DIARY OF SOCIETIES. LONDON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. YAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-On a Portable Ophthalmometer: Dr. T. Reid. -The Value of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, deduced from some Experiments performed with the view of establishing the Relation between he Electrical and Mechanical Units: E. H. Griffiths.-Preliminary Study the Morphology of Spore-producing Members: Prof. Bower, F.R.S.Further Experiments on the Action of Light on Bacillus anthracis: Prof. 1. Marshall Ward, F.R.S. NNEAN SOCIETY, at 8.-On the Life History of the Ecidium on Paris Quadrifolia: Chas. Plowright.-Contributions to the Natural History of the Flower: J. C. Willis. EMICAL SOCIETY. at 8.- Ballot for the Election of Fellows.-Platinous Chloride: W. A. Shenstone.-Melting-Points of Compounds of Similar Constitution: Dr. Kipping. -Electrolysis of Sodic Ethylic Camphorall: r. Walker.-New Base from Corydalis cara: Dr. Dobbie and A. anda. CIETY OF ARTS, at 3.-The Progress of India under the Crown: Sir Villiam Wilson Hunter K. C.S.I. TITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 2 45.-Students' Visit to the ewage-Purification Works of the Hendon Local Board, Hendon. VAL INSTITUTION, at 3.-The Factors of Organic Evolution: Prof. 'atrick Geddes. DON INSTITUTION, at 6.-The Women in the Buddhist Reformation f the Sixth Century B.C.: Prof. Rhys Davids. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. IETY OF ARTS, at 8.-The Development and Transmission of Power om Central Stations: Prof. W. Cawthorne Unwin, F.R.S. AL INSTITUTION, at 9.-Turacin, a Remarkable Animal Pigment intaining Copper: Prof. A. H. Church, F.R.S. LOGICAL SOCIETY, at 3.-Annual General Meeting. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 'AL INSTITUTION, at 3-Sound and Vibrations: The Right Hon. Lord ayleigh, F.R.S. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19. DAY LECTURE SOCIETY, at 4.-Through Turkestan to the Foot of the amirs (with Oxyhydrogen Lantern Illustrations): Herbert Jones. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20. MICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-Kopp Memorial Lecture: Prof. T. E. Thorpe, TORIA INSTITUTE, at 8.-Life and the Physical Forces: L. W. Slater. DON INSTITUTION, at 5-Three Views of the Pathos of Charles ickens (Illustrated by Readings): C. Dickens. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. CHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, at 8. 30.-Ethnological Notes on the New ebrides (Illustrated by the Optical Lantern): Lieutenant Boyle T. >merville, R. N.-Nicobar Pottery: E. H. Man. AL STATISTICAL SOCIETY, at 7.45.-Observations on Mental and hysical conditions of Children: Dr. Francis Warner. TITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.- Monthly Reception by the resident and Council. -Electrical Railways: Dr. Edward Hopkinson. AL INSTITUTION, at 3.-The Functions of the Cerebellum, and the lementary Principles of Psycho-Physiology: Prof. Victor Horsley, R.S. EX FIELD CLUB, at 7 (at Stratford Town Hall).-The Shallow and eep Waters of Essex: Dr. J. C. Thresh.-Sections on the New Railway etween Upminster and Romford: Boulder Clay beneath Old River ravel at Hornchurch: T. V. Holmes. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. LOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On the Microscopic Structure of the Wenlock mestone: Edward Wethered.-On the Affinities (1) of Anthracoptera, ) of Anthracomya: Dr. Wheelton Hind.-Geological Remarks on certain lands in the New Hebrides: Lieutenant G. C. Frederick. (Communited by Sir Archibald Geikie, For. Sec. R. S. OMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, at 7.-On some Neglected Points in the ructure of the Pupa of Heterocerous Lepidoptera, and their Probable alue in Classification: Dr. T. A. Chapman.-Notes on the Longicornia Australia and Tasmania, Part I., including a List of the Species colsted by Mr. J. J. Walker. R. N., and Descriptions of New Forms: arles J. Gahan.-On the Phylogenetic Significance of the Variations oduced by Differences of Temperature on Vanessa atalanta: Dr. F. A. Just Published. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS 1892, SERIES A. With 16 Plates, Price £2 1s. CONTENTS. On the Physics of Media that are composed of Free and Perfectly Elastic Mo'ecules in a State of Motion. By J. J. WATERSTON. On the Time-relations of the Excursions of the Capillary Electrometer, with a Description of the Method of Using it for the Investigation of Electrical Changes of Short Duration. By GEORGE J. BURCH, B. A. On Some of the Properties of Water and of Steam. By WILLIAM Ramsay, Ph.D., F.R.S., and SYDNEY YOUNG, D.Sc. Comparison of Simultaneous Magnetic Disturbances at Several Observatories. By Prof. W. GRYLLS ADAMS, D.Sc., F.R.S. On the Locus of Singular Points and Lines which occur in connection with the Theory of the Locus of Ultimate Intersections of a System of Surfaces. By M. J. M. HILL, M.A., Sc.D. Repulsion and Rotation produced by Alternating Electric Currents. By G. T. WALKER, B. A., B.Sc. Re-determination of the Mass of a Cubic Inch of Distilled Water. By H. J. CHANEY. On the Mechanical Stretching of Liquids: an Experimental Determination of the Volume Extensibility of Ethyl-Alcohol. By A. M. WORTHINGTON, M.A. The Thermal Emissivity of Thin Wires in Air. By W. E. AYRTON, F.R.S., and H. KILGOUR. On the Collision of Elastic Bodies. By S. H. BURBURY, F.R.S. On the Forces, Stresses. and Fluxes of Energy in the Electromagnetic Field. By OLIVER HEAVISIDE, F.R.S. On the Thermal Conductivities of Crystals and other Bad Conductors. By CHARLES H. LEES, M.Sc. Researches on Turacin, an Animal Pigment containing Copper.-II. Ey A. H. CHURCH, M.A., F.R.S. Colour-Photometry. --Part III. By Captain W. DE W. ABNEY, C.B. On the Clark Cell as a Standard of Electromotive Force. By R. T. On the Liquation of Metals of the Platinum Group. By EDWARD MATTHEY, F.S.A., F.C.S. BAKERIAN LECTURE.-On the Grand Currents of Atmospheric Circulation. By JAMES THOMSON, LL.D., F. R.S. On the Mathematical Theory of Electromagnetism. By ALEX. MCAULAY, M.A. 1892, SERIES B. With 30 Plates, Price £2 2s. Results of Hemisection of the Spinal Cord in Monkeys. By FREDERICK A New Mode of Respiration in the Myriapoda. By F. G. SINCLAIR, M.A. Additional Observations on the Development of Apteryx. By T. JEFFERY PARKER, B.Sc., F. R.S. On the Origin from the Spinal Cord of the Cervical and Upper Thoracic Sympathetic Fibres, with some Observations on White and Grey Rami Communicantes. By J. N. LANGLEY, M.A., F.R.S. The Ginger-Beer Plant, and the Organisms composing it; a Contribution to the Study of Fermentation-Yeasts and Bacteria. By H. MARSHALL WARD, SC. D., F.R.S., F.L.S. Contributions to the Physiology and Pathology of the Mammalian Heart. By C. S. Roy, F.R.S., M.D., and J. G. ADAMI, M.D., M.A. CROONIAN LECTURE.--Les Phénomènes psychiques et la Température du Cerveau. By Prof. ANGELO Mosso. By H. G. Researches on the Structure, Organisation, and Classification of the Fossil On Biologic Regions and Tabulation Areas. By C. B. CLARKE, F.R.S. 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PALL MALL GAZETTE.—“The author has done all tha it the reader in possession of the sum total of what evolutions view we have of Evolutional Ethics." |