Centre, Dr. Ad. Loewy, 144; Sensation of Warmth on immersing Hind in Carbon Dioxide, Dr. R. du Bois Rey- mond, 144; Elements of Human Physiology, E. H. Starling, 146; the Thyroid Gland (Experiments on Cats), Dr. J. Lorrain Smith, 167; Human Physiology, the Blood- Vessels of the Skin in different Parts, Signor Miner- vine, 254; Animal Physiology, on the Anatomy of of Pentastomum tereliusculum, Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer, 260; on the Minute Structure of the Gills of Palamonetes varians, Edgar J. Allen, 261; on the Development of the Optic Nerve of Vertebrates and the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life, Richard Assheton, 261; on the Develop- ment of the Genital Organs and Ovoid Gland, Axial and Aboral Sinuses in Amphiura squamata, together with some Remarks on Ludwig's Hæmal System in this Ophiurid, E. W. MacBride, 261; on a New Genus and Species of Aquatic Oligochata belonging to the Family Rhinodrilidæ found in England by W. B. Benham, 261; Prof. Exner on the Innervation of the Crico-Thyroid Muscle in Rabbits and Dogs, 287; Photography of Microscopic Objects which when placed in a Stereoscope presented an Appearance of Solidity, Dr. Hausemann, 287; Custom of Civilised Races of Antiquity to establish Themselves in Dry Districts, Prof. Hilgard, 287; Berlin Physiological Society, 287, 552; Microscopic Researches on the Contractility of the Blood- Vessels, M. L. Ranvier, 312; Vegetable Physiology, Re- searches on the Localisation of the Fatty Oils in the Germina- tion of Seeds, M. Eugène Mesnard, 312; on the Pepto- saccharifiant Action of the Blood and the Organs, M. R. Lépine, 335; the Pancreas and the Nervous Centres control- ling the Glycemic Function, Prof. Kaufmann, 479; the Pan- creas and the Nerve - Centres regulating the Glycemic Func ion; Experimental Demonstrations derived from a Comparison of the Effects of a Removal of the Pancreas with those of Bulbary Section, MM. A. Chaveau and M. Kauf- mann, 528; Four Experiments on Nutrition, Dr. von Noorden, 504; on the Origin of the Mammalian Hair, M. Piccioli (Signor), Biological Relations between Plants and Pickering (Prof. E. C.), the Harvard College Observatory, Pickering (Prof. Spencer, F. R.S.), Osmotic Pressure, 175 Pickering (S. U.), Refractive Indices and Magnetic Rotations of Sulphuric Acid Solutions, 165; Some Alkylamine Hy- drates, 165; Isolation of two predicted Hydrates of Nitric Acid, 238; the Hydrates of Hydrogen Chloride, 479 Pickering (Prof. W. H.), the Recent Opposition of Mars, 235 Pictet (Prof. Raoul), Sarasin and de la Rive's Experiments in Measurement of Rate of Herz Electric Waves, 336 Pioneers of Science, Oliver Lodge, F. R. S., 268 Place-Names, African, the Orthography of, 400 Place-Names of German Protectorates, Official Rules for Plön, Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zu, Dr. Pluvinel (M. de la Baume), Eclipse of April 16, 1893, 281, Plymouth Marine Biological Station, the Week's Work of the, 398, 424, 451, 472, 497, 518, 546, 565, 589, 616 Plymouth Marine Biological Association, Dredging Work, 375 Pocock (R. J.), Phosphorescence in Centipedes, 545 Podolia, a Curious Mountain Group in, 617 Poincaré (H.), Théorie Mathématique de la Lumière, A. B. Polakowsky (Dr. H.), the Boundaries of Costa Rica and Polarisation of Light: Use of Half-Shade Polarimeters, Dr. Lummer, 312; Prof. Goldstein's Experiments, 312 Pole (Dr. W.), Colour Blindness, 335 Polecat not Extinct in Cardiganshire, J. W. Salter, 450 Pollard (W.), a Brilliant Meteor, 247 Polynesian Ornament-Forms, Mythographic Origin of, Dr. H. Port Erin (Isle of Man) Marine Biological Station, 515 Porter (Prof. J. G.), Motion of the Solar System, 41 Potato Disease, Observations on the, Dr. J. Böhm, 254 Potato as a Diagnostic Agent in Bacteriology, Herr Krannhals, Potential, Discovery of the, Ottavio Zanotti Bianco, Dr. E. Potsdam Magnetic Observatory, Improvements in Registration of Needle's Variations, Herr Eschenhagen, 544 Pottery Glazes, W. P. Rix, 396 Pottery, Nicobar, E. H. Man, 455 Poulton (Edward B., F.R.S.), the Volucella as Examples of Pound, Imperial Standard, Decrease in Weight of, 86 Praeger (R. L.), What is the True Shamrock? 302 Prantl (Dr. Karl), Death and Obituary Notice of, 495 Preece (W. H., F. R.S.), the Growth of Electrical Industry, 327; on Lightning Protection, Prof. Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., 536 and their Relations to the Finds resulting from the Activity of Prehistoric Man, S. Nikitine, 523 Prehistoric Archæology and Anthropology, the International Prehistoric Drawings on Limestone, Discovery near Schaff- Prehistoric Ethnography of Central and North-East Russia, Prehistoric Peoples, Manners and Monuments of, Marquis de Prescot Watch Factory, the; Address by Lord Kelvin, 279 Prince (Prof. Edward), appointed Commissioner of Fisheries for Printing Mathematics, W. Cassie, 8; Dr. M. J. Jackson, 227 Pritchard (Prof. Chas., F. R.S.), Lord Kelvin, 110 Prizes, Astronomical Journal, 282 Problems in Navigation, Graphical Solutions of, 547 Projectiles, Oscillation of, Experiments on Photographic Re- cording of, Prof. Neesen, 216 Projection Microscope, the Reflector with the, G. B. Buckton, Prominences, Ultra-Violet Spectrum in, Prof. G. E. Hale, 186 Property Its Origin and Development, Charles Letourneau, Protection, Ligh'ning, W. II. Precce, F.R.S., on, Prof. Oliver Protocerus, the New Artiodactyle, Prof. Henry F. Osborn, 321 Prussian Government, the Centigrade Thermometer adopted by Psychology, Introduction to Physiological, Dr. Theodor Ziehen, 28 Psychological Association, American. 348 Psychological Laboratory at Yale College, Establishment of, Public Health, a Treatise on, and its Applications in different Public Schools, Science in the, and the Scientific Branches of Pupin (I.), a Method of obtaining Alternating Currents of Purdie (T.), Optically Active Ethoxysuccinic Acid, 311; the Putnam (Prof.), Archæological Work in America, 474 Pyrenees, Racial Dwarfs in the, R. G. Haliburton, 294; Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Notes on, P. Lakshmi Narasu Qualities, Physical, Williams on the Dimensions of, Dr. Burton, Prof. A. Lodge, Mr. Boys, W. Baily, Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 260, 524 Quaternions, Alex. McAulay, 151 Quaternions and the Algebra of Vectors, Prof. J. Willard Gibbs, Quaternions, Vectors versus, Oliver Heaviside, F.R.S., 533 Rabbit, on an Abnormality in the Veins of the, Prof. W. N. Rabbit Tamed, a Wild, Helen J. Murray, 86 Rabbit, Unusual Origin of Arteries in the, Philip J. White, 365 Race in Anthropology, M. Topinard on, 524 Racial Dwarfs in the Pyrenees, R. G. Haliburton, 294; Wm. Radiation (of Heat), Comparison of Formulæ for Total, W. de Radiolaria, the Rising and Sinking Process in the, Herr Railway Constructors, Troubles of the Quetta, 325 Rainfall, a Remarkable, Alfred O. Walker, 31 Raisin (Catharine A.), Variolite of the Lleyn and associated Ramage (H.), Manganese Borate, 239 Rambaut (Prof. A.), Measurement of Distances of Binary Stars, 226; Relative Position in Cluster x Persei, 376 Ramsay (Prof.), Mr. Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of Mole- Ramsay (W.), Atomic Weight of Boron, 165 Rance (Chas. E. De), Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate, 294, Rankin's (Mr. D. J.) Zambesi Journey, 64 Ranvier (M. L.), Microscopic Researches on the Contractility of the Blood Vessels, 312; the Clasmatocytes, the Fixed Cellules of the Connective Tissue, and the Pus Globules, 408 Raps (Dr. August), Automatic Mercurial Air-Pumps, 369; Photographic Registration Apparatus, 503 Rayleigh (Lord, F.R.S.), the Densities of the Principal Gases, Reade (T. Mellard), Ancient Ice Ages, 174 Reflection, the Photography of an Image by, Frederick J. Reflector, the, with the Projection Microscope, G. B. Buckton, Registering Instruments or Indicators, General Conditions to be Reid (Clement), a Fossiliferous Pleistocene Deposit at Stone on Reliquary, the Quarterly Archæological Journal and Review, 7 Research, Universities and, Prof. George Francis Fitz- Rive (M. de la), Improvement on the Herz Oscillator, 184 The Study of Animal Life, J. Arthur Thompson, 2 Principles of the Algebra of Vectors, A. Macfarlane, 3 Le Léman. Monographie Limnologique, F. A. Forel, Prof. Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game of the World, being a Record for the Use of Sportsmen and Der Peloponnes. Versuch einer Landeskunde auf Geologischer Grundlage, Dr. Alfred Philippson, 6 Traité Encyclopédique de Photographie, Charles Fabre, 6 The Reliquary: Quarterly Archæological Journal and Experimental Evolution, Henry de Varigny, 25 British Fungus Flora, a Classified Text-book of Mycology, Marine Shells of South Africa, G. B. Sowerby, 27 The Framework of Chemistry, W. M. Williams, 28 The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live in, Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart, F. R. S., 28 Algebra for Beginners, by H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight, 25 Introduction to Physiological Psychology, Dr. Theodor Geological Map of Scotland, Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S.. Prof. A. H. Green, F. R.S., 49 Medical Microscopy, F. J. Wethered, Dr. A. H. Tubby, 51 Odorographia; a Natural History of Raw Materials and Drugs used in the Perfume Trade, J. C. Sawer, 52 Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the Oxford University Museum, Col Strange Survivals: Some Chapters in the History of Man, Animals' Rights, H. S. Salt, 73 A Description of the Laws and Wonders of Nature, Richard A Handybook for Brewers, H. E. Wright, 75 A Manual for Veterinary Physiology, Vet. -Captain F. Smith, The Principal Starches Used as Food, Wm. Griffiths, 76 Les Alps Françaises, Albert Falsan, 76 Chemical Lecture Experiments, G. S. Newth, Sir H E A Manual of Photography, A. Brothers, 98 Matriculation Chemistry, Temple Orme, 99 Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms: a Popular History & Entomogenous Fungi, or Fungi Parasitic upon Insects In Savage Isles and Settled Lands, B. F. S. Baden-Powe Chapter on Some Australian Natural Orders, Arthur Dendy A German Science Reader, Francis Jones, 125 More About Wild Nature, Mrs. Brightwen, 125 Elements of Human Physiology, E. H. Starling, 146 Man and the Glacial Period, G. F. Wright, 148 Beetles, Butterflies, Moths, and other Insects, A. W. Kapple Ostwald's Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, Nos. 31-37, The Migration of Birds: an Attempt to Reduce Avian Season-Flight to Law, Charles Dixon, 169 Domestic Electric Lighting treated from the Consumer's Point of View, E. C. De Segundo, 172 Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including Alaska and the Adja- cent Islands, Dr. George Vasey, 173 Aids to Experimental Science, Andrew Gray, 173 Science in Arcady, Grant Allen, 173 The Visible Universe, J. Ellard Gore, A. Taylor, 193 On the American Iron Trade and its Progress during Sixteen Years, Sir Lowthian Bell, F. R.S., John Parry, 195 The Chemistry of Life and Health, C. W. Kimmins, 198 Naked-Eye Botany, with Illustrations and Floral Problems, The Great World's Farm: Some Account of Nature's Crops and How they are Grown, Selina Gaye, 198 Sound and Music, Rev. J. A. Zahn, 222 Atlas der Volkerkunde, Dr. George Gerland, Dr. Edward B. Castorologia, or The History and Traditions of the Canadian An Atlas of Astronomy, Sir R. S. Ball, F. R.S., 225 A Contribution to Our Knowledge of Seedlings, Rt. Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F. R. S., Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, Epidemic Influenza: A Study in Comparative Statistics, An Elementary Text-Book of Hygiene, H. Rowland Ostwald's Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, Nos. 38- Das Keimplasma. Eine Theorie der Vererbung, August The Algebra of Co-planar Vectors and Trigonometry, R. Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate, being the Sedgwick Prize Essay for the Year 1892, A. C. Seward, J. Starkie Gardner, 267 Pioneers of Science, Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., 268 Electric Lighting and Power Distribution, W. Perren The Naturalist on the River Amazons, Henry Walter Bates, Theory of Numbers, G. B. Mathews, 289 Darwin and after Darwin: an Examination of the Dar- winian Theory, and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions, George John Romanes, F. R.S., 290 The Ferns of South Africa, containing Descriptions and Figures of the Ferns and Fern-allies of South Africa, Thomas R. Sim, J. G. Baker, F. R.S., 291 Newcomb-Engelmann's Populäre Astronomie, Zweite ver- mehrte Auflage, Dr. H. C. Vogel, 291 The Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands, Edward Physical Education, Frederick Treves, 292 A Text-book of Tropical Agriculture, H. A. Alford Nicholls, Die Zelle und Die Gewebe, Grundzüge der allgemeinen Ana- tomie und Physiologie, Prof. Dr. Oscar Hertwig, 314 Elementary Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, A. L. Selby, 315 Magnetism and Electricity, R. W. Stewart, 315 clination, drawn at the Earl of Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle, Otto Boeddicker, 337 The Theory of Substitutions and its Applications to Algebra, Das Centralnervensystem von Protopterus annectens; eine The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body, A. Sheridan Lee, Chambers's Encyclopædia, vol. x., 340 Arthur Young's Tour in Ireland, 1776-79, 341 Qualitative Analysis Tables and the Reactions of certain Or- ganic Substances, E. A. Letts; Chapman Jones, 361 Gemeinverständliche Vorträge aus dem Gebeite der Physic, Prof. Dr. Leonhard Sohncke; Dr. James L. Howard, 362 A Catalogue of British Gasteropoda, W. H. Hudleston, F. R. S., and Edward Wilson, H. Woods, 363 The Year Book of the Imperial Institute of the United King- dom, the Colonies and India, 363 Beneath Helvellyn's Shade, Samuel Barber, 364 Evolution and Man's Place in Nature, Henry Calderwood, 385 Théorie Mathématique de la Lumière, H. Poincaré ; A. B. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, 387 The Year-book of Science (1892), 388 Treatise on Thermodynamics, Peter Alexander, 388 Medieval Lore: an Epitome of the Science, Geography, Animal and Plant Folklore and Myth of the Middle Ages, Astronomy for Every-day Readers, B. J. Hopkins, 389 The Microscope: its Construction and Management, Dr. The Earth's History: an Introduction to Modern Geology, The Health Officer's Pocket-book, E. F. Willoughby, 412 Engler's Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzen- geschichte und Pflanzengeographie, 413 Descriptive Geometry Models for the Use of Students in Schools and Colleges, I. Jones, 413 Théorie du Soleil, A. Brester, 433 A Course of Practical Elementary Biology, John Bidgood, Stéréochimie, J. H. van't Hoff, 436 Die Fossile Flora der Höttinger Breccie, R. Von Wettstein, Observational Astronomy, Arthur Mee, 437 Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners, S. L. Loney, 437 A Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland, including Cumberland and Westmorland, with Lancashire North of the Sands, Rev. Die Entwickelung der Doppelstern-Systeme, T. J. J. See, Prof. G. H. Darwin, F. R. S., 459 Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals, J. A. Ewing, Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zu Plön, Dr. The British Journal Photographic Almanac for 1893, J. Traill Studies in Corsica, John Warren Barry, 462 Coal Pits and Pitmen: a Short History of the Coal Trade and the Legislation affecting it, R. Nelson Boyd, 481 Idle Days in Patagonia, W. H. Hudson, Dr. Alfred Russel Ueber das Verhalten des Pollens und die Befruchtungsvor gänge bei den Gymnospermen, Eduard Strasburger, 484 Autres Mondes, Amédée Guillemin, 485 Some Lectures by the late Sir George E. Paget, K.C.B., Electrical Papers, Oliver Heaviside, 505 The Great Sea-Serpent, A. C. Oudemans, 506 A Treatise on Public Health and its Applications in Different The English Flower Garden, W. Robinson, 5c8 Logarithmic Tables, Prof. George Willlam Jones, 508 Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum, Text-book of Elementary Biology, H. J. Campbell, 530 Primer of Horticulture, J. Wright, 533 Ornithology in Relation to Agriculture and Horticulture. La Planète Mars et ses Conditions d'Habitabilité, Camille Report on Manuria! Trials, Dr. William Somerville, 556 Text-book of Comparative Geology, E. Kayser, 578 Laws and Properties of Matter, R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S., The Partition of Africa, J. Scott Keltie, 580 Forest Tithes and other Studies from Nature, by a Son of Waterdale Researches: Fresh Light on Dynamics, Water- Textbook of Biology, H. G. Wells, 605 Pflanzenleben, Anton Kerner von Marilaun, 605 The Evolution of Decorative Art, Henry Balfour, 606 Reyer (Prof. E.), Experiments on Folding and on the Genesis Reymond (Dr. R. du Bois), Sensation of Warmth on Immersing Rhodes (Cecil), Proposed Exploration of Africa by Telegraph, 210 Ricci (Admiral Marquis), Munificent Bequest for Founding Ricco (M.), Sun-spots and Magnetic Perturbations in 1892, Ridley (Sir M. W.), on Technical Education, 130 Rifles, the Making of, John Rigby, 163 Rights, Animals', H. S. Salt, 73; the Reviewer, 151 Rimington (J. W.), Experiments in Electric and Magnetic Fields, Constant and Varying, 165 Rising and Setting of Stars, the, 519 Roberts (R D), the Earth's History: an Introduction to Roberts (S., F.R S.), Certain General Limitations affecting Roberts (T.), Notes on the Geology of the District West of Robert--Austen (Prof. W. C., F.R.S.), the Alloys Research Robertson (Dr. W. G. Aitchison), on the Madder-staining of Robinson (W.), the English Flower Garden, 508 Roger (E.), the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, 71 Romanes (Dr. Geo. J., F.R.S), a Criticism on Darwin, 127 ; Rome, Solar Observations at, Prof. Tacchini, 304, 399, 565 Rorie (Dr. James), a Brilliant Meteor, 495 Roscoe (Sir Henry E., F. R.S.), Chemical Lecture Experiment, June 1. 1895 Roscoff Laboratory, on the Attempt at Oyster Culture in the, Rosenberg (Herr), Influence of Bodily Exertion on Digestive Rothamsted Agricultural Experiments, Proposed Commemora Rotch (A. L.), Meteorological Balloon Ascent at Berlin, October Routh (r. E. J., F. R.S.) Discovery of the Potential, 510 Royal College of Science, the Proposed New Buildings for the, Royal Dublin Society, 287, 431 Royal Geographical Society, 65, 89, 115, 209; Women not to Royal Society, 37, 94, 164, 182, 189, 237, 261, 310, 331, 358, Royal Society of New South Wales, 311, 335 Rücker (Prof.), Williams on the Relation of the Dimensions of Rule for Finding the Day of the Week Corresponding to any Russell (H. C., F. R.S.), Curious Drift of a Current Bottle, Russell (H. L.) on the Bacterial Investigation of the Sea and its Russell (Hon. R.), Dew and Frost, 210 Russia: Attempted Silk Production in South Russia, 184; the Ruthenium, M. Joly, 451 Rutherfurd Measures of Stars about B-Cygni, Prof. Harold Rudley (Frank) on the Dwindling and Disappearance of Lime- Sabatier (Paul) on Nitrogenised Copper, 600 Sacken (Baron C. R. Osten), Iridescent Colours, 102 Sailors, Defective Vision in, Association of Shipping Disasters Saint Martin (M. L. de) on the Mode of Elimination of Carbonic Salamande: from North America, a New Blind Cave, L. Salinity of Great Salt Lake, Utah, 302 Salis (M. de), the Regulation of Swiss Torrents, 377 Salter (J. W.), Polecat not Extinct in Cardiganshire, 450 Sanderson (Prof. Burdon), Electric Currents in Plants, 255 Sandgate, Landslip at, 449; Prof. J. F. Blake, 467; Rev. Dr. Sanitarian's Travels, a, Robert Boyle, 105 Sanitary Appliances, Hornsey Local Board Museum of, 587 June 1, 1893 Sanitation a Treatise on Public Health, Dr. Albert Palmberg, Sarasin (M.), Improvement on the Herz Oscillator, 184 Satellites, Jupiter's, the Sizes of, J. J. Landerer, 473 Saunders (Edward), the Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Savage Isles, and Settled Lands in Malaysia, Australasia, Sawer (J. Ch.), Odorographia: a Natural History of Raw Schaffhausen, Discovery of Prehistoric Drawings on Limestone Scheele (Carl Wilhelm), Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F. R.S., 152; Scheiner (Dr. J.), Astronomy of the Invisible, 88; the Large Schenck (Dr. H.), Climbing Plants, W. Botting Hemsley, Schiedt (Prof. R. C.), Observations on Oysters, 375 Schleswig-Holstein, Distribution of Population of, Dr. A. Gloy, 499 Schlick (E. Otto), an Apparatus for Measuring and Registering Schmidt (A.), Piperazine, 430 Schonheyder (Mr.), Experiments on the Value of the Steam School Gradation Committee, Formation of, 613 Schorr (Prof. R.), Comet Barnard (October 12), 18; Comet Schubert (Dr.), Recent Researches on the Influence of Forests, Schuck (A.), Magnetische Beobachtungen auf der Nordsee Schunck (Edward, F. R.S.), Notes on some Ancient Dyes, 22 Schwatka (Lieut. Frederick), Death of, 65; the Cause of Death Scotland: Geological Map of Scotland, Sir Archibald Geikie, Scott (Dr. D. H.), Teaching of Botany, 228 Screen, a Magnetic, Frederick J. Smith, 439 Searle (Arthur), Observations of Zodiacal Light, 473 Sedgwick Prize Essay for the Year 1892, Fossil Plants as Tests See (T. J. 1.), Die Entwickelung der Dopplestern-Systeme, Seedlings, a Contribution of Our Knowledge of, Sir John Segundo (E. C. De), Domestic Electric Lighting, Treated Sergent (C. S.), The Silva of North America, Prof. W. R. Servia, Earthquake in, 562 Service (Robert), the Colour-Variations of the Voles of Southern Seven Images of the Human Eye, M. Tcherning, 354 Seward (A. C.), Fossil Plants as Test of Climate, being the Sexual Differences of Colour in Eclectus, the Cause of the, Shaking the Foundations of Science, 220 Shamrock? What is the True, Nathaniel Colgan, R. L. Praeger, Sharp (Dr.), on Stridulating Ants, 501 Shaw-Lefevre (Mr.), the proposed New Buildings for the Royal Shea (D.), Refraction and Dispersion of Light in Metal Prisms, Shells, Marine, of South Africa, G. B. Sowerby, 27 Shepheard (W. F.), the Identity of Caffeine and Theine and Shuswaps of British Columbia, Superstitions of the, Col. C. Shield (Mr.), the Screw Propeller, 21 Shinn (Miss Milicent W.), the Lick Observatory, 209 Siberia, Further Researches in, M. Obrutcheff, 255 Siemens (A.), the Distribution of Power by Electricity from a Siemens (Dr. Werner), Death of, 129; Obituary Notice of, 153 Silva of North America, the, C. S. Sergent, Prof. W. R. Fisher, Sim (Thos. R.), the Ferns of South Africa, J. G. Baker, Sims (W. E.), Thionyl Bromide, 405 Skertchly (S. B J.), Remarkable Cold Wave over China, 516 Slöjd Association of Great Britain, 324 Sloths, on the Presence of a distinct Coracoidal Element in |