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For this purpose the class is divided into small sections to insure thorough work; and so far as time permits will also receive instruction at the bedside.

In the third year recitations are continued upon regional surgery; the class is instructed in sections in Bellevue Hospital in history taking and methods of surgical examination and diagnosis, two or three hours a week for part of the term; bedside instruction is given daily in several hospitals to small groups, and formal clinics are held in Bellevue, New York, and other hospitals; about twenty didactic lectures will be given by the Professor of Surgery; about twenty lectures will be given by the Professor of Surgery, and a diagnosis clinic is held once a week at which the students are required personally to examine and report upon the cases.

In the fourth year the students will receive clinical instruction in small groups in several hospitals and dispensaries upon the general and the special branches-eye, ear, nose and throat, genito-urinary, dermatology, and orthopedics; they will attend the clinics and will have a review quiz in preparation for examination. The members of the sections are personally trained in the examination of patients, the dressing of wounds and fractures, and the administration of ether.

The opportunities for instruction in the special branches are exceptionally ample. There will be several clinical teachers in each subject, each with hospital and dispensary services, the student will be enabled directly to examine and study cases and will have a certain choice as to the time given to each branch.

Operative surgery will be taught in the fourth year in sections. The course consists of recitations, work upon the cadaver and bandaging. As the material is abundant each member of the class will perform all the principal surgical operations.


Instruction in obstetrics will be given during the second, third, and fourth years by (1) recitations, (2) illustrative lectures, (3) attendance upon cases of confinement, and (4) manikin practice.

Recitations from a standard text-book will be held by the instructor in obstetrics during the second year upon the physiology, and during the third upon the pathology of obstetrics, the latter including obstetric surgery.

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These recitations are so scheduled as to cover the entire field of the subject laid out for the college year, are supplementary to the work of the Professor of Obstetrics during each of these two years, and prepare the student for an intelligent appreciation of his subsequent illustrative lectures, attendance upon cases of confinement, and manikin practice.

The Illustrative Lectures comprise a systematie course running through the third year upon the physiology and pathology of obstetrics.

These lectures are theoretical to a limited extent only, being mainly demonstrative and illustrative in character. To this end ample blackboard space is used, as well as an abundant collection of pelves, entire, normal, and deformed, sagittal and mesial sections of the same, and in addition a supply of diagrams, charts, carefully selected plaster composition and metal models, wet and dry preparations and instruments.

In conjunction with these lectures additional recitations are held by the Professor of Obstetrics upon the subject-matter of the college year and for final review.

Attendance upon Cases of Confinement.-Each candidate for the degree of M.D. is required to present a satisfactory certificate to the effect that he has attended at least six cases of confinement.

To fulfil this requirement students are appointed as internes in the Mothers' and Babies' Hospital, Lexington Avenue and 52d Street, and receive this practical instruction from the Professor of Obstetrics and the instructors. Students are lodged and boarded in the above hospital for periods of two weeks or more, and attend confinement cases both in the hospital building and in the tenement-house districts.

During the student's attendance upon his practical maternity course he may be excused from the exercises of the College, but it is strongly recommended that the student fulfil the above requirement in the vacation between the third and fourth years, or during the latter year.

Manikin practice is given to sections of the class during the fourth or senior year, and consists mainly of work by individual students upon the manikins, under the supervision and criticism of an in


In addition, these meetings will be made the occasion for review recitations and "obstetric conferences" upon the illustrative lectures of the third year, and the student's work in his attendance upon confinement cases. By this means each individual student's standing in the department of obstetrics can be readily ascertained.


Instruction in gynecology is given by recitations, lectures. ward and class-room demonstrations, clinics and laboratory demonstrations.

The Recitations are planned to cover the entire subject and are held one hour a week during the third year of the course. In order that the instruction throughout the department may be as nearly in

unison as possible, a synopsis of the subject-matter of each lesson is prepared by the instructor and amended and revised by the head of the department. This is presented to the student for comparison with his text-book, to which it is an addendum. This method insures the coöperation of the head of the department in the groundwork of his his subject and enables him to keep in touch with each student until his graduation.

Six Lectures, upon topics selected for their special importance and interest, will be given during the third year.

Class-Room and Ward Demonstrations are given to sections of the fourth-year class twice a week throughout the year. This instruction includes the examination of patients by the student. When necessasy the patients are anæsthetized.

The routine of treatment appropriate to the various conditious found is demonstrated, the students assisting when possible. Familiarity in this way is acquired not only with normal conditions within the pelvis and the various departures from this state induced by disease, but opportunity is afforded to see and put in practice actual measures of relief and to watch the subsequent course and treatment of these cases. Operations are performed three days every week at which the several sections are enabled to study the detail of every operation peculiar to this department.

A General Clinic is held once a week at which students selected in rotation are required to examine the patient, make a diagnosis and suggest treatment. They are questioned before the class upon all these topics, as they relate to the case in hand, so as to determine the correctness of their conclusions. Should operation be called for, it is then performed.

Laboratory Demonstrations of secretions, discharges and specimens obtained from patients who come under observation during this course are made to sections of the third-year class as a part of the course in clinical microscopy.

Diseases of Children.

This course will embrace clinical instruction and section teaching in all the important diseases of infancy and childhood, and the care and feeding of infants.

Instruction in contagious diseases will be given at the bedside in the Willard Parker hospital.

Diseases of the Nervous System. Mental Diseases.

Instruction in diseases of the nervous system will be given by

lectures and in section teaching at the bedside in the hospital wards and dispensaries.

The clinics upon mental diseases will be abundantly illustrated by patients from the asylums. Modern psychiatry and the medico-legal aspects of insanity will receive special attention.

Special Branches.

Instruction in the special branches, ophthalmology, otology, laryngology, insanity, orthopaedics, dermatology, venereal and genitourinary diseases, will be given by the various clinical professors and their assistants in the hospital wards and dispensaries with which they are connected, and by lectures.

(The right is reserved to make such changes in the detail of the curriculum as experience may prove desirable.)


[In the following schedule of studies the hours designated for Ithaca are university hours, of which the unit is, for lectures and recitations, one actual hour; and for dissections and laboratory work, two and one-half actual hours.]*

(As given at Ithaca. For Calendar, see pp. 5–7.)

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(As given at Ithaca. For Calendar, see pp. 5–7.)

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Junior Year. For subjects see page 223.
Senior Year. For subjects see page 224.


Freshman Year.

(As given at Ithaca.)

I. Anatomy. One lecture or section demonstration each week on the applied anatomy of the bones and joints, following the recitation on these subjects. Dr. CoVILLE. Recitations two hours each week. Mr. MIX. Dissection, three to five courses of four weeks each, two or more hours daily. Dr. COVILLE and Mr. MIX.

2. Chemistry. Lectures and recitations, each, two hours, fall term, Dr. TREVOR. Laboratory fall term, two hours, Dr. CARVETH. Qualitative Laboratory, three hours, winter term. Dr. WHITTLESEY. 3. Physics. See Physics, course 2a, p. 141. Dr. NICHOLS.

4. Physiology. Fall term. See course I, p. 165. Two hours.

Lectures. Dr. WILDER.

5. Recitations in Physiology. Two hours each week. Winter and spring terms. Miss E. T. CLAYPOLE.

6. Comparative Physiology. See course 20, p. 249. One hour. Assistant Professor FISH.

7. Microscopy, Histology, and Embryology. See courses 1, 2, 3, p. 247. Professor GAGE.

8. Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Laboratory work two hours each week for the winter term. Assistant Professor FISH and Mr. MYERS.

1. Anatomy.

Sophomore Year.

(As given at Ithaca.)

Surgical and Regional Anatomy and Embryology. Two lectures weekly. Sectional demonstrations, one hour each week. Recitation, one hour each week. Dr. COVILLE. Dissection, two to

three courses of four weeks each, two or more hours daily. Dr. COVILLE and Instructor MIX. Neurology. Spring term. Three hours. See Course 3, p. 166. DR. WILDER.

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