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MORNING POST:–“Cheery and full of life, as Mrs. Molesworth knows how to make her tales, it is likely to be a favourite." GLASGOW HERALD:-"They are very life-like children, and their story is written in a thoroughly boy-like manner. Mrs. Molesworth understands children so thoroughly that all she writes about them seems as real as it is enjoyable. The book is certain to be popular." NEW BOOK BY SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, BART. Now Ready, Crown 8vo, Cloth, 6s. Net. THE BEAUTIES OF NATURE; and the Wonders of the World we live in. NEW BOOK ON MECHANISM. MODERN MECHANISM. Exhibiting the latest progress in Mechanics, Motors, and the Transmission of Power. Edited by PARK BENJAMIN, LL.B., Ph. D. FOR TECHNICAL AND HANDICRAFT CLASSES. THE GRAMMAR OF WOODWORK. A Graduated System of Manual Training for Elementary, Secondary, and Technical Schools, designed for the Pupils of the Whitechapel Craft School by WALTER F. 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CHURCHILL, 11 New Burlington Street. 1900 Lastrations, 1100 pages, 8vo, Cloth, 26s.; Half-calf, 30s. DARPENTER ON THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS REVELATIONS. SEVENTH EDITION. SEU VER entirely Rewritten, and the Text throughout Reconstructed, Enlarged, and Revised. By the Rev. W. H. DALLINGER, LL.D., F.R.S. A CHURCHILL, 11 New Burlington Street. HE LAPTELY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. mar, of Is CXXXIII, with Ten Plates (August), Price 10s. :— SOM BEATDan Buriy By W. BALDWIN SPENCER, M.A., Professor of Biology in the University Pozninetes varians. By EDGAR J. ALLEN, B.Sc., University College, London. * Sene Tone of Vertebrates, and the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life. By RICHARD ASSHETON, BY GEORGE W. FIELD, M. A. 2. gata, Oroid Gland, Axial and Aboral Sinuses in Amphiura squamata; together with some kad typen in this Ophiurid. By E. W. MACBride, B.A., B.Sc., Scholar of St. John's College, Obras Izcheta (Starganophilus) belonging to the Family Rhinodrilidæ. By W. B. BENHAM, Adat Demonstrator of Anatomy, Oxford. London : J. & A. CHURCHILL, 11 New Burlington Street. ow heady, Second English Edition, with 596 Illustrations, Royal 8vo, 325. MANUAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY By RUDOLF VON WAGNER. brunsated and Edited by WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S., Past Pres. C.S., Pres. Inst. E.E., London: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 11 New Burlington Street. eventi. Edition, Revised and greatly Enlarged, Two Vols., Royal 8vo, with 371 Illustrations, 1800 Pages, Price 425. Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts At So atera information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades, including Medicine, Pharmacy EDITED BY W. NORTH, M.A. Camb., F.C.S. London: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 11 New Burlington Street. Frinted by KICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Published MACMILLAN And Co., at 29 Bedford Street, London, WC., and 119 Fourth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, November 3, 1892. Amongst many unsolicited Testimonials the following has been received by the maker: EDINBURGH, May 31, 1889. DEAR SIR,-I have just returned from a six weeks' stay at the Ben Nevis Observatory, and while there had an opportunity of testing the admirable qualities of your new "Watkin Aneroid. The result has been most satisfactory, the extreme error noted being only about you of an inch. During my stay at the Observatory the Aneroid was Frequently tested by taking t down 2000 feet and then omparing it with the stan lard on my return. The results obtained speak volumes for the high-class workmanship and great ac curacy you have attained in the manufacture of this instrument. To be obtained of all Opticians and Wholesale Houses. J. J. HICKS, 8, 9, & 10 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. "The 'STAR' MICROSCOPE is a modern marvel at its low price. [All Rights are Reserved. BROWNING'S MICROSCOPE. The body is made entirely of brass and gun-metal, with rack-motion and fine screw adjustment. Three achromatic powers (separable) of excellent defining power, 1-inch, -inch, and 4-inch; adjusting slide-holder to stage, revolving The whole packed diaphragm, hand-forceps, stage-forceps, live-cage, &c. in upright Mahogany Cabinet, with drawer for slides, dissecting-knives, &c. New Illustrated Catalogue of Microscopes free. The lenses alone are worth the money."-British Medical Journai. THE SEA-LEVEL ANEROID BECK'S £2 2s. to £5 5s. MODEL "STAR" MICROSCOPE With this Aneroid no calculation or technical knowledge is required. It meets a long-recognized want. Every one is aware that the altitude affects the readings of the Barometer, but many people do not know exactly what correction to make. made through out in brass, neatly japanned, and is not only first-rate in optical qualities, but is now a handsome, well-finished Instrument. c. & J. BECK, 68 Cornhill, London, E.C. Telephone No. 6583. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION POST FREE. Made only by NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS to THE QUEEN, 38 HOLBORN VIADUCT. BRANCHES: 45 CORNHILL; 122 REGENT ST., LONDON. NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA'S "Illustrated Catalogue," 600 Pages, 1200 Engravings, Price 5s. 6d. Telegraphic Address: "NEGRETTI, London." Sale by Auction. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BRITISH BIRD SKINS AND EGGS, INSECTS, &C, MR. J. C. STEVENS will sell by Auction at his Great Rooms, 38 King Street, Covent Garden, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, at half-past 12 precisely, a Collection of British Birds' Skins, many with the labels, from the well-known Collections of Messrs. H. B. Sharpe, Dresser, Howard Saunders, &c., and data. Various eggs, including many of Gordon Cumming's, the Swift Terns of Major Butler, &c. Also British Insects, which are all genuine and perfect without exception, and a few Clutches and Nests, Beetles, Shells, Locusts, Dragon. flies of America, &c., &c. On View the Day prior, from ro till 4, and Morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. RECENT SHELLS. HELIX FULTONI, Godwin-Ansten. Latest additions to stock. New species of Diplommatina and Opisthostoma from Borneo, including a most lovely little shell, Opisthostoma mirabile. A splendid consignment of Philippine land shells. GLASS-TOPPED BOXES, CARD TRAYS, &c HUGH FULTON (Conchologist), 216 KING'S ROAD, LONDON, S.W. NEW LIST OF MICROSCOPIC SECTIONS OF ROCKS AND MINERALS, CONTAINING MANY NEW AND INTERESTING SPECIMENS Also Lists of Collections of Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils, Apparatus an ALL LISTS FREE OF JAMES R. GREGORY, 88 CHARLOTTE ST., FITZROY SQUARE, W. F. H. BUTLER, M.A. Oxon., Assoc. R. S. Mines. NATURAL HISTORY AGENCY, 158 BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON. Dealer in Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and other Objects of Scientific Interest. NOW ON VIEW:-A large and varied assortment of Rock-specimens recently obtained from West Shropshire and North Wales, including numerous Diabases, variegated Volcanic Ash, Agglomerate, and Breccia, Quartzite from the Stiper Stones, Spotted Schists, and Granitite; also, a Collection of exceptionally fine polished examples of Labradorite, Green Aventurine Quartz, Agate, Jasper, and other Ornamental Stones; Pyrite after Pyrrho. tite from Cornwall: Chalk Polyzoa from Kent; and a Consignment of Ostrich Eggs. COLLECTIONS OF MINERALS, ROCKS, OR FOSSILS, For the Use of Students, Science Teachers, Prospectors, &c., and to illustrate the leading Text-books, in Boxes, with Trays. 50 Specimens, 10s. 6d.; 100 do., 21s.; 200 do., 42s. New Price List of Minerals, Rocks, and Stratigraphical Series of Fossils Post Free. ROCK SECTIONS for the MICROSCOPE from 1s. 6d. each, Post Free CATALOGUES GRATIS. CABINETS, GLASS-CAPPED BOXES, TRAYS, HAMMERS, &c. always in Stock. THOMAS D. RUSSELL, 78 NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. MINERALOGY. SAMUEL HENSON, 97 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. ESTABLISHED 1840. Late 277 STRAND. Choice Mineral Specimens, Gem Stones, Carved Opals, Polished Agates, Rock Crystal Balls, Fossils, Rocks, and Rock Sections. LATEST ARRIVALS. Ruby and other Varieties of Cassiterite on Quartz, Australia, Beautiful Blue and White Calamine, Adamite, Laurium, Crystallized Brucite, Melanophlogite, Roscoclite with Gold, Apophyllite, Mexico, very Beautiful Doubly Terminated Vanadinite, Arizona, Phenacite on Quartz, Colorado. Large Crystal of Pyroxene, Pink Grossular, Ruby on Matrix, Burma, Diatomaceous Earth, Hakodati, Japan. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. Volvox globator, Vorticella, Hydra viridis, Stephanoceros Eichornii, Lophopus crystallinus, and other beautiful Specimens of Pond-Life; also Amoeba, Protococcus, and other types for the Student of Biology. Specimen Tube, is. Post-free. |