Slike strani

the form of Isothermals of Liquids and Gases, 143; Dilatation and Compressibility of Water, 288; Expansion of Water at Constant Pressure and at Constant Volume, 623 Amazons, River, the Naturalist on the, Henry Walter Bates, F.R.S., 269

Ambronn (Dr. L.), Astronomical Instruments up to Date, 114 America: American Microscopical Society-Prizes offered for Encouragement of Research, 15; American Vine-disease; appearance of the Black Rot in Europe, 16; American Meteorological Journal, 46, 143, 261, 454, 574; a New Blind Cave Salamander from North America, L. Stejneger, 62; American Opinion of Photography in England, Xanthus Smith, 86; American Journal of Science, 188, 285, 380, 499, 596; On the American Iron Trade and its Progress during Sixteen Years, Sir Lowthian Bell, F.R.S.; John Parry, 195; American Society of Naturalists, 205; American Forestry, C. S. Sergent, Prof. W. R. Fisher, 275; American Mechanism, 241; a Correction, 281; the Destruction of Ancient Monuments in Central America, M. H. Saville, 302; American Psychological Association, 348; the U.S. Geological Survey and American Mining Industries, 350; American Journal of Mathematics, 380, 620; Observations of Atmospheric Electricity in America, J. C. Mendenhall, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, F.R.S., 392; Archæological Work in America, Prof. Putnam, 474; the Destruction of Trees in America, Dr. W. J. Beal, 563

Amide and Imide of Sulphuric Acid, the, Dr. Traube, A. E. Tutton, 566

Aminol, a True Disinfectant, Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S., 149, 247; Hugo Wollheim, 246

Amsterdam Royal Academy of Sciences, 216, 288, 432, 504, 624

Amu-Daria, Discovery of Subterranean Town on the, 64
Analysis, Modern Advanced, G. B. Mathews, 289
Anatomy; Bell's Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain, Jas. B.
Bailey, II; the Brain in Mudfishes, Dr. Rudolf Burckhardt,
339: the Relation of Anatomy to Art, Paul Richer, 470;
Die Epiglottis, Carl Gegenbaur, 542; the Rudimentary Hind
Limbs of Great Fin-whale, Humpback, and Greenland Right-
whale compared, Dr. John Struthers, 588

Ancient Ice Ages, T. Mellard Reade, 174

Anchisaurus colurus, Restoration of, Prof. O. C. Marsh, 349 Ancient Dyes, Notes on some, Edward Schunck, F. R. S., 22 Ancient Ice Ages, J. Lomas, 227

Anderson (A.), Blind Animals in Caves, 439

Anderson (Dr. W.), Technical Education, 155

André (M.), on the Organic Substances constituting Vegetable Soil, 551

Andromeda, Comet in, 40

Andromedes, the, Maclair Boraston, 326

Anemometer, New Maximum, W. H. Dines, 118
Anemometry, H. W. Dines, 143

Angot (Alfred), Eiffel Tower, Experiments on Decrease of Air-
Temperature with Elevation, 240

Animal Body, the Chemical Basis of the, A. Sheridan Lea, F.R.S., 340

Animal Life, the Study of, J. Arthur Thomson, 2

Animals, Blind, in Caves, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F. R.S., 389, 486; J. T. Cunningham, 339, 537; A. Anderson, 439; G. A. Boulenger, 608

Animals' Rights, H. S. Salt, 73, 127; the Reviewer, 151
Annalen des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 525
Annelid, Sponge and, a Strange Commensalism, James Hornell,

Anschutz (Prof.), Compounds of Salicylic and Cresotinic Acid
Lactides with Chloroform, 255

Antarctic Continent, the Chatham Islands and an, H. O. Forbes, 474

Antarctic Whaling Fleet, the, 282; Letters from the, 590 Anthropology: Prof. Virchow on the Immediate Task for Anthropologists, 38; Anthropological Institute, 46, 239, 335, 455, 527, 623; Development of Buddhist Architecture and Symbolism in Burma, Major Temple, 46; Prehistoric Interments of Bahi Rossi Caves, near Mentone, A. J. Evans, 239; Mythographic Origin of Polynesian Ornament-forms, Dr. H. C. March, 239; Relics of Primitive Fashions in India, Kedarnath Basu, 301; Dr. Ten Kate on the Type-characteristics of the North American Indians, 374; the Tokelaus, 423; on Nicobar Pottery, E. H. Man, 455; on some Islands of the New Hebrides, Lieut. Boyle, T. Somerville, 455;

Physical Anthropology in America, 475; Use of Chloride of Potassium instead of Salt by Soudanese, M. Dybowski, 499; the International Congress of Prehistoric Archæology and Anthropology, 523; Prehistoric Anthropology, the Quaternary Deposits in Russia and their Relations to the Finds Resulting from the Activity of Prehistoric Man, S. Nikitine, 523; Race in Anthropology, M. Topinard, 524; Which is the most Ancient Race in Russia, Prof. A. Bogdanov, 524; on the Rude Stone Implements of the Tasmanians, showing them to belong to the Palæolithic or Unground Stage of the Implement-makers Art, Dr. Tylor, 527; Anthropological Uses of the Camera, E. F. im Thurn, 548; Neolithic Village of the Roche au Diable, near Tesnières, Canton of Lorez-leBocage (Seine-et-Marne), Armaud Viré, 576; on Egyptian Mummies, Prof. Macalister, 623

Ants, the Use of, to Aphides and Coccidæ, J. D. A. Cockerell, 608

Aphides and Coccidæ, the Use of Ants to, 608
Appleyard (J. R.), Salts of Active and Inactive Glyceric Acid:
the Influence of Metals on the Specific Rotatory Power of
Active Acids, 405
Applied Mechanics, Elementary Manual on, Prof. Jamieson,


Applied Natural History, W. L. Calderwood, 492
Aqua et Terra, Quæstio de, Edmund G. Gardner, 295
Aquarium, the Boxing Kangaroo at Westminster, III
Arabia Petræa, Geology of, Prof. Edw. Hull, F.R.S., 166
Arborescent Frost Patterns, Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., 125;
G. J. Symons, F. R. S., 162; Rev. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S.,
162; Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F. R. S., 162; Dr. Wetterhan,
162; J. T. Richards, 162; J. J. Armitage, 162; Prof. G. A.
Lebour, Prof. Sollas, F. R. S., 213

Arcady, Science in, Grant Allen, 173

Archæology, the Tell-el-Hesy Excavations, F. J. Bliss, 302;
the Destruction of Ancient Monuments in Central America,
M. H. Saville, 302; Ancient Copper Relics discovered in the
Course of M. de Sarzec's Excavations in Childea, M.
Berthelot, 360; Depredations among the recently-discovered
Phoenician Tombs in Malta, 396; Archæological Work in
America, Prof. Putnam, 474; the International Congress of
Prehistoric Archæology and Anthropology, 523
Architecture and Symbolism in Burma, Development in Budd-
hist, Major Temple, 47

Architecture, Naval: Institution of Naval Architects, 519; Annual General Meeting, 494; the Strength of Bulkheads, Dr. Elgar, 520: Experiments on the Transmission of Heat through Tube-plates, A. J. Durston, 521; Notes on Boilertesting, J. T. Melton, 521; the Apparatus for Measuring and Registering Vibrations of Steamers, E. Otto Schlick, 521; Experiments with Engines of S. S. Iveagh, John Inglis, 521 Arctic Expedition, Dr. Nansen's, 65; Proposed Arctic Expedition of Lieut. Peary, 133; Proposed Arctic Expedition by way of Franz Josef Land, F. G. Jackson, 377

Arctic Travel: the Voyage of La Manche to Iceland, Jan
Mayen, and Spitzbergen in 1892, M. Bi naimé, 48
Argyll (the Dake of, F. R.S.), Glacier Action, 389; Origin of
Lake Basins, 485

Arizona, Central, Cliff and Cave-dwellings in, J. W. Tourney,


Armitage (J. J.), Arborescent Frost Patterns, 162

Armstrong (H. E.), the Origin of Colour and Fluorescence, 238; Products of Interaction of Zinc Chloride on Sulphuric Acid and Camphor, 239; Griess-Sandmeyer Interactions and Gattemann's Modification thereof, 239; Origin of Colour VII. and VIII., 551

Army, Science in the Public Schools and the Scientific Branches of the, 513

Arno (Signor), Rotation of Cylinder by Inductive Action, 374 Arons (Dr.), an Are Light between Mercurial Electrodes in Vacuo, 24

Arsonval (M. d'), the Physiologica! Effects of Electric Currents of High Frequency, 517

Art, the Relation of Anatomy to, Paul Richer, 470
Art, the Evolution of Decorative, Henry Balfour, 606
Arts, Society of, Opening Meeting of, 63

Arteries in the Rabbit, Unusual Origin of, Philip J. White, 365
Artesian Boring and Irrigation in New South Wales, J. W.
Boult bee, 183

Arthropoda, on the Walking of, Henry H Dixon, 56
Arthur (J. G.), Gases in Living Plants, 427

June 1, 1893

Artificially Incubated Eggs, W. Whitman Bailey, 200
Artiodactyle, Artionyx-a Clawed, Prof. Henry S. Osborn, 610
Artiodactyle, Protocerus, the New, Prof. Henry S. Osborn, 321
Artionyx -A Clawed Artiodactyle, Prof. Henry S. Osborn, 610
Ascidians, the Mantle-cells of, Kowalevsky, 62

Asia, Central, Dr. J. Troll's Journey through, 160

Asia from East to West, the Steppe Belt Traversing, H. J.
Mackinder, 353

Asiatic Loess, the Geology of the, Thos. W. Kingsmill, Prof.
G. H. Darwin, F.R.S., 30

Assheton (R.), on a Supposed Law of Metazoan Development,
176; on the Development of the Optic Nerve of Vertebrates
and the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life, 261
Assmann (Prof.), Detailed Description of the Meteorographs
set up in the "Urania- Pillars," 287

Aston (E.), Atomic Weight of Boron, 165
Astronomy: Nova Auriga, 399, 159; H. F. Newall, 7; Prof.
Barnard, 282; Mr. Huggins, 425; Hydrogen Line Hẞ in
the Spectrum of, Herr Victor Schumann, 425; Motion of, Prof.
W. W. Campbell, 256; the New Star in the Constellation of
Auriga, W. J. Lockyer, 137; Spectra of Planetary Nebulæ
and, M. Eugen Gothard, 352; Astronomical Column, 18, 40,
63, 88, 114, 132, 159, 186; 208, 235, 256, 281, 303, 326,
351, 376, 399. 425, 451, 473, 498, 518, 546, 565, 589, 616;
Comet Barnard (October 12), 18, 40; Comet Brooks (August
28), 18, 41, 63; a New Comet (Brooks, November 19-20), 133,
186, 208, 235, 257, 281, 304, 326, 352, 376, 399. 425, 451;
Prof. Kreuz, 159; MM. Esmiol and Fabry, 159; Tabular His-
tory of Astronomy to the Year 1500 A.D., Dr. Felix Müller,
18; a Large Telescope, 18; the Atmospheres of Planets, 18;
Comet in Andromeda, 40; Motion of the Solar System,
Prof. J. G. Porter, 41; Occultation of Mars and Jupiter by
the Moon, Prof. Barnard, 41; the Recent Opposition of
Mars, Prof. W. H. Pickering, 235; the Canals of Mars, 64;
the Channels of Mars, T. W. Kingsmill, 133; the Markings
on Mars, M. Schaeberle, 209; the New Comet, 63; W. F.
Denning, 77; M. Bigourdan, 88; the Light of Planets, 64;
John Garstang, 77: Stellar Magnitudes in Relation to the
Milky Way, Prof. Kapteyn, 64; the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter,
E. Royer, 71; A. A. Common, 208; E. E. Barnard, 377;
the Sizes of Jupiter's Satellites, M. J. J. Lauderer, 473;
Jupiter and his Satellites, Prof. Pickering, 518; Rutherfurd
Measures of Stars about B Cygni, Prof. Harold Jacoby, 77:
Parallax of 8 Cygni, Harold Jacoby, 399; Motion in the Line
of Sight, M. H. Deslandres, 88; Himmel und Erde, the
Heat in August 1892, Prof. W. J. van Bebber, 88; Astro-
nomy of the Invisible, Dr. J. Scheiner, 88; Observations of
Perseids, 88; Comet Holmes (November 6, 1892), 114,
132, 159, 186, 209, 235, 281, 303, 351, 376, 425, 473; M.
Schulhof, 256, 451, 498; Lewis Boss, Rev. E. M. Searle,
Mr. Roberts, 256; Dr. F. Cohn, 326; Dr. R. Schorr, 326;
Prof. Keeler, Prof. C. A. Young, 518; W. F. Denning, 365;
Prof. E. Barnard, 399; Spectrum of Comet Holmes, 235; a
New Comet, 133; Astronomy and Astrophysics, 133; a
New O servatory at Abastouman, 133; Astronomy at
Columbia College, U.S.A., 159; Companion to the Ob-
servatory for 1893, 159; Swift's Comet, Prof. Barnard, 186;
Comet Swift (a 1892), A. E. Douglas, 546; Ultra-Violet
Spectrum in Solar Prominences, Prof. G. E. Hale, 186; Ephe-
meris for Bodies moving in the Biela Orbit, Dr. Chandler,
186; Madras Meridian Circle Observations, 186; a Bright
Comet, W. R. Brooks, 114; Astronomical Instruments
up to Date, Dr. L. Ambronn and Herr Julius Springer, 114;
Motion of 8 Persei, 115; Proper Motions, M. Deslandres, 115;
the Present Comets, T. W. Backhouse, 127; the Star of
Be hlehem, J H. Stockwell, 177; Astronomical Theory of
the Ice Age, N. L. W. A. Gravelaar, 200; the Tercentenary
of Galileo at Padua, 207; Burnham's Double-star Observa-
tions, 281; the Lick Observatory, Miss Milicent W. Shinn,
209: Washington Magnetic Observations, 209; an Atlas of
Astronomy, Sir Ro ert Stawell Ball, F.R S., 225; Measure-
ment of Distances of Binary Stars, Prof. Arthur A. Rambaut,
226; Astronomical Discoveries in 1892, W. F. Denning,
256; the Meteor Shower of November 23, 1892, 257; Total
Solar Eclipse April 15-16, 1893, 304, 376, 584; M. De la
Baume Pluvinel, 281, 304; A. Taylor, 317; Astronomical
Journal Prizes, 282, 425. 616: Newcomb Engelmann's Popu
jare Astronomie, 291; Photographic Absorption of our Atmo
phere, Prof. Schaeberle, 304; Harvard College Observatory,
Prof. Pickering, 304; Solar Observations at Rome, Prof.

Tacchini, 304, 399, 565; the Nautical Almanac for 1896,
326; Eclipse Photography, M. de la Baume Pluvinel, 326;
the Andromedes, Maclair Boraston, 326; a New Method of
Photographing the Corona, M. H. Deslandres, 327; the
Milky Way from the North Pole to 10° of South Declination,
drawn at the Earl of Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle, Dr.
Otto Boeddicker, 337; Sun spots and Magnetic Pertur-
bations in 1892, M. Ricco, 352; New Minor Planets,
352; the Lunar Surface, 352; Remarkable Comets,
Mr. Lynn, 376; Relative Positions of Stars in Cluster
x Persei, Sir Robert Ball and Arthur Rambaut, 376;
L'Astronomie, 377; Astronomy for Everyday Readers, B. J.
Hopkins, 389; the Star Catalogue of the Astronomische
Gesellschaft, 399; Coincidence of Solar and Terrestrial Phe-
nomena, Prof. G. E. Hale, 425; Prof. Hale's Solar Photo-
graphs, 498; La Grandissima Macchia Solare del Febbrajo
1892, A. Ricco, 429; Distribution of Stars in Space, Prof.
J. C. Kapteyn, 432; Théorie du Soleil, Dr. A. Brester, 433;
Observational Astronomy, Arthur Mee, 434; Universal
Time, 451; the Bielids, 1892, M. Bredichin, 451; the
Bielids of 1872, 1885, and 1892, M. Bredichin, 498; Wol-
singham Observatory, 518, 590, 616; T. E. Espin, 452;
United States Naval Observatory, 452; Yale Astronomical
Observatory, 452; the Evolution of Double Stars, T. J. J. See;
Prof. G. H. Darwin, F. R. S., 459; Observations of the Zodiacal
Light, Arthur Searle and Prof. Bailey, 473; Winck's Lunar En-
largements, 473; L'Astronomie for March, 473; Bermerside
Observatory, 473; the Melbourne Observatory, 498; Natal
Observatory, 498; Roche's Limit, 509; Prof. G. H. Darwin,
F.R S.. 581; the Horizontal Pendulum, Dr. E. von Rebeur-
Paschwitz, 519; the Rising and Setting of Stars, 519; Paris
Observatory in 1892 M. Tisserand, 546; the Large Nebula
near Persei (N.G.C. 1499) (Dr. F. Skinner, 546; Minor
Planets, 547; La Planète Mars et ses Conditions d'Habita-
bilité, Camille Flammarion, William J. Lockyer, 553; Paral-
laxes of μ and Cassiopeia, Harold Jacoby, 565; Fall of a
Meteorite, 565; Jahrbuch der Astronomie und Geophysik,
566; the Observatory, 566; Centenary of Birth of Wilhelmus
Struve, 585; Photographic Chart of the Heavens, M. Loewy,
589; Catalogue of Southern Star Magnitudes, Edwin Sawyer,
589; a New Table of Standard Wave-Lengths, Prof. H. A.
Rowland, 590; Meteor Showers, 590; Distance of the Stars
by Doppler's Principle, G. W. Colles, jun., 596; Large
Telescopes, 616; Spectrum of 8 Lyræ, Prof. Keeler, Société
Astronomique de France, 616

Astrophysics, Astronomy and, 133

Atlantic (North), Pilot Chart of, 86, 398

Atlantic Ocean, North, Synoptic Daily Weather Charts of, 543
Atlas of Astronomy, An, Sir Robert Stawell Ball, F. R.S., 225
Atlas der Völkerkunde, Dr. Georg Gerland, Dr. Elward B.
Tyler, F. R.S., 223

Atmosphere, Higher, Exploration by Means of Free Balloons
with Automatic Recorders of, Gustave Hermite, 119
Atmosphere, Photographic Absorption of our, Prof. Schasberle,

Atmosphere, the Thermal Exchanges of the, Prof. von Bezold,

Atmospheres of Planets, 18

Atmospheric Electricity in America, Observations of, T. C.
Mendenhall, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, F.R.S., 392
Atmospheric Nitrogen, Researches on the Fixation by Microbes
of, M. Berthelot, 23

Auriga, the New Star in the Constellation of, W. J. Lockyer,


Auroral Phenomena, Thunderstorms and, J. Ewen Davidson,

Auroras, the Height and Spectrum of, T. W. Backhouse, 151
Austen (E. E.), Description of New Species of Dipterous In-ects
of the Family Syrphide, in the Collection of the British
Museum, with Notes on Species described by the late Francis
Walker, 335
Australia: the 'Bean-tree" of Central, 40; Catalogue of
Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera in the Collection of the
Oxford University Museum, Col. C. Swinhoe, 53; an Ancient
Glacial Epoch in Australia, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, 55; the
South Australian Rust in Wheat Conference, 86; a Large
Meteorite from Western Australia, James R. Gregory, 90;
Edgar B. Waite appointed Assistant Curator in the Austra
lian Museum, Sydney, 111; an Introduction to the Study of
Botany, with a Special Chapter on some Australian Natural

Orders, Arthur Dendy and A. H. S. Lucas, 125; Australian Travels, R. Von Lendenfeld, 274; Tobacco Culture in Australia, 324; Great Meteorite from Western Australia, 469; the Triangulation of North-west South Australia, 519; Ethnological Observations in Australia, R. Etheridge, 594; Palæontological Discovery in Australia, Prof. Alfred Newton, F. R. S., 606

Automatic Mercurial Air-Pumps, Dr. August Raps, 369
Autres Mondes, Amédée Guillemin, 485

Ayrton (Prof.) Science Teaching, 359

Azoimide, 136

Aztecs, the Calendar System of the Ancients, Zelia Nuttall, 156

Babes (Messrs. V. and A.), the Purification of Water by Bacteriological Methods, 588

Backhouse (T. W.), the Present Comets, 127; the Height and Spectrum of Auroras, 151; the Afterglows and Bishop's Ring, 582

Bacteriology: the Bacteriology of Tetanus, Kikasoto, 158; Bacteriology of Tobacco, and Vinous Fermentation, Suchsland, Nathan, and Kosutany, 208; Investigations on the Behaviour of Micro-organisms at Various Temperatures, 234; Methods of Examining Milk for Tubercle Bacillus, Ilkewitsch and Thörner, 254; Bacilli in Butter, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 283; on the Bacterial Investigation of the Sea and its Floor, H. L. Russell, 285; on the Germination of Seedlings in the Absence of Bacteria, H. H. Dickson, 287; the Action of Light upon certain Micro-organisms, Herr Buchner, 303; Experiments on the Action of Light on Bacillus anthracis, Prof. Marshall Ward, F.R.S., 331; Bacteria and Beer, 379; Micro-organisms and their Investigation, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 446; Dunbar on the Question of the Separate Identification of Typhoid and B. Coli Communis Bacilli, 472; BloodSerum Inoculation for Diphtheria, Dr. Wernicke 480; Contribution à l'Etude de la Morphologie et du Développement des Bactériacées, Dr. A. Billet, Dr. Rubert Boyce, 532; the Potato as a Diagnostic Agent, Herr Krannhals, 545; the Purification of Water, Messrs. V. and A. Babes and Percy Frankland, 588; Further Experiments on the action of Light on Bacillus anthracis, H. Marshall Ward, 597 Baddeleyite; the Occurrence of Native Zirconia, L. Fletcher, 282

Baden-Powell (B. F. S.), In Savage Isles and Settled Lands,


Bagard (Henri), On Thermo-electric Phenomena between Two Electrolytes, 263

Bailey (Prof.) Observations of the Zodiacal Light, 473

Bailey (E. H. S.), the Great Spirit Spring Mound, Kansas, 87 Bailey (G. P.), Meteor of March 18, 1893, 516

Bailey (Jas. B.), Bell's Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain, 11 Bailey (Prof. L. H.), Value of Electric Light for Lettuce and other Winter Crops, 130

Bailey (W. Whitman), Artificially Incubated Eggs, 200

Bailey (W.), Williams on the Dimensions of Physical Quantities, 116

Baker (J. G., F. R.S.), the Ferns of South Africa, Thos. R. Sim, 291

Baldwin (Prof. J. Mark), Tracery Imitation, 149

Balfour (Henry), Women and Musical Instruments, 55; the Evolution of Decorative Art, 606

Ball (Sir Robert Stawell, F. R. S.), an Atlas of Astronomy, 225; Relative Position of the Stars in Cluster x Persei, 376 Ball (Dr. V., F. R. S.), Lion-Tiger and Tiger-Lion Hybrids, 390, 607 Ballooning Meteorological Balloon Ascent at Berlin, October 24, 1891, A. L. Rotch, 46; Dirigible Balloon in Construction at Chalais-Meudon, 112; Exploration of Higher Atmosphere by Means of Free Balloons with Automatic Recorders, Gustave Hermite, 119; the First Aerial Voyage Across English Channel, R. de C. Ward, 143; the Longest Ascent on Record, Maurice Malet, 182; Exploration of the Higher Atmosphere, Gustave Hermite, 600

Baltic Ship Canal, C. Beseke, 579

Bangweolo, Mr. Joseph Thompson's Journey to Lake, 115 Barbary States, Bibliography of the, Lieut.-Col. Sir R. Lambert Playfair and Dr. Robert Brown, 298

Barber (Samuel), Beneath Helvellyn's Shade, 364

Baring-Gould (S.), Strange Survivals: Some Chapters in the History of Man, 53

Barnaby (Mr.), the Screw Propeller, 21

Barnard, Comet (October 12), 18, 40

Barnard (Prof.), Occultation of Mars and Jupiter by the Moon, 41; Nova Auriga, 282; Swift's Comet, 186; Jupiter's Fifth Satellite, 377; Comet Holmes (1892, III.), 399 Barometer, a Highly Sensitive Mercury, Dr. Carlo di Lungo, 586

Barometry, Standard, Dr. Frank Waldo, 511

Barrow (Geo.), on an Intrusion of Muscovite-biotite-gneiss in the
South-Eastern Highlands, and its Accompanying Thermo-
Metamorphism, 575

Barry (John Warren), Studies in Corsica, 462
Bartholomew (John), Death of, 547

Barus (C.), Preliminary Note on the Colours of Cloudy Condensation, 380; Isothermals, Isopiestics and Isometrics relative to Viscosity, 380

Basset (A. B., F.R.S.), Stability and Instability of Viscous
Liquids, 94; Théorie Mathématique de la Lumière, H.
Poincaré, 386; Motion of a Solid Body in a Viscous
Liquid, 512

Basset (L.), the New Triangulation of France, 71
Bastelaer's (D. A. van), Observations on Ozone, 373

Bates (Henry Walter, F.R.S.), the Naturalist on the River
Amazons, 269

Bateson (William), the Alleged "Aggressive Mimicry" of Volucellæ, 77

Bateson (W.), on Numerical Variation in Digits in Illustration of a Principle of Symmetry, 503

Baudin (L. C.), Depression of Zero in Boiled Thermometers,


Bauerman (H.), Prof. Wadsworth on the Geology of the Iron, Geld, and Copper Districts of Michigan, 118

Baumann's (Dr.), Journeys in Nile Sources Region, 377 Bayard (F. C.), the Direction of the Wind over the British Isles, 1876-80, 623

Beal (Dr. W. J.), the Destruction of Trees in America, 563
Bean-Tree of Central Australia, 40

Beard (J.), on a Supposed Law of Metazoan Development, 79
Beauties of Nature, the, and the Wonders of the World we
Live in, Hon. Sir John Lubbock, F. R.S. 28
Beaver, Castorologia, or the History and Traditions of the
Canadian, Horace Martin, 224

Bebber (Prof. W. J. van), Heat in August, 1892, 88

Beck (C. R.): the Preparation of Phosphoric Oxide free from the Lower Oxide, 430; Note on the Preparation of Platinous Chloride and on the Interaction of Chlorine and Mercury, 479

Beer, Bacteria and, 379

Bees, The Death's Head Moth, J. R. S. Clifford, 234
Bees in New South Wales, Plants most visited by, €14
Beetle Tamed, a, 280

Beetles, Butterflies, Moths, and other Insects, A. W. Kapple and W. Egmont Kirby, 148

Behring (Dr.): the Blood-serum Therapeutists, 336; Experiments with Preventive Serum, 600

Bell (F. Jeffrey), Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum, 508

Bell (H. H. J.), Notes on a Spider, 557

Bell (Sir Lowthian, F. R.S.), on the American Iron Trade, and its Progress during Sixteen Years, John Parry, 195 Bell's Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain, Jas. B. Bailey, 11 Beneath Helvellyn's Shade, Samuel Barber, 364 Beneden (F. J. van), Fossil Fauna of the Black Sea, 544 Bengal Census, Facts Significant of Progress. 617 Benham (William Blaxland), British Earthworms, 102; on a New Genus and Species of Aquatic Oligochæta belonging to the Family Rhinodrilidæ found in England by, 261 Bennett (Mr.), Fungus Internally Parasitic in Diatoms, 118 Bent (Mr. and Mrs. Theodore): Proposed Expedition to Abys sinia, 115; Arrival at Adowa and Aksam of, 519, 547 Berget (M.), Dilatation of Iron on Magnetization, 71 Berlin Berlin Method of Cleaning Mercury, 16; Berlin Meteorological Society, 24, 168, 287. 480. 552; Berlin Physical Society, 24, 168, 216, 312, 336, 480, 503, 624; Berlin Physiological Society, 72, 144, 216, 287. 480, 504, 552, 600; Meteorological Balloon Ascent at Berlin, October 29, 1891, A. L. Rotch, 46; Large Male Gorilla acquired by Berlin Aquarium, 86; Berlin Physikalisch-Tech ische Reichsanstalt, Construction of Copies of Permanent Mercury Resistance, 233; Berlin Academy Grants in aid of Research, 586; Berlin Imperial Physico-Technical Institute, Researches on


June 1, 1893

1 186

the Siemens Platinum Foil Unit as a Standard for the Inten- Bodies Moving in the Biela Orbit, Ephemeris for, Dr. Chandler, sity of a Source of Light, 615 Bermerside Observatory, 473

Berson (Dr.), Relationship between Insolation and Temperature, 24

Berthelot (M.), Researches on the Fixation of Atmospheric
Nitrogen by Microbes, 23; Ancient Copper Relics discovered
in the course of M. de Sarzec's Excavations in Chaldæa, 360;
High Temperature and Carbon Vaporization, 240; on the
Organic Substances Constituting Vegetable Soil, 551
Beseke (C.), Der Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, 579
Bethlehem, the Star of, J. H. Stockwell, 177

Boeddicker (Dr. Otto), the Milky Way from the North Pole to 10° of South Declination, drawn at the Earl of Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle, 337

Bois (Dr. Du), Method of Producing Intense Monochromatic Light, 255

Bois (H. E. J. G. du), a Modified Astatic Galvanometer, 455
Bogdanov (Prof. A.), Which is the most Ancient Race in
Russia? 524

Böhm (Dr. J.), Observations on the Potato Disease, 254
Bolletino de la Società Botanica Italiana, 23

Bezold (Prof.von), the Thermal Changes of the Atmosphere, 552 Bombay, Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at
Bianco (Ottavio Zanotti), Discovery of the Potential, 510
Bibliographia Medica Italiana, Prof. P. Giacosa, 606

Bickerton (Dr. T. H.), the Association of Shipping Disasters with Defective Vision in Sailors, 16

Bidgood (John), A Course of Practical Elementary Biology, 434 Bidwell (Shelford, F. R.S.), on some Meteorological Problems, 502

Biela Orbit, Ephemeris for Bodies Moving in the, Dr. Chandler, 186

Bielids, the, 1892, M. Bredichin, 451

Bielids of 1872, 1885, and 1892, the, M. Bredichin, 498 Bienaimé (M.), the Voyage of La Manche to Iceland, Jan Mayer and Spitzbergen in 1892, 48

Bigourdan (M.), the New Comet (Holmes), 88

Billett (Dr. A.), Contribution à l'Etude de la Morphologie et du Développement des Bacteriacées, Dr. Rubert Boyce, 532 Binary Stars: Measurement of Distances of, C. E. Stromeyer, 199; Prof. Arthur A. Rambaut, 226


Biology Experimental Evolution, Henry de Varigny, 25; Biological Nomenclature: the Rule "Once a Synonym, always a Synonym," Elliott Coues, 39; on the Reproduction of Orbitolites, H. B. Brady, 119; on the Occurrence of Embryonic Fis-ion in Cyclostomatous Polyzoa, Sidney F. Harmer, 524; Text-book of Elementary Biology, H. J. Campbell, 530; Text-book of Biology, H. G. Wells, 605; a Course of Practical Elementary Biology, John Bidgood, 434; Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zur Plon, Dr. Otto Zacharias, 461; Marine Laboratories in the United States, Prof. J. P. Campbell, 66; Marine Biology, the Destruction of Immature Fish, Ernest W. L. Holt, 160; Dredging Work at Plymouth, 375; the Rising and Sinking Process in the Radiolaria, Herr Verworn, 397; the Week's Work of the Plymouth Station, 398, 424. 451. 472, 497, 518, 546, 565. 589, 616; Port Erin (Isle of Man) Station, 515 Birds, the Fight of, Herbert Withington, 414

Birds, the Migration of, an Attempt to reduce Avian SeasonFlight to Law, Charles Dixon, 169

Birds of New Zealand, the Preservation of the Native, 394 Birkeland (Kr.). Electric Oscillations in Wires, Direct Measurement of the Moving Wave, 286

Birmingham, Technical Education in, Sir Henry Roscoe, 301 Bishop (Sereno E.), the Afterglow, 102

Bishop's Ring, the Afterglows and, T. W. Backhouse, 582 Bismuth, Further Researches in Connection with the Metallurgy of, Edward Mathey, F. R.S., 358

Black (W. G.), Ozone, 390

Black Sea, Fossil Fauna of the, T. J. van Beneden, 544
Blake (Prof. J. F.), the Landslip at Sandgate, 467
Blakesley (Mr.), Diffusion of Light, 191

Blakesley (J. H.), on the Differential Equation of Electric Flow, 574

Blandford (W. F. H.), Insects Injurious to Conifers, 620 Blanford (Henry F., F. R.S.), a Paleozoic Ice-Age, 101, 152; Death of, 300; Obituary Notice of, 322

Blanford (Dr. W. T., F.R.S.), a Palæozoic Ice-Age, 101, 152 Blass (E.), Experiments to Determine Temperature of Flame of Water Gas, 113

Blind Animals in Caves: Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F. R.S., 389, 486; J. T. Cunningham, 439, 537; A. Anderson, 439; G. A. Boulenger, 608

Bliss (F. J.), the Excavations at Tell-el-Hesy, 302 Blomefield (Rev. Leonard), Address of Congratulation to, 85 Blondel (M. A.), General Conditions to be fulfilled by Registering Instruments or Indicators, Problem of Integral Synchronisation, 599

Blood-Vessels of the Skin in Different Parts, Signor Minervini, 254

the Government Observatory, 1890, 379

Bonney (Prof. T. G., F. R.S.): "the Lake of Geneva," Prof. F. Á. Forel, 5; Arborescent Frost Patterns, 162; on some Schistose "Greenstones" from the Pennine Alps, 263; Note on the Nufenen-Stock (Lepontine Alps), 263; on a Secondary Development of Biolite and of Hornblende in Crystalline Schists from the Binnenthal, 263; some Lake Basins in France, 341, 414; Action of Glaciers on the Land, 521 Boraston (Maclair), the Andromedes, 326 Borneo, Travels in, Charles Hose, 282 Boss (Lewis), Comet Holmes, 256 Botany Fossil, the Genus Sphenophyllum, Prof. Wm. Crawford Williamson, II; Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiano, 23; Journal of Botany, 23, 261, 596; the Cultivation of Diatoms, Signor Macchiati, 23; Biological Relations between Plants and Snails, 23; the Botanical Gazette, 23, 285, 596; the Dischidia Rafflesiana established at Kew, 38; the "Bean-tree" of Central Australia, 40: Botanical Nomenclature, W. T. Thiselton Dyer, F. R.S., 53; Sereno Watson, 53; Gynodiæcism in the Labiatæ, II; Observations on Origanum (continued), J. C. Willis, 119; Influence of Moisture on Vegetation, E. Gain, 119; Mode of Production of Perfume in Flowers, E. Mesnard, 120; An Introduction to the Study of Botany, with a Special Chapter on Some Australian Natural Orders, Arthur Dendy and A. H. S. Lucas, 125; Teaching of Botany, Dr. D. H. Scott, 228; The Teaching of Botany, 151; a New Irish Alga, Prof. T. Johnson, 167; Grasses of the Pacific Slope, including Alaska and the Adjacent Islands, Dr. Geo. Vasey, 173; Naked-Eye Botany, F. E. Kitchener, 198; Botanical Explorations in Idaho, D. T. Macdougal, 206; a Botanist's Vacation in the Hawaiian Islands, Prof. D. H. Campbell, 236, 355; A Contribution to our Knowledge of Seedlings, Sir John Lubbock, F.R.S., Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, F.R.S., 243; Electric Currents in Plants, Prof. Burdon Sanderson, 255; Botanical Laboratory Established at Eustis, Florida, 278; H. Russell on the Bacterial Investigation of the Sea and its Floor, 285; What is the True Shamrock? Nathaniel Colgan, R. L. Praeger, 302; Sisal Hemp Grown in Botanic Society', Gardens, 324; the Jamaica Botanical Department, W. Fawcett, 348; Proposed Establishment of a New Order (Myxobacteriacea) of Schizomycetes, R. Thaxter, 373; Flowering of Fourcroya Selloa in Botanic Society's Conservatory, 373; Botanische Zeitung, 398; Engler's Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzen-geschichte und Pflanzengeographie, 413; Death of Cav. G. A. Pasquale, 421; Dionæa, Dr. Macfarlane, Bashford Dean, 423; on the Cause of the Bright Colours of Alpine Flowers, Dr. J. Joly, F.R.S., 431; Government Stations in United States, 450; Deaths and Obituary Notices of Dr. G. Vasev, Rev. W. Woolls and Dr. Karl Prantl, 495; Climbing Plants, Dr. H. Schenck, W. Botting Hemsley, F. R. S., 514; the Process of Transference of Material in Plants, Herr Brasse, 544; Deaths of Alphonse de Candolle and Rev. T. Wolle, 561; a Graft Hybrid between Red and White Geraniums, H. L. Jones, 563; the Radiation and Absorption of Heat by Leaves, Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, 596; Studies in the Morphology of Spore-producing Members, F. O. Bower, F.R.S., 598; Plants most visited by Bees in New South Wales, 614; Report of the Conifer Conference, Dr. M. T. Masters, F.R.S, and Prof. Carl Hauser, 619; List of Conifers and Texads, Dr. Masters, 619; Prof. Carl Hauser's Pinetum Danicum, 619; Coniferæ of Japan, H. J. Veitch, 619; Conifers for Economic Planting, A. D. Webster, 619; the Timber of Exotic Conifers, D. F. Mackenzie, 619; Insects Injurious to Conifers, W. G. H. Blandford, 620;


Bottles designed to Collect Specimens of Deep Waters, on a
Modification to be Applied to the Construction of, J. Thoulet,

Boulenger (G. A.), Blind Animals in Caves, 608

Boult bee (J. W.), Artesian Boring and Irrigation in Nev South
Wales, 183

Bouty (M.), on Initial Capacities of Polarisation, 552

Bower (F. O., F.R.S.), Studies in the Morphology of Spore-
producing Members, 598

Bowers (Captain), Journey in Tibet, 400

Boyce (Dr. Rubert), Contribution à l'Etude de la Morphologie
et du Développement des Bacteriacées, Dr. A. Billet, 532
Boys (Mr.), Williams on the Dimensions of Physical Quantities,

Boys (C. V., F.R S.), on Electric Spark Photographs, or
Photography of Flying Bullets, &c., by the Light of the
Electric Spark, 415, 440

Boxing Kangaroo at Westminster Aquarium, the, ILI
Boyd (R. Nelson), Coal Pits and Pitmen, 481

Boyle (Robert), a Sanitarian's Travels, 105

Braddon (Sir Edward), Tasmania the Paradise of Horticulturists,

Brady (H. B.), on the Reproduction of Orbitolites, 119

Brain, Bell's Idea of a New Anatomy of the, Jas. B. Bailey, II
Brain of George Grote, Examination of, Prof. John Marshall,

Brain in Mud-fishes, the, Dr. Rudolf Burckhardt, 339
Brandis (Sir D.), American Forestry, Prof. W. R. Fisher, 275
Branly (Edouard), Experiments on Loss of Electrical Charge of
Bodies in Diffuse Light and in Darkness, 586

Brasse (Herr), the Process of Transference of Material in
Plants, 544

Brazil, the Proposed Transference of the Capital of, 64
Breath Figures, W. B. Croft, 187

Breath Figures, Dust Photographs and, W B. Croft, 364

Bredichin (M.), the Bielids, 1892, 451; the Bielids of 1872,
1885, and 1892, 498

Bressa Pize, the, 233

Bressa Prize, the Ninth, Turin Academy of Sciences, 543
Brester (Dr. A.), Théorie du Soleil, 433

Brewers, a Handy Book for, Herbert Edwards Wright, 75
Brightwen (Mrs.), More about Wild Nature, 125
Brinton (Dr.), the Alleged Increase of Nervous Diseases with
Growth of Civilisation, 280, 374

British Association, the Coming Nottingham Meeting of the,


British Columbia, Lizard Superstition of Shuswap Indians, Dr.
Geo. Dawson, F. R.S., 184; Superstitions of the Shuswaps
of, Colonel C. Bushe, 199

British Earthworms, William Flaxland Benham, 102; Frank J.
Cole, 255

British Fungus Flora, a Classified Text-Book of Mycology,
George Massee, 26

British History, some Geographical Aspects of, H. G. Mac
kinder, 519

British Islands, the Hemiptera Heteroptera of the, Edward
Saunders, 292

British Journal Photographic Almanac for 1893, 462
British Jurassic Gasteropoda, a Catalogue of, W. H. Hudle-
ston, F. R. S., and Edward Wilson, H. Woods, 363
British Marine Fauna, Proposed Handbook to the, Prof. W. A.
Herdman, F. R.S., 231; Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson, 269;
Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R S., 293; W. Garstang, 293
British Museum, Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the,
F. Jeffrey Bell, 508

British New Guinea, J. P. Thompson, Henry O. Forbes, 345;
Prof. Alfred C. Haddon, 414; Henry O. Forbes, 414
Brock (Dr. H.), a Treatise on Public Health and its Applica-
tions in Different European Countries, Dr. Albert Palmberg,

Brodie (Rev. P. B.), on some Additional Remains of Cestraciont
and other Fishes in the Green Gritty Marls immediately
overlying the Red Marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwick-
shire, 286

Brodmann (C.), on a Modification of the Transpiration Method
Suitable for the Investigation of very Viscous Liquids, 357
Brooks, Comet, August 28), 18, 41

Brooks's Comet, the New, MM. Esmiol and Fabry, 159
Brooks, Comet (November 19-20, 1892), 159. 208, 235, 257,
281, 304, 325, 352, 376, 399, 425, 451; Berberich, 186

Brothers (A.), a Manual of Photography, 98
Brown (Arthur E.), Photographic Dry Piates, II
Brown (Dr. Robert), Morocco, 298

Brown (W. Piffe), Winter Temperatures on Mountain Sum-
mits, 431

Browning (R. E.), Quantitative Separation of Barium from
Strontium, and of Strontium from Calcium by Action of Amyl
Alcohol on Bromides and Nitrates respectively, 189
Brayn (Lobry de), Hydroxylamine, 185

Bryan (G. H.), on a Hydrodynamical Proof of the Equations
of Motion of a Perforated Solid with Applications to the
Motion of a fine Frame work on Circulating Liquids, 500
Bryant (Thomas), John Hunter (the Hunterian Lecture), 372
Bubbles, Permanent Soap, formed with a Resinous Soap, M.
Izarn, 119

Buchner (Herr), the Action of Light upon certain Micro-
Organisms, 303

Buck (Sir E. C.), the Debra Dun Forest School, 614
Buck (Walter J.), Wild Spain, 583

Buckton (G. B., F.R.S.), the Reflector with the Projection
Microscope, 54

Buddhist Architecture and Symbolism in Burma, Developments
in, Major Temple, 46

Bulgaria, Earthquake in, 562

Bulletin de l'Académie Royal de Belgique, 309, 428, 500, 525,

Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society, 23, 286, 428
Bullets, Photography of Flying, C. V. Boys, F.R.S., 415, 449
Burbury (S. H.), Mr. Sutherland's Paper on the Laws of
Molecular Force, 117

Burckhardt (Dr. Rudolf), Das Centralnervensystem von Protop-
Annectens; eine Vergleichend Anatomische Studie,



Burmah Snakes in Thatch, 113

Burma Mines, Valuable Ruby Discovered at, 586
Burnham's Double-Star Observations, 281

Burton (Dr.), Williams on the Dimensions of Physical Quan-
tities, 116

Burton (Dr. C. S.), Diffusion of Light, 191; on Plane and
Spherical Sound Waves of Finite Amplitude, 500; on the
Applicability of Lagrange's Equations of Motion to a
General Class of Problems, with Special Reference to the
Motion of a Perforated Solid in a Liquid, 500

Bushe (Col. C.), Superstitions of the Shuswaps of British
Columbia, 199

Butte (M. L.), on the Urea contained in the Blood in Cases of
Eclampsia, 456

Butter, Bacilli in, Mrs. Percy Frankland, 283


Batterflies on the Mimetic Forms of certain Butterflies of the
genus Hypolimnas, Col. C. Swinhoe, 429

Cables, Electric, the Teredo and, Sir Henry Mance, 450
Cage-bird Club, Formation of a, 495

Calcutta, the Proposed Snake Laboratory at, 253
Calderwood (Henry), Evolution and Man's Place in Nature,

Calderwood (W. L), Applied Natural History, 492
Calendar System of the Ancient Aztecs, the, Zelia Nuttall,

Caliche (Nitrate of Soda), the Origin of, G. M. Hunter, 254
California: Geology of Taylorville Region in Sierra Nevada,
California, J. S. Diller, 39

California (Southern), the Fishes of, C. H. Eigenmann, 61
California, Geographical Society of, 134

Calvert (G. A.), the Measurement of Wake Currents, 520
Cambridge: Election of Honorary Fellows of Gonville and
Caius College, 130

Cambridge University Extension Movement, the; Summer
Meeting Programme, 183. 586

Cambridge Philosophical Society, 95, 119 360, 502
Camel, the, as a Defertilising Influence in Egypt, E. A. Floyer,

Cainera, Anthropological Uses of the, E. F. im Thurn, 548
Campbell (Prof. D. H.), a Botanist's Vacation in the Hawaiian
Islands, 236, 355

Campbell (H. J.), Text-book of Elementary Biology, 530
Campbell (Prof. J. P.), Marine Laboratories in the United
States, 66

Campbell (Prof. W. W ), Motion of Nova Auriga, 256
Camphor, Japanese, 142

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