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BY HENRY CALDERWOOD, Professor of Physics in the Victoria University College, Liverpool. With Portraits and other Illustrations. Extra Crown 8vo, Cloth, 7s. 6d. A course of lectures on the lives of epoch-making men, principally in the Department of Astronomy, giving an account of their ork, and tracing their influence on the development of human thought. The first part of the course, called "From Dusk to Daylight,' nsists of nine lectures on the men from Copernicus to Newton inclusive, especially Tycho, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and aims at explaining the scientific aspect of their work in a clear and intelligible manner with copious illustrations. The second part of the curse consists of nine lectures on such subjects as the Velocity of Light; Herschel and the Stars; the discoveries of Asteroids and of Neptune; Comets and Meteors; and the Tides; with some biographical details and much scientific exposition addressed to persons literary education. NATURE:-" Dr. Lodge has been able, by judiciously combining clear statements of scientific facts and laws wth interesting personal details, to give his lectures all the charm of a romance. The book is an admirable introduction to the study of astronomy, and no better gift for a beginner could well be chosen; while to those to whom many of its details are already familiar, the picturesque clearness with which they are presented will make their knowledge more real and more complete. The standard of excellence maintained in the lectures makes distinction difficult and invidious, or we would distinguish the lectures on Newton and those on tides as models of what such popular scientific expositions should be." THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. An Appendix to Foster's Text-book of Physiology." Fifth Edition. By A. SHERIDAN LEA, M. A., D.Sc., F.R.S., University Lecturer in Physiology in the University of Cambridge; Fellow of Caius College. 8vo, Cloth, 7s. 6d. The following appendix has been written upon the same lines as in former editions, save that it has been enlarged, and in reality now constitutes a treatise on the chemical substances occurring in the animal body. As in former editions it is entirely the work of Dr. A. Sheridan Lea. ELECTRICAL PAPERS. By OLIVER HEAVISIDE. 2 vols., 8vo, 30s. net. A TEXT-BOOK OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. By H. A. ALFORD NICHOLLS, M.D., F. L.S. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 6s. A REVIEW OF THE SYSTEMS OF ETHICS FOUNDED ON THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION. By C. M. WILLIAMS. Crown 8vo, 12s. net. THE SECOND VOLUME OF PROF. GRAY'S WELL-KNOWN WORK. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENTS IN ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. By ANDREW GRAY, M.A., Professor of Physics in the University College of North Wales. Vol. II., in two Parts, crown 8vo, 255. Vol. 1., already published, price 12s. 6d. NEW WORK BY MR. R. B. HAYWARD. THE ALGEBRA OF COPLANAR VECTORS AND TRIGONOMETRY. By R. BALDWIN HAYWARD, M. A., F. R. S., Senior Mathematical Master in Harrow School, formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 8s. 6d. NATURE: This work is constructed on the methods of the school of mathematicians who derived their inspiration from the teaching of De Morgan, a school which is represented by many of the most influential of our recent writers on mathematical subjects. It is intende i to occupy the place of the Trigonometry and Double Algebra,' published in 1849 and now a long time out of print, at the same time incorporating such improvements in elementary treatment as have been evolved out of half a century's discussion of the foundations of Algebra. Those who are acquainted with Mr. Hayward's other writings, such as his Elements of Solid Geometry,' will expect a fresh and interesting treatment of his subject; and they will not be disappointed. On turning over the pages we constantly come across elegant touches and happy turns of expression, and historical appreciations—the stuff which constitutes the basis of literary excellence in mathematical writings. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. re This is the very latest improvement, and is Sole Agent in this countryJAMES J. HICKS, 8, 9, & 10 Hatton Garden, HARVEY & PEAK, By Appointment to the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 56 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. IN ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, SOUND, ALL APPARATUS TESTED FOR EFFICIENCY. COMBINED AMMETER AND VOLTMETER FOR LABORATORY PURPOSES "OPTIMUS" MAGIC LANTERNS Adapted for use with limelight. For dissolving, two lanterns are necessary Patent Quick-Acting Rack Adjustment. THIS Apparatus comprises superior-Mahogany Body Lan Bellows Camera, adjusted by Rack and Pinion. The fitted with powerful Refulgent Lamp, with three wicks, giv illumination. Compound Condensers. Condenser. 5in., no front lens If with Russian of Mahogany W 100/ 5in., with superior portrait lens gin., no less 2 O O 6in., no front lens sin., and lens (Perforated), Brass Sliding Tube Mahogany Outside Body 2 5 O 2 10 O 6in., with superior portrait lens 133/ 1511 6in., no less 6in., and leas 7in., no lens 173/6 7in., and less Sin., 256/ "Optimus" Bi-Unial Lantern, brass fittings, £8 8s. Sin., no lens gin.. Ioin., 360/ 580/ roin., 2-Panelled Door, Brass Stages, and 7in., with superior portrait lens PERKEN, SON, SCIENTIFIC WORTHIES. The following is a list of the Steel Portraits that have appeared in the above Series Proof impressions of these, printed on India paper, may be had from the Publishers, price 5s. each; or 27 Portraits in a Handsome Portfolio for £7, carriage paid. The Portfolio may be had separately, price 6s. Cheques and Money Orders payable to MACMILLAN & CO.. Proof Impressions of the Portrait of Sir ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., issued with NATURE for may be obtained from the Publishers at 5s. each. N.B.-This Portrait is the first of a New Series. OFFICE OF "NATURE," 29 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND. Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Fa MACMILLAN AND Co., at 29 Bedford Street, London. W.C., and 112 Fourth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, January N Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post Office.] NEWTON'S PATENT Scientist's Biunial Lantern, Cambridge and London University By Special Appointment TO THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT 3 FLEET STREET, LONDON. The STAR MICROSCOPE is a modern marvel at its low price. lenses alone are worth the money."-British Medical Journal. BROWNING'S New 3-Wick Lantern. Tin Body; 4-inch Compound Japanned Condensers; Double Achromatic Front Lenses, with Rack Adjustment; and power. ful Three-wick Lamp, in Strong Wood Case, complete, price £1 12s. 6d. Or with Four-wick Lamp, £1 16s. 6d. This is an admirable Lantern for making Photographic Enlargements. Illustrated Catalogue of Lanterns, 352 pp., Post free. JOHN BROWNING, Optical & Physical Instrument Maker, 63 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. STANDARD METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS throughout in brass, neatly ja panned, and is not only first-rate in optical qualities, but is now a handsome, well-finished Instrument. R. & J. BECK, 68 Cornhill, London, E.C. NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers To Her Majesty the Queen, HOLBORN VIADUCT, 45 CORNHILL, & 122 REGENT STREET, LONDON. PRICE LISTS FREE EV POST TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Notice is hereby given that Prof. C. B. PLOWRIGHT will commence a course of Three Lectures on "The Action of Fungi on the Human Body," on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6. "InThat Prof. H. J. CAMPBELL will then deliver Three Lectures on testinal Parasites belonging to the Class Neuratoda," commencing on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20. That Prof. B. T. LOWNE will deliver Three Lectures on "The Physiology of the Respiration, Circulation, and Nervous System of some Invertebrata,' commencing on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27. And that Prof. CHARLES STEWART will deliver Nine Lectures on "The Physiological Series of Comparative Anatomy in the Museum of the College," commencing on MONDAY, MARCH 6. The Course of Lectures will be concluded in MAY and JUNE by Dr. J. ROSE BRADFORD, Mr. J. H. TARGETT, and Profs. J. HUTCHINSON, jun., and BERNARD PITTS. The Lectures will be delivered on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS at 5 o'clock p.m. precisely each day. Fellows and Members of the College are invited to attend. Gentlemen, not Fellows or Members of the College, will be admitted on presentation of their private visiting card at the door of the Theatre. January 28, 1893. EDWARD TRIMMER, Secretary. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, ALBERT EMBANKMENT, LONDON, S.E. TWO NATURAL SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS of £150 and £60 respectively, open to First-year Students on entrance in OCTOBER. Special Classes in CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS, BOTANY and ZOOLOGY, are held throughout the Year, and may be joined at any time. Free Scholarships are given to distinguished Pupils of MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL, the CITY OF LONDON SCHOOL, and EPSOM COLLEGE. Other Scholarships and Prizes of the Value of upwards of £300, the Mead Medal for Medicine, and the Cheselden Medal for Surgery are awarded annually. The Solly Medal and Prize, biennially, for Surgical Reports. Prospectuses and all Particulars may be obtained from the Medical Secretary, Mr. GEORGE RENDLE. G. H. MAKINS, Dean. PENYWERN HOUSE MILITARY AND ENGINEERING COLLEGE, 2 PENYWERN ROAD, EARL'S COURT, S.W. PRINCIPAL-G. W. DE TUNZELMANN, B.Sc., M.I.E.E. Telegrams-" Tunzelmann, London." PUBLIC SERVICE AND UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT.-For students preparing for the various branches of the Public Service or for Scholarships at, or entrance into, the Universities and Hospitals. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.-The Complete Courses qualify Students for entry into Cooper's Hill, the Central Institution, the Royal College of Science, and into Engineering Works. Special Courses in Electrical Engineering. The extensive Physical and Chemical Laboratories are fitted up in the most complete manner for both Elementary and Advanced Work. The College is supplied with very complete Geological Collections for practical instruction. Students are regularly sent to the College by Leading Engineers and Scientific Authorities, whose Names are given in the Prospectus. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. LONDON GEOLOGICAL FIELD CLASS A Course of Four Lectures will be delivered by Prof. H. G. Sz F.R.S., on "The Fossil Reptiles of the Thames Basin." at the Men Hall, Farringdon Street, E.C., at 7 p.m., on FEBRUARY 7 and then following Tuesday Evenings. Course Tickets 55. each. to be had ch Hon. Sec., Mr. J. H. HODD, 30 and 31 Hatton Garden, E.C A CHEMIST requires work as DEMC STRATOR or as ASSISTANT in RESEARCH LABORATORY has had Practical Experience in Research, Analytical, and logical Laboratories. He is a Certificated Student of the College, Finsbury, having worked there four years, during part time he assisted in Teaching. He has a thorough knowledge ganic, but especially of Organic Chemistry.-Address, R. C. TE 6 Gower Street, London, W.C. WANTED.-A Resident Curator, Meter LOGICAL OBSERVER, and CARETAKER for the Library Buildings of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Trun £50 per Annum, with Rooms, Coal, and Gas-Applications i cates' own handwriting, stating Age and Scientific qualif Testimonials and References, to be forwarded, not later tha RUARY 14, to MAJOR PARKYN, Truro. TELESCOPES FOR SALE. Two very fine reflectors by Cook, diameter of mirror, 8) by 5 tively, perfect condition. Apply by letter-Mr. H., 30 Mile Cadogan Square. WANTED-" Nature." Nos. 427, 428, 472, and November 14, 1878. Nos. 618 and No. 651; 1882. No. 705: 1883. Price offered by F. A. C Elmfield, Stoneygate, Leicester. To Collectors and Buyers of Precious: Fancy Stones.-R. C. NOCKOLD, Diamond and Oriental Sor chant, 12 Frith Street, Soho, W., has a very large assortmed men Stones, cut and uncut. Inspection invited. Is. Id. new Set of Byron, Shelley, THE CRY OF THE CHILDRENessay on Education by A Free Lance, Author of "On the of Science " "He will receive in many quarters ceasure V rank as the highest praise" (Chemical News). Paper C net (post-free). WILLIAMS & NORGATE, London ALBERT EDWARD JAMRAC (Late CHARLES JAMRACH), 180 ST. GEORGE STREET EAST. Implements of Savage Warfare, Idols, Sacred Masks, Pervi Ne tsukis, China, Lacquer, Gongs, Shells, and other Curios The Council is about to proceed to the Appointment of a PROFESSOR of COLLECTIONS OF MINERA ANATOMY and a PROFESSOR of PHYSIOLOGY. The Stipend in each case will be £350 per Annum. Applications, together with Printed Copies of Testimonials, must be sent in on or before FEBRUARY 10, 1893. For further Particulars apply to IVOR JAMES, Registrar. University College, Cardiff, December 13, 1892. LONDON UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. ROCKS, OR FOSSILS, For the Use of Students, Science Teachers, Prospectors, & illustrate the leading Text-books, in Boxes, with Trays 50 Specimens, 10s. 6d.; 100 do., 21s.; 200 d New Price List of Minerals, Rocks, and Stratigraphical Seri Post Free. ROCK SECTIONS for the MICROSCOPE from 1.64.exch CATALOGUES GRATIS. CABINETS, GLASS-CAPPED BOXES, TRAYS, HAMMÜS always in Stock. 7 o'clock. These Lectures will be adapted for Students working for the THOMAS B.Sc. Examinations (Pass and Honours), and the Honours Examinations of the Science and Art Department. For full particulars apply to the SECRETARY of the Physics Classes. D. RUSSE 78 NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, |