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Course in Electrical Engineering.†

The freshman, sophomore, and junior years are identical with the course in Mechanical Engineering; in the senior year, laboratory work is increased, and advanced electrical engineering work introduced.

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Courses in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. The courses for the freshman, sophomore and junior years in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture are substantially the same as for the regular student of Mechanical Engineering. A senior year is especially arranged for such as desire to take this work, similarly to the arrangement for the electrical engineering course. This may be taken as regular elective work, whenever desired, by seniors in other courses. Special elective work can sometimes be provided. Circulars are sent on application.

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Of the above courses, the last four and from 6 to 9 hours of the first three are required.

+Students taking this course are entitled to the degree of M.E.; and the statement that they have given special attention to electrical work is engrossed on their diploma. None should enter it unless strong in mathematics, both pure and applied, and in physics.

*This term is devoted largely to the preparation of a thesis, which must be approved by the Director. If not otherwise arranged, the student will take shopwork laboratory work, and drawing, 3 hours each. Elective time in the Fall and Winter terms may be devoted to thesis work if desired, and a corresponding amount of elective time added to the Spring term in substitution for such work. See final


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Of the above work in the graduate year, 15 hours per week is considered full time, and the student is expected to elect them between courses (30), (31), (32), (33), (34), (35).

Courses in Railway Mechanical Engineering.

The freshman, sophomore, and junior years are identical with the regular course in mechanical engineering. The senior year of the Graduate School of Railway Mechanical Engineering is arranged to take the place of the senior year in the regular course. The graduate year is arranged for those who have taken the senior railway year.

For graduate students who have not taken any of the railway subjects of the senior railway year, but have had the equivalent of M. E. 20, X. E. 20, Physical Laboratory 5, and M. A. 20, a special graduate year is provided, consisting of R. 20, R. 21, R. 22, two hours of R. 30, E. E. 32, and electives as follows: 4 hours first term, 4 hours second term, and 7 hours third term.

The senior railway courses may be elected separately by seniors in other departments or by juniors who may have the proper preparation and time.

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The courses in each department are numbered in accordance with

the following plan :

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Three hours in the shops or drawing rooms, or two and one-half hours in the laboratories count as one hour in the schedule.

Department of Mechanical Engineering. [M.E.]

20. Steam Engines and other Motors. Thermodynamics and the theory of steam and other heat engines. Fall and winter terms. Lectures. Five hours. Daily, except S., II. Professor THURSTON. 21. Applied Theory of Steam and other Engines. Finance of Design and Operation. Spring term. Two hours. T., Th., II.

Professor THURSTON.

30. Advanced Work in Special Courses and Graduate Work in Mechanical Engineering. As may be assigned by Professor THURSTON.

31. Finance of Engineering and Economics of Manufacturing Establishments. Spring term, elective. Three hours. M., W., F., II. Professor THURSTON.

Department of Experimental Engineering. [X.E.]

10. Materials of Engineering. Juniors. One hour. Lectures. M., 9; Th., 9; F., 9. Professor CARPENTER and Mr. SHANTZ.

11. Mechanical Laboratory. Three hours. Juniors. Fall term. Lectures. Strength of materials, tension, and transverse testing, calibrating, dynamometers, steam gauges, weirs, and meters. Winter term. Lectures. Strength of materials, compression, torsion and impact testing, oil testing, flue gas analysis, calorimetry, thermometer calibration, valve setting and indicator practice. Spring term. Lectures. Strength of large specimens, special research, strength of materials, test of durability of lubricants, efficiency tests, water motors, centrifugal pumps, gas engines, injectors, steam pumps, and indicator practice. One hour of class room work. Daily 2-5. Professor CARPENTER, Messrs. SHANTZ and DIEDERICHS.

20. Mechanical Laboratory. Two hours. Seniors. Fall term. Lectures. Efficiency tests, steam boilers, steam engines, turbine water-wheels, air-compressor, hot air engines, transmission of power by belting and gearing. Winter term. Lectures. Test of steam engine and application of Hirn's analysis, power required to drive machine tools, test of a steam-heating plant, test of power plants not

at the University. Efficiency test of injectors, refrigerating machinery. Spring term. Special research, thesis work. Daily 2-5. Professor CARPENTER, Messrs. SHANTZ and DIEDERICHS.

21. Elementary Problems in Consulting Practice. Power Plant Design. Engine Handling. Seniors. Lectures. M., T., 5–6. Mechanical Laboratory practice and research. Daily 2-5. Professor CARPENTER.

30. Special Research; Commercial Tests. Graduates and advanced students. Professor CARPENTER, Messrs. SHANTZ and


Department of Electrical Engineering. [E.E.]

10. Electrical Machinery.

Juniors. Two hours. Recitations.

M., W., 9, II, 12; T., Th., II, 12. Mr. HOXIE.

20. Electrical Engineering. Requires Course 7 C. E. and Junior Physics. Seniors. Fall and winter terms. Three hours. Lectures. T., Th., S., 12. Professor RYAN.

21. Designing and Drawing. Seniors. Fall and winter terms. Three hours. M., T., W., Th., 8-11. Professor RYAN, and Mr.


22. History of the Development of Electrical Engineering. Lectures. Seniors and graduates. Spring term. One hour. T., 12. Professor RYAN.

23. Finance of the Production and Utilization of Electrical Energy. Lectures. Seniors and graduates. Spring term. One hour. Th., 12. Professor RYAN.

30. Electrical Engineering. Study of University equipment, local "plants," etc. Two hours. Spring term. Professor RYAN and Mr. NORRIS.

31. Electrical Engineering. Graduates. Mr. HOXIE.

Professor RYAN and

32. Electric Railways. Advanced work. One hour. Fall and winter terms. S., 9. Professor RYAN.

33. Electrical Engineering. Practical tests of equipment and materials. Fall and winter. S., 8. Mr. NORRIS.

Department of Mechanic Arts. [M.A.]

1. Shopwork. Woodworking; use of tools; carpentry; joinery; pattern making; turning.

5. Shopwork. Blacksmithing; use of tools, forging, welding, tool-dressing, etc.

10. Shopwork. Foundry work: moulding, casting, mixing metals, brass work, etc.

20. Shopwork. Machinist work; use of hand and machine tools; working to form and to gauge; finishing; construction; assemblage; erection.

Each of the above courses 3 hours. Daily as assigned, 8-11, I−2, 2-5. Professor MORRIS; Messrs. WISEMAN, WOOD, VANDERHOEF, GRANGER, POLLAY, VANDERHOEF, STARKINS, and HEAD.

Department of Industrial Drawing and Art. [D.]

I. Freehand Drawing.

(a) Freshmen. Three hours. Daily, 8-11, 2-5, ex. S. Assistant Professor CLEAVES, Messrs. GUTSELL, FURLONG and WILSON. (b) Pen and Ink. (c) Decoration, Modelling, Water-colors, as assigned.

2. Instrumental Drawing. Required of freshmen in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Spring term. Three hours. Daily, 8

II; M., W., F., 2-5.


Assistant Professor CLEAVES, and Messrs.

5. Mechanical Drawing. Specials and sophomores. Two hours. Daily as assigned. Messrs. J. S. and D. REID.

20. History of Art. Lectures on Painting, Sculpture, and the Industrial Arts in mediæval and modern times. T., Th., 12. Mr. GUT


Department of Machine Design. [M.D.]

IO. Kinematics and Drawing. Requires course 3 C. E. Juniors. Three hours. Lectures and Drawing. Lectures (1 hour), T., 9. Assistant Professor KIMBALL. Drawing (2 hours credit); M., W., F., 8-10; 10-12; T., Th., S., II-1. Assistant Professor KIMBALL and and Mr. NOE.

II. Steam Machinery. Requires course I Physics, and 7 C. E. Juniors. Two hours. Recitations. T., Th., II, 12; W., F., 10, 11; Th., S., 8. Mr. SHEPARD.

12. Machine Design. Requires course 7 C. E. Juniors. Three hours. Lectures and Recitations. Lectures (2 hours), T., Th., 10. Recitations (1 hour), W., 9, II; F., 9, 10, II. Mr. BARNARD.

20. Steam Engine Design. Requires course II. Seniors. Fall and winter terms. Three lectures. M., W., F., 12. Mr. SHEPARD. 21. Designing and Drawing. Requires course 11. Seniors. Fall and winter terms. Three hours credit. Designing of engines, boilers, intended to accompany course 20. Drawing daily, except M., 8-11. Messrs. SHEPard, BarnaRD and NOE.

steam plants, etc.;

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