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District of Columbia.

[JUNE 6, 1834.

self gradually, according as its resources increased; which erty was perhaps double that amount; and in some cases policy greatly enhanced their burdens. In the mean- amounted, according to the report of the committee, to while, the gratuity which had been conferred upon them- four and a half per cent.; more, in fact, than the property selves was held and enjoyed without taxation of any kind. would rent for. The public property had been exemptMr. S. insisted it was a case of sheer justice, of obvious, ed from taxation for thirty-four years; in that time we had imperative duty. Congress had received property in sold lots to the amount of seven hundred and thirty-four trust, and they were bound to fulfil their trust. He thousand dollars. Property held by the United States would even go further. He did not regard this District within the States was liable to taxation; and why should as constituting a distinct community, like the States; nor it not be here, especially when its expenditure promoted were its relations to Government exactly like those of the our personal comfort, and the improvement of the public Territories. The framers of the constitution had intend-property? It is now proposed by this bill, to pay a proed to provide for the people of the whole United States a portionable tax for three years only, to relieve the people certain exclusive portion of territory, for the general ad- of this city, who are no longer able to hear up under vantage of the whole Union; and they had therefore con- their burdens; and the question is, will we do it? or will ferred upon Congress the power of exclusive legislation, we see the people of this city, and the city itself, sink in all cases whatever, over its inhabitants. Here, then, under it? Surely not. This pittance will not be withwas no possible conflict of authority; the power had been held. It was due to the national honor, to the national vested expressly, to the end that money might be expend- pride, to avoid the deep disgrace, in the eyes of foreigned here for the use and convenience of the representa- ers, of beholding this national city, the City of Washingtives of the people. Hence the costly buildings erected ton, founded by and bearing the name of the father of by the Government; hence the beautifying of the public his country, become bankrupt, and bankrupt, too, in a grounds; hence the improvement of the avenue connect- noble and patriotic effort to advance the national interest ing the Capitol with the President's house; and would, it and glory, by the accomplishment of a great national imbe consistent with this policy, that Congress should suffer provement.

the very city which it inhabited to be overwhelmed with But justice required the passage of this bill upon another debt, and fall into a heap of ruins? Every State in the ground. For the last five or six years, this city, in addiUnion had an interest in the prosperity of this their com- tion to its other burdens, paid about $60,000 as interest mon city; yet such was its present situation, that either on a million of dollars expended on the Chesapeake and the city must sink under its hopeless embarrassments, or Ohio canal; a work not local, but eminently national in Congress must extend a helping hand to its relief.

all its aspects, connecting, by the nearest and best route, Mr. MERCER had never, he said, known any subject the Atlantic seaboard and the seat of Government with the to be discussed here relating to the City of Washington, vast valley of the Mississippi. This work, being nationwithout an attempt on the part of some members to build al, ought to have been accomplished by national means. up a popularity elsewhere, by abusing and making a As its benefits are national, it was but reasonable that the sport of the unfortunate citizens of the District. Mr. M. nation should take the burden for three years off the went on to argue, that every capital in Europe had been shoulders of this city, and enable it to stand up until the built up at the expense of the Government. The policy work reached its great source of revenue, the coal mines which was proposed in regard to the District was, there- at Cumberland. This would be accomplished in three fore, neither new nor extraordinary. The Chesapeake years, when Congress, and the city, too, would be forand Ohio canal, for which the city had contracted a heavy ever relieved from this burden. debt, was a work which was every way entitled to the aid But it is said by gentlemen that this is but an entering of the Government. He would refer the gentleman from wedge-that this burden would become permanent--that New York to the example of his own State. The Dela- this canal would be unproductive. Now, so far from this ware and Hudson canal stock was, at one time, worth being true, he had no doubt that, from the moment the little or nothing. The company applied to the State for canal reached the coal mines, its revenue would not only relief. The State loaned to the company its credit; the pay the interest accruing on the Holland loan, but also all canal was completed; and now its stock is greatly above the ordinary expenses of the city. This was an opinion par. Mr. M. went into many statements to prove that not hastily formed; it was formed upon a minute and careChesapeake and Ohio canal, when completed, would ful comparison of the advantages of this canal, as to disbe more productive than any similar work in the United tance, lockage, sources of revenue, and every other maStates or in Europe; and that, in reference to the perpe- terial consideration, with similar works in this and other tuity of the Union, it was more important than any other countries, and the result was a firm and settled conviction that, after this canal reached the coal mines at Cumber Mr. STEWART said that, as the grounds on which he land, taxation in this city would cease. He pronounced would give his vote for this bill were essentially different the opinion with confidence, that the proceeds of this from those assumed by other gentlemen on the same stock would be equal to the whole amount required to deside, he would state them as briefly as he could. The fray the expenses of this corporation, which was stated relief proposed by the bill had been represented as a at $117,000. He would not, at this late hour, detain the mere gratuity-as a grant without consideration He did not view it in this light. The question was, whether this Government, the proprietor of half the lots in this city, together with lands and buildings valued at six millions of dollars, benefited and enhanced in value by every dollar expended in it, would, because they had the power as the local Legislature, exempt their property from taxation, and continue to throw the whole burden of opening and improving forty miles of magnificent streets, in this In that State numerous canals had been conducted to national city, on the few people who had came and settled coal mines, and they had all been attended with similar in it, to minister to the wants of the Government and its results. While those works were in progress, as here, public officers located here. The sixty thousand dollars the stocks were depressed, and the canals unproductive; now proposed to be granted for three years would not but, as soon as they had reached their destination at the coal exceed one per cent. on the valuation of the public prop- mines, the stock had risen from one hundred to three hunerty in this city, while that assessed on individual prop-dred per cent., yielding from ten to fifteen per cent, on the

work in the Union.

House by a reference to all the evidence upon which this opinion was founded; but he would state, in a few words, what had been the result of several canals lately completed in Pennsylvania, leading to coal mines, from which gentlemen might draw their own conclusions. The facts were derived from the report of a committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, who had given a whole year's attention to the subject.

JUNE 7, 1834.]

other in the Union.

[blocks in formation]

cost of their construction. As an example, be mentioned terest than any similar work in the United States, or, perthe Schuylkill canal. When this canal was completed to haps, in the world, and enable the Government to disthe vicinity of the coal banks, in 1825, the whole ton-pose of the stock which they might invest in it greatly nage upon it amounted to only 5,306 tons per annum; the above par. Such had been the result on all other canals stock was worth little or nothing. In a few years after, conducted to coal mines, and why not on this? The advanwhen the mines were opened and a railroad made to carry tages of this work, in reference to climate, position, and the coal to the canal, the tonnage increased to 250,588 sources of revenue, are greater than any other. It has tons, yielding a revenue of about fifteen per cent. on its inexhaustible supplies of coal, lumber, iron, lime, and original costs, and the stock rose from below par to $130 marble, superadded to all the usual supplies of travel, for $50 paid in. Like results had attended the completion commerce, and agriculture. of numerous other coal canals, both in this country and He therefore contended that the relief sought by this Europe, and similar and even more favorable results we bill was but temporary; and that there was no kind of had a just right to expect from the extension of the Chesa- foundation for the allegations made by the gentleman peake and Ohio canal to the inexhaustible coal mines at from New York and the gentleman from Kentucky, that Cumberland, especially when we consider the great ad- this was but an entering wedge, and that the canal, after vantages enjoyed by this work in many respects over any it reached the coal mines, would continue unproductive. Until it reached that point, no one ever pretended that it Near Cumberland the Potomac cuts its way through would be profitable. The coal of Cumberland and the coal banks twenty feet in thickness, which can be thrown commerce of the West were the great and productive from the banks into boats with a shovel. This was bitu-sources of revenue to which its friends had always looked minous coal of superior quality, found no where else east to remunerate those who patronised this great national of the Alleghany mountains. In Pennsylvania, the anthra- undertaking, on which there had already been expended cite coal was found less than 100 miles from Philadelphia, $4,000,000, more than two-thirds of the whole sum reand was there sold at $5 per ton, or 18 cents per bushel. quired to complete it to Cumberland, where he hoped to The bituminous coal they had to carry 287 miles, by the see it soon conducted by the passage of another bill, reSusquehannah, Union, and Schuylkill canals, and cost $9 ported early in the session, granting a second million of per ton, or 30 cents per bushel. Now, it was susceptible dollars to this noble enterprise; and when it reached this of mathematical demonstration, taking the cost of trans- point, and the stock is raised in the market, as in the case portation and the rate of toll charged on other canals as of the Pennsylvania coal canals, all further difficulty to the basis of calculation, that the fine bituminous coal at the progress of this great bond of national union to its Cumberland could be delivered on tide-water, at this city, ultimate destination, at the Ohio river and the lakes, will for 124 cents a bushel, or $3 50 pèr ton. Thusbe completely removed. Public spirit and patriotism aside, show capital that it is profitable, and the object is achieved reach Cumberland, and, my word for it, the difficulty is overcome, the great object is secured. The East and the West will be united by a bond of union, which, even should all others be sundered, will remain firm and unbroken forever.

Cost at the mines, per bushel,
Transportation, at the usual rate,

Tolls, at cent per ton, per mile, being the usual







This was an estimate furnished by a gentleman of the highest respectability, familiar with the subject, and living on the spot; but let it be doubled, and you have 12 cents per bushel. This being established, it was clear that, although it might not displace, in a material degree, the anthracite coal of Pennsylvania, yet it would certainly supply the whole sea-board, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c., with the bituminous coal, required for many uses to which the anthracite coal could not be applied the working of iron, propelling steamboats, manufacturing of gas, coke, &c. Gentlemen ask, where will be found a market for this coal? The demand would

After some further debate, in which the bill was opposed by Messrs. HARDIN and MANN, and supported by Messrs. CHINN, and WARD WELL,

Mr. VINTON moved the committee rise; which was carried: Ayes 62, nɔes 60.

The committee accordingly rose, and the bills passed through the committee were reported to the House, and progress made on the last bill. The House then adjourned.


On motion of Mr. HUBBARD, the consideration of the

only be limited by the ability of the canal to supply it; reports of the committee on the Kentucky contested the felling of the forests and the progress of the arts were election, which was the unfinished morning business, was daily creating new demands for coal. The coal trade postponed until Tuesday next.

would soon be one of the most extensive and profitable branches of our foreign as well as internal commerce; con


The SPEAKER having ascertained that it was so, Mr. ADAMS said he would modify the resolution to read as follows:

siderable quantities of coal had already been exported; | Mr. J. Q. ADAMS remarked that he believed the time and when, by the means of these canals, it could be had come, for which he had been waiting nearly two brought, at a reduced rate, to the sea-board, its exporta- months, when the resolution, formerly submitted by him, tion abroad would be greatly increased. To show the calling for information as to the State banks, was then increasing importance of this trade, it was stated, in the next in order to be considered. report just referred to, that the amount paid for coal in Philadelphia was about $3,000,000 per annum; and that, if the demand continued to increase for ten years to come as it had for ten years past, the amount in 1843 required Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be dithere would be $52,544,450 worth. Do but furnish the rected to lay before this House the names of the presimeans to complete this great work, now more than two- dents, cashiers, directors, stockholders, lawyers, and sothirds done, to the coal mines at Cumberland, and he licitors of all the banks selected by him as depositories would guaranty that there would not only be an ample of the public moneys in the place of the Bank of the arket, but gentlemen might dismiss all apprehensions United States and its branches; together with the amount about being burdened with the payment of the interest of stock in said banks held by each stockholder, and the on this city debt. The work would realize a higher in-amount of debt due by each president, cashier, and VOL. X.--276

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The Public Deposites.

[JUNE 7, 1834.

director of each of the banks to the said bank, at the time public funds committed to their charge, were in the sitwhen it was selected as a depository, and at this time.. uation which he had described. The information, as to The question being on the adoption of the resolution- the quantity of stock held by private stockholders, was Mr. CAMBRELENG said that, as he did not consider not what he desired. It was full information as to the information as to the private debts of the individuals condition of the selected banks, with regard to the debts named in the resolution to be at all necessary for the due to them by their own officers, acting as public offiHouse to have, he would suggest to the honorable mem-cers and trustees of the property of the people, that he ber from Massachusetts that the resolution should be required. further modified by him, so as to require only the aggregate amount of debt due by the presidents, directors, &c. of these institutions. Presuming that the honorable member was actuated, in calling for the information, by motives of a public nature only, he was persuaded that he would only seek to attain his object in such a way as not to cause injury or inconvenience to any individual. He presumed that the object of the gentleman was to ascertain the amount of debt due by these individuals, Mr. POLK said that he did not perceive what object which he was perfectly justified in having, that it might the honorable member from Massachusetts could have in be known whether the capital that ought to be in these view by the resolution. But, let the object be what it banks was not improperly employed, and the institutions might, the same information proposed by it to be obthus weakened. For this object, however, the aggre-tained from the State banks, it was as necessary to have gate amount of debt due by them would suffice. from the Bank of the United States; and, with that view, when in order to do so, he would move the following as an amendment, viz:

Mr. J. Q. ADAMS said that the information stated by the honorable member from New York [Mr. CAMBRELENG] was not what he desired. He desired to have the statement of the debt, as well as of the stock, held by the president and directors of these State banks respectively. The aggregate amount, therefore, could not furnish that information which he had called for by the resolution. His object was certenly, in calling for it, of a public nature, and was not intended for the gratification of any personal feeling. He required it, because it was what he supposed would be vitally interesting to the public. It must be interesting to them to know the condition of institutions selected as public depositories. The amount of debt, the proportion of stock that had been, as well as the amount which was at present held, would give full and a better insight into their condition than any other means they could devise to acquire it.

Mr. STEWART said he could not see any possible valuable object to be attained by including in the call the names of "the lawyers and solicitors," whose residence might, for 'aught they knew, be scattered all over the Union. He thought that the call for information might with as much propriety be extended to the various agents employed by these institutions. He moved to strike out the words "lawyers and solicitors."

"The Secretary also communicate to this House the amount of debts due by the president, cashier, and directors of the Bank of the United States to said bank at this time, or at any time within one year last past, and also the names of the lawyers and solicitors of the Bank of the United States and branches, and the amount of debt due by each to said bank at this time, or at any time within one year last past."

This amendment, Mr. POLK said, might have the effect of procuring information which other means had failed to elicit. He cared not to what extent the inquiry was proposed into the condition of the depository banks, provided the honorable member would allow the inquiry to proceed pari passu into the affairs of the Bank of the United States. What power the Secretary of the Treasury might He would add further, that the information as proposed have to procure the information from the State banks, he by his resolution was essential to ascertain the safety of knew not. But it had been said that there were no legal the State banks for the object for which they were re- means by which he could compel them to give it; none, cently selected. It was essential to ascertain the charac-in fact, unless it should be voluntarily given. From reter, the credit, of these banks. This was made necessa- cent events, however, the House were not now to ry on the part of the public to have known, when it learn that, with power greater than the Secretary's, they should be recollected that many, very many, banks had had not been able to procure such information as they been governed by directors chosen from year to year, had desired from the Bank of the United States. but who, apparently having large interests in banking institutions, yet had been known not to have one dollar vested in them in reality. Such might be the condition of some of those who then had at their discretion the control of the funds of Government, as well as that of private individuals. The manner in which this control was acquired was this: at the commencement of a banking institu. tion, it was in the power of a favored individual, or individuals, to put his name down for 50,000 dollars of stock, giving therefor, to the institution, their own promise to pay. This being what was commonly called a stock note, upon this the stock being obtained by each respectively. The person obtaining it has the power to vote thereon, to appoint directors at pleasure, whilst, in fact, there may not be placed in the institution one dollar of real capital; the person so acting owing to the institution the whole amount upon the stock of which the power to vote was claimed and exercised.

Mr. STEWART inquired if it was possible for the Secretary of the Treasury to communicate the information called for by the resolution?

Mr. COULTER said he felt very little solicitude for the fate of the amendment proposed by his colleague, [Mr. STEWART,] although he would not vote for it. He had no doubt that the honorable member from Massachusetts, in submitting his proposition as it stood, was actuated solely by objects of public consideration, worthy of himself, of the House, and of the nation; and he was willing to go with him in having this information, because he be lieved that the State banks had been (whether constitutionally or not, he would not stop then to discuss) converted into fiscal agents for the receipt and disbursement of the public treasure. Being then fiscal agents, he thought it became their duty to make manifest to the House their own situation in every particular in which that situation could have a bearing on the safety of the public money It was for the purpose of ascertaining, then, whether intrusted to them for safe keeping. In this view it was any banks, usually called "family concerns," so managed, he felt that the information called for, as to the names o had been selected as trustees for the management of the the lawyers and solicitors, was correctly called for; tha public money, that he had been induced to offer the res- it might be known whether any of these institutions in olution; and it was precisely the information objected to by the honorable member from New York, which it was necessary for Congress to have, that it might be seen whether any of these trustees, who had the control of the

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trusted the management of their corporate funds to in competent agents, or whether to persons who were con nected in any degree with the Treasury of the Unite States itself. This it was particularly necessary to know

JUNE 7, 1834.]

The Public Deposites.

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as there was an act passed in 1789, by the provisions of purpose of substituting one of their own-of filthy rags. which any persons having the disbursement of that treas- He questioned the relevancy and the propriety of the ure was prohibited from entering into any business or en-amendment proposed by the member from Tennessee, gagements of such a nature whatever as would have a ten-[Mr. POLK,] whilst the subject was pending before the dency to make the custody of the public money hazard-House; and he could not but feel the more anxious that ous in their hands. He would openly avow that this was the resolution calling for information should be insisted one object which he had in supporting the resolution, on, as to the condition of the State banks, when he heard because it had been stated in the public papers of the that it was made a matter of doubt that the Secretary of day that the present Secretary of the Treasury, in con- the Treasury could procure it. This alone would make travention of this act, regulating the duties of his own him insist on having it; that, as these depositories had now Department, was not only a large stockholder, but held more of the public money than the Bank of the United the appointment of attorney to one of the very banks se- States, the people might be timely warned of the danlected by himself as a depository for the public money. gerous state in which their treasure had been placed, and If this was so, then he was desirous to know it; and, to see the consequences of persisting in the present ruinous, obtain this knowledge, he felt compelled to vote against rash, and mad "experiment." the amendment of his colleague.

Mr. MILLER trusted that the resolution would be He would not inquire whether the Secretary of the adopted, and that no objection would be made to its adopTreasury had the power to cause this information to be tion on the part of any friend of the administration, holdgiven; for, if he had it not, he ought to have had it, as it ing, as he did, that it was not only their right, but it was was by his own act the public treasure had been placed the bounden duty of Congress, to have full information in these institutions, and Congress should hold him ac- of the condition of those institutions in which the public countable for the funds so put by him into these State money was deposited. It would, indeed, be good cause, banks. Under the circumstances in which the country he thought, if they had not this power to inquire into was at present placed, with respect to the public treas- them, or if the bank should refuse the information when ure, he was anxious to have all the information that could called for, to remove the deposites from the State banks. be given as to the condition of the State banks, and it He desired to have the same information from the Bank was therefore, he confessed, with regret that he saw the of the United States. Trusting that its friends would not honorable member from Tennessee disposed to clog its have any objection to its being given, he would vote for being procured by the amendment which he had propo- the resolution, and for the amendment of the member sed: for this amendment was not necessary when it was from Tennessee. recollected that the subject of it was, at that moment, Mr. GILLET hoped that, as the proposition was made pending in another shape and in another form. Anxious, for inquiry, no member would be found refusing his aid then, as he was, with that gentleman, that full informa- to have the same information procured from one insti tion should be obtained from the Bank of the United tution that was derived from the other. He maintained States, he believed that it was in the power of Congress that it was important to know the precise situation of all to obtain it legally; holding, as he did, that the bank was their fiscal agent for revenue purposes, and, as such, under the control of Congress, who could as lawfully inspect its proceedings as they could that of any other functionary. He hoped, therefore, every information would be forthcoming. For the same reason, then, that he thought Congress had this right, he would maintain that, as the State banks were intrusted with the possession of the public treasure, we had a similar right to call for information from them.

the banks in which the public money was deposited. For, if they were in an unsound state, what better reason could be furnished for their restoration to the place from whence they were taken?

The question having been then put on the amendment of Mr. STEWART, to strike out the words "lawyers and solicitors," it was negatived.

Thereupon Mr. POLK, as he had previously intimated, submitted his amendment, calling for information from the Bank of the United States.

Mr. EWING said that, when he had originally submit- Mr. J. Q. ADAMS rose and said that, if the honorated the amendment as to the lawyers and solicitors, ble member from Tennessee [Mr. PoLK] was disposed to which the honorable member from Massachusetts had modify the amendment, and make it only co-extensive adopted as a modification of his resolution, he had no with the call for information for inquiry into the State idea it would have caused such a discussion; his object banks, he was perfectly willing to accept it as a modificabeing simply to present to public view and to public tion of his own motion.

execration the names of those solicitors who were pock- The amendment of the honorable member went further eting, out of the institutions which had been selected as than that proposed by him. He not only proposed to exfiscal agents of the Government, the means by which tend it to the lawyers and solicitors, but he desired also they were bellowing, for selfish purposes, against ano- to know the proportion of private debts due by them rether and a better institution. His object was to counter-spectively. This was a sort of inquiry which (Mr. A. act the poison disseminated in the official organ of the said) he had himself never centemplated. As he had alGovernment itself, and show to the world what was as-ready stated, he was willing to extend the inquiry, to serted in that paper to be bribery and corruption on the have it known who were the lawyers and attorneys of the part of the Bank of the United States, by eliciting the United States Bank, as well as of the State banks desigfact that, if fees to lawyers be bribery, then they were nated; but he could not accede to have the resolution given ten to one; ay, he might say in the proportion of further extended, lest they would be entering upon twenty dollars to one, more by the State banks than by grounds of a questionable nature, as to the right of the the other much ill-used institution. But it was a misno- House to make the call. mer to term these State banks. With the exception of Mr. BEATY proposed, if in order, to amend the one, he knew of none that deserved to be called State amendment of the honorable member from Tennessee, banks. No. They were a set of institutions generally by inserting the following words: intrusted to the guidance of political partisans; and it "Be it further resolved, That the Secretary of the was his main object to show them up, that it might be Treasury also inform the House of Representatives wheseen who it was that were truly pocketing large amounts ther the President of the United States, heads of Departin the shape of bank fees, and who it was that were en- ments, and Treasurer, have been in the habit of keeping gaged in crying down the Bank of the United States, their private accounts in the Branch Bank of the United with the view of upsetting a sounder currency for the States, in the City of Washington; and at what time did

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District of Columbia.

[JUNE 7, 1834.

they, or either them, cease to keep their accounts in said question for the House, then, to consider was, as to the branch bank." power and obligation upon Congress to appropriate it. Mr. SELDEN suggested some alteration in the phrase-In the course of the debate, he said, much stress had ology of the amendments, which he thought might obvi- been laid, that the claims of the city were strong upon ate some difficulties in procuring that information from Government, because much of the embarrassments under the State banks, as well as from the Bank of the United which it labored arose from circumstances connected with States, of which gentlemen on all sides of the House the original cession of the land where it was situate, and seemed now desirous. upon the plan and extreme length with which the streets Mr. J. Q. ADAMS said he would accept of the amend-of the city had been laid out, which rendered it necessary ment suggested by the bonorable member from New for the corporation to level hills, fill up hollows, &c., at York, as a modification. He presumed that it was not considerable expense. He must, however, contend, anxthe object of the honorable member from Tennessee to ious as he was, nevertheless, to afford them relief, that, introduce matter, as necessary to be inquired into, with for the parts ceded to the Government, the city had reany view of defeating the object he had proposed by the ceived a fair equivalent, and more than that, from the resolution. He (Mr. A.) could not expect that the honor-General Government. For what was the situation of the able member would take such a course, and he hoped, land, and what was its value, comparatively speaking, to therefore, that he would not persist in requiring the in- what it then was, from having been selected by the faquiry, which he had originally proposed, to be extend- ther of his country as the seat of the General Governed further as to the Bank of the United States than he ment? He denied, as was contended by the advocates of had proposed to extend it to the State banks. Besides, the city, that it was any thing unusual or any hardship that he must recollect that the information he now asked for it should be deemed that this Government should be exhad been several times communicated to Congress. The empted from paying taxes to the city, conceiving that there only thing that was not in possession of the House, he was no instance to be found of a Government taxing itself. believed, was the information called for, to which he did not object, being the debts due by the president and directors, respectively, to the institution, which there could not be any difficulty in having procured.

Mr. P. here read several statements, to show that the expenditures by the Government, in the erection of the various buildings, amounted, up to 1826, to $3,674,849, which he said would rebut the statements, that much Mr. POLK said, as the question before the House was detriment had occurred to the city, because, as was alon the amendment proposed by the member from Ken-leged, the Government had not improved the property tucky, [Mr. BEATY,] for an inquiry of a still more extend-that had been given to them; and, on account of which ed character than that contemplated by the resolution, it had been also said they were partaking in all the benehe must now advert to it, and say that he was perfectly fits arising from the outlay for the improvement of the ready to meet it. But, whilst that honorable gentleman city, whilst they did not contribute a fair share, or any proposed to inquire into the private bank accounts of the thing like it, to the benefits derived from the lots given President, heads of Departments, and Executive officers, to it. Mr. P. made several other statements to show that he (Mr. P.) would go still further, and include along the value of those lots was generally exaggerated; arguwith them the members of the Judiciary, of the Legisla- ing that if, in fact, they could find purchasers for tive branch, and all others connected with the Govern- them, it would be good policy, to dispose of them and ment. This inquiry it was, in fairness, due to have made take up, with the proceeds, the stock of the corporainto the affairs of all public officers, if of any; and, when tion. He, however, begged to be understood that, in such was proposed, as he was himself from a whole-hog making these remarks as to the expenditures of the Govcountry, he could not be unwilling to be met on a whole-ernment in the erection of buildings, and as to the advantahog principle. If examination was to take place, he de-ges derived by the Government from the lots given to it, sired it should not be into isolated facts, from which the he was not actuated by a desire to prevent relief being country might be drawn to infer that, with respect to given, but he made them rather in vindication of the them, which might not be true. The member from In- General Government from what he considered to be undiana [Mr. EwING] had let out the secret, that it was in- just charges preferred against it on this head. He was tended to ascertain whether the Secretary of the Treas- not for abandoning the city, believing that, if the debt, ury might have been an attorney of a deposite bank. at present so onerous upon it, was removed, the city must Mr. EWING appealed to the House to say whether he eventually prosper. It was then for the committee, had used the Secretary's name at all. knowing that the city was insolvent, could not pay her debts or the interest upon them, now to say what was to be done. For something must be done, and speedily, or matters would be worse and worse.

Mr. POLK. Well, then, I am corrected. I find it was from another honorable member this came, and was avowed as a reason for inquiry. But, if inferences were to be drawn, (Mr. P. said,) the House should have the facts all spread at large before the public.

The debate was here arrested by Mr. STEWART, who called for the special orders of the day, being the consideration of bills in relation to the


This he thought it was the bounden duty of Congress, under the peculiar circumstances in which the city and District were placed, to attend to forthwith, without any reference to the question of right, (which he did not acknowledge,) in order to avert from it total ruin. He said he had no faith in the great advantages that honorable members said were likely to arise from the revenues of The House then went into Committee of the Whole the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, when completed. The thereon, (Mr. BRIGGS in the chair,) and resumed the con-history of other canals throughout the Union showed sideration of the bill for the benefit of Washington city. how little reliance was to be placed on revenues from Mr. PARKER, having the floor from the previous day, such a source. At all events, nothing could be expected rose and said he felt every disposition to relieve the city-if even then-from this canal, unless the Government from the burdens under which it must, if that relief was who, as well as the corporation, was so largely interested not given, evidently break down, provided that they in it, as holders of its stock, should, as he hoped they could agree upon the means and manner in which that would, take its management into their own hands, for relief could be accomplished. The committee, in the re-the purpose of being completed. On the whole, he proport presented by them, went into statistical statements, fessed his willingness to join in any reasonable plan that basing their application for relief, first on the benevolence should be proposed, in order to extricate the city from her of Government, and then upon other grounds. The embarrassments.

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