LONDON UNIV. MATRIC UNIV. CORR. COLL. TUTORIAL SERIES ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THE Its History and SYNOPSIS OF NON-METALLIC CHEMISTRY Structure. By W. H. LOW, M. A. Lond. 35. 6d. "The history of the language and etymology are both well and fully treated, and the student for Matriculation could not have a better book -Teachers' Monthly. FRENCH PROSE READER. By S. BARLET, B.-ès- net. HEAT AND LIGHT, ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK | OF. By R. W. STEWART, B.Sc. Lond. 3s. 6d. "It will be found an admirable text-book." -Educational News, HEAT AND LIGHT PROBLEMS, with numerous Worked Examples. By R. W. STEWART, B.Sc. Lond. Is. 6d. LATIN COMPOSITION AND SYNTAX. With Copious Exercises. By A. H. ALLCROFT, M. A. Oxon., and J. H. HAYDON, M.A. Camb. and Lond. 2s. 6d. Key, 2s. 6d. net. "This is one of the best manuals on the above subject that we have met with for some time."-The Schoolmaster. LATIN GRAMMAR, THE TUTORIAL. By B. J. HAYES, M.A. Lond., and W. F. MASOM, M.A. Lond. 3s. 6d. LONDON UNDERGRADUATE UNSEENS (Latin and Greek, set at Matriculation and Inter. Arts, 18751890). Is. 6d. MAGNÉTISM AND ELECTRICITY, ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK OF. By R. W. STEWART, B.Sc. Lond. 3s. 6d. MATRICULATION "It is a capital example of what a good text-book should be."- Reprints of the Papers in each subject, with Model MATRICULATION LATIN. By B. J. HAYES, Edition. I's. 6d. Fourth CONTENTS: Hints-Choice of Books-Schemes of StudyTest Papers-Selected Examples-Solutions-Propositions set during 10 years. MATRICULATION MODEL ANSWERS to the Ex AMINATION PAPERS, from 1888 to 1891. 8 vols., Is. MECHANICS AND HYDROSTATICS, WORKED With an Appendix on Calculations. By WILLIAN BRIGGS, LL.B., B.A., F.C.S. Interleaved. 1s. 6d. MATRICULATION DIRECTORY, WITH FULL ANSWERS TO THE EXAMINATION PAPERS Nos. IV., VI., VII., VII., IX., X., XI., XII. (Jazz 1888, and June, 1889, to June, 1892). Cloth gilt, Is. e net. Nos. II., III., V., are out of print). SPECIAL SUBJECTS, 1893. FOR JANUARY, 1893. HORACE. ODES, BOOK III. Edited by A. E ALLCROFT, M.A. Oxon., and B. J. HAYES, M Lond. PART I. TEXT, INTRODUCTION, and NOTES. 15. É PART II.: A VOCABULARY (in order of the Text with TEST PAPERS. Interleaved. IS. PART III.: A LITERAL TRANSLATION. IS. The Three Parts in one vol. 35. "Excellently suited for its purpose; the notes are full and good, nothing more can well be demanded of them."-Journal of Education "The notes fill about seventy pages; they are simple in style, scholarly and trustworthy."-Literary Opinion. HORACE. ODES, BOOK IV. Uniform with the above in price and arrangement of Parts. "The editors have done their work efficiently and sufficiently, and th who take up this small volume for their examination will find their path. pretty well smoothed for them."-Educational News. EURIPIDES.-HERACLIDAE. A LITERAL TRANS of 300 for London COMPLETE CATALOGUE University Exams, including Special Subjects FREE ON APPLICATION for 1893 and 1894, London: W. B. CLIVE & CO., (UNIVERSITY CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE PRESS WAREHOUSE), 13, Booksellers Row, Strand, W.C Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Published MACMILLAN AND Co., at 29 Bedford Street, London, W.C., and 112 Fourth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, November 17, 1892 PRICES FROM £5 to £7. ALSO MADE WATCH SIZE. Amongst many unsolicited Testimonials the following has been received by the maker: EDINBURGH, May 31, 1889. (Signed) R. C. MOSSMAN, [All Rights are R served. BROWNING'S "PERFECT MICROSCOPE. The body is made entirely of brass and gun-metal, with rack-motion and fine New Illustrated Catalogue of Microscopes free. THE SEA-LEVEL ANEROID (WHITESIDE-COOK'S PATENT). R. & J. BECK, 68 CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. Telephone No. 6583. Telegraphic Address: "NEGRETTI, London." NOTICE. NATURE Of DECEMBER I, containing the INDEX ΤΟ VOLUME XLVI., will form a DOUBLE NUMBER, Price One Shilling. OFFICE:-29 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND. HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY FOR PURPOSES OF TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. The Technical Instruction Committee of the County Council are prepared to receive applications for the Post of Secretary for purposes of Technical Instruction, carried on in the Administrative County of Hertford. The Salary will be at the rate of £250 with travelling expenses and other disbursements incurred under the directions of the County Council, or of the Committee. The Officer will be required to reside in London or at a convenient place to be approved by the Committee and to provide such accommodation as may be requisite for the due performance of his duties. All necessary Books and Stationery will be supplied. Particulars of the duties of the Office can be obtained on application to me, at my Office, in St. Albans. The appointment will be made subject to Three Months' Notice on either side, and the Officer will be required to commence his duties at an early date. Applications in the Candidate's own Writing must be sent to, or left at, my Office, in St. Albans, not later than NOVEMBER 28, 1892, and should state the Name, Age. Place of Residence, Qualifications, and Business (if any) of the Candidate. Copies only of Testimonials should (in the first instance) be forwarded. The County Council deprecates personal Canvassing. St. Albans, November 10, 1892. THE YORKSHIRE COLLEGE, LEEDS. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. No further Entries of Day Students for the Engineering Laboratories or Drawing Office can be taken until next Session, when the number will be limited to 60. Applications for admission will be received up to SEPTEMBER 30, 1893. A paper in Elementary Mathematics will be set for all Candidates, except such as have passed the Victoria Preliminary, or the London Matriculation. or other approved Examination. Those who have passed the Victoria Preliminary Examination will be in a position to proceed, if they so desire, to the B Sc. Degree in Engineering (Honours or Pass). Prospectus may be obtained from the SECRETARY. SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS. Special facilities are afforded by the extensive Laboratories of PENYWERN HOUSE MILITARY AND ENGINEERING COLLEGE 2 PENYWERN ROAD, EARL'S COURT, S.W. Principal G. W. DE TUNZELMANN, B.Sc. (Lond. Univ.), M.I.E.E. Telegrams-" Tunzelmann, London." Students are regularly sent to the College by Leading Educational Authorities, whose Names are given on the Prospectus. BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD. The Board requires the services of a Chief Assistant Mistress for the New Scientific and Technical School in Waverley Road, Small Heath. The successful Candidate will be expected to take the greater part of the responsibility of the Girls' Classes, under the superintendence of the Head Master. Salary, £180 per Annum. Applicants -hould be good practical Teachers, with a sufficient knowledge of French and the Sciences underlying Domestic Economy, in addition to the usual English Subjects. For Form of Application apply by Letter addressed to the CLERK of the School Board, Birmingham. ASSOCIATION OF ASSISTANT MASTERS. WANTED, TWO SCIENCE MASTERS. Salaries, about £180 and £100 resident. For particulars of these and other Posts, see WEEKLY LIST of Vacancies; 35. 6d. per Term, in advance.-EDITOR, Parmiter's School Victoria Park, N.E. OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. A Junior Demonstratorship in PHYSIOLOGY and HISTOLOGY # Vacant. Annual Salary £100. Duties to commence JANUARY 1 Applications with Testimonials or References should be sent on or before DECEMBER 12 to the REGISTRAR, who will furnish further information H. W. HOLDER, M.A., Registrar. HANOVER SQUARE. A Set of ROOMS (with use of Meeting-room), adapted for a Scientific Society, TO EL LET.-Apply to J. BARROW, 3 Hanover Square, W. To Collectors and Buyers of Precious and Fancy Stones.-R. C. NOCKOLD, Diamond and Oriental Stone Me chant, 12 Frith Street, Soho, W., has a very large assortment of Specmen Stones, cut and uncut. Inspection invited. FOR SALE. A COLLECTION of BIRDS formed in the North-East Frontier of India by Lieut.-Colonel H. H GODWIN-AUSTEN, including the Garo, Khasi, Janitia, North Cachar Naga, and Munipur Hills; the Plains of Lylhet, Cachar, and Mymes sing; the Assam Valley as far east as Sadya; the Dafla and Mishr Hills in the Eastern Himalaya. Labels give exact locality, and in mos cases the sex and date. The Collection consists of about 3730 Skins i good order, representing 592 Species.-For particulars, address Shalfor House, Guildford, Surrey. ALBERT EDWARD 'JAMRACH (Late CHARLES JAMRACH), 180 ST. GEORGE STREET EAST. Implements of Savage Warfare, Idols, Sacred Masks, Peruvian Pottery Netsukis, China, Lacquer, Gongs, Shells, and other Curios. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. Volvox globator, Spongilla fluviatilis, Conochilus volvox, Meliceru ringens, Lophopus crystallinus, and other beautiful Specimens of Pond Life at present Amoeba, Vorticella, Spirogyra, and other types (Animal and Vegetable) for Students. Specimen Tube, with Drawing and Description One Shilling, Post Free. T. E. BOLTON, FARLEY ROAD, MALVERN LINK. F. H. BUTLER, M.A. Oxon., Assoc. R. S. Mines. NATURAL HISTORY AGENCY, 158 BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON. Dealer in Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and other Objects of Scientific Interest. NOW ON VIEW:-A large and varied assortment of Rock-specimens re cently obtained from West Shropshire and North Wales, including numer Diabases, variegated Volcanic Ash, Agglomerate, and Breccia, Quartzite from the Stiper Stones, Spotted Schists, and Granitite; also, a Collection of exceptionally fine polished examples of Labradorite, Green Aventurine Quartz, Agate, Jasper, and other Ornamental Stones: Pyrite after Pyrrh tite from Cornwall: Chalk Polyzɔa from Kent; and a Consignment Ostrich Eggs. MINERALOGY. SAMUEL HENSON, 97 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. ESTABLISHED 1840. Late 277 STRAND. Choice Mineral Specimens, Gem Stones, Carved Opals, Polished Agates, Rock Crystal Balls, Fossils, Rocks, and Rock Sections. LATEST ARRIVALS. Ruby and other Varieties of Cassiterite on Quartz, Australia, Beaut Blue and White Calamine, Adamite, Laurium, Crystallized Brucite, Melan phlogite, Roscoclite with Gold, Apophyllite, Mexico, very Beautiful D Terminated Vanadinite, Arizona. Phenacite on Quartz, Colorado. Large Crystal of Pyroxene, Pink Grossular, Ruby on Matrix, Burma, Diato aceous Earth, Hakodati, Japan. NOTICE.-Advertisements and business letters for NATURE should be addressed to the Publishers; Editorial communications to the Editor. The tele graphic address of NATURE is "PHUSIS, LONDON." SUBSCRIPTIONS TO "NATURE." Yearly. Half-yearly. Quarterly TO ALL PLACES ABROAD:- CHARGES Per Line after £ s. d. I 8 O 0 14 6 7 6 I 10 660 0 15 6 O 8 ADVERTISEMENTS. 2 6 FOR Three Lines in Column O O 9 One Eighth Page, or Quarter Column Quarter Page, or Half a Column 0 18 6 . 1 15 Half a Page, or a Column 6969OO Edited by C. G. BARRETT, J. W. DOUGLAS, W. W. FOWLER, M.A., F.L.S., This Magazine, commenced in 1864, contains standard articles and notes on all subjects connected with Entomology, and especially on the Insects of the British Isles. Subscription-Six Shillings per Annum, post free. London: GURNEY & JACKSON (Mr. Van Voorst's Successors), N. B.-A Second Series was commenced with the Number for January 1890. NEW LIST OF MICROSCOPIC SECTIONS OF CONTAINING MANY NEW AND INTERESTING SPECIMENS SPECIAL SETS FOR PHYSIOGRAPHY. Also Lists of Collections of Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils, Apparatus and ALL LISTS FREE OF JAMES R. GREGORY, 88 CHARLOTTE ST., FITZROY SQUARE, W. COLLECTIONS OF MINERALS, For the Use of Students, Science Teachers, Prospectors, &c., and to 50 Specimens, 10s. 6d. ; 100 do., 218.; 200 do., 42s. New Price List of Minerals, Rocks, and Stratigraphical Series of Fossils Post Free. ROCK SECTIONS for the MICROSC PE from 1s. 6d. each, Post Free CABINETS, GLASS-CAPPED BOXES, TRAYS, HAMMERS, &c. always in Stock. THOMAS D. RUSSELL, ULCERS. If effectually rubbed on the Neck and Chest, it cures 78 NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. BEST DRAPER'S INK (DICHROIC) BLACK INK When this Ink is used writing May be had from all Stationers. In Jars, 6d., 1s., & 2s. each. Can be obtained in London, through Messrs. BARCLAY & SONS. 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ASTRONOMICAL REGISTER, Vols. 1 to 24 (1863 to 1886), in Numbers, £5 10s. A complete Set of this important Work, wanting 4 Numbers of Volume One. Just Issued, Gratis and Post Free. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAPERS ON CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. Containing over 3000 Titles. DULAU & CO., 37, Soho Square, London. SCIENCE INSTRUMENTS. An Illustrated, Priced, and Descriptive Catalogue of the Instruments of Science which are used in teaching and demonstrating every branch of Physical Science, as well as of the Instruments which are used in Original Research and in the applications of Science to Technical Industries and Pursuits. PRICE TO NON-CUSTOMERS, 2s. 6d. POST FREE. BRADY & MARTIN, NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD & 29 MOSLEY STREET, Newcastle-on-Tyne. PARTNERS N. H. MARTIN, C. E. STUART, B.Sc., H. SPARGO. A.Sc., F.I.C. EDWARD STANFORD'S NEW BOOKS Ready immediately, medium 8vo, cloth, price 218.; or bound in vellum, çà top, 315. 6d. SHORT STALKS; or, Hunting Camps, North, South, East, and West. By EDWARD NORTH BUXTON. With numerous fine Illustrations by WHYMPER, Lodge, WOLF, &C. Prospectus, with Specimens of the Illustrations, free on application. CONTENTS-Sardinia and its Wild Sheep-Recollections of Chamis Hunting-The Rocky Mountains-On the Rim of the Desert-The ELThe Father of all the Goats-The Pyrenean Ibex-Bear Hunting-A Tatalizing Quest-Reindeer Stalking-The Izzard-Peaks and Passes. Now ready, large post 4to, cloth, price 10s. 6d. net. THE FAYÛM AND LAKE MŒRIS. By Major R. H. BROWN, R.E., Inspector-General of Irrigation, Uppe With a Prefatory Note by Col. Sir COLIN SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, K.C.M. C.SI. Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and a new map of the Fayz CONTENTS:-The Fayûm of To-day-Ancient Testimony about La Maris-Theories as to where and what Lake Moeris was-History of t Fayûm Province-The Fayûm in the Future and possible Utilization of the Wadi Raiân. Just published, medium 8vo, cloth, price 10s. 6d. net, CASTOROLOGIA; or, The History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver. Egypt. By HORACE T. MARTIN, F Z.S., &c. CONTENTS:-Mythology and Folk-lore-Testimony of the RocksGeographical Distribution of Castor Fiber-Traditions from Europe-Geographical Distribution of Castor canadensis-Concerning American Relativm -Life History of the Canadian Beaver-His Wonderful Engineering A complishments-Ethnological Considerations-First Acquaintance with the "Pale Face"- Experiments in Domestication-Anatomy, Osteology, Taxidermy-Chemico-Medical Properties-Importance in Trade Commer and Manufacture-The Beaver in Heraldry. Just published, Second Edition, large post 8vo, cloth, price 75. 6. TANGANYIKA: Eleven Years in Central Africa. By EDWARD COODE HORE, Master Mariner. With Portrait, Maps, and a number of Original Illustrations. "A simple, straightforward narrative of missionary enterprise and edeavour, and a vivid picture of actual life in Central Africa."-Times. Anyone who wants some practical insight into the labours of founde a Christian Mission among the people of the Dark Continent will get the book. It is not superfinely written. The author makes no claim to literar style, but he has a tale of heroically achieved endeavour to tell, and if h tells it simply, he tells it all the more graphically."-South Africa. London: EDWARD STANFORD, 26 and 27, Cockspur Street, S W Just Published, Crown 8vo, 55. TREATISE ON THERMODYNAMICS BY PETER ALEXANDER, M.A., Ex-Bredalbane Scholar, Glasgow University; Lecturer of Mathematics, Queen Margaret College, Glasgow. London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. FOR SALE. An unique Collection of ZOOLOGICAL SKETCHES, being a Sere of 75 Original Water-colour DRAWINGS of MAMMALIA, by JOHNSON. Size, 12 inches by 9 inches, in 3 Portfolios, 1887-89. price £1. The subjects have been selected for their beauty and interest. They spirited and faithful figures of the animals in characteristic positions. LIST OF THE DRAWINGS ON APPLICATION, WILLIAM WESLEY & SON, 28 ESSEX STREET, STRAND, LONDON. Fourth Edition, pp. 300, 5s. PROTOPLASM: Physical Life and Law By LIONEL BEALE, F.R.S. Facts and Arguments against Mechanical Views of Life as acceper by Huxley, Herbert Spencer, Strauss, Tyndall, and many others. HARRISON & SONS, 59 Pall Mall. |