folding, Experiments on, and on the Genesis of Mountain
Ranges, Prof. E. Reyer, 81

Folie (F.), Remarkable Optical Phenomenon near Zermatt, 303
Folk-Lore: Australian Rain-Maker's Leather Boots, 62; the
Were-Wolf in Latin Literature, 423; Lizard Superstition of
Shuswap (British Columbia) Indians, Dr. George Dawson,
F.R.S., 184

Food of Plants, the, A. P. Laurie, 556

Food, the Principal Starches Used as, W. Griffiths, 76
Foraminifer or Sponge? R. Hanitsch, 365, 439; F. G.
Pearcey, 390

Ferbes (Henry O.), British New Guinea, 345, 414; Observations
on the Development of the Rostrum in the Cetacean Genus
Mesoplodon, 455; the Chatham Islands and an Antarctic Con-
tinent, 474

Force, the Laws of Molecular, Mr. Sutherland's Paper on, Prof.

June 1, 1893

Fitzgerald, Dr. Gladstone, S. H. Burbury, Prof. Ramsay,
Macfarlane Gray, Prof. Herschel, 117

Ford (Charles), Severe Frost at Hongkong, 535
Ford (W. V.), Snow Rollers, 422

Forel (Prof. F. A.), Le Léman, Monographie Limnologique,
Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 5

Force (M.), the Resistance of Ice, 564

Forest Tithes and other Studies from Nature, 580

Forestry, the Destruction of Trees in America, Dr. W. J.
Beal, 563; Forestry in India, the Dehra Dun Forest School,
Sir E. C. Buck, 613; Recent Researches on the Influence of
Forests, Dr. Schubert, 480

Fossil Botany, the Genus Sphenophyllum, Prof. Wm. Crawford
Williamson, II; on a New Fern from the Coal Measures, A.
C. Seward, 360

Fossil Fauna of the Black Sea, T. J. van Beneden, 544
Fossil Floras and Climate, Sir William Dawson, F.R.S., 556;
J. Starkie Gardner, 582

Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate, A. C. Seward, 267; J. Star-
kie Gardner, 267, 364; Chas. E. De Rance, 294. 342
Fossil Reptiles from the Elgin Sandstone, Some New, E. T.
Newton, 189

Fossile Flora der Höttinger Breccie, Die, R. von Wettstein,

Fossils, A Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda, W. H.
Hudlestone, F. R. S., and Edward Wilson, H. Woods, 363
Fourcroya Selloa, Flowering in Botanic Society's Conservatory
of, 373

Fox (Howard), Notes on Some Coast Sections at the Lizard,
407; on a Radiolarian Chert from Mullion Island, 407
Framework of Chemistry, the, W. M. Williams, 28
France: the New Triangulation of, L. Bassot, 71; Dirigible
Balloon in Construction at Chalais-Meudon, 112; French
Academy, Science Prizes, 232; Statistics of Average Life in
France, M. Turqun, 255; Some Lake Basins in, Prof. T. G.
Bonney, F.R. S., 341, 414; Société Astronomique de, 616
François (Capt. von), Dromedaries in German S. W. Africa, 38
Frankland (Prof. P. F., F. R. S.), Salts of Active and Inactive

Glyceric Acid the Influence of Metals on the Specific Rota-
tory Power of Active Acids, 405; Van't Hoff's Stereochem.
istry, 510; the Purification of Water by Bacteriological
Methods, 588

Frankland (Mrs. Percy), Bacilli in Butter, 283

Friedel (C.), Diamond in Meteoric Iron, 192; on the Meteoric
Iron of the Cañon Diablo, 408

Friend (Rev. Hilderic), "Hare-Lip" in Earthworms, 316;
Luminous Earthworms, 462

Fritsch (Gustav), on the Origin of the Electric Nerves in the
Torpedo, Gymnosus, Mormyrus, and Malapterurus, 271
Frost, Dew and, Hon. R. Russell, 210

Frost, severe, at Hongkong, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F.R.S.,
535; Charles Ford, 535; W. Doberck, 536

Frost Patterns, Arborescent, 213; Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S.,
125; G. J. Symons, F. K. S., 162; Rev. T. G. Bonney, F. R. S.,
162; Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S., 162; D. Wetterhan,
162; J. T. Richards, 162; J. J. Armitage, 162

Froude (R. E.), the Apparatus at the Haslar Experimental
Works, 353

Fruit Export Trade, Cape Colony Government Encouragement
of, 234

Fujisan, John Milne, F. R.S., 178

Fulcher (L. W.), Stromboli in 1891, 89

Gad (Prof.), the Respiratory Centre, 144

Gadolin (General A. W.), Death of, 232

Gain (E.), Influence of Moisture on Vegetation, 119

Galileo Galilei and the Approaching Celebration at Padua,
Prof. Antonio Favaro, 82, 180, 207

Galitzine (B.), Method for Determining Density by Saturated
Vapours and Expansion of Liquids at Higher Temperatures,

Gallwey's (Capt. H. L.), Travels in Benin Country, 134
Galton (Francis, F. R.S.), Measure of the Imagination, 319;
Optical Continuity, 342

Galvanometer, A Modified Astatic, H. E. J. G. du Bois and H.
Rubens, 455

Garden, the English Flower, W. Robinson, 508
Gardner (Edmund G.), Quæstio de Aqua et Terra, 295
Gardner (J. Starkie), Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate, being

the Sedgwick Prize Essay for the year 1892, A. C. Seward,

Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate, 364
Garstang (John), the Light of Planets, 77

Garstang (W.), a Proposed Handbook of the British Marine
Fauna, 293

Gas Power for Electric Lighting, J. Emerson Dowson, 284
Gases, the Densities of the Principal, Lord Rayleigh, F. R.S.,

Gases in Living Plants, J. G. Arthur, 427

Gases, the Rate of Explosion in, Prof. Harold B. Dixon, 299
Gasteropoda, a Catalogue of British Jurassic, W. H Hudleston,
F.R.S., and Edward Wilson H. Woods, 363

Gauss (Charles Frederick), Proposed Monument to, 106
Gaye (Selina), the Great World's Farm, 198
Gegenbaur (Carl), Die Epiglottis, 542

Geikie (Sir Archibald, F. R.S.), Geological Map of Scotland,
Prof. A. H. Green, F.R. S., 49; Prof. Wadsworth on the
Geology of the Iron, Gold, and Copper Districts of Michigan,
117; Prof. A. de Lapparent, 217; Geology of the North-
West Highlands, 292

Geitel and Elster (Messrs.), Apparatus for Demonstrating
Difference of Potential at Poles of Galvanic Cells, 233;
Electrical Actinometer used in Measurement of Sun's Ultra-
Violet Radiation by, 422

Geminids, December Meteors, W. F. Denning, 226
Geneva, the Lake of, Prof. F. A. Forel, Prof. T. G. Bonney,
F.R.S., 5

Genoa, Munificent Bequest by Admiral Marquis Ricci for
Founding Scientific Institutions in, 613



Genus Sphenophyllum, the, Prof. Wm. Crawford Williamson,
Geodesy the New Triangulation of France, L. Bassot, 71;
French Measurement of Arc of Meridian, 115; on the Pro-
gress of the Art of Surveying with the Aid of Photography
in Europe and America, M. A. Lauseolat, 384; the Triangu
iation of N. W. South Australia, 519; Measurement of the
Parallel of 47° 30' in Russia, M. Venukoff, 576
Geography: Le Léman : Monographie Limnologique, Prof. F. A.
Forel, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R. S., 5; Sven Hedin's Ascent
of Mount Demavend, 19; Agriculture in the Italian Red Sea
Colony of Eritrea, 19; Mr. Conway's Karakoram Range Ex-
pedition, 19; His Crossing of the Hispar Pass, 327;
Geographical Notes, 19, 64, 89, 115, 133, 159, 209, 235, 257,
282, 304, 327, 352, 377, 399, 426, 452, 473, 498, 519, 547, 566,
590, 617; Uganda, Capt. F. D. Lugard, 45; the Uganda Com-
mission, 210; the Voyage of La Manche to Iceland, Jan Mayen
and Spitzbergen in 1892, M. Bienaimé, 48; Discovery of
Subterranean Town on the Amu-Daria, 64; the Proposed
Transference of the Capital of Brazil, 64; Mr. D. J. Rankin's
Zambesi Journey, 1890-91, 64; Death of Theodore Child, 65;
Supposed Suicide of Lieut. Frederick Schwatka, 65; the Cause
of Lieut. Schwatka's Death, 89; Royal Geographical Society,
65, 115, 89, 209, 617; Experiments on Folding and on the
Genesis of Mountain Ranges, Prof. E. Reyer, 81; Official
Rule for Spelling of Place-names of German Protectorates,
89; Completion of Capt. Monteil's Mission, 89; Mr. Joseph
Thomson's Journey to Lake Bangweolo, 115; French
Measurement of Arc of Meridian, 115; Kettler's Afrikanische
Nachrichten, 115; Proposed Expedition of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Bent to Abyssinia, 115; Arrival of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Bent at Adowa, 519; Arrival of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Bent at Aksum, 547; In Savage Isles and Settled
Lands, B. F. S. Baden-Powell, 122; Dr. Karl Diener's
Himalaya Expedition, 133; Proposed Arctic Expedition of
Lieut. Peary, 133, 452; Death of F. H. von Hellwald, 133;
Capt. H. L. Gallwey's Travels in Benin Country, 134; E.
Wilkinson's Journey in the Kalahari Desert, 134; Geographi-
cal Society of California, 134; Progress of Congo Railway,
Major Thys, 159; Manchester Geographical Society, 159;
Liverpool Geographical Society, 159, 428; Scottish Geo-
graphical Society, 159; Dr. J. Troll's Journey through Central
Asia, 160; Opening of Wiborg and Imatra Railway, Finland,
160; the Juba River, Commander F. G. Dundas, 186; M
Alex. Delcommune's Lomami Expedition, 209, 590; the
Death of Cardinal Lavigerie, 210; Proposed Exploration of
Africa by Telegraph, Cecil Rhodes, 210; the Characteristic
Form of the Coast Line as affecting the Physical Conditions
of the Waters of the English Channel, H. N. Dickson, 235;
Geographical Names, Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S.,

245; M. Obru cheff's Further Researches in Siberia, 255; the
Bonjos, an African Canibal Tribe, M. Dybowski, 257; the
Boundaries of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Dr. H. Polakowsky,
257; the Stranding of H. M. S. Howe, the Defective Chart
used, 257; Physical Geography and Climate of New South
Wales, H. C. Russell, F.R.S., 258; African Nomenclature,
282; the Stanley Falls District of the Congo, M. Page, 282;
the Antarctic Whaling Fleet, 282, 590; the Pinsk Marshes
and Non-Russian Atlases, M. Venukoff, 282; the Relation of
Geography to History, H. J. Mackinder, 304; African
Nomenclature, 304; Stoppage of M. Mizon's Adamawa Ex-
pedition, 304; French Flag Hoisted on St. Paul and New
Amsterdam Islands, 304; Geography, 327; Aston Chanler's
Expedition to Lake Rudolf, 327; the Soil of Sakalava Plain,
Madagascar, Emile Gautier, 327; the Frontier Delimitation
between British South Africa Con pany's Territory and
Portuguese Possessions, Major Leverson, 327; Yezo and
the Ainu, Prof. J. Milne, F.R.S., 330; A. H. Savage
Landor, 330: British New Guinea, J. P. Thompson,
Henry O. Forbes, 345; the Steppe-belt traversing Asia from
East to West, H. J. Mackinder, 353; Death of R.
H. Nelson, 353; Twenty Years in Zambesia, F. C. Sel-
ous, 377; Dr. Baumann's Journeys in the Nile sources
Region, 377; Proposed North Pole Expedition by way of
Franz Josef Land, F. G. Jackson, 377; the Regulation of
Swiss Torrents, M. de Salis, 377; the Chief Lines of
Communication between Asia and Europe, H. J Mac-
kinder, 400; Captain Bower's Journey in Tibet, 400; the
Orthography of African Place-names, 400; Railways in China,
400; Prof. Penck's Scheme for a Map of the World on Uni-
form Scale, 426; Mongolia and Central Tibet, C. Woodville
Rockhill, 426; New Harbour found in German South-West
Africa, 452; Return of the Dundee Whaling Fleet, 473; The
Ka'anga Company's Expeditions, 474; Prof. Mohn on the
Climate of Greenland, 474; the Chatham Islands and an
Antarctic Continent, H. O. Forbes, 474; Political Divisions
of the Earth, Dr. A. Oppel, 499; use of Chloride of Potas-
sium instead of Salt by the Soudanese, M. Dybowski, 499 ;
Distribution of Population of Schleswig-Holstein, Dr. A.
Gloy, 499; French Explorations towards Lake Chad, 519;
some Geographical Aspects of British History, 519; the Trian-
gulation of North-west South Australia, 519; Death of John
Bartholomew, 547; the Siberian Peninsula, Prof. Theobald
Fisher, 547; the Object of Map-colouring, 566; the Form of
the Geoid, M. Venukoff, 566; Map of Salinity of Surface
Water of North Pacific, Prof. Kümmel, 590; the Native
Papuans, T. H. Hatton Richards, 590; the Hon. G. N.
Curzon's Journey in Indo-China, 617; Facts from the
Bengal Census Significant of Progress, 617; a Curious
Mountain Group in Podolia, 617

Geoid, The Form of the, M. Venukoff, 566
Geology: Der Peloponnes, Dr. Alfred Philippson, 6; the
Geology of the Asiatic Loess, Thos. W. Kingsmill, Prof. G.
H. Darwin, F. R. S., 30; Geology of Taylorville Region in
Sierra Nevada, California, J. S. Diller, 39; Geological Map
of Scotland, Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., Prof. A. H.
Green, F. R.S., 49; an Ancient Glacial Epoch in Australia,
Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, 55; Death of James Kant, 60; Geo-
logical Collection, presented by Mr. Evan Roberts to Univer-
sity College of North Wales, 60; the Glacial Nightmare and
the Flood, Sir H. H. Howorth, 61; a Paleozoic Ice-Age,
W. T. Blanford, F. R.S., and Henry F. Blanford, F. R.S.,
101; Geology of Scotland, Prof. Grenville, A. J. Cole, 101;
Geological Society, 117, 166, 263, 286, 334, 407, 501, 575,
623; Medal Awards, 277; the Iron, Gold, and Copper Dis-
tricts of Michigan, Prof. M. E. Wordsworth, Sir Archibald
Geikie, Dr. Hicks, H. Bauerman, 117; Man and the Glacial
Period, Dr. G. Frederick Wright, 148; Difficulties of Plio-
cene Geology, Sir Henry H. Howarth, 150, 270; Geological
Features of Arabia Petræa and Palestine, Prof. Edward
Hull, F.R. S., 166: Flexible Sandstone, E. M. Hamilton, Mr.
Hornby, Prof. Green, 167; Macculloch's Geological Map of
Scotland, Prof. J. W. Judd, F. R. S., 173; Ancient Ice Ages, T.
Mellard Reade, 174; J. Lomas, 227; The Earth's Age, Dr.
Alfred Wallace, 175, 226; Bernard Hobson, 175, 226; Clarence
King, 285; Death of I. D. Chersky, 232; Further Researches
in Siberia, M. Obrutcheff, 255; on some Schistose Green-
stones from the Pennine Alps, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S.,
263; Note on the Nufenen-stock (Lepontine Alps), Prof. T.
G. Bonney, F. R. S., 263; on a Secondary Development of

Biotite and of Hornblende in Crystalline Schists from the
Binnenthal, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S., 263; on a Sauro-
podous Dinosaurian Vertebra from the Wealden of Hastings,
R. Lydekker, 286; on some Additional Remains of Cestra-
ciont and other Fishes in the Green Gritty Marls immediately
overylying the Red Marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwick-
shire, Rev. P. B. Brodie, 286; Scandinavian Boulders at
Cromer, Herr Victor Madsen, 287; Pitchstone and Andesite
from Tertiary Dykes in Donegal. Prof. Solles, F.R.S., 287;
on the Variolite and Associated Igneous Rocks of Round-
wood, co. Wicklow, 287; the Geology of the North-west
Highlands, Sir Archibald Geikie, F. R.S., 292; Variolite of
the Lleyn and Associated Volcanic Rocks, Catherine A.
Raisin, 334; on the Petrography of the Island of Caraja,
Hamilton Emmons, 334; Some Lake Basins in France,
Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S., 341, 414; Origin of Lake
Basins, the Duke of Argyll, F.R.S., 485; J. C. Hawkshaw,
558; the U.S. Survey and American Mining Industries, 350;
Glacier Action, the Duke of Argyll, 389; Notes on some
Coast Sections at the Lizard, Howard Fox and J. J. H.
Teall, F.R.S., 407; on a Radiolarian Chert from Mullion
Island, Howard Fox and J. J. H. Teall, F. R. S., 407; Note
on a Radiolarian Rock from Fanny Bay, Port Darwin, Aus-
tralia, G. J. Hinde, 407; Notes on the Geology of the Dis-
trict west of Caermarthen, T. Roberts, 407; Presidential
Address at the Geological Society's Anniversary Meeting,
407; the Earth's History, R. D. Roberts, 412; Die Fossile
Flora der Höttinger Breccie, R. Von Weitstein, 436; the
Glacier Theory of Alpine Lakes, Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace,
437; Death of Prof. K. A. Losser, 421; Glacial Drift of the
Irish Channel, Prof. Grenville, A. J. Cole, 464; the Landslip
at Sandgate, Prof. J. F. Blake, 467; on the Occurrence of
Boulders and Pebbles from the Glacial Drift in Gravels south
of the Thames, Horace W. Monckton, 501; a Fossiliferous
Pleistocene Deposit at Stone, on the Hampshire Coast,
Clement Reid. 502; the Ordnance Survey and Geological
Faults, James Durham, 510; Action of Glaciers on the Land,
Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S., 521; the Quaternary Deposits
of Russia and their Relations to the Finds resulting from the
Activity of Prehistoric Man, S. Nikitine, 523; Constitution
of the Quaternary Deposits in Russia and their Relations to
the Finds resulting from the Activity of Prehistoric Man, S
Nikitine, 523; Russian Steppes Past and Present, Prof. W.
W. Dokoutchaiev, 523; on an Intrusion of Muscovite-biotite-
gneiss in the South-Eastern Highlands, and its accompany-
ing Thermo-Metamorphism, Geo. Barrow, 575; Text-Book
of Comparative Geology, Dr. E. Kayser, 578; the Probable
Physiognomy of the Cretaceous Plant Population, Conway
McMillan, 587; Geological Society of Washington founded,
613; on the Dwindling and Disappearance of Limestones,
Frank Rutley, 623.

Geometry: on the Need of a New Geometrical Term-Con-
jugate Angles, Prof. A. M. Worthington, 8; a Remarkable
Case of Geometrical Isomerism, A. E. Tutton, 65; Meeting
of Association for Improvement of Geometrical Teaching,
277; on the non-Euclidian Geometry, Dr. Emory Mc-
Clintock, 286; Descriptive Geometry Models for the Use of
Students in Schools and Colleges, T. Jones, 413; Proposed
Celebration of Centenary of Birth of Lobatcheffsky, 469;
Introductory Modern Geometry of Point, Ray, and Circle,

Geraniums, Red and White, a Graft-Hyl rid between, H. I,
Jones, 563

Gerland (Dr. George), Atlas der Völkerkunde, Dr. Edward B.
Tylor, F. R.S., 223

German Science Reader, A, Francis Jones, 125
German South-west Africa: Official Rules for Spelling of Place-
Names of German Protectorates, 89

German South-west Africa, New Harbour found in, 452
Germs, Flies, and Disease, 499

Giacosa (Prof. P.), Bibliographia Medica Italiana, 606
Gibbs (Dr. Morris), the Food of Humming-birds, 63
Gibbs (Prof. J. Willard), Quaternions and the Algebra of
Vectors, 463

Gibson (J.), the Preparation of Glucina from Beryl, 405
Gilbert (William) of Colchester, Physician of London, on the
Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, and on the great Magnet
the Earth a New Physiology, demonstrated with many
Arguments and Experiments, 556

Gill C. H.) Fungus internally Parasitic in Diatoms, 118

Gill (T. H.), the Use of Monochromatic Yellow Light in Photomicrography, 47

Giorgis (G.), Volumetric Method for determining amount of Chromium in Steel, 397

Glacial Drit of the Irish Channel, Prof. Grenville, A. J. Cole, 464

Glacial Epoch in Australia, an Ancient, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, 55

Glacial Nightmare and the Flood, The, Sir A. H. Howarth, 61 Glacial Period, Man and the, Dr. G. Frederick Wright, 148 Glacier Action, the Duke of Argyll, F. R.S., 389

Glacier Theory of Alpine Lakes, The, Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, 437

Glaciers of Val d'IIerens, William Sherwood, 174

Glaciers, Action of, on the Land, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 521

Gladstone (Dr.), Mr. Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of Molecular Force, 117

Gladstone (Dr. J. H., F.R.S.), Arborescent Frost Patterns, 162; Science Teaching, 359; on some recent determinations of Molecular Refraction and Dispersion, 429

Glan (Paul), the Fundamental Law of Complementary Colour, 455

Glazebrook (R. T., F.R.S.), Laws and Properties of Matter, 580

Glazes, Pottery, W. P. Rex, 396

Gloucestershire, Fauna and Flora of, Charles A. Witchell and W. Bishop Strugnell, 197

Gloy (Dr. A.), Distribution of Population of SchleswigHolstein, 499

Godwin Austen (Colonel H. H., F. R. S.), Geographical Names, 245

Goldstein (Prof.) Experiments of, 312

Gore (J. Ellard), The Visible Universe, A. Taylor, 193
Gorilla acquired by Berlin Aquarium, Large Male, 86
Gothard (M. Eugen), Spectra of Planetary Nebula and Nova
Auriga, 352

Gottingen Koyal Society of Sciences, 456; Prize Subject for 1893-4, 516

Gottsche (Dr. C. M.) Death of, 130

Grafting, on the Physiology of, Dr. Hermann Vöchting, 128 Grant (Robert, F. R.S.), Death of, 14; Obituary Notice of, 36 Graphical Solutions of Problems in Navigation, 547

Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including Alaska and the adjacent Islands, Dr. Geo. Vasey, 173

Gratings, Photography of, Engraved upon Metal, M. Izarn, 623 Gravelaar (N. L. W. A.), the Great Ice Age, 200

Gravitation, on the Variations in the Intensity of Terrestrial,
M. d'Abbadie, 384

Gravitation, Description of an Instrument to show the small
Variations in the Intensity of, M. Bouquet de la Grye, 431
Gray (Andrew), Aids to Experimental Science, 173
Gray (A. D.), Dibromo-8-Lapachone, 405

Gray (James H.), the Effects of Mechanical Stress on the
Electrical Resistance of Metals, 478

Gray (Macfarlane), Mr. Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of
Molecular Force, 117

Great Ice Age, The, N. L. W. A. Gravelaar, 200
Great Spirit Spring Mound, Kansas, E. H. S. Bailey, 87
Great World's Farm, The, Selina Gaye, 198
Greef (Herr), the Alleged Sexual Difference in the Eye, 325
Green (Prof. A. H., F.R.S.), Geological Map of Scotland, Sir
Archibald Geikie, F. R.S., 49; Flexible Sandstone, 167
Green (E. Ernest), Remarkable Weapons of Defence, 199
Greenhill (Prof. A. G., F. R.S.), a Treatise on the Mathematical
Theory of Elasticity, A. E. H. Love, 529

Greenland, the Climate of, Prof. Mohn, 474

Gregory (James R.), a Large Meteorite from Western Australia, 90

Gregory (Richard A.), a Description of the Laws and Wonders of Nature, 74

Gréhant (G.) Physiological Study of Opium Smoke, 168
Griffiths (E. H.), Determination of Low Temperatures by
Platinum Thermometers, 95; the Value of the Mechanical
Equivalent of Heat, 476, 537

Griffiths (J.), Note on Secondary Tucker Circles, 71
Griffiths (W.), the Principal Starches Used as Food, 76

Grote (George), Examination of Brain of, Prof. John Marshall, 15

Ground-water, The Movements of, F. H. King, 206

[blocks in formation]

Hair, Mammalian, the Phylogenetic Position of, Herr Maurer, 87

Hale (Prof. G. E.), Ultra-Violet Spectrum in Solar Prominences, 186; Coincidence of Solar and Terrestrial Phenomena, 425; Prof. Hale's Solar Photographs, 498

Haliburton (R. G.), Racial Dwarfs in the Pyrenees, 294
Hall (H. S.), Algebra for Beginners, 28

Hall (James P.), a Short Cycle in Weather, 499
Hamilton (E. M.), Flexible Sandstone, 167

Hampson (G. F.), Remarkable Weapons of Defence, 199; the
Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, 387
Hande (A.), Simple Instrument for Measuring Densities of
Liquids, 471

Hanitsch (R.), Foraminifer or Sponge? 365, 439
Hannay (J. B.), Formation of Lunar Volcanoes, 7

Hansemann (Dr.), Photography of Microscopic Objects which when placed in a Stereoscope Presented an Appearance of Solidity, 287

Hansen (Prof. Carl), Pinetum Danicum, 619
Harcourt (Sir William), the Decimal System, 323
Hare-lip in Earthworms, Rev. Hilderic Friend, 316
Harmer (S. F.), Lion-Tiger Hybrids, 413

Harmer (Sidney F.), on the Occurrence of Embryonic Fission in Cyclostomatous Polyzoa, 524

Harrington (Prof. M. W.), Exploration of the Free Air, 574 Harris (R. A.), on the Use of Supplementary Curves in Isogonal Transformation, 380

Harrison (E. F.), on Isaconitine (Napelline), 430

Hart (W. E.), Parasitism of Volucelia, 78

Harting (J. E.), Coleopterous Larvæ Voided by a Child, 190; the Field-Vole Plague in Thessaly, 545

Hartley (W. N.), the Origin of Colour and Fluorescence, 238;
Methods of Observing and Separating Spectra of Easily
Volatile Metals, 239; Manganese Borate, 239
Hartog (J.), Thionyl Bromide, 405

Harvard College Observatory, the, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 304, 403

Haslar Experimental Works, the Apparatus at the, R. E.
Froude, 353

Hatching of a Peripatus Egg, the, Arthur Dendy, 508
Hatton-Richards (T. H.), the Native Papuans, 590

Hawaiian Islands, a Botanist's Vacation in the, Prof. D. H.
Campbell, 236, 355

Hawkshaw (J. C.), Origin of Lake Basins, 558
Haycraft (Prof.), the Cross-Striping of Muscle, 92

Haycraft (John Berry), a New Hypothesis Concerning Vision, 478

Hayward (R. Baldwin, F. R.S.), the Algebra of Co-planar Vectors and Trigonometry, 266

Health Officer's Pocket Book, the, Dr. E. F. Willoughby, 412 Health, Public, a Treatise on, Dr. Albert Palmberg, Dr. H. Brock, 507

Heat in August, 1892, Prof. W. J. van Bebber, 88

Heat, the Value of the Mechanical Equivalent of, E. H. Griffiths, 476, 537

Heat; Comparison of Formula for Total Radiation, W. de C. Stevens, 188

Heaviside (Oliver, F. R.S.), Electrical Papers, 505; Vectors versus Quaternions, 533

Hedin's (Sven) Ascent of Mount Demavend, 19

Heen (P. de), on a State of Matter Characterised by the Mutual Independence of the Pressure and the Specific Volume, 309 Height and Spectrum of Auroras, the, T. W. Backhouse, 151

June 1, 1993

Means of the Electric Current, 503; a New Electrical Pro-
cess permitting the Production of Temperatures Superior to
those actually realisable, 525; Dynamo-electric Machinery
with Compound Excitation, 599

Holland (W.), Hints on Sugaring for Moths, 131

Holmes, Comet (November 6, 1892), 114, 132, 159, 186, 209,
235, 281, 303, 351, 376, 425, 473; Lewis Boss, Rev. E. M.
Searle, Mr. Roberts, 257; M. Schulhof, 257, 451, 498; Dr.
F. Cohn, 326; Dr. R. Schorr, 326; W. F. Denning, 365;
Prof. E. Barnard, 399; Prof. Keeler, Prof. C. A. Young,
518; Spectrum of, 235

Holt (Ernest W. L.), the Destruction of Immature Fish, 160
Honduras Expedition, Prof. Putnam, 476

Hongkong, Severe Frost at, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F. R.S.,
Charles Forel, 535; W. Doberck, 536

Hellward (Frederick Heller von), Death of, 133

Helmholtz on Hering's Theory of Colour, Pro!. J. D. Everett,
HF.R.S., 365

Helvellyn's Shade, Beneath, Samuel Barber, 364

emiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands, the, Edward
Saunders, 292

Hemsley (W. Botting, F.R.S.), Climbing Plants, Dr. H., 514

Henderson (James B.), the Effects of Mechanical Stress on the
Electrical Resistance of Metals, 478

Henrici (Prof.), Williams on the Relation of Dimensions of
Physical Quantities to Directions in Space, 69

Henry (Charles), a Photoptometric Photometer, 24; on the
Minimum Perceptible Amount of Light, 312

Henslow (Rev. Geo.), Egyptian Figs, 102, 152

Hepworth (Capt. M. W. C.), the Tracks of Ocean Wind Systems Hoogewerff (M. S.), on some Isoimides of Camphoric Acid,
in Transit over Australasia, 286

Hepworth (T. C.), Oxygen for Limelight, 176

Herbertson (A. J.), on the Hygrometry of the Atmosphere at
Ben Nevis, 431

Herdman (Prof. W. A., F.R.S.), Proposed Handbook to the
British Marine Fauna, 231, 293
Heredity, Prof. August Weismann, 265

Hering's Theory of Colour, Helmholtz on, Prof. J. D. Everett,
F.R.S., 365

Hermite (Gustave), Explorations of Higher Atmospheres by
Means of Free Balloons with Automatic Recorders, 119; Ex-
ploration of the Higher Atmosphere, 600

Herschel (Prof.), Mr. Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of Mole
cular Force, 117

Hertwig (Prof. Dr. Oscar), Die Zelle und Die Gewebe, Grund-
züge der Allgemeinen Anatomie und Physiologie, 314
Heurck (Dr. Henri van), the Microscope, its Construction and
Management, Rev. Dr. Dallinger, F. R.S., 409
Heus!er (Dr.), the Volatility of Manganese, 375

Heycock and Neville, Isolation of Gold and Cadmium Com-
pound, 90

Heydweiler (Dr.), New Mirror Electrometer for High Poten-
tials, 112

Hicks (Dr.), Prof. Wadsworth on the Geology of the Iron,
Gold, and Copper Districts of Michigan, 117

Hickson (Dr.), Revision of Genera of Alcyonaria stolonifera, 215
Highlands, Geology of the North-west, Sir Archibald Geikie,
F.R.S., 292

Highlands, Lunar Rainbow in the, 342

Hilgard (Prof.), on the Custom of Civilised Races of Antiquity
to establish themselves in Dry Districts, 287

Hill (Prof. M. G. M.)- Cauchy's Condensation Test for Con-
vergency of Series, 214

Himalayas, Dr. Karl Diener's Geological Expedition in, 133
Himmel und Erde, 88

Hinde (G. J.) Note on a Radiolarian Rock from Fanny Bay,
Port Darwin, Australia, 407

Hinrichs (M. G.), on Stas's Determination of the Atomic
Weight of Lead, 456

Hirsch (Emil), on the Influence of Temperature upon Circular
Ferro-Magnetic Polarisation, 525

Hispar Pass, Mr. Conway's Crossing of the, 327

Histology: die Zelle und die Gewebe, Grundzüge der Allge-
meinen Anatomie und Physiologie, Prof. Dr. Oscar Hertwig,
314; Ueber das Verhalten des Pollens und die Befruchtungs-
vorgänge bei den Gymnospermen, Prof. Eduard Strasburger,
History, British, some Geographical Aspects of, H. J. Mac-
kinder, 519

Hobson (Bernard), the Earth's Age, 175, 226
Hodgkins Fund Prizes, the, Prof. S. P. Langley, 611
Hodgkinson (Alex.), Iridescent Colours, 92
Hodgkinson (W. R.), Methoxyamido-1 : 3-dimethylbenzene,
165; Note on the Action of Phenylhydrazine on Mono- and
Di-carboxylic Acids at Elevated Temperatures, 311; Some
Relations between Constitution and Physical Constants in
the Case of Benzenoid Amines, 479

Hoff (J. H. Van't), Stéréochimie, 436

Hoff's (Van't), Stereochemistry, Prof. Percy F. Frankland,
F. R.S., Prof. F. R. Japp, F.R.S., 510
Hoffert (Dr.), Diffusion of Light, 191

Hofmann (A. W. von), Memorial Celebration for, 14

Hoho (M.), the Use of the Electric Current in Producing High
Temperatures, 497; Intense and Rapid Heating Process by


Hooker (Sir J. D., F.R.S.), Locusts at Great Elevations, 582
Hooker (S. C.), the Conversion of Para- into Ortho-quinone
Derivatives, 405; Dibromo-8-lapachone, 405

Hopkins (B. J.), Astronomy for Every-day Readers, 389
Hopkinson (Dr. Edward), Electrical Railways, 570
Hopkinson (Dr. John, F. R.S.), the Cost of Electric Supply,

Hoppe Seyler (Herr), Fishes and Water-Oxygenation, 280
Horizontal Pendulum, the, Dr. E. von Rebeur-Paschwitz, 519
Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game of the
World, being a Record for the Use of Sportsmen and
Naturalists, Rowland Ward, 6

Hornby (Mr.), Flexible Sandstone, 167

Hornell (James), a Strange Commensalism; Sponge and Anne-
lid, 78

Hornet's Nest, Remarkable, presented to Madras Museum by
Lord Wenlock, 16

Hornsey Local Board, Museum of Sanitary Appliances, 587
Horticulture Value of Electric Light for Lettuce and other
Winter Crops, Prof. L. H. Bailey, 130; Ornithology in Re-
lation to Agriculture and Horticulture, 533; Primer of Horti-
culture, J. Wright, Walter Thorp, 533; Tasmania the Para-
dise of Horticulturists, Sir Edward Braddon, 587; Conifers,

Hose (Charles), Travels in Borneo, 282

Höttinger Breccie, die Fossile Flora der, R. von Wettstein,

Howard (Dr. James L.), Gemeinverständliche Vorträge aus
dem Gebeite der Physic, Prof. Dr. Leonhard Sohncke, 362
Howe, the Stranding of H. M. S., 257

Howes (Prof.), Some Abnormal Vertebræ of certain Ranidæ,
Rana catesbiana, R. esculenta, and R. macrodon, 502
Howlett (W. F.) the Deterioration of Gum Arabic, 183
Howorth (Sir H. H.), the Glacial Nightmare and the Flood,
61; Difficulties of Pliocene Geology, 150, 270

Hudleston (W. H., F.R.S.), A Catalogue of British Jurassic
Gasteropoda, H. Woods, 363

Hudson (W. H) Idle Days in Patagonia, 483
Huggins (Mr.), Nova Auriga, 425

Hull (Prof. Edw., F.R.S.), Geology of Arabia Petræa and
Palestine, 166

Human Eye, Seven Images of the, M. Tcherning, 354
Human Physiology, Elements of, E. H. Starling, 146
Humming-birds, The Food of, Dr. Morris Gibbs, 63
Hungary, Earthquake in, 562

Hunter (G. M.), the Origin of Caliche (Nitrate of Soda), 251
Hunter (John), (the Hunterian Lecture), Thomas Bryant, 372
Hurricane at Marseilles, Oct. 1, 1892, Severe, 61

Hurst (Dr. C Herbert), On a Supposed New Species of Earth-
worms and on the Nomenclature of Earthworms, 31
Hutchinson (Rev. H. W.), Extinct Monsters, 250
Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H., F.R.S.), Two Statements, 316
Hybrids, Lion-Tiger, S. M. Harmer, 413

Hybrids, Lion Tiger and Tiger-Lion, Dr. V. Ball, F.R. S., 390,

Hydrazine, Further Studies on, A. E. Tutton, 522
Hydrodynamics: Stability and Instability of Viscous Liquids, A.
B. Basset, F. R. S., 94; on a Hydrodynamical Proof of the
Equations of Motion of a Perforated Solid with Applications
to the Motion of a Fine Frame-work in Circulating Liquids,
G. H. Bryan, 500

Hydrogen Line H B in the Spectrum of Nova Aurige, Herr
Victor Schumann, 425

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