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further secular rise of from 0.38 to 0.89 of a scale division. Nothing is said in Joule's paper about the temperatures at which the thermometers had been kept before the readings of the freezing point were taken, but as the later observations-and most of the earlier ones-were made in the winter months, it may perhaps be assumed that the temperatures were nearer 7° than 30°, and that the actual reading on the scale last winter should be taken as nearer 23'51 than 23.00. If this is so the total rise of the zero point last winter would be nearer 13.81 than 13.30.

Prof. Schuster states that "with properly annealed thermometers the secular changes are much smaller than the temporary ones," and that is no doubt true for observations extending over a limited time and with such comparatively large variations of temperature as from 7° to 30°. It may be pointed out, however, that the secular rise since 1879 or 1880 is probably greater than the maximum temporary change recorded by Prof. Schuster, and of course the total secular rise is enormously greater.

It may be true that the secular changes of a thermometer gradually vanish, but it must, I think, be conceded, that in the case of Dr. Joule's thermometer it will be a long time before absolute constancy is attained. There can be no doubt that even now, nearly forty-nine years after the first reading was taken, the zero point is still rising, and it does not appear to me to be very improbable that during the next fifty years there may be a further rise of two scale divisions, the amount calculated from the purely empirical formula which I have suggested.

University College, Bristol, February 20.


Foraminifer or Sponge?

UNDER the above heading in last week's NATURE Dr. Hanitsch briefly draws our attention to Mr. A. Goës' report on the deep sea organisms procured by Prof. Agassiz in the American tropical Pacific, which he describes as Arenaceous Foraminifera, with the name Neusina Agassizi.

As it was from me that Dr. Hanitsch received the specimens he describes, which I had after a personal conversation on the matter sent him, for his opinion as to their relation to true sponges, I venture to send some further observations on these interesting forms.


Dr. Hanitsch is, I believe, quite right in referring Mr. Goës' Neusina to Prof. Haeckel's Stannophyllum zonarium, as described in his report on the Challenger deep-sea Keratosa. while admitting my admiration of Prof. Haeckel's wonderful production on the Challenger specimens, I do not agree with him as to their being true Keratose sponges.

My conclusion is based upon the examination of nearly the whole Challenger collection, and in not one species could I find the slightest trace of any of the flagellated chambers characteristic of sponges.

Prof. Haeckel accounts for the absence of this important feature through the bad preservation of the specimens. Yet he describes the most delicate parts of a commensal Hydroid in full, and was able to observe amoeboidal cells, and the granulated sarcode bodies peculiar to all bottom living Foraminifera.

If, however, the forms described by Prof. Haeckel prove after all to be true Keratose sponges, the present state of our knowledge does not justify their separation from such recognised genera of Foraminifera, as Masonella, and Syringammina of the late Dr. G. Brady; Technitella, Haliphysema, and Marsipella of Canon Norman ; or Hyperammina palmiformis, described by myself from the Faroe Channel, all which forms have the power of forming siliceous and chitinous skeletons.

Without going into further detail here it will be readily understood that I quite agree with Mr. Goes in placing these organisms among the Foraminifera, although it would have been better had he given us a clearer and more detailed description of his Neusina.

I had hoped to have published my personal observations on

Colonial Meteorology.

ON p. 363 of your last number your reviewer of the "Ye of the Imperial Institute," after remarking that "cla tainly deserves better treatment," continues:

"We do not think space would be wasted in giving the monthly temperatures and rainfall for the average year two extreme years, at a few representative stations in the colonies. This information cannot indeed be found in 12 isting books, but must be worked out from original te which exist abundantly, and are rarely made available to pra workers."

I am afraid that the reviewer does not always read NAT for you, sir, have on several occasions noticed my efforts direction, efforts which have gone on uninterruptedly for tw years. As, now that you have taken the matter up, improbable that some of the funds lavished on the la Institute may be devoted to the subject, and my small og tion be swamped or superseded, I hope that you will, in

to the directors of the various Colonial observatones

helped me for so many years, and as some consolation by entire ignorement of our organisation by your reviewe. L me to give its history in the fewest words possible.

In 1873 I determined to try to publish monthly a table the principal climatic data for each synchronous month ax spread stations over the entire British Empire. The lea was identity, so as to ensure comparability. I therefore pr some blank forms and sent them with a circular letter t twenty of our leading Colonial meteorologists. Every out exception promised to help, and it says much for climate to add that during the subsequent twenty years 5: than five or six of my original correspondents have


During the period occupied in the transit of my request r the replies thereto, I wrote a series of short articles pant the leading features, and as far as practicable the mean for the various stations, so that when we began publis monthly values, the departures from the mean could be rec These articles and the tables themselves from 1874 to 1881 in The Colonies (subsequently The Colonies and India. in 1882 that paper passed into other hands, the prop declined to publish the tables, and I began to insert the Meteorological Magazine, where they have appeared ng month by month for the subsequent thirteen years. A of each year an extra table is given with a summary of then for the year, and NATURE has often done me the b quoting portions of these summaries.

I enclose copy of our last table, and though I know ti reproduce it would be to make a somewhat large deman your space, I feel that the work (wholly unpaid, be membered) of my Colonial friends during these past twenty claims some consideration and some recognition. Yo by the signatures that the authorities are the highest a

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these most interesting organisms, but circumstances have pre- THE Council of the Royal Zoological Soc

vented me doing so up to the present.

I for one would be glad if Dr. Hanitsch would give his opinion as to their supposed sponge structure, which he has not done in his previous letter.


Late of the Challenger Expedition and Commission. Owens College Museum, Manchester.

Ireland entertain some hope that it will be to produce in their Gardens examples of hyt cross-breeds between the two largest species namely, the lion and tiger.

That such hybrids have been produced is a historical record, and as the writer is particulary

ested in the success of the experiment now in progress in the Dublin Gardens, where over one hundred lion cubs have been successfully reared, he thinks it desirable to record all the details which he has been able to collect on the subject.

So far as can be ascertained the only lion-tiger cubs, as they have been called, which were ever produced belonged to several distinct litters by different parents, perhaps, but in the same menagerie-that of F. Atkins, of Windsor.

The father of the first litter of these cubs was a lion bred in Atkins's menagerie, the head-quarters of which were at Windsor. The mother was an imported tigress. From Griffith's account ("Animal Kingdom," vol. ii. p. 448, 1827) it would seem that the lion and tigress were about two years together, in the same cage, before any issue appeared. The first litter, consisting of three cubs, was born at Windsor on October 17, 1824being the result of a particular intercourse which lasted for ten or twelve days in the beginning of the previous July. The cubs were shortly afterwards exhibited to his Majesty, who, according to the showman's own handbill -a copy of which has been lent to me by Dr. William Frazer christened them lion-tigers. The lion died six weeks afterwards, and the cubs, as related by Griffith, were fostered by several bitches and a goat, and it was expected would attain to maturity; but although there is no clear intimation as to the exact date when this was written, the figures of the cubs accompanying the account are said to represent them at the age of only about three months. It is stated by one writer, however, that they did not attain to maturity ("English Cyclopædia Nat. Hist," vol. ii. p. 763, art. " Felidæ," 1854).

The next litter was born at Edinburgh on December 31, 1827, according to Atkins's showbill and Sir William Jardine's works. There were two cubs, and it would seem that they were exhibited together with, and therefore probably reared by, the mother, in the same den; but whether she were the same tigress as the mother of the previous litter is not clear.

They were seen by Sir William Jardine in September, 1828, and his figures may have been taken from them; but it has some resemblance in details, though not in general pose, to the figures published by Griffith of the 1824 litter. It would seem that Sir William was under the impression that it was these very cubs which were subsequently exhibited together with their parents in the same cage in the autumn of 1829. But there is a difficulty in accepting this conclusion, because the stuffed specimens of these two cubs still exist-one in the British Museum (Natural History) and the other in the Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh. I have recently had opportunities of examining both, and I should be inclined to think that the cubs were not more than about nine or ten months old when they died. So that either the cubs seen in 1829 were born subsequently to December 31, 1827, or the stuffed cubs just referred to must have been born previous to that date. That the cub in the British Museum was presented by J. Atkins, of Windsor, is attested by Dr. Gray's "Old List," page 40, which, through the courtesy of Dr. Günther, I have been able to consult.

That the specimen in Edinburgh was one of those born in 1827, and figured by Sir William Jardine, is, indeed, stated in the English Cyclopædia," which adds that the cubs of that litter died young. Hence, it seems most probable that the cubs seen in the autumn of 1829 belonged to a subsequent litter, as has been suggested above. Further, Mr. J. G. Robertson, formerly of Kilkenny, has informed me that he saw a lion, tigress, and their three hybrid cubs in one cage in Kilkenny, where they were brought by a showman about the year 1832. They were the sole stock of the show.

"The Menageries, Quadrupeds," Sir William Jardine (2nd edition), vol. i. pp. 191, 192. 1830.

Accordingly, it seems that besides the definitely attested births of the years 1824 and 1827, there were also, probably, some others. One of the accounts states that there is no great difficulty in promoting the union of the two species.

Besides the cub already referred to as having been presented to the British Museum by J. Atkins, I have also been shown by Dr. Günther unmounted skins of two reputed hybrid lion-tiger cubs, which are said in Dr. Gray's list to have been purchased from a dealer named Mathur, in 1842. They cannot, I think, have survived more than two or three days after birth, and their markings are too indistinct to justify any special description, particularly as their parentage is not more definitely attested. But it is of some importance to place on record here what is said as to the markings of the cubs first referred to. The specimens in the British and the Edinburgh Museums are both somewhat faded. In Gray's list the former is thus described: "Hybrid cub between lion and tigress; yellow; back slightly waved; limbs and tail banded with black."

Sir William Jardine merely says the general colour was not so bright as that of the tiger, and the transverse bands were more obscure.

Griffith describes the cubs he figured as follows:"Our mules, in common with ordinary lions, were born without any traces of a mane, or of a tuft at the end of the tail. Their fur in general was rather woolly; the external ear was pendant towards the extremity; the nails were constantly out, and not cased in the sheath, and in these particulars they agreed with the common cubs of lions. Their colour was dirty yellow or blanket colour: but from the nose over the head, along the back and upper side of the tail the colour was much darker, and on these parts the transverse stripes were stronger, and the forehead was covered with obscure spots, slighter indications of which also appeared on other parts of the body. The shape of the head, as appears by the figures, is assimilated to that of the father's (the lion); the superfineness of the body on the other hand is like that of the tigress" (p. 449).

Prof. R. H. Traquair, F.R.S., keeper of the natural history division of the Edinburgh Museum, has kindly had a photograph taken of the specimen above referred to prepared for me, and the transverse markings are distinctly visible in this picture.

I am tempted to conclude this record with an extract from Atkins's somewhat quaintly-expressed handbill, which does not bear any date, but probably belonged to the year 1828. The greater part of the bill consists of a long poetical description of the family with " a tigress their dam, and a lion their sire," and of the numerous distinguished persons who had paid them a visit. The following prose portion will probably be sufficient to extract from what is possibly one of few still existing copies of the handbill.


"The singular, and hitherto deemed impossible, occurrence of Lion and Tigress in one den.


Cohabiting and producing young, again took place in this menagerie, on the 31st of December, 1827, at the City of Edinburgh, when the royal tigress brought forth two fine cubs !! And they are now to be seen in the same den with their sire and dam. The first litter of these extraordinary animals were presented to our most gracious Sovereign, when he was pleased to express considerable gratification, and to call them lion-tigers, than which a more appropriate name could not have been given. The great interest the lion and tigress have excited is unprecedented; they are a source of irresistible attraction, especially as it is the only instance of the kind

ever known of animals so directly opposite in their dispositions forming an attachment of such singular nature. Their beautiful and interesting progeny are most admirable productions of nature. The group is truly pleasing and astonishing, and must be witnessed to form an adequate idea of them. The remarkable instances of subdued temper and association of animals to permit the keeper to enter their den, and to introduce their performance to the spectators, is the greatest phenomenon in natural history."




THE meteorological official of the United States known as "The Chief Signal Officer" has sanctioned the publication of this voluminous report of 320 quarto pages, embodying the result of a widespread photographic record and direct reading of atmospheric electrometers carried out under the auspices of the United States Government during the years 1884 to 1888, with the immediately utilitarian object of ascertaining how far it was possible to use electrical indication in weather prediction. As Mr. Mendenhall says, "No studies or investigations which did not bear upon this question were [considered] proper or allowable."

Although thus limited in scope the actual observations made and here recorded can hardly fail to be of service to future investigators into this obscure subject.

The report begins with a historical introduction, in which it is admitted that electricity was first purposely drawn from the clouds in France by Buffon and D'Alibard about a month before Franklin tried his already projected experiment; and that de Saussure was one of the first to obtain fairly quantitative results and to detect a diurnal period.

Volta "hit upon the capital device of a burning match" to replace the previous feeble collecting devices such as a bullet and wire shot up into the air. But nothing really exact and continuous was done "until Sir W. Thomson attacked the problem." He introduced the quadrant electrometer and the water-dropper, which have been the universal recording instruments ever since.

In fact "the work of Palmieri on Mount Vesuvius constitutes perhaps the only extensive series of observations in which instruments founded on the original design of Sir W. Thomson have not been used."

In the States the first energetic and influential mover in the direction of a serious record appears to have been Prof. Cleveland Abbé, who got himself authorised in 1880 by the Chief Signal officer to consult with Prof. Rowland on the subject, and afterwards with Prof. Trowbridge, and to make arrangements for a series of effective observations. Under the auspices of these gentlemen a staff of observers were trained and suitable instruments obtained, tested, and improved. Various collectors were tested, and in 1883 a photographic registration apparatus of M. Mascart was put into operation. In 1884 Mr. Mendenhall" was appointed to assume the direction of the work as chief of the physical laboratory and instrument division of the office in Washington.' were established in Washington, Baltimore, Boston, New Haven, Ithaca, and Ohio.


Much work was done in connection with electrometers by McAdie and McRae, but this is incorporated in the article "Electrometer" of the "Ency. Britt."

The instrument ultimately adopted was a quadrant electrometer of the Mascart pattern with special improvements, and was constructed by the Société Génevoise. A picture of it is given.

144 Report of Studies of Atmospheric Electricity." By T. C. Mendenhall. Extract from Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, 1889. (Washington.)

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The method of connecting the quadrants to t equal halves of a water battery, so that they might be at equal opposite potentials, and of attachin. needle to the collector, was after many trials ad partly because higher insulation was thus possible. in order to get a straight line law. Deviation froz due to what is called the "electric directing compa not overlooked, but by a stiff suspension and small it is minimised.

An interesting chapter is that on "collectors" water-dropper was mostly used, but its freezing is a interrupt the record. Sergeant Morrill experimen on a special flame collector," supplied with gas stant pressure and arranged so that wind could tinguish it, and "before the termination of the obtained very satisfactory results." But in order to uniformity between different stations he also des mechanical collector-a clockwork machine with ing arm and intermittent contacts, which is vir h gigantic replenisher, utilising the atmospheric pozi as an inductor, and thereby feeding the electromere the same potential. It seems to be as quick in res as a water-dropper (an important point, as some fluctuations of potential are very rapid), butas. only completed towards the end of the period of tion nothing very definite can be said of its perfor An illustration of the ingenious device is given in dr Observations.

Preliminary records are given showing the cune at a roof station and a balcony station, also at ** observatories in the same town. Some also from the of the Washington Monument, which naturally sho greater potential and changes than the instrument Signal Office.

There are plotted a number of zigzags obtaine the different stations about the States, and very of cated and entangled the record is. None of the yshow any agreement; and, particularly at Ithaca, the trometers seem usually to have been in a wildly e


But during an Aurora on May 20, 1888, they were larly quiet, and the remark is made: "It will be that the indications of the electrometer were p during the day and night, and that no unusual fluct occurred."

The atmospheric potential is usually positive, has been often thought that a change to negative ised bad weather. Certainly this does frequently h sufficiently often to make it worth while spec examine this point; and several curve charts are" show that "negative electricity in clear weather observed at most if not all of the Signal Service S on numerous occasions during the progress of the In many cases precipitation occurred at points miles distant, but in others clear weather prevale almost the entire country. A number of inst negative potential during clear weather occurred a where careful attention was given to the matter of observation by Mr. Schultze."

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as observed. A figure is given of an observation at erre Haute, Ind., on a day when a fog formed after sunt, and the potential then rapidly fell from + 1000 to 200 volts." "The same phenomenon was frequently served during the autumn when the formation of a haze fog just as the sun was setting was a common ccurrence."

The observer at Terre Haute (Sergeant McRae) wisely hade special observations as to the possible effect of comotives on a railway a quarter of a mile distant; ut, so far as the recods show, the passage of a train, when not happening to coincide with a fog formation, lid not seem to disturb the curves.

Clouds and Wind.

"The direct action of a cloud or group of clouds in producing a fall of potential was often observed." For instance the following at Boston: "In the morning of January 3, 1888, the potential had been steadily positive. At 11.30 it was +32 volts, from which it fell steadily at the approach toward the zenith of a small cumulus cloud, reaching - 21 volts As the cloud passed away the potential rose to +6, again falling to - 31 as a large mass of cumulus clouds approached. Later the sky became overcast, and the potential became steadily negative.

"On June 7, at 5.30 p.m., the potential fell from +43 to 173, and then rose slowly to its former value. The rise and fall occupied fifteen minutes, and coincided with the appearance over the buildings to the west of a fleecy cirro-stratus cloud and its disappearance over the institute building in which the electrometer was located.

"Again, on June 9 the potential was positive all day up to 5 p.m. At that hour it fell from +73 to 113, then rising to +52. The sky was nearly free from clouds, and the fluctuation coincided with the approach and departure of a cirro-stratus cloud, passing about 15 from the zenith. The inductive action of the cloud was plainly suggested in all of these cases."

High wind also usually causes a drop of potential.


Some charts are then given of average monthly potentials, showing nearly always positive average values, highest in the winter, lowest in summer.

Some smoothed diurnal curves are also given, and "seem to indicate the existence of two principal maxima of potential in the day, and also in a general way that one of these occurs not many hours before noon and the other toward the latter part of the day."


Special attention was paid to the observations before, during, and after the occurrence of thunderstorms, but the needle then dashes wildly to either side, and sparks often begin to pass. And the remark is made :-"Aside from the general characteristics (rapidity and range of fluctuation) these potential curves seem to have little in common. The examination of a few cases only might lead to interesting conclusions, which would almost certainly be overthrown by the study of a greater number. Sometimes the potential falls rather steadily until the violent movements begin, but sometimes it rises just as long and steadily. In many cases the fluctuations start from a high positive, while in many others the reverse is the case. The storm is usually accompanied by precipitation; sometimes this begins before the needle starts on its series of swings from side to side, and sometimes these movements precede precipitation. The steady rise of potential for some hours immediately following a thunderstorm may mean that clear and fair weather is to be expected, but Fig. 71 is good evidence that it may also be interpreted to mean that another thunderstorm is just at hand."

"Although these records are somewhat unsatisfactory as far as throwing any light upon the nature of thunderstorms, it must not be forgotten that with a single exception [two stations at Washington] none of these storms have influenced more than one station. The complete investigation of a storm would demand a large number of observing stations relatively near to each other, by means of which a full history of the potential changes about and in all parts of the storm could be obtained.

"Such an examination might result in bringing order and system out of what seems at present little less than confusion."

Then follow many specimens of the actual photographic record at Baltimore on days when lightning occurred, and finally a mass of tables embodying abstracts of results at the different stations, and also some taken at Kew and Greenwich in England; though at both of these institutions the scale used appears to be arbitrary.

General Conclusions.

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Among the conclusions the following may be noted: "Instruments similar in every respect, separated by a | distance of a hundred meters may give very dissimilar indications." (Not merely, it is explained, as regards absolute values only, which may be expected to disagree, but as regards fluctuations also.) Observers were instructed to study the appearance of negative electricity before and after and during precipitations, and at one time the hope was indulged in by the writer, as well as by several of the observers, that this phenomenon might afford great assistance in the prediction of local storms, rains, snows, &c., which offer so much difficulty in forecasting by present methods.

Further observation and investigation, however, did not justify this expectation, serving rather to increase the meteorological conditions under which negative potential might be looked for, and to diminish the definition of relationship between it and precipitation. That negative electricity is tolerably certain to be observed in connection with precipitation in a majority of cases is doubtless true, but it does not appear in such a way as to be of any value in forecasting.

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Near the end of the historical introduction we learn with regret that the observations thus tabulated and discussed are now no longer going on.

"In August, 1888, all observations were discontinued. It was thought that a sufficient number had been accumulated to decide the question of their use in weather forecasting, and in fact their study up to that date gave little encouragement in that direction." "Many questions of great scientific interest . . . had to be set aside for those likely to be of immediate practical value.”

The amount of material thus rapidly accumulated, centralised, and well discussed, is typical of what can be done under efficient Government authorisation and by the head of a National Laboratory. The carrying on of the research for immediate utilitarian ends, and stopping it as soon as it was seen that the results aimed at were not forthcoming, is perhaps also typical.

It is to be hoped that some day the question will be reopened, and a fresh series of results obtained. So far as I (who am by no means a meteorologist) can judge, I should surmise that a number of fairly concentrated stations over a large plain would be desirable; and also that the vertical gradient of potential should be attempted by a series of collectors at different attitudes on a tall mast, or possibly up a hill-side.

Further, the general aspect of the curves seems to me to suggest that the instruments were almost too sensitive and not sufficiently dead-beat. They should be quick in indication and at the same time thoroughly damped, so that the record shall contain as little as possible of any effect due to instrumental inertia. Some very light

quartz-fibre instrument might be devised, and perhaps it might contain its own recording apparatus in a compact form, so as to make registration a much easier and less cumbrous business than it has been hitherto.

When so much is unknown it is a mistake to begin by observing with too great intricacy of detail. The salient features should be first obtained, and then attention directed to the minutiæ; but one of the first things to do is to arrange that every swing in the curve shall mean a swing of atmospheric potential, and not a mere excursion of a heavy needle.

I hope that the energy, skill, and judgment of the various observers in the States, and of Mr. Mendenhall, the author of this valuable report, may be utilised through the resources of the U.S. Government by the inauguration of a fresh series of observations under somewhat different conditions, and without the hamper of any immediately specified practical object. OLIVER J. LOdge.


N our issue of September 16 last year (vol. xlvi.
p. 502) we printed an excellent memorandum
drawn up by Lord Onslow, late Governor of New Zea-

land, relating to a proposal for the preservation

satisfaction the steps that were proposed to be take the Earl of Onslow, when Governor of New Zea and by the Houses of General Assembly for the servation of the native birds of New Zealand, by re ing certain small islands suitable for the purpose, a affording the birds special protection on these ishar

(2) The council much regret to hear that dific have been encountered in carrying out this plan as reg one of these islands (Little Barrier Island), and trust the Government of New Zealand may be induced the necessary steps to overcome these difficulties an carry out this excellent scheme in its entirety.

(3) The council venture to suggest that besides native birds to be protected in these reserves de should also be afforded to the remarkable Sauri Tuatera Lizard (Sphenodon punctatus), which is at restricted to some small islands on the north coast. Zealand, in the Bay of Plenty.

These resolutions have been communicated to the sent Governor of New Zealand, and will, we trust, some assistance to him in inducing his Ministers to this excellent scheme into execution.

THE EARTHQUAKES IN ZANTE THE following is a list of the shocks of eart Zante, compiled from telegrams publishe! : Times and Standard:-January 31, at daybres most destructive earthquake, of which, however s warning must have been given, if we may judge comparatively small loss of life. Other slighters followed during the day. February 1, 2 am severe shock, felt also in Cephalonia. February. more violent shocks, one of which caused scre damage. February 3, further shocks, but less fre and violent. February 5, another violent shock. Fer 6, continued shocks of slight intensity, followed more severe ones in the afternoon and evening. Fer 7, another violent shock in the morning, resulting little additional damage. February 8, some slight February 10, some slight shocks in different c February 11, 1 a.m., a somewhat severe shock, by a succession of shocks between 8 and 9 p.m. F 12, further shocks in the early morning, soon a night, and again at intervals during the day. Fe 13 or 14, renewed slight shocks, accompanied by.

of the native birds of that colony by setting apart two islands for this purpose, namely, Little Barrier or Hauturn Island in the north, and Resolution Island in the south. As regards the first of these islands, we have lately received a copy of the report by Mr. Henry Wright (addressed to the Hon. John Ballance, Premier of New Zealand) upon the subject. According to Mr. Wright, Hauturn Ísland, in the Gulf of Hauraki, which is almost circular in shape, and contains an area of from 9000 to 10,000 acres, rising in the middle to an elevation of about 2000 feet, is very well adapted for the purpose required. Writing with a thorough knowledge of all the north island, Mr. Wright is able to say that there is no other part of it where the native birds are to be found in anything like such profusion and variety. He gives a list of forty species to be met with within its limits, and mentions as particular varieties the stitch-bird or kotihe (Pogonornis cincta) and the large dark kiwi (Apteryx bulleri) as both found there. There are slight difficulties in the way of the project, such as the presence of about a dozen Maoris now living on the island, and of a claimant for the tim-terranean rumblings. The Athens corresponder ber, which, in the shape of kauri pine (Dammara australis), is present in large quantities. There are no Weka Rails (Ocydromus) in the island to destroy the birds' eggs; and there are no bees, which, for some reasons, are considered to be highly inimical to the native birds in New Zealand. The wild pigs, formerly numerous, have been killed out; and the mutton-bird (Estrelata gouldi), the young of which were formerly eaten by the pigs, will consequently be able to breed again undisturbed. Cats unfortunately are very numerous, but Mr. Wright proposes to offer at once a reward for their destruction, which is, of course, of great importance.

Mr. Wright's report seems quite convincing as to the suitability of Hauturn Island for the object in view, but we regret to hear that some difficulties have arisen in the Parliament of New Zealand as to the appropriation of the funds required for the purpose.

Lord Onslow, however, is not disposed to let the matter drop, and will, we are sure, be strongly supported by Lord Glasgow, the present Governor of New Zealand, in carrying the matter to a successful issue. The Council of the Zoological Society of London, whose attention has been called to the subject, have passed in its favour the following resolutions, which were communicated to a general meeting of that body on the 16th inst.

(1) The council of the Society have learnt with great

Times, telegraphing on February 20, says: "The of earthquake continue at Zante, with varying de violence. No serious damage is reported, but t are compelled to live in the half-ruined or insecure are exposed to frequent alarms." It is estimated total loss of property due to the shocks may £600,000.

According to a telegram in the Times for Febr the tide in Venice on the evening of February so low as to leave several of the canals with The gondola traffic was interrupted at differen and many of those craft were stranded. This phe corresponded with the earthquakes at Zante anulonia." A simple calculation will show, hore this can hardly have been due to the princ The straight line joining Zante and Venice passe directly up the Adriatic, and its length is miles. Taking the time between daybreak on and the evening of Feb. 1 at 36 hours, this a for the sea-wave an average velocity of 20 miles a corresponding to an average depth of about so ex is considerably less than the actual amount, *** depth of the Adriatic being 110 fathoms.

Earthquakes are frequent in Zante, and st very severe. One of the most destructive shocks occurred on October 30, 1840, is described by

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