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June 1, 1893

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Iberian Peninsula, The Geography and Social Conditions of
the, Prof. Theobald Fischer, 547

Ice Consumed in Paris, the Question of the Purity of, 614
Ice, the Resistance of, M. Forel, 564

Ice Age, a Palæozoic, Dr. W. T. Blanford, F. R. S., 101, 152;
Henry F. Blanford, F.R. S., IOI

Ice Age, the Great, N. L. W. A. Gravelaar, 200

Ice Ages, Ancient, T. Mellard Reade, 174; J. Lomas, 227
Icebergs and Climatic Variations, Gulf Stream, H. Habenicht,

Ice-breaking Steamers, 350

Ice Crystals, C. M. Irvine, 31; B. Woodd Smith, 79
Ice Crystallites, Rev. Dr. A. Irving, 126
Ice-formation in Animal Body, Herr Kochs, 16
Ichthyology: the Fishes of Southern California, C. H. Eigen-
mann, 61; Fishes and Water Oxygenation, Duncan and
Hoppe Seyler, 280; Swimming Movements of the Ray-fish,
M. Marey, 311; the Brain in Mudfishes, Dr. Rudolf Burck-
hardt, 339; Filtered Sewage Water Favourable to Fish Life,
Herr Oesten, 350

Idaho, Botanical Explorations in, D. T. Macdougal, 206
Identity of Energy, the, Prof. Oliver Lodge, F. R.S., 293
Idle Days in Patagonia, W. H. Hudson, Dr. Alf. Russel
Wallace, 483

Ilkewitsch (M.), Methods of Examining Milk for Tubercle
Bacillus, 254

Illinois Wesleyan University, Bequest of Mr. Lichtenthaler's
Natural History Collection to, 613

Illusions, Optical, R. T. Lewis, 31; W. B. Croft, 78

Invisible, Astronomy of the, Dr. J. Scheiner, 88

Ireland, Arthur Young's Tour in (1776-79), 341; Glacial Drift
of the Irish Channel, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 464
Iridescent Colours: Alex. Hodgkinson, 92; Baron C. R.
Osten Sacken, 102

Iron: on Iron Alloys, 58; Diamond in Meteoric Iron, C. Friedel,
192; on the American Iron Trade, and its Progress during
Sixteen Years, Sir Lowthian Bell, F. R.S., John Parry, 195;
on the Carburization of Iron, John Parry, 560; Magnetic
Induction in Iron and other Metals, J. A. Ewing, F.R. S., E.
Wilson, 460

Irrigation in New South Wales, Artesian Boring and, J. W.
Boult bee, 183

Irvine (C. M.), Ice Crystals, 31

Irving (Rev. Dr. A.), Ice Crystallites, 126

Irving (Rev. Dr., F. R.S.), the Sandgate Landslip, 581

Isomerism, a Remarkable Case of Geometrical, A. E. Tutton,


Italiana, Bolletino della Società Botanicà, 23

Izarn (M.), Permanent Soap Bubbles formed with a Resinous
Soap, 119; Photographic Reproduction of Gratings and
Micrometers Engraved on Glass, 479; Photography of
Certain Phenomena Furnished by Combinations of Gratings,
503; Photography of Gratings Engraved upon Metal, 623

Jackson (F. G.), Proposed Arctic Expedition by way of Franz
Josef Land, 377

Jackson (Dr. M. J.), Printing Mathematics, 227

Jacoby (Prof. Harold), Rutherfurd Measures of Stars about B-
Cygni, 77; Parallax of 8-Cygni, 399; Parallaxes of μ and e-
Cassiopeia, 565

Jaeger (W.), on the Temperature Co efficient of the Electrical
Resistance of Mercury, and on the Mercury Resistances of
the Imperial Institution, 286

Jaeger (Herr), Typhoid Fever attributed to Bathing in Polluted
Water, 398

Image, the Photography of an, by Reflection, Frederick J. Jahrbuch der Astronomie und Geophysik, 566
Smith, 10

Imagination, Measure of the, Francis Galton, F.R.S., 319
Imitation, Tracery, Prof. J. Mark Baldwin, 149
Immature Fish, the Destruction of, Ernest W. L. Holt, 160
Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and
India, the Year-Book of the, 363

India: Industrial School Opened at Lucknow, 111; Mortality
from Wild Beasts in, 157; Relics of Primitive Fashions in,
Kedarnath Basu, 301; Government Meteorology in, 324;
Troubles of the Quetta Railway Constructors, 325; the
Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, G. F.
Hampson, 387; Forestry in India, the Dehra Dun Forest
School, Sir E. C. Buck, 614; Indo-China, Hon. G. N.
Curzon's Journey in, 617

Indians, North American, Dr. Ten Kate on the Type-Charac-
teristics of the, 374

Indies, West, Observations in the, Prof. A. Agassiz, 608
Induction, Magnetic, in Iron and other Metals, J. A. Ewing,
F.R.S., E. Wilson, 460

Induction and Deduction: Edward T. Dixon, 10, 127; E. E.
Constance Jones, 78

Industry, the Growth of Electrical, W. H. Preece, F. R.S.,

Influenza, Epidemic, F. A. Dixey, 244

Inglis (John), Experiments with Engines of s.s. Iveagh, 521
Isolation and Temperature, Relationship between, Dr. Berson,

[blocks in formation]

Jamaica Botanical Department, the, W. Fawcett, 348
Jamieson (Prof.), Elementary Manual on Applied Mechanics,

Janet (Pierre), Electric Osciliations, 119; Hysteresis and Dielec-
tric Viscosity of Mica for Rapid Oscillations, 432; Experi-
ments on Electric Oscillations of Medium Frequency, 615
Jannetaz (Paul) on the Electric Figures produced at the Surface
of Crystallised Bodies, 408; a New Sclerometer, 564
Japan: the Volcanoes of Japan, John Milne, F.R.S., 178;
Japan and the Korean Fishery, 324; Japanese Camphor,
142; Japanese Magic Mirrors, Prof. S. P. Thompson, F. R.S.,

Japp (Prof. F. R., F.R.S), Van't Hoff's Stereochemistry, 510;
Synthesis of Oxazoles from Benzoin and Nitriles, 430
Johns Hopkins University Paleontological Collections, 471
Johnson (Amy), Sunshine, 9

Johnson (Prof. T.), a New Irish Alga, 167

Johnston-Lavis (Dr. H. J.), a New Seismograph, 257; Strom-
boli, A. Ricco and G. Mercalli, 453

Joly (Dr. J., F.R.S.), on the Cause of the Bright Colours of
Alpine Flowers, 431

Joly (M.), Ruthenium, 451; Metallic Osmium, 497
Jones (Chapman), Qualitative Analysis Tables and the Re-
actions of certain Organic Substances, E. A. Letts, 361
Jones (E. E. Constance), Induction and Deduction, 78
Jones (Rev. Edward), Relics found in Yorkshire Caves, 112
Jones (Francis) a German Science Reader, 125
Jones (Prof. Geo. William), Logarithmic Tables, 508
Jones (H. L.), a Graft-Hybrid between Red and White
Geraniums, 563

Jones (L. M.), the determination of the Thermal Expansion
and Specific Volume of certain Paraffins and Paraffin Deri-
vatives, 405

Jones (T.), Descriptive Geometry Models for the Use of Students
in Schools and Colleges, 413.

Joubin (P.), the Passage of a Wave through a Focus, 143: Re-
lation between Velocity of Light and Size of Molecules of
Refracting Liquids, 192; Measurement of Large Differences
of Phase in White Light, 528

Joule's (Dr.) Thermometers, Prof. Sydney Young, 317; Prof.
Arthur Schuster, F. R.S., 364
Journal of Botany, 23, 261, 596

[blocks in formation]

Kapple (A. W.), Beetles, Butterflies, Moths, and other
Insects, 148

Kapteyn (Prof.), Stellar Magnitudes in Relation to the Milky
Way, 64; Distribution of Stars in Space, 432
Kangaroo at Westminster Aquarium, the Boxing, 111
Kansas, the Great Spirit Spring Mound, E. H. S. Bailey, 87
Karakoram Range Expedition, Conway's, 19

Karop (E. C.), Messrs. Swift's Aluminium Microscope, 47 Kaufmann (M.) on the Pathogeny of Diabetes, 384; the Pancreas and the Nervous Centres Controlling the Glycemic Function, 479; the Pancreas and the Nerve Centres Regulating the Glycemic Function; Experimental Demonstrations Derived from a Comparison of the Effects of a Removal of the Pancreas with those of Bulbary Section, 528

Kayser (Dr. E.), Text-Book of Comparative Geology, 578 Kedarnath Basu, Relics of Primitive Fashions in India, 301 Keeler (Prof.), Comet Holmes (1892, 111), 518; Spectrum of B Lyræ, 616

Keltie (J. Scott), the Partition of Africa, 580

Kelvin (Lord, P. R. S.), Anniversary Address to Royal Society, 106; Prof. Rudolf Virchow, 110; Dr. Nils C. Dunér, 110; Prof. Charles Pritchard, F. R. S., 110; John Newport Langley, F.R.S., 110; the Velocity of Crooke's Cathode Stream, 164; Address at the Prescot Watch Factory, 279 Kempe (A. B., F.R.S.) on the Application of Clifford's Graphs to Ordinary Binary Quantities, 382

Keng (Lim Boon) on the Histology of the Blood of Rabbits
which have been Rendered Immune to Anthrax, 502
Kennedy (Prof.), the Screw Propeller, 21
Kettler's Afrikanische Nachrichten, 115

Kew Bulletin, 38

Kimmins (C. W.), the Chemistry of Life and Health, 198
King (Clarence), the Age of the Earth, 285

King (F. H.), the Movements of Ground-water, 206
Kingsmill (Thos. W.), the Geology of the Asiatic Loess, 30;
the Channels of Mars, 133

Kipping (F. S.), the Reduction Products of Dimethyldiacetylpentane, 238; Products of Interaction of Zinc Chloride or Sulphuric Acid and Camphor, 239; a New Synthesis of Hydrindone, 311; Sulphonic Derivatives of Camphor, 405; the Action of Phosphoric Anhydride on Fatty Acids, 479; Regularities in the Melting Points of Certain Paraffinoid Compounds of Similar Constitution, 479; Formation of the │ Ketone 2: 6 dimethyl-1-ketohexaphane, 551

Kirby (W. Egmont), Beetles, Butterflies, Moths, and other
Insects, 148

Kirman (Walter), Isolation of Fluorsulphonic Acid, 87
Kitasato, the Bacteriology of Tetanus, 158
Kitchener (F. E.), Naked-Eye Botany, 198

Klein (Dr. E., F. R.S.), Aminol, a True Disinfectant, 149, 246
Knight (S. R.), Algebra for Beginners, 28

Knott (Prof. C. G.), on Recent Innovations in Vector
Theory, 287, 590

Kochs (Herr), Ice Formation in Animal Body, 16
Koksharoff (Nikolai Ivanovitch), Death of, 278
Korean Fishery, Japan and the, 324

Kossel (Prof.), Further Researches on Nucleinic Acid, 72
Kosutany, Investigations on Wine-yeast, 208
Kowalevsky, the Mantle-cells of Ascidians, 62

Kreichgauer (D.) on the Temperature Coefficient of the Electrical Resistance of Mercury and on the Mercury Resistances of the Imperial Institution, 286

Kreutz (Prof.), Comet Books (November 20, 1892), 159
Krotov (P.) on Layers of Stone Implements in the District of
Taransk, 524

Krümmel (Prof.), Map of Salinity of Surface Water of North
Pacific, 590

Kundt (Prof.), Experiments on the Influence of Temperature on Electro-magnetic Rotation of Light in Iron, Cobalt and Nickel, 503; Researches into the Study of Hall's Phenomenon, 624

Laboratories, Marine, in the United States, Prof. J. P. Camp bell, 66

Laboratories, the South Kensington, and Railway, 494 Lacaze-Duthiers (M. de), on the Attempt at Oyster Culture in the Roscoff Laboratory, 456

Lagrange (M.), The use of the Electric Current in Producing High Temperatures, 497; Intense and Rapid Heating Process by Means of the Electric Current, 503; a New Electrical Process Permitting the Production of Temperatures Superior to those Actually Realisable, 525

Lake Bangweolo, Joseph Thomson's Journey to, 115

Lake of Geneva, Prof. F. A. Forel, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 5

Lake, Great Salt, Utah, Salinity of, 302

Lake Basins in France, some, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R. S., 341,


Lake Basins, Origin of, the Duke of Argyll, F.R.S., 485; J. C. Hawkshaw, 558

Lakeland, a Vertebrate Fauna of, Rev. A. Macpherson, 457 Lamp, Safety, a New Portable Miner's, Prof. Frank Clowes, 596

Landslip at Sandgate, 449; Prof. J. F. Blake, 467; Rev. Dr.
Irving, F. R.S., 581

Landerer J. J.), the Sizes of Jupiter's Satellites, 473
Landor (A. H. Savage), Yezo and the Ainu, 330
Langley (John Newport, F. R. S.), Lord Kelvin, 110

Langley Prof. S. P.), Energy and Vision, 252; the Hodgkins
Fund Prizes, 611

Langtoft, Thunderstorm, Cloudburst and Flood at, July 3, 1892, J. Lovel, 118

Lankester Prof. E. Ray, F.R.S.), Blind Animals in Caves, 389, 486

Lapparent (Prof. A. de), Sir Archibald Geikie, 217
Larmor Dr. J., F.R.S.), the Dioptrics of Gratings, 526
Latin Literature, the Were-Wolf in, Kirby W. Smith, 423
Lauder (A.), a New base from Corydalis Cava, 479
Laurie (A. P.), the Food of Plants, 556

Laurie (Malcolm), on the Anatomy of the Eurypteridæ, 527
Lausedat (M. A.), on the Progress of the Art of Surveying with
the Aid of Photography in Europe and America, 384
Lava Lakes, Lunar Volcanoes and, S. E. F'eal, 486
Lavigerie (Cardinal), the Death of, 210

Lawes (Sir John), Rothamsted Agricultural Experiments, Proposed Commemoration of the Jubilee of, 448

Laws and Properties of Matter, R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S., 580

Laws and Wonders of Nature, a Description of the, Richard A. Gregory, 74

Le Chatelier (A.), the Mixed Character of the Population of Morocco, 61

Lea (A. Sheridan, F.R.S.), the Chemical Basis of the Animal Body, 340

Lea (M. C.), Notes on Silver Chlorides, 189

Leaper (Clement J.), Outlines of Organic Chemistry, 124
Lebour (G. A.), Arborescent Frost Patterns, 213

Leeds Naturalist Club, 112

Lehmann (Heinrich), Magnetisation of a Radially Slit Iron Ring, 525

Leman, Le: Monographie Limnologique, Prof. F. A. Forel, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R. S., 5

Lenard (Herr), Penetration of Thin Metallic Plates by Cathode
Rays Causing Phosphorescence, 518

Lenard (Dr. P.), Experiments on Phosphorescence. Producing
Kathode Rays of a Geissler Tube, 564
Lendenfeld (R. von), Australian Travels, 274

Lens, the New Telephotographic, T. R. Dallmeyer, 161
Lepidoptera: Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera
Heterocera in the Collection of the Oxford University
Museum, Col. C. Swinhoe, 53; Dr. F. B. White's Collec-
tion Presented to Museum of Perthshire Society of Natural
Science, 206; on the Mimetic Forms of Certain Butterflies
of the genus Hypolimnas, Col. C. Swinhoe, 429
Lépine (M. R.), on the Pepto-Saccharifiant Action of the Blood
and the Organs, 335

June 1, 1893

Lroy (M. C. J. A.), on Spherical Aberration of the Human Eye; Measurement of Senilism of the Crystalline, 528 Lescœur (M. H.), on the Purification of Arsenical Zinc, 288 Letourneau (Charles), Property: Its Origin and Development, 123

Letts (E. A.), Qualitative Analysis Tables and the Reactions of Certain Organic Substances, Chapman Jones, 361

Leverson (Major), the Frontier Delimitation between British South Africa Company's Territories and Portuguese Possessions, 327

Lewis R. T.), Optical Illusions, 31

Lewy-Dorn (Dr.), the Formation of Sweat, 600

Libraries, Public, Suggestions for Memorial Presentations of Books to, 61

Lichtenthaler (G. W.), Bequest of Natural History Collection to Illinois Wesleyan University by, 613

Lick Observatory, Miss Milicent W. Shinn, 209

Life in France, Statistics of Average, M. Turquan, 255
Life and Health, the Chemistry of, C. W. Kimmins, 198
Light of Planets, the, 64; John Garstang, 77

Light, Diffusion of, Dr. W. E. Sumpner, 190; A. P. Trotter, 191; Dr. Hoffert, 191; Mr. Blakesley, 191; Mr. Addenbrooke, 191; Dr. C. V. Burton, 191

Light, Method of Producing Intense Monochromatic, Dr. Du Bois, 255

Light, the Action upon Certain Micro-organisms of, Herr Buchner, 303

Light, Experiments on the Action of, on Bacillus anthracis, Prof. Marshall Ward, F. R. S., 331, 597

Light and Colour, Sensitiveness of the Eye to, Captain W. de W. Abney, F.R.S., 538

Light, Researches at the Berlin Imperial Physico-Technical Institute on the Siemens Platinum Foil Units as a Standard for the Intensity of a Source of, 615

Lightning Protection, W. H. Preece, F. R. S., on, Prof. Oliver
Lodge, F. R.S., 536

Lightning, Notes on Two Photographs of, taken at Sydney Ob-
servatory, December 7, 1892, H. C. Russell, F. R.S., 623
Limelight, Oxygen for, T. C. Hepworth, 176
Limit, Roche's, 509

Limpach (L.), Methoxyamido-I : 3-dimethylbenzene, 165: Some
Kelations between Constitution and Physical Constants in the
Case of Benzenoid Amines, 479

Linden (H.), Waves as a Motive Power, 438

Lindenschmidt (Ludwig), Death and Obituary Notice of, 449 Line of Sight, Motion in the, M. H. Deslandres, 88

Lines of Structure in the Winnebago County Meteorites and in other Meteorites, Prof. H. A. Newton, 370

Linnean Society, 71, 118, 190, 215, 334, 384, 430, 455, 527, 599

Linnean Society, Address of Congratulation to Rev. Leonard Blomefield, 85

Lion-Tiger and Tiger-Lion Hybrids, Dr. V. Ball, F. R.S., 607

Lion Tiger Hybrids, L. F. Harmer, 413


Lippmann (G.), Coloured Photographs of the Spectrum, 23 Lippmann's Coloured Photographs, Conditions of Production of, G. Meslin, 157

Liquid, Contrivance for Determining Refractive Index of a, H. Ruoss, 544

Liquids, the Laws of Compressibility of, E. H. Amagat, 48 Liquids, the Thermal Conductivities of, R. Wachsmuth, 350 Liquids, Simple Instrument for Measuring Densities of, R. Hanal, 471

Liquids, on the Common Cause of Surface Tension and Evaporation of, G. Van der Mensbrugghe, 621

Liverpool Derby Museum, Death of Mr. T. J. Moore, late Curator of, 37

Liverpool Geographical Society, 159, 426

Liverpool, University College, Opening of New Victoria Buildings, 155

Living Plants, Gases in, J. G. Arthur, 427

Lizard Superstition of Shuswap Indians, British Columbia, Dr. Geo. Dawson, F. R. S., 184

Lobatcheffsky, Proposed Celebration of Centenary of Birth of, 469

Lockyer (J. Norman, F. R.S.): the Origin of the Year, 32, 228; on the Photographic Spectra of some of the Brighter Stars, 261; the Sacred Nile, 464

Lockyer (W. J.), the New Star in the Constellation of Auriga, 137

Lockyer (William J. S.), La Planète Mars et ses Conditions d'Habitabilité, Camille Flammarion, 553

Locusts at Great Elevations, Sir J. D. Hooker, F.R.S., 581 Lodge (Prof. A.), Williams on the Dimensions of Phy-ical Quantities, 116

Lodge (Prof. Oliver, F.R.S.), Pioneers of Science, 268; the Identity of Energy, 293; Observations of Atmospheric Electricity in America, 392; W. H. Preece, F. R. S., on Lightning Protection 536; on the Differential Equation of Electric Flow, 574; Soot Figures on Ceilings, 608

Loess, the Geology of the Asiatic, Thos. W. Kingsmill, Prof.
G. H. Darwin, F. R.S., 30

Loewy (Dr. Ad.), Influence on Respiration of Upper Tracts
leading from Cerebrum to Respiratory Centre, 144
Loewy (M), Photographic Chart of the Heavens, 589
Logarithmic Tables, Prof. Geo. William Jones, 508
Lomas (J.), Ancient Ice Ages, 227

Lommel (E.), a Simple Explanation of the Hall Effect, 254; Equipotential Lines due to Current flowing through Conducting Sheet fixed photographically, 544

London, Stanford's Map of County of, 40; Appointment of W. Flinders Petrie to Chair of Egyptology at University College, III; the proposed University for London, 200; Technical Education in, Report of the London County Council Committee, 300; London County Council and Technical Education, 348; City and Guilds of London Institute, improvements in Technological Examinations, 612

Loney (S. L.), Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners, 437
Longevity of the Perigal Family, Dr. C. T. Williams, 585
Lorentz (M.), Influence of the Motion of the Earth on the Pro-
pagation of Light in doubly refracting Media, 504
Lorenz (Prof.), the Volatility of Manganese, 375
Lossen (Prof. K. A.), Death of, 421

Loubat Prizes, the, Columbia College, New York, 496

Love (A. E. H.), on the Vibrations of an Elastic Circular Ring, 383; a Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Prof. A. G. Greenhill, F. R.S., 529

Love (Mr.), on the Stability of a thin Rod loaded vertically, 526

Lovel (J.), Thunderstorm, Cloudburst, and Flood at Langtoft, July 3, 1892, 118

Lovibond (J. W.), on the Measurement of Direct Light by Means of the Tintometer, 501

Low (Dr.), Higher Education in the United States, 325
Lowe (E. J., F. R. S.), Earthquake Shocks, 247, 270
Löwenburg (Dr.), Death of, 14

Lubbock (Hon. Sir John, F. R.S.), the Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we live in, 28; a Contribution to our Knowledge of Seedlings, Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, F.R.S., 243

Lucas (A. H. S.), an Introduction to the Study of Botany, with a Special Chapter on some Australian Natural Orders, 125

Lucknow, Industrial School opened at, III

Lugard (Capt. F. D.), Uganda, 45

Lumière, Poincaré's Théorie Mathématique de la, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 386

Lumière (MM. Auguste and Louis), Photographic Properties of Cerium Salts, 503

Luminous Earthworms, Rev. Hilderic Friend, 462
Lummer (Dr.), Use of Half-shade Polarimeters, 312
Lunar Craters, Mr. H. Maw, 31

Lunar Enlargements, Weenek's, 473
Lunar Rainbow in the Highlands, 342
Lunar Surface, the, 352

Lunar Volcanoes, Formation of, T. B. Hannay, 7
Lunar "Volcanoes" and Lava Lakes, S. E. Peal, 486
Lungo (Dr. Carlo del), a Highly Sensitive Mercury Barometer,

Lupton (Sydney), Dendritic Forms, 13

Lupton (T. N.), the Florida Phosphate Beds, 325
Lydekker (R.), on a Sauropodous Dinosaurian Vertebra from
the Wealden of Hastings, 286; on the Presence of a Distinct
Coracoidal Element in Adult Sloths, 431

Lynn (Mr.), Remarkable Comets, 376
Lyons (Capt. H. G.), the Stars and the Nile, 101
Lyræ, Spectrum of B, Prof. Keeler, 616

McAdie (A.), the Electrification of the Lower Air during
Auroral Displays, 454

Macalister (Prof.), on Egyptian Mummies, 623
McAulay (Alex.), Quaternions, 151

MacBride (E. W.), on the Development of the Genital Organs,
Ovoid Gland, Axial and Aboral Sinuses in Amphiura
Squamata, together with some Remarks on Ludwig's Hæmal
System in this Ophiurid, 261

Macchiati (Signor), the Cultivation of Diatoms, 23

McClintock (Dr. Emory), on the Non-Euclidian Geometry, 286 Macculloch's Geological Map of Scotland, Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S., 173

Macdonald (A. C.), the Dairy Industry in Cape Colony, 471 Macdougal (D. T.), Botanical Explorations in Idaho, 206 Macfarlane (A.), Principles of the Algebra of Vectors, 3 Macfarlane (Dr.), Dionæa, 423

Mackenzie (D. F), the Timber of Exotic Conifers, 619 Mackinder (H. J.), the Relation of Geography to History, 304; some Geographical Aspects of British History, 519; the Steppe Belt traversing Asia from East to West, 353: the Chief Lines of Communication between Asia and Europe,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

MacMahon (Major P. A., F.R.S.), Memoir on the Theory of the Compositions of Numbers, 310; the Group of Thirty Cubes composed by six differently Coloured Squares, 406 McMillan (Conway), the Probable Physiognomy of the Cretaceous Plant Population, 587

Macpherson (Rev. A.), a Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland, including Cumberland and Westmoreland, with Lancashire North of the Sands, 457

McPherson (Wm.), Racial Dwarfs in the Pyrenees, 294
Madder-staining of Dentine, on the, Dr. W. G. Aitchison
Robertson, 287

Madras Meridian Circle Observations, 186

Madras Museum, remarkable Hornets' Nest presented by Lord Wenlock to, 16

Madsen (Herr Victor), Scandinavian Boulders at Cromer, 287 Magic Mirrors, the late Prof. Tennant on, Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S., 79

Magnetism Displacements of Magnet on Mercury under Action of Electric Current, C. Decharme, 48; Dilatation of Iron on Magnetisation, M. Berget, 71; Magnetic Properties of Bodies at Different Temperatures, P. Curie, 96; Magnetic Observations, Washington, 209; Absolute Value of the Magnetic Elements on January 1, 1893, 288; Magnetism and Electricity, R. W. Stewart, 315; Magnetic Permeabilities of a Series of Diamagnetic Bodies, 336; Sun-Spots and Magnetic Perturbations in 1892, M. Ricco, 352; Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, 1890, with an Appendix, 379; a Magnetic Screen, Frederick J. Smith, 439; Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals, J. A. Ewing, F. R.S., E. Wilson, 460; Magnetic Observatory, Potsdam, Improvement in Registrations of Needle's Variations, Herr Eschenhager, 544; Magnetische Beobachtungen auf der Nordsee angestellt in den Jahren 1884 bis 1886, 1890 und 1891, A. Schück, 555; William Gilbert of Colchester, Physician of London, on the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth. A New Physiology, demonstrated with many Arguments and Experiments, P. Fleury Mottelay, 556 Mair-Rumley (J. G.), Experiments on the Value of the Steam Jacket, 19

Majert (W.), Piperazine, 430

Malapterurus, on the Origin of the Electric Nerves in the Torpedo, Gymnotus, Mormyrus, and, Gustav Fritsch, 271 Mallet (Maurice), the Longest Balloon Ascent on Record, 182 Malta Pleistocene, Discovery of Ursus Arctos in, J. H. Cooke, 62

Malta, Depredations among the recently discovered Phoenician Tombs at, 396

Maltézos (C.), Lenticular Liquid Microglobules and their Conditions of Equilibrium, 71; Conditions of Equilibrium and Formation of Microglobules, 96

Mammalia, the Sense Organs of the Skin, Feathers, and Hairs in, Herr Maurer, 87

Man (E. H.), on Nicobar Pottery, 455

Man and the Glacial Period, Dr. G. Frederick Wright, 148

Man's Place in Nature, Evolution and, Henry Calderwood, 385

Manchester Geographical Society, 159

Manchester Municipal Technical School, Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., 201

Manganese, the Volatility of, Prof. Lorenz and Dr. Hensler 375

Mance (Sir Henry), the Teredo and Electric Cables, 450 Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples, Marquis de Nadaillac, 316

Manurial Trials, Report on, Dr. William Somerville, 556 Maoris, some Reminiscences of, Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S., 41 Map of County of London, Stanford's, 40

Map of Scotland, Macculloch's Geological, Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S., 173

Map of the World on a Uniform Scale, Prof. Penck's Scheme for a, 426

Map-colouring, the Objects of, 566

March (Dr. H. C.). Mythographic Origin of Polynesian Ornament, 239

Marchal (Emile), on a Process of Sterilisation of Albumin Solutions at 100° C., 310

Marckwald (Dr.), new Method of Preparing Glycol Aldehyde, 17

Marey (M.), Swimming Movements of the Ray-fish, 311 Marilaun (Anton Kerner Von), Pflanzenleben, 605 Marine Biology: the Destruction of Immature Fish, Ernest W. L. Holt, 160; Dredging Work at Plymouth, 375; the Rising and Sinking Process in the Radiolaria, Herr Verworn, 397; the Week's Work of the Plymouth Station, 398, 424, 451, 472, 497, 518, 546, 565, 589, 616; Port Erin (Isle of Man) Station, 515

Marine Fauna, Proposed Handbook to the British, Prof. W. A. Herdman, F. R.S., 231, 293; Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, 269; W. Garstang, 293

Marine Laboratories in the United States, Prof. J. P. Campbell, 66

Marine Shells of South Africa, G. B. Sowerby, 27

Marine Zoological Station at Trieste, the, 450

Mars, the Planet, Camille Flammarion, William J. S. Lockyer,
553; the Canals of Mars, 64; the Channels of, T. W.
Kingsmill, 133; the markings on, Mr. Schaeberle, 209; the
Recent Opposition of, Prof. W. H. Pickering, 235; Occulta-
tion of Mars and Jupiter by the Moon, Prof. Barnard, 41
Marseilles, Oct. 1, 1892, Severe Hurricane at, 61
Marsh (Prof. O. C.), Restoration of Anchisaurus colurus, 349
Marshall (Rev. T. A.), a New Species of Belytidæ from New
Zealand, 17

Marshall (W.), the Resolution of Methoxysuccinic Acid into its
Optically Active Components, 311

Martin (Ern.), Physiological Study of Opium Smoke, 168 Martin (Horace), Castorologia; or, the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver, 224

Marvin (Prof. C. F.), Sunshine Recorders, 261
Maryland from the Meteorological Point of View, the Surface
Configuration of, Prof. W. B. Clark, 585

Mascart (M.) on the Diurnal Variations of Gravitation, 360
Mason (James), Field Experiments on the Fixation of Free
Nitrogen, 285

Massee (George), British Fungus-Flora, 26

Masters (Dr. Maxwell T., F.R.S.), a Contribution to our Knowledge of Seedlings, Sir John Lubbock, F.R.S., 243; List of Conifers and Texads, 619

Mathematics: Principles of the Algebra of Vectors, A. Macfarlane, 3; Vector Analysis, Prof. P. G. Tait, 225; the Algebra of Co-planar Vectors and Trigonometry, R. Baldwin. Hayward, F.R.S., 266; Prof. C. G. Knott on Recent Innovations in Vector Theory, 287, 590; Quaternions and the Algebra of Vectors, Prof. J. Willard Gibbs, 463; Vectors versus Quaternions, Oliver Heaviside, F.R.S., 533; Printing Mathematics, W. Cassie, 8; Dr. M. J. Jackson, 227; Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society, 23, 428; Mathzmatical Society, 71, 214, 382, 406, 526; Certain General Limitations affecting Hyper-Magic Squares, S. Roberts, FR.S., 71; Note on Secondary Tucker Circles, 71; Quaternions, Alex. McAulay, 151; Cauchy's Condensaticn Test for Convergency of Series, Prof. M. J. M. Hill, 214 on the Non-Euclidian Geometry, Dr. Emory McClintock, 286; Theory of Numbers, G. B. Mathews, 289;

[blocks in formation]

Memoir on the Theory of the Compositions of Numbers,
Major P. A. MacMahon, F. R. S., 310; on the Use of Supple-
mentary Curves in Isogonal Transformation, R. A. Harris,
380; on the Application of Clifford's Graphs to Ordinary
Binary Quantics, A. B. Kempe, F.R. S., 382; on the Vibra-
tions of an Elastic Circular Ring, A. E, H. Love, 383; Poin-
caré's Théorie Mathématique de la Lumière, A. B. Basset,
F.R.S., 386; the Group of Thirty Cubes composed by Six
Differently-coloured Squares, Major MacMahon, F.R.S.,
406; the Harmonics of a Ring, W. D. Niven, F. R.S., 406;
on the Potential Equation, Dr. Haentzsch, 480; on the Ap-
plicability of Lagrange's Equations of Motion to a General
Class of Problems, with Special Reference to the Motion of a
Perforated Solid in a Liquid, Dr. C. V. Burton, 500; on a
Hydrodynamical Proof of the Equations of Motion of a per-
forated Solid with Applications to the Motion of a Fine
Framework in Circulating Liquids, G. H. Bryan, 500; the
Discovery of the Potential, Ottavio Zanotti Bianco, Dr. E. J.
Routh, F. R.S., 510; Motion of a Solid Body in a Viscous
Liquid, A. B. Bassett, F.R.S., 512; on the Stability of a
Thin Rod Loaded Vertically, Mr. Love, 526; on Complex
Primes formed with the Fifth Roots of Unity, Prof. Lloyd
Tanner, 526; a New Algebra, T. B. Sprague, 526; a Treatise
on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, A. E. H. Love,
Prof. A G. Greenhill, F.R.S., 529; Graphical Solutions of
Problems in Navigation, 547; American Journal of Mathe-
matics, 620

Mathews (G. B.), Theory of Numbers, 289

Mercelli (G.), Stromboli, 453

Mercurial Air-Pumps, Automatic, Dr. August Raps, 369
Mercury, Berlin Method of Cleaning, 16

Meridian Circle Observations, Madras, 186

Meslin (G.), Conditions of Production of Lippmann's Coloured
Photographs, 157; on Semicircular Interference Fringes,

Mesnard (E.), Mode of Production of Perfume in Flowers, 120;
Researches on the Localisation of the Fatty Oils in the
Germination of Seeds, 312

Metallurgy: Note on the Colours of the Alkali Metals, G. S.
Newth, 55; Wm. L. Dudley, 175; the Copper Resources of
the United States, James Douglas, 132; the Use of Tungsten
in Improving Hardness of Steel, 351; Further Researches in
Connection with the Metallurgy of Bismuth, Edward Mathey,
F.S.A., 358; on a New Soldering Process for Aluminium
and various other Metals, M. J. Novel, 384; the Value of
Annealing Steel, E. G. Carey, 397; Volumetric Method for
Determining Amount of Chromium in Steel, G. Georges,
397; Ready Preparation of Large Quantities of the more
Refractory Metals by Means of the Electric Furnace, M.
Moissan, 424; Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals,
J. A. Ewing, F. R.S., E. Wilson, 460; the Alloys Research
Committee, Second Report, Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen,
F.R.S., 617; the Action of Bismuth on Copper, Prof. W.
C. Roberts-Austen, F. R. S., 618

Metazoan Development, on a Supposed Law of, J. Beard, 79 ;
R. Assheton, 176

Mathey (Edward, F.S.A.), Further Researches in Connection Meteorology: The Weather Week by Week, 15, 38, 60, 85, with the Metallurgy of Bismuth, 358

Matriculation Chemistry, Temple Orme, 99

Matthews (William), the Southampton Water-softening Plant,

Maurer (Herr), the sense Organs of the Skin, Feathers, and
Hairs in Mammalia, 87

Maw (M. H.), Lunar Crater, 31

Mawley (E.), Report on the Phenological Observations for 1892, 430

Maxwell (C. F.), Remarkable Meteor in Texas, 279

Maycock (W. Perren), Electric Lighting and Power Distribu-
tion, 269

Mayer (Alfred Goldsborough), the Radiation and Absorption of
Heat by Leaves, 596

Measure of the Imagination, Francis Galton, F.R.S., 319
Measurement of Distances of Binary Stars, C. E. Stromeyer,

Measures of Stars about B Cygni, Rutherfurd, Prof. Harold
Jacoby, 77

Mechanics: Elementary Manual on Applied Mechanics, Prof.
Jamieson, 147; Modern Mechanism, 241; a Correction, 281;
Elementary Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, A. L. Selby,
315; Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 19, 300, 353, 617;
Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners, S. L. Loney,
437; the Value of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, E. H.
Griffiths, 537

Medieval Lore; an Epitome of the Science, Geography, Animal and Plant Folk-Lore and Myth of the Middle Ages, 388

Medical Education at Oxford, Lord Salisbury, 449

Medical Microscopy, Frank J. Wethered, Dr. A. H. Tubby, 51

Medical Science, Bibliographia Medica Italiana, Prof. P. Giacosa, 606

Medical Society, Oxford, Inaugural Address by Sir James Paget,

Medical Student, Biology and the, H. J. Campbell, 530
Medicine, Experimental, 593

Mee (Arthur), Observational Astronomy, 437

Melbourne Observatory, 498

Meldola (Prof. R.,.F.R.S.), Arborescent Frost Patterns, 125
Mellish (H.), Rainfall of Nottinghamshire, 1861-90, 286
Mem. Soc. degli Spettroscopisti Ital., 429

Mendenhall (T. C.): Uses of Planes and Knife Edges in Pen-
dulums for Gravity Measurements, 380; Observations of At-
mospheric Electricity in America, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge,
F. R.S., 392

Mensbrugghe (G. Van der), on the Common Cause of Surface
Tension and Evaporation of Liquids, 428, 621

Mentone, Prehistoric Interments of the Bahi Rossi Caves near,

111, 130, 155, 183, 206, 233, 253, 278, 300, 323, 348, 373,
395, 422, 449, 470, 496, 516, 543, 563, 585, 613; Meteor-
ological Council, Summary of Rainfall and Mean Tempera-
ture of British Islands for September Quarter 1866-92, 15;
Berlin Meteorological Society, 24, 287, 336, 552; Relation-
ship Between Insolation and Temperature, Dr. Berson, 24;
a Remarkable Rainfall, Alfred O. Walker, 31; Indications
of a Rainy Period in Southern Peru, A. E. Douglass, 38;
American Meteorological Journal, 46, 261, 574; Meteoro-
logical Balloon Ascent at Berlin, October 24, 1891, A. L.
Rotch, 46; Severe Hurricane at Marseilles, October 1, 1892,
61; the Inspection of Canadian Meteorological Stations,
Charles Carpmael, 61; Pilot Chart of North Atlantic for
November, 86; Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic for
February, 1893, 395; the Afterglow, Sereno E. Bishop,
102; Weather Forecasting for British Islands, Captain H.
Toynbee, III; Royal Meteorological Society, 118, 333, 430,
502; Thunderstorm, Cloudburst, and Flood at Langtoft,
July 3, 1892, J. Lovel, 118; Measurement of Maximum
Wind Pressure, W. H. Dines, 118; Curious Drift of a
"Current Bottle," H. C. Russell, 131; Wind Measurement,
H. W. Dines, 143; the Height and Spectrum of Auroras,
T. W. Backhouse, 151; the Climate of the Canary Islands,
156; Cloud Observations at Blue Hill (Mass.) Observatory,
H. H. Clayton, 183; Brilliant Afterglow, December 15 and
17, 1892, 183; the Movements of Ground Water, F. H.
King, 206; Gulf Stream Icebergs and Climatic Variations,
H. Habenicht, 206; Proposed International Conference of
Meteorologists, 233; Eiffel Tower Experiments on Decrease
of Air-temperature with Elevation, Alfred Angot, 240; the
Weather of Summer, 245, 270; Super-abundant Rain, Sir
H. Collett, 247; Atmospheric Electricity, Earth Currents,
and Terrestrial Magnetism, Prof. C. Abbe, 261; Notes on
the Use of Automatic Rain Gauges, J. E. Codman, 261;
Sunshine Recorders, Prof. C. F. Marvin, 261; Shower of
Pond Mussels at Paderborn, 278; Experiments on the Use
of Oil in Calming Waves, Rear Admiral Cavalier de
Cuverville, 278; Moving Anti-Cyclones in the Southern
Hemisphere, H. C. Russell, F.R.S., 286; the Tracks of
Ocean Wind Systems in Transit over Australasia, Capt. M.
W. C. Hepworth, 286; Rainfall of Nottinghamshire, 1861-
90, H. Mellish, 286; Prof. Assmann's Detailed Description
of the Meteorographs set up in the "Urania-pillars," 287;
Absolute Value of the Magnetic Elements on January 1, 1893,
288; the Evaporation from a Snow Surface, P. A. Müller,
301; Map showing Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination for
January 1, 1893, in England and Wales, W. Ellis, 323;
Government Meteorology in India, 323; Dr. C. T. Williams
on the High Altitudes of Colorado and their Climates, 333;
on the Diurnal Variations of Gravitation, M. Mascart, 360;
Death and Obituary Notice of George Mathews Whipple,

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