Slike strani

H. OF R.]

Indian Annuities.

[JUNE 13, 1834.

you passed a law authorizing the public land to be sold Mr. PEYTON said that he was as much a friend to the in tracts of forty acres, expressly for the benefit of this prosperity of the new States as any member on the floor; class of people; so that now any poor man, who can but, situated as his own State (Tennessee) was, the bill raise fifty dollars, can go into any land office in the provided no relief or benefit for it, because there were Union and buy him a little spot to live upon. Now, sir, no unsold lands in the State worth $1 25. As he considhow the man who cannot raise fifty dollars to buy forty ered that State entitled to equal justice from the older acres, can raise two hundred to buy one hundred and States, he thought the bill ought to go farther. Could it sixty acres the quantity for which the bill gives a pre-be wise policy to keep our public lands a forest? A genemption right-was past his comprehension, and had not tleman from Vermont had insinuated that a blaze upon a yet been explained in any one of the many answers to tree, and the planting of a few potatoes, would be held what had been said by him when he was up before. If to be occupancy under the bill. He would ask that genthe pre-emption were brought down to forty acres, the tleman whether any of the people from his part of the poor man who could raise his fifty dollars, and no more, country would ever go upon the public lands, if no trees would have a chance under this bill. But those only were blazed and no potatoes planted? The gentleman who can raise two hundred dollars can avail themselves considered the bill as involving a great hardship upon the of its benefits. This fact, as well as what is known of speculators, who came in large companies, with hundreds the history of the pre-emption law of 1830, shows that of thousands of dollars in their hands, to increase their forthe bill is intended for another and far different class of tunes by buying public lands. But what injustice was there men; for men of property, who want to make a specula-in allowing a poor man to purchase that from the Governtion, by selecting all the choice spots, and then get them ment at a reasonable price, which he must otherwise purat the price of "refuse land." He felt the firmest con- chase from them at any price they choose to ask? That viction that, if the bill passed, the valuable cotton lands poor man who had blazed the trees and planted the potayet to come into market, all the fine water power and toes had chosen that spot as the home of his children. sites for towns, all your mineral country, and all the In- He had expended upon it his labor. He had toiled in dian improvements which the Government had paid for at hope. He had given it value, and he loved the spot. It the rate of perhaps twelve or fifteen dollars per acre, was his all. When the public sale was proclaimed, if would be sacrificed at the price of one dollar and a that poor man attended it, he might bid to the last cent he quarter; and fall into the hands of men who have no had in the world, and mortage the bed he slept on to claims upon the favor or charity of Congress. enable him to do it. He might have his wife and children Mr. ASHLEY said he had risen not to enter into the around him to see him bid; and when he had bid his very merits of the bill, but mainly for the purpose of replying last cent, one of these speculators would stand by his side ot the remark of the gentleman from Ohio, [Mr. VINTON,] and bid ten dollars more. And thus he would see his in respect to the lead mines. Mr. A. had lately express- little home, on which he had toiled for years, where he ed it as his opinion, that it would be wise policy in the hoped to rear his children and to find a peaceful grave, Government to sell the mines. Since then he had re-pass into the hands of a rich moneyed company. Was ceived the returns of the commissioners, and they had this a policy to be patronised, to be established, to be confirmed his opinion. The first sale in Missouri had ta- fixed upon the laboring classes of this country? When the ken place in 1818; the lead lands were then reserved, poor man had been thus stripped of his all, what tie was and so continued to be till 1829 or 1830, when they were left to make him love his country? Such a policy would offered at public sale, and only thirteen quarter sections but teach the republic to alienate her children. In Tenhad been sold in seven days, and they brought into the nessee, as was well known to most who heard him, land treasury but $1,785, being only ten dollars over the warrants had been laid upon all the valuable soil. And amount at the minimum of $1 25. This was the result, it would be a positive injury, instead of a benefit, to sell after they had been withheld from sale for 12 years. The this refuse land at the present Government price. He effect of this policy had been, upon the whole, a loss to would, therefore, move an amendment, proposing that the Government of $1,284. The gentleman had affirm- all public lands unsold within the State of Tennessee be ed that it was the rich who settled the public lands. Now, granted to that State, and be opened to location at 183 on that subject, Mr. A. would only ask one plain ques-cents per acre.

tion. He would ask of any rich man in this country, Mr. SPEIGHT, apprehending that amendments to this whether he would risk a location on the public lands? bill would so be multiplied as to prevent its passing this What would he require? He would need extensive session, to put an end to the debate, moved the previous buildings; and could he secure this by the purchase of question. the public lands? No. It was the poor who settled the public domains. It was men who were unable to purchase in the settled parts of the country. And it was a wise and humane policy which permitted them to find a home on the lands belonging to the Government. Their doing so increased the value of the public domain, and brought it the sooner into market. And this was the reason why so much of the public land was now sold in Ohio. The country was settling, and the adjacent lands rose in value.

There being indications that this motion would carry, Mr. MCCARTY renewed the inquiry whether the amendment he had offered was or was not understood to be accepted by general consent?

Mr. STEWART, deprecating a longer debate, now moved the previous question; but, in the hope of a speedy decision of the bill, consented to withdraw it.

The CHAIR stated that the question was on striking out the enacting clause of the bill; when some conversation arose on an inquiry whether Mr. MCCARTY'S amendment had or had not been received by general consent. The Chair inquiring whether there was any objection

to it,

The explanation resulted in declaring that it was not so received.

The sense of the House was now taken on seconding the previous question, when the vote stood: Yeas 91, noes 54. So the motion was seconded.

The previous question having been put and carried, the bill read again, and the yeas and nays ordered; the question was put on its final passage, and decided in the affirmative: Yeas 124, nays 53.

So the bill was passed and sent to the Senate.


On motion of Mr. POLK, the House then proceeded to consider the bill making appropriations for the payment of Indian annuities.

Mr. WILLIAMS moved an adjournment; but it was

Mr. McKAY objected, and offered a further amendment, to strike out two years as the duration of the bill. Inegatived.


JUNE 14, 1834.]

Treasury Bank-Indian Annuities--Fortifications.

[H. OF R.

Mr. POLK then moved that the House concur in seve- he could not vote for the bill making appropriations for ral small amendments, which, on his motion, had been the payment of Indian annuities. inserted in Committee of the Whole. This was agreed Mr. POLK replied that he had been informed that to; and a long list of other items of amendments were the sum appropriated had been disbursed as it was deconcurred in. signed, which the accounts at the Department would

Mr. WILLIAMS then said that he would not embar

On that item which applies 100,000 dollars, receipts of show, in defraying the expenses of removing the Cherocertain lands sold by the Seneca Indians, to the payment kee and Choctaw tribes of Indians, who had emigrated to of their annuities, a debate arose, in which the propriety the West. The inquiry of the honorable member from of adopting such an amendment was fully discussed by North Carolina, however, he thought would be more Messrs. ADAMS, POLK, FILLMORE, PARKER, and BINNEY. appropriately made by a call for information in a distinct The Senecas sold their lands in New York for 100,000 proposition to that effect, than upon a bill providing for dollars, which was placed by treaty in the hands of the appropriations which the United States were bound by President of the United States, in trust for them, they to treaties to make. receive the interest annually. The money was vested in United States Bank stock, (of the old bank,) afterwards in the six per cents., and finally in the three per cents. It was afterwards, by law, placed in the treasury, to the credit of a certain fund called the Indian appropriation Here it lay dead, while the Government continued to pay to the Senecas 6,000 dollars annually. The amendment proposed to pass it to the credit of the Treasury, to be applied to Indian contingencies. The amendment was opposed, as being a violation of the trust under the treaty.


The amendment was amended, on motion of Mr. BINNEY, by inserting a proviso, declaring that nothing in the amendment should be considered as prejudicing the right of the Senecas to the 100,000 dollars.

The amendment, with this proviso, was concurred in. Mr. HAWES renewed his amendment, moved in committee, requiring the annuities to be paid to the chiefs or to persons appointed by them; but it was negatived. The bill was then ordered to its engrossment, And the House adjourned.


UNITED STATES TREASURY BANK. Mr. McKIM asked the unanimous consent of the House to submit the following resolution:

Resolved, That a select committee be appointed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to authorize the issuing of fifteen millions of dollars in treasury notes, bearing an interest of five per cent. per year, under the direction of a board of commissioners, to be appointed by law for that purpose, to be loaned out by said commissioners to such individuals of the several States, who may apply for a loan, as can give full and satisfactory security for the reimbursement of the same on the first day of July, 1836.

Mr. WILLIAMS objecting

Mr. McKIM moved a suspension of the rule, to enable him to offer the resolution; whereupon,

Mr. WILLIAMS withdrew his objection, being willing, he said, that this "experiment" might have a trial

before the House.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. POLK rose to ask the unanimous consent of the House to take up the bill making appropriations for Indian annuities, which being objected to, he finally moved a suspension of the rule for the purpose of going into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union on sundry appropriation bills.

Mr. WILLIAMS desired to have some information

rass in any way the passage of the Indian annuity bill, although he must acknowledge he should have been bet ter satisfied than he was if the honorable member had been prepared to give him the information for which he had sought.

Mr. DAVIS, of South Carolina, then said he rose for Committee of Ways and Means, and, indeed, to the comthe purpose of putting a question to the chairman of the mittee, collectively and individually. The chairman has just moved the House to go into a Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of taking up appropriation bills, before taking any measure to redeem and rescue the public treasury from its present lawless and unconstitutional condition. I now desire, (said Mr. D.,) indeed, demand, in the name of the American people, to know whether it is intended to adjourn and leave the public money in the hands of the President, who himself admits that legisla tion is necessary, and recommends the action of this House? You are now called upon to make appropriations, when you are utterly ignorant where or what the treasury is. How dare we go back to our constituentsThe SPEAKER having interposed, and declared the pending motion was not debatable-

Mr. D. said he had risen for the purpose of stating that he could not vote for any of these appropriation bills unless he was assured that it was the intention of the honorable member to make some legislative provision on the subject of the public treasure.

Mr. POLK would state that his present object was to go into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, generally. After the appropriation bills were disposed of,. if there was time for it, he should be much grati fied if they could proceed even one stage on the bill, reported by the Committee of Ways and Means, to regulate the terms on which the deposites should be placed in the State banks.

Mr. DAVIS. Then it is to be understood it is your intention to proceed with that bill.

Mr. POLK assenting, the House, on his motion, resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, (Mr. GHOLSON in the chair,) and took up the bill making appropriations for certain


Mr. POLK gave notice that, when the bill should be in the House, it was his intention, as he had formerly intimated, to propose reductions in the items for Castle Island, &c.

Mr. WHITE, of Florida, moved an amendment for completing the fortifications and making repairs at St. Augustine, 50,000 dollars.

Mr. W. explained the necessity for this appropriation, and, after a few remarks from Mr. POLK, in opposition, who expressed his hope that discussion would be deferred until the bills were in the House, it was rejected.

Mr. McKIM then moved an amendment for the repairs of the works erected for the defence of Baltimore, and in respect to the outlay of a former appropriation of at the mouth of the Patapsco river, $25,000; which was $500,000 for the removal of Indians. Otherwise, he said, also rejected.

VOL. X.--281

H. OF R.]

Military Academy.

[JUNE 14, 1834.

Mr. PARKER moved to strike out the appropriation bill under consideration, because we have now but thirof $100,000 for the fort on Throg's Neck, East river, teen days remaining in this session for the transaction of New York; which was rejected.

Mr. GORHAM then proposed an amendment, merging the items for the repair of Fort Independence and the item for the fort on George's Island into one, and reducing the sum proposed by the bill to $125,000; which was rejected.

Mr. PINCKNEY moved an amendment, to insert, in substance, "that the appropriation of $50,000 for Charleston harbor should be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of War, at Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney, which he said he proposed in accordance with certain resolutions entered into, and transmitted to him from the town council of Moultrieville.

The amendment being rejected-

Mr. PINCKNEY notified the House that it was his intention to renew it in another stage of the bill. The bill was then laid aside.

The bill making appropriations for the payment of claims of the Georgia militia, also the bill making additional appropriations for the national armory at Harper's Ferry, were taken up, considered, and severally laid aside.

The committee having disposed of the light-house bill, which underwent sundry amendments-

A struggle commenced, as usual, in reference to what business should next be considered. Mr. BINNEY moved the bill for West Point; Mr. ASHLEY the bill to continue the Cumberland road to Jefferson city; and Mr. WHITE the coin bill.

business; and it is to be apprehended that the discussion which may arise upon it will not only delay its passage, but may be a means of preventing the House from acting upon many important subjects which still remain to be acted upon. The honorable gentleman has avowed himself to be decidedly in favor of abolishing the West Point Academy, and I have no doubt he is sincere in the belief that this is the surest way to effect his object.

I could have wished, however, that the subject had been brought before the House upon a bill introduced for that purpose. But, since the honorable gentleman has chosen this method, and seems disposed to press it to a decision, I am, for one, now prepared to record my vote upon the question.

It will be recollected that a resolution was introduced by the honorable gentleman from Kentucky, [Mr. HAWES,] to abolish this institution, which has been lying on our table from the commencement of the session, unacted upon, not from the want of a disposition on the part of that honorable gentleman to call it up, but because the several bank resolutions and the report of the Committee of Elections have, in fact, engrossed all the time of the House which is assigned to the consideration of resolutions. It is also within the recollection of the House that the honorable gentleman from Maine [Mr. SMITH] gave notice, some time ago, of his intention to offer an amendment to the bill now under consideration; which, if adopted, would, I have no hesitation in saying, effect ually destroy the institution. It is, perhaps, proper tha

The committee agreed to consider the bill making ap-I should say that the question, with respect to the expe propriations for the

MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST POINT. The bill having been read by sections, the word "&c.," was, on motion of Mr. ADAMS, striken out wherever it


The salary of a clerk was, on motion of Mr. MCKAY, reduced from 1,000 to 900 dollars.

An amendment was moved, to enable the accounts of a lieutenant to be settled, who had acted as an agent to purchase apparatus.

The second section of the bill, which went to increase the allowance of the professor of drawing, (in the expectation of retaining Leslie, who has since returned to England,) was striken out.

Mr. HAWES moved an amendment, providing that if any student did not complete his education at the academy, or, having completed it, should refuse to serve for years in the army, should not receive the benefit of the bill.

Mr. EWING considered this amendment as well calculated to destroy the institution, and as involving great inequality and injustice in the treatment of the students. He wished that the people of the West should have an opportunity of having their children educated there, as well as those from the old States had been.

Mr. WARDWELL suggested that the amendment must be modified, as it was now inconsistent with the bill. Mr. HAWES withdrew it for the present.

diency of abolishing the Academy, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, upon two several resolu tions transmitted to this House from the Legislatures o two of the States in this Union, recommending it for the consideration and action of Congress; and that the distin guished chairman of that committee [Mr. R. M. JOHNSON recently submitted an able report on the subject, in favo of the institution. That report (said Mr. W.) ought t be read by every American. That honorable chairma has, with his usual industry, deliberately investigated th origin and history of the institution, its system of in struction and discipline, and its effect upon the characte of the army and of the nation; and has put at rest for eve the constitutional objection which has been raised by th honorable gentleman, [Mr. DICKINSON;] and I therefor beg leave, most respectfully, to refer him to that doc ment for a satisfactory reply to his argument on th point.

I am therefore induced to think, from the imposin character which the subject has assumed, that it is due the army, to the institution, and to the country at larg that an immediate decision should be had upon it. Iha no fears, myself, as regards the result; but I trust a vo will now be taken, that the public may know whether is to be broken down or not.

The honorable gentleman [Mr. DICKINSON] Commenc his speech by calling in question the expediency as w as the constitutionality of the institution; and maintain that, as it formed no part of the peace establishment, t best interest of the nation required that it should be ab ished.

Mr. DICKINSON, of Tennessee, moved to amend the bill by striking out the enacting clause, (which would destroy the bill.) He supported his motion by a speech, How is the fact, sir, with respect to this objection? at length, of great animation, in which he commented on will be seen, by reference to the act entitled "An the aristocratic character of the Academy, as at present fixing the military peace establishment of the Unit conducted; extolled the value of education in a free States," passed the 16th day of March, 1802, that State, but deprecated its being exclusively confined to Military Academy was then, in its incipient stage, ma the children of members of Congress and other influen- and constituted a part of the army, in the words of the tial persons. itself. The Academy was created at the time when

Mr. WARD said: I regret that the honorable gentleman army was re-organized, and the act was entitled “An from Tennessee [Mr. DICKINSON] has submitted the mo- fixing the military peace establishment." The twer tion to strike out the enacting clause in the appropriation sixth section of that act empowered the President of

JUNE 14, 1834.]

Military Academy.

[H. of R.

United States to organize a corps of engineers, to consist Weimar, a military gentleman of much experience, and of one engineer, with the pay, rank, and emoluments of who is now a general in the service of the King of the a major; two with the pay, rank, and emoluments of a Netherlands. He states, in his book of travels through captain; two with the pay, rank, and emoluments of sec- this country, that "there is scarcely an army in Europe ond lieutenants, and ten cadets, with pay at sixteen dol- in which the corps of officers is better composed than in lars a month, and two rations a day. The twenty-seventh the United States' service; that no one can, on any acsection of the same act provides that the corps, when count, be an officer if he is not well educated; and that, organized, shall be stationed at West Point, and “consti- therefore, if a young man is seen in the uniform of an tute a Military Academy." American officer, it may be with confidence inferred that On the 29th of April, 1812, at a period when the coun- he is in every respect fit to maintain his place in any try was on the eve of the late war with Great Britain, society." It is seldom, it is true, that we find among the another act was passed, declaring that the Military Acad- numerous travellers through this country the slightest emy should consist of the corps of engineers, and the fol- disposition to say a word in its favor, or to do justice to lowing professors and assistants in addition to those our institutions; nor, sir, do I regard what they say. appointed under the former acts, viz: a professor of ex- is enough for us to know that our countrymen are satisperimental and natural philosophy, a professor of mathe-fied with their present happy condition, and that they matics, a professor of the art of engineering, with an would not exchange it for that of any people on the assistant for each; and the number of the cadets was by globe. But in this gentleman we have met with an honorthe same act limited at two hundred and sixty. Previous able exception, and one, too, who has taken great pains to the passage of this act, the establishment was found to to inquire into the character and composition of our milibe too limited to furnish the number of well-instructed tary peace establishment; one, too, capable of judging officers, in the different branches of artillery and engi- and estimating its value, who is willing to render justice neering, which the public service called for. and to speak the truth.


Now, sir, I would ask whether a reduction of any part Sir, there is every reason to believe that, if our present of our present small peace establishment is called for at military establishment, small as it is, consisting of less than this time? If we compare it with similar establishments seven thousand, be left undisturbed, we shall find, at no of other nations, it will be found, so far as numbers are distant day, that it will be the means of saving a thousand concerned, scarcely to deserve the name of an army. In times more money to this great and growing nation than England there is one soldier to every one hundred and can possibly be saved by the reduction of any portion of forty of its population; in France, one to every hundred it. And, sir, while it shall offer to those who embrace and ten; in Austria, one to every hundred; in Russia, the military profession a permanent calling, there will be one to every ninety; in Prussia, one to every sixty-eight; inducements for men of talents and character to remain and in Sweden, one to every fifty-one; whilst in this in it; but if it is assailed at every session of Congresɛ, country there is not in our service, including the cadets, thereby rendering the tenure of office uncertain in it, enough to exceed one soldier out of every two thousand of our population.

the more reflecting part of the officers will naturally look for a retreat, and leave the service as soon as they can make their arrangements so to do; nor will that be allthe spirit of the service will be destroyed, and the army itself will dwindle into that state of insignificance in which

If it be necessary to keep up such a force in these respective nations, in order to preserve peace among themselves, of how much more consequence is it that we should maintain in this, the only legitimate free Govern- the late war found it. ment on the face of the earth, at least the skeleton of an It certainly cannot with propriety be said that the presarmy, in order to preserve unimpaired, from foreign agent military establishment is useless, that it is unnecesgression or intestine commotion, the rights and privileges sary, and that there is no danger to be apprehended from bequeathed to us by our patriotic sires. If the object of abroad or on our Indian frontiers; for, if we look at it as the motion of the honorable gentleman be not the reduc- a whole, we shall find it advantageously disposed of and tion of our peace establishment, can it be intended with a usefully employed in fortifying our seacoasts and harview to the retrenchment of the expenditure of the pub- bors, in improving our country by means of roads and he funds? I should hope not; for the institution has been canals, in garrisoning the forts erected to guard our marisustained, and that, too, without a complaint from any time and inland frontiers, and, in fact, every where aidquarter, while our country was burdened with a national ing, in good feeling with their fellow-citizens, to improve debt of upwards of one hundred millions; and now, when the condition of the country, and in diffusing knowledge that debt is extinguished, and when deep solicitude pre-on many subjects yet little understood among us. It does vails among our most enlightened citizens, lest the super- not, like other armies, in time of peace eat the bread of abundance of public revenue which must ere long flow idleness; it is employed more usefully and beneficially to in upon our treasury may tend to corrupt the morals of the country than the army of any nation in the world. our rulers and to endanger the peace of the country and Its organization now approaches as near to perfection as the permanency of the Union itself in the struggle for its we could expect or hope. We have this institution, distribution, it seems to me scarcely possible that the where the youthful officers acquire a theoretical and country will assent to the destruction of the institution on practical knowledge of their profession before they are this ground. allowed to take the command of or to undertake to Let us, then, for the sake of consistency and the best instruct the soldiers. We have, besides, one division, interests of the country, preserve an establishment which consisting of one regiment of dragoons and seven regiIras been so long and anxiously cherished by the first ments of infantry--and another division, consisting of four men and purest patriots in the nation, and one of which regiments of artillery-the former posted on our inland the nation may justly be proud, and happy to possess. frontier, to preserve peace among our citizens and the We have now in our army, from the highest to the lowest Indian tribes; the latter on the Atlantic and Gulf of grades, many officers of education, of talents, and of dis- Mexico, to guard our commerce, in conjunction with our tinguished merit, some of whom have seen no little ser- naval force, and to maintain our rights within our own vice, and most of whom have been educated at this insti- waters. We have, likewise, an admirably-organized ordtution. nance corps, and a corps of engineers, composed chiefly Sir, I may here be permitted to advert to the observa- of officers educated at West Point; and we have a staff tions of a distinguished traveller, in favor of our small exactly suited to the circumstances of our military armilitary establishment. I allude, sir, to the Duke Saxe rangement. The whole is, in fact, so happily constituted

H. or R.]

Military Academy.

[JUNE 14, 1834.

that it is capable, at a moment's warning, to render effect the safety of our civil institutions, yet, as I have before ive, for any service, one hundred thousand men, by in remarked, there are many advocates for its total destrucstructing them in the manual and in the evolutions of the tion. Indeed it would seem, from some of the views taken line, and by employing the members of the staff to proof this subject by the honorable gentleman from Tennesvide for transportation, quarters, fuel, pay, clothing, see, that he and many other persons have adopted a perarms, ammunition, forage and subsistence, hospital and suasion that this country, from its remote position and medical stores, and attendance; all of which are so essen-growing strength, is placed out of the reach of danger or tial to the comfort and very existence of an army in time annoyance from other Powers, and that, consequently, of war, that the bravest troops, for the want of them, can there is no necessity for resorting to the usual precautions be of little service. for asserting our rights or defending our possessions. Sir, the present military establishment, I do conscien- They appear to think that the time will never come when tiously believe, is equal to all this; and now, sir, shall we, military skill or military spirit will be put in requisition; the representatives of the people, for the paltry consid-and that, therefore, they may safely be suffered quietly to eration of a few thousand dollars, destroy its symmetry, nay, its very efficiency, by lopping off one of its most ornamental and most essential branches?

subside in this favored country, which is in future to depend entirely on its own supposed inherent strength and fortunate position.

Such notions, sir, are, in my opinion, dangerous in the highest degree; they are unworthy of statesmen; they are at war with all the experience of the history of mankind, and they tend to the neglect of those means which a prudent forecast will always recommend to the adoption of every nation, be its situation what it may. No nation, sir, can be safe from insult or injuries, that is unable to resist them. To be unprepared for war is the surest way to provoke a war; weakness ever invites insult. The arts of peace, which enrich and embellish nations, are incapable of defending them; and wealth, without the power of protecting it, is ever the prey of violence. But, sir, have we no neighbors, rivals, nor enemies, to apprehend, that we are so willing to turn the sword into the ploughshare? Have we no cause of apprehension from any quarter, that we are content to lay down our arms, and to go to sleep in the shade of the laurels acquired for us by our distinguished sires? Is it safe to let the skill and spirit which is necessary, not only to the defence but the existence and independence of every nation, however powerful or however insulated, perish under “the cankers of a calm world and a long peace?"

It is not to be wondered at that, in a country so wide and extensive as this is, we should find advocates, among our most worthy and intelligent citizens, for the abolition of this institution; for, sir, we know that there are many of our best citizens who maintain, if not with as much ability, certainly with as much zeal as the honorable gentleman from Tennessee has manifested on this occasion, that it is inexpedient to expend the public money in erecting forts on our seaboard, for the protection of our cities and of our commerce; nay, sir, I have no doubt that there are those who would be glad to see all our fortifications levelled with the earth. There are also those who are in favor of dismantling our glorious navy, and dismissing from the service our officers and seamen; and it is to be regretted that there are many of our respectable citizens who are zealous and eloquent advocates for repealing all laws with respect to training and disciplining the militia; some of them on the ground, as they allege, of the demoralizing tendency of the military parades; and others from their aversion to bear arms, either in war or in peace. Yes, sir, there are those who would be glad to see that important arm of our national defence stricken off, on which the honorable gentleman [Mr. DICKINSON] Sir, commerce makes neighbors of every nation of the seems willing solely to rely for our future defence. Not- civilized world, and makes them rivals, too. It brings withstanding the feeling of hostility against the militia, it their interests into collision, and rival interests make rival must be admitted that we are measurably indebted to it nations. Does any gentleman that hears me imagine for for our independence, and, consequently, for the seats a moment that, because a good understanding at this we now occupy as the representatives of a great and glo- moment subsists between the United States and England, rious people. It was the militia that gave the first im- it is to last for ever? Are we not rivals in trade on the pulse to the ball of the Revolution; it was the militia that ocean and on the land? Yes, there and every where? faced the enemy at Lexington and at Bunker's Hill; it Have we no unsettled points of dispute remaining, to kinwas the militia that penetrated into the Canadas, through dle into a flame old grudges and jealousies? Is that great an almost impassable forest, and advanced victoriously to and powerful nation willing to give up the right of search the very gates of Quebec; and, in 1776, during that dark and impressment? Is she prepared to admit the people period of the war, the militia nobly resisted the prowess of the United States to the free navigation of the St. Lawof the veteran troops of our enemy on Long Island, at rence, or are they prepared to relinquish it for ever? Fort Washington, and at Trenton. In 1777 they gained the boundary line between Maine and Nova Scotia yet for us the signal victory of Bennington, and aided in the settled? Or is there any reason on earth to anticipate an capture of Burguoyne and his army. The defence of the everlasting calm between the two countries? Sir, the southern section of our country, during that memorable farmer makes hay while the sun shines, and a wise seawar, was confided chiefly to them. Their services du- man never thinks of a long calm but as the forerunner of ring the late war, when commanded by experienced a tempest. officers, were no less valuable. They achieved for our In the extremity of our confidence we seem, sir, to country the most important victories during that war. I have forgotten, too, that there are powerful nations growallude to the action at New Orleans, and to the battle of ing up, and waxing stronger and stronger every day, on the Thames. And, sir, when Plattsburg was invaded by our southern as well as northern borders-Canada on land, by one of the best-appointed armies ever sent to one hand, Mexico and Colombia on the other. In the this country, the militia from Vermont and the northern former, the mother country, although burdened with a section of New York poured in from all quarters, volun-heavy national debt, is laying out millions in placing her teered their services under the gallant General Macomb, provinces in a perfect state of defence, in erecting a for prevented our forts from falling into the hands of the tress at Quebec which will compare, in point of strength, enemy, and thereby secured for us the victory on the with the fortress of Gibraltar, and in the encouragement lake. But although it will be conceded that it is abso- of immigration. It may be said that the stronger these lutely necessary that an effectual and efficient militia provinces grow the sooner they will throw off the yoke should be kept up for our national defence and personal of dependence on England-that they will follow our ex security, and that upon their strength in a great measure ample. Granted; but will they be less formidable wher depends the very existence of our Government and they are independent?


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