Smirnov (J.), Prehistoric Ethnography of Central and North- east Russia, 524
Smith (B. Woodd), Ice Crystals, 79 Smith (E. J.), Science Teaching, 359
Smith (Vety. Capt. F.), A Manual of Veterinary Physiology, 76
Smith (Frederick J.), the Photography of an Image by Reflec- tion, 10; a Magnetic Screen, 439
Smith (Dr. J. Lorrain), the Thyroid Gland (Experiments on Cats), 167
Smith (W. B.), Introductory Modern Geometry of Point, Ray, and Circle, 532
Smith (Wythe), Experiments in Electric and Magnetic Fields, Constant and Varying, 165
Smith (Xanthus), American Opinion of Photography in Eng- land, 86
Snake Laboratory, the proposed Calcutta, 253 Snakes in India, Mortality from, 157
Snakes in Thatch (Burmah), 113
Snow-Rollers, W. S. Ford, 422
Snow (B. W.), Infra-red Spectrum of Alkali Metals, 39
Soap Bubbles, Permanent, formed with a Resinous Soap, M. Izarn, 119
Society of Arts, Opening Meeting of, 63 Sohncke (Prof. Dr. Leonhard), Gemeinverständliche Vorträge aus dem Gebeite der Physic, Dr. James L. Howard, 361 Solid Body, Motion of a, in a Viscous Liquid, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 512
Solids and Fluids, Elementary Mechanics of, A. L. Selby, 315 Solar Corona, a New Method of Photographing the, M. H. Deslandres, 327
Solar Eclipse of April, 15-16, 1893, 304, 376, 584, 611; M. de la Baume Pluvinel, 304; A. Taylor, 317
Solar Observations at Rome, Prof. Tacchini, 304, 399, 565 Solar Photographs, Prof. Hale's, 498
Solar and Terrestrial Phenomena, Coincidence of, Prof. G. E. Hale, 425
Solar System, Motion of the, Prof. J. G. Porter, 41 Sollas (Prof., F.R.S.), Growth of Crystals, 213; on the Vario lite and associated Igneous Rocks of Roundwood, co. Wick- low, 287; Pitchstone and Andesite from Tertiary Dykes in Donegal, 287
Somerville (Lieut Boyle T.), on some Islands of the New He- brides, 455
Somerville (Dr. William), Report on Manurial Trials, 556 Soot-figures on Ceilings, E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., 608; Prof. Oliver Lodge, F. R.S., 608
Soudan and Sahara Journey, Completion of Capt. Monteil's, 89 Soudanese, Use of Chl. ride of Potassium instead of Salt by, M. Dybowski, 499
Sound and Music, Rev. J. A. Zahm, 222
South Kensington Laboratories and Railway, the, 494 Southwell (T.), Sowerby's Whale on the Norfolk Coast, 349 Sowerby (G. B.), Marine Shells of South Africa, 27 Spain, Practical Meteorology in, 543
Spain, Wild, Abel Chapman and Walter J. Buck, 583 Spectrum Analysis: Coloured Photographs of the Spectrum, G. Lippmann, 23; Spectroscopy, Infra Red Emission Spectrum of Alkali Metals, B. W. Snow, 39; Existence of Distinct Nervous Centres for Perception of Fundamental Colours of Spectrum, A. Chauveau, 143; the Height and Spectrum of Auroras, T. W. Backhouse, 151; Ultra-Violet Spectrum in Prominences, Prof. G. E. Hale, 186: Spectra of Various Orders of Colours in Newton's Scale, W. B. Croft, 190; Method of Observing and Separating Spectra of easily Volatile Metals and their Salts, W. N. Hartley, 239; Method of Producing Intense Monochromatic Light, Dr. Dubois, 255; on the Photographic Spectra of some of the Brighter Stars, J. Norman Lockyer, F. R.S., 261: Hydrogen Line H B in the Spectrum of Nova Auriga, Herr Victor Schumann, 425; Spectra of Planetary Nebula and Nova Auriga, M. Eugen Gothard, 352; Spectrum of B Lyrae, Prof. Keeler, 616
Spencer (Prof. W. Baldwin), on the Anatomy of Pentastomum teretiusculum 260
Spengler (Dr.), Reco:d of Medical Experience at Davos Platz, 517
Sphenophyllum, the Genus, Prof. William Crawford William-
Spider, Notes on a, H. H. J. Bell, 557
Spider, the Trap-door, D. Cleveland, 375
Spirit Spring Mound, the Great, Kansas, E. H. S. Bailey, 87 Sponge and Annelid, a Strange Commensalism, James Hornell, 78
Sponge? Foraminifer or, R. Hanitsch, 365, 439; F. G. Pearcey, 390
Sportsmen and Naturalists, Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game of the World, being a Record for the use of, Rowland Ward, 6
Sprague (T. B.), a New Algebra, 527
Spray Clouds, the Niagara, Charles A. Carus-Wilson, 414 Springer (Herr Julius), Astronomical Instruments up to Date,
Sprung (Prof.), Observations made at Potsdam Meteorological Institute on the Recent Coldest Day in January, 480 Squarey (E. P.), Yew Poisoning, 285
Stael (J. M.), Wood-ashes as a Medicine for Farm Animals,
Stainton (H. T.), Death of, 155
Standard Pound, the Imperial, Decrease in Weight of, 86 Standard Barometry, Dr. Frank Waldo, 511 Standards, Electrical, 128
Stanford's Map of County of London, 40
Stanley (W. F.), the Perception of Colour, 381 Starches used as Food, the Principal, W. Griffiths, 76 Starling (E. H.), Elements of Human Physiology, 146 Stars: Rutherfurd Measures of Stars about 8 Cygni, Prof. Harold Jacoby, 77; the Stars and the Nile, Captain H. G. Lyons, 101; the New Star in the Constellation of Auriga, W. J. Lockyer, 137; the Star of Bethlehem, J. H. Stockwell, 177; Measurement of Distances of Binary Stars, C. E. Stromeyer, 199; Prof. A. Rambaut, 226; on the Photo- graphic Spectra of some of the Brighter Stars, J. Norman Lo kyer, F. R. S., 261; Burnham's Double-Star Observations 281; the Milky Way, Dr. Otto Boeddicker, 337; Relative Position of Stars in Cluster x Persei, Sir Robert Ball and Arthur Rambaut, 376; the Star Catalogue of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, 399; Distribution of Stars in Space, Prof. J. C. Kapteyn, 432; Die Entwickelung der Doppelstern Systeme, T. J. J. See, Prof. G. H. Darwin, F.K.S., 459; the Rising and Setting of Stars, 519; Cata- logue of Southern Star Magnitudes, Edwin Sawyer, 589; Distance of the Stars by Doppler's Principle, G. W. Colles, jun., 596
Stas (Jean Servais), Proposed Memorial to, 182 Statements, Two, Right Hon. T. H. Huxley, F. R. S., 316 Statistics of Average Life in France, M. Turquan, 255
Statistics of Survivors of the Napoleonic Wars, M. Turquan, 233
Steam Jacket, Experiments on the value of the, J. G. Mair- Rumley, 19; Col. English, Prof. Unwin, Bryan Donkin, Bryan Donkin, jun., and Messrs. Day, Morrison, and Schonheyder, 20
Steamers, Ice-breaking, 350
Steel, the Use of Tungsten in Improving Hardness of, 351 Steel, the Value of Annealing, E. G. Carey, 397
Steel, Volumetric Method for Determining Amounts of Chro- mium in, G. Giorgis, 397
Steel (Thomas), Zoological Gardens in Great Britain and Australia, 496; Zoological Gardens in Europe and Australia, 587
Stejreger (L.), a New Blind Cave Salamander from North America, 62
Stellar Magnitudes in Relation to the Milky Way, Prof. Kapteyn, 64
Stereochemistry, J. H. Van't Hoff, 436; Prof. Percy F. Frankland, F. R. S., Prof. F. R. Japp, F. R.S., 510 Stevens (W. de C.), Comparison of Formulæ for Total Radia tion (of Heat), 188
Stewart (R. W.), Magnetism and Electricity, 315; the Abso lute Thermal Conductivities of Copper and Iron, 599 Stockwell (J. H.), the Star of Bethlehem, 177
Stokes (H N.), Isolation of Amidophosphoric Acid, 615, 616 Stone Implements in the District of Iaransk, P. Krotov, on Layers of, 524
Stoney (Dr.), Science Teaching, 359 Stonyhurst College Observatory, 450
Storms, Hail, H. C. Russell, F. R. S., 573
Stracey (Lieut. -General, F. R. S.), Harmonic Analysis of Hourly
Supplement to Nature, June 1, 1893
Observations of Air Temperature and Pressure at British Observatories, 621
Strange Survivals: Some Chapters in the History of Man, S. Baring-Gould, 53
Strasburger (Prof. Edward), Ueber das Verhalten des Pollens und die Befruchtungsvorgänge bei den Gymnospermen, 484 Strenitz (Herr), Power of Hydrogen-absorption of various Metals, 63
Stromboli, L. W. Fulcher, 89; A. Ricco and G. Mercalli, Dr. H. J. Johnston Lavis, 453
Stromeyer, (C. E.), Measurement of Distances of Binary Stars, 199
Strugnell (W. Bishop), the Fauna and Flora of Gloucester- shire, 197
Struthers (Dr. John), the Rudimentary Hind-limb of Great Fin-Whale, Humpback and Greenland Right-Whale com- pared, 588
Struve (Wilhelmus), Centenary of Birth of, 585
Studies in Corsica, John Warren Barry, 462 Study of Animal Life, the, J. Arthur Thomson, 2 Stuhlmann (Dr.), Two Akka Girls brought to Germany by, 470 Stur (Dr. D.), Death of, 206
Substitutions, the Theory of, and its Applications to Algebra, Dr. Eugen Netto, 338
Suchsland on the Micro-organisms of Tobacco Fermentation, 208 Sudborough (J. J.), the Action of Nitrosyl Chloride and of Nitric Peroxide on some Members of the Olefine Series, 430 Sulphuric Acid, the Amide and Imide of, Dr. Traube, A. E. Tutton, 566
Summer, the Weather of, 245, 270
Sumpner (Dr.), Williams on the Relation of the Dimensions of Physical Quantities to Directions in Space, 69; Diffusion of Light, 190; on the Differential Equation of Electric Flow, 574
Sun, Theory of the, Dr. A. Brester, 433
Sunshine, Amy Johnson, 9
Sunshine, Comparative, Bishop Reginald Courtenay, 150 Sunspots, H. Faye, 167
Sunspots and Magnetic Perturbations in 1892, M. Ricco, 352 Sunspots: La Grandissima Macchia Solare del Febbrajo, 1892, A. Ricco, 429
Superabundant Rain, Sir H. Collett, 247
Superstitions of the Shuswaps of British Columbia, Colonel C. Bushe, 199
Surgery, John Hunter (the Hunterian Lecture), Thomas Bryant, 372
Survivals, Strange, some Chapters in the History of Man, S. Baring-Gould, 53
Suter (H.), Catalogue of the New Zealand Mollusca, 397 Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of Molecular Force, Dr. Young, 70; Prof. Fitzgerald, Dr. Gladstone, S. H. Burbury, Prof. Ramsay, Macfarlane Gray, Prof. Herschel, 117
Swarts (Frédéric), on a New Fluorine-derivative of Carbon, 309
Swinburne (Mr.), Williams on the Dimensions of Physical Quantities, 116; on Messrs. Rimington and Smith's Experi- ments in Electric and Magnetic Fields, Constant and Varying, 166; on the Differential Equation of Electric Flow, 574 Swinhoe (Col. C.), Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepi- doptera Heterocera in the Collection of the Oxford University Museum, 53; on the Mimetic Forms of Certain Butterflies of the genus Hypolimnas, 429
Swift's Comet, Prof. Barnard, 186
Swift, Comet (A. 1892), A. E. Douglas, 546
Swift's (Messrs.), Aluminium Microscope, G. C. Karop, 47 Swiss Torrents, the Regulation of, M. de Salis, 377 Sydney, Australian Museum, Edgar B. Waite appointed As- sistant Curator in, III
Sydney, Royal Society of New South Wales, 311, 335 Symbolism in Burmah, Developments in Buddhist Architecture and, Major Temple, 46
Symons (C. J., F.R.S.), Colonial Meteorology, 390; Arbores- cent Frost Patterns, 162
Synchronisation, Problem of Integral, M. A. Blondel, 599
Tabular History of Astronomy to the Year 1500 A.D., Dr. Felix Müller, 18
Tacchini (Prof.), Solar Observations at Rome, 304, 399, 565
Tahiti, a New Luminous Fungus, 157
Tait (Prof. P. G.), Vector Analysis, 225
Tanganyika (Lake), a New Medusa from, R. T. Günther, 563 Tanner (Prof. Lloyd), on Complex Primes formed with the Fifth Roots of Unity, 526
Tarantula, the Bite of the, C. W. Meaden, 184 Tashkend, Tobacco Cultivation at, 86
Tasmania the Paradise of Horticulturists, Sir Edward Braddon, 587 Tasmanians, on the Rude Stone Implements of the, showing them to belong to the Paleolithic or Unground Stage of the Implement-makers' Art, Dr. Tylor, 527
Taylor (A.), the Visible Universe, J. Ellard Gore, 193; the Approaching Total Solar Eclipse, April 15-16, 1893, 317 Tcherning (M.), Seven Images of the Human Eye, 354 Tea Industry, the Development of the Ceylon, D. Trimen, 317 Teaching of Botany, 151; Dr. D. H. Scott, 228
Teall (J. J. H., F.R.S.), Notes on some Coast-sections at the Lizard, 407; on a Radiolarian Chert from Mullion Island, 407 Technical Education, Dr. W. Anderson on, 155; Sir M. W. Ridley on, 130; Industrial School opened at Lucknow, III Report of the Scottish Technical Education Committee, 543; the Universities and the County Council, 586; the Cam- bridge University Extension Movement, 586; Improvements in City and Guild of London Institute Technological Exami- nations, 612
Technical School, the Manchester Municipal, Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., 201
Technological Examinations, 35
Telephone, Demonstration of Existence of interference of Electric Waves in Closed Circuit by means of, R. Colson, 96
Telephones in Warfare, Use of, 182
Telephotographic Lens, the New, T. R. Dallmeyer, 161 Telescope, a Large, 18
Temple (Major), Developments in Buddhist Architecture and Symbolism in Burma, 46
Ten Kate (Dr.), on the Type-characteristics of the North American Indians, 374
Tennant (the late Prof.) on Magic Mirrors, Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, F. R.S., 79
Teredo and Electric Cables, the, Sir Henry Mance, 450
Terra, Quæstio de Aqua et, Edmund G. Gardner, 295 Terrestrial Phenomena, Coincidence of Solar and, Prof. G. E. Hale, 425
Tests of Climate, Fossil Plants as, Charles E. De Rance, 294, 342; J. Starkie Gardner, 364
Tetanus, the Bacteriology of, Kitasato, 158 Texas, Remarkable Meteor in, C. F. Maxwell, 279 Texas, Hot Winds in, May 29 and 30, 1892, I. Cline, 454 Thatch in Burmah, Snakes in, 113
Thaxter (R.) Proposed Establishment of New Order (Myxo- bacteriacea) of Schizomycetes, 373
Theory of Numbers, G. B. Mathews, 289 Therapeutics: a New Method of Treatment for Cholera, 83; Epidemic Influenza, F. A. Dixey, 244; the Blood-serum Therapeutists, Dr. Behring, 336; Record of Medical Expe- rience at Davos Platz, Dr. Spengler, 519
Thermal Conductivities of Copper and Iron, the Absolute, R. Wallace Stewart, 599
Thermal Conductivities of Liquids, the, R. Wachsmuth, 350 Thermodynamics: Determination of Low Temperatures of Platinum Thermometer, Griffiths and Clerk, 95; Carnot's Principle Applied to Animal and Vegetable Life, J. Parker, 95; Treatise on Thermodynamics, Peter Alexander, 388 Thermometer, the Centigrade, adopted by Prussian Govern ment, 60
Thermometer, Mercury, an Improved, Prof. L. Weber, 497 Thermometer, Platinum, Determination of Low Temperature by, Griffiths and Clerk, 95
Thermometer, Depression of Zero in Boiled, L. C. Baudin, 143 Thermometers, Dr. Joule's, Prof. Sydney Young, 316, 389 Thermometers, Dr. Joule's, Prof. Arthur Schuster, F.R.S., 364
Thessaly, the Plague of Field-Mice in, 396; J. E. Harting, 545 Thiselton-Dyer (W. T., F.R.S.), Dust Photographs, 341; Travelling of Roots, 414; Severe Frost at Hong Kong, 535
Thompson (Prof. D'Arcy W.), a Proposed Handbook of the British Marine Fauna, 269
Thompson (Prof. Silvanus P., F. R.S.), the late Prof. Tennant on Magic Mirrors, 79; Japanese Magic Mirrors, 381; on Messrs. Rimington and Smith's Experiments in Electric and Magnetic Fields, Constant and Varying, 166
Thomson (Prof. Elihu), Apparent Attraction of Closed Circuits by Alternating Magnetic Poles, 517
Thomson (Joseph), Journey to Lake Bangweolo, 115 Thomson (J. Arthur), the Study of Animal Life, 2 Thomson (J. P.), British New Guinea, 345
Thörner (M.), Methods of Examining Milk for Tubercle Bacil- lus, 254
Thorp (Walter), Primer of Horticulture, J. Wright, 533; Ornithology in Relation to Agriculture and Horticulture, J. Watson, 533; Manual of Dairy Work, Prof. James Muir, 555 Thorpe (Prof. T. E., F.R.S.), Isolation of Fluorsulphonic Acid,
87; Carl Wilhelm Scheele, 152; Interaction of Iodine and Potassium Chlorate, 165; Experiment on Triethylamine Hydrate, 165; the Determination of the Thermal Expansion of Liquids, 405; the Determination of the Thermal Expan- sion and Specific Volume of Certain Paraffins and Paraffin Derivatives, 405
Thoulet (J.), on a Modification to be Applied to the Construc- tion of Bottles Designed to Collect Specimens of Deep Waters, 408
Thümen (Dr. F. von), Death of, 130
Thunderstorms and Auroral Phenomena, J. Ewen Davidson, 582
Thurn (E. F. im), Anthropological Uses of the Camera, 548 Thys (Major), Progress of the Congo Railway, 159 Tibet, Captain Bower's Journey in, 400
Tibet, Central, Mongolia and C. Woodville Rockhill, 426 Tidal Observations, Reduction of, Prof. G. H. Darwin, F.R. S., 402
Tiger-Lion Hybrids, Lion-Tiger and, Dr. V. Ball, F.R.S., 390, 607
Tiger, Lion-, Hybrids, S. F. Harmer, 413
Tilden (Prof.), Abuse of Scientific Titles (Letters Indicating Membership of Societies), 15
Tilden (W. A.), Formation and Nitration of Phenyldiazoimide, 311; the Hydrocarbons Derived from Dipenten edihydro- chloride, 405; the Action of Nitrosyl Chloride and of Nitric Peroxide on some Members of the Olefine Series, 430
Tillo (Alexis de), High Atmospheric Pressures observed at Irkutsk from January 12 to 16, 1893, 432
Travers (M. W.), a Method for the Preparation of Acetylene 406
Trechmann (Dr.), Establishment of the Hemisymmetry of Binnite, 70
Tremayne (L. J.), Vanessa Polychloros in London, 563 Treves (Frederick), Physical Education, 292 Trieste, the Marine Zoological Station at, 450
Trigonometry, the Algebra of Co-planar Vectors and, R. Baldwin Hayward, F.R.S., 266
Trimen (Dr.), the Development of the Ceylon Tea Industry, 613
Trinidad Field Naturalist's Club, 131
Troll's (Dr. J.), Journey through Central Asia, 160
Tropical Agriculture, a Text book of, H. A. Alford Nicholls, 313
Trotter (A. P.), Diffusion of Light, 191
True (F. W.), Dr. W. L. Abbott's Collection of African Mammals, 39
Tubby (Dr. A. H.), Medical Microscopy, Frank J. Wethered, 51
Tubercle Bacillus, Methods of Examining Milk for, Ilkewitsch and Thorner, 254
Turin Royal Academy of Sciences, the Bressa Prize, 233; the Ninth Bressa Prize, 543
Turquan (M.), Statistics of Survivors of the Napoleonic War, 233; Statistics of Average Life in France, 255
Tutton (A. E.), a Remarkable Case of Geometrical Isomerism, 65; Chemistry of Osmium, 400; the Connection between the Atomic Weight of the Contained Metals and the Magnitude of the Angles of Crystals of Isomorphous Series, 430; Further Studies on Hydrazine, 522; the Amide and Imide of Sul- phuric Acid, Dr. Traube, 566
Tylor (Dr.), on the Rude Stone Implements of the Tas- manians, showing them to belong to the Palæolithic or Un- ground Stage of the Implement-Maker's Art, 527
Tylor (Dr. Edward B., F.R.S.), Atlas der Volkerkunde, Dr. Georg Gerland, 223
Typhoid Fever attributed to Bathing in Polluted Water, Herr Jaeger, 398
Typhoid and Coli Communis Bacilli, Dunbar on the Questions of the Separate Identification of the, 472
Uganda, Captain F. D. Lugard, 45 Uganda Commission, the, 210
Ulrich (G. H. F.), on a Meteoric Stone found at Makariwa, near Invercargill, New Zealand, 381
Ultra-Violet Spectrum in Prominences, Prof. G. E. Hale, 186 United States: Marine Laboratories in the, Prof. J. P. Camp- bell, 66; the Copper Resources of the, James Douglas, 132; Agriculture in the United States, Experiment Stations, R. Warrington, F.R.S., 157; Investigations on Soils, 157; Higher Education in the United States, Dr. Low, 325: Government Botanical Stations in the United States, 450; United States Naval Observatory, 452
Universe, the Visible, J. Ellard Gore, A. Taylor, 193 Universities University Commission, I; University Intelli- gence, 68, 94, 116, 143, 163, 285, 331, 357, 380, 404, 428, 454, 476; Universities and Research, Prof. George Francis Fitzgerald, F.R.S., 100; Appointment of W. Flinders Petrie to Chair of Egyptology at University College, London, III; Prof. Flinders Petrie's First Lecture on Egyptology, 278; the New University Question, 121; Opening of New Victoria Buildings, University College, Liverpool, 155; University Extension, the Cambridge Summer Meeting Programme. 183; University Extension Movement, the, Summer Meeting Programme, 586; the Proposed University for London, 200, 577; the University of Chicago, 278; a University Exten- sion Manual, R. D. Roberts, 412
Unwin (Prof.), Experiments on the Value of the Steam-jacket,
Vanlair (M. C.), Survival after the Successive Section of both the Branches of the Vagi, 621
Variation, the Volucelle as Alleged Examples of, Almost Unique Among Animals, Edward B. Poulton, F. R.S., 126 Varigny (Henry de), Experimental Evolution, 25
Variolite of the Lleyn and Associated Volcanic Rocks, Catherine A. Raisin, 334
Vasey (Dr. Geo.), Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including Alaska and the Adjacent Islands, 173
Vasey (Dr. G.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 495 Vector Analysis, Prof. P. G. Tait, 225
Vector Theory, on Recent Innovations in, Prof. C. G. Knott, 287, 590
Vectors, Principles of the Algebra of, A. Macfarlane, 3
Vectors, Co-planar, the Algebra of, and Trigonometry, R. Baldwin Hayward, F. R. S., 266
Vectors, Quaternions and the Algebra of, Prof. J. Willard Gibbs, 463
Vectors versus Quaternions, Oliver Heaviside, F.R.S., 533 Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms, M. C. Cooke, 99 Vegetation, Influence of Moisture on, E. Gain, 119
Veins of the Rabbit, on an Abnormality in the, Prof. W. M. Parker, 270
Veitch (H. G.), Coniferæ of Japan, 619
Veley (V. H.), Necessity of Water in Chemical Reactions, 167 Venukoff (M.), the Pinsk Marshes and non-Russian Atlases,
282; the Form of the Geoid, 566; Measurement of the Parallel of 47° 30' in Russia, 576
Verschaffelt (J.), Two Experimental Verifications Relative to Refraction in Crystals, 428
Vertebrate Biology, H. G. Wells, 605
Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland, a, Rev. A. Macpherson, 457 Verworn (Herr), the Rising and Sinking Process in the Radi- olaria, 397
Veterinary Physiology, a Manual of, Vety. Capt. F. Smith, 76 Vezes (M.), Metallic Osmium, 497 Victoria Field Naturalists' Club, 62
Vine-disease, American, Appearance of the Black-rot in Europe, 16
Vine-disease, the Mal Nero, Dr. B. Pasquale, 130 Vineyards of Cyprus, the, M. Mouillefort, 517
Violle (J.), the Temperature of the Electric Arc, 240; the use of the Electric Current in Producing High Temperatures,
Virchow (Prof.), on the Immediate Task for Anthropologists, 38; Lord Kelvin, 110; the Croonian Lecture, 487 Viré (Armand), Neolithic Village of the Roche-au-Diable, near Tesnières, canton of Lorez-le-Bocage (Seine-et-Marne), 576 Viscous Liquid, Motion of a Solid Body in a, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 512
Visible Universe, the, J. Ellard Gore, A. Taylor, 193 Vision, Defective, in Sailors, Association of Shipping Disasters with, Dr. T. H. Bickerton, 16
Vision, Energy and, Prof. S. P. Langley, 252
Vision, a New Hypothesis concerning, John Berry Haycraft, 478 Viticulture; the Mal Nero Vine Disease, Dr. B. Pasquale, 130 Vladimiroff (M.), Rule for Estimating Quality of Vulcanised Caoutchouc, 563
Vochting (Dr. Hermann), Ueber Transplantation am Pflanzen- körper, 128
Vogelius (Dr.), the Construction of Carbohydrates in the Fasting Body, 552
Volcanoes: Formation of Lunar, J. B. Hannay, 7; Stromboli in 1891, L. W. Fulcher, 89; A. Ricco and G. Mercalli, Dr. H. J. Johnstone Lavis, 453; Volcanoes of Japan, John Milne, F.R.S., 178; on the Age of the most Ancient Eruptions of Etna, M. Wallerant, 264; Fumo di Vulcano Veduto dall'Os- servatorio di Palmero durante l'éruzione del 1889, A. Ricco, 428: Kilauea in August 1892, Frank S. Dodge, 499 Vole Plague in Thessaly, the Field, J. E. Harting, 545 Voles in Scotland, the Plague of Field, 155
Voles in Southern Scotland, the Colour Variations of the, Robert Service, 587
Volucella, Parasitism of, W. E. Hart, 78
Volucellæ as Examples of Aggressive Mimicry, Edward B. Poulton, F. R.S., 28
Volucelle, the alleged Aggressive Mimicry of, William Bate-
Volucelle as Alleged Examples of Variation, almost Unique among Animals, Edward B. Poulton, F.R.S., 126
Wachsmuth (R.), the Thermal Conductivities of Liquids, 350 Wadsworth (Prof. M. E.), Geology of the Iron, Gold, and Copper Districts of Michigan, Sir Archibald Geikie, Dr. Hicks, H. Bauerman, 117
Waite (Edgar B.), appointed Assistant Curator in Australian Museum, Sydney, III
Wakefield (H. Rowland), an Elementary Text-book of Hygiene, 245
Waldo (Dr. Frank), Standard Barometry, 511
Wales, December 8, 1892, Corncrake caught in, 157
Wales, the Origin and Progress of the Educational Movement in, O. M. Edwards, 421
Walker (Mr.), the Screw Propeller, 21
Walker (Alfred O.), a Remarkable Rainfall, 31
Walker (Sir Andrew Barclay), Death of, 421
Walker (J.), Electrolysis of Sodic Ethylic Camphorate, 479 Walker (J. W.), Optically Active Ethoxysuccinic Acid, 311 Walking of Arthropoda, on the, Henry II. Dixon, 56
Wallace (Dr. Alfred R): an Ancient Glacial Epoch in Australia, 55; the Earth's Age, 175, 226; the Glacier Theory of Alpine Lakes, 437; Idle Days in Patagonia, W. H. Hudson, 483
Wallerant (M.), on the Age of the most Ancient Eruptions of Etna, 264
Ward (Prof. Marshall): Experiments on the Action of Light on Bacillus anthracis, 331; Further Experiments on the action of Light on Bacillus anthracis, 597
Ward (Rowland), Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game of the World, being a Record for the use of Sportsmen and Naturalists, 6
Ward (R. de C.), the First Aerial Voyage across English Channel, 143
Warrington (R., F.R.S.), Experiment Stations in United States, 157
Washington, Geological Society of, Founded, 613 Washington Magnetic Observation, 209
Wasps, Vegetable, and Plant Worms, M. C. Cooke, 99 Watch Factory, the Prescot, Address by Lord Kelvin, 279 Water and Water Supply, Major L. Flower, 183
Water, Dilatation and Compressibility of, E. H. Amagat, 288 Water, Expansion of, at Constant Pressure and at Constant Volume, E. H. Amagat, 623
Water-boring in Cape Colony, 349
Water-Gas, Experiments to determine Temperatures of Flame of, E. Blass, 113
Water-Pollution, Improved Ball Hydrant for Preventing, J. R. Wigham, 167
Water-Purification by Bacteriological Methods, Messrs. V. and A. Babes and Percy Frankland, 588
Waterdale Researches: Fresh Light on Dynamics, 601
Watson (John), Ornithology in Relation to Agriculture and Horticulture, 533
Watson (Sereno), Botanical Nomenclature, 53
Wave-Lengths, a New Table of Standard, Prof. H. A. Row- land, 590
Waves as a Motive Power, H. Linden, 438
Waves, Electromagnetic, Oliver Heaviside, 505
Weapons of Defence, Remarkable, G. F. Hampson, E. Ernest Green, 199
Weather of Summer, the, 245, 270
Weber (Mr.) on the Origin of the Mammalian Hair, 504 Weber (Prof. L.), an Improved Mercury Thermometer, 497 Weber (William), Proposed Monument to, 106 Webster (A. D.), Conifers for Economic Planting, 619 Weights and Measures, Changes in the Imperial Standard, 86 Weights and Measures, International Committee of, 21 Weinek's Lunar Enlargements, 473
Weismann (Prof. August), Das Keimplasma, 265
Wells and Wheeler, Isolation of Penta- Iodide and Bromide of Casium, 113; Preparation of Chloraurates and Bromaurates of Cæsium and Rubidium, 158
Wells (H. G.), Text-book of Biology, 605
Wenlock (Lord), Remarkable Hornet's Nest presented to Madras Museum by, 16
Were-Wolf in Latin Literature, the, Kirby W. Smith, 423 Wesendonck (Mr.). Pure Gases incapable of producing Electri- fication by Friction, 280
West Indies, Observations in the, Prof. A. Agassiz, 608 Westwood (Prof.), Death of, 232
Wethered (Frank J.), Medical Microscopy, Dr. A. II. Tubby, 51
Wetterhan (Dr.), Arborescent Frost Patterns, 162
Wettstein (R. von), Die Fossile Flora der Höttinger Breccie, 436
Whale, Sowerby's, on the Norfolk Coast, T. Southwell, 349 Whale, Comparison of Rudimentary Hind-limb of Great Fin- whale Hump-back, and Greenland Right-, Dr. John Struthers, 588
Whaling Fleet, Return of the Dundee, 473
Wheat Conference, the South Australian Rust in, 86 Wheeler and Wells, Isolation of Penta- Iodide and -Bromide of Casium, 113; Preparation of Chloraurates and Bromaurates of Cæsium and Rubidium, 158
Whetham (W. C. D.), Ionic Velocities, 164
Whipple (George Mathews), Death and Obituary Notice of, 372
White (Dr. F. B.), Collection of Lepidoptera presented to Museum of Perthshire Society of Natural Science, 206
White (Philip J.), Unusual Origin of Arteries in the Rabbit, 365
Whitehead (Charles), Yew Poisoning, 285
Wiedemann's Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 68, 189, 286, 357, 455, 525
Wiener (Christian), Diffusion of Light by Rough Surfaces, 286
Wigham (J. R.), Improved Ball Hydrant for Preventing Water-Pollution, 167
Wild Nature, More about, Mrs. Brightwen, 125 Wilkinson's (E.) Journey in the Kalabari Desert, 134 Williams on the Relation of the Dimensions of Physical Quantities to Directions in Space, Prof. Fitzgerald, Prof. Reicker, Prof. Henrici, and Dr. Sumpner, 69 Williams on the Dimensions of Physical Quantities, Dr. Burton, Prof. A. Lodge, Mr. Boys, W. Baily, Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Williams, 116
Williams (Dr. C. T.), on the High Altitudes of Colorado and their Climates, 333; Longevity of the Perigal Family, 585 Williams (W. M.), the Framework of Chemistry, 28 Williams (W. Matthieu), Death of, 130
Williamson (S.), the Hydrocarbons derived from Dipentene Dihydrochloride, 405
Williamson (Prof. Wm. Crawford), the Genus Sphenophyl- lum, II
Willis (J. C.), Gynodiccism in the Labiata, II., Observations on Origanum (continued), 119
Willoughby (Dr. E. F.), the Health Officer's Pocket-book,
Wilson (Edward), a Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda, H. Woods, 363
Wilson (E.), Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals, J. A. Ewing, F.R.S., 460
Wine-growing in Alsace-Lorraine, Statistics of, 614
Wine-Yeast, the Improvement of Cider by, Nathan ; Investi- gations on, Kosutany, 208
Winnebago County Meteorites, Lines of Structure in the, and in other Meteorites, Prof. H. A. Newton, 370 Wislicenus (Dr. Wilhelm), New Mode of Preparing Hyponi- trous Acid, 588
Witchell (Charles A.), the Fauna and Flora of Gloucester- shire, 197
Withington (Herbert), the Flight of Birds, 414
Witkowski (Herr), Use of Total Reflection to determine Light- Refraction of Liquid Oxygen, 614
Wolle (Rev. T.), Death of, 561 Wollheim (Hugo), Aminol, 246 Wollny (Herr), Dew, 398
Wolsingham Observatory, 518; J. E. Espin, 452 ; Circular No. 35, 590; No. 34, 616
Women and Musical Instruments, Henry Balfour, 55
Wood Ashes as a Medicine for Farm Animals, J. M. Stahl, 397
Woods (H.), a Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda, W. H. Hudleston, F. R.S., and Edward Wilson, 363 Woodward (H. B.), Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, Annual Address by, 562
Woolls (Rev. W.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 495 Worthington (Prof. A. M.). on the Need of a New Geometrical Term-"Conjugate Angles," 8; Science Teaching, 359 Wright (Dr. G. Frederick), Man and the Glacial Period, 148 Wright (Herbert Edwards), a Handy Book for Brewers, 75 Wright (J.), Primer of Horticulture, Walter Thorp, 533
Wurtz (Dr. R.), Technique Bactériologique, 446 Wynne (W. P.), Griess, Sandmeyer Interactions-and Gatter- mann's Modification thereof, 239
Yale Astronomical Observatory, 452
Yale College, Establishment of Psychological Laboratory at, 253
Year, the Origin of the, J. Norman Lockyer, F. R.S., 32, 228 Year Book of the Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India, the, 363
Year-Book of Science (for 1892), the, 388
Yew Poisoning, E. P. Squarey, Charles Whitehead, W. Car- ruthers, F.R.S., and Dr. Munro, 285
Yezo and the Ainu, Prof. J. Milne, F.R. S., 330; A. H. Savage Landor, 330
Yorkshire Caves, Relics found in, Rev. Edward Jones, 112 Young's (Arthur) Tour in Ireland, 341
Young (Prof. C. A.), Meteors, 150; Comet Holmes (1892, III.) 518
Young (Dr.), the Determination of the Critical Volume, 70: on Sutherland's On the Laws of Molecular Force, 70 Young (Prof. Sydney), Dr. Joule's Thermometers, 389; the Zero Point of Dr. Joule's Thermometer, 316 Yoxall (J. H.), the Decimal System, 323
Zacharias (Dr. Otto), Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zu Plön, 461
Zahm (Rev. J. A.), Sound and Music, 222 Zambesia Journey, Mr. D. G. Rankin's, 64 Zambesia, Twenty Years in, F. C. Selons, 377 Zante, Earthquake at, 378, 394, 585, 620
Zermatt, Remarkable Optical Phenomenon near, F. Folie, 303 Zero Point of Dr. Joule's Thermometer, the, Prof. Sydney Young, 316
Zichen (Dr. Theodor), Introduction to Physiological Psychology, 28 Zirconia, Native, the Occurrence of (Baddeleyite), L. Fletcher, 282
Zodiacal Light, Observations of the, Arthur Searle and Prof. Bailey, 473
Zoology: Zoological Gardens, Additions to, 17, 40, 63, 87, 113, 133, 158, 186, 208, 235, 256, 281, 303, 325, 351, 375, 399, 425, 451, 472, 497, 518, 546, 565, 589, 616; Zoological Gardens in Great Britain and Australia, Thomas Steele, 496; Zoological Gardens in Europe and Australia, Thomas Steele, 587; Zoological Society, 70, 118, 215, 335, 431, 455, 502, 575; Dr. W. L. Abbott's Collection of African Mammals, F. W. True, 39; the Mantle-Cells of Ascidians, Kowaleosky, 62; a New Genus and Species of Blind Cave Salamander from North America, L. Stejneger, 62; Large Male Gorilla Acquired by Berlin Aquarium, 86; International Zoological Congress at Moscow, 236; the Proposed Snake Laboratory at Calcutta, 253; a Proposed Handbook of the British Marine Fauna, Prof. d'Arcy W. Thompson, 269; Prof. W. A. Herd- man, F.R.S., 293; W. Garstang, 293; the Brain in Mud- fishes, Dr. Rudolf Burckhardt, 339; Suggested Introduction of the Musk-ox into Scotland, Col. H. W. Fielden, 349; Lion-Tiger and Tiger-Lion Hybrids, Dr. V. Ball, F.R. S., 390, 607; Lion-Tiger Hybrids, S. F. Harmer, 413; Remark- able Specimen of Orang-utan, 423; on the Cranial Osteology, Classification, and Phylogeny of the Dinornithidæ, Prof. T. Jeffrey Parker, F.R.S., 431; on the Presence of a Distinct Coracoidal Element in Adult Sloths, R. Lydekker, 431 ; Observations on the Development of the Rostrum in the Cetacean Genus Mesoplodon, Henry O. Forbes, 455; the Marine Zoological Station at Trieste, 450; Polecat not Extinct in Cardiganshire, J. W. Salter, 450; a Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland, Rev. A. Macpherson, 457; Blind Animals in Caves, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.R S., 486; J. T. Cunningham, 537; G. A. Boulenger, 608; Some Abnormal Vertebræ of Certain Ranidæ (Rana Catesbiana, R. esculenta and R. macrodon), Prof. Howes, 502; the Musk-ox, 559; a New Medusa from Lake Tanganyika, R. T. Günther, 563; the Colour Variations of the Voles of Southern Scotland, Robert Service, 587; the Alligator's Nest, S. Devenish, 587; an International Zoological Record, Dr. Herbert II. Field, 606
Zuntz (Prof.), Respiratory Interchange in the Fasting Body, 552
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