In works of reference, Australia generally is credited with heat in excess of that due to its latitude. It is difficult to say why, unless it arose from a habit of one of our early explorers who carried a thermometer and carefully published all the high, and none of the low readings he got, until, fortunately for the colony, the thermometer was broken and the unfair register stopped. But not only the interio-Sydney even to the present day is credited, in standard works of reference, with a mean temperature of 66 2°, or more than three degrees higher than the true mean, which is 629°. Such an error is not excusable when meteorological observations have been taken and published for just forty years. There is another error made by some writers when describing Australia. It is shown by them inverted on the corresponding latitudes in Europe, and the reader naturally infers that Australia is as hot as those parts of Europe. Confining our attention to New South Wales, that is between 29° and 37° of south latitude, we find that generally it is cooler than a corresponding part of Europe. The mean temperature of the southern parts of England is about 52°, and that of France, near Paris, about the same, increasing as you go south to 58.5° at Marseilles. Taking this as a sample of the best part of Europe, let us see how the mean temperatures in the colony compare with those: Kiandra, our coldest township, situated on a mountain, is 46°; Cooma, on the high land, 54°; Queanbeyan, high land, 58°; Goulburn, high land, 56°; Armidale and New England district, 56; Moss Vale, 56°; Kurrajong, 53°; Orange, 55°. These towns are scattered along the high table-lands from south to north, and represent fairly the climate of a very considerable portion of the whole colony. Next to this in point of temperature is the strip of land between the ocean and the mountains, and which is affected by the cooling sea-breezes. Here we have a mean temperature ranging from 60° at Eden, the most southern port, to 68° at Grafton, one of the northern ports. Sydney, in latitude 34°, has a summer temperature only four degrees warmer than Paris, which is in latitude 49°. Now the usual difference for a degree in latitude is a degree in temperature, and therefore, if Sydney were as much warmer than Paris as its latitude alone would lead us to expect, its temperature should be 74°, and that is 15 warmer than Paris; but as we have seen, it is only 4° warmer. This single example is enough to prove the comparative coolness of our coast districts. The investigation made during recent years shows that the mean temperature of the whole colony, as derived from forty-five stations scattered over it, is 59.5°, three degrees lower than that of Sydney, or only one degree hotter than that of Paris. It may be mentioned that the highest shade temperature ever recorded in Sydney was 1069°, and near Paris a temperature of 106.5° has been recorded. The third great district, consisting of lower land and plains to the west of the mountains, has a climate considerably warmer in summer than the parts above described, owing to the powerful effect of the sun on land having little forest and little or no wind; but in winter the temperature sinks down much lower than the coast districts, owing to the great radiation; so that the annual mean temperature is not so great as the summer heats would lead one to anticipate. A table has been prepared for the purpose of showing by comparison with many places in Europe and America the temperature of the colony. The places have been arranged in order of temperature, taking for that purpose the mean annual temperature. This shows at once that the range of temperature here is equivalent to that offered by Europe from the north of England through France to Sicily. Such a range is more remarkable, because if New South Wales were placed on the map of Europe according to its latitude it would extend from Sicily to Cairo, whereas when placed by its temperature it stretches as we have seen from Sicily northwards to England. Nor is this all that the table shows us. For even when we find a place in Europe with a temperature equal to that of some place here, it is at once observed that the summer temperature in Europe is warmer than the colonial one and the winter colder; for instance, Naples, 60'3°; Eden, 60-3°; summer at Naples, 74'4°; at Eden, 679; winter at Naples, 476°; Eden, 51'9; and so generally the southern country has the cooler and more uniform temperature. It is worthy of remark that the only places here of equal mean and summer temperature with places in Europe are those which are to be found on the western plains, as at Wagga Wagga, which has a mean temperature of 60'3°; Naples, 60'3°; and summer temperature of both is 74°; or again, to compare the places of the same or nearly the same latitude, Messina, in Sicily, lati 38° 11', has a mean temperature of 66°, summer 722°, 55°; Eden, New South Wales, in latitude 37°, has a n temperature of 60 3°, summer 67.9°, winter 519'; or (a in latitude 30°, mean of 72°, summer 851, winter 53: Grafton, latitude 29° 45', mean 68 1°, summer 768, si 58.4°. It is useless to multiply examples,- -we have t enough to show how much cooler Australia really is tha fervid imaginations of some writers have made it appe print. Looking at this question of temperature generally, it be seen that New South Wales is no exception to the ge deduction of science that the southern lands are cooler those of corresponding latitudes in the north, and it is during hot winds, which are very rare in New South W.. that the temperature rises to extremes. But to leave E and compare the climate of New South Wales with the America. Our limits of latitude would place us from Wash ton to New Orleans. Now the mean temperature at Wash is 55° and at New Orleans 68°, while that of Eden is 603 6 Grafton 68'1°; so that if mean temperature were 2 c test of climate it would appear that our coast is hotter corresponding latitudes in America. But mean temperatre not enough; we must compare the summer and winter te tures; and summer at Washington rises to 767 and only to 679°, 9° cooler; New Orleans summer is Grafton 76.8°; but 82° hardly represents the summer New Orleans, for it is a steady broil, during which eve for three months of summer the heat is over 80°, a temper that is only reached on this coast during hot winds, or in words, very seldom. But winter temperature at Washi falls to 37.8°, and at New Orleans to 56°; at Eden 51 at Grafton 58.4°. Hence it is evident that on this coheat is very much less in summer and greater in winte upon the coast of America. Such facts place the col very different position in regard to climate from that w has occupied in published works, for instead of being country we see that its coast districts are much coler corresponding latitudes in Europe and America, and the elevated districts, which comprise a large part of it and of the best land, it has a climate no warmer than the he most enjoyable parts of Europe in much higher latitas while bringing these facts into due prominence it is intention to deny that another considerable part of the forming the western plains, is subject to greater heat, no doubt, by the sun's great power on treeless plains, 201 almost total absence of cooling winds; yet, although in the temperature here frequently rises over 100, and su up to 120°, yet, owing to the cold at night and in wa mean temperatures are not greater than those of cons latitudes in the northern hemisphere; and this part colony being remarkably dry, the great heat is by ro enervating as a temperature of 80° in the moist atm the coast, and, what is of still more importance, it produce those terrible diseases which are usually the of hot countries. This is also, no doubt, due to the dry the air. Stock of all kinds thrive remarkably well, very free from disease in those hot western districts SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. THE Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science fa 1892 contains:-On the anatomy of Pentastomum tereta (Baird), by Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer, M.A. (Plates Whilst collecting on Kings Island, which lies to the Bass Straits, half-way between the mainland of Vi Tasmania, numerous specimens of the copper-bes (Hoplocephalus superbus) were found, in the lungs of large species of Pentastomum were parasitic; after same parasite was discovered in the lungs of the b (Pseudechys porphyriacus) in Victoria; on examina seemed little doubt but that the species was the oce by Baird long ago (1862) from specimens obtained in of a dead copper-head snake in the Zoological Gardens -" under the name of Pent, teretiusculum. In this paper a very complete account of the anatomy of this f being descriptions and figures of its external anatomy, S epresentations of the muscular, alimentary, secretory, nervous, and reproductive systems, and an account of the sense organs. The paper is illustrated by ten double plates.-On the minute tructure of the gills of Palamonetes varians, by Edgar J. Allen, B.Sc. (Plate x.). It would seem that so far as the gills of this crustacean are concerned, the statement made by Haeckel and Ray Lankester, that the circulatory system of the Decapods is everywhere closed, does not hold true. It would Iso seem fairly certain that the masses of cells surrounding the enous channels, in which Kowalevsky found litmus deposited few hours after its injection, exercise an excretory function. 1 addition to these excretory cells, a large number of glandular odies occur in the axis of the gill, and these are of two kindsear and reticulate glands. The number for November 1892 contains:-On the develop. ent of the optic nerve of vertebrates, and the choroidal sure of embryonic life, by Richard Assheton, M. A. (Plates , and xii.). That the optic nerve is formed by the differentiation the cells of the optic stalk into nerve fibres, which conseently lose connection with the inner wall of the optic cup, and ercing the outer wall, make connection with the outer face ereof, is held to be probable by such writers as Balfour, ster, Marshall, Haddon, and others, whilst the opinion that is formed by the growth of nerve fibres either from the retina uter wall of the optic cup) or from the brain, along the optic ilk, but outside it and unconnected with it, is or has been held His, Müller, Kolliker, Hertwig, Orr, and has been recently >ported by Keibel, Froriep, and Cajal. Schäfer seems to be certain which view to take. As the result of the author's estigations in the frog and chick, he concludes that the optic Ik takes no part in the formation of the nervous parts of the an of sight. The optic nerve is developed independently of optic stalk, and at first entirely outside it. The great jority of the fibres forming the optic nerve arise as outgrowths n nerve cells in the retina.-On the larva of Asterias vulgaris, George W. Field, M. A. (Plates xiii. to xv.).—On the developit of the genital organs, ovoid gland, axial and aboral ises in Amphiura squamata; together with some remarks on lwig's hæmal system in this ophiurid, by E. W. MacBride, C. (Plates xvi. to xviii.). Concludes that echinoderms agree 1 other cœlomata in the origin of their genital cells these er have at first an unsymmetrical position in echinoderms, afterwards take on a radially symmetrical disposition in espondence with the secondarily acquired radial form of the y. The origin of these cells adjacent to the stone canal ests a comparison of the origin of the genital cells near the iridia in many annelids, but the homology of the stone d with a nephridium has yet to be proved. -On a new 18 and species of aquatic Oligocheta belonging to the ly Rhinodrilidæ, found in England by W. B. Benham, c. (Plates xix. and xx.). This new worm receives the name parganophilus tamesis; it was found in some numbers in mud of the Thames, adhering to the roots of Sparganium tum, near Goring; the cocoon is drawn out to a point at end, while in the other it shows a narrow frayed end. As home of the Rhinodrilidæ is America, the author suggests the cocoons of this worm may have been introduced into Thames amongst the roots of water plants, or attached to er from the United States. The erican Meteorological Journal, December.-Atmospheric icity, earth currents, and terrestrial magnetism, by Prof. bbe. The author has collected from various telegraph anies particulars about electrical storms, which illustrate agnitude of the disturbances that frequently occur. it electrical and magnetic observatories, which usually ve only some part of the whole series of phenomena, need supplemented by completely equipped establishments ling continuously the north-south, the east-west, and the al-antipodal differences of potential. The ordinary reof atmo pheric electricity give merely the difference of ial of the earth and a point in the atmosphere defined as d of the water-dropping collector.-Notes on the use of atic rain gauges, by J. E. Codman. Observations were continuously for three years with the object of showing lifference the size of the gauges would make in the t of rainfall collected. The largest gauge had a diameter 22 inches, and the smallest 2 inches. The results show he size of the gauge made no practical difference. He ves the results of rainfall collected in gauges erected at ་ various heights on a mast. The result showed that a gauge at an elevation of 50 feet or less above the surface of the ground will collect the same amount as one on the ground, provided both are situated in a position not affected by counter-currents of air. This result agrees with that found by Prof. Hellmann in his experiments at Berlin.-Sunshine recorders, by Prof. C. F. Marvin. Thus far two methods only have been in general use, (1) the focussing of the rays of the sun by means of a glass sphere and obtaining a burn on the surface of a card, and (2) the photographic method, producing a trace on sensitized paper. The first method records only bright sunshine, while the latter method is more sensitive and records fainter sunshine. Prof. Marvin has improved a method first developed by D. T. Maring of the Weather Bureau, consisting in principle of a Leslie differential air thermometer, mercury being used to separate the air in the two bulbs. When properly adjusted and exposed to sunshine the lower blackened bulb becomes heated and causes the column to rise above a platinum point and close an electric circuit. The instrument, of which a drawing is given, is said to respond promptly to sunshine and shadow. The other articles are:-Late investigation of thunderstorms in Wisconsin, by W. L. Moore.-Observations on the aurora of July 16, by T. W. Harris, and Temperature sequences, by Prof. H. A. Hazen. THE articles in the Journal of Botany for November and December are mostly of interest to students of British botany. Hieracium, H. britannicum and H. caniceps; Mr. Bagnall deMr. F. J. Hanbury adds two more to his new species of scribes a new species of bramble, Rubus mercicus from the Midland counties; and Mr. W. H. Pearson a new British liverwort, Scapania aspera. Mr. G. F. Scott Elliot contributes some use ful hints on botanical collecting in the tropics. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. Royal Society, December 8, 1892.-" On the Photographic Spectra of some of the Brighter Stars." By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. The present communication consists of a discussion of 443 photographs of the spectra of 171 stars, which have been obtained at Kensington and Westgate-on-Sea during the last two years. The chief instrument employed in this work has been a 6-inch refracting telescope in conjunction with-at different timesobjective prisms of 71° and 45° respectively. By this method the time of exposure is short, and good definition, with large dispersion, is easily secured. The spectra thus obtained will bear enlargement up to thirty times without much sacrifice of definition. The 30-inch reflector and slit-spectroscope at Westgate-onSea have also been used in the inquiry. My object has not been so much to obtain photographs of the spectra of a large number of stars as to study in detail the spectra of comparatively few. In the classifications of stars adopted by others from a consideration of the visual observations, only the broader differences in the spectra have been taken into account. Prof. Pickering has more recently employed a provisional classification in connection with the Henry Draper Memorial photographs of stellar spectra, but this chiefly relates to photographs taken with small disper-ion. With larger dispersion it becomes necessary to deal with the presence or absence of individual lines. In the first instance, the various stars of which the spectra have been photographed at Kensington have been arranged in tables, without reference to any of the existing classifications, and taking into account the finer details. The basis on which the main tabular divisions of the spectra are founded is the amount of continuous absorption at the blue end. This distinction was not possible in the case of the eye observations. The stars included in the first table are characterized by the absence of any remarkable continuous absorption at the blue end, and by the presence in their spectra of broad lines of hydrogen. These have been further classified in four sub-divisions, depending on the presence or absence of other lines. In the stars of the second table there is a considerable amount of continuous absorption in the ultra-violet, and the spectra beyond K are very difficult to photograph as compared with the stars of the first table. In these stars the thickness of the hydro gen lines is about the same as in the solar spectrum. These also are arranged in two sub-divisions. In all the stars included in the third table there is a very considerable amount of continuous absorption in the violet, extending to about G, and it is a matter of great difficulty to photograph these spectra, as most of the stars of this class are below the third magnitude. The hydrogen lines are very thin. One subdivision includes the spectra which show flutings shading away towards the less refrangible end of the spectrum. The other comprises stars without flutings in their spectra. The brightest star in this table, a Orionis, is discussed in detail, the result tending to show that the temperature of the absorbing iron vapours is not much greater than that of the oxy-hydrogen flame. The relations of the various sub-divisions to which reference has been made are then traced. One important fact comes out very clearly, namely, that whether we take the varying thicknesses of the hydrogen lines or of the lines of other substances as the basis for the arrangement of the spectra, it is not possible to place all the stars in one line of temperature. Thus, there are stars in which the hydrogen lines are of the same average thickness, while the remaining lines are almost entirely different. These spectra cannot, therefore, be placed in juxtaposition, and it is necessary to arrange the stars in two series. The next part of the paper consists of a discussion of the photographic results in relation to the meteoritic hypothesis. In the Bakerian Lecture for 1888, I brought together the various observations of the spectra of stars, comets, and nebulæ, and the discussion suggested the hypothesis that all celestial bodies are, or have been, swarms of meteorites, the difference between them being due to different stages of condensation. The new classification rendered necessary by this hypothesis differed from previous ones, inasmuch as the line of evolution followed, instead of locating the highest temperature at its commencement, as demanded by Laplace's hypothesis, placed it much later. Hence bodies of increasing temperature were demanded as well as bodies of decreasing temperature. The question how far this condition is satisfied by the new facts revealed by the photographs is next discussed. This involves the consideration of some points in connection with the hypothesis to which brief reference alone has been made in previous communications. The phenomena to be expected on the hypothesis, and the actual facts, are given side by side below: Stars of Increasing Temperature. Stage 1.-Immediately fol lowing the stage of condensation giving bright-line stars, the bright lines from the interspaces will be masked by corresponding dark ones, due to absorption of the same vapours surrounding the incandescent meteorites, and these lines will therefore vanish from the spectrum. Owing to the interspaces being restricted, absorption phenomena will be in excess, and low-temperature metallic fluting absorption will first appear. The radiation spectrum of the interspaces will now consist chiefly of carbon. Under these conditions the amount of continuous absorption at the blue end will be at a maximum. Stage 2.-With further condensation, the radiation spectrum of the interspaces will gradually disappear, and dark lines replace the fluting absorption owing to increase of temperature, though this line absorption need not necessarily resemble that in the solar spec trum. Stige 3.-(1) The line absorption and the continuous spectrum at the blue end will diminish as the condensations are reduced in number, as only those vapours high up in the atmospheres surrounding the condensations will be competent to show absorption phenomena in consequence of the bright continuous spectrum of the still disturbed lower levels of those atmospheres. (2) Lines of iron and other substances will disappear at this stage, because the bright lines from the interspaces will counteract the lines in the same positions due to absorption of surrounding vapours. enor (3) The chances of violent The spectra of stars g in the third table answer requirements. They show bright lines under normal ditions. The dark flutings visual spectrum agree closely in position with flutings seen in the flame tra of manganese, leadiron. The evidence a by the photographs provs actual presence of radiation. The photographs * considerable amount tinuous absorption in the violet and violet. The spectra consist of rous dark metallic line. they do not exactly the solar spectrum. 4. andy Cygni are types c at this stage. (1) These condition satisfied by such stan Cygni, Rigel, Bel Orionis, and a Vigs these there is no c absorption at the blue e spectra consisting of line absorption. (2) In the spectrum Cygni, which represe earliest example of th there are a few of the lines of iron, but stars of this class lines disappear. (3) The new line appear include the spheric line at A 44" possibly a few others Stars of Decreasing Temperature. Stage 1.-Owing to the diainishing depth of the absorbig atmosphere, the hydrogen nes will, on the whole, get inner, and new lines will ppear. These new lines will ot necessarily be identical ith those observed in the ectra of stars of increasing mperature. In the latter ere will be the perpetual plosions of the meteorites ecting the atmospheres, hereas in a cooling mass vapour we get the absorp on of the highest layers of pours. The first lines to pear, however, will be the gest low-temperature lines the various chemical elents. Stage 2.-The hydrogen es will continue to thin t, and the spectra will ow many more of the highaperature lines of different ments. These will differ m the lines seen in stars Taking Sirius as a type of stars in the first stage of decreasing temperature, it is found that its spectrum shows many of the longest lines of iron. The conditions at this stage of cooling are satisfied by such stars as B Arietis and a Persei. In the spectrum of these stars nearly all the solar lines are found, in addition to fairly broad lines of hydrogen. There is undoubted evidence of the presence of carbon absorption in the solar spectrum and the spectrum of Arcturus, the only star which has yet been investigated with special reference to this point. he photographs, then, give us the same results as the one erly obtained from the eye observations. omparison is then made between the groups in the classifion first suggested by the eye observations, and the various divisions in which the photographs have been arranged. eological Society, December 7.-W. H. Hudleston, .S., President, in the chair.-The following communicawere read :-Note on the Nufenen-stock (Lepontine Alps), Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S. In 1889 the author was ged to leave some work incomplete in this rather out-of-theportion of the Lepontine Alps. In the summer of 1891 he ned thither in company with Mr. J Eccles, F.G. S., and resent note is supplementary to the former paper. The nen-stock was traversed from north to south, and a return n made roughly along the eastern bank of the Gries er. Gneiss abounds on the north side of the Nufenen followed by rauchwacké and some Jurassic rock. On the of the mountain are sinall outcrops of rauchwacké and of -called Disthene-schists" (both badly exposed), followed ach Dark-mica schist, often containing black garnets. r up is a considerable mass of Jurassic rock with the ts" and "prisms" which have been mistaken for garnets aurolites, but Dark-mica schists set in again before the t is reached. They continue down the southern flank of ak: but rather north of the lowest part of the water shed, en Switzerland and Italy, the "Disthene schist" is again followed by a fair-sized mass of rauchwacke. The recion gave a similar as-ociation in reverse order; and onfirmed the conclusions expressed by the author in 1890 he absence of garnets and staurolites from Jurassic rocks elemnit s, &c.), and the great break between these or derlying rauch wacké (where it occurs) and the crystalline in which garnets often a sound, of the Lepontine Alps ystalline schists and the Mesozoic rocks are thrown into s of very sharp folds, which, locally, presents at first he appearance of interstratification.—On some schistose "greenstones" and allied hornblendic schists from the Pennine Alps, as illustrative of the effects of pressure-metamorphism, by Prof. T. G. Bonney. The author describes the results of study in the field, and with the microscope, of (a) some thin dykes in the calc-schist group, much modified by pressure; (b) some larger masses of green schist which appear to be closely associated with the dykes; (c) some other pressure-modified greenstone dykes of greater thickness than the first. The specimens were obtained, for the most part, either near Saas Fee or in the Binnenthal. These results, in his opinion, justified the following conclusions :-(1) That basic intrusive rocks, presumably once dolerites or basalts, can be converted into foliated, possibly even slightly banded, schists, in which no recognizable trace of the original structure remains. (2) That in an early (possibly the first) stage of the process, the primary constituents of the rock-mass are crushed or sheared, and thus their fragments frequently assume a somewhat " streaky" order; that is to say, the rock passes more or less into the "mylonitic" condition. (3) That next (probably owing to the action of water under great pressure) certain of the constituents are de composed or dissolved. (4) That, in consequence of this, when the pressure is sufficiently diminished, a new group of minerals is formed (though in some cases original fragments may serve as nuclei) (5) That of the more important constituents hornblende is the first to form, closely followed, if not accompanied, by epidote; next comes biotite (the growth of which often suggests that by this time the pressure is ceasing to be definite in direction); and, lastly, a water-clear mineral, probably a felspar, perhaps sometimes quartz. (6) That in all these cases the hornblende occurs either in very elongated prisms or in actual needles. The author brings forward a number of other instances to show that this form of hornblende may be regarded as indicative of dynamometamorphism; so that rocks where that mineral is more granular in shape (cases where actinolite or tremolite appears as a mere fringe being excepted) have not been subjected to this process.-On a secondary development of biotite and of hornblende in crystalline schists from the Binnenthal, by Prof. T. G. Bonney. Both the rocks described in this communication come from the Binnenthal, and were obtained by Mr. J. Eccles, F. G. S., in the summer of 1891. They belong to the Dark-mica schists described by the author in former papers, and have been greatly affected by pressure. In each a mineral above the usual size has been subsequently developed. In the rock from near Binn this mineral is a biotite: the dimensions of one crystal, irregular in outline, and having its basal cleavage roughly perpendicular to the lines indicative of pressure, are about 175′′X03′′. The other mineral, from the peak of the Hohsandhorn, is a rather irregularly formed hornblende, the crystals (which lie in various directions) being sometimes more than half an inch long. The exterior often is closely associated with little flakes of biotite. The author discusses the bearing of this fact, and the circumstances which may have favoured the formation of minerals, so far as his experience goes, of an exceptional size. Some remarks also are made on relation of these structures developed in the Alpine schists to the various movements by which those rocks have been affected, and on the general question of pressure as an agent of metamorphism. The reading of these papers was followed by a discussion, in which the President, Mr. Eccles, the Rev. E. Hill, Mr. Rutley, Mr. Teall, and the author, took part.-Geological notes on the Bridgewater District in Eastern Ontario, by J. H. Collins. PARIS. MM. Academy of Sciences, January 2.-M. d'Abbadie in the chair.-M. Loewy was elected Vice-President for 1893. Fizeau and Fremy were elected into the central committee of administration. The President gave a list of the members, associates, and correspondents deceased and elected during 1892. The new members were MM. Appell, Perrier, Guyon, and Brouardel. Foreign associates, MM. von Helmholtz, and van Beneden. Correspondents, MM. Sophus Lie, Considère, Amsler, Auwers, Rayet, Perrotin, de Tillo, and Manen.Observations of Brooks's comet (November 19, 1892) made with the equatorial coudé of the Lyon Observatory, by M. G. Le Cadet. —On a new method of approximation, by . E. Jablonski. -On the movements of systems whose trajectories admit of an infinitesimal transformation, by M. Paul Painlevé.-On the general form of vibratory motion in an isotropic medium, by M. E. Mercadier.-On thermo-electric phenomena between two 264 electrolytes, by M. Henri Bagard. The thermo-electric force between two portions of the same electrolyte in different stages of dilution was determined by experiments performed at the physical laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences at Nancy. The diaphragm employed consisted of gold beater's skin, which has the advantage of closely adhering to the glass. The results are given in the case of zinc sulphate. With a 5 per cent. and a 45 per cent. solution the difference of potential ranged from 78 at 17.9° to 155 at 735°, the unit being 1/10000th of the E. M. F. of a Daniell cell. The law of intermediate bodies was strictly fulfilled, as shown by opposing a couple of 5 and 25 per cent. in series with another of 25 and 45 per cent. to a third of 5 and 45 per cent., when no deflection of the electrometer was observed between o° and 73 3°.—On the age of the most ancient eruptions of Etna, by M Wallerant. The first eruptions of Etna have been variously estimated to have occurred in the later quaternary or in the upper pliocene periods. These conclusions were based on the study of the prismatic basalt laid bare by the sea round the foot of the cone. The pliocene deposits found in conjunction with part of the basalt appear from palæontological evidence to be contemporaneous with the subAppenine blue marls, which belong to the lower pliocene. In the Cyclopean I-les the basalt is covered with a layer of clay, which is also found interpenetrated by the basalt. The identity of age of the two formations is evidenced by lenticular patches of sand interstratified in the clay, whose particles consist of fragments of pyroxene, peridote, and triclinic felspar, proving that when the sub-Apennine marls were being deposited Etna was the scene of eruptions accompanied by the emission of ashes. MONDAY, JANUARY 16. ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, at 8.30 (at the University of London, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17. MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On a Discovery of Oriental Ruby and ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY, at 7.45.-The Reorganization of our THURSDAY, JANUARY 19. ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-The Bakerian Lecture: The Rate of Exp's in Gases: Prof. H. B. Dixon, F.R.S. LINNEAN SOCIETY. at 8.-The Plants of Malanji, collected by Ve Whyte, and described by Messrs. Britten, Baker, and Rendle ruthers, F R.S.-Report on the District traversed by the Ang Sierra Leone Boundary Commission: G. F. Scott Elliot. CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at 8-The Determination of the Thermal En of Liquids: Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S.-The Thermal Expartn Specific Volumes of Certan Paraffins and Paraffin Derivatives: Thorpe, F.R.S., and Lionel M. Jones. -The Hydrocarb as fom Decomposition of the Citrine Dihydrochlorides: W. A. Tilden F and Sidney Williamson.-Camphorsulphonic Derivatives: F. S. S and W. J. Pope.-Note on the Decaphanes formed from Terpers Camphor: Henry E. Armstrong. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 2.30.-Students' Visit to the ī of Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, Westminster Bridge Roal. ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 3.-Tennyson: Rev. Canon Ainger. LONDON INSTITUTION, at 6.-Electric Lighting (2) Electric Langs P Silvanus Thompson, F.R.S. American Mechanism Seedlings. By Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, F.R.S.. Wakefield: "An Elementary Text-book of Hygiene "Ostwald's Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften Letters to the Editor: Geographical Names.-Colonel H. H. Godwin The Weather of Summer. (With Diagram.)-A "Aminol."-Hugo Wollheim; Dr. E. Klen Super-abundant Rain.-Sir H. Collett (Illustrated.) By H. G. S.. Our Astronomical Column:- Ephemeris of Comet Brooks (November 20, 1802 The Meteor Shower of November 23, 1892.. Geographical Notes. A New Seismograph. By Dr. H. J. Johnston-La Physical Geography and Climate of New Son Wales. By H. C. Russell, F.R.S. Scientific Serials . . Societies and Academies Diary of Societies |