NOVEMBER 1892 to APRIL 1893
Of Nature trusts the mind which builds for aye."-WORDSWORTH
ABASTOUMAN, a New Observatory at, 133
Abbadie (M. d'), on the Variations in the Intensity of Terrestrial Gravitation, 384
Abbe (Prof. C.), Atmospheric Electricity, Earth-Currents and Terrestrial Magnetism, 261
Abbott's (Dr. W. L.) Collections of African Mammals, F. W. True, 39
Abbott (W. J. L.), Walrus in the Thames Valley, 132
Abney (Captain W. de W., F.R.S.), Sensitiveness of the Eye to Light and Colour, 538
Abnormality in the Veins of the Rabbit, on an, Prof. W. N. Parker, 270
Absorption of our Atmosphere, Photographic, Prof. Schaeberle, 304
Abyssinia, Proposed Expedition of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bent to, 115
Academy, French, Science Prizes, 232
Academy of Sciences, Turin Royal, the Bressa Prizes, 233 Acoustics, on Plane and Spherical Sound-Waves of Finite Amplitude, Dr. C. V. Burton, 500
Addenbrooke (Mr.), Diffusion of Light, 191
Aeronautics: Meteorological Balloon Ascent at Berlin, A. L. Rotch, 46; Dirigible Balloon in Construction at Chalais- Meudon, 112; Exploration of the Higher Regions of the Atmosphere by Means of Free Balloons provided with Auto- matic Recorders, Gustave Hermite, 119; the First Aerial Voyage across the English Channel, R. de C. Ward, 143; the Longest Balloon Ascent on Record, Maurice Mallet, 182 Africa: Marine Shells of South Africa, G. B. Sowerby, 27; the Ferns of South Africa, Thos. R. Sim, J. G. Baker, F.R.S., 291; Dromedaries in German South-West Africa, Captain von François, 38; New Harbour found in German South-West, 452; Dr. W. L. Abbott's Collection of African Mammals, F. W. True, 39; Mr. D. J. Rankin's Zambesi Journey, 64; Kettler's Afrikanische Nachrichten, 115; Captain H. L. Gallwey's Travels in Benin Country, 134; E. Wilkinson's Journey in Kalabari Desert, 134; M. Alexandre Delcommune's Lomami Expedition, 209; the Uganda Commission, 210; Proposed Exploration of Africa by Telegraph, Cecil Rhodes, 210; the Bonjo, a Cannibal Tribe, M. Dybowski, 257; Territorial Nomenclature, 282; the Stanley Falls District of the Congo, M. Page, 282; African Nomenclature, 304; Stoppage of M. Mizon's Ada- mava Expedition, 304; Aston Chanler's Expedition to Lake Rudolf, 327; the Soil of Sakalava Plain, Madagascar, Emile Gautier, 327; the Frontier Delimitation between British South Africa Company's Territory and Portuguese Pos- sessions, Major Leverson, 327; Death of R. H. Nelson, 353: Dr. Baumann's Journeys in the Nile-Sources Region, 377; the Orthography of African Place-Names, 400; Two Akka Girls brought to Germany by Dr. Stuhlmann, 470; the Katanga Company's Expeditions, 474; French Exploration towards Lake Chad, 519; Arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bent at Adowa, 519; at Aksum, 547; the Partition of Africa, J. Scott Keltie, 580; Return of the Delcommune Expedi- tion, 590
Afterglow, the, Sereno E. Bishop, 102; Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 127
Afterglows and Bishop's Ring, the, T. W. Backhouse, 582 Agassiz (Prof. A.), Observations in the West Indies, 608
Age, the Earth's, Bernard Hobson, Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, 175, 226; Clarence King, 285
Ages, Ancient Ice, J. Lomas, 227
Aggressive Mimicry, the Volucelle as Examples of, Edward B. Poulton, F. R. S., 28
Aggressive Mimicry, the Alleged, of Volucella, William Bate- son, 77
Agriculture: the South Australian Rust in Wheat Conference, 86; the Plague of Field Voles in Scotland, 155; the Plague of Field Mice in Thessaly and Scotland, 396; Agriculture in the United States, Experiment Stations, A. Warrington, F.R.S., 157; Investigations in Soils, 157; Influence of Manure on Development of Roots, M. Dehérain, 280; Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 285; Field Experiments on the Fixation of Free Nitrogen, James Mason, 285; Yew Poisoning, E. P. Squarey, Charles Whitehead, W. Carruthers, F. R. S., and Dr. Munro, 285; Proposed In- vestigation of Chemical Composition of Soil in Cape Colony, 301 a Text-book of Tropical Agriculture, H. A. Alford Nicholls, 313; the Florida Phosphate Beds, T. N. Lupton, 325; the New York State Pecuniary Contribution to Agri- culture, 349; Wood Ashes as a Medicine for Farm Animals, J. M. Stahl, 397; Prop sed Commemoration of the Jubilee of Sir John Lawes' Rothamsted Experiments, 448; Orni- thology in Relation to Agriculture and Horticulture, John Watson, 533; Manual of Dairy Work, Prof. James Muir, Walter Thorp. 555; Agricultural Chemistry; the Food of Plants, A. P. Laurie, 556
Aids to Experimental Science, Andrew Gray, 173
Aigran (M. A.), Action of Temperature upon the Rotatory Power of Liquids, 576
Ainu, Yezo and the, Prof. J. Milne, F.R.S., 330; A. H. Savage Landor, 330
Air-pumps, Automatic Mercurial, Dr. August Raps, 369 Aitken (John), on the Particles in Fogs and Clouds,
Akka Girls, Two, brought to Germany by Dr. Stuhlmann, 470 Alabama, Great Meteor in, 86
Alcohol Solutions, Temperature of Maximum Density of, L. de Coppet, 48
Alcyonaria Stolonifera, Revision of Genera of, Dr. Hickson, 215
Alexander (Peter), Treatise on Thermodynamics, 388 Algebra: Principles of the Algebra of Vectors, A. Macfarlane, 3; the Algebra of Co-planar Vectors and Trigonometry, R. Baldwin Hayward, F.R.S., 266; Quaternions and the Algebra of Vectors, Prof. J. Willard Gibbs, 463; Algebra for Beginners, H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight, 28; the Theory of Substitutions and its Applications to Algebra, Dr. Eugen Netto, 338; a new Algebra, T. B. Sprague, 527 Alkali Metals, the Colours of the, G. S. Newth, 55; Wm. L. Dudley, 175
Allen (Edgar), Anatomy of Larva of Palamonetes varians, 237 ; on the Minute Structure of the Gills of Palamonetes varians, 261
Allen (F. J.), Dust Photographs, 341 Allen (Grant), Science in Arcady, 173 Alligators' Nest, the, S. Devenish, 587 Alloys, on Iron, 58
Alloys Research Committee, Second Report of the, Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen, F. R. S., 617 Almanac, the Nautical, for 1896, 326
Alpes Françaises, les, Albert Falsan, 76
Alpine Flowers, on the Cause of Bright Colours of, Dr. J. Joly, F.R.S., 431
Alpine Lakes, the Glacier Theory of, Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, 437
Alsace Lorraine, Statistics of Wine-growing in, 614 Aluminium Slate Pencils, 131
Amigat (E. H.): the Laws of Compressibility of Liquids, 48; Laws of Dilatation of Gases under Constant Pressure, 96;
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