372; D. A. van Bastelaer's Observations on Ozone, 373; Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, 1890, with an Appendix, 379; Colonial Meteorology, C. J. Symons, F.R. S., 390; Observations of Atmospheric Electricity in America, T. C. Mendenhall, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, F. R.S., 392; Dew, Herr Wollny, 398; Report of the Meteorological Council for Year ending March 31, 1892, 422; Summary of Weekly Weather Report, 1892, 422; on the Particles in Fogs and Clouds, John Aitken, 431; on the Hygrometry of the Atmosphere at Ben Nevis, A. J. Herbertson, 431; Report on the Phenological Observations for 1892, E. Mawley, 430; Relation between the Duration of Sunshine, the Amount of Cloud, and the Height of the Barometer, W. Ellis, 431; Winter Temperatures on Mountain Summits, W. Piffe Brown, 431; High Atmospheric Pressures observed at Irkutsk from January 12 to 16, 1893, Alexis de Tillo, 432; Stonyhurst College Observatory, 450; Hot Winds in Texas, May 29 and 30, 1892, J. M. Cline, 454; the Electrification of the Lower Air during Auroral Displays, A. McAdie, 454 ; Scottish Meteorological Society, 469; the High Barometer Readings for January, 470; Observation made at Fotsdam Meteorological Institute on the Recent Coldest Day in January, Prof. Sprung, 480; a Short Cycle in Weather, James P. Hall, 499; on some Meteorological Problems, Shelford Bidwell, F. R. S., 502; on the True Theory of Waterspouts and Tornadoes, with special reference to that of Lawrence, Massachusetts, M. H. Faye, 503; Remarkable Cold Wave over China in January, 1893, S. B. J. Skertchly, 516; Severe Frost at Hongkong, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F.R.S., 535; Charles Ford, 535; W. Doberck, 536; Practical Meteorology in Spain, 543; Synoptic Daily Weather Charts of North Atlantic Ocean, 543; the Thermal Exchanges of the Atmosphere, Prof. ven Bezold, 552; Hail Storms, H. C. Russell, 573; Exploration of the Free Air, Prof. M. W. Harrington, 574; the General Winds of the Atlantic Ocean, Prof. W. M. Davis, 574 Fossil Floras and Climate, Sir William Dawson, F. R.S., 556; J. Starkie Gardner, 582; the Afterglows and Bishop's Ring, T. W. Backhouse, 582; Complimentary Dinner to Mr. Henry Perigal, 585; the Surface Configuration of Maryland, Prof. W. B. Clark, 585; a Highly Sensitive Mercury Barometer, Dr. Carlo del Lungo, 586; Exploration of the Higher Atmosphere, Gustave Hermite, 600; New Methods of Disseminating Weather Forecasts in New England, 613; Harmonic Analysis of Hourly Observations of Air Temperature and Pressure at British Observatories, Lieut.-General R. Strachey, F.R.S., 21; the Direction of the Wind over the British Isles 1876-80, F. C. Bayard, 623; Notes on Two Photographs of Lightning taken at Sydney Observatory, December 7, 1892, H. C. Russell, F.R.S., 623; Constructive Errors in some Hygrometers, W. W. Midgley, 623 Meteors Prof. C. A. Young, 150; Great Meteor in Alabama, 86; December Meteors (Geminids), W. F. Denning, 226; a Brilliant Meteor, W. Pollard, 247; Meteor Shower of November 23, 1892, 257; Remarkable Meteor in Texas, C. F. Maxwell, 279; a Meteor, W. L. Distant, 316; a Brilliant Meteor, Dr. Jas. Rorie, 495; Meteor of March 18, 1893, G. P. Bailey, 516; Meteor Showers, 590 Meteoric Iron, Diamond in, C. Friedel, 192 Meteoric Iron of Cañon Diablo, on the, C. Friedel, 408 Meteoric Stone Found at Makariwa, near Invercargill, New Zealand, on a, G. F. H. Ulrich, 381 Meteorites: a Large Meteorite from Western Australia, James R. Gregory, 90; Lines of Structure in the Winnebago County Meteorites and in other Meteorites, Prof. H. A. Newton, 370; Study of the Cañon Diablo Meteorite, Henri Moissan, 408; Observation on the Conditions which appear to have obtained during the Formation of Meteorites, M. Daubree, 432; Mineralogical and Lithological Examination of the Meteorite of Kiowa county, Kansas, M. Stanislas Meunier, 456; Great Meteorite from Western Australia, 469; Fall of a Meteorite, 565 Meunier (M. Stanislas), Mineralogical and Lithological Examination of the Meteorite of Kiowa county, Kansas, 456 Meyer (Prof. A. B.), the Cause of Sexual Differences of Colour in Eclectus, 486 Mice, Field, in Thessaly and Scotland, the Plague of, 396 Michael (A. D.), a New Species (and genus) of Acarus found in Cornwall, 502 Michel (L), Artificial Production of Rutile, 168 Michigan, Geology of the Iron, Gold, and Copper Districts of, Prof. M. E. Wadsworth, Sir Archibald Geikie, Dr. Hicks, H. Bauerman, 117 Micro-organisms at Various Temperatures, Investigations on the Behaviour of, 234 Micro-organisms and their Investigation, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 446 Microbes, Researches on the Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen, by M. Berthelot, 23 Microscopy: American Microscopical Society, Prizes offered for Encouragement of Research, 15; Messrs. Swift's Aluminium Microscope, G. C. Karop, 47; Medical Microscopy, Frank J. Wethered, Dr. A. H. Tubby, 51; the Reflector with the Projection Microscope, G. B. Buckton, F. R. S., 54; Fungus Internally Parasitic in Diatoms, C. H. Gill, Mr. Bennett, 118; on the Anatomy of Pentastomum teretiusculum, Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer, 260; Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 260; on the Development of the Optic Nerve of Vertebrates and the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life, Richard Assheton, 261; on the Development of the Genital Organs, Ovoid Gland, Axial and Aboral Sinuses in Amphiura Squamata, together with some Remarks on Ludwig's Hamal System in this Ophiurid, E. W. MacBride, 261; on a New Species of Aquatic Oligochata belonging to the family Rhinodrilidæ found in England by W. B. Benham, 261; on the Minute Structure of the Gills of Palaemonetes Varians, Edgar J. Allen, 261; Royal Microscopical Society, 359; the Microscope: its Construction and Management, Dr. Henri Van Hewick, Rev. Dr. Dallinger, F. R. S., 409 Midgley (W. W.), Constructive Errors in some Hygrometers, 623 Miers (H. A.), the Rare Silver Minerals Xanthoconite and Migration of Birds, the, an Attempt to Reduce Avian Season- Milk, Methods of Examining, for Tubercle Bacillus, Ilkewitsch and Thorner, 254 Milky Way, the, Dr. Otto Boeddicker, 337 Milky Way, Stellar Magnitudes in Relation to the, Prof. Kapteyn, 64 Millar (J. H.), Formation and Nitration of Phenyldiazoimide, 311 Milne (Prof. John, F.R.S.), the Volcanoes of Japan, Part 1, Fujisan, 178; Yezo and the Ainu, 330; Instruments for the Earthquake Laboratory at the Chicago Exhibition, 356 Milton (J. T.), Notes on Boiler-testing, 521 Mimicry, Aggressive, the Volucella as Examples of, Edward B. Poulton, F. R. S., 28; W. Bateson, 77 Mineralogy: Establishment of the Tetrahedral Hemisymmetry of Binnite, Dr. Trechmann, 70; the Rare Silver Minerals Xantheconite and Rittingerite, H. A. Miers and G. T. Prior, 70; Baddeleyite, Fletcher, 70; Mineralogical Society, 70; Artificial Production of Rutile, L. Michel, 168; Death of Nikolai Ivanovitch Koksharoff, 278; a New Coaly Mineral, 280; the Occurrence of Native Zirconia (Baddeleyite), L. Fletcher, F. R.S., 283; Hæmatite as an Illustration of the Tendency of Inorganic Matter to Simulate Inorganic Forms, 374; on a Meteoric Stone found at Makariwa, near Invercargill, New Zealand, G. H. F. Ulrich, 381; Study of the Cañon Diablo Meteorite, Henri Moissan, 408; on the Meteoric Iron of Cañon Diablo, C. Friedel, 408; on the Presence of Graphite Carbonado and Microscopic Diamonds in the Blue Earth of the Cape, Henri Moissan, 408; Mineralogical and Lithological Examination of the Meteorite of Kiowa county, Kansas, M. Stanislas Meunier, 456: Analysis of the Ashes of the Diamond, Henri Moissan, 479; Remarks on the Native Iron of Ovifak and the Bitumen of the Crystallised Rocks of Sweden, M. Nordenskiöld, 552; Valuable Ruby discovered at Burma Mines, 586. Miner's Safety-lamp, a New Portable, Prof. Frank Clowes, 596 Minervini (Signor), the Blood-vessels of the Skin in Different Parts, 254 Minor Planets, 352, 547 Mirrors, Japanese, Magic, Prof. S. P. Thompson, F.R.S., 381 Meteorite, 408; on the Presence of Graphite Carbonada and Microscopic Diamonds in the Blue Earth of the Cape, 408; Ready Preparation of Large Quantities of the More Refractory Metals by Means of the Electric Furnace, 424; the Chemical Properties of the Diamond, 472; Analysis of the Ashes of the Diamond, 479; the Use of the Electric Current in Producing High Temperatures, 497; on the Preparation of a Variety of Swelling Graphite, 527 Molecular Force, Mr. Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of, Prof. Fitzgerald, Dr. Gladstone, S. H. Burbury, Prof. Ramsay, Macfarlane Gray, Prof. Herschel, 117 Mollusca, the Mantle-Cells of Ascidians, Kowalevsky, 62; on the Reproduction of Orbitolites, H. B. Brady, 119; Catalogue of the New Zealand Mollusca, H. Suter, 397 Mollusks, Hints for Collectors of, William H. Dall, 140 Monckton (Horace W.), on the Occurrence of Boulders and Pebbles from the Glacial Drift in Gravels south of the Thames, 501 Mondes, Autres, Amédée Guillemin, 485 Mongolia and Central Tibet, C. Woodville Rockhill, 426 Mont Blanc Observatory, 204 Montagu (S., M. P.), the Decimal System, 323 Month and Year, a Simple Rule for finding the Day of the Moody (G. T.), Studies on Isomeric Change, ii. and iii., 311 Moon, Occultation of Mars and Jupiter by the, Prof. Barnard, 41; Lunar "Volcanoes" and Lava Lakes, S. E. Peal, 486 Moore (T. J.), Death of, late Curator of Liverpool Derby Museum, 37 Morbology: the Alleged Increase of Nervous Diseases with Morocco, the Mixed Character of the Population of, A. Le Morphology: The Sense Organs of the Skin, Feathers, and Hairs in Mammalia, Herr Maurer, 87; Contribution à l'Etude de la Morphologie et du Développement des Bactériacées, Dr. A. Billet, Dr. Rubert Boyce, 532 Morris (Rev. F. O.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 372 Morrison (Mr.), Experiments on the Value of the Steam jacket, 20 Moscow, International Zoological Congress at, 236 Moth, the Death's Head, and Bees, J. R. S. Clifford, 234 Motion in the Line of Sight, M. H. Deslandres, 88 Motion of the Solar System, Prof. J. G. Porter, 41 Motion of a Solid Body in a Viscous Liquid, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 512 Motions, Proper, M. Deslandres, 115 Motive Power, Waves as a, H. Linden, 438 Mottelay (P. Fleury), William Gilbert, of Colchester, Physician, of London, on the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet, the Earth. A New Physiology, Demonstrated with Many Arguments and Experiments, 556 Mouillefort (M.), the Vineyards of Cyprus, 517 Mound, Kansas, the Great Spirit Spring, E. H. S. Bailey, 87 Mound-Excavations in the Ohio Valley, the Recent, M. de Nadaillac, 16 Mountain Ranges, Experiments on Folding and on the Genesis of, Prof. E. Reyer, 81 Mountain Group in Podolia, a Curious, 617 Muir (Prof. James), Manual of Dairy Work, 555 Mulcaster (Richard), Foster Watson, 279 Müller (Dr. Felix), Tabular History of Astronomy to the year 1500 A.D., 18 Müller (P. A.), the Evaporation from a Snow Surface, 301 Mundella (Mr.), the Board of Trade and the Electrical Engineers, 85 Munk (Dr. J.), Experiments on the Nutrition of Fasting Men, 552 Munro (Dr.), Yew Poisoning, 285 Murphy (Joseph John), an Optical Phenomenon, 365 Murray (T. S.), Synthesis of Oxazoles from Benzoin and Nitriles, 430 Muscle, the Cross Striping of, Prof. Richard Ewald, and Prof. Haycraft, 92 Museum of Sanitary Appliances, Hornsey Local Board, 587 Music, Sound and, Rev. J. A. Zahm, 222 Musical Instruments, Women and, Henry Balfour, 55 Musk Ox, 559; Suggested introduction into Scotland of the, Col. H. W. Fielden, 349 Mycology, British Fungus-Flora, George Massee, 26; a new Luminous Fungus from Tahiti, 157 Myers (W. S.), Production of Orcinol, &c., from Dehydracetic acid, 237 Nathan on the Improvement of Cider by Wine-Yeast, 208 Native Birds of New Zealand, the Preservation of the, 394 Natural History: Edgar B. Waite appointed Assistant Curator in Australian Museum, Sydney, III; American Society of Naturalists, 205; the Naturalist on the River Amazons, Henry Walter Bates, F.R.S., 269; Lion-Tiger and Tiger-Lion Hybrids, Dr. V. Ball, F.R.S., 390; LionTiger Hybrids, S. F. Harmer, 413; Idle Days in Patagonia, W. H. Hudson, Dr. Alf. Russel Wallace, 483; Applied Natural History, W. L. Calderwood, 492; the Musk-Ox, 559; Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, Annual Address of, H. B. Woodward, 562; Wild Spain, Abel Chapman and Walter J. Buck, 583; Natural History of Plants, Anton Kerner Von Marilaun, 605; Blind Animals in Caves, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F. R.S., 389, 486; J. T. Cunningham, 439, 537; A. Anderson, 439; G. A. Boulenger, 608; Bequest to Illinois Wesleyan University of Mr. Lichtenthaler's Collection, 613 Nature, the Beauties of, and the Wonders of the World we Nature, Evolution and Man's Place in, Henry Calderwood, 385 Naue (J.), Discovery near Schaffhausen of Prehistoric Drawings on Limestone, 279 Nautical Almanac for 1896, the, 326 Naval Architecture: the Strength of Bulkheads, Dr. Elgar, 529; Experiments on the Transmission of Heat through Tube-plates, A. J. Durston, 521; Notes on Boiler-testir.g, J. T. Milton, 521; an Apparatus for Measuring and Registering Vibrations of Steamers, E. Otto Schlick, 521; Experiments with Engines of ss. Iveagh, John Inglis, 521 Naval Architects, Institution of, 519; Annual General Meeting, 494 Navigation; the Measurement of Wake Currents, G. A. Calvert, 519 Navigation, Graphical Solutions of Problems in, 547 Nayudu (P. Lakshmi Narasu), Notes on Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 100 Neave (Newman), a Fork-tailed Petrel, 31 Nebula near & Persei (N. G.C. 1499), the Large, Dr. Scheiner, 546 Neesen (Prof.), Experiments on Photographic Recording of Oscillation of Projectiles, 216 Nelson (R. H.), Death of, 353 Neolithic Village of the Roche-au-Diable, near Tesnières, Canton of Lorez-le-Bocage (Seine-et-Marne), Armand Viré, 576 Netto (Eugen), the Theory of Substitutions and its Applications to Algebra, 338 Neumann (Herr), Power of Hydrogen-Absorption of Various Metals, 63 Neville and Heycock, Isolation of Gold and Cadmium Compounds, 40 New England, New Methods of disseminating Weather Forecasts in, 613 New England Grammar Schools, Change recommended by Association of College Officers in Curriculum of, 279 New Guinea, British, J. P. Thomson, Henry O. Forbes, 345, 414; Prof. Alfred C. Haddon, 414 New Hebrides, on some Islands of the, Lieut. Boyle T. Somerville, 455 New South Wales: Artesian Boring and Irrigation in, J. W. Boultbee, 183; Physical Geography and Climate of, H. C. Russell, F.R.S., 258; Plants most visited by Bees in, 614 New York Mathematical Society, Bulletin of, 23 New York State Pecuniary Contributions to Agriculture, the, 349 New York, Columbia College; the Loubat Prizes, 496 New Zealand: Earthquake in, 372; the Preservation of the Native Birds of, 394; Catalogue of the New Zealand Mollusca, H. Suter, 397 Newall (II. F.), Nova Auriga, 7 Newberry (John Strong), Obituary Notice of, 276 Newcastle College of Science, Laying Foundation Stone of, 129 Newcomb-Engelmann's Populäre Astronomie, 291 Newth (G. S.), Note on the Colours of the Alkali Metals, 55; Chemical Lecture Experiments, Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., 97 Newton (Prof. Alfred, F.R.S.), Pala ontological Discovery in Australia, 606 Newton (E. T.), some New Reptiles from the Elgin Sandstone, 189 Newton (Prof. H. A.), Lines of Structure in the Winnebago Nicholls (H. A. Alford), a Text-book of Tropical Agriculture, 313 Nicobar Pottery, E. H. Man, 455 Nicolsky (Dr.), Study of the Form of Eggs, 253 Nikitine (S.), Constitution of the Quaternary Deposits in Nile, the Stars and the, Capt. H. G. Lyons, 101 Niven (W. D., F. R.S.), the Harmonics of a Ring, 406 Nomenclature, Biological; the rule "Once a Synonym, always a Synonym," Elliott Coues, 39 Nomenclature, Botanical, W. T. Thiselton Dyer, F.R. S., 53; Sereno Watson, 53 Nordenskiöld (M.), Kemarks on the Native Iron of Ovifak and the Bitumen of the Crystallised Rocks of Sweden, 552 Noorden (Dr. von), Four Experiments on Nutrition, 504 Norfolk Coast, Sowerby's Whale on the, T. Southwell, 349 Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society; Annual Address by H. B. Woodward, 562 North Sea, Destruction of Immature Fish in the, Ernest W. L. Holt, 160 North Sea, Magnetic Observations in the, A. Shück, 555 North American Indians, Educational Work among the, 350 Notes from the Leyden Museum, 357 Nottingham Meeting of the British Association, the Coming, 612 Nova Auriga, 159, 399; H. F. Newall, 7; Prof. Barnard, 282; June 1, 1893 Mr. Huggins, 425; Motion of Nova Auriga, Prof. W. W. Campbell, 256; Hydrogen Line HB in the Spectrum of, Herr Victor Schumann, 425; Spectra of Planetary Nebulæ and Nova Auriga, M. Eugen Gothard, 352 Novel (M. J.); on a new Soldering Process for Aluminium and various other Metals, 384 Nubibus, Dynamics in, "Waterdale," 601 Nuttall (Zelia), the Calendar System of the Ancient Aztecs, 156 Obrutcheff (M.), Further Researches in Siberia, 255 Observatories: a New Observatory at Abastouman, 133; Com. panion to the Observatory for 1893, 159; Mont Blanc Observatory, 204; Lick Observatory, Miss Milicent W. Shinn, 209; the Harvard College Observatory, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 304, 403; Stonyhurst College Observatory, 450; United States Naval Observatory, 452; Yale Astronomical Observatory, 452; Bermerside Observatory, 473; the Melbourne Observatory, 498; Natal Observatory, 498; Wolsingham Observatory, 518; Circular No. 35, 590; T. E. Espin, 452; Paris Observatory in 1892, M. Tisserand, 546; Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Government 05servatory, Bombay, 1890, 379; “The Observatory,” 566 Observational Astronomy, Arthur Mee, 437 Occultation of Mars and Jupiter by the Moon, Prof. Barnard, 41 Odorographia: a Natural History of Raw Materials and Drugs used in the Perfume Industry, J. Ch. Sawer, 52 Odours, Analysis of Complex, Jacques Pa-sy, 48 Oesten (Herr), Filtered Sewage Water Favourable to Fish Life, 350 Ohio Valley, the Recent Mound-Excavations in the, M. de Nadaillac, 16 Oil in Calming Waves, Experiments on the use of, RearAdmiral Cavelier de Cuverville, 279 Olphe-Galliard (Victor Aimé Leon), Death and Obituary Notice of, 395 Olszewski (Herr), Use of Total Reflection to determine LightRefraction of Liquid Oxygen, 614 Omori (F.), Instruments for the Earthquake Laboratory at the Chicago Exhibition, 356 Ophthalmology: the Association of Shipping Disasters with Defective Vision in Sailors, Dr. T. H. Bickerton, 16 Opium Smoke, Chemical Study of, Henri Moissan, 168; Phy-iological Study of, G. Gréhant and Em. Martin, 168 Opposition of Mars, the Recent, Prof. W. H. Pickering, 235 Optics Optical Illusions, R. T. Lewis, 31; W. B. Croft, 78; Refraction and Dispersion of Light in Metal Prisms, D. Shea, 68; a New "Shortened Telescope," Dr. R. Steinheil, 113; the Passage of a Wave through a Focus, P. Joubin, 143; Existence of Distinct Nervous Centres for Perception of Fundamental Colours of Spectrum, A. Chauveau, 143; the New Telephotographic Lens, T. R. Dallmeyer, 161; Remarkable Optical Phenomenon near Zermatt, F. Folie, 303; on the Minimum Perceptible Amount of Light, M. Charles Henry, 312; the Polarising Action of the Moon on the Atmosphere, Clémence Royer, 325; the Alleged Sexual Difference in the Eye, Herr Greef, 325; Optical Continuity, Francis Galton, F. R. S., 342; an Optical Phenomenon, Joseph John Murphy, 365; Helmholtz Physiological Optics, Prof. J. D. Everett, F.R.S., 365; Preliminary Note on the Colours of Cloudy Condensation, C. Barus, 380; the Perception of Colour, W. F. Stanley, 381; on Semicircular Interference Fringes, M. G. Meslin, 384; Modern Optics and the Microscope, Dr. Henri van Heurck, Rev. Dr. Dallinger, F.R.S., 409; Electrical Actinometers used by Messrs. Elster and Geitel in Measurement of Sun's Ultra-Violet Radiation, 422; Two Experimental Verifications Relative to Refraction in Crystals, J. Verschaffelt, 428; the Fundamental Law of Complementary Colours, Pau Glan, 455; a New Hypothesis Concerning Vision. John Berry Haycraft, 478: a New and Handy Focometer, Prof. J. D. Everett, F.R.S., 500; on the Measurement of Direct Light by Means of the Tintometer, J. W. Lovibond, 501; on the Chromatic Curves of Microscope Objectives, Dr. W. H. Dallinger, 501; IBfluence of the Motion of the Earth on the Propagation of Light in Doubly Refracting Media, Mr. Lorentz. 504; Pene tration of Thin Metallic Plates by Cathode Rays causing Phosphorescence, 518; the Dioptrics of Gratings, Dr. Larmor, F. R.S., 526; on Spherical Aberration of the Human Supplement to Nature, June 1, 1893 Eye; Measurement of Senilism of the Crystalline, M. C. J. A. Leroy, 528; Measurement of Large Differences of Phase in White Light, M. P. Joubin, 528; Sensitiveness of the Eye to Light and Colour, Capt. W. de W. Abney, F. R. S., 538; Contrivance for Determining Refractive Index of Liquid, 544; Experiments on Phosphorescence-Producing Kathode Rays of a Geissler Tube, Dr. P. Lenard, 564; Use of Total Reflection to Determine Light-Refraction of Liquid Oxygen, Herren Olszewski and Witkowski, 614; Researches at the Berlin Imperial Physico-Technical Institute on the Siemens Platinum Foil Unit as a Standard for the Intensity of a Source of Light, 615 Orang-Utan, Remarkable Specimen of, 423 Orbitolites, on the Reproduction of, H. B. Brady, 119 Ordnance Survey and Geological Faults, the, James Durham, 510 Organic Chemistry, Outlines of, Clement J. Leaper, 124 Origin of the Year, the, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 32, 228 Ornithology: a Fork-tailed Petrel, Newman Neave, 31; the Osmotic Pressure, J. W. Rodger, 103; Prof. Spencer Pickering, F.K.S., 175 Osprey in Scotland, the Protection of the, 612 Ostwald's Klassiker der Exacten Wissenschaften, Nos. 31-37, 149, 38-40, 245 Oudemans (Dr. A. C.), the Great Sea Serpent, 506 Owen (Sir Richard), Obituary Notice of, 181; the Proposed Memorial to, 232, 252, 307 Oxford, Medical Education at, Lord Salisbury, 449 Oxford Medical Society, Inaugural Address by Sir James Paget, 60 Oxford University Junior Scientific Club, 95, 119, 167, 359, 431, 502 Oxford University Museum, Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Oxley (Rev. W. H.), Travelling of Roots, 414 Oxygen, Liquid, Use of Total Reflection to Determine Light- Oyster Culture, on the Attempt at, in the Roscoff Laboratory, M. de Lacaze-Duthiers, 456 Oysters, Observations on, Prof. R. C. Schiedt, 375 Ozone, D. A. Van Bastelaer's Observations on, 373 Ozone, W. G. Black, 390 Paget (Sir James). Inaugural Address to Oxford Medical Society, 60 Palæolithic or Unground Stage of the Implement-makers' Art, On the Rude Stone Implements of the Tasmanians, showing them to belong to the, Dr. Tylor, 527 Palamonetes Varians, Anatomy of Larva of, E. J. Allen, 237 Palæontology, Discovery of Ureus Arctos in the Malta Pleistocene, J. H. Cooke, 62; Relics found in Yorkshire Caves, Rev. Edward Jones, 112; Walrus in the Thames Valley, W. J. L. Abbott, 132; Some New Reptiles from the Elgin Sandstone, E. T. Newton, 189; Death of Dr. D. Stur, 206; Protocerus, the New Artiodactyle, Prof. Henry F. Osborne, 321; Restoration of Anchisaurus Colurus, Prof. O. C. Marsh, 349; a Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda, W. H. Hudlestone, F.R.S., and Edward Wilson H. Woods, 363; Johns Hopkins University Palæontological Collections, 471; Fossil Fauna of the Black Sea, T. J. van Beneden, 544 ; Artionyx-a Clawed Artiodactyle, Prof. Henry F. Osborn, 610; Palæontological Discovery in Australia, Prof. Alfred Newton, F. R. S., 606 Paleozoic Ice-Age, a, W. T. Blanford, F.R. S., 101, 152; Henry F. Blanford, F. R. S., 101 Palestine, Geology of, Prof. Edward Hall, F.R.S., 166 Palmberg (Dr. Albert), a Treatise on Public Health, Dr. H. Brock, 507 Palmer (Mr.), a Lilac Colour produced from Extract of Chestnut, 132 Papasogli, Colorimeter for Comparing Intensity of Colour in Papuans, the Native, T. H. Hatton-Richards, 590 Parallaxes of μ and @ Cassiopeia, Harold Jacoby, 5 Parker (J.), Carnot's Principle applied to Animal and Vegetable Life, 95 Parker (Prof. T. Jeffrey, F.R.S.), on the Cranial Osteology, Classification and Phylogeny of the Dinornithida,, 431 Parker (Prof. W. N.), on an Abnormality in the Veins of the Rabbit, 270 Paris Academy of Sciences, 23, 47, 71, 96, 119, 143, 167, 192, 215, 239, 263, 287, 311, 335, 360, 384, 408, 431, 456, 479, 503, 527, 551, 576, 599, 623; Prize List for 1892, 215 Paris Observatory in 1892, M. Tisserand, 546 Passy (Jacques), Analysis of Complex Odours, 48 Patagonia, Idle Days in, W. H. Hudson, Dr. Alf. Russel Pathology: the Croonian Lecture, 487; on the Histology of the Peal (S. E.), Lunar "Volcanoes" and Lava Lakes, 486 Peary (Lieut.), Proposed Arctic Expedition of, 133, 452 Peloponnes Der, Versuch einer Landeskunde auf Geologischer Pencils, Slate, Aluminium, 131 Penck's (Prof.), Scheme for a Map of the World on a uniform Perfume Industry, Odorographia: a Natural History of Raw Pacific Slope, Grasses of the, including Alaska and the adjacent Perigal (Mr. Henry), Complimentary Dinner to, 585 Paddington Railway, Clapham Junction and, 515 Padua, Galileo Galilei and the Approaching Celebration at, Page (M.), the Stanley Falls District of the Congo, 282 Perigal Family, Longevity of the, Dr. C. T. Williams, 585 Perry (G. H.), Interaction of Iodine and Potassium Chlorate, 165 Perry (Prof. J., F. R.S.) on the differential equation of Electric Paget (Sir George E., K. C. B., F. R. S.), Some Lectures by, Persei, Relative Position of Stars in Cluster x, Sir Robert Ball 485 and Arthur Rambaut, 376 Persei, the large Nebula near έ (N.G.C. 1499), Dr. Scheiner, Perseids, Observations of, 88 Perthshire Society of Natural Science, Dr. F. B. Waite's Col- Peru (Southern) Indications of a Rainy Period in, A. E. Petrel, a Fork-tailed, Newman Neave, 31 Petrie (Prof. W. Flinders), appointed to Chair of Egyptology at University College, London, III; First Lecture on Egyptology, 278; Ancient Egypt, 301 Pflanzeneeben, Anton Kerner von Marilaun, 605 Phenological Observations for 1892, Report on the, E. Mawley, Phoenician Tombs at Malta, Depredations among the recently- Philippson (Dr. Alfred), Der Peloponnes; Versuch einer Lan- Phosphate Beds, The Florida, T. N. Lupton, 325 Phosphorescence: a new Luminous Fungus from Tahiti, 157 Phosphorescence in Centipedes, R. I. Pocock, 545 Photography: Traité Encyclopédique de Photographie, Charles Fabre, 6; the Photography of an Image by Reflection, Frederick J. Smith, 10; Photographic Dry Plates, Arthur E. Brown, 11; Coloured Photographs of the Spectrum, G. Lippmann, 23; American Opinion of Photography in Eng- land, Xanthus Smith, 86; a Macual of Photography, A. Brothers, 98; Conditions of Production of Lippmann's Coloured Photographs, G. Meslin, 157; the New Telephoto- graphic Lens, T. R. Dallmeyer, 161; on the Photographic Spectra of some of the Brighton Stars, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 261; Photographic Absorption of our Atmosphere, Prof. Schaeberle, 304; Eclipse Photography, M. De la Baume Pluvinel, 326; a new Method of Photographing the Corona, M. H. Deslandres, 327; Photography first dis- covered by a Dr. Schultz in Halle, 336; Dust Photographs, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F. R. S., F. J. Allen, 341; Dust Photographs and Breath Figures, W. B. Croft, 364; on the Progress of the Art of Surveying with the aid of Photography in Europe and America, M. A. Lausedat, 384; on Electric Spark Photographs, or Photography of Flying Bullets, &c., by the Light of the Electric Spark, C. V. Boys, F. R. S., 415, 440; British Journal Photographic Almanac for 1893, 462; Photographic Reproduction of Gratings and Micro- meters engraved on glass, M. Izarn, 479; Photography of certain Phenomena furnished by Combinations of Gratings, M. Izarn, 503; Photography of Gratings engraved upon Metal, M. Izarn, 623; Prof. Hale's Solar Photograph, 498; Photographic Properties of Cerium Salts, MM. Auguste and Louis Lumière, 503; Equipotential Lines due to current flowing through Conducting Sheet fixed Photographically, E. Lommel, 544; Anthropological Uses of the Camera, 548; Photographic Chart of the Heavens, M. Loewy, 589; Notes on two Photographs of Lightning taken at Sydney Obser- vatory, December 7, 1892, H. C. Russel, F. R. S., 623 Photometer, a Photoptometric, Charles Henry, 24 Photometry on Phosphorescent Sulphide of Zinc considere i as a Photometric Standard, Charles Henry, 312 Photomicrography, the Use of Monochromatic Yellow Light in, Physics: Berlin Physical Society, 24, 312; the Laws of Com- pressibility of Liquids, E. H. Amagat, 48; the Temperature of Maximum Density of Mixtures of Alcohol and Water, L. de Coppet, 48; Analysis of Complex Odours, Jacques Passy, 48; Physical Society, 69, 116, 165, 190, 358, 381, 429, 500, 574; Mr. Williams on the Relation of the Dimensions of Physical Quantities to Directions in Space, Prof. Fitzgerald, Mr. Madan, Prof. Rücker, Prof. Henrici, Dr. Sumpner, 69; Williams on the Dimensions of Physical Quantities, Dr. Burton, Prof. A. Lodge, Mr. Boys, W. Baily, Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Williams, 116; the Determination of the Critical Volume, Dr. Young, 70; Mr. Sutherland's paper on the Laws of Molecular Force, Dr. Young, 70; Prof. Fitzgerald, Dr. Glad- stone, S H. Burbury, Prof. Ramsay, Macfarlane Gray, Prof. Her-chel, 117; Lenticular Liquid Microglobules and their Conditions of Equilibrium, C. Maltézos, 71; Dilatation of Iron in a Magnetic Fluid, M. Berget, 71; Laws of Dilatation of Gases under Constant Pressure, E. H. Amagat, 96; Con- to E. H. Amagat, 143; Interesting Results in Application of Pressures, 236; the Temperature of the Electric Arc, J. Violle, 240; Magnetic Properties of Oxygen, P. Curie, 240; High Temperatures and Carbon Vaporisation, M. Berthelot, 240; a Simple Explanation of the Hall Effect, E. Lommel, 254; on Thermo-Electric Phenomena between two Electrolytes, Henri Bagard, 263; Pure Gases incapable of producing Electrification by Friction, Mr. Wesendonck, 280; on the Temperature Coefficient of the Electrical Resistance Solubility-Curve for Systems oftwo Bodies, Bakhuis Roozeboom, 288; Physical Education, Frederick Treves, 292; the Rate of Explosion in Gases, Prof. Harold B. Dixon, 299; on a State of Matter characterised by the Mutual Independence of the Pressure and the Specific Volume, P. de Heen, 309; the Thermal Conductivities of Liquids, R. Wachsmith, 350; on a Modification of the Transpiration Method suitable for the Investigation of very Viscous Liquids, C. Brodmann, 357; the Viscosity of Liquids, Prof. J. Perry, F.R.S., 575; Isothermals, Isopiestics, and Isometrics relative to Viscosity, C. Barus, 380; Gemeinverständliche Vorträge aus dem Gebeite der Physic, Prof. Dr. Leonhard Sohncke, Dr. James L. Howard, 361; Uses of Planes and Knife Edges in Pendulums for Gravity Measurements, J. C. Mendenhall, 380; the Determination of the Thermal Expansion of Liquids, T. E. Thorpe, 405; the Determination of the Thermal Expansion and Specific Volume of certain Paraffins and Paraffin Deriva- tives, T. E. Thorpe and L. M. Jones, 405; on Electric Spark Photographs or Photography of Flying Bullets, &c., by the Ligh of the Electric Spark, C. V. Boys, F. R.S., 415, 440; on the Common Cause of Surface Tension and Evaporation of Liquids, G. Van der Mensbrugghe, 428, 621; Description of an Instrument to show the small Variations in the Intensity of Gravitation, M. Bouquet de la Grye, 431 ; Simple Instrument for measuring Densities of Liquids, A. Handl, 471 ; the Value of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, E. H. Griffiths, 476, 537; the Effects of Mechanical Stress on the Electrical Resist- ance of Metals, James H. Gray and James B. Henderson, 478; Photographic Reproduction of Gratings and Micrometers en- graved on Glass, M. Izarn, 479; Photography of certain Pheno- mena furnished by Combinations of Gratings, M. Izarn, 503; Photography of Gratings engraved upon Metal, M. Izarn, 623; the Specific Heat of Liquid Ammonia, C. Ludeking and J. E. Starr, 499; on the Influence of Time upon the Mode of Forma- tion of the Meniscus at the Temperature of Transformation, P. de Heen, 500; Experiments on the Influence of Temperature on Electromagnetic Rotation of Light in Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel, Prof. Kundt, 503; on the Influence of Temperature upon Circular Ferro-Magnetic Polarisation, Emil Hirsch, 525; Magnetisation of a radially slit Iron Ring, Heinrich Lehmann. 525; on the Stability of a Thin Rod loaded ver- tically, Mr. Love, 526; the Resistance of Ice, M. Force, 564; on the Differential Equation of Electric Flow, T. H. Blakesley, Prof. Perry, Prof. O. J. Lodge, Dr. Sumpner, Mr. Swinburne, 574; on Action of Temperature upon the Rotatory Power of Liquids, M. A. Aignan, 576; Laws and Properties of Matter, R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S., 580; the Radiation and Absorption of Heat by Leaves, Alfred Golds- borough Mayer, 596; the Absolute Thermal Conductivities of Copper and Iron, R. Wallace Stewart, 599; Expansion of Water at Constant Pressure and at Constant Volume, E. I Physiography, Elementary, Richard A. Gregory, 74 Physiology: Obstacles to Ice-Formation in Animal Body, Herr Kochs, 16; Introduction to Physiological Psychology, Dr. Theodor Zichen. 28; Influence of Bodily Exertion on Diges- tive Process, Herr Rosenberg, 62; Further Researches on Nucleinic Acid, Prof. Kossel, 72; a Manual of Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary-Captain F. Smith, 76; Physiology of Grafting, Dr. Hermann Vöchting, 128; the |